( ( THE WEALTH MAKERS. April 2', 1894 NO RELIEF or he juunr KELLY'S "INDUSTRIALS" ILL IN CAMP AT WESTON. WAITING FOR 1 TRAIN TO TURN UP. The Railroad OfllolaU Derllna to In Any thing for Them The Mayor of -lie Imdm rroclanietlon Warn ing tha I'ropU Against l-aw IrtnoeaeA KatlonalJIiueril Member Court Martialed. Omaiia. Neb., April 23. Tlirmten ing wither caused Kelly to delay bin proposed march from WrsUm batrU to Council ltluffs. Ilo in waiting to lumr tbi rnsult of tlin efforts f Ucrieral Manager fit. John ami V, II. M. l'uwy to secure a tmin for tliu urmy over the Rock Island. He Is also favorably im pressed with a siiffiyt'st Ion tba.t ho ( cure tcainn and luakti the trip over land to Washington, and lit! is already receiving eiicourHtfiritf responses from the farmer to bin appeal for assist ance for this purpose. Jlo expresses the hope, that bit friend in Omaha and Council lilull'i will strictly ob serve tho law even though they are Jftboriiig under great excitement. Tho army bus only enough, pro visions to lust for another meal and then if relief doc, not coiiio they will be compelled to go buck to the iSluffn. Report from all tow near here are that the people have contributed plenty of supplies, but have no mean uf getting t he stuff to the army. Kelly think that he will not accept the proposition for transportation to KannH City by water except a a last resort, a it will not laud him any nearer hi destination, A I'UOCI.AMATIOlf IIV THK MA YOU. At noon Mayor Jleml issued the fol lowing proclamation: To the Cltlwina of Omaha Notice Iiim bnn snrvd on mx, as li 1 r eiumitlvn of the city of Omiilia, by (lis ofltclala of the ChlwiKo, Hock Inlaw! and raclfle railroad and the JIurliiiKton and MlniMiurl rlviir railroad, tlutl tlwlr com panies will Hold tli city liable fur all dniiiauo iliiiio to Uiulr property by mobs and lawiosa eltl.clia. Now, thernforo, I, llnora P. Hernia, mayor of tho city of Omaha, hereby caution all per ilous within tint lniiiiiilurii'it of the ulty to do dint from Interferlm with the roadways, rnlllnii stork or (itlirr property of mi III cor porations, and In all rHi:a to observe the laws and nnilnliiln ood order 1 fiirlhoriiiurii urne and recommend that all parlies In Nymputliy with tlin IndiiHtrlal urmy now diiliilmiil nnar Council IIIiiITn contribute to their relief In rfocurliiK horsoa, wikoiis and eulmi'.luucr loenabln them to continue thulr march acroMN Iowa, independent of rallrouil and coruoritle charily. All contributions matin llirnuuh Hi" mayor olllca will ho for warded to Uoiinral Kelly as rapidly thtiy can be conveyed. (JkoiioK 1'. JIkmis, Mayor. A largely attended meeting wa held In Knight or Labor hall at 11 o'clock and upeoche were made by many labor leader. All seemed to be at sea a to the best course to pursue, but every speaker denounced the rail roads In most vlgorou languuge. This morning at Weston all the can tains and Colonel Maker convicted A. Madison of company II. of violating -tho rules by furnishing and using liquor and he was drummed out of town. At 13 o'clock Kelly declitred that if transportation was not secured for his Briny oetween new and morning lie would begin moving on foot eastward through the state. THE KIND OF MEN THEY ARE. (icucrul Manager St. John Speak Highly Kelly's Army. Dk Moinics, Iowa, April 23. (ien eral Manager Ht. John of the Chicago, Rock Island and i'aclfle railway, who passed through this city from Council IllufTs,aid of the "commonweal urmy" now near Council UnfTs:"H i made tip of Holier, intelligent determined men. Nlue-tentlm of them aro American born. They are respectable, honest, and remarkably well organized. There are no 'bums' among them. The statements that have been sent out about their being tramps and all that sort of thing are utterly untrue. Their leader is a man of lirain and eharao' ter and great determination, and ho 1 a religious man, too. He is a per feet gentleman and thoroughly honest. lie will never permit any outrages to lie done by any or his men If there should be any inclination In that di rection, which there Is certainly not iiuw. lie will uot permit any trump or disreputable person to enlist In his army mii1 he " ill remove the una one he can find. He has absolute control over his men, which he never could have over a body of tramps or disrep utables. He ; said to me that his men would never go back under any circumstances. They are going to Washington In some way of that I am sure. 'We may be wrong,' Kelly said to me, 'but we are determined to go to washlnirton and present u living petition to congress- one that cannot be thrown Into waste paper basket We think we are riirlit and iiollmiir can aton tin. What they van accomplish I do not ne, but they are bound to make a profound Impression. There will I probably lOO.OOO inmple In Washington by the loth of May on this uiWsiou. And vttuteau tte da about It? Nothing but treat them kindly and let them Ifu. The mute .iiMk-ltl.in they meet the sironerr itiry become. 1 he Ulx.i ing elasse all over the eouutry are In aymputhy with them. If they lias few more days of aiudt treatitieut as thev have had the last two days tremble to ttili.U of what muv Iiamhu. You can't tell what a matt will do when he U httMgry and hunted down AN "AHMV" ON A NEW PLAN Hauit Telhr lu I ink f..r Wura, I it ha no, April 93,-Chicago is to lave o "eoiuiuuriwcot armv" of It iiwn, n tho announcement made to day at the lieadiptartera of the timve' mi nt on I a Halle street by J, II, Can ilall, the recruit I hi? oftlirr, Mid twenty-seven men had aigtted lh roller and entiuued: "tir plans are t gather a many of the unemployed who itur,a do t gather, and when we are rgaiilcd win start oat Imdtlair for work lot of us have failed in Individual ef fort to secure employment and we think we will try to we whnt can lie accomplished by united effort. Our original piao for joining either Kellv or Coxey has Im cu aban doned. Mr. Kelly seems to have all on hand that he can attend to, and we will do better by making our own or ganization and being Independent of any other, except mat we are wun them In the general purpose to im prove tho condition of the lalmrlug men." The police here are prepared to give outside "Industrialists" very cool re ceptions and to keep them marching. PRECAUTIONS AT THE CAPITOL. Mevrral of the Minor Kntraiirr to lie ( I.Mril -Kitra iuarila on Hilly. Wasihsoton, April 'J,j.The author ities of the ciipitol building have perfected arrangement for main taining order and quiet in and about tlin halls of congress. There are fourteen entrances to tho ciipitol, some of them through devious and ol rtcuru jiassiigiMtJ These minor eh truncea will be closed for the time be ing, Ily this arrangement the ciipitol police force can bn better disposed und concentrated. The regular force 1 likely to be nugiimentcil as oHlccrs w ill be needed for the galleries as well as for the rotunda mid other iissem- ling points. Admission to the galleries will be restricted to the comfortable seating capacity. When the scuts nre tilled the doors will be closed. ,Vi re strictions will be placed on the com ing and goings of perwuis, but they will be expected to keep the piiNMijes open and to "move on" so us to avoid am. J he closing or 1 lie House res taurant except to member i pari of the general plan that lm been adopted. 'oxey' "Army" a "flrcim." JlAOMtsrowN, Md., April !M. -The advance column of tho "commonweal urmy" remains In camp here. P.rowne is bent upon making his usual speech in the public sipiure and tlin t he may have an opportunity of doing so tne rt.arch may not be resumed for several days, Noiivcnlrs of the army, such as badge u rid ribbons, are being sold at good prices and the rump is being in- osed so that the public will is; n- liged to pay for a peep ut the aggre gation. The proceed go toward sua- turning the army. THE EPIDEMIC SEVERE. Two Chicago S Imoln liim.il llccunrfe of Nmullpoi Mpeelal rrtM'iinthiiM. caoo, April s:i. Two of the pul- tie selioiiU, the Kroebel and I lie I'lekard, have been closed for severul days on account of small pox. Health CoiiimisHioner Itcynolds said the schools were not closed on lis order, but that he saw no reason why the action should not be taken, though he himself would not have (alien it. The health commissioner is en deavoring to secure physicians to place at each of the terminal stations to fulllll hi promise Iodic secretaries of the state board of licullli of Minne sota and Wisconsin to prevent per hod afflicted with the disease from leaving the city and also, to prevent any one with the disease from coming into the city. THROCKMORTON DEAD. The K-(loviiriiiir Hint ttx-roiitfreieiiiiiin. nt Tcxa Phux-ii Away. MiKi.nnkv, Tex., April S.'l. - Kx-tiov- crnor .lames w. J hrocit morion died here to-ilay in his 70t.lt year, lie came to Texas from Tennessee before the war .and wus a member of the convention that passed the ordinance of secession, but strongly onnoscd the measure. He wus a colo- nel in the lonfederate army and arter tho war wa elected governor, but i ..... . . wa removed by lieneral Sheridan. .Later ho served tour terms in con gress, nemg part or the time cliuirman of tho Indian affairs and l'ucifle rail road committees. At the time of hi death he was receiver of t he Chicka saw & Choctaw railroad and hotel company. NO THROUGH TRAINS YET. Tho (ireat Northern Wtrlko (Jnlrt - Strik er Arreated. Sr. I'AU,, Minn., April 23. There I little change in tho (Ireat North ern strike situation to-day. Local train were sent out from hereon time, but through trains were not started at all. Marshal Itede returned from St. Cloud during the night witli the ar rested strikers. Committee of the American Railway union are gather ing In tin city for a conference with the railway olllcials, which they hope or tn a tew day. THEBES AGAIN DESTROYED. Aniieut t.rrrk TowiHIni'e ltael by -tl aiutur llfvaalatrd by Karthiiiake. Atiikas, April S.'l. A severe earth' quake wa felt throughout (ireeee lust evening. Much damage Is reported but no one wa killed. The shock at Thebes, the ancient town razed by Alexander the (ireat. was severe, the town being practl rally deatroyed. The Inhabitant are In a sad condition, being almont eu tlrely without ftesl or water. A STATE FOUNDER GONE. Ilaolrl I oili, the I'lmtrrr nf Wnl lr- UtU tiiuinl tl tn Ills llrd. Wmimimi, W. Va., Vprll 3 3, Ihtnlel I.uiub, one of the founders of the state of West Virgluiu, chairman of the convention which formed the atate and the original draughtsman of the slate constitution, w found dead in hi bed tirilay, He was HI year of e, Jerry slt,i.ia Mu h luiprovr, Wniisotos, Airil "L Congre man Jerry Simp n eon Htioit t dy was much Impinved. The warm weather Is benetteiul to him and there has U'en no spread of the luil.iinmv tory ileumalUm, I'tidef the iiuk-I fuvui'uliU condition, himever, a long (h iUhI ii loitvaleaceuee I IndUated, C. T M.i'leiUnd of Topeka was ap stnted ivcfiver for the Leavenworth, 'jupva and roiithweteiH, reeeutly atiandoued by the I nlon I'acillu and bunta re by which It tva Jointly ptrated. PEFFER S GOXEY RESOLUTION IT WAS IN ROUGHLY HANDLED THE SENATE. SENATOR HAWLEY HAS NO USE FOR IT Ileavagly llenonncei Mr. Allen' Spire h Anari liltlo- lie Doe Mot ll- lleve -Hie 'oimiionwalera" are the I'eople Meveral Tariff Speechea l.'oloaded -lit her WaNhinifton New. W'asiiisoton, 1. C April 23. When tho striate was called to order l'ri- du.Mjt, ficrman from the committee on foreign relation reported a bill for the correction of an error In' the llchring sea bill recently passed. I!y the substitution of the word "exclu sive'' for "inclusive" the intention of the act, he said, had been entirely changed. The bill was passed. flio resolution Introduced recently by Senator Alien, culling on the sec retary of the treasury for the amount of appropriations niado and expended for the improvement oi river ana harbors from March .'I, 1HS7, to date was passed, The rctrer resolution for tun nji- pointmcnt of u reception committee for Coxcy's army of the commonweal, to be known in sciiute purlar.ee a"the committee on communication,'' came up for a few minutes before I o'clock, but in those lew minute it received oni( very rough bundling, senator llawley, who dealt the blows, said lie would have preferred to have some member of the dominant party in the senate take the floor, for ecrtuinly the speech of Senator Allen of Ne braska ought not be allowed to go forth to the country a representing In any degree the view of the sen ate, ' He criticized Senator Allen for hi reference to the commonweal army a "the people," and alo for his allusion to the district militia under command of Ocnerut Ordway. lie ventured to say that (Jeneral Ord way had given more study to the nucslion than hud the senator from Nebraska and that not one t,cp wouiu be taken by him except at the com mand of the civil power. These men who were coming hero did not rep resent the general view of the Ameri can people; they were not coming with the Int ention of prostrating tliemsei ve at the feet of congress but to Im press them by their presence. In conclusion, Mr. llawley said there were many other thing in Allen speech which should be refuted, but be did not propose to do It.. "1 am sorry to say," he continued, "but 1 feel bound to say it, that the speech of the senator from Nebraska was audi n would be received with ap plause from a gang of Anarchist, and it would not rcouire a microscope to discover In it the microbe and fiacllll of Anarchism." Senator Allen wa about to reply to Senator Ilav.ley, but the hour of 1 o'clock having arrived the resolution went over without action, and the tariff bill being laid before the senate Mr. (lallinger of New Hampshire spoke ttiruinst the mil. In tho course of his speech a running controversy came up between Mr. tiray of Deli ware and Mr. Aldrichof Rhode Island, the latter asserting ami tho former denying that In the recent elections the people had expressed their repro bation of the kind of tariff reform now before congress. Senator (Julliuger was followed by Senator McMillin of Michigan. Senator llolph followed in a speech against the bill. At 5 o'clock Senator Dolph suspended hi speech and will conclude to;day. WOK OI THH INKMI'l-OVKU. JlcpriKI'lllllllVO IIIIVU of KlIllKilH lias a I'Hiiavea for Their 1IU. Wakiiinoto.v, April 23. Representa tive Davis, Populist of Kansas hit in troduced in the house a long bill re citing the woe of the unemployed, and directing the secretary of war to Immediately enlist fiOO.OOU men in an industrial volunteer army, to servo for the period of one year after enlistment. The army is to be clothed und fed and paid as regular soldier. Instead of drilling they are to bo em ployed on puhlte works.such a canal, rivers and harbor, public highway, etc. To defray the expenses of this army the secretary of the treasury i to issue tf.-iOD.OUO.diio of legal tender notes and certain other forms of cur rency. Tho bill speckles the follow ing issues of money to pay the army: Fifty millions to replace the waste and destruction on note under the act of 1ST, $no,KKl,ixi(l to replace na tional bank currency retired und !Moo,. (HHi.tinu unnually hereafter to keep up the volume of money, 8TATF OF TR DK Ntrlkt'i wait I alMir ilurtanie Hat In an I IT eel im Mnnlueaa. Xkw You. April '.'3, Mradstreet Review of Trade says; "With the ex ception of the prosH-ct for still further tensiuii of strike and other labor disturbances, no pluinly retarding In flue nee Is manifesting Hue I'. N fur lis learned, there nre about twut v-ll'ree additional tr!kc, in volving SH.isni people. This brings the total number of those now on a strike, or idle because of strikes, up to ihi.ikio. Tin, week also furnishes eleven shut-down of Important in dustrial establishments, more tliuu iilTrt by resumptions of thlrly-two tdhers, w i 'eh t'urnlsli employment to 5,0i0 opci ul ives, although seven im xirtjiiit establishments utiuouiiee le dm t'oij In wi$K'r. Mr. I eaoe for Sruslot. To . Kan.. April St, Mrs, Mary It. Lease has addressed letters to lend Inrf IVptilit In m'arly every county lit the state, tmploitug them us their Itirhlcilee to Iter it lUomwiats out of the legislature, Mrs. Least) any she may bo a candidate for I Hitcd Mate a nntr herself, and does uot want any Ivuiocratio opposition iu eonteitd U It H. THE REPORT CONPIRM ED. That Oklahoma Outlaw flaltlo 'lid Come (Iff According- to Latest ltr Hirls. tliTtiiiiK, Ok., April 23. The report received of a battle between (h. Hal ton gang and deputy marshals near jngalls, fifty five miles from this city, is confirmed. The fight occurred at the house of Jiruce Miller, one of tho outlaw. The officer surrounded the bouse, all of them armed with Win chester, just before daylight. The Halton bandits were inside. Xo hhot were fired until one of the desperadoes came out, just about daylight, to feed the horses. He was held up and told to take a look around the ground and then return to the bouse, tell the bandit to come out one at a time, unarmed, and surrender, or hostilities would be commenced. After looking over tho field, and finding In shooting distance of the house twenty men well armed, the outlaw returned to hi companions. Fully a half hour' consultation wa had by the bandit before a stir was made by either party, and then the olllccr in command of the party or dered his men to begin firing. The house . Is a simple weather boarded structure, and not plastered, and the shot from the marshals' Win chesters ouickly perforated the sides of the building. The bandits returned the lire on the orticcrs through tiie windows and crevices of the house. At 10 o'clock Mrs. Miller had been wounded, left the house and crawled to where one. of the marshals was lo cated behind a tree. She had received u fh-sh wound and begged that the might be permitted to ride to Ingalls for a doctor to attend to herself and also her baby and hired man, who were both wounded. She was permitted to saddle a house and leave. She would not state how many outlaws were killed, but ad mitted t hat Hill Daltou and Hill Hoo- lan had been seriously wounded. 1 he fight wus kept up all day ing Wednesday, Volley after volley was 11 red due into the house by the otllcers, and the con stant crack of tho bandits' Winchester told of their determination to holdout and refuse to surrender. Shortly af ter nightfall, during a lull In the rir Ing, the bandit made a break from the house and fled, pursued by the deputies, They went in the direction of the Creek Indian country. The messengi who brought tins news did not learn whether or uot Dal ton and Doolan had been killed, but were told that three fatally wounded bandits were left In Miller' house after their companions had broken through the line of officers. He states that two of the officers' posse were killed und three wounded, COXKY I.KAVKM II I MI.S. He Has (;one to New York for n l our Days' Alisi'iice. II AOHisrowx.Md., April 23. (Jenerul L'oxev left his army at this town last night for a four day's absence in New York, duritnr which time lie will at tend the f,ale of some of hi Kentucky thoroughbreds. Resides this he will try to arrange with the railroads for excursion rates to Washington for the demonstration on May 1. It is from this arrangement that ho hope to get the greater part of his crowd in the city. Should this plan succeed, he anil Hrowne declare that there will be no trouble in getting 50,000 people to the capital besides t hose on trie roan. Tho army had to buy its own fire wood ti cook sunncr on Loirun Hill, und us the town authorities refused to allow the armv to draw on the hy drants of the city, the camp wa with out water until the railroad company gave the use of a plug. Miter in tne evening when u severe thunder storm arose the agent of the Western Mary land railroad gave the "J ' tho uso of an empty warehouse, after they be.m hail refused shelter in an empty barn near by. CRESHAM ANDTHECOKE RIOTS He Will Ibivn Home Corruapondenre With AiiHlrbt oil the Subject. I'lTTsiii'ito. I 'a., April 23. The re cent riots in the Connellsville coke re gions will be brought to the attention of Secretary, of State (iresham iu a manner entirely unexpected. Rev. C. j. drbacli, pastor of tho Evangelical Lutheran church of II rud dock, left for Washington yesterday to lay before the Austrian minister a statement of facts concerning the conditions and treatment of the Slavonic prisoners in the Fayetteville jail charged with riot. The authori ties of Fayette county are nccused by the minister of gross neglect and iu human conduct toward the imprisoned coke worker. oi'.v)te Hei'llne it stolen Train. Omaha, Neb.. April 23. - (ietierul Kelly declined to put his men on board u train stolen at Council Itlurt's by the engineers and tire man of the Union Purine. It was a I'nlon I'aeiho engine with I'nlon I'ucitle car ou the liock Island track. Kelly de clined it because he suld he ha4 not vet broken any law and did but intend to start in here. m tWlTf Waiii-4. UUrl ! A KlM I I J Vm. tt-oiaortiravl. HUkll I U Tasm Mrulnhed. Ire IVO VitK K'V, Atlual, M UY(i,' ICC 6AMI0T IIIM0W T0B M IJiHJ'.V II All PAf ItlUIT. s, y-W -tll ? af tmmt nbnt a la Tl ta.lt alltt, iaa,lST'-a.'iipail Si-J faad awr aM, .uaUl I - l 1". .aiaa a.ll laiat, aaaal aU,titiil to Saat av ,t, Mttwwateaa 1' IV laaeal vrta " f ATI"" aalatM aVSote HUJw.aJtlViallit t av k an,.U M HaUavlklMalMal mi I la a .a-aiaai aWaai'lTvtat. s av . a Ol H.tM .. "."!' a.. IWaltaala,aUA tin lot taMUM aw ana tat i - rv "7 OlfUHO Ml I. CO. w . I. CHIC.H, nu Dm Norihwrawrn lint) U Chicago lwra.U', r'wttniili. Uffic Hi? OKI. The .'Wat. plM tur roiaumnU ta al li.ni. NaiWTUinn a, .u nouia .iun. Bl., Unonlii. A atiina ran ntitaln frtirt atlvcr llVra tnrnbf aMrrinif Tli rn-AntfHt Ut-MuUU'o AastX'laUnn. lHnrr, U9.. and onolDflug Ha lor annva. Tha Chicago LimitaJ (Dally) Ghratolb Nerlh-WeaVarn Un u. uriiauat.il aiaxial arv!ti Ui t'aU'aai) ma atMbirn clliea. A. M. He)iti. tMy Vtk Asv, 111 Mt. lOU. Ilnwl, N ocln, 'ob . WORLD'S FAIR AWARDS rum urn 1 1 e rr36$3V and one lliplrinin for Hrauljr. 'VL.I J Mrrnalhnnd bmpnitsiitir r?, ejjl. IriX. "' vciiiciox have ZHkifm raUOt direi-l to the pfnplp. i3JrXsZj-:Mci!d ut oni-efor our comph-ie ' 7 iKy7iJ ''n"lU,'!,'r ' " "'very kind of t'tv. T'lXr rlilrleV hurorsnl.., I.k vrtA. (lau. ,,t ti.nin. niiu, ibrv nrp Irw. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO.. CINCINNATI. 0. iW ill Li Manufacturing Co., ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI THRESHERS Unrivalled for flint Threshing, separating and cleuaiug TRACTION ENGINES Pxrel In all points that go tn make up a i'er fed Pulling Kin! Working K.iiKiue, bend for catalogue. Mention this puper. FREE SILVER PEERLESS CES, FEED lE flCRINDER8 mm' C33 VWHI make a Farmer Happy. rtV Qt OllA.-0rl"" mr,re s-raln to any VsEV 15SJtart of fliiuntMH Oka an wwJL "t JtiiMT mill. ( IrlfUlH Mrwiirn tr oala, eio, Una oiviuKh tt to ctioka Wa warrant the l'l'KltLrVW to be th HKTHntl:HKA I'KHT M 1 1,1. N KAKTII f Wrilti ai unua tut itrlcati And uauuv. TlM it BHJtUty lU Uiif nni, miuu or, It hy th s JOLIET -STRDWBS1DGE CO.. Joliet, III. At-- Price Kol.1 anil Sll.rr Waif htt, RlnnlM, I rl.;.lM, dun. D4 H.U.I., i trtt, HiiKKlt, ttdKnea, trrlNHMHiilMf, bk-llflu. lUniraa. Imrt IniM.NIilila. SawlfiK ftlaebtaeft, ArmrAiwMf llrmfia, l-lanna, lUdfr Mill, I lull brnwera, Vi Mill., SUiira, Krlllra, Horn Mlllt, lllr PrMaeta iykHrrmt, Iriulii, in.lb, Ha;lnlUn, wrnm eiaaoaf 'P7 fMHiaa, Ifnita, nmnna lwa Mtfttra, IViflVe Mill, tathM, h mli-rt, LlneiplrU, tarm tHivH'ri. Ilawl 4:Hrtfc rurinai. Srmpen,Wlr PitiiM. fanalna- Mllla, rlra, RnrlnM, Saa, Wwl Mloka, llraln lluaapa. Crow Kara, llollrra, Tmila, Hit Hnuva. Ua Sierli. Klftalor, Kallrnnd, PUUuna Mil luoeUr HI KUiA. Saiatf nir fraa lilftl)a. AMI ara bow to .a,. Monrt. Ul . tllllKII Bt., CHI0AO0 10ALI 00., Cb.o.,0, Ql. I'leami mcDtlon The V ealth Makers. COILSPRING SHAFTSUPPORTf AND ANTNRATTLER. FtdH Mlllnfi prci mfatwtUu. 10 WMiht if hotM. Wonh lb Mat for C atiMW In bltchiB op, AftiU au)t4, filrwlari ttm. X 0rdt muijih). fWr ti.bU. tttM rltliu brttit. x THE DECATUR SHAFT SUPPORT C0. Dccatur, U Hi r, f I ! I m mi tun vn Rpprlnt Frank Txwlle'a Illiintrateit Weekly War JlluHtratlnn 1Hl-nS, two vola. follo,l.8(), payable 't.W month ly. Delivered by express prepaid. Bend (or illuntrale4 circulars. At aaluaiiu-n wauted. STANLEY BSASLE7 PUB. CO, 8 EAT 18TH ST..N.Y., U.S.A. aaaammaaiaaaaamllaaaawMaawaaam trvrMri cmn null V. H Alt Ir.H AND H()AHTF.R r. . v ,.... - . an. Ittvauttnani. lap a SniiiutavlfA II1F law. laiHR ... . . , Nona iitmuliie it it hout braiw IHtlBKa) our lataal Improved atyle, is a solid make, baa deep rtanitf Sinmif nuimcil pfraif, aim mma "t"1 aavaa IB tier lent nutrltloiieletnenlei. mlde ariipllrlrx-iilara on application. I ulnoraan tifaciur the -New Suinwaa" plnve mat and lb Kaiiinus rTymn ran.avc. Aur.rt in wnn t r.u In every enmity in the U. N Addreita, IHAHI.V.S SCi'l'LTUKlSS, 40 N Main Kl. i-ouucll IHii0a Iowa TINOLEY ft BURKETT, Attotneya-at.Law, load O St.. L ncoln. NOTICE. In tha Diatrlct Ci ..it ! Lancaatac County, Nabraeka, fharliall Muritll re.eler, 1 C&arlea II. Jotituwa et al , ; lH'it'anuina. ; ToC'tiail II Ji'tnn, Mitry A. Jnltutoa, II, .rwt I li llrmierwii. warm ip.-i.iii laaiam. tier rum anit ill rat .nd iul name tin- ata and V M t a.laaiader, nsi rvldru Ueteadauia Ht 1 ' H"M(f IStt on tha J.lhd.yiil I we m Ver, !, t liar.r H Murrtll, hatalv.r t t Nel.raaka kavintf IU:U ut l.imHdn, lrak. dimi hi uilin ta In jiiairu I unlit tl l.an aier rii,nt, .Nb !. Iiat jruu iepia.i.l auh atkera, lbeni,)-, l aad frrrf !i h autii i to f"i l..nr rettailt mnrKi(e eerued .y ( tiarira It Jultiteva and W trT A Jutiua ltinre r. liijlaw and ttw I" si and al b y'aiuuA uia.it tha toiiawiiia ilM"llit priHri) . ait I. ., tSueiii bi.x a itteaur sine .'"oi l.i.in Me'kk'a sd.llltt n to IS t IIV t( l.loin, -Mit ni.iar n'UiKl, Niitvi.a tt lb r- liivat ul i n ioni pi-i n.la. ir m.i riaivtl Ju 3il l I r U i t i'j PS I tri at -r l a -r non.n u.iU-l du and r4t S!e .III r !' l"'l, and 'l,uini1 prut lot" a .1 -re ttal drt auk war hi it ,(m'l In fif lh ai,.iin adluilxmt to to tin ,.u lb e tr !- plauilaea u. U. -KI t. aallaft I tie aUon ' lotltm t-i hedkie Vol! aia r- Muie,t to anawer iui viiun i n r i fair ll, Slat iU ul My, tU, ttalatl A tr i i .'-'B iwt I'aaaiMll UoMSltl. (Wetter m tf lis;jr A Muikrti, ata atturut)!, KINGSLAND'&DOUGLAS z fir i M 11 D.I.P.A.M.si h- xu- .(-,i-w i null r " m wm r REGULATE THE S STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOCD. ! KIPAX TABl I.KS are (he fcp.t Ileal. idmu kaatra fmr Jndlrestloa, ftlllttuftiieMs Headache, CaiutlpailaH, ljrspeptu, hrnnlo Liver Trsublra, lllzzlnt-M, Had I'aHiple lius, Vjscntcrrt WOeaslta Ureata, and nil dla arden mt tUe ktamnib, Liver and UutreU. Rlpau Tahnlne cnnlain notbliiK Iiijui1"iu to thu uumt delicto. (Miimtituti.m. Are iJtmirit to a Uike. wife, elfttrttiAl, and irlve jmim-niali.' relief. 1'rlce IKi vlal.t, Iticeutxi I'a. kaeH kuireV, $2. Uay Iw i.rtlor.xi tliruiiKb nutrimt 'iruKUt, J or by nutil. Sbuiple five by null. Ai'iJima THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO.. 2 10 aPECCK 8TR3. ; tORK CITT. Do Your Own Leather VcrkS Iloot'a "SI mnllil tjr Pmoe"eniilli iiiuiy mini ui mill aituud wtof 'luiible lime In 30 iiilnuK-a lor tl.'A: Hum tru, del HIU.'hilniw, Ita.-i HralMira. duc-i Hniira Sor.. and otliur utrniM In fjroNirlln. Sirnm lr luall, bnlr iinual price. Hu'fimlrii. widdl,ry,t,ii-.,heni. (j(,l' Iron I.ulKn.l K.'pnlHiiK Jut lit Sului-rlna--fiu.k!t.BIai'UiiinUb'iT'Kil, jin., for hi.iiu. uw. (Catalog free. Scot Bros., Hodina. Cnlo. World s Fair Highest Awards on our INCUBATOR and WlZZZ-' CUA Drtl!MrtMnd!J -VlU I'vtiuuig mem !f TfAJtrf tntaTMtH in ClMjItTf, it will pAj Jim Ut rail 4 nraU In MMnpf fur our ' BUY "DIRECT FROM FACTORY" BEST MIXED Painte. At WHOLESALE PUICEN, Delivered Vra. For Houses, Iiarna, Itoofs, all colors, & SAVE Middlemen's profltK. In us 61 year. Kn darsed hv Grange & Farmera' lll:mce. Low prices will BiirprlMe you. Write (or samples. U. W. lNliEKSULLs -m Plymouth bt., UiiXJk lyn, N. Y. LOCAL RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Arrival and departure of train carrylnr pa mger at Lincoln, Neb. Train marked,, Daily; t, Dally except Sunday; DaIlv except Monday; I, Dally except Saturday; I, Sundaya only; 1, Tuesday, Tburadaya and gaturdaya oo , Monday, Wednesday and Friday oni Barllngton MUsoarl River. 0., B. t). B, A. Ticket oScas at depot, Seventh and P ata; AA.na.'lafllh or. I ( U.a : aaA Leave. Arrive. Plattmouth, via Sa. I Hend and Louisville Watiooand Schuyler.... t!0:10a. m. t 6:10 p. aa. t i f p. m. 1:00 a. tn. 2:SWp. m. flu: 10 a. m. t 4:56 p.m. 12:20 p.m. tl2:20 p. ltj. $11:68 p.m. :W p. m. t:S0 p. m. tll:60a aa. il:60 a. aa. fl:18p..., Omuba and Chicago via Ashland cut-of.. Ashland, Omaha and Plsttsmoulb Crete, Uaatluf and Denver Lowell and Kearney.. t s.w o.aa, t l:Ul bv 7:49 a. aa t 1:40 p. a. X 7:49 a. aa. St. Franul and Ober-1 lin f noiyose uneyenne.. "Uurliiitfton Special" to Denver and coast Crete, Beatrto and Wymore Washington and Con corUla...... Endlcott aa Red Cloud. Bonnet, Syracuse, Ne braska City and east Grand Island Broken Dow, Alliance, New csstK Sheridan and Dead wood Seward, York, and t 7:40 a. av 1:40 p. m 10:00 a. a t 4:40 p. m. t 4:49 p.av t 4:40 p. aa. t11i6!la.av 10:46pai. 11:68 p.m. t 0:36 p. tn. tll:68p.m. 11:68p.m. t 1:63 p. m t 4:Wa. m. 19:20p.m, t :16p.m. 1:46 p.m. 1.16 p.aa. tl0:00a.a. 1:10 p. m t!0:35p.ai. t 7:30a. n. tii:a&a.. Grand Island AtchlMon, St. Joe, Kansas City, bt. Loula and aeuth.... Tecumseli and Table 10:00a.m. a m p.m. 1 40p.m. 1 7:16a.m. Rock Milford, David City, ana coiumdu H10:fr0p.B, Chlcafo, Rook Ialand 4k Faoifle. Passenger atatton oorner O and Twentieth St city omce, luto u a tree t. Leave. Arrive. Fast expresa to Tope- ka, Kan. city, ana all points In Kanaaa Oklahoma, and Tex as. West t 8:20a.m. tl2 36 p.m. tl2:3Sp.m. 8:66p.m. 4:03 p m. 10:11 p.m., til. 11 p.aa Local freight accom 46a.aa (ea.aa. 3p.iav 66p.m Wa.ai. modation, east Local freight accom modation, weat Flint exp (or Omaha, Co. Hums, u. Moines St.Paul.Chlo, A east Fast exp to Denver, Col. .springs, pueb lo and west Local pass (or Omaha ana council uiuns. Union Paclflo RaUway. Depot corner O and Fourth street,- City ticket ofllco 1041 O atreet. Leave. Arrive. Omaha,Co.niuffa.Chi- iui!0. valley, east and west Beatrice, Illue Sprge, Manhattan, east a went, Topeka, Kan an r?t. euHt. aouth t 9:02a.m. t 7:46a.m. t 8:00p.m. t 7:30 p.aa. t 8:46 p.aa David City ,Strombrg. tlO:40a.B SiouxCliy.Davldrityl ColumbUK. Denver, I Salt Lake. Helena. 1 B;iu Francisco aud l'ortlsml J llealrleo Coi-tlitnd 1,10 p. m. 4 il a. m 7 30 p 111. liOS a. m. Mimiourl I'aolrtc Railway. Ticket ofBoaa at depot and corner of Twain aud O streets. Leave. Arrive Auburn and Nebraska I ,..., Cliv Ka-esa f ' 60p m. I OOp.aa St I.ouU lv eipresa,. 1160pm I 00 p.aa Auburn ami Nebraska I .. CllvKxpreas f 35 p I U a aa. Bt l.miii nielli up p nt toa aa reiueot, Clkharn MUsourl Valley Iciiirauo a ausra wiiTisa naa) Depot corner rUfhta and S atreeta. City Ttek atoAcallMUaireet. "teafaT- "An-Trai ChU ano and east r rent t Omaha. Moui niy xi I'tul.lHiUiiS Manliallowa. Cntar H.l.la,( llllloo, M'iu a I'lerre.Abar tleou, tiakea I Up a I 41 p ll.Mp.i II M p i Omaha T a at I ta S II SO a i i VVahoo, Fremont. Nnr lolS. O Nt. 111. Long pm t'nadniti. t'aa irt II, l S.r f Kjc (.1 nir, ls-.iiu.4 . T a aa t lp m I II p aa r r'iinl a 'tomtlata, r'iwuiut.1 IrWbl. ...... Mi ta aa.'v M a fl.inVIMT KXCCHMIOMI Via tha Miievufi Pacing Kovita. tn '.ha atooail TiwaUay In buorubr l a, January, February, Mxh, April and May, IslM, MiawuH Ptl ttmita Will Still rolln,l trill tlokreU l.t all tallnua In Texas, with final limit Vu r turn in tuiriv uaya (nun ilaUt or . Huor.r artj allowo.) la Ark, Tm anj Oklahoma, New M.,o ta4 Indian IVrrlUiry. dv.no tuil Wait a t trio la tha atiutA. 1 1 1 vi trt a n II. A T. A. mOiUrwU I av