THE WEALTH .MAKERS. March 29, 194 mm CLEVER IK SWINDLERS. ST. LOUIS BANKS HELD VP FOR $20,000. EIGHT OF THEM HEATLY TAKES IH. A Series of Fora-erleaof lhMu.i Remark able Kind Haa Iteen t'liearthed I'ro feealoaaU fiucceaafutljr Work SyateiB Kever lie for Kqaalled They Had the liaalucal iKjHn lint. HIS WIFE A "PLUNGER. THE FARM AND HOME. St. Louis, Mo., March 2(1. A scrie of forgeries of the memt remarkable kind has been unearthed In this city and detectives are now at work upon it At least eight banks have suffered and probably more. The aggregate of the forg-ed paper will reach g.'O.OOO, all of which sum ha gone into the pockets of a ganjy of professionals, who have succeeded by the use of a system never before equalled, the principal feature of which wns the securing of genuine cheek blanks and full knowledge of the serial numbers, by which knowledge they were able not ouly to minimize the danger in uttering, but also delay detection. The number of persons in the frang of forgers Is supposed to be not ex ceeding three, but their knowledge of banking and business methods aod the versatility of their autograph artist are admittedly ample. Their preparations were elaborate and consumed some time, but tvlien ready their haul was made with astonishing celerity. As only a few of their checks have been passed upon by the alleged drawers, it is impossi ble to say how much the forgers took, but it cannot bo less than 120,000. The forgers first took account of the fact that the checks drawn by busi ness houses are written usually upon the firm's own lithographed head ing, protected by several numbers on check and stub. The forgers therefore, not only counterfeited the blank check forms of their victims, but numbered their checks close to the numbers of the checks then run ning with each victimized firm. To do this latter, opportunity to see the genuine check books was nccom plihhed in yari"i way. In one case, that of tho Charles W, Melehcr Machine company, whoso sig nature was forced to a cheek for 8500, a young man, Mating that ho represented tho printing house which . lithographed the firm's checks, asked permission to see their check book, as he was sent out to trace up books al leged to have been badly lithographed. The ruse succeeded, aud was proba bly used in other cases. In this in otance the Continental bunk lost $500. As there were citrht or more other banks victimized and no one yet knows how many Arms, there is no way to tell the total loss. Hold Itobuery In H Joseph. St. Joski'H, Mo., March 20. rat O'Brien, a tough character and a stranger, went into Burnett's jewelry house on one of the principal streets, at noon yesterday, and, finding but one clerk present, knocked him down and made off with a considerable amount of jewelry. O'Brien, after a desperate resistance, was captured, but his partner made good his escape, taking the jewelry with Jain, COXEY'S ARMY. Millionaire Coxa of New lork I natilo to Keep HI !Mle truul (iatnbllna. j New York, March 2J. Franklin j Cose, a well known figure on uppci Broadway, who comes of a rich and prominent family and who has ac quaintances all over the country, figured in the Jefferson market police i court yesterday on a warrant svvoro j out by his wife, charging' h'm with failing to support her. Coxe came originally from Ituther ford, N. C, but his mother lives at At lanta, Gsl, and is said to be worth $2,000,000 and he is her only heir. He has always had a large income. At one time he was known as the "Bay bide Millionaire," owning a mag nificent country villa at Bayside, h. I , where lie kept blooded horses, fine dogs and a yacht, lie and his first wife, a Southern woman, were divorced and he was married to his present wife, Edith Kcofleld, whom lie alleges ho tirst met at Roster & Dial's in Jloboken in Jdsi. They lived together in fashionable apart ment houses and "cut a wide swath." The wife developed an un controllable passion for gambling on races and her money and jewels all went on horses. She became, ac quainted with (leorgc Forbes, the own er of Arab and other horses, and was only happy when at the races. He tried to Induce her not to invest so heavily, but shu said he was a "hoo doo" and that she did not want him to go with her. After that she went alone or with her sister, and Coxe saw her Kitting in the grand stand several times wjth Forbes and other sporting moii. Hhe was almost a daily visitor at (luttenburg, and at times was accredited lucky. Among the members of a large circle of sporting people hhe was known as tho "Little l'lnngcr." May 28, ISM, while tho couple were living at the Oedney house, Mrs. Coxe left and stayed away several days and they did not live together after that Lant Wednesday Mrs. Coxe caused a warrant to be issuod for her husband and he was ordered to pay her &8 a week. Jfc will probably sue for di vorce. IJfcrrillK for oey' Army. 8r. Jomki'H, Mo,, March 20. Twenty two tramps slept at tho police station, a greater number than have htayed there any night during the winter. They left for tho Fast, and said they expected to be witn Coxey'sarmy when it halted at the capitol steps in Wash ington. Several professional tramps were among the number, but most of them seemed to be mechanics. They said they would very likely go Ea&t at once, and not wait for tho Western di vision of the army. The Dawes CoimiiiIhmIoii. Mubkookk, Ind. Ter., March 20. The work of the Dawes commission rests largely in tho Choctaw and Chickisaw nations from now on and the commission has determined to change its headquarters from Musko gee to South McAlcster. They will change their location next Tuesday. C(in(i'Hmnn Wilson Weaker. San Astonio, Texas., March 2ft. Congressman Wilson spent a restless night and is in a weak condition, but Dr. underwood reports that no un favorable conditions have arisen, and that his patient is no worse off than when he arrived here. Freight Car liurnetl. Kansas dry, Mo., March 26. Twen ty-nlue refrigerator and stock cars bo- longing to the liurlngton railway were burned on the store tracks east of Harlem between 2 and 5 o'clock this morning. NEWS IN BRIEF. It Cannot Assemble In Washington With out l'ermtamlon From Congress. Washington, March 2ft. There is one circumstance which may seriously interfere with the general features of Coxey's marching program at Wash ington. It has been stated , that the object of his bringing his army here is to assemble it on the steps of the capitol on the 1st of May for the purpose of impressing its views upon congress. To do this it will bo necessary to first secure authority from congress, as there are specific acts upon tho statute books forbidding the assembling of crowds in the capitol or in tho capitol grounds for tho holding of any sort of public meeting, except the sessions of con gress and the assemblages which are incident to the inauguration of a pres ident. These laws go to tho extent of forbidding organized parades through the capitol grounds. tieorga Dixon Knocked Out. l'mi.ADEDriii A, March 2ft. The "friendly bout" last night at Indus trial hall for the benefit of the poor between George Dixon, featherweight champion, and Walter Kdgerton, of Philadelphia, proved to be anything but friendly. Neither man attempted to do any slugging in the find round, which was of two minutes' duration, but tho fun came In the sec ond round, wht'tt llixon we complete ly knocked out. It was jiut one win ute and Wn aecotnla In ore I'Ikou re alised what had happened. The bout laxted one and oue-half minutes. In -on, by careful handling, waa able to go on and ItuUh the scheduled thrve round. Irla liar llwraaO, Mini.!,, Mo., Marvh Sit, A livery bam owned by hharp .t Bell of M ar reting, Mut, wn burned lwt night about midnight, making the third livtry bam to burn atnee the town started, f ourteen head of hofwi were buraed tu death and thtee olher were badly iujured. The mum of the fire la not known. MAMtitl t, M'A, Marctt 94, Rotart HIntn, Bring about tfcrv tulle aulh of Mia cut, burn! t death In Mi tu tr let vrvu'u, II ha ad ilk tod ti ilrlukiii, and it U iurpMl m it iiDtHon fire MUttt luiuti.ate'i, whether oy Uuut wt luUannallj 14 ftttl Ittutttn, Ix Hwk lm. J4if, the tmrat. vt the an hMrt tpda Ut, d;d In ifiiy jfWr day muM. WHY EVEN THE BEST OF POTA TOES DEGENERATE. The Iowa legislature has passed ma matting it a misdemeanor to use imitation butter in statu institutions. The governments of Great Britain, Italy and the United States have rec ommended clemency toward the cap tured uraziiian insurgents. Judge Buford of the Oklahoma, fed erul court has decided that W. It. Gregg is the legal mayor of Enid, Ok This is expected to cause fresh trouble. Three Arctic exploration parties will leave bt. Johns, a. fc, thisspring. One will go alter Lieutenant l'eary, 1 he other two wm engage in seien title work. Fire in Poplar Bluff, Mo., destroyed eight Duiiuings, including ISeal s hotel aud Bandalls grocery house. Loss, $50,000; insurance, $20,000. The number killed by the recent explosion of dynamite which was be ing removed f rom tho sunken steamer ( abo Machiaco, at iantander, JSoulii is piaceu at thirty. J. W. Walker, wholesale grocer of St. Joseph, Mo., is a candidate for the Democratic nomination tor congress to succeed Mr. Burncs, who proposes to retire. James C Campbell of Younirstown Ohio, convicted a few weeks ago of killing his wife and awaiting life sentence in the penitentiary, commit ted auictde. Sidney Hapn, a lawyer and Populist pohtielun of Perry, Ok., waa arrvsted on a recent requisition from the gov ernor of Nebraska, charged with the emboixlement of a large turn of money at North Platte. The bill of Congressman Curtitof Kania to nioderniie the militia haa Wen rrted t the house, H pro vtdra new regutatlu and appropri a tea ioti.uoa lStmter General 1UmU hat ap tinted P. IK Norton of MIourl de viaUm auperiiileadent of the railway mail aervice at M. I.ula, Mo., vice J. P. Idodaay, rvatgned. Chairman t'wmiuliif of the houaa naal affair cimuiue believe that huge $im for naval purjuwea are nv fMk tinektiuenta. lie think Dut ahould be Itiade tl exceed tell lurhe tit txire, Hawaiian MinUter Thttrln idatuu to have reted nt otk' of the In ! ntUm f a gwvefumeul to reoull Store Care la Selecting heed Fotatoee It rylug NeeengKjr Plant Life and Land Growth Farm I.lf e Farm Note and Home I lint a. hhu t awiUt lU lot tttluif pm4uent reuldicait form til KwtRtunt for the UbiH.K Tie ta'erual tevehurf eintlalotn r baa neelved roU frwt the .!. loa 1h rrifard to t'hiw reiktratlt'ii. la CHfr,rtiSa ft,i:J hat wiuoiUd w liK th l;t, In Ka II i4 In Moun W hjr Fotatoea Km Out. It is a common complaint of farm ers that potatoes do not show the vitality and vigor they used lo da Varieties that endured thirty or forty years, as the old Mercer or Neshannock, have long sinceentirely disappeared, though new varieties greatly resembling them have been reproduced from seed. Lvcn so re cent a potato as the burly lloso is not what it onco was. Jhoso that produce best now are not descendants by cuttings from the original stock, but have been reproduced from seed, says tho Market News. J his tendency to rapidly degener ate datos from about tho time the potato bug made its appearance. Jt was most pronounced m It affected ato potatoes. Ihe year before the potato beetle became very numerous we grew Peachblow and Peerless po tatoes in the same field- It was a good crop of each, upward of 200 bushels per aero of Peachblow and about 350 of Peerless, the latter va riety being then new and growing more vigorously than it ever has since. Late in tho season somo po tato bugs erot on one corner of tho Peachblow patch. It was after tha vinos of other varieties had died down, and the bugs did somo Iniury before they were discovered. The yield of the potatoes did not soem atiected, as tho bugs cumo so late in tho season. Not much barra was thought to bo dono, but the next season a fow of the Peerless potatoes and more of tho Peachblow variety, iiuno up weak, and made only a spindling growth. Jn two or throe years thereafter, the Peachblow va riety became wholly unreliablu and was scarcely grown at all. There can bo littlo quostlon that any injury to potato foliage during growth results in some deterioration of tho vigor and vitality of its seed. It Is inevitable whoro bugs exist that they should do some damage- to the leaf. If poisoned when very small thoy aro obliged to eat some of the foliage to get at the poison. Sometimes, too, tho poison itself Is used so freely that it burns the leaf. This, of courso, is just as bad as to have foliage eaten by the larvie. Potatoes grown thus do not ripen as thoy should. When dug their skins slip as those of new potatoes do. The potatoes have to lie in pits in the field thinly covered to dry out, In this unripe condition they are, of course, more exposed to rot We may say, indeed, that if potatoes can bo ripened early and properly -in the field, loss from rot would be unknown. As the potatoes have mostly got their growth, the common idea Is that it does not make much differ ence now severely tneir top are eaten down. Bo long, however, as frosts leave the leaves alivo, they are building up and developing the tubers. In the old Peachblow a good deal of growth was made after the leaves were frosted, from the sap in thoir stalks. The late crop of bugs prevents this. It Is, therefore, as imrJortaiu for future crops that this late crop of bugs be destroyed as it is for the present that tho early bugs bo poisoned. Not only do the late bugs threaten greater dangers to tho crop next spring, but thoy docreas-e tho ability of tho potato to resist them. More care needs to be taken in so- locting seed potatoes. It will usual ly bo found that the potato beetle loaves uninjured the most vigorous sappy vines. Instinct teaches it to lav its etrars cluoflv on those vines of slender growth. Yet at digging time these poor hills may contain one or more good-looking, marketable tu bors that in a bin would bo naturally selected for sood. The only way to guard against poor or missed hills next year Is to select seed while tho crop is growing, keeping off all bugs and taking tho host and smoothest tubers from hills that glvo tho larg est yields. I Liiil l ife and Land (ironth. 1 have made tho life of plants a study for forty years. While at the world's fair 1 interviewed many foreign horticulturists and agricul turists and in my opinion the Japa nese know most about these subjects. They are now dwarfing all trees aud frulU- without budding or graft ing and I believe I partly understaud their mofto. It is my opinion that by producing trees by grafting and budding, and potatoes by tuboro Instead of from tho eod, we unex the plants and trees, which will sooner or later de stroy them by disease, that Is. finally impair their vigor and vitality to such an extent a to nuallr fall to produce fruit. There are three test of tho vital ity of treo, the root, the wood and the seed. All are shown in the peach, apple aud pearl borers, yellows and blight and other tree dUi;ai Our who) ;lem of fertllltatlon of land It erroneous. o long at land U rovered, shaded by plant and tree. It grow richer and more productive. On the other hand It U luutoverUhed bv es injure to sun, ! lad aod to wah.Ujf. Produetito to4 grow, has oraaiu like vlauU tad trees, nWrt, grow by lejar uoon aver But a Ires lays t layer o nnd AU th gruth aa4 r-roductUeueta oomoe fr-M h f. Irue, the rovk dUialetfreU by action t f a!. and wr and add ature. thus preventing sudden chan ge like the r.lothes on our bodies. P ants and trees get all from the atmosphere, nothing from the earth. Leaves are full of pores, roots and bat k have none, and if they absorb anything It rautt 13 gas, not water or vapor. The test ot productive laud is physical not chemical. Land that absorbs most water and holds it longest is best 8ap does not cir culate, it flows down not up. There is no digestion or assimilation. John C. Bender in Colman's Rural World. The l.ife of a Farmer. a old farmer gives some hints in a letter to an exchange that may be useful to our readers. He says: "I have been, a farmer all my life, which is over fifty years, and love it for what can be raado out of it 1 do not mean dollars an 1 cents entirely, but real, genuine happiness, con tentment and independence the noblest occupation 'our Maker ever designed for man.' I think what makes so many get disheartened is the hard work, before daylight and after dark, and also on stormy days. No need of it now, with all of our improved machinery. Do your work jn season. Don't try to cultivate too many acres. Make all around attractive and neat Have a place for everything, and . put it there when you are done using it Keep up your fences, and gather up the old rubbish. Mow and trim up the weeds and brush nround your fences nd buildings. Mako your home pleasant, indoors as well as out. Jlavo plenty of good books and papers." I'arin NoU-h. Eight pounds of bran a day fed to tho cows, even when they are on good pasture, will pay. Sweet cream butter does not please the average consumer as well as but ter from ripened cream. A spring, or weight and pulley, on tho cow stable door is a good invest ment, as it insures against accident ally leaving it open some cold night Thero aro still somo people who think that in days gone by when there were none of the modern methods of butter making, the butter was just as good as now. Not as a rule, friends, if ever. Putting a horse upon the market unbroken and trying to got a good prico for it, eavs a writer, is like putting green lumber on sale and ex pecting tho value of the seasoned and finished product. An average yield of black raspber ries is about seventy-five to eighty bushels; rod raspberries, seventy; blackberries, 100 bushels per acre, according to the estimates of Profes sor Bailey of the Cornell experiment station. Beans after thrashing should Dot be stored in large quantities, as they are liable to sweat ana moia; it is well to spread them in a dry room for a time, and then put them in sacks to prevent the generation of moisture. A very handy truck for moving barrels of grain, vegetables, eta, pay be made by framing together two pieces of 3x3 scantling and throo strips of planks, so "as to form a platform three feet long and two feet wide, and resting the same upon four piano casters. A Kansas fruit grower says that corn is undoubtedly by far the best crop for an orchard that can be grown as it breaks the wind and the trees grow up straight Insects, as a rule, will not trouble a tree when there is plenty of groon fodder and corn for them to work on. WORLD'S FAIR AWARDS C3?J3iS3a nl 0'ie Diploma for Keaai.t. fxpl fcrea-lhaiid'heanr.ijvr o ffliB" of thKe veuicie have xVeii V t3&J 1',w' Poi-. f- j 'tiri&ZA end a! unci" fur our niniplclt "c?yf7a,a''';,:,' ' v,'ry tini i i UrmM, SIM of loi'.fi) uotiM. ihi'v ari- frw. LUNCE CARP-AGE CO.. CINCINNATI, O. j Sf$k R I P A N-S TABULES I REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AMD PURIFY THE BLOOD. ItlPAXA are tbe brt Medi etas known l'r adlre-tlou, JtUtouuieM. Ilradavhe. 'otlptlu, 1), hmnla Llvcr'f roubles, Ulrzlnem, Bad Cok) pit linn, Dviw-ntrr;, OB. .l.e Itrrnta. and all die i-dcr !' tbe fctouiai'li. Liver and llowel. Rlpam Ta!ralB contain nollilnsr liijiirfna to tho must delicti, cotj.tttution. Are pl'-aaimt to lake, mft, effort ual. and irlve Imiwdlafe liif . l'rlco vwl , iS reatv ; l'tr)cxe (4 loiw), J3. May Iw ordered Ihrotiirli iicarwrt drugiiiM, cr by moil. HripJ fi-we by umil. Alre, THE RIPAHS CHEMICAL CO., 10 StUCCH STREKT, KE TOIJK CITY. ww - a a I ma n m w Ttenrlnt Frnnk Tulle's Plustrati'il Weekly Wnr Illustrations 1W!l-fi5, two vols. fi)lio.?16.W).i)a.valiU Si.OO month ly. Iiellvcivil hyexp'reHspri palil. Heuii fur fllimtratud circulaiu. Al sulnsinen wanted. STA1TLSY BBAD1SY PUB. CO. 6 East 16th St., N.Y., U.S.A. For Sale, A FIVE HORSE POWER Eleclric Motor In good condition. Will' bo sold cheap if sold soon Corner 11th & M Sts., Lincoln, Nkb BUY"DIRECT FROM FACTORY" BEST MIXED Paints. At WHOLESALE PRICES, Delivered Free For Houhps, Hams, Koofs, all colors, & SAVE Middlemen's protits, In 61 years. En- daraed by (JraiiKO & FarmerB' Alliance. Low S rices win surprise you. w nie lor samples, . W. INOEKSOLL, 253 Plymouth St., Brook lyn, N. Y. tha ! ef tha tvtt t abewito at4 rvitia moiid(v, au 4 in vn tr ih14 ta bl4 i'l Umfer Homo IlinU. A teaspoouful of ammonia to one teacupful of wator for cleaning jew elry. Before laying a carpet wash the floor with turpentino to provent buf falo bugs. Powdered pipe clay, mixed with wator, will remove oil stains from wall paper. Place a strip of wood back of the door where the knob hits tho paper In opening. In bottling oickles or catsup boil the corks, and while hot you can press the in la the bottles, and wheu oold they aro sealed tightly. Vinegar and salt will clean tho black crust iff sheet iron frying pans, but thoy should bo thoroughly scoured aiterwurus wilb sand soap or any good scouring soap. If shelves and floors of closets are wiped with wator hot with cayenne pepper, and afterwards sprinkled with borax und alum, roaches and other vermin are kept at bay. tool knives used at table, or for cutting bread, meat or anything for which a sharp knifo is r-vded, should never bo ued for stirring or cook ln(f anything In hot greao, a it make them wry dull. A simple plan of dUlnfocting rooms eonnUu in putting a saucerfulof salt In the middle of the room and pour ing un It a dram or two of sulphuric acid- 1 h fume that arlao do tha work of disinfection. To prevent the aprrad of InSueaia wWa h.'re lit catarrhal Ui-harg, all handkerchiefs tHt fry tho pa tients should b placed whoro I hoy will lint bp likely to h handled by other Hiemtwa f the family, or to eom In roaUi t Uh other rlothiu. When they are wahed the ar Ut thorotuhW dltifvt-"', freed front taiat an t wliMeti.-d If flr.t aiuiaed In rM w,t.-t lo which a Lalf oi t) i t i,rit.t!rt oil ha Uh atitaa. A4auifU bolUiL? water Ui ' t&a fo'd ts heal it, and with aoau wah theut trut (( tht wator, ml through antSr warm kr tht.tlatiij sttt aid a litltd c4l l:ia to; tUormighly and dry it tha ope a alf, Wntf ln tUrttn ") t f an antir day, ht they shioi'.d l antlraly fr from th tU ef ell. NOTICE. In the District Court of LancasterCounty, Nebraska. Samuel M. Mills, jfiaintic, vs. Ella L. Hills. uerenuani. Pilla L. Mills, defendant, In the above en titled cane, will take notice that on tbe 17th day of February, MM. Knmnel M, Mills, plain tiff herein, tiled bin petition in tbe District Court ot Lancaster county, Nebraska, aalnm said defendant, the object and prayer Of which are to ob aln a divorce from her. Yon are reanired to answer said petition on or before the First day of April, 1MD4. &AMUBL 01. MILLS, naiDtlll. By Lamb, Adams & Scott, his attorneys. Dated Ft bruary 17, 18W. mi 1 c: r 7 EXCELSIOR HOME BAKER AND ROASTER. The beet paying investment for a bouse wife. None genuine without brass fittings) our latest Improved stylo, is a solid make, has deep flange strong but high grate, and clones perfectly tight saves 33 per cent n ntritious elements. Full de scrlptlveclrcnlHrs on application. I alsoinan- nractHre me "New success" move mat, ana me Famous Frying Fan, etc. auknts wamtku In everv county in the U. 8. Address, CHARLVS SCHULTHE1SS, 40 N Maui St., Council Ulnffs Iowa "Tobacco Users Smile Sometimes" When told how tobacco hurt thero: sometimes they don't, because shattered nerves, weak eyes, chronic catarrh and lost manhood, tells the story. Ifyoa are it tobacco user and want to quit post yourself about NO-TO BAC, the wonderful, harmless, guaranteed tobao- eo-hablt euro by calling on 11. T. Clark Drug Co., our agent, and securing a copy of our little book. "Don't Tobacco Spit or mok Tour Life Away;" they have sold many boxes of .NOTO UAC, and they are prepared to sell it to you under an absolute guarantee to cure, ltooks mailed free by addressing "Tuk NTKKL1N4 itKMKDT CuHI'AXY, No. 43 Itaodolph Bt, Chicago, 111. To Hot Spriags, Ark., und return 1:2.35 via the Missouri I'actflo route Feb. 13th. Call on Phil. Dnlis, C. I 4 T. A, tOOl O street, Uaoola, Nd, Q VrTpnKd Ulyt 1 4rrer wIaui r etk ia- haClui &LaUnd.aVla(.Lai I lltrbl mb& krvy murk; raraUi for 14 tcatra wits kuSmmmtit ftototo H laaWr. fH Thnmikmr CtEtv ,w4 r.f I4I At t fcaai'altat kbiK ttfif triter tm SO Dsi'l Trial. So saowy rniur4 Ui dras. TS,fl0aw fe a. W oftd'i Fair MwUl awarded acfeia aod aUe. ianta. But Iron factor aeki aavc dealer1 ajn4 a-Bl' aobta, POrr i14 TbtaOwt and twm4 to-dy fT mhine or taw frta f ttt cu!of:w,ttiuMi(itl" end ii',mvmet the World's Fair. OXFORD MFG. CO. 242 tUd At. CHiC AEO.ILl. FREE SILIW A"D PEERLESS FEED GRINDERS WW makt a Farmer Happy. iV e IJ3 Grinds more eraln to tny f iroUiet mllL tirluda earorii V":-'igj7,IL f' owa, em, floe enough fir ariv nimnin. W&rnuited not in cnoKB, we warrant the PKKRLFHS to he the HKST and CHRA PKKT M I LL N EAIITH I W iit us at unco fur phoas avuU asjaucy. Tuf u uudiaf m Ui.a mlU, M4e only tv th s JOLIET'STkOWBRIDGE CO.. Joliet. III. 1V00 round trip ticket to Saa r raa eluo, CeU cholu of three (3) different rouea via Mlur I'aclSo, City ticket office 12UI O SSL, Uoculo. KK BENNETT STUKP PULLER 9 Sizes Hone and Hand Power. WtS--m- Prices $25 to $150. YJiii IiTrV5fhre Oays' Trial. Cat. V? iVJ 1000 rec. free. H. t. Tr.'rw mi JJraBnnrt. Wetteryille, 0. Do Your Own Leather Work! jpJiBaPi Root'. "Simplicity Prowm" enal)l any man to mane ifotHl wt of ilaublo liiuninilOrnlnutvH tur tl.ii; Dame- v trap., 8c Hitc-litra, I6cs nreattra)ii. 4Dv, lllir J Uh;.. und oilier tr In proportioa. Strap tiy mall, fl half nmial prlceii. llalfsolM, Baddli ry,PI.,cl!'H!. 7 ltoot' Inn I,a ami Ki-palrlnc Outtlt.ei. Suldrnnrt raxketa, Blai-kMiiitU' Tn, ea., tor hm u. ' ' Catalog free. Ecot Bros. , Medina, Ohio. nitsturamfini World s Fair Highest Award lira air. O&r-egKf Medal and Diploma on our INCUBATOR and . CnOODbR Combined. "Old Reliable" If ymere totereetod la FouHrr, H py you te cad 4 ent In for wrTf VI pane catalogue, rmaf vaalit peuiU as hotitttt Culture, Addreas yards LOCAL RAILROAD TIME TABLES. (TaWDAHD OENTOlL TIKI. Arrlral and departure of trains carrying pas- senders at Lincoln, Keo. Trains marKcu-. r Dully: t. Pally except Kun-lay; IDally exoept ' a .... ..... , D. ,,,,, m Monday; , uiniy csi.ept. nuiuruaji i, ouumn - only; 1, Tuesc'.uyn, Thursdays and Saturdays on , Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. UurllDgtou it Mtwiourl Klvor, C, B. a J. B. B. Ticket offices at depot, Seventh and P sts; and corner xeutn una u is. flattsraouth, via So. I uend and l.oulnvil le I Wahnnand Kcliuvler.. . Omaha and . Chicago via AsliJand cut-on.. AnhUmd, Omaha and PlatlHmoiith Crete, Hastings and Denver Lowell and Kearney. . St. Francis and Obor-1 un ) Holyoke a Cheyenne.... tsurungton special" to Denver and coast Crete, Beatrios and Wymore Washington and Con cordia Endicott an Rod Cloud. Bennet, Syracuse, Ne- brnska city and east Grand Inland Broken Bow, Alliance, New castle, Sheridan and Dead wood Seward, York, and urana isiana Atchison, St. Joe, Kansas city, bt. Louis and south.... Tecumseh and Table Koclc MUford, David City, and Columbus ...... 10: 10 a. m. 4:65 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 2:80 p.m. 10: 10 a. m. 4:55 p. m. 12:20p.m. tl2:20p. m. U:58p. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 11:58 1. m. t 6:33 p. m. tll:68p.m. Il :68 p.m. t 1:53 p. m. t 4:00 a. m. 13:20p.m. t 6;45p.m. 1:45 p.m. 10:00a.m. $ 6:25 p.m. t 8:40 p.m. t 7:15a.m. t 8:19 p.m. 11 :50 s m. il:50a. m. B:1'J p.m. 8:M p. m. 6:50 a m. 7:40 a. n. t 1:40 p. m. 7:40 a. m. t 7:40a. . 1:40 p. m. 10:00 a. m t 4:40 p. m. t 4:40p.m. t 4:40 p.m. 11:55 a.m. 10:45 p.m. 1.85 p.m. 10:00s.B. 6:10 p. m 10:35 p.m. t 7:30a.m. U:a5a.m. jl0:50p.m. Passenger station corner O and Twentieth Sts. (:ll,v nm(.A. HHnll hlrml. A , , Fast express toTope ka, Kan. City, and all points in Kansas Oklahoma, and Tex as. West Local freight accom modation, east Local freight accom modation, west Fastexp for Omaha, Co. Bulffs, D.Moines St.Paul.Chio, east Fastexp to Denver, Col. Springs, Pueb lo and west Local pass for Omaha and Council HlufTs. Leave. t 8:20a.m. :tl3:35p.m, 12:35 p.m. 8:55p.m. 4:03 p.m. 10:11 p.m. Arrive. 18:11 p.m. 11:45 a.m. 11 30ft.m. 4:03p.m. 2 65 p. m 8:20a.m. Union Paclfle Railway. Depot corner O and Fourth street. City ticket office 1041 0 street. Omaha.Co.niuffs.Chi-, catro, Valiey, east and west ! Beatrice, Blue Sprgs,' Manhattun, east a west. Topeka, Kan sas Cty. east, south, David City, Stromsbrf. SlonxCiiy.Bavidrityl Columbus. Denver, I Salt Lake, Helena. Ban Kracclico and Cortland J Beatrice. Cortland.... Leave. t 0:02 a.m. t 7:45 a.m. t 6:00p.m. l0:45a. m. t 7:30 p.m. Arrive. t 8:45 p. 10:40 a. 17:30 p. m, 4 10 a. m. It Q Ot a. in. MlMour! raclfle Hallway, Ticket offlces at depot and corner ot Twelft and O streets. Leave. Arrive Auburn and Nebraska I ... , , , Si IxiuU dav express., l):60p m. t'OOp m Auhurn and Nebranka I . iltyKspreaa f . st I ! nljht up .. myB lssa i. Tae Ch'cage Luniie4 Dally) Glrr to the North-Wter Hoe ua- iura4 r4 Krrlve to CttWaii aaj ewter cities. A. ft. ileUtaf, Cttf TWkwt AcV IH Bo, lath street, t.ta- )lat Keb. I W4d ott ew! )00 Srtt cIim fan i WtHaa l'raletk,Cal.,ta XliasouH )' ride rvute. Cail oa elt Vckst as-eaU OrtVa mi U tit , Llaeole, tfb. reiuont, Flkhnro Mlwaun Valley l'uio aoara-WHTaaa fas) Depot vomer KWhta and S streets. Cltr TtrlH i em iim u aire I. Itttaco and al t'ftu mlia. Ktous my.Sl Vaul.lWuti 3MIrivltitwa, t r.lar lt.itts.,llttlOA. !- Mia 1'leire.Atiar- e(if 'w.ha IVakue, rinaut. Net ie t K.trn. t Hut pt fa Mai M I Itauu4 . hfMKl a.vta Sal a eaMh IraUal , Uava. ArrUs. 1Mb in 'l Nb m, I p UMa at. T a ai it W a as, l ). 1 1 Hi m 1 10a a. II.IKVt:MT t ItaluNx le the Mlairl fa t Itaate, Oa the aetoail TitoaOa la IVcemher IWI, Jamary, V bruary, Mvh. April tA Ma;, iN, tie MlMourt I'aclSe IVoute will sell rvea4 Irln tkaU kt alt stavaeM la Tel", with flaal limit tu re tura la tMrtr oays frxtu ilate of sale. kkia-aiara ana avllitaaut U A TM 4 UWiaaoma, K'uw MeUi aJ IMltn ierr.w ry, Cuite an4 take a U1 to tke Kuith. 'HH, IUkuu, C. I'.&T. A. UXt Uttrvet,