The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, April 19, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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April 19, 1894
Be Vh a Noted Figaro of the Late CItIJ
Wtr-Bto Military Career a History
of Soma of tho Mort Noted Cam
pelgns of tha tireat Conflict
At Gettysburg With
Meade and Hancock.
New York, April 16. General Ilenry
W. Slocum died at 12:05 o'clock this
morning, lie had been ill only a few
days, and death was not inspected.
General Hlocum hag been one of
Brooklyn's distinguished citizen since
the close of the war. He was a former
president of the Brooklyn club and
bad been connected with many other
organizations, social and military, lie
was born in Delphi, a small town near
Syracuse, N. Y., September U, 1827,
and had started to take an academic
course when fortune threw a West
Point cadntshlp in bis way. He en
tered the academy at the age of 21
and was graduated in 1 853, the seventh
man in a class of forty-two. Im
mediately after graduavion he as
sumed the command as second lieu
tenant of the Fourth artillery aud
was ordered to Florida, where there
was trouble with the Seminole In
dians. It was his first experience
of the hardships and discomforts of
The command was then ordered to
Fort Moultrie and while there the
young lieutenant began to read law
as a relief from the monotony of gar
rison life. After a period of irksome
regiment idleness, he resigned, went
back to Syracuse and began to prac
tice law.
In two years Mr. Klocuin was elected
to the lower house of the legislature,
and In 15 he was chosen county
treasurer of Onondaga county, and was
holding this ottice when the rebellion
broke out. lie accepted command,
as colonel of the 27th New
York volunteers and led the
regiment into battle at Hull Hun,
from which field he was carried
severely wounded to the hospital,
where he lay for several months. He
was then made brigadier general, and
under McClellan held command of the
left division of the army of the Po
tomac and was afterwards made
general of volunteers, To follow
General Hlocum's military career
to the close of the war would
b to write a history of some of the
most important campaigns of the
war. At Gettysburg he shared the
honors with Meade, the commander,
and with Hancock, and at Sherman's
request he took command of the army
of Georgia in the great march to the
It was General Hlocum who said at
the Gettysburg council of war: "Stay
and fight it out"
In September, 18fi!i, he resigned,
and going to Ilrooklyn, became a
lawyer again. That fall he waa the
Democratic candidate for secretary of
state, but was defeated. He was sent
to congress in 1H(SH, again in 1870, and
a third time in 1883. In 1870 he was
elected president of the board of city
works, ltrooklyn, and was one of the
commissioner of the ltrooklyn
bridge. He advocated making the
bridge free to the public and had the
satisfaction of seeing his suggestions
adopted in 1801.
The (.rest Northern Itullroad Strike Not
tin til the I" astern Division.
St. Paw., Minn., April 10. There is
no strike on the eastern division of
the Great Northern railroad nor is
there likely to be one. The strike is
confined to the lines west of Minot,
N. 1)., where it is now general. The
employes on the eastern division aro
averse to a strike, but eveu if they
should do so it would not be for two
or three days yet.
lVesident J. M. Hill stated that not
to exceed :i(K) men hud gone out on
one division and these were al' oper
ators, switchmen and yardmen, l'hoi
engineers, firemen, conductors and
brakemen were all willing and reijdy
to work and hud expressed no inten
tion of striking, so fur as he hud been
informed. Only a few trains have
been delayed and the trouble will ull
be over in a very short time.
A Helens, Mont., special says that
I ho slri'so cAlelida fi'olil (.HI iluoiO, N.
D., to Spokane, Wash., and l.tKKi em
ployes are now out, '.'00 of that num
ber being in Helenu. The only trains
that left yesterday were two freights
that left early in the tluy before, the
strike was ordered.
The 1 .-sriialnr Merely mutual l'r-llrut
of the Kansas trust t unipauy,
AuiiiMiN, Kan., April IA. tvv'iia
tor Juhn J. Ingttlls in an interview
in regard to suit recently brought
against the defunct Kututts Trust it ml
r.imfciiig i'irniiiy in which he, among
Others, wvrt charged with fraud, said
td;v that while he was piWuleiit f
the colleen , he hu t iu-er had an y
active O'luuctloii wish it, lie owned
9ViMiif tit stock, Uif s.iitirt (,( which
lie paid K pri liilttm, Of late yt lli't he
has Hot reccWcd a taUry a pitii!ut,
1!U !i c Slid ilatitliJiv iv llu failure
of tht cuiiiimi,' nittiitust ! : i . i
Ills tola) reet ).ti from lite ci!i,iuv,
kicWtdtiig sa'at v and il viUnia,
amounted ti ft. Too if there
flSllllll tttff llu's. tlht.siwl.eii.. I
hud no kiitttvWgn of It fur t Im? n.
Ni.w Yti.. Af.rU R "Fiftern mil
lion dollar wcie Spent ilt tit's c ty Lit
lhj srppofl of tie .r during
jrar vtolitig iVbtuarv ,'. ,
Inure than tit any "eviou year. Thts
is au etmiute l in il on stat im M
u.ade hy tihlrvti oLjh various tl )
atd iiistUutiuas, tHVf sot ietie and
trgnUvti funds furtinhcd to rvuv
vutatlvei of tha L'tsulntr jVt,
Mr. Hoatner I'ropooee a Radical Rale to
Prevent Future Filibustering.
Washington, April 13. Representa
tive JJoatner of Louisiana, who haa
been absent from the city with the
Jenkins investigation committee, did
not reach here in time to attend the
Democratic caucus yesterday. On
learning of the action taken he ex
pressed regret that he had. not been
able to Attend. J! had in fact con
templated offering at the first oppor
tunity a rule which he believed would
obviate the necessity of counting a
quorum and at the saute time effect
tiallv ore vcd t filibustering without re
sorting to the undignified methods
of lining members. "Under the rule
that I would offer," said he, "any
member of the house who being
present, refused to vote, not having
of course a pecuniary interest in the
legislation under consideration, would
be declared in contempt This would
deprive him of the right to make a
motion, to object or in fact to be rec
ognized by the chair. I would have
htm remain in contempt until the
house should see fit by vote to remove
his disability. It is not a difficult
thing to compel the attendance of
members. I he rules, II enforced, al
ready provide for that. Under this
rule filibustering would be impossible
after a single attempt had been
made. The minority might leave a
man or two in good standing to make
motions, but they could not leave
enough to call for the ayes and nays
or conduct other obstructive tactics.
The members who went voluntarily
into contempt would be then under
the control of the house, which could
remove the disability when and in
whatever manner it might see fit"
secretary t'obura I'redlcts a llouutlful
Topeka, Kan., April lfl. Secretary
Coburn of the state board of agricul
ture is very much encouraged by the
rainfall in the western part of the
state. In a bulletin to the press this
morning Secretary Coburn says:
Italna which began to fall at various
points Thutsday night and that have
since reached to every nook and
corner in the state, which were
not wet a week ago, have vastly im
proved the prospects of the
wheat crop. Large areas In the
western part of the state have been
lacking moisture for many months,
so long in fact that wheat was suffer
ing, and to these sections the rain
seemed almost providential. While it
comes too late to insure big crops in
all counties, It is yet in ample time to
make possible the production of s
large aggregate yield and to save the
West from what some were beginning
to fear a crop failure.
"The great wheat producing areas
of t int state are in good condition as
to moisture and the prospects are such
as to fully justify the prediction of a
bountiful harvest. There will not be
the bushel crop which tiie
acreage sown made possible, but with
such weather as we may reasonably
expect, there will be a crop that will
be the marvel of such as have not al
ready had proof of what Kansas can
do when she sets herself about it."
Tha Pennsylvania Senator Attacks the Measure.
Washington, April lrt.-The princi
pol speech on the tariff question in
the senate to-day was by Mr. Quay of
Pennsylvania, lie declared in open
ing that the senate was disappointed
in the tariff bill prepared by the
finance committee which instead of
presenting a broad measure which
would give tranquility to business for
years, "threatened the country with
a measure which has been described
as sectional, partisan, blundering, dis
criminating and unjust." lie held that
the bill was p-epared in such a fash
ion as to prevent the restoration A
confidence for years. He character
ized the McKinley law as an experi
ment in. fostering American cap
ital mid labor. He predicted that
the enactment of the present law
would make America a colonial de
pendent of (ireat Britain, After re
viewing the history of tariff legisla
tion in this country ami showing the
effects of high tariffs and low tariffs
on the industries of the country, ho
closed by describing with emphasis
and apparent earnestness the ruin
which the passage of the Wilson bill
would bring to the industries of his
Admiral de Mello aud Ills Followers
Surrender to Tragus?.
Montkvidko, April 16. Admiral de
Mello and the 1,500 Insurgent troops,
who disembarked on the frontier
of I'ruguay after having been driven
out of the state of Klo Grande do
Sul by the troops of President PeU
oto, have surrendered to the Uru
guayan authorities ami have Wen
disarmed and the rebellion In Uru.U
may be suld to have completely col
lapsed. The slate of siege at Uio do Janeiro
has been extended to June 13, but it is
believed that in view of the surreiider
of Admiral tie Mello and the insurgent
force, the lirailittn government will
shortly te able to raise it.
tlrrstl Hint lu a I'ruUu Town.
Tl utility Persia, April Id. At M.
sited, capital of the province of K'hor
aMiti, bread rhu ate of daily occur
rence, and lunch il isles exist among
the l.ii.lssi lnluit.iti.nt. AU the In,,
ititr listq been closed uml the author
l!ic me having great tliiliculiy in
protect 'tig pruprrSy.
the Missouri mi traf,
Mos i i iv, low, April In, The
MUn..ii ier, which Is now higher
than for m o ul has left It
bto,s about ntteett utile above Ver
million , t., cut t new channel and
i to w Himding a larife airs of farm
t ft Mllhuul tjMfMu.
VniS.i.lov pei; tt. - Pilllnlster
lug itit rrstnued '. the hoii us bomH
it eoit'ted ! .!. The. ttrst call
of t te ml! tttowed that the iVimtersH
lacked ih U sevvit of a tjuurtiiu aii 1
I It .HI the It 'tots adjoutltvd.
Tha Caucus lastraet the Committee oo
Rale to Hepcrt e Rnle br Which
Members Freer nt Mat Sfot Voting
Majr te Taken Into Aticouat
to Make I'p a Quorum.
Two-Thirds Majority.
Wasiunoton, April 16. In the house
Democratic caucus Mr. Spriuger
of Illinois brought forward the
rule which he introduced some time
ago, framed on the lines of the old
rule drawn some twelve years ago by
J. Kandolph Tucker of Virginia,
which provided that members who
declined to vote when their names
were called, should be brought to the
bar of the house, and after being
given an opportunity to vote upon the
pending proposition, in case of re
fusal, should be recorded as "present,
but not voting."
Mr. Pendleton of West Virginia
offered a resolution directing the com
miti! on rules to formulate and
present a rule to ascertain and record
the presence of a quorum, whether
voting or not. Mr. Outhwaite sug
gested a different method of ac
complishing the same purpose.
f-ettker Crisp took the floor and
made a vigorous speech pointing out
the deplorable position in which the
house found itself on account of con
tinued and persistent absenteeism.
Quite a number of speeches were
made in opposition to any and all
rules looking to the counting of mem
bers who refused to vote, Messrs.
Kllgore of Texas, Bryan of Nebraska
McMillin of Tennessee, Wheeler of
Alabama and Williams of Illinois led
the opposition.
Mr. Cummings made a speech
against the proposition to count a
quorum, at the conclusion of which
he sent up to the desk an amendment
to the title of any new rule which
should be reported for this purpose,
so as to make it read; "A rule to
nominate Thomus lirackctt Ileed for
president of the United States."
Mr. island vigorously spoke against
the adoption of any quorum counting
rule, us he believed it to be an in
alienable right of any metnoer to op
pose what he believed to be bad legis
lation. And further that this right
authorizes silence when that is more
effectual than a negative voto. In
fact, obnoxious legislation could often
be defeated in no other way than by
silence. Mr. Illand is the only mem
ber of the Missouri delegation who
voted against the De A nnond resolu
tion. The resolution was in full as
HosolVKd. As the sense of the calico, thut
the committee on rulus shnll report to 110
houMU n rule or so amendment to the rules, by
mentis of which momhurs prosnnt snd not
voting may be lusen into account an to the ex
istence or non-exloUince of a quorum snd to
compiil tliu sttundsnue of absent memliers.
Mr. McCrearyof Kentucky moved to
refer all the resolutions to the com
mittee on rules. The motion was lost,
r!) to 65, and on motion to adopt Mr.
Do Arntond's resolution it was carried
by a two-thirds majority, 80 to 44.
Less Than Twenty Senators In the Cham
ber When the Senate Met.
Washington, April It!. There were
but ten Democratic senators present
when the senate met yesterday and
about half as muuy Republicans. Mr,
George gave notice that on Tuesday
next Mr. Mcl.aurin would address the
senate on the tariff bill.
The urgent deficiency bill was taken
up and Mr. Cockrell offered an amend
ment, which was agreed to, appropri
ating S iii.000 for the mint at Philadel
phia made necessary by the unprece
dented coinage of gold at that mint
The question of the destruction of
plates and reports prepared for the
senate was again taken up and dis
cussed by Mr. Manderson. The dis
cussion was continued until 1 o'clock,
when the urgent deficiency bill was
displaced by the tariff bill and Mr.
Peffer resumed his speech. At its
conclusion Senator Mitchell of Ore
gon wus recognized and began his
speech. He concluded a few minutes
after .1 o'clock.
After a short executive session tho
scnute adjourned.
The I'reeldeut Sends to t'nncreas An
other Letter on the Mutter.
Washington, April It). The presi
dent yesterday sent to congress an
other letter lit tho Hawaiian cor
resoiidence, being MinUtcr Willis'
recital of events on the Ulands up tit
the latter put t of March. The minis
ter tells of the calling of the consti
tutional convention in May ami says
the. government earnestly hopes that
all of the llitwaiiittis will vole at the
elections. He says that every voter
mind take the oath to supjMtt't the
provisional government snd resist a
testorutioit of the monarchy. Origin
ally the oath also required the voters
to renounce allegiuuce to Idliiiokalitii,
but thi section va ahuitdnued,
MittUtcr Willis records the formation
of the A me i leu u union, lnui oltject
is to secure snncviiiioti, and reports
matters as quiet on l!m Islands
( iwt f rtiud Ntesragwsn aitst,
WtuiMiroy ril in. Senator
Morgnti has completed, and wilt prt
sent to the senate within tliellxNt day
or two, his report u too Nlcaragtiaii
canal, The reHrl sats; t'arefully
re 'tw'tl estimates of the cost of tha
ra tal, and work connected wll'i It,
rakes iha total 7,isi,iitHi at the out
M." tittld I'rwduttlua fur I st tear,
W .tniuov April lit, Director
Preston of the t.tinl lui-estt has coin
pi-ted hi tinu I llifitres on tha gold
jtro luclioii of lh United Mates dtlf
lev the year s!t. The tolsl
(rl ml ion U k Iven as of the value of
i.,y,ti.iioo. vthieh I ait increase for
the year of M.tli vuuees, representing
Kettlea are cultivated In parte of
Europe, the liber being useful for tex
tile fabrics.
The coal cargo of the Scotch ship
Ada Iredale, which was abandoned at
aea, burned for a year.
There are 81,000,000 church members
in the United States and church prop
erty valued at 1475,000,000.
Ilia majesty of Portugal in consid
eration of the amall aize of his king
dom contents himself with $634,440 a
year. y "
The largest oil painting in the world
is by Tintoretto, entitled "Paradise."
It is lVt feet in height and 84 in
width. ' ,
The smallest coal burning locomo
tive in America ia the work of C. D.
Young of Denver. It weighs but 235
The town of King Ring, N. Y., where
the penitentiary is located, owes Its
peculiar name to John Bing Hing, a
friendly Indian.
Bulgarian peasants, it ia said, have
given up grain growing to a great ex
tent and are engaged in raising roses,
the attar of which is very profitable.
The first free public school ever es
tablished in the world was at Dor
Chester, Mass., in 1039. The site of
the school is to be marked by an en
during monument.
On the summit of Ken Lomond may
be seen the smallest tree that grows
in Great lirltaln. It is known as the
dwarf willow, and is, when mature,
only two inches in height,
Minnesota is net a very old state,
but she already has more than 8r,000,
000 invested in public buildings and
810,000,000 in her school fund, with
1,000,000 acrea of university land yet
The Wimodaughsis society of Wash
ington which ran the words wife,
mother, daughter and sister together
for its title drew the color line until
lately, but it has admitted colored
.Electric locomotives are proving
themselves to be well adapted for use
in coal and other mines, aud they now
furnish the motive power for hauling
cars in about thirty mines in the
United Mates.
Mgr. Katolll's fad is to have singing
birds all over his house.
Tobacco was so called from the West
Indiun island of T.obugo.
The late Lord I m elace, who died
recently, had ignored all animal meat
for many years.
The man who thinks the boy who
lives next door to him is a good boy
has not yet been found.
Mrs. Sharp A man always makes a
fool of himself for a woman. Hnchel-
or How? Hy marrying her?
Judge J. T. Dalvin, of Mloam, (ia.,
who bus married over 150 couples, says
that he never received a single fe(j,
save a bushel of potatoes.
'Why was their engagement broken
off? Did they quarrel?" "No, that
was the trouble. They were both so
amiable that they got tired of cuch
Waiter, to happy-looking customer
Well, sir, what is it? Happy-look
ing Customer,' spontaneously Hoy
eight-pounder finest in the land!
Looks like me, too.
Two )ld slaves, John Thompson
aged 85 years, and Kitty Owens, 70
years old, were married at Louisville,
recently. They were lovers previous
to the war, but from that time until
a short time ago they had not seen
each other.
William (Jreen b,(urs the dfr.w.iction
of being the greatest steeple climber
in England, lie has repaired fifty or
more steeples and spires, and is sent
for from all parts of the kingdom.
His greatest achievement has been in
repairing the spire of Salisbury cathe
dral, which is over 400 feet high.
The original of liurnaby Uudgc, a
man named Walter de Itrisac, who
was a packman or peddler by trade,
recently died in Chatham, England.
T! 1 A .-11. - I.! ...l. 1...
iockciis lined vo lain iu mm mini lie
met him in Chutham, and was struck
by his cleverness and story, lie
always dressed in tho costume of a
man of the Georgian period.
Mrs. Harriet ('ondit eutight a her
ring ut llurtforil. Conn., and in its
back she found a lady's pin Imbedded.
It was set with moonstone ami peurN.
Some months ago the free llhraries
of Shetlicl 1, Lug., begun blotting out
the spotting ami betting news In
their newspapers. Mure than .O.oiio
render protested, and I lie council hus
rescinded the order.
The largest Inereuse la gold produc
tion in any stute last year was lu Col
orado, uluiku Increase approximates
f;,ooo,iHMt. The only state In which a
decrease Ushuwn'ls Nevada, a falling
uif of uhotit $17.Vxki,
A relic from the battlefield of Chick-
aiuutiga, toiisiHtiiig or a piece of
Southern pine, In one side of which is
Imbedded a bit of shell ami lit the.
other two hulls, Is ptUed by Isaac II,
Patten of WatertoMii, Mass.
The entire orchard of a fitntier near
M.s Utott, Cttl., was stolen, He went
to t mil, and whi'e he was away
Several tut it cultie Slid bewail to dig
up his fruit trees. They said that the
trees had been sold them by the farm
er, ami his son U'lieted tho story.
Dr. I In ltd Wheeler tells this story
on himself. He had ait elderly patient
who tUbbtes lit medical litcrttlure,
'J'hls getillettiiill a ti noil need to th doe
tor the other editing that he eon
eluded he was stiff t-iltig front aphasia,
or the loss n! the memory of words,
"t'h." said the doctor, li.ul is tiolU
lug, I am oftvtt at a ls mysvlf to find
a proper word to express' thought,"
"Ay, b tt in your i-ium," gmwled tha
old gfittlriiintt In return, "thai li due
Hot to aphasia but to Ignorance,"
I ana oae IHpIoms for RemsiLr
creasui sua t'Sfeern.Ovf
w.uu of lh-e vehicles hsv
own sviia ainwu to tbe fxmpir.
Hnd st once for onr miinplftr
csisloiiue i O of very kind of
s S i.. ,.
Sesasj f Me. of ltimii!l. tlirv are fr.
Manufacturing Co.,
Unrivalled for fast Threshing , separating and
Bice) fn all points tbat to to make up a Vtr
feet Palling and Working Engine, brad Ur
catalogue, Mention this paper.
VJf0 MTM atakt Farmer Haapy,
LttflWB more grain to an)
of Alienees Uwn aiir
ruisi BNib unnue eerourn,
fiats, ate Due enough fie
saw, ass, Dlie enougn n
anramwae. Warranted lu
Urn YFMVUrm to tm U
fa etiSsjf tsnrf t1 efcHSs. S
eel m sm wi mU fte amt S HMsl
Im to klMMc ss. Ausu sfe4. OS-tsSis ftm
MtssS. tfm, Iijd. Sum net S sm.
Dacatur, im
"! MS, VjK IT ANO f AT ftlllNT.
LM Sari ear f wr wtlssl m est lav
TrT srstsd Sink Arm Staesrlif ewbiM
Umlf (SUM, Bkk.1 plU4,alaiU4 t UaS
4 bvv wmkl rusfMW4 It9 IS 1M
lilntll, SsbSIa m4n, SIMsraslla( (til
Hal Sll il Uifcawtsl rtto4 wktf
in IHf't Trial. Sa ewnaf a'(olfa Is ttttou,
For Sale
Electric Motor
In Rood condition. ,W1U be told
cheap if told goon.
fn. o. itKfkisTi
Corner 11th & M Stt., Lincoln, Neb
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLE ALU fit ie KM, Delivered Frea
For Houses, llsrtin. tioofs, all colors, HAVE
Middlemeu's profits, lo use 61 yeara. JCn
darsed bv Ursntre & Partners' Allliince. jt
rirloes will surprise you. Write for samples
O. W. INUEKSOLIa, m Plymouth HI., Urvok
Tbe best pnylug Investment fnr a house wife
None genuine without brass llltlsgs) our latest
Improved style. Is s solid mslte, bss deep flange
strong tint bign grsie, sudUoses iwrfnelly light
saves US ,fr rent miirttlotiaeleTneala. Full da
srrlptlverlrrtitsrson appllcatlou, I alsomsn
tifuelare (lie "New Hueress" stove mat snd lb
Famous Frying Psn.eUi. Aur.NTU WANTICU
In everjr eouniy lu tbe U. a. Address,
CHAUI.V.S St'lluLTHKISS, 40 N Mala el,
t'OUDOll IllllffS Iowa
In tha District Court tf Lanes net
County, Nsbrsika.
Cbarlrs H. Morrtll, reeelvtr,
Chsrles II. Johnson el si.,
ToCbsrlrslI JobBMtn, Msry A, Jiihuma,
HuiwriM iteiiurrsoB, Msria itigrsm,
lugrsm, brr hilsttstiil mrat ami leal name tin
ksiistn suit V M. t mi,nirr, non rrsidsut
itelrmlaiils: Von slit lake notice that on tli
S.'lli ilsy of liecajmeer. lM,t, t hsrlrs tt Slorrlll,
ecelrr of the NebrssSa MsViiig llsiia ot
t.ttiniin, Nelirasfatt, mm tils eilttn Is the
tusirli I rourt el l.niii ssinr roiini) , Svlnasss,
Stsllt't yutl ItMplrsilrU a lib athwia. tlieuhlw
snil prn)r ot bli h tltlon II to foielniir
a eertslu litnrtgsge exs'iitasl by l h st irs H.
jMhits-a an.) -.ry A Jubtiauii In Unij f,
Itigluw and now li. SI sad oanmi by plsluim
Ml ,'U the ttil Ina ins ilsseiltieu prolrl)' m It
l.i.l Ihi.s I'll litis a tevsiy ullieiui ot 1.1 IV ulu
tlrit'htsstlillilon to the illy ul l.limilu.
rssisr ruutity. SehrssSs l,i emme the pay
mst i'i hum lertsm prniiissi. v tnii Ui,
Jul) Sid. I lor tbe siisi ot liiii pb in
left si l I tr it'll a r ohi).,i altsi hml
due sml parable July 1st. i-v . uJ l.,iiniit
pro) fur a dri ree tbat dsletirtanii insy tm re
iUitt to pay lbs swiiuiit ad itiiini t be due
I it ttie asr or that said pi, iiisy be solil
1. 1 S4lMtV tbe smoiini an litiilid 11 lw ilus Villi
aie i in, I l anassr oi l prtiusu eu nr t
tore il, 1,'lti day of Usy, lvt,
Paled, April Sib, isvt
( Mtstsstl Moaatl i. Hea-elver
ItU Nv Vtigley A llursmt, his sliotuet.
To tha lanJ t( lUtl Ali via tha
Miini,fl I'sultlo routs Kn. 1st, fur otm
fsr fur thw rnufltl trip tfix o du tisvt.
Call un IMI DaoleU, C, 1. ,V T. A. I.V'l
U iUpi'I Umtiln, Nvb,
Northwestern llaa to Chicago,
UrU, KMttraloi, umUMUBt.
Mr r-sw w -
tD cry ilea, We aramnt
RIPSMS TARI LKS ere tbe Sai MsaW.
aassv aleasv
lllleaaaaas, f
ta, t hraMaae S
assetraiee, a
elee fcaesra tmr I sal I f est ts a, Ulllauaa,
sreaaueee, I ssMlyaUsa, Bfpuflm,
e Ltrer TreeSlra. IsUalaesa, Bad Cei
fctraeaterr. 0gaare Breath, a ad
! eeaeee ef the ateauwh. Uver and keaele.
die. J
Ripaaa Tabeh eonsua autfalng kilare te
m i
a " H.n" mrm. "nai,
. w- wt Mara.. aaaniHa irssnay nasi!, jarerrss
. CO.,
rCTTT. s-r
X m sraoct mtEtrr, iorc
a. t
w sm nsiirau, roaasniiiion. ars oisaa
V taka, asf, Hrniut, and irl's Immrdtsts r
J jrrlce-B,,iial-j,7twsju'si:ki(
e as a., k. , i- , 3 .
ROOT'S r.E?ir.i.M.3 CUTFIT,
CmBtttingof iron Iai
$m4 ofstww too Lb guni wul
- fn as. Vlirt,t,ia )iw.
HALa-.tqLEi.lo li a,-.
Sr asm. rssriiiir -.
ier BiaaTiiaT or tnrtid'ra'
ed and ersaswd, half tiros I
prloss. jlAaasTSain mi tu-
litfasra-oed la pij.r.
fimpimt ,trrsi'l.u'nrna
Srat rlsasKllorHljn -
eiTSTiKiia. K'x,v'oe
,i,tiraiCiaT. He ,
ed, ('atelogiui trae e
ssaii.jsa. awniawai,
moor Bmoa.,
Arrival sod dapartuta af trsloi earryfag aar
engerg at LUiuolo, Web. ' Traiaa Barked
... aa '
y; f, Dally eiceptlsuailay; tDslly eioeft
Mondai I, tislly asveept Saturday! (.Suuleye
only; 1, Tuesdays, Thursdays ani Bsturday
, UoQdsy, Wadaasday sad fTtoay aad.
BarllEgtea M Use art Ktvar,
(0.. 1. 1 1. 1. 1
Tlckat afllces at depot, Seventh soi F tut aad)
oraar leotn ana u mtm,
Lear. Arrive.
Plsttsmeuth, via ft. I
119: II a, m.
t i wi. a
p. m.
ll at) SS,
iiws. m
iMoa ana uosiavtua
n anuo us BcnuTier.. .
urosna ana tneaga
via Ashland eut-otT..
Ashland. Omaha and
Crete, Hastings aad
It l:3 p. Mb
it t wi aa
f 10 p.
irett, m
t l:ltp.O
1I:Mp m
Lowell snd Kramer..
(TtOa. as
t 7:40a. av
1:40 p. as
10 oo a
t 4:40 p. BS.
t4p m
r440p. as-
at. Francis aad Ober-1
Jin., f
nuiyvae e nnyenne,,.
iturungtoa special"
to beaver and coast
Crete, Beatrio aad
WssbtngtoB aad Cotv
Emlicott aa JU4
Sennet, Syrscuss, Ne
brssks C)tv snd (set
t 1 :63 p.m.
i 10:44 p.m.""'
f ;vs. m.
l:tf p.m.
tio oos.m.
I i S D m.
Orand Island Broken
low, Alliance, New
castle, fcherldan aad
Dead wood
IKp at.
Ip. at
lO Mp sr..
t 7:0a
Sewsrd. York, aad
urand Island........
AUibutoa, Ht Joe,
Kansas City, Ml.
Louis snd south....
Tecumsea and labia
Hoc It.,,
Milford, David City,
tT:lta m.)IO,
ana columnist
Chicago, Reek Island Paelflev
Passenger station eornr O snd Tweatlstb tt
city omc, iota u 6 tree t.
Leave. I Arrlre.
Fast (press to Tope
ka, Kan, city, ana
all points lo Kansas
Oklahoma, and Tm
as. West.....
tlt llp I
tll:4l l
tit M-t l
I Hp I
t I t9s l
Local freight accom
modation, east......
Local freight accom
modation, west......
Fsstexp for Omaha,
t o. Muins, u.iiioines
Kt.PaulX'blc, ft east
Fast eip to Denver,
col. ftpringi, t'ueo
lo snd weat
4:0. p m
Local pass for Ornshs
tlO:llp m
sna l ouncii liiuirs.
Colon I'eclne Ball way.
Depot corner O and Fourth street, dtp tleke
onica loti u street.
LesTS. Arrive
cuko, Valley, east
snd west
t :02a.m.
t 7:46a.m.
t 4 00 p.m.
Keittrlce, Hlue Sprgs,
Manhattan, east ft
went. Topeka, Kan
ans I'tv iist annlti
David City ..Stromsbrg.
110:40a I
UoiutnDUH, uenver,
Halt Lake, Helena.
fun Francisco and I
Portland. 1
10:45 a.m.
4 10 a. mi
Hfttrlc, Cortland ....
t7:30p, m.
lit a, m
Hlssoorl I'aclflo Railway.
Ticket offices at depot snd corner of Twain
snu U streets.
Lesve. Arrive
Auburn snd Nebraska I ,M nn t oiina.
City F.spress f 11 M " P
Kl. Louis day express.. ll ftOp m I
Aul'tirn snd Nebrasks I aon a u .
City Kipreas f P a m.
St Louis night ep ., , , M p m.) t
remout, Klkhora MlMoorl Valley
ulllt'aeu BuSIS WStTlSg List
Depot corner Klghtb sr,d H streeti. City Ttekv
eiomce nuusirett.
"Lesvs. j Arrlva.
fliiiHt'o and east
1 Up m
1 45p m
t f ill B.
II p sv
1 run I tlmalis. Minus
t it v st I'siu imiiith
ltuiiiiH.t'linton, liet
Mulu s I'lerre.Abef
tietti, Ouktis,.,,,
Oiimbs ,,
l p m
I Up m I Ms sv
VVulioo h'reiiioiil. Nnr
l.iiH. tl Nclll. I.ll,g
Julia- ( lisillnll, t 'ss-
j fr Hut ir np-
III t'llf, IS-UIIWCMld .
T ata
M Mp m
Ml 0 s m.
Mill at
Frviiaiiiit St'ctiiii list a.
ft SV
r'riui'i.t fri'Ulil
t T Up BV
Chtap Rattitn Cslifornls via lh Unit ah
Pacific Hallway
Ban KraniUim, 1,m ADcolmamllnuy
laeiUittti olntt, First tilait una way,
), lUuintl trip, tfisiJ fur ilttv (ly,
l.'LVfttl. Full Itifortiiftllon iht'erfull"
flvett atoity ticket onion, inilo itree,.
K. IX. Summs, J,T. SlAani,
tltmrral Aireat. CU Ticket Aprnt,
u tvi;r :t'tiutittsi
Via th Mniourl r'ttifK Rouit,
Oo tha e.Miu'l In lrcamlap
Hi'!, .'ao iary, Kflirusrv, Maft, April
an J May, I "U. Uirt Mlsatturl l's.Ad
Koutu will soli rtituul trip tlrkt Is hi ail
itaUiMtd ia Titias, with filial limit Wt r
Hiru In thirty tlays from dsUt of
4Utwvvsrs are alluwetl In Arkr,u,
Tots siul Uktahtnua, Nw Movt and
, , ii- I, ., .
iiiuisn ivrrtcirj, t,"iuit aun tsia a
irtnui ttia tuuU, ntlL DaNIKM, C,
I'.ilA. LDIOltKel.