March L1, 1894 THE WEALTH .MAKERS. 7 CCILSPRIKS SHAFT SUPPORTp AND ANTI-RATTLER. ft m'mm: Hm otm mittim - aat wm lit wm ainto . a bM a, atfeaiaf aaraa w a. 4alar am g) n I hint ai-atl MM ttfkv fca IB. 2 THE DECATUR bHAFT SUPPORT CO. Decatur, II'- FUSNAS COUNTY HERO DIG BERK HOGS AND Holsteln Cattle. Thirty-five sowa bred tor spring farrow, four malt of June farrow ana a few fall pltf at price to null the limes. H.S WILLIAMSON, Beaver City, Neb Hog Cholera Cured Gretna, Neb., Nov. 18, '93 I here by certify that Henry Coraba operated on my hogs la August last and since the operation I bave nver had my hogs do so well. I believe it to be a good pre ventative against all diseases. I also believe it to be to the interest of every hog raiser to try It as- the cost is very little. r M. J. Gillespie. Address, Henry Codcbs, lltb, and Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. D R. McGREW la tta only SPECIALIST WHO TBI ATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. 1 18 roar experience. Circular free. 14 tli and Famam tit Omaha, Kks. To Make a Trip to the Best Advantage It Is Es sential to : START RIGHT. : : If Going, to Kansas Don't Call On Us, BUTIFCOIKCTO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, OSKOSII, 8I0UX CITT ST. PAUL, tit'LUTH, FKKMONT, - NORFOLK, CHADRON, UOTSI'HINCS.KAPID CITY, IBA1VVOOD, Any point In the two Dakota or Central Wyoming . rail on u, Because 'he Only Llner"n,1'K Direct to litc uml intTiiictiiiii; poind Ofi ilf Own 7i1-' mile of mail, it i the fj 66t W. M. Slfll'MAN, A. S. FlELDIN'J, Gen'l Agt. City T'kt. Agt. I 1 33 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Depot: Corner S anil Sth aireetn. BEST LIN TO AND Great Rock Island Boon 7 TO THE EAST. BEST DIKING CAR SERVICE IH THE WORLD The Rock Island is loremost in adopt ing any advantage calculated to im prove speod and give that luxury, safely and comfort that popular patronage de mands. It equipment is thoroughly complete with vesUbulod trains, mag nificent dining cars, sleepers and chair coaches, all the most elegant, and of recently improved patterns. Faithful and capable managtmeat and polite, honest service from em ployes are Important items. They are a double duty to the Company and to travelers and it is sometimes a task dlftloult of accomplishment Passen gers on this Un will And little oauso for complaint on that ground. Kor fullpttrUoularsas to Ucket.mpsl rates, apply to any coupon ticket office la the UnitAM) Suties, Canada or Mexioo or address: JM). HK1IAHTI AN, Una'l Tki a Turn Ajft. ltli'(i. 1U K. KT. JOHN, dea l MBser. Chlc.i. k. TO TRAVKLERS Fr Ff V raw Free. If you am about u make a trip to north, i.nrthwMtra Nebraska, the Ulack llllls oountry or cantral Wyom ing, to rtU It tlta two liahotaa, to Hi. i'aul, Mtnnsapttlis or Uatuth, or Hiitt wtt on Ui l'4'ifla lift-, to any Hlat la Miacraota, Wtxiaia, North r UUaols and Iowa, direct ki Chicago tf rMt anJ south, you can obtain frrs ol rharge at ts rlty tsff.m, l.t.l (I Hi tf dpi'. voraer th at H strK of North V' tNiWra Uka, t taatit 41 r UaUla lf.-rwatlaa of all eoantstinsa, rate sM. Vi'tth J witl. vl u r-e llo In tr s'al ssiimhI l!Ur tuaay t! thrirt raa hut wrts their lairuiU by triuiU1ii the ortho' Una, A, H, I'immk i, atyTWirt Aft., IlIIOilrtHiV W, it. ItUII'MAft, t.ctv Agt mm blood Tonic Builder end for aearnetive pauipbleb Dr.WILLIAKS' HF.DICINE CO- per hex. Schenectady, N.Y. far S3.. a iroc kvllie. Oat Rational . . fcj rH BUSINESS COLLtOK. "RIALTO BLD O., NEXT TO POST 1 OFFICE," Karsas Citt, Mo. Mont Practical BuetDe College In the jfl Went, bhorlhaud. Typewriting-. Hook- by Mall. Tb re leawm free Send for l1 ourtir'KClAL bUMMEUOFK. ..I rritt r $r?'thl V Mtf,iAi,ii crop llttrw.- Jh i: A 0 f'lffJ'i Mi'Muune rnd(!u f-ir tit V V V ?. c(.ii.,!Uoil (ulltrelwe A WM.& THE KIRKWOOD 'H'QIppI . Win! its FnrflPo nan been In ure alnee t483, u u piQHttk arett mi. I'M BEtUTti aiHfNUTH. DURA. Bllllt, POWCRi H I t M'ti bence tlit mill fr yiu 14 bur. Tbouii4 bars taom I Ouf&teel Tower llura 4 (ingle ited corner pot'. ritilUntml U1 virU ini brucea; not fenw wire. They fWr, U1R0N1, BlUPtt IN C0NSIHUCJION' iniicfi cheatier toe wond and will lt a life time I O'tr mllla R.nd towem are AM. 8TKKL and are FULLY OUAUANTaEI). Write for price as J circulars. Add rent, Zdeutlonlng tblt paer. KIF.KW00D WIND ENGINE CO,, Arkansas City- Kansas. Pearl Steel Mill and Tower. SIMPLE. STRONG DURABLE. Will run 20 years without oil. Will sond thm on 30 days' test trial. buuii ooteauHiuuiory 10 inepur-chniM-r It enn be rturne te us .1 .... a r i i , ii uiu we pay ireigni ooin WI7. WeKlve the UrimgrM warranty Ot any Mr,mn..rf I 1 . 1 . I. by protectlnir you and your cus- lotm In case of an n.ruMfnt.. Write for full particulars and printed matter, aoDaiaa BATAVIA WIND MILL CO., Batsrls, Ksns Co., III. A . a S OnMixI'llnvWdHM, I JJ T r I II, K ndM,w(MH,iMrtWi.itaM, UralntawMM. AimtAmh, Oivw, Pimm, tu.r Mult, ik urjwmT' F4 ant bmum, n.m am., .,NI.M, Amllh Mrllu-n, brills KNArlM Copy Haoti, VUm, laa Nnwrn. , am., kuw, I wra, raaalra Hilla. IluA Urt, mmm. NenpmWIn m, Wriwrm, ElMriMa, , NtMllMakt, im, imw nara, iwim, iaa, mn k, Klmlar, Hallraad, F laUarai aaa atr M UUa far fTM Cal.loatt. aaa aM, htff ta akff. Haafff. HI Ul Se. aSrtoa St., OHIO AOO SCALE CO., CMoa.o, IU Ploane mention Tbe Wealth Maker. $100 REWARD for any cane cf blood IKtlHon that 1 cannot eliminate from the nystom. Not by imttliiK PoIhouh In, bin by pulling them out and killing all gerniH. If yuu have ever had private din eaHH, you have taltfii Mercury, Arinle, Uold IchIIUmh and other Mineral PoIhoiih, and you will nvr be youmelf axaln until you have them all pnllud out. 1 bave iutU that akk MUl'KUIOK TO AK V HOT hl'ltlHOI. KlieuinatlHui Ofln (TKKD IN TWO DAYM. CANI.'KK HKMOVKII without KNirs If you are iiotenJoyltiKgiiod bealih, call, or addrevi. with Htamp. Kmf A. 1' . KlptiuRor, wf Avenue A, Council IllufTsJa. F. M. WOODS. Pine Stock Auctioneer. 1 203 O St., Ulpcolrt, f4eb Tourists from Minnesota Points. Commencing October 6th, a Tourist car leaves Mlnnonpo'is overy Thursday niomlnjr unit run to l'uehlo and via Albert Lft to Columbus J unotlon, ar riving at 11:07 p. ra. and there connects with ourC. U. I, & V. train No. 13 which will hold at that point for ar rival of the 1). C. it. it N. train carry ing that enr, and vta Kansas City arrive at l'uoblo second morning. IWlanlng October 10th, Tourist car will 1-Bve Albert I every Tuesday morning and run via Minneapolis k St. lou!s Uy. through Angus to les Moines, arriving at night, and there lay over and be luken weal on "Utg Five" Fri day morning, and run via Omaha, Lin coln and HtJleville to I'uehla See that your tlckeU ral via the MlsMiuri I'aelno route fur Kan Francisco, Cal. City ticket offloe Wl O strvel. Use North waste? line t Chicago InwraUis. Fst trains, Ontoe 1133 The vheajaMit pla for monuiuents Is at lieo, NaiUmiMaa's, IS tfouth Math tit , Uauola. Ntillxei, Aoyow" fan obtain fro wt! vtr lltera turn tulirtoatng The I'au-Amurkan Hi Mttallla AwMlitlon, IVmvrr, Otuu,, knd tHtmtMf nMlif m 0 Malta, I's NrthwwiWira line f a rlu. r Mt tralas. Orit, to CJliluvo Use NorthwMtakra Has te Oiayo, Uwrake, rMtnalna. OffWj 1IU Ult. Nerve av -'wj m T aw- jb . urn. -Mm NJSr3ST Tk.- at If mssm . J i r OCR NATIONAL PLATFORM. The People's Party Platform Adopted at Omaha July 4, 1892. Assembled upon the 116th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's party of America, In their first national convention, Invoking upon their action the blessings of Almighty God, puts forth In the name and on be half of the people of this country tht following preamble and declaration of principles: PREAMBLE. The csnditions which surround us best justify our co-operation. We meat la the midst of nation breught to the verge of moral, political and material mln. Corruption dominates the ballot box, the legislatures, the congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; most of the states have been compelled to iso late the voters at the polling places to pre ventunlverial Intimidation or bri bery. The newspapers are largely sub sidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced; business prostrated; our homes covered with mortgages; labor Impover ished and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban work, men are denied the right of organiza tion for self protection; imported pau perized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down; and they are rapidly de generating into European conditions. Tba fruits of the toil of millions ere boldly stolen to build up colossal for tunes for a few, unprecedented In the hostory of mankind; and the possessors of these, la turn, despise the republic and endanger liberty. From the earns prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes tramps and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to en rich bondholders. A vast public debt, payable in legal tender currency, has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby addia? millions to the burdens of the people. Silver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of history has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of gold by dccressLg the value of all forms of property as woil as hu man labor, and the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise and enslave indus tries. A vast conspiracy against man kind has been organized on two conti nents and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and over thrown at once, it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization or the establishment of an absolute despotism. We have witnessed for more than quarter of a century the struggles of the two great political parties tor power and plunder, while griev ous wrongs bave been inflicted upon a suffering people. We charge that the controlling influences dominat ing both tbeie parties have permitted the existing dreadful conditions to de velop, without serious efforts to prevent er restrain them. Neither do they now promise us any substantial reform, r- ' ... jhey hBTe ga-feed together to ignore, in the comisr campaign, every Issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that capitalists, corporations, nation al banks, rings, trust, watered stock, the demonetization of silver and the sppresslons of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives and children on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multi tude in order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires. Assembled so the anniversary of the birthday of the nation and filled with the spirit of the grand generation which established our independence, we seek to restore tbe government of the republlo to the hands of "the plain people," with whom it originated. a We assert our purposes to be identical with the purposes of the national con stitution: "To form a more perfect union, establish Justico, Insure domes tic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and ae:ure the blessings of liberty V ourselves and our posterity," We declare that this republic can only sndure as a free government while built upon the lovs of the whole people for each other and for th nation; that it cannot be pinned together by bayonets; that the civil war la over and that every passion and resentment which grew el It must die with it, and that ws must be ia fact ss we are in same, the ualted brotherhood of free msa. Our country finds Itself con fronted by eoadltions for which there Is no prece dent In the history of the world; our mbu1 agricultural prod action i araouat te billions ef dollars In value, which Kust within a few wetsa or months be exchanged (or bllllooi ef dollars of com saodltiM oonsumed la their production; Us ssletlof eurrsaey supply 1 wholly Ued squat to snake this eishaae; the results are fslltag erioes, the formation of ooatlast ftd tlagt asd the lm aoverUasisslef the produclsg elas, We tlJ eurts'sts that. If gtva MVer, we will IM I kt enrr4 thowi vLU Uy wise avd reAHUkAbe UnLs istloa 1a aKriaee with I We wmi si ewr alaWurwt, Ws UlUve Uat Ue fowsrs of govvratneaV-U ettur vsris, U tH opltshu!4 be ihvud4(u Is tl esse U the '.al service) as rapidly and as far as the ' good sense of an intelligent people and j the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injus tice and poverty shall eventually cease In the land. While our sj mpathies as a party of reform are nr.turally upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make men Intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we neveitheless regard these questions, important as they are, as secondary to tne great issues now pressing for solution, and opoa which not only our individual prosperity, but the vei7 existence of free Institutions depend; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republlo to administer, before we differ as to the conditions upon which It Is to be administered. Bellev lng that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all men and women of the country, therefore: WE DECLARE irst That the union of the labor forces of the United States, this dsy consummated, shall be permanent and perpetual. May its spirit enter Into all hearts for the salvation of the republlo and the uplifting of mankind. Second Wealth belongs to him who creates it, and every dollar taken from industry without an equivalent ia rob bery. "If any will not work, neither shall he eat." The Interests of rural and civic labor are the same; their cno niics identical. 1 Third We believe that the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must, own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing any or all rail roads, we should favor an amendment to tbe constitution by which all persons engaged la the government service shall be placed under a civil service regulation of the most rigid character; so as to prevent the increase of the power of tho national administration by tho use of such additional government, employees. PLATFORM. We demand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, issued by the gene ral government only, a full logal tender for all debts, public and private, and that without the use of banking corporations; that a just, equit able and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to ex ceed two per cent, per annum, to be provided, as set forth in tbe subtreasury plan ol the Farmers' Alliance, or some better system; also by payments in dis charge of its obligations for publlo im provements. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1. We demand that the amount of circu lating medium be speedily increased to not less than 150 per capita. We demand a graduated income tax. We believe that tbe moneys of the country should be kept as much as pos slble in th j hands of the peoplo, and hence we demand that all state and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the govern ment, economically and honestly ad ministered. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government, for tbe safe deposit of tho earnings of the people, and to facilitate exchange. Transportation being s means of ex change and a publio necessity, the gov ernment Ehould own and operate the railroads In the interest of the people The telegraph and telephone, like the postofllce system being a necessity for transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government In the Interest of tho peoplo. The land, Including all the natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all the people, and should not be mono- pollztdfor speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be pro hibited. All land now held by rail roads and other corporations In excess of their actual need, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and bold for actual settlers only, North Western Line Palace Sleeper and Fast Chicago Train Service. A palace car for Lincoln people U now attached dally to the Chicago Urn Ited, leaving Lincoln at 1:35. No better service, lowest rates. For tickets, berth reservations etc., call at city office 1183 O street, or del Cor. U and dth streets. Mtit-Wlnter Fair Rales are I (, The llurtlngtua route tie now tolling round trip ticket to Han Francisco at I.1V0O. One way .0.tx) Think of It! Four thoutand mites for lea than forty dollar. For full lofor r 'on call at II. A M. depot or city offio. corner tuth and O street. ti W. .tONNKt.U C. I',TA, llrw Host to st la St, Paul and the OlSSt NeMhweel. Htartrljht. 1 here Is but one direct TWm line, To leave Lincoln by other wad U U be turned ovr to the .North Wsatera He e'ireute, K that wj tUrtouth "NethtViU'rn" by pur tha!itg t'cscWof Its rprtiUtr, A. 8. FUilJing CUy Ticket A&fnt III H. loth, tit., F.. T. Moore at d'ttcr a t u.h au4 8 ttrvvW KOSSUTH'S ADMIRERS EXCITED n "" with riire and Military In Kforle to Kntorre Ilfiunl B-jda 1'kstk, March 2C Yehtertby afternoon and last riijrht there were many conflicts between over-zealous admirers of the late Louis Konuutli ami c police and military. The most serious disturbance was at tlio opcr.t house where the flag of nionrninj placed there AVcdneMlay nlffht had been removed. After a vait crowd had denounced tho opera Iioumj manager bitterly, stones were thrown at tho structure. The troop were called out and the infantry fired blank cartridges, while the police and cav alry charged with drawn sword. Sev eral times the mob drove Luck their opponent, but tho rioters were finallv dii-perxed. after many had Wen wounrl ed. Ordt-r wan restored at inldiilirht and cordons of troops placed across the principal street. Ti liijf. March 2LTho coffins con taining the belies of the wife and daughter of IOiils K'oshuth, exhumed from the English cemetery at (ienoa, arrived here thin morning under the care of Count Kni'olyi. The two cof fins, which were covered with llowers, were met at the railroad depot by the sons of the dead patriot, liui and Theodore Kossuth, who followed the bodies to the cemetery, where they will bo kept until removed with the body of Kossuth to liuda Pcnth on Wednesday next THE PRE ND ERG A ST HEARING, 1'oatpoiM'il Till Tiu-mliiy hf Agreement of Ollllai-1 lu tbe ('aM' Chicaoo, March 20. By on agree ment of the Interested attorneys to diiy, the hearing of the Insanity plea of Fremlergast was postponed until next Tuesday, Durinp; the arffiiments refrarding1 the fixlnjr of a data for tho trial, the re marks were frequently interrupted by outbursts from tho prisoner. Finally, I'rendergast making a loud appeal for the right to speak, Judge ( hetlain ll.tteried to a long harangue from liiin about his eoiistltutional right und his objection to delay. Tho priKoncr.afler ho had completed his upeeeh, frequently cried out, "Wo want no delay. We want the case to bo tried at once." The bailiffs were unable to quiet him and ha continued liis interruption: until taken back to jail. CRAZY OVER PR END ERG AST, A (IiIiuko Cli'l Jtcdome Inauno i'rom lirooiilnjr On the faun. CjiiOAoo.Murch 215, Ell .a both JiaVls, aged 18, created considerable excite ment last night in the Woman's Temple building by demanding to see tho murderer of Mayor Harrison, Mho wus laboring under on insane delusion that 1'rvndcrgtiflt was confined some where in the building and she wanted to talk with him about his case The girl's wild actions frightened the occupants of many of the oilices, she announcing that she was in sym pathy with I'reiKlergast. ho was finally locked up by tho police und will bo examined for insanity. Xew Man Irlvin Away, Toi.kdo, Ohio, March 28. The street car company Is advertising In Chicago for lOOernployeHbeetiuse itldimpossible to get the required number here. When a new man starts out with u ear he finds himself a target for rotten eggs, and by tlio time ho reaches the com pany's ofiiee lie ubitndnns his post and some officer of tho company runs tho cur back to the barrm. Few persons are bravo enough to ride In them. Texae tlaltln Moving Northward. Has Antonio, Tcxns, March 20. The movement of Texas cattle to the In dian territory has begun here. Kev eral thotisani head will be moved from point on the Han Antonio fc AransitH I'ass railroad to to tho terri tory pastures within the next two weeks. The severe drouth in (South west Tcxuh lias caused the range to be unusually short of grass this spring. ii:iiultn l uili-r it JuHtleo' llotme. Ht'NTi.voTOJf, W. Va., March 20. About 10 o'clock last night dynamite was exploded under the house of (Squire Vance on tho western fork of Hart's creek and one of his children was badly hurt, He had recently be come obnoxious to a certain class, and it was intended to kill him and his wife. .Muplo Sueur Crop a failure. Co:ioni, V. II., March 5U. Ueports froi.i tho northern and western por tions of this state nud Vermont tate that tho maple sugar erop thi yeur will be a practical failure. The ab sence of frost In the ground and the scarcity and high wages of help are the other etiusps. It in believed the majority of the trees will not be tapped, Itrpuillal the Strike Idea. Umaiu, Neb., March 5o. The chair men of the labor organisations of the Triton I'tteitio met this morning and repudiated the meeting of Wednenday nifiii at which Wciix striw talk was received with approval. The chair- men say now tlmt Heb cannot get litem Into n strike. Deadly I ire H a Hoarding Hi h.l. I'akis. March A dla Bli h from l.ottn, depart men of A Unc, announces that a ladle school directed by Wa ter of t'lmrlty, was burned Thursday liik'ht. Ms of the fftrls who were asleep on the top floor perUhed and a tiuioUr were, iitor or le wverely loiruril while eapUif. t t !( t fae la Heel, llrsmotoi, W, Va., Ma re It St. Wallace Wkhtntou, deuce intent ol a rvUtlv tf llvory tVakhiiig-toii, w ho had I ren rhief vleik to tint chief of no I lev uf lUchiitoHil, Va., tiled In this viiv Uat nL'ht Irs an imralyU. Us had Wt n here on a i,'t to a mh. Out TttUa4 It pair f Uni .Bvt orti, Kau. , M .mh, ri- IVday Hi tm ilttHMMtudttt Kiu Uy inn n at tHa .HoHMer' h- wa w M I let. The W vent ceUbrated by too Qrtug of guiu, UiA tw Jcai Bgv tl InattWIUm WS vtt4P luhrd at the huie K. MISS POLLARD OBJECTS SOME DEPOSITIONS. TO ARGUMENTS HEARD II PRIVATE. The late Colouel Kwope of KenlaiUy Dragged Iota the ISreeklorldge Sceu J.l -Three Very Dainasliiff Oepu altloa Agalont the C harac ter of lb I'lalntlff All emphatically Iieoled, Wasiiinoton. March 20. Just before tho hour for court to open to-dav a whisper passed between the lawyer and they slipped one by one into the judge's consultation room while a bailiff denied admission to all but the cgal forces, iJrcckliirioV. and his son. The party wascloscU d in tho judge's room two hours. There are three denosltions to which Miss Pollard's attorney rnuUe their principal objections, tho point in volved being the relevancy of testi mony bearing upon Miss 1'ollard' character. One of these was made by Alee Julian, the young blind man to wnoiii wiss I'ollanl alluded in lier let ter to Wessiu Jlrown tin her "blind llarnaba." He usserts in the affidavit taken in Kentucky that mock murrluu-o was nerfoi'iueil be tween Miss J'oUanl and himself at Hquire 'i'lnsley's at llridtreriort oh Christmas day, 1HSJ. Tho n-eorul wu iiy vv. w, Uosciic, to whom Miss ''"l lard was engaged to bo married Jii 18H4, wlien she was a student ot Wes lcyan seminary. He swore that ho hail been intimate with the girl and when he left for Chicago she begged him to take her with him, The third, to which the plaintiff is nurtlculurlv opposed, was made by Dr. Lewis of Lexington, who allirmed that tho late Colonel Kwopu once approached him with a request that ho perforin a criminal operation on a woman whom ho called "Miss 1'ollard." The doctor did not see the woman, nor could ho Identify her with the plaintiff, so tlio objection was made thut there was nothing to connect the deposition with the principal in this case. Mis J'ol lard denied that any of the state ments were true, A secret licarintr was deemed best so as to keep the con tents of the depo sitions from the jury till the court should decide upon them. COXEV'S ARMY. lluny rn paralloin Heine Made at Mae alllwit for Coxey'a Cohort. Mamhuxow, Ohio, March SO, There are about twenty newspaper corre spondents hero and the army is less numerous. Coxey and ISrown bustled in this morning from the former's house and seemed very busy with the preparations for tho march, which Is to begin to-morrow. Tents were pitched on the gun club grounds. There meetings will lie field and re cruits will lodge to-night if they de sire. There arc yet few signs of tho com- ( ingarmy. Twenty-two tramps were ? riven lodging at the police station ust night. The number is unusual. but Mayor Keed says they are prob ably not recruits, for, on being re leased, they scattered and have not reappeared. It was reported that 400 Salvation Army soldiers would arrive from Cleveland and that a delegation of J50 would come from Medina, but Captain Fiwtler of the (Salvationist here said four ami not 400 would come from Cleveland. The Salvation Army is not in sympathy with the Coxey movement. BECAME SUDDENLY BLIND. Mexico' MinUter of I'ulille Work l imii 111 Mlicht Wbll.i at Work. City oir Mkxico, March 20. Wednes day eveulng tsenor Fernando Leal, minister of public works, was sittiug at his desk examining an important document, when it became blurred be fore his eyes, He culled in his secretary and asked him if there was any anythlu.T the matter with tho paper, to which a negative response was given. Within a few hours total blindness came on the stricken minister and, notwith standing the best medical treatment obtainable, he has been unable to see anything. Oculist experts ngreo that it is the result of overstraining of the vision and that If relief ia not gained in a few days he will bo blind for life. ITS PLATFORM ORIGINAL. A lieorjla rawer Start a Itoo for Sleveiiaon and CrUp for 1SUU. Amkiiicts, Oa., March 20. The Times-Recorder put this ticket at its masthead to-day: For president in IS 'JO, Adlal Steven ami of Illinois. For vice president, Charles F. CrUp of Georgia. l'ltttform I'ut none but straight fkonocrat on guard; no goldbuggeryi no in ii g v uiii in-ry; no hmnbuggcry. Aineiicii I the home of hrwaker I rclos a tela wf the Setfalurs I'lIU WAMtxuroi, March In. The situa tion at the White house in regard to the sclgutorage bill prewuU one strong feature of novelty, lu the fact thai It appear to m the see tie of a hlianttr-aa battle Jtiat now between the foiifc-rrtMinsn uu the one baud the liitV Uisjority of whom are urgimr aigeliig of the seigniorage bill, and the grvat commercial luleresta of th country on the other, for lcnty Mae out of svery thirty eowtiutiuUeitou fntiu them t-iay for the veto of the hi a n M ether a tlejh I la ttealh. i i itss Mareh h T1 fi !. !iom st ".' 11a1 hi lr t Ma dt tro w4 bjf tlru to dy, Mt. Jn l ie U.wi juuipK from a l k in ! nl. llio i 4r..iKi witit I" r i taoulh olt baby In her ami and tth wcrw kllleit AUe vther Inmates n arrow I j ctvaj-vtl. A SECRET Hi