The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, April 05, 1894, Image 1

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lntnrvealoir bet wen now and
lliauaU ij IVoplr'iiVendiit State
ti'UTeiiira ilia iuu nu ,g viuujiib wm
hi open to W Popultirteivhe ttla pro-
noun i-andld&ta forth liokut of W. and (or
United Statin Hauator, and to.xhow ronton (or
inniviuuai preiarenfta. w nnu not nav
upacefor anything more than name and brlf
r-aons for to cunir raaao, Dwnu-te w winii
I hear (rom a rrai many. Lkt no mam hk
oh If any nuadulaiM HMMtn to txi leading
whom our rcadura cannot conftclaatlonaiy aup
pert, by a'l bdh Im ua know why they are
KtiemioiiMly obJacUtd to. Hut let u reapectoue
unolur r'a vlawa, ar. Id anything teed I UK to
dlnharmony If It be ponlbl without Bucrillce
hi (jiiuuijiieH, ana ncarwiiiinKiy tnoHa wno uir
rT with um. "la a multitude of nounaalors
tbr uafaty." But with mny to bnar from
arcu niuit oe tiriei. Editor wbal,th makkhh.j
Krigerton, Dech and MuKelirban
STRAltOW, Neb., March 24, !.
Editor Wealth Makers:
la reply to your request of the 22nd,
Inst., "Let us Exchange our Views,'"
can say I favor the following gentle
men: for Governor, Mr, Joe Edgertonof
irund Island; for Lieutenant-Governor,
Mr. Wm. C. Dech, of Ithaca: for U. S.
Henator, Mr. Wm. A. McKelfhan of
Red Cloud. P. P. Welch.
Weir and GafHn Proponed.
Ukainakd, Neb., March 28, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Enclosed find $1.00 to pay my sub
scription another year for your paper,
which I esteem very highly.
In regard to fusion, never. Stay in
the middle of the road. The old parties
are fastening the ropes around their
own neoks. -Let them alone.
In regard to our standard bearer?, I
would suggest Mayor Weir lot first
place, and J. N. Gaffln for second.
Yours for the rights of humanity,
S. M. Darnell.
Want Deaver for U. 8. Senator.
Omaha, Neb., March 20, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I have read your editorial under tbe
heading, "Let us Exchange Views," and
believe you have hit upon a good plau
and oae which will enable the rank and
tilo of our party to bring forward good
unci available candidates.
In this connection I wish to suggest
the tame of our energetic state chair
man, D. Clem Deaver, as a fitting suc
cessor to the goldbug, Cleveland dor
ing Senator, C. F. Maadereon. Mr.
Deaver Is a strong man and one who
would reflect credit upon Nebraska, and
with our gallent Senator Allen would
make a team of which Nebraska could
well be proud. Respectfully,
E. M. Shaw.
.Milieu and Gaflin Nominated.
DODGE Co., Neb., Mar. 25, '94.
Editor Wealth Makers:
I am glad you have opened your col
umns to us for a discussion of available
candidates on tho next Populist ticket
to be voted for in November. In my
judgment we should give the preference
when we may choose to new men, or
men who have not several time been
before the people as candidates for
otlicts. We should he careful to choose
men of unblemished character, men
whose private life will bear tho turning
on of a political search-light. We must
hv candidates unquestionably quali
fied (or the positions we wish them to
till. We must have men who have not
been leaders of factions In the past,
snen who can command the hearty si'p
loi I of all elements la the party. We
must hare men who have subscribed
heartily and enthusiastically to our
national platform of principles.
We have plenty of such men In oui
own ranks to choose from. Permit me
to name as uiy choice two men to lead
our ticket. Fur Governor, Prof. Win,
A. Joa of Adtmi county. For Lieut,
ournor I loo. James N, Gallia of
Saunders eouuty. John Smith.
ltl.tat4 Plww Holder's. Tk a,
Piluer, Nsb., Maroh 27.
Muor Weamii Maikm;
I any tliuo Is out Marvh 2ed, but
Juntstuu the pasor, I wilt iy and
eud fuu t'u It U Ulf W be a
mjtwlar bus taw, tUhwu!4 be la th
tad f avery wealth maker.
Tim article 4ia i0, Mtuh 2-84.
"Lsll's KUhaif Ykt," out lu
f l iuuk, u aura tu$ fwi a tkktt;
tr sjovc.hur, A. K. Weir of Laeua
tar sodati' lUiitaaeat g overaur, II. It,
MUVe tf Wyt eouatj; iweivtary vt
state, D. F. Allen of Cass county; audi-
tor J. t, Cornell of Richardson county;
treasurer, J. H. Powers of Hitchcock
county; attorney-general, J. M. Ragan
of Adam county; commissioner public
lands and buildings, W F. Wright of
Lancaster county; superintendent of
public instruction, A. d'Allamand of
Furnas county; for congress, Third dis
trict, John M. Devlne of Colfax county,
If anybody can make a better ticket
lets hear from them. This ticket Is
made at theOfflce of a "bloated ploi
bolder," No. 1770 Brimstone Alley,
IJoodletown, State of Starvation, In tbe
sixth year of the reign of G rover, the
hangman Democrat for revenue only.
I am with you for success.
Fraternally yours,
W. B. G. Wells.
View of a Clay County Populist
Fairfield, Neb., Mar. 27, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Our state officers for the next two
years must be Populists of the best
breed, without any fusion or foolishness
Men who will work for the best interest
of the people when elected. We need
no change in two of our Congressmen,
Kem and McKeighan, unless it be on
account of ill health. But as to Meikle-
john, we want no cuckoos for Nebraska.
Mercer and Ilalner stands at tbe pie
counter too much of their time praying
for some crumbs to fall on them.
Nebraska wants more Allen men, in
Washington and must have a House and
Senate that will put aaotherthere with
out fail. Bryan is too much like a young
hickery sprout; ho wants to bend to fit
every party and fits nobody; so unless he
can fit our party we had better let the
Democrats elect him if they can. Aifor
Clay county we are all right, and will
make the fur fly this fall.
Yours for success,
J. W. McReynolds.
Mr. Hwlgart's Choice of Men.
Lincoln, Neb., March 31, '4,
Editor Wealth Makers:
In response to your request to name
some men for candidates this lall I will
say that I am a Peter Cooper, middle
of the road Populist in principle, and
unalterably opposed to fusion of any
sort. If the scramble for office is all
the political sense some of our pro
fessed Populists have, the sooner we cut
loose from them the better. It will hi
for the good of our common country.
While it is necessary to elect officers to
offices who have the Omaha platform
indellibly stamped in their whole make
up, we want to know that each can'
didate is a "middle of the road man."
When we talk of fusion with Demo
crats or Republicans we are laying
aside our grand and glorious God-given
principles as enunciated by the plat
form. I will name men for at least a part of
the state offices, and if the party should
nominate these men I am sure we will
not have to blush when our ticket is
referred to by any member of cither
wing of the Democratio-Republloan
corporatloa-rldden Morton and Thurs
ton combination. M choice Is:
For Governor, Senator W. F. Dale or
Speaker J.N. Gffini Lieut. Governor,
Senator H. O, Stewart, J, H. Powers or
A, J. Gustln; Treasurer, J. H. Kdmli
tin; Attorney General, J. M. Reagan;
Secretary of State, Mart Howe. For
U. 8. Senator I would luggent Prof.
Wm. A. Jones.
J. Y. M.Swujart.
Ilarruwe Named fur Uoveraor
biiKLiiY, Neb., March 2, '1I.
Editor Wealth Makers:
la your editorial Inviting opinions as
to the beat ansa for the official positions
to be filled neit November, you well
say that next to "a good honost pla'
form," as a condltloa of success, Is "inert
as standard bearers who Incarnate our
principle and are qualified t i enact
and execute the laws we eatl fur," la
ur first gubernatorial rarapelge, with
aa tBthualaun at hot a it was non
Uaeous, we nominated John Powers, a
suaa whuwaaid ! the very embodi
ment of the pi Incluloa we prwfes.
The rvs dt was that the raak aed file
of W party euUreJ Into that cam
lfc'tt with an lonett eothualaatn
which carried everything Mure
P.; aad w i'klift thai we !ate4
fclm governor, la tur aeit raotpatga,
through the questionable tactics of
some of our leaders, John Powers was
was turnsti down and we nominated a
man who did not thoroughly "lacaraate
our principles," but who, wo were told,
would catch outside votes. The result
was that the ardor of soma of the truest
Independents of the state was cooled,
many of our men refused to vote for
him and we lost the election.
I hope in the coming campaign we
will not nominate any man who Is un
der the least suspicion of being shaky
on any plank of tbe Omaha platform, or
whose affiliation with us oan be traced
to any other cause than a hearty, un
equivocal belief In our principles.
In response to yonr Invitation I will
name a man for Governor who not only
"incarnates our principles" In himself,
but who by his untiring energy, unsel
fish devotion, and great executive abili
ty did more to "incarnate those princi
ples" In a new and powerful political
party than any hundred men of this
state- a man who ha Uhmvil Inner nndU)U"uu m fr"w J":' ' "rac
earnestly uy tongue ana pP..-
personal sacrifice, througitfood and
evil report for tbe success otodslal and
political reform a roan who by bl$ un
compromising adherenco to men, mas
uresand methods of real refoprv hM
made enemies among tbe less e)ru
ious. dui wno nag me ucqnaunea conn
dence and esteem of all honest IndV
pendents who know tho value of Lis
faithful labors In our cause. That man
l Jay Burrows of Lincoln, than whom
no truer nor abler Independent and re-
forme r breathes tbe air of Nebraska.'
Yours for every honest and capable
man booes'Iy nominated by the majority
of our party. R. W. Inskss
Hon. Harney Johnston's Good Advice
Howe, Neb., March 24, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makeiis:
I notice in your Issue of 22 Inst, an ln
vitatlon for men to send in for publlca-
tlon the names of their preference for
tbe various state offices. I have no
names in my mind now to send in, but
desire to say thai we can't afford to
make any mistakes, but must have an
al solutcly clean ticket from top to bot
tom, and especially for governor; for as
goes governor, so goes the whole ticket.
Ho must bo a level-headed man who
will make no bad breaks of any kind
a man whose standing and integrity,
morally and politically, will bear the
closest scrutiny clear back to his cradle
a man of such ability whether known
or unknown as will develop when he
comes before the people a man who is
a PopulUt from principle from the
heart whose whole soul Is wrapped up
In the idea that no relief can come to
the oppressed people of this nation
from any other source a man who is so
unselfish that he is willing to lay him
self and all friends on the altar.
Looking for such a man who will fill
tho bill let us not regard men or sec
tions of the state.
It may be remembered that whon we
went into cauous at Lincoln last winter
to nominate a man for U. S. senator I
asked the members ot tho legislature to
do this thing, to bury averthlng under
our feet, only to nominate tbe best man
for the plane. That nlurbt Allen was
nominated and elected and none of us
feel today that we made any mistake.
This Is the true spirit, and when we
meet In convention in this spirit, stand
ing upon Invincible principles, ami
wlU an Invincible spirit we will make
no mistakes and will be Invtnolble be
fore the people. Take time, lie care
ful and remember we have the whole
state to pick from, Let every man do
his d'tty-lhe people expect It Ced
demands It. II. J. Johmhton.
Every farmer and villager must have
good rltable vehicles aed earnest for
work and pleasure, guallty and rlu
Is what counts every time, and every
shrewd buyer will buy here hs can get
the beat goods fr the least tnonwy,
Tee two latportaal quail Ho have
bea the prime factors la dtrM:llnj
Ihouaaads ot ordr the past )ar to the
Atllanu Carriage LVt., of Cincinnati, U.
They oUhu to hare sold wire good In
Wa than any ether Carriage Factory
la the werld. If you have aot aire! for their catalogue
'D'1 ywti cat
lave It for the aktag.
Subscribe for Tan Wealth MaKitu
An Interesting Letter (rom I lie Na
tlonal Beuretary,
People's Pauiy Hbadcjuaktekh, J
Washwuton, D. C , Mch. 24, '94. f
In Senator Peffer report on Agrl
cultural Deor' sion we find the follow
log taken from the "New York World"
of Dec. 3, 1893. Contrast this display of
royalty with the condition of wealth
producers. Tho sceno was at the open
Ingoftbe seasoa at tho Metropolitan
Opera House in New York. Hero it is
'With the turning on of the electric
light, flashes ot many hues scintillated
from tbe tiaras and necklaces worn by
society's queens, for Monday nlgbt was
a veritable blaze of diamonds. Tbe
wearers displayed themselves in the
cushioned, padded and silk lined boxes
much as casket Jewels are shown in the
stores. Somebody has figured up that
twenty-five hundred millions of dollars
are possessed by the men who own the
iayeisooiine same inclination csil
mated that in the two rows of boxes last
Monday night 119,000,000 worth of jew
els were displayed by the occupants.
flowing that at lest (10,000,000 worth
U ) re scattered over tho remaining part
lu the house, for diamonds were in pro
fusion In tbe orchestra and many gems
were noticed as high up as tbe family
circle, that would make altogether
rough estimate of at least 120,000,000
worth of diamonds la tbe general dls
The New York World of March 21st
gives a description of tho efforts being
put forth in tho East by the bunkers,
members of Commerce, Ac, to bring
pressure to bear on Cleveland to veto
the Seigniorage Bill.
Tbe New York chamber of commerce
appointed a committee of .eighteen
bankers and millionaires to come to
Washington by special train to inform
the president that he must veto this
Tbe sound money convention of com
mercial organizations also took action
by issuing a circular requesting all con
stituent bodies and all organlzttloos
and individuals holding sound monev
oplnious, to urge President Cleveland
to veto the sliver seigniorage bill. It
also recites the fact that the board of
trade of Philadelphia and the chamber
of commerce of Boston have taken sitnl-
ar action.
After reading tho above, one is forced
to Inquire whether Congress or tho
lutocrats of the Etst are running this
oountry. It will ever bo thus until tho
people of tho South and West know
enough to unite at the ballot box and
down this eastern gang.
Mr. K. V. Debs, who is president of
the American Railway Union, publicly
declared himself a Populist in a speech
at Terre Hauto, Ind. He U a traa of
great personal magnotlam and is at the
head of an organization of railway em
ployes that numbers 200,000 rotors. He
has always been a Democrat and an
admirer of Dan Voorhees, but now do
olnrei that there Is no dlfferenoo be
tween Voorhees and Joo. Shut man,
hence there is no place left for him as
an honest reformer, but the People's
New comes from Teta that two
very prominent and Influential Demo
crat of that state have seea the light
and are now Pupullat with all the en
thusiasm of new converts. Th gentle
men referred to are ti, U, Moodle a proia
(neat lawyer of Ft. Worth, and Mr, J.
Q. II. Uut k, a substantial and Intelli
gent clttiea of Hill county,
The d'lueud fur literature at head
quarter I imiuen, Our Congress
men have had all the spoeche printed
and circulated that they are able to
ttana. M it ot the ik1 are of the
pla a that cougreMmua got their
p'ut,r pi inUd free, hut tU U a lull
1 hey have to pay fur every
they mo4 out Ovf PointlUt Senator
and HprtttUvY have mad a large
emtttar of apDeuho that If rirautaWd!
stntiag the op' uld niak Populist
vote by a thousand and tu of
thousands. The national committee
has undertaken to furnish these speech
es at cost to tbe people. An advertise
ment to this affect has been sent out to
our reform papers, and It Is very essen
tial that tbe people be Informed where
and at what price this literature can be
supplied. Every one should write to
headquarters for price list.
send ron TIIIM,
On account of a largo demand for tbe
admirable pamphlet of Senator Stewart
entitled "Hllvor and the Solenoe of
Money", a second edition has been
Issued. By reason of ordering a large
quantity at a time, the pamphbn can
be sold to the public at a greatly re
duced rate. This document ought to
be In tbe hands of every public speaker,
lecturer and voter In tbe United States.
It Is full of facts and Ideas, and Is bright
and readable. At the reduced price It
Is brought within the reach of all.
Copies can bo obtalnod from tbe Bime
tal lio League, Sun Building, Washing
ton, D.C., H. E Taubeneck, chairman,
etc., 450 Penn. Ave Washington, B.C.,
and Cbas. J. Kapler,, room (10, Corcorat
Building, Washington D. C, at the fo
lowing quotation: Single copr, 5 cents
Zi copies, 11,00; 50 copies, 11.85; 100, $3.00, Larger numbers will be
furnished at the rate of 13,00 per hun
Rtlph Boaumont, who Is editor of tbe
'Olf Ulieimu Cltuta 'I nul. ... tl-t
twenty reform papers In that territory
which means that Populists are going
to havo something to say when tbt
territory li admitted.
Witnin tbe last eight days tbe Peo
pie's Party in Oregon and Maine held
their state convention, but not a sylla
ble of their proceedings has been pub
llsbed In tbe Dally Press. There has
never been a time when there was such
a systematic suppression of reform news
as today, Caplf exerts as groat
censorship over the news In ourcountry
ai governments do under a despotism
Reports havo reached bead-quarter
from Alabama that the best citizens In
that state are revolting against tho
election machinery of the organized
Democracy, Col. Trout, an able demo
cratio lawyer of Montgomery has of
fered his sorvioe free of charge to prose
cute any and every one who will In the
slightest way defraud voters a, the
ballot box In his county in the coming
election. Eminent Democratic lawvera
other counties will do likewise,
I'hat means a victory for Populist prln
clplec The state cam mi t toe of Ala
bama has opened headquarters at Blr-
mingnam, ana a vigorous campaign
will bo made from now on, until the
present returns are canvassed.
Can't Do Without the Paper,
Suickley, Neb., March 19, '94.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Do not stop my paper, for I cannot do
without ms best friend. I will send you
your dollar before long. I am tbe Pop
ulist arises)? here and when I go out
in my woric la April and May will get
you a list of subdcribers. Yours,
PopulUt forever,
An Oklahoma Man's Opinion.
Kdmono. O. T , March IS, 'W.
Editor Wealth Makers:
1 am pleased with the new dree of
what used to be the AUlanoe-Independ
vnt, No better i amo could have boea
selected. ( am pleased also at your po
sition ro'.atl ve to f u tion.
I am not so well acquainted vUh all
the members of Ihe Bryan free silver
Independent Demociate as I am with
a U. Caiwr; but It the others are like
him, all the fusion they wish for I to use
Independent votes to help DemesraU
Into official positions, I gut acquainted
with C l. la the antl-monopollstlc move
la Nebraska, fifteen year ago, and
found out that hfwan thoroughly antl
monopoly to catuh that vote lo hula his
parly -the IWiuocracy-lalo Hwr,
Btay la the mUJn ut the m4 aJ pull
tlrltMhit, A. C. t'EMiitiituoN,
The Mnalllo Mui tttBrttlw
IWiuwrm.u, Nb, Marvh Si, 1t.
FJiuir Wealth aUattut:
i'iftd ao!J P. O. itdor f'-r renewal.
W.mld have seat U betor, hut aw going
thipugh the I'jM ilanJarC Inltla'ury
We eaasut eipeet any better tint
NO. 42
until tbe majority of voters abandon the
old superstitious Ideas which bold them.
We must shave tbe bead of tbe me
talllo money monster, as therein lies
their strength.
Gold worshiping Is the principal relic
of barbarism, and has alwsys been tbe
principal weapon used by monarch! to
subjugate tbe wealth makers, Until
the deceived people cast off the fallacy
ot tbe Intrinsic value money they cannot
gain or tetaln their freedom.
It is humiliating to Intelligent people ,
to see some of our so-called statesmen
try to explain why government treas
ury notes, without interest, should not
be Issued, Instead of gold bonds with
It Is seldom the right man Is In the
right place. But I think tbe editor of
The Wealth MAKKRShas found his
proper calling. May he be Inspired to
wield tbe pen lo defence of downtrodden
humanity, Is the wish of one who never
turns back, fi'
li. F. McDamnkl.
A Good Letter From a Worker.
Table Bock, Neb,, Mar. 20, 1894.
Editor Wealth Makh:
You will see by tbe heading of this
that I have changed my place of resi
dence and of course I want my paper
changed to Table Rock, as I desire to
have the benefit of your valuable paper'
to help me to fight tbe battle of the
people's cause, just the same here as I
have done la my Johnson oounty home.
The Populists met here one week ago
and arranged for an organization. I
think the Industrial Legion will b
adopted. This Is a Republican county,
but lots of Republicans are stopping and
asking themselves the question, "where
are we at?" And tbe Indications are
that tbe cause of justice to the laboring
classes will grow more rapidly in the
f jture than in tbe past.
Eooloscd find one dollar on subscrip
tion. Will try and secure you some
subscriptions, as I regard the main hone
of our cause lies In tho education of the
masses on the vital principles of self
preiervat'nn and a rlgntaou govern
ment, I nave often thought I would
write a letter sines your editorial con
nection with tbe ps per. You have my
most hearty approval and earnest
praver that you may be abie to deal out
such stalwart and able truths that they
will meet tbe ready approval of all hon
est citizens of our common country. I
heartily approve of Urothe.' Wolfe's
ideas concerning tbe question of fusion
Itsjoms tome we; have had lessons
enough to satisfy us on that point.
Hoping to hear from you ofWo I am,
very truly, W. H. Talcott,
The Beat Paper In tbe Country."
Chicago, III., March 24, '94.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Will you please Inform me when the
subscription expires for my paper, be
cause I don't want to lose any numbers. '
for this is the beat paper in tbe country.
yours uaspectruliy,
Joshua Beemer of Orleans, Neb.,
writes: "Dont stop my pipor, The
Wealth Makers, the paper which Is
trying to save the country. You will
find end 'ed ti.00 In U. S. stamps, not
bunds. Will try ami get some sub
scribers for our paper."
B. II. Corwla of Southold, Long
fsland, New York, writes: "I do not
know just whea my paper runs out so I
send one dollar for fear I may get be-
nind, a I should soon get swamped here
IIQOUl 11."
JtfTeraon County Popwllate Iteeolve,
FAiKinar, Neb , March 31, Di.
The People's l'ry of Jefferson Co,
met responsive to a call by chairman
MoVey of the oounty central committee
nd the following resolutions were
adopted, to-wit;
Uolvcd. That we, the People's
'atty of Jeffroa county. Ner-ruke.
deaire no f anion with either of th old
parties; be It alao
Unsolved, That we stasd on the
Omaht platform and consider IU de
mand oovr all rmMoable ground.
Ui'wilvetl, That we endorse the la-
dependent pre ut the blale of Nebras
ka, at J pledge It our undivided up
fte4thtd, That w fonder Governor
Watt t f Colorado mr sympathy la hi
Hurt ttiJowuiB millionaire aJot th
tl nld ptrUe.
IU ul d. That a of the re
tatUae h ent In TUB W A IT it Mak
h at I, n.!n. eb , and to Tbe U 4
avr t ot rJo, and lo all the patwr
published in JTra oounty, Na,
Mr. tsmrioN, Wm, II. Chasv,
tWereUry. Ase't BetfeUry
' -x r