' - TIIK WEALTH MAKEIIS. April 5, mJ THE SIT 'If It BEGUN LESSON V MB. VOORHEES STARTS THE BALL ROLLING. THE BILL STRQKGLY DEFEIDZD. rka fleet That Coald Be Agreed I'poa I mhv tha preeeat Condition-Tha f'rottwtlva fy.teiu Keverely noanred Ths fncone Tat f'rorleloa Warmly I'pbrld Appointment. Wahiiinotok, April 3. Tbe tariff tebat io the annate began at 2 o clrx fli i afternoon, Mr. Voorhwn arising arold an Impressive scene and calling vp the senate measure. T Im n he mod tbe oprnlnif address. "Tbe protective system of tariff taxation a developed ana jsswnea fiiKin the business and laWr of the American people, especially durinjr the third of ft century punt, growing worn at every st&ffe, la a system of Indescribably Injustice and oppres sion; and yet who will contend that all Its vicious principle and workman, ramified ax they are through every branch of trade and commerce, can be annihilated by a single blow, or totally wiped out ty a single. Icjfihlit tive enactment. Tor the bill now under consideration, no such claim is made, but in Ha behalf ran be truthfully asserted, and 4:an be successfully inuintained, that it accomplishes a vast work In the field of tariff reform, embolic a great relief to the people from iniquitous existing burdens, and constitute a lonjr stride, though not a final one tow anl the approaching day of a full and jtcrfect deliverance. Kir, I challenge the attention of the aenate and tbe country to the great and commanding fuel that by pro vision of this bill the seeming para dox of a reduction of taxes unit at the same time an Increase in public re vo mica will be reconciled when It be coiricN a law." Mr. Voorheea referred to the reduc tions of 170,000,000 in duties, esjiecittl ly on woolen inunufiiet ures and addi tions to the free list and to the further ' fact that the bill, while relieving the jsfoplt! also provides for a full and ample revenue and declared that the iiteusurn would tie the rock n which the temple of tariff reform would be built. He then referred briefly to the concessions nt'cessii ry and apologized for some of them. Then he attacked the dicta torial trusts and combines and scored the McKiuley law as iniquitous in every way, doing no good to the musses and resulting in reductions of wuges in even the uioat highly favored Industries. Mr, Vcmrbeea defended the ad va lorem system and then declared that a moderate duty on sugar bad always been a staunch revenue support of the government and relieved other arti cle of even higher necessity in the economy of life. He attacked the sugar bounty system as a mere gratu ity taken from wheat, corn and grain raiser and laborer of all kinds to benefit a class. He declared for an ven higher tax on whisky, but in dorsed the proposed schedule. Of the wool Hchedulo Mr. Voorheea said that he could not believe that free wool would be anything but a blessing to the farmer; he would not vote for it but be was sure that It would result in general benefit Speaking of the proposed income tax, which he warmly applauded, Mr. Voorheea said: "The proposition contained In the pending bill to levy a tax of two per cent on all net income of corpora tions and of individual in excess of $4,000 per annum Is bo lust and equita ble toward the hard working tax payer of meager resources throughout the entire country not a word in it defense or explanation would ftccm necessary hero or anywhere else, ltut the narrow and corroding selfishness of riches has been arroused by this simple measure of justice into fierce resentment and contention. We hear on all hands the dictatorial voice of individual and corporation wealth demanding that it ahull not be dis turbed by the demands of the slight st touch of the tax gatherer, what ever may lie the demands of the gov ornment or the oppression of the toil ing masse. "For uo earthly consideration would I paint an unjust or over wrought picture of the dangerous pretensions and intolerable arrogance of accumulated weulth now manifest in this country, but speaking in the fear of my Maker f devoutly be lieve the limit of endurance has been reached, that the time has come for ft test to bo in ado between 1 he power of hoarded money and the power of productive labor; that the people from this time forward, mare than ever before, will organize and take rapid and hernia measure against the eoutinued and brutal dictation of plutocracy, against the paramount in fluence of wealth, against the rule tud supremacy of the rich in thnplng ih Infernal policy of this government it heir own interest. H TAYLOR GETS THERE. 11m tlurd Haataa Appelated H.sl.Uf t ttoad af tha ItUlrttt. Wasiiirmton, April 3. The presi dent to-day sent tha following tmiuluu ttons to the tviiate: Thorn K. lUMir.Ili-t of New York to l public printer, James IL Yeoiuans of lima to ititeststa I'oinutervr coiuii(ilniier, Andrew Jackson Kawyer of Nebraska attorney f.r the district of Ncbraxku; i II. J, Taylor of Kaiita. colored, reorder cf deeds In th Ihstt Wlof t'tdttmbia; Unhat.l M. Kurke of 1Mb tils et.nml at t h'hushua, AN IDITOR fQH bNATOR. I'aUktb Walt 'fee tag rtMt W'ttw Mr, .4mi at'e Art kbts, tie., April i . t, ! i Northsd this tuortilu apx!nt d Vt tbk Wsklt, idUo 'f the j,miu t hlinlrlti, M'ftSMMT to itevtvil lite lt ,Vr t tol4eltt, Masks. OFFICERS STATE ALLIANCE. President. W. I Dale. Atlanta. Vh Pres., Prof. W. a. Jon, Hasting. Sweaetary, Mrs. 1. T. Kia. Hartwell. Treasurer. James Cameron, Heaver City. J H Poweie. stats Lecturer. Cornell. W. r. Wright, State Organiser Alliance Aid Bethany, Neb. Kxacrms cghmitti Chairman, I. N. Leonard, Lincoln E. aodermao, Certrand. I. W Young. Wilson vllle. C. M. Lemar, Waboo. I. M. Dimmlck, Macon. A Letter Prom Lecturer Power. ' Cornell. Neb., March 31, "94. Editor Wealth Makbrh: Bko. Gibson: I bve neglected writ ing you for gocd wbilt or tbe reason that my dutiei i state loeturer of tbe P. A. & I. U. are such to occupy mj whole time. Since my last to yon I have visited eight counties, held thirty- two meetings, reorganized ten Alii anccs, nnd made arrangement in most of the counties visited to bave the work of reorgaoi.ing systematically attended to. I am just commencing another 'series of appointment, a list of wblca I here with tend with the request that you will publish If you bave not already done so- Yeu will notice bat one, the first, date Is glvea for each county, though three day are assigned to each. I trust Alli ance friends In each county will com plete the dates and appointments and notify tbe state secretary as toon at possible. AIT01KTMENTH FOB APK1L. April 2-4, Sunshine, Lincoln county. " 5 7tb, Grant, Perkint " " 9-11 th, May wool, Frontier " " 12-Hib, Milton, Gosper " " 10 18ih, Loornls, 1'helps " " 19-21 th, Kim Creek, Buffalo " Z Zi, Wood lllver, Hall " 20-27ih, Hansen, Adams ". Friends of the Alliance in these counties will pleaso fill out the appoint monts giving the hour of tbe day In eactlcase, and notify the state secre tary, Mm. J.T. Kellie, Hartwell, Neb., as soon as possible so she can Inform me of the same. Friouds of the cause will please re member that on account of thu financial condition of the state treasury the lec turer will get nothing for his services except what Is voluntarily contributed on bis field of labor. J. H. To WEBS, State Lecturer. Our Alliance Heoretary'a Corres pondence. Washington, I). C, Marah 2:5, '04. Deau Madam; 1 am glad to know that the organization of the Alliance is being pushed, and I sincerely hope wiih great success. Tbe Alliance is the cradle of the People's party and it ought not to be permitted to go down. 1 will be glad to bear from you at any time you Bee fit to write. With very great rerpect, I am, Very truly yours, Wm. V. ALLEN. Columbia, S. C, March 20, 'ill. l)KAlt Madam: Your lavor of the l.'lth instant received. As you are so far away I fear you will not be able to make an exchange of pioduce with our paoplo that would be eatisfactory unles it could be done lu large quantities, that ly, by car losd. We could get vou fruit and rice in Charleston. As to our sell ing your products if jou lot us know what kinds you allude to, if tbe freight will allow us to do so, we will take great pleasure in doing anything tor) the brethren in your ttate. We will be piesed to serve you at any time. Very truly and fraternally, D. P. Duncan, Sec-Trcas., N. F, A. & I. U. Litchfikli, Neb., March 21, "94, Am very much obliged to you for the interofct you manifest in try i jg tj help tue In our store deal, and au other thing you spoke of in a former letter that strikes uio very forcibly and favorably, that is in regard to the orIer owning the mortgaged farms of lt members, I wish the idea could be iiiad practicable, for I can plainly tec that if present conditions continue to exist it Is only a matter of a short time until all the laud In the United States will be owned by the moneyed power of this country and F.urope, and we farm er will be living under the landlord system. It seems strange that more of the farming and laboring class cannot e bow things are going with them. Yours fraternally, J. K M. The Oltt Party Pre Lisa. S t nr. ti ClTV. Nsb., Mar. 27, HiM. fcdllor WisLTtt Maukiw: Home'ttues my hi art fails mo when 1 see the combination! of wealth and power that confront u in our sttuggts ta give the laborer tad producer Lis jutt rr, and 1 k my sett what shall prvU 4jilnt this vast body of rich and powerful slave tu r? And as I count It tower and me ur lisorm-Ms bulwark bcultd which tlhd all the artfted opprt ssors, my ey tfaixUd by It gerut and gotdj a 0111 wu aa.iHt!Bt ti r now many Ju daws stand rjdy L mil us I r Uths Ulrty pliers per hrad. It Is like tha old lrht1dr mIU his Chltdrsw bf lUf nulbr lata )rplnal bul ftitj, AH the world otr there are 4tlmii and tlarlf thlsgt-thlofs wnlca totes tbeamlnt oa our seas, which dazzle our eyes and stun our cart, thiniji that are sten; but tide by side with them there are sliest, lurking forces that never disclose themselves to the eye, and these are by far the more retl and lasting of tbe two. What strength shall ever best down these freedom-destroying combines backed by inexhaustible wealth, com bines which laugh at justice, honesty tad purity. But bave I not named tbe forces which shall ruin them? Shall not freedom, purity and justice, these Invisible forces which they laugh to scorn and utterly ignore, ruin them? That they will come to grief sooner or later there can be no doubt. I can point to one cause which will, give It time enough, overthrow all their deep laid schemes, and that is this, their press, the subsidized goldbug press tells ilea about everytblng.omitting no chance to lie in tbe interest of its owners and patrons. When the great rcais of the people become convinced of this, there will be an upheaval, and tbe people are finding that out every day; and when the confidence of any one Is destroyed it takea yean of righteous living to re store it again. The vices of our rulers bave almost destroyed tbe Uepublic, But the virtue of tbe people will (God helping) restore it. But I don't want to make this too long, to let me tay to very Populist brother that honesty, purity, love and freedom never bave to great a chance to become the main spring of our existence as when the per son Is filled with a communion with God In Christ. Yourt for liberty or death. W. II. Crank. Organizing the lodustral Legion. A strong Industrial Legion wts or ganized In North Piatt on the 21st, con sisting of representative men from near ly all portions of the county who Intend to take hold of the work with energy and organize every precinct in the county. An able lecture bureau has been established which is expected to ar,it largely in keeping things boiling until after election. At a meeting of the Lincoln County Industrial Legion, tbe following per sons were elected as members of tbe League Lecture Bureau: J K Stevens D H McNcal L Stebbint Wm Beatty David Weidner BenSeUler (I W Applegate A K Hill (Jeo Pulley K K Erlcksou John McMichacl J A. Speer Mrs J A Spoer K A Stone Geo RatliU Charles Kilmer Sid Mang Wm La Hue Mr Beaver Jam Light D.wid Potter K Arundale I'erry Mllligan M N Holcomb J. K Utockton .1 C Campbell D McNIchol, Sr J G Heeler Geo Hooker Geo S Duffleld John Gutherlees Joe Trldle The local Legions are requested to select suitable persons as lecturers from their membership and forward their names to L. Stebbins, at North Platte, for enrollment. It is designed that tbe lecturers here named and those that may be hereafter selected, shall interchange visits with other local Legions and be prepnrtd to talk at all meetings. By order of Camp No. 1. Lincoln Co. Industrial Legion. L. P. Dkebv, 1.. Stfhuins, Adjt. Uapt. Mr. Denver ltlse to Itemark. Omaha, Neb., March 2(1, 1814. Editor Wealth Makers: I think the good people of this state should do all la their power toassist the party to success in Oregon in June, and If a few of our best speakers could go there for a f aw week's it might be of great beneht to them and in case that state is carried by our party it would greatly encourage many in this state. If the voters of this state will send a little money to the committee In Oregon to help ttiem for their Juno campaign I am suro It would be sending money for a good cause. The people are dissatisfied every where, and if they can hem the true doctrines of political emancipation they are now r I pa to accept the tame, Dur ing a weeks visit in Missouri I have learned that the mmisors of our party are now getting the notice of the voters there, tnd very few of the old time DomocraU euJorte Cleveland. One thing Is nneouraglng, and that is that the Souther states will never go Ke publican, but wtten tbe chatge it made it will be to the lVpaluta. Missouri Is a strong silver state, arid I do not think that John Soevelaad tnd G rover ther mae, will gt endorsed whta the state convention meets. The ous thing that amused me while there was the fact that the administrate n Democrats of Missouri are tr;ttig to make the voters think that tho People's party is a It publican msettiee. How dltTsrsut up in thts sat where ltpubllon a(Tct to believe the IVopls't party It a 1uh c ratio machine! Hut never snlad about that; the fact U, the grand new parly Is a rnavblreto down both ol I parti, and It will fill tu HiftalOU. The wards ol Mrs. Hoberi. la yuur tail wafer, ire la ntj opt alow true wtta she Mjs, "We niul have Irife silver or t-v fl,U;w for U does out went rrftKtnaM Li ixottho hoU U Starr without rUtace. , U tasking sugtkiat tor caad'vla'c th cotulug fall campatgtt OM tbe its s mrttioaud la your editorial, I vsuld tugfsst tbe aatae of George A, Abbett, ' To tbe land of Bed Applet via the Missouri Pacific route Feb. 1st, for one fare for the round trip good 30 days. Call on Phil Daniels, C. P. & T. A. 1201 O ttreet Lincoln. Neb. mm mm op m Oiic Dry Goods. (c. Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard wide for 7c. Staple check Ginghams, the best, - 8c. nice dress styles, Gingham - - - 10c. " " " 7c. Indigo blue calico, the best, 8c. Outing flannel .... Shawls. $1 00 Summer Shawls for 1 25 " 2 25 44 - 1 25 black Cashmere Shawls for 1 50 " " 3 00 " 5 00 " Shirts and Pants. 35 and 40c. working shirts for (JOc PiXtra heavy shirts for 50c Black Satine Shirts for 1 00 Striped Pants for - 50 44 " 1 75 44 - - Hats and Caps 3 00 Gents Stiff Hats for 2 25 to 3 00 Soft Hats for 1 50 1 00 50 44 (50 Childs Caps for -iCALL AT ONCE! And Get Some of the Bargains. 921 0 STREET. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. LINCOLN. apd Fkowep g g o.S We have a very choice line r Ofaued oaLM anil niila nwi. L? " "Send for deHcripuve cata- 2 CO., Lincoln, Neb trill .v. i.i.i, nr.n.i, of Falls City, as aa honest, able man who would, In my opinion, ba a pood candidate for any office In the gift of the people of Nebraska. He is a gocd campaigner. Yours truly, D. Clem Deavhr. The National Organizer's Dates. Bethany, Neb., March 19, 1894. Editor Wealth Makeks: lion. Alonzo Wardall, national or ganizer of N. P. A. & I. U. snd Alliance Aid, assisted by W. V. Wright, state organizer, will hold from two to three meetings with the AUlaucos In open meetings In tbe following counties, t orn menclng in Richardson county, April ltiih, tU: Ills 2 H IrhsrdMin 0 J. 1 sit'g Jefferson Co uiMUnga Niiii1i 3 Ihitjrer a hum S " Ullmors M " ("art - - Saline - Snundsm S Sia ' Uncwutf ' I YorS ' I " Juhum " " lUmlllou' 8 ' Msg I " I " Dates will be made and published later, Itllls will be seat to thoroughly adrertlse tbe meetings In each cceaty. Al1 lance members, wake up, and pre pare fur thse meeting. W. F. Wkiuiit, State DrK'auUi-r. HIieriMaM IHtHHijr Alliaece Mseilai. hoermaa Cuuoty Alliance will moct tin t'rlda; April Uth at I o'clock m., at Uip City for a two days aesslua. We sipoO W bave mhi gtxid spvaktng and dlsDUasLiB and a f vnsral kimmI time. We would I've as many tl lie mmUrs as cmuld coavsalsatiy tube with us Your fisWroally, JAMSS) K Mt'HHAV, Hue, Co. AUiauce. Tj Urn Aiigska, I'aUf raia, .'0 W for Brs clae Uokut tla kMmtuurl IVte ret. CVf tU let tillloo ,V O Slrwt, , Uneota, Kelt, SEISPgSSStslW CITY, w F0H TilE NEXT TEN DAYS r Following H Bargains 4Jc 8.4c. Lad fast black Hose for 15c. 25c. 44 35, 50 and (30c. colored 25 British 8 Mens heavy Socks for 'J8 75c. Bed Spreads for 1 00 Bed Spreads for 1 25 Bed Spreads for 80 00 20 40 00 $3 50 Patterns 3 95 Patterns 4 95 Patterns 25c 50 39 75 1 25 1 40 Shoes and Slippers. 75c. and II Childs Kid Shoes l"s to 7's for $1 o 3 1 50 and 75 Infant Slippers, a Job, -5 oo Gents Cordovan and Kangaroos - 1 50 2 00 1 00 69 4 oo Gents Kangaroos 3 5o Gents Dongola and Calf oo and 2.2? Buff a.) 1 50 Buff - 1 2; and 1 so Grain Leather, heavy FRED. SCHMIDT, NEBRASKA. FRUIT TREES. and plants of varieties that will beat fruit lnNebraska,as evidenced by 13,00q bushels of apples and 800 bushels of cherries grown in one season in or chards of Crete Nurseries! Large stock of FRUIT TREES and PLANTS, SHADE and FOREST TREES suited to Nebraska. Tbe ex perience and advice of the proprieior who is President of the State Horticul tural Society will be found safe ad use ful to all. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor respond at once before extreme rush opens. Address, E. F. STEPHENS, Propr,. Crete. Neb. MONEY IN POTATOES AND BEANS. Olven Vrm. A on iHi(atM snl Iwrii rtiltiire IkIIIiik how to iir'iir Hi nil, whea to I'lant, huw io yUut, how uculU vsie. orvm, an., hii given in dotsll. Ai-o decrl)ilon chiaIukhh uuil ju Iob lint ol four choice vnrlcilo l poinioTt, Klveof the Imi klnd ol seed nil ii. Thrve of choic ktmU o( mmh! com Thrwi of rhnlrmt kinds of ttold bn Ktki j fnrmr should hire this painpb let. I'leune tul tump ko par poetatte. A 'IHOM4H, Htngtmiu d., Iowa Alfalfa Seed Cane, Mlllel Smd, Kaffir, lilt, and Jerusalem Cora Yellow and White M Uu Malse, all grown In i.t't. For 1'ilwt. Address, McBKTtl KtNNISON. uatdsit Ctiy, Kss. i : V. V.MM MnS k K ntlllhxi. II ' .''". Mle M H r. VaieM COM M CVtaiawkis Sulltii!. I.il attfttt .taN. eiinifc ttol.a4 isst 111- r. ISSION 2 s E1HIG mil Hosiery. 10 19 23 15 - 5 Bed Spreads. 80 98 Embroidered Dress Patterns for for for 75 and 2 Misses Kid Shoes, 10's to 2s, for 00 and $2 25 Lad Kid Shoes for - -00 and 3 50 Dongolo Kid Shoes for - -25 Misses Slippers for 2 50 1 rnuiTi em hit csi cu , enn ax its a f. luirnornrt iV A ... w-fawv ..NOW.. lilrLOWERINQ ...BULBS... C. L. Allen In hie Hook on uiui.iniuii.ipiy at uie rate or 200 BULBS per in 1 year, and other authotitiett confirm thU sti uumU At the very niod:r.le Increfwe of 25 bi ..... K..1I. i AA HI Afllnl -1 i -i ,i.t uuiui " .ii.iiiivui jiii.i i iii, in IB jriii v. i produoe 2 Millions of 'Milbom 5 Yearsor SMII' ill 6 Years 1 1 muHirted in mloni thov wlmlmulo yeur at an average of 120 per 1000 1 1 Any bo; Kirl can grow them without trouble. FOR $1.50 we Rend by mail or express prepi 100 of these PROLIFIC GLADIOLI 60 for $1.00; 25for50CLs.; 12for25( Warranted bloom inn eize.with Damuhlet veril above statement and other valuable partict WealfloHendforSI. ISOasfurtedSuoimerFio Ing Bulbs, including many rare sorts not to be elsewhere, hardy climbers, Li Ilea, etc., enougl, garuen or jit duids for eu wts.: 10 for 10 Cta., all potit-pald. SSUOgi' 2 Catalogues of Bulbs, Plants I Book on Cacti, 116 pages, 1 60 engravings, I i wactus Plants, si; o for 50 CU. A. Blanc & Co.- " Philu DONT SUICIDE. Da. West's Specific for Mental Depremlon, Nei 1 VoiuneM, iTl;klIM!r A ProothMrTiiii, J Ixmof Vitalit.r,lniwtenee,etc. Invaluable. Ttfjnl- V7 wainuiRtun nirwi, uoaum, i SUNSHINE KRV'IT AND KLOWERi Cheap Rates to Caltfomis via the Union Pacific Railway Situ Francisco, Us Anjreland Inter- raeduio plnt. First clu.s one way, 121 Round trip, good f.ir sixty la,v', r&.lQ. Full loforiusllon cheerfully ' glvn at eliy tlckot oRloe, 'Oil o ir t. E. 11 Sl.Or.HOX, ,1. T. i AHTIN', ieoral Ajfent. City Ticket Ageul. I toltl you sft! IJ0 00 flrtt class' far to San Franclsoo, Cat., via Missouri f s- rlflo route. Call on clt llcliet asenl. OflW 1201 ) 8t , Llnmiln, Neb. iL .1i"y.ft,.1ti Sl4. l ulial M.t t. 1 .1 . Si ll I la lh u,m fKta Unu, k. fa ty 9 AO Ksrnu IV BniLr. w 1 ! y lt- Mt,.,at lit V Mil II sul. r . r iKatxIttl? M.twr.e hh at i kfc la C klnt, , Itbisrmnn Drnthorsi - ' ' W ST 1 w I a at,, HMt ttuta (