c Apiil2G, 1894 THE WEALTH MAKERS. Prom Our Esteeiutd Friend, Mr. Gilbert. Editor Wealth Makers: In Tbo Eagle wm published a few weeks ago a short story, in which was fairly brought out the f net of the case of a man who had taken rent, Interest and net profits and bad accumulated capital and wealth, Mr. Gibson of The Wealth Makers was as iced to point out the instances in which this man bad violated the principles of sound finance, aorality r the golden rule. Mr. Gibson did not answer these questions explicitly, but he did answer then In a frank and manly way. lie ays, "Interest, rent and net profit ques tions are one and the same." In tub stance, tbat they are not in accordance with sound finance, morality, or the golden rule. . To this answer my first response is, all honor to the man who haa the cour age of his convictions My second, tbat tbc answer is erroneous. I go farther and claim that rent, interest and net profit are not only right, but necessary to the progress and uplifting of the human race as now constituted Brother Gibson has appealed to Moses and the prophets as a precedent and authority by which the answer is to stand justified. It is admitted tbat so far as Moses and the prophets are con cerned tie has established a prima facie case. For 400 years the inhabitants of Ku rope and North and South America have been struggling to establish and maintain the doctrine theoretically and practically, that man has a right to himself, also the consequent, that he has a right to the product of his own Industry. Theoretically the victory was won, the doctrine established, at Appo mattox. Is.it pobsible that all tbe prayers to God, tho pleadings with man, for the last 400 years have been for naught? That all the treasure and blood that have been poured out to establish this doctrine have been wasted for a delu sion and a lie? Assuredly if the doc I trine of rent, interest and net profit is Nslnful. If a man owns himself and the product of his labor, it follows that he may exchange It for the product of his neighbor's labor on terms tbat are mu tually beneficial. If he may make the exchaut-e for all time it follows that ho may exchange for a period, a short period. Tho greater always includes the keg. Whatever is secured for a period of time Is rent, interest or profit On the other band there ere certain to bo net louses. The question arieer, who is to bear these losses? You have a line name for your paper, This Wealth Makeuh. Uowisit possible to make wealth without net proflU? What are wealth and capital but an accumulation of net profits? To illustrate our subject let us state an hypothetical ens?: Here is a colony of people located in a wilderness. They need dwellings. Lumber is impossible to get. They agree among themselves that two dollars is equitable pay for a day's work and that all trade shall be upon thut basis and no net profits allowed in business transactions. They use whip-saws to make what lumber Is Indispensable. Tbn comes a man who has some money. With it and tys own labor he builds a sawmill, dams a creek, drives the mill with the power he derives from the water of the creek. Logs are supplied; the mill cuts them Into lumber. Enough is sold at tho price of whip sawed lumber to pay all expenses. Tho law of "no rents, in terest or not profits," limits competi tion. For every two men employed in the mill, the mill cuts one hundred times as much as the two men that work the whip-saw. Soon a largu lot of lumber is stacked in the yard. That pile of lumber U rent for the mill, In terest on the Investment, or net profit of tho business. And so it. will con tinue. Wherever labor is applied to ; nature's resources, with skill and in genuity, mere win no renv, jniru uu MmJV 1'iv.Jie. , - - riind cnoRUiuptlon cannot go on without. It is tho law of production, distribution, consumption, and of God. F.MAS 8, GlLliBHT, CoiiiiucitilK )n ,Ue Crusader. Nkhkaska City, April 17. 191. Kdttor Wealth Makers: General Kelley hat mads his bow and Hi mn Vtuva olvwn in lhli nthualnntlo ohoer, and their peaceful demeanor suo- ..o-.fiiMvr hmkmauui ana mourned me governor of Iowa sad his blue coats and bra buttons. Is It not funny how people differ so mucuu Some smile, and eenilder th.i Inllgrlm movement now going on In var- J directions, only as a huge practical juvK flow denounce It as a dange-tHM. v,ovin.Btana prouioi, tncrsuy, u amnio 'to life and property, These men are, V I I . . Ld 1 ...... I ...ill.. t,m to rvt'n algntd, that no lomlble an would take part la such movement. They aie pronounced to be tramps, vagabond anil a dacgermit set, Qlf Uro armle are dominated by a flt-louf, !awlu element results may hi hud 1? they sro well meaning men, tuvjret ta lotoitlfvnt contro., are we not oiilf ttfe from danger at their hauus, but If wWoly managed. may tiui rvttl Wu tU possibly come out of this crua'i 1 1 th capUul ! our nation Ulttt without gHJ I'urpoee may be dangerous, but U msa iu totlaud rd rajve la ajlld form, ceraeaWj to gether by an honest purpose, porslbly a noble purpose. And they command aid, respect and sympathy along their route. We, ourselves, may IJIy talk, jet ser ioutly we must almlt a ifrsnd power in hundreds and thousand of intelligent men banded together 1 h t conse crated purpose In their carts, thoir souls baptl. d In patriotic e'lthusiaftn, oa a long hard pilgrimage aero tb is great continent in behiilf of the surfer ing million', and t demand ju-ti.-w ami equity notouly dejure, but de facto for all. Can we in juntlco to our own Intelli gence hastily denounce these Ameri ca! pilgrims as visionary crank? These men in General Kelky's rmy areevidintly rustlers of no common kind. They plainly have the oourage to face, grapple with and endu'e priva tion and hardship. We have all yet to tears and ktvow tbat the greatest and bost kind of courage Is rt quired to suffer and endure tbo privations uud hardships of common life and exper ience, and tbat the reul heroo ate gen erally unknown and unsung. Will not this pilgrimage, iu striking manner, challenge attention through out the length and breadth of the land in a marked degree, in cou-cqueuee of its novelty? And if the purpoee of the participants proves to bo earnest and sincere, shall not we at Aim ricau clt zens take off our hats aid say, amen! to the movement, and watch tbo out come with Interest? There is no ques tion but Arm-rican citizens bave a per fect right to convene, and march 'o the capltol of the nuti'in and present In person their petition in the open coun cils of the nation. Surely Mr, Cleveland and our govern ment at Washington cun no; afford to slight these rnea and thereby Insult the common people of tbls nation. We will see. J. T. Gbeinwoou. To the land of Ild Apples via the Missouri Pacific route Feb. 1st, for one fare for the round trio good .'W days, Call on Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A. 1201 O street Lincoln, Neb. Our Illustration. The above illustration is the noted 0-year-old dapple bay Clyde siallion. weight 2KI0 pound, "McCamun s Stamp," and was drawn from the "Sweepstakes Stud" of Frank lams of St. Paul, Neb. He Is by tho great orlze winning Cljde "McCammon" (3818), one of Scotland's "big gUKS." Ho Is bred to the queen's taste, lie is a big, smooth, thick one, "the wldo ac.-a' wagon" kind, with a grand top on him, and, as the Scotchman cajs, "lie is a grand gude 'ud with twa guile ends and a middle," well set on a pair tf broad Hat legs of tbfc rishi . i t sr.d fire silky feather, He Is a big flush stylo 1 roiiow, and he has a dasln.g wuy of going, and U the coster of all yes in ihe fhow yard. He Is a noted prize-winner, hav ing won all the prizes on the plate and many more. His two yearling (lilies won 1st and 2nd prUa at our lato Ne braka State Pair. This 1 the third sweepitaks winner of Mr. lums' that has appeared on this pug during 'HI and still lams ha many more as ha handle only the good ones. He Is tuaklug low prices to buyer wuo vUlt his burns, a h lit no tliin on the rad to sell you old whlu horses and sHHnd rate nes that bave to be d dlod to be sold, lie guarantee more state prU winners, morn uUck huroe of the various brevds than all t,lier Importers In Nebik and no rsou able price will be Mu4 in on ono two or thrve years time at per ornt Interest with 41 t ' ) per cent of a hivedlug gUttratitcr, and I vu .y tho ! t'U.I.,. UK I,..,. a,, I .'nnlj iffikl 1 ..... ..- - . rome ch','t. V l;t Ut luring I aly liS Irtteh CU G . NL'f .u.it .V I f.r rarrlagv, agoiu, hliulvi, ami ail lii w hoplcvucU We'll 'td yoa rltfuV JiM I is ft; Pfwm j m , . V IiT Til Ml' III 'l III - . T- . . . , ...I.,.- ni M A School of the Kingdom. A summer school of Applied Christi anity wlM be held at low College, be ginning the morning of tbe 27th of Jun end Hosing tbeevenlngof July 4, under the ausp'ree of tbe department of Ap plied Christianity in Ioa College and tbe American Institute of Christian Sociology. It will be a school for study concerning the kingdom of God, ar.d the ways and forces for realizing that king do in in a christian social order. The school differs from the popular summer assembly. It alms to bring to gether only such as are deeply and rlghteouely Interested, or are seeking to bo interested, In the study and solution of social and political problems in tbe light of the gospel of Christ. 1 1 offers and wou'd have no other attraction th"n the best thoughts and divine mr s sages of a group of enrnest men whose lives are dedicated to procuring for society the righteousness of tho king dom of God, The school means to at tract only serious men and women, who aro willing to glvo strict and faithful attention to the lecture and conferen ces. The brevity of time, eight days, and tbe number and importance of the themes dlncusscd demand purpose and concentration from Ihote wh attend. It Is the idea of its conductors that this coriferoKC be a school of tbe social dis ciples of Jesur, It Is their 1.000 that mnny will come together who believe that Jcius Is the Redeemer of society and tho nation. This thought can be no more clearly expressed than by the fol lowing statement of "objects," token from the constitution of the American Institute of Cbrktlan Sociology. The objects of tbls Institute are tbe following: 1. Tbe claim for the Christian law the ultimate authority to rule social prac tice. 2 To study In comrr on how to apply the principles of Christianity to tho so cial and economic difficulties of the present lime, ') Toir.t. -nt Christ as tho Living Mai ter and King of men, and his king dom hs tbe cinplet ideal of human society, to be realized on oarth. To all who would unite in a week of stundy and prayer, to the end that God's Kingdom may come and bis will be done through Jesus Christ, an urgent invita tion Is given to attend this Summer School of Applied Christianity. RProf. Ulcbard T. Ely, of the Univer sity of Wbconulu, will give a course of 1-sctures on the subject, 'Private Pro perty a Soc'al Trust." Rev. U. Fay Mills, the evangelist, will glvo a course of lectures on the subject, "The Kingdom of Heaven upon tbe Karth." Pres. Giorge A. Gates, of Iowa Co! lege, will give a courxo of lcolures on the subject, "The Church and the King dom of God." llvv, lr Jostah Strong, of New York, will give addresies on "Methods on tho New Hra.' Itev. Dr. Thomas C. Hall, of Chicago, will give a course of lectures on the subj-ct. "The Four Laws of the King dom." Htv. Dr. John P. Coyio, of Masaohu sutu, will give a courne of lectures on the tubitct, "Tbe Holy Ghost the 8oe!a.;irr" Prof, John 11 Comnvo, of Indiana ('nlverslty, will give a umirse of lectu rer on the subject, "The Church and lVoblumsnf politics " I sr. Wm. HoweTolman, f the CI. Vigilance league, New York City, will j lucture on "I'rublems of Municipal j K!tthl"je.ni'." ! Kdward M. Ne lly, Hirltugton, Iowa, will lecture oil "The IMutlon of the Kittles of Jiu ti tho l.t-gal lStf lrt." I. ...I Vf ..... .1 II .. It.,... r. ...... I , !lf,lit'HI.UI!!.t(iyi'l lUHI , , , ..Hit. ..I .......... I t'ollngj, ill - t H'O on 1 II .or) fiMm 1 iKm efntto H'uii.l.-onil " IVt.f. G.ii, D. !l,iiin, nf the Dv p.t;ttn.'i of Applied (hiUtUrtlty tf loroll'gt, hIU IrutuTu i'Uu'US un gl0 a vuurse if the imhiectt "Now Revelations and Movements in Christi anity." Rev. Charles James Wood, of tho ProteNtant Episcopal Church of Penn sylvania, and author of 'Survivals In Christianity," will preach tbe sermon for the school on Sunday morning. In tho evening a platform meeting, "Concerning tne Kingdom of God." will be held in the Congregational church. The lectures and conferences will be held in tho college chapel, where the work of euch day will begin with chapel wershlp at nine e'etock. There will be no charge for attend ance at tbls School of the Klugdon. Board cun be obtained at low rates In tbe various boarding houses, owing to the college vacation. To accommodate those who wish to attend, a committee of students from the Department of Applied Christianity will secure board and rooms for tboso who send in tuelr names to tho chairman of the com mittee, Mr. W. II. Huymond, to whom all communications concerning suok matter should be addressed. It is urgent that engagements for board and room be made as early ss pUMslblft, because (1) there will be some limitation as to tbe number who cm be accommodated; and bocaune (2) all the time of those attending will be needed for attention to tho work of tbe scheol, Thoso engaging plscus before coining will be assigned and receive cards directing there to their homes when arriving. AH inquiries regarding tbe school should be directed to the principal, from whom they will rtcilve prompt atten tion either from his hand or tbat of his co workers. GkokocI), IIrkhon, (Ikoiici A. Gatks, Principal, President of Iowa College. John H. Common, Secretary of the American Institute of Christian Sociology. All on Account of I lie Tariff, At Day City, Michigan, wages have bii n cut almost in two, and men forcisd t attend two machines instead of on', making a reduction equal of almost "5 por cent , while those who are displaced by the men doing double duty are in want. "All on account of the tariff:" Wages have beem coming down ever since 1M07. "All on aciount of tho tariff." Every time a trust get con trol of some article you have to buy, the price goes up, "all on account of the tariff." If the tariff is high or the UrllT I low, tho wages go down, "all on account of tho tariff " To remedy the evils, I would advise the wttgu ulnvfH'to kep on voting for the Cleve land John Shoimun-CurlUlo combine "all on account of the tariff." Can you s?e something greenVComlng Nation How ('iloril. Women VoIP, The Colorado legislature, at Itsrxtrn aeislon, provided for a house to-houno registration of women who wlh to voie, The city of Denver ha Just bien msklng this registration, and tbe Donvcr papers divoU column to ' 'ports of the amusing ckperlenet's of the r gltrars, The moit noteworthy thing, and trie one upon whtoh all reports sceiu to be sgrod. wm the unwillingness, and In mol emeu the lUt refunal, of the more Ignorrtot wcnion lo regUter, Thri tiRu lifoii a popular supviatitlon thdt the IgiHHtktit and vlt iout ao hou wou'd le tto flot to riuh to the (tolls, and would very pim ff thnui vue a evrry pslbU opportunity, while ih ltitll!g,riV and reips rUUW woiuvo wtniUl generally ty aay. la H)nvr the xk iKinou has tucn exactly the re veiu , To? IK-nvcr Ui-pub lon. aft sr the -ut-tt.n h.i.1 pi'iH'ed'l fr rneugh t sJiowf how '.; n wr gilni, so'ituie i up lUu u Kl-n f II.j riiUMi"n will b Ure lur'i. tn than hat In-r-n ati'Ui d t.v 1 1. iim H4i (ui .if (i,i i urt rage l 'sd t, la th it liH'tU.Uv It.a , ii ' m . it HI K.t fii;ti lilu..tv l.i ti tr. tt. . i .,: It will dovna gisilu a Iv U.k i. u sK t. scale. .Nome In- terestlng comparisons can be made on the rceulls of the canvass in various parts of the city. The line is very dearly drawn. It is parallel with tbe line of culture and intelligence. In the central Gipttol Hill precincts, In tbe better part of Highlands, and In the btit otber residence districts of the city, tbe proportion of lad lea who are registering is very large. Among the middle classes the proportion is good better, In fact, than any other. HMow these classes it srows less and less till tbe bottoms are reached, with their miseries aud dirt. Here women know nothing of registration, and only a meagre percentage are luduoud by per suasive canvasers to become voters. The negro women, at a class, will bave nothing to do wltn registration. The male population In black does not en courage It Among the Italians tbe same tendency Is manifest very few of them are registered. Ana, nnauy, me shadow woriiHD, tbe womn of Market Street and of tne block on Lawrence and Lttrimer, refuse to give tholr names for registration.... From an estimated ninety per cent in tne cenirai aisirict, the proportion decreased to probably seventy per cent In certain places sreund tho edges. There are two or three Jittle negro settlements in mis fringe Loss than naif a dozen colored women registered In all those piscea; they knew nothing about it, and would not be convinced. On tbe other hand, there whs an iuerease In the percentage among the middle classes, socauea, where Intelligent faces greeted the can issuers. The Una is very cU'arly drawn parallel with tbat dreadful line of Ignor ance, jne ongnier mo laces, mo grea'er tbe proportion of registrations. Woman's Tribune. Millionaires and Their Methods. The following article addressed to an our tern paper was left on our desk we suppso to bo printed, but no word ac companied it and we are not acquainted with tbe author. Editow Wealth Makers I Editor Now York World: It is a boast of many thoughtless peo ple tbat the laws and advantagei of our country aro such as to amble a poor roan to rise frem obscurity and poverty mi become a millionaire. These conditions instead of being a subject for boast should bring to tbe cheek of every true American tho blush of shamu yes, shame tbat the world should know that tho laws and moral andard of a self governing people are so lax as to a'low a man to accumulate ono million dollars, when all know that this immense wealth cannot be honestly accumulated. I3y cunning, by well planned business schemes and speculation he, the mil lionaire, has become p(scssod of one, million dollars, each of which rcpre-' scnts at least six hours labor done by some man's hand, and I deny that it is a posKiblllty for him to have rcturaed to thoso bind a full equivalent for the products of tl'tilr labor which he pos sesses. Hut he hat a legal right for this w atth, for be neither violated the laws of his com. try nor the rules of society In accu niulatlng lt,-nlwllhitandlng It ! well known that his wealth has mads th'ou thousand men puor. TI mo things ought not to be and among u self governing people rosy not I io If we would bat lose sight of the be lief (hat a inin Is jutly entitled to alt thut he can graxp without making hlia- tell amenable to thi rrlmlnal code of the uittnet In whbh he may oimrate, A mn endowed by nature with keen tuliic foresight and great executive ability Is iiiiihled without other resour c-cs to prey ufon tho unsophlstWUidattd .. able portion f hi follow beings and diaw t ) hliiiiM'lf the product of thrlr lotl, I'stlng thm lit praury. lljt tbii SMlHirlli'hkl observer will ans wer, what sr jou golr.g to da ahoutlt? I ,', the yvo vt the I'nlWd Htates till l Uu voverbiuvat, ami the itvern n tit i f ho PiiMed itatescai tto aoy Uilrg th U or vr wa po!tilu f ir mi) peoplw V d.i. ati'l U U a morl ut.ll g'.iun mi tiu f.i u ininuv . prudent a ( ii uvli.i ht.i lnii) ni, ilnif I'm fruit f i. i ttl of inl'.li iii eoj ti do this It ) .t nu'iv-ry tn wm vtlencor cn Uai kliuM, tmlklmpiv ph i t a winttkrt hu u wh i are not the tool vf .a'th and aristocracy, men who will keep in view the best interests of the lowly aa well as tbe wealthy and more favored per Hon of the Kpl. If we will choose such men as legislators the problem will soon be solved and the making of one hundred millionaires each year by tbe workers of the country will soon be a condition of the dark past. If wo look around us with eyes cleared of political party chaff, and also unob scured by the veil ef long endured cus toms we will see many outlets to tba Incomes of labor tbat ought to be clos ed, and must be closed before eur country will attain that stability and prosperity which will give us that sense of security tbat is not now felt by thinking men. We mustquit the making of so many colossal fortunes each year, and we must quit supposing the great army of vampire idlers who are constantly growing larger and more arrogant aid have co no to believe that they are really a necessity and ara of some use n tbe world. I mean those fellows whositby adetk n a dingy room which they call their ofllcs over our buslncsshouses. claiming to be real estate or loan or insurance agents, which may or may not be true; , but be this at it may we have no use for them, and have a perfect right to de. mand of them whether or not tbey give value for tbe money tbey receive, and if It is foucl that tbey do not, and that the community does not need them in their position, they should be invited to shut up shop and make themselves use ful. Itinerant vagabond! calling them selves sewing machine agents, life and fire Insurance agents, and all such traveling tramps are of no use to society and should be Invited to do something or return something for the money they receive. Traveling venders of spurious articles self-constituted and uneducated street preachers of the bread and butter variety, should be classed where they bcleng, with tbe professional tramp and invited io move on, ' The professional politician who by downright lying is always able to keep in line a train of sycophants, should be quietly notified tbat society docs not noed his services and tbat he will no longor be allowed to cat the bread tbat be has not earned. Turn which way we may we are con fronted by those professional idlers liv ing on tbe cream of the land, while they who produco tbe cream must take what Is left, tbe skimmed milk. Those Idlers are to society wbat the pa nth I to is to a plant, and should re ceive the tame treatment. Out while the people of our country submit to tin Impositions of such men and support monopolies and trusts without an effort to repress tbcm, so long must tbey re main under tbe imputation that they are not fully capable of self go veroment; or government of any form, as a mis nomer if it docs not protect tbe weak and unwary from unscrupulous trick sters, respectable Idlers and dema gogues, P. McFadden. I'eopl'ee Parly Campaign Mterat ure, We have received from Headquarters at Washington the following list of campaign literature which can be ob tained at prices glveu by writing to Headquarters for it: ill 8 8 8 a s g I i 1 8 I 'AnalMldof the Money gunHilun"-ity Mnuit kirJotiu I', Jones.... foi II 00 a ou I (10 soo 1 HU l ao I uo I uo I so I IM The Hclenee of Money- II y hnnutor m. i Hmwurt. , Colnln the HmilorttKf Uy ftetmuir Htewurl iHkU and Nuts of HouiIk HySunutor Wm. V. AllBU Mmmy Cjni Ion from s IK'll HlttlHlpolUl- Hy sinofttor Wiu V. Ailn .(if) Mi .03 li oo to tl Mft I 15 .oa 6h 1 10j I Mi The Money yunxtlon- ny nnior " in, a I'ellBr .04 ll,e Ini'ouie Tax lly I .0 I.uls IVlii tl. m. v. i au Vtfu (iiuu l Silver i 71 lly l.a( ivnre. M. V Sound and (iutl Money Uy John 1 lav is, M. l; 1 he Money ijui-ntlon . My Jurrr Mmiwiu 0.,' I to 40 The above I only a partial list. Other will be added as soon as out. These tpeucnes are furnished at cost, and we earnestly request that all state, county and local committees, also all People's Party Clubs, legions, and Peo ple's party voters aeit in circulating this literature. It Is the best plan to a lvanco our cause yet adopted. A catalogue containing a oomplote list of reform books, pamphlets, new paper, U1 will tw sent out from head quarters at an early day. Send one cent stamp for same, Seud all orders to tilgnrd: J. H. Turn Kit, i'i0 Piaa, Ave. II, P.. Tai uksw k, Chairman. J. II. Ti ustait, H-reUry, Hen4your name and addrvea on a Mlt Ixe ll.wtele) i-gtJtij tUI siOtirpiixi, You may Wwwt a charter in.-mli. r and kh'um a home and .riortiiont t mpto) mi nt wltnuvit money, , erl for a Now aud Nobler I'lvllUa-' tbm. I'ua t oMi.su N t !, ljrth'ihui I . -Ki.ia IVt Northwetrn line Fast train, 04 tl Ch'.vAKU Uto 1134