1 THE WEALTH MAKKKS April 12, 1S94 THE FATMr AMI HOME lllto BAl2l A tils IlUJlEi. PROTECTINQ APPLES FROM DISEASES BY SPRAYING. What to Apply, flow and VkM to Make tba Application-Clover aa rood lot KotrU Crop Groi for lloge rm NoUt and Horn Hint. Spraying- Apple Orrharda. Spraying orchard to protect the fruit aad foliage from the attack of fungi and Insect is now conceded to be one of the positive duties in con nectlon with the growing of apples. Those who have had experience in this direction are practically unani mous In saying that it not only pays J to spray apple orchards, but it pays well. The doubts as to it being ad visable are rapidly disappearing, ami the main questions are, what to apply, und how and when to make the application. What we want to find out is the best nnthod of treat ing apple orchards, so as to obtain fruit of the bot quality with the least expense. The apple scab fungus is probably tho most surious enemy of the apjde grower. It hus b.'cm determined that this fundus is active even bo foro tho leaf bud upon, and probably even earlier. It is still to bo learnod at what seuson the growth of tho fungus practically ceusos, ami during what period the apples and leaves are mo liable to its attacks. This may be determined in two ways: rirut, by studying tho life history of tho fungus; and, second, by applying fungicides at intervals to tho trees. It tho lust method is followed very thoroughly, tho results may bo obscured by the more or Jess com plete extermination early in tho sea son of tho fungus in the treated or chard. Hut 'f a few thorough appli cations made at tho proper time will prove to be suttlrlunt to protect tho trees, tho faet that the trees are thus protected is of great practical value, whatever the life history of the fungi may be The relative merits of tho most important fungicides now In uso still require careful consideration cost, ease in preparing and applying, ad hesive power, all must enter into any comparison which may bo made, 7nd of lato a still more important factor has boon added; namely, tho readiness with which the fungicide may bo applied in combination with tho arsenates. Spraying need not be noalocted from a want of effective material or praying machinery, suys the Journal of Am-ioulture. Tho kind to use in orchard work is an important matter. Knravimr Is hard work, unless tho pump is run by homo power. This can only be used In very .argo orchards. The most of nrchardists have to uso hand pumps, and they aro offered In almost endless variety, therefore selections are often difficult Tho duiod should bo power fuL It requires double work to uso a given amount of liquid with a ttmall pump that it would ono of ample sue. Working parts should tie made of brass or brass-lined, us the action of she material used would noon corrode. The air chamber should be small, no that tho operator can quickly in areascvtho nressuco of tho liquid in tho nozzle. A large air chamber do feats this. Many pumps are supplied with agitators, but have not proved satisfactory, neither does tho ono with return pipe or rubber hose, as It only stirs up tho liquid in the middle or where tho current comes in contact with tho fluid. Tho bent way would bo to stir up v.itu a stick or long puddle before commencing on each tree. Tho spray should bo as Hue in it is possible to make it. and euro should be taken to get a pivjKir uo.zlo. What to Crow for tba Hon. Thero are somo things that tho broodors of swine arc learning in Column's Kural World. Ono of them Is that they must not rely so much on corn in growing and developing their hogs, for corn Is a developer ot fat InBtoud of bono and muscle, it rood bono development is required. pigs must be fed on food toat will produce bono aud rnusolo. Oats are good for this purpose, no are peas and bran and short and linseed meal, and the twine breeder should have somo of or all these who would have first class stock. Another moet excellont food for wine and, in fact, for all young Hock In clover either as pasturage or nronorlj cut and cured. Whero alfalfa is raised, and it belongs to Ue clover family, hog havo boon raised and fatUutd almost entirely an it Clover propurly cut aud cured makes a good winter food for hogs. particularly when cut up in a cutting box and steamed or oven wet up and a little bran or ground feed mixed with it, and nothing make hog Wi rive bolter In winter, ibey need MKnethJi'g not quite so coiieoutrated as era In, and rut no and alfituio.l lover Just All tho bill, Indeed wllitrl dlover hog, (lr u little esporluitw will .it rvtn dry aud uncrnt The lrdr of h.n ltuuld hate a artichoke patch. K it U In t of lha way Held lhal timing ait havo act'tin to, i.tueh Mu hut lor. 'the richer tit Held the JfrcaN'r thaj lclit. We have had rcha'de (wr sons tell w lu rich bottom UiuU they bate )vi known tt t u t i1 '..' Vunhttl per nor i'hv tr ry aaily iUm! and the I isr t tltUUtJtutbi and omti ( It will gather t'tt'in them Um lh-y will M4 tUtitlt lliuVtt.' tint f !! la ul ef Its -jivMt.t it tHcv havo itul fMltf ' tllOl .!' ill t'tl f'fimi turn till lift uk' "ft -"h lt fcatruw nanunU ov. r (W tl Id it.'.t'it, w4 Use lU be plcttly wd bH tw a jutt largo th LirtsWi Ur tltoy vm lt gtlritl Mil I a, Vut aro WW r ' 14 la ll?aP or r':,s than when kept ,a thoecliar Jike -potatoes. T&ey will nut bear warmth and air like pota- toes, bclnsr inclined to decay quicker. The artichoke for hog feeding is one il the cheapest crops raised, and horses and cattle aud sheep are equally fond of theio. (iovrr aa Food for Fool. Clover is not only more suitable tii summer food for poultry, owing to its bulky nature, compared with corn, but it also is more nutritious, as it contains a greater quantity of tho subotance required for the pro duction of eggs. The lime for the shells is procured when in a soluble form in the food, as It must pass through all the stages and processes of digestion, and tho more soluble the mineral element! the easier and more completely tbey iserve the pur poses of the bona. Clover nay con tains over thirty times more lime than does corn or wheat, and the green clover, though containing more water, is comparatively as rich iu lime us the hay. Clover is also a nitrogenous food and supplies the elements tiecosnary for tho albumen of tho egg. W hen tho hens have access tw clover they will eat a large quantity during tho day, and if in socts arc numerous their wants will bo full s, moiled. If it is desired to allow grain to tho flock it should bo fed sparingly and only once a day. pry closer moistened with warm water and cut up lino is good winter feed. Wlml tartitrr Owe to Indian. The American farmers who first settled this country learned much from Indian cultivators of the soIL There wus no corn grown in Kurope until it had bne introduced from America. The Indians hud icveral varieties, Including pop corn and sweet corn. They had also somo ex cellent peas und beans, aud our best modern varieties wore improvements on tho stock which the Indians sup plied. They bad also pumpkins, srinashes and melons, l'ish as a fertilizer was an Indian discovery. Tho fish too fat and oily for food were used as a manure, dropping a IIhIi in u hole dug in tho ground. covermir it wnn a nttio carin, ana planting the corn over It. We make better (Ish fertilizer now than this, getting rid ol tho oil, which has lit- tlo man u rial value, but the idea of using llsh as a manure hud never oc curred to Kuroncan farmers until they found it practicod here. Kurm Nolra. Keep charcoal In the hog pens. I'lant no mora land than can be well cultivated. Never permit tho gllb-tongued stranger to get your name to a paper or his hand on your pocketbook. Tho Australian horso market is glutted. In fact tho depression scorns to ox tend all over the world. It is evident that more common lonso must bo used in breeding borses if the Industry Is made profit able. People like young, tender, loan moat tatter than old, tough, rat meat, and it will pay to cater to the public taste. Have all your manure, even if your ground is rich. Manure uover did any soil barm, if it was tho right kind of manure. Hire tho best bolp that can ba found and pay it what it is worth. Ono good competent farm hand is worth two or three incompetents. Plant no seed without testin? it in a. box of soil set ui a warm place, it is little trouble to do this, and will often save vexatious disappointment Kx-(iovcrnor Hoard said at the Ohio agricultural convention that bo wants t see tho day when there will bo no more than one-half as many cows as there aro in existence Dow and every cow twice as good. When there shall not be more than one-half tho number of cows on tho same farm and every cow twice as good. That will bring profit. He ays ho has u cow that gives 300 itounds of butter a year and he feeds tor but little moro than be. would ono that gives 150 pounds. HOIIIX IltlllH. Scraps of cold turkey that can be used In no other way can be made iuto u liuvory hush. Served on nicely browned toast, turkey hash is a delicious lunch dish. Crease nity bo takeu out of silk by spreading tlio material on a clean ironlng-ttlolli, iByingover tho creases a dump clo'li und then soft paper, pressing vi u warm Iron. It is well Itcforo having a room re painted to clean the old paint with two ounce of soda, dUnotvod in one quart of watr, and applied warm, then washing off all truce of the oda. A variety iu tlu iuile wheaUm lost of bolUvt Hour is ralslu bread. Thl is simple a wheat loaf, to which a cup of h toned raisins I added when it U molded up and put lu the pan to rut" fr tin last Uiuo before lutkillg The silver ui on the table should Ui wiped illicit tluy with a stilt chant ol. Mlvi f Htciiit clouded much from the U am of conYe, lea an I hot tool jtH'ti;i!) si frtun active u, and lite iluily polUlilii kv ll in yiHld ClMelllliei (iliUitliii 'tol Ui improve llieti t'otnph't itnts arc advised byantftpurt to en.trcUc ti minute a day with the ll.lttesl Wrt.itl dumb 1U they 4 an Hud lln ,.. '.! In a wwll-known 4lUit ko'a oiv.it for physical cult ir tUleo.H tit;'. i re ,t ! ( t'f ttid and U for tut arm, of which ha lt tHtlf l!it t.Hi In flfly. Atliy m l 9 hlil liie)n through lh Vain i"t we... . t.ilo lU Iikii if Km 1ii4tttl.Ua an I liipualo.y trk'l Uj tauuel tH to I rltt n th u4 skla and linpiova it hrallh tf the tody. OUIl NATIONAL PLATFORM. The People's Party Platform Adopted at Omaha July 4, 1802. Assembled upen the llG:h anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's party of America, In their first national convention, invoking upon their action the blessing of Almighty God, puts forth in the same and on be half of the people of thla country tht following preamble and declaration of principles: PREAMBLE. The condition! which surround u beat Justify our co-operation. We met la the midst of a nation breught to the verge of moral, political and material rnln. Corruption dominates the ballot box, the legislatures, the oongresi, End touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; most ef the states have been compelled to iso late the voters at the polling place to pre Tentunlversal intimidation or bri bery . The ne wspape r are largely eub. ldized or muzzled, publlo opinion silenced; business prostrated; our homes covered with mortgages; labor impover ished and the land concentrating in the bands of capitalists Tho urban work men are denied the right of organiza tion for self protection; Imported pau perized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, la established to (hoot them down; and they are rapidly e renerating Into European conditions. The fruits of the toll of millions are boldly tolen to build up colossal for tunes for a few, unprecedented in the bostory of mankind; and the possessor! of these, in turn, despise the republio and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes trampi and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to en rich bondholders A vast aublio debt, payable' in legal tender currency, has been funded Into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burden of the people, Silver, which h&s been accepted aa coin since the dawn of history ba been demonetized to add to the purchailng power of gold by decreasing the value of all form of property as well as hu man labor, and the upply of currency U purposely abridged to fatten usurer, bankrupt enterprise and enslave Indus tries. A vast conspiracy against man kind has been organized on two conti nent and it 1 rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and over thrown at once, it forebode terrible octal convulsion, the destruction of civilisation or the establishment of an absolute despotism. W have witnessed for more than quarter of a century the truf gle of tho two great political partie for power aad plunder, while griev na wrongs havo been lnflloted noon a Buffering people. We charge that the controlling 1 nil nances dominat lag both these parties have permitted the exlstlnar dreadful oondiuona to de velop, without eriou effort to prevent r restrain them. Neither lo they new nromlse u anr substantial reform. They have agreed together to ignore, la the eomlnr campaign, every issue hut one. Thar propose to drown ine outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a ham battle over the tariff, so that capitalist, corporations, nation al hank, ring. tniBti, watered tock, the demonetization of silver and the ppresslon of the usurers may all ba lost Bight of. They propose to sacrllce our homes, lives and children on tne altar of mammon: to destroy the multi tude In order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires. Assembled en the anniversary of the birthday of the nation and filled with the spirit of the grand generation which established our Independence, we seek to restore the government of the republio to the band ot "the plain people," with whom It originated, a We assert our purposes to be Identical with the purpose of the national con stitution: "To form a more perfect union, establish Justice, Insure doses tio tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and tesure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity," Wo deolare that this republio can only ndure as a free government while built upon the love of tho whole people for each other and for the nation; that It cannot be planed together by bayonets; that the civil war Is over and that every passion and resentment whloh grew w of It must die with It, and that we must be la tact u we are ia name, the united brotherhood of free rasa. Out country finds itself oonfroated by condition for which there is no prc at in the history ot the world; our aaausl agricultural productions amount U billions of dollars in value, which must within a fw weeks or months be exchanged for billions of dollars ot com modules consumed In their production; ta Itlng currency supply It wholly laid equate to make this ihaog; the rulli are falling prlcos. tbe formalloa Of oomblo aad ring aad thw liu povtrUbaisotot the producing e!. We pUd ourstdvM that, if gifts fwr, w will Ul r Ucurcot tli l! by e a4 rtMvu(.. lt' tlca ta eeoordettce with the terms of eur p!tform, W bflkt that Ue power of ivmnaV-la olhr eras, of tie popi-shiu!J be eiiwt'tl (M tt Us c f the postal service) as rapidly and as far aa the good sense of an Intelligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injus tice and poverty shall eventually, oease in the land. While our j mpathie as a party of reform are nr.turtlly upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make men intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we nevertheless regard these questions, Important as they are, as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and upon which not only our individual prosperity, but the very existence of free institution depend; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republic to administer, before we differ a to the conditions upon which it is to be administered. Believ ing that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all men and women of tho country, therefore: Wi; IIECLARE lrst That the union of the labor forces of the United States, this day consummated, shall be permanent and perpetual. May its spirit enter into all heart for the salvation of the republic and the uplifting of mankind. Second Wealth belongs to him who create it, and every dollar taken f om industry without an equivalent is rob bery. "If any will not work, neither hall he eat." The interests of rural and civic labor are the same; their ene mle identical. Third We believe that the time ha com when the railroad corporation will either own the people or the people mus. own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing any or all rail roads, we should favor aa amendment to the constitution by which all person engaged in the government tervice shall be placed under a civil aervic regulation of the meat rigid character; so as to prevent the increase of the power ot the national administration by the use of such additional government employees. PLATFORM. We demand a national currency, safe, ound and flexible, leaned by the gene ral government only, a full legal tender for all debts, publio and private, and that without the use of banking corporations; that a Just, equit able and efficient mean of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to ex ceed two per cent per annum, to be provided, a set forth In the ubtreaury plan ot the Farmers' Alliance, or some better system; also by payments in dis charge ef its obligations for publlo lm provements. We demand lha free and unlimited oolnage of silver and gold at tho present legal ratio of 10 to 1. We demand that the amount of clrcu latisg medium bo speedily Increased to not less than ISO per capita. We demand a graduated Income tax. We believe that tho moneys of the country should be kept aa much as pos sible la tho hand of tho people, and hence we demand that all atate and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of tho govern ment, economically and honestly ad ministered. We demand that postal savings bank be established by the government, for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people, and to facilitate exchange. Transportation being a means of ex change and a publlo necessity, the gov ernment should own and operate the railroads in the Interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the postoffioe system being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the Interest of the people. The land, Including all the natural resource of wealth, 1 the heritage of all the people, and should not be mono pollztd for speculative purposes, and alien ownership ef land should be pro hibited. All land now held by rail road and other corporation In xcets of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settler only. North Western tine Palace) 8leepo nd Past Chicago Train Service. A palace car for Lincoln people In now attached dally to the Chicago lim ited, leaving Lincoln at 1:35. Mo better ervloe, lowest rates. For ticket, berth reservation etc.. call at city office 1183 O street, or depot Cor. S and nth streets. The Hurting ton mute its no selling round trip ticket u Nan rrancleo at KVM. Oae way l-t) 00 Think ot It! Four thouand mile for ls than forty doltsrs. r or full Infor mation call at It. it M. dot vr city oftlO", corner H'lh and O Birtl. U. V.A. T A tiaw Bl m t la Hi Tsui saJ lb Ultkl NwlthWMI, .Hurt right, thero I hut oue d;rv.l tyiUm line. To leave Llucoln by nth or "ili I t h teruM of r ti ff Nurih trT (tne arvuM. tit )ou Url mtht ".Vr i WhU r ' by pur chaotng t'.'t.V; ol lu repri-wbUitu, A, . FWUleg City Ticket Agent ill 13th, bv. K. T. I'our st uiet wro atii I'.h aad H ttmt. C0ILSPBIN8SHAFTSUPP0BTS AND ANTI-RATTLE. Pawl aallkKf 0m aswwo. werai twase a Mfl. HMB, MM ltaf HO). 2 THE DECATUR SHAFT SUPPORT CO." Decatur, liu C? Rational . . . i rH BUSINESS COLLEQE.f: . i-A rv rwi ivT tr rfi frr rrt.r aV 64 OFFICE," KANSAS UITT, HO. Unit PTiLcttr! niixl nH Cnllrira in tba Wai. bborifaand. TrrwwrHlii', 3no-p 1. . 1 . t I ........... U v. n.Mk.in.l vbrMall. Three Iwmons frea. Kttnd lor our Bl'ECIAL SUMMKROFFtK. F. M. WOODS. Fine Stock Auctioneer. 203OSt., L-lpcolp, fleb FURNAS COUNTY HERD BIG BERK HOGS . ; h I AND 5 itetxwnm i ricisiein tauie. Tlilrty-nvewiw bred (or sprlns furrow, four iiiuli-B of Jiiue furrow itnu a lew lull lig Hi yrlcet lu suit trie lime. H. S WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Neb Hog Cholera Cured Gketna. Neb.. Nov. IS, '03.-I hore- bv certify that lienry Couibs operated on my hoes In Autrust last and since the operation 1 have never bad my hogs do so well. I believe it to bo a gooa pre ventative against all diseases. I also believe It to be to tuo intercut oi every hog raiser to try it as tho cost Is very llttlo. M. J. GIU.K8P1K. Address, IIenky Comua, lltb. and Uumlng St, Umana, Men. DR. MCCREW I the eolf SPECIALIST WBOTBXATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. WstR ExcluSed. IS rears eiperleooe. Vireiuare ire. 14th snd Famsm KU Omaha, Via. "Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Live Away" Is the title of a little book lust received, which tells all about NO-TO-BAC, tho wonderful, harmless, guaranteed to btrco hablt cure, sold by II. T, Clark Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb , agenu. riu I O-IJAC costs but a trine, ana a man who wants to quit and can't bad better call round, Ret a box of It, and start bit cure today; It Is sold under an absolute guarantee to cure. Get cepy of little book and road it; it will be sent free by mall, lfjyou address manulacturers, ''The Sterling Remedy Co No. 45, Randolph St., Chicago, 111 Tourists from Minnesota Peint. Commencing October 6th, a Tourist car leaves Minneapolis every Thursday morning and runs to l'ueblo and via Albert Lea to Columbus Junction, ar riving at 1107 p. m. and there connect with our C. It l. & r. tram No. 18 whloh will bold at that point for ar rival of the B. C. R. & N. train carry ing that car, and via Kansas City arrive at Pueblo second morales;. Beginning October 10th, Tourist car will feave Albert Lea every Tuesday morning and run via Minneapolis & St. Louis Ky . through Angus to Dcs Moines, arriving at night, and there lay over and be taken west on "Big Five" Fri day morning, and run via Omaha, Lin coln and Belleville to l'ueblo TO TRAVELERS Free Free Free Free. If you aro about to make a trip to north, northwestern Nebraska, the Black HU1 country or central Wyom ing, to points in the two Dakotas, to St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth, or points west on the I'aciilo lines, to any point in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North ern Illinois and Iewa, direct to Chicago the east and south, you can obtain free of charge at the city office, 1133 O St. or depot, corner 8th and S streets, of North West rn line, complete and re liable Information of all oonneetions, rates etc With 8000 miles of It own lines la the states named visitors to any of them can but serve their Interests by patronizing the Northwestern line. A. 8. Fielding, City Ticket Agt, 1133 O street. W. M. Shjpmah, Oen. Agt See that your tickets read via tht Missouri I'aolQo route for Ban Francisco, Cal. City ticket oBlce 1201 Q street. Use Northwestern line to Chicago Low rates. Fast trains. Offloo 1139 OSt The cheapest place for monuments Is at Goo. Natterman'a, 213 South Ninth St., Lincoln. Anyone can obtain f roe stiver liWa turo hv atl4rewln(t The ran-Am6l?a Hl-MttUlllo Association, lWqvr, Colo., ami enclosing postage for same. Ue North we tern line to Chtcir Liw rates. Kat train. On.oe UXi Tti Hut Ruriair. Ark . ami ri tnrn !.3.i via the MImmmii-I I'st tfti, rouw t,,r nth. t'aiittnrhu. n m., r r A T. A, ril O atrH i. Llocolu, Kv b t f.'i lit) ntiinil 'l iu tli-Kt hi Wan K'rn I'l nhi l.M .f th.a., I'll illf?..M.ikt roti'rs vt MlMurl I'iclfto. C'Uy k mm I AH O H'.. Llsft'rt. K.b Tb Chtcg I.nr.itJ (Paftyi Clirstotht? Niirlh'WuJttnrn Has un urs'i' i iu,i svrvlue ti CltWajo mA aUirn clll. A. K. r teMia,', tlty Tlrktft Atfcat, 117 So, lOth itnit I.Ia. tfdti, Neb, r. i i. r. 3 Lk'al- 45YA 5 8PMYt .Hi ft 1 p 1. of. w W 4.e..l.t. v Tjuik Aiim z: . t Kir(W-tr ft,)..?- , I 15 i If tit W "iT-tY .11 '.i 'f 1. Ir-.A pJ?& 1Imo um tu nM' U -if ' tt 'jiM suxl toll trnfttuMi v .'J kit, en m n . . . . tti THE KIRKW00D Steel Wind Engine Hm been la tne nine ltJSt. H H U PIOHEFIf STffl MILL ll BEAUT. SrHtHlTH, 0URA. BHITr, P0WE; I th OMl. 09111 lit mill (ur 7011 11 bUf. Thuau bv ttiftia I Our Steel fowej-a nve 4 angle corner pot. futxMullal um)I viru ami Sracci; not fotfe wire. Tbey re LIGHT, StRONil. SIMPIt CONSTRUCTION- WUfitt cbetl'W tu woimI will laat a Ufa lime t Our mill q1 towert an ALL STEEL and are FUbl.T GUARANTEED. Write for price sul circular). Ad'lrea. stenUnulng tht paixr. KIP.KWOOD VYIN3 llUl CO, ArKonaaaClty Kansas. Pearl Steel Mill A and Tower. Di r i SIMPLE. STRONG. DURABLE. Win run 20 year wtthjut nil. Wilt tuind thuin on 30 day' lad trial. sua ir not MJiuruciory to u pur chnitcr It in lie r'turnel to us and are na Iralahl both vita. Wn xlve llto UrmieM warranty Of artf company in tne uuMneas. ttro by protwtlntr you and your txj touittr HKuluot iom la cuim) ot aa BO'ldtmt. ' Write for full particulars snd priuieu muiier. AODNCSS BATAVIA WIND MILL CO., ataris, San Co., ui. $100 REWARD ellmlnsUt from the nyuin. Not by putting polMona lo, bill by pulling them out and killing till Konim. If yon have ever h4 private din-eaw-M, you have tahnn Mnrcury. Ariwulo, Cole lodldttaandotber Mineral Poisons, and you will never be younwlf k1b until yon bav theiu all pulled out. leave atrns thtii SUPaHloa to AV Hot raiaea. KheumallMin Oflfn CIKlO is TWO OA vs. CAHCSH HOVKI without ssirs. If you are notenjoylngKood bealtb, rail, or sddrs, wltb stamp. rf A. U. KllloKr, 8u6 Avenue A, Council Bluflit.ia. ttn- "iiU Be AlvanUfe It ! E- cntiai to 1 START RIGHT. If Going to Kansas Don't Call On Us, BUTIPOOINOTO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, 06K08H, SIOUX CITY ST. PAUL, DULUTH, , FEEMOHT, NORFOLK. CI1ADRON, HOT SrniNG&RAPID CITY, DEAD WOOD, Any point in the two Dakotaa or Central Wyommg, calf 011 ua, B u ui.HMluiai LlnorunniiMi Direct to rhc-Mi nd intwmcdiala point on point on lo Own T&1 ""I of road, it ll the BSt- W. M. BHIPMAIf, A. 8. riBLDIllll. (ien'l Ag-t City Tkt. Airt. 1 1 7 lo. I Oth St , Lincoln, Neb. Depot: Corner S and 8th street. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND Great Rock Island Rodti liuirrn yfry ... i . TO THE EAST. IEST DIMM CAR SERVICE 11 TKEWORLt The Hock Island Is foremost In adopt In? any advantage calouiated to Int prove potd and give that luxury, mfciy atiil comfort thst pttpular ratrvese tit maud. It rqulpmenl ( trorotighlt eontpletrt wllh vtlitm!wl tratn. my nlficvtit dlnlair c1. sliH'tn-rs aad rUalr cowh, all thu nti)t t K-gaut, and ' rtntl Imprtvi4 ptwrii. Wiful nd cajmbh mt.a meet and llu), ,"ni't s'rvl frt.nt w. p!t ai linwtnl ltn. Thy at a Ooar'e dsi'y- 1 1 the rrtpBy a ) t trv dfr a'l H l "' I i-- a ti tl'ltlt'tt't nlietmut I !- n g rt!i iv tln will nn i luttj iu It" tttntu'AUl t'w ttt Kriii'U. 'tr fall parttcu ara t tlo t, mt-, rat' . fly U any ettti tU v otf r In ttv I'e'trd tfiWi, CaatH or Mih or a.ldvva: JStl SUIAhTIAM, txa ll'at. A l . i ar. uitM. ba i si:", oatc(A la. tl t a .. I - L KM! , , :injr hit 1 .. .... I LJs w tdUa Illillllfiiin