VOL. V. Congressman! Earn Spitki on the Light Question. PRACTICAL POPULIST PEIHOIPLES A Very Able Discussion of ths Subject .of Monopoly and a Particular Applica tion of tbs Needful Remedy. A Matter of General Interest. Tbe House being in Committee of tbe whole onaiderauoD D" u- MS1' m"n approprtatljns for the expense of the govern ment of the DUtrlct of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1895, and for other purpo- Mr. Kern said: Mr. Chairman: There are many tea tures of this bill that I would change if I bad tbe power to do so. I heartily zree with the remarks which the gentleman from Missouri Mr, DeAr inond made yesterday with reference to District taxes, and shall support his amendment. But In tbe limited time at my command I will confine my re marks to that part of the bill which re lates to Hfhtiog the public buildings and grounds and the streets of the city. I believe in the principle, Mr. Chair man, and hare advocated it before my people, that it is the duty of govern ment to see, so far as it is possible, that no corporation or combination of men shall control any of the necessities of tbe people; for it is evident that, when such oondUloos exist, the party or the oower bavin? control of such necessi ties will also .have the power to extort for those necessities more than the peo pie ought to pay as a-matter of justice and equity. Therefore, Mr. Chairman, I believe each municipality should control thei e necessities, such as local transportation of freight, humanity or intelligence, water systems, and Jllghtlng plants, by its own municipal government. I be lleve in forming a monopoly of all the people for the sole benefit of all the : people of each municipality. And in al, affecting the interests of the whole people, I believe it is the duty of the National Government to take control of them in the interest of all the people. A municipal or national monopoly for the purpose of controlling any . of tbe ' necessities of the people, in which all the people are partners and alike reap the benefit', is always right; but a nj-Mtv1w 9 -. nnlt nfliuDaltii Viw Q faV private individuals for private gain Is always wrong, and should cease. Con gress should never again grant a char ter, franchise, or subsidy to any lndlvl dual or corporation through which public necessities may be controlled. This i the principle i bciievo In. it Is the principle I have advocated before my people. It is the principle they sent me her to advocate, and In behalf of remark. In direct opposition to this principle, we find by referring to Senate Document No. ill that Coagress In 1848 chartered what ie known a the Wash ington Gaslight Clropany, and by that (jharter gave a private corporation con trol of one of the necessities of the poo-l-lo. As a result of that action, the tax payer have aid million el dollar w tta stockholder that they ought not to have paid. In the pending bill reported by the cmumltw I see they have reported rti reform along tht line, and have , slightly reduced tbe eost of thl neces sity, tor Ihi they are tobe commend 1, but la my opinion. Mr. Chairman, the oaly soluUvO of tbi question U fur the government, teal of graatlug three charter and spatial rM.ege t at Irate ?rporeWuo f ad tbershy taabt tag thvm to fUoti the people, to pur chao or erect It own lighting plant and supply lu own Ameuu, Thiijer have not caly bnea pajtag more far Illumination than thry ought U ! paid, tut they have Ink paying (ir a veri poor quality of light T further Uicstrat) an preve the MONOPOLY DISCUSSED extortion of this corporation, and that it baa been looting tbe Treasury. I again refer to the fact that this company was organized in 1488 I quote from Senate Executive Document No. 1460, first ses sion Forty-ninth Congress, dated July 20, 1886 with a capital of $50,000. and that in 1886, when the report of Senator Spooner's committee whleh Investigat ed it was made, the corporation had a capital of 12,000.000, which uodoubtt dly by this time has increased to half a million. Io addition to this we find, according to the same document, that the officers of the company acknowledg ed to the committee that the enormous sum of $6,201,811, had been divided among the stockholders in the form of profits, of which sum of 15,699,000 was pald.durlng the nineteen years from 1860 to 1885, an average of 8286,000 per year. Dr. T. A. Bland, of this city, in a very able review of the report of this com mlttee found In Senate Miscellaneous Document, No. 91, in reference to the enormous increase of capital stock from 50,000 to 12,000,000, makes the follow ing startling statement based upon the report of Senator Kpooner'i committee "The increase was made at different periods. 1 n 1842, $300,000; 1855, $50,000; 1866, 1500,000. It was now tl,0u0,000. In 1883 the secretary of the' company, actlug under the orders of the board of directors, destroyed tbe records of the company from 1848 to 1806. The offic ers of the company were, therefore, un able to tell tne committee bow the capital stock was increased. The in. ference is that it was increased by water or surplus profits, and that the original capital of 150,000 baa grown to $1,100,000 in eighteen years, wnile pay ing an average of over 50 per ceat annual dividends to the stockholders. "From 1866 to 1883 the capital wa in creased to $2,000 000. Of this increase $200,000 was added in 1873, and tbe other $800,000 In curiously irregular amounts I quote from Senate report. thus $29 666; $39,142; $56,316; $275,158; $408; $5,650; $123,080; $2,215; $123,158; $1,400. "The officers of tbe company could not or would not tell the committee where thli Increase of capital came from, and again the Inference is quite clear that it was surplus profits." The fact that the records of the com pany had been destroyed by order of thedlrestors wasevldence of glaring fraud, and ought to have forfeited its charter; and if this body does its duty now it will cut short the reign of this legal robber. At various times vigorous protests and investigations have been made, but with little apparent effect. Can it be true, &i Mr. logalls said, that the stock holders are too much for Coagreib? Let this be as it may, be was undoubtedly right when he declared, as I have de clared today, that the only remedy is for the government to purchase tbe lighting plants or build new ones. In tbe Fifty -second Congress I Intro duced practically the same bill, provid ing for the purchase of the old or erec tion of new plants, and in the succeed ing campaign my Republican opponent and the Republican press of my district attacked that bill bitterly, They gar bled it and misrepresented its meaning. They arraigned me severely as one who pretend d to be working for the inter ests of the people h't In faot was aiding corporations. Mr. Chairman, I believed that bill right then, ami Jttr additional con sideration of the subject, I am more convinced than rver that I was right and 1 right now. Ia my opinion the thing this government ought to do, the thing thl Congress ought to do, is to pais such a bill as that and tke from thl corporation, which I robbing the taxpayer of thlsaouot-y of millions of dollar, the power to do so any longer, ilr.Chalrn.40, I led that this que tloa Is arousing a great dual of Interest al the preeeat time, and that t ana not the only una that indorse the views I have i pressed. looklog pv 8o; Ml celUneou Document Dl, of February 14 tu, I find that the Kl Wahtagun CltUett' AtswIaUoa lnir a ankl et control and give ait any valuable facU la uppHt of It, From that report I clip the fu'.uiwlRg pertinent fact r UUv to eleutrUi tight: electric uunm The prlo patj tor the ere light oa our street I 8t eaU jr algal, or IMJ '4 per aeaues. Thl it taarw thaa il paid tayhrw la the Unit I Dlaiee, upt at Hut Fraaotiw tad ea pitf ti MuaUatv LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1894. According to Capt. Lusk's report, taking 24 cities of not less than 100,000 Inhabitants each, the average price for 2,000 candle-power light is $140.00 whllo we pay about M nor cent. more. Taking 146 cities, the average Is still less, $121 79, or two-thirds of what we pay. Taking a still larger list of cities he found the average to be $124.85, or, a he says, considering tbe difference in lights, we pay 60 per cent. more. According to the official report of the State board of Massachusetts in 18 cities, including Boston, where the wires are under ground, In part atleast, and "which Is the highest of the nine teen, the average is $122.28 per annum, and all 2,000 candle-power lights, while we pay 50 per cent more. In 52 smaller cities and villages in Massachusetts, the average for 1,200 to 1,600 candle-power is but $85.64, con siderably less than one fourth what we par. Finally, taking 13 cities east and west which own their plants, the average cost is but $57.74 considerably less than ont -third of what we pay, and all 2,000 candlo-power lamps. So, too, in the 52 cities and villages in Massachusetts, quite a number of them owa and run their plants, and If all did, the average in them would be still less. Alexandria, Va.. owns its electric plant, vfhtch cost, all told, $14 500, fur nishes 02 arc lights at a cost of 16 cents per night, or lees than one-third of what we pay. The Advance Club, of Providence, R. I., publishes two lists of cities supplied with electric arc lights of 2,000 candle- power. J he first contalns)131 cities In which the lights are furnished by con tract, and tbe average cost is ,$121.84 per light per annum. The second is a Ut ot 30 cities which'owa and run their electric-light plants, furnishing arc lights of 2,000 candle-power which burn all night, and in them the average cost is but $4S.08r per light per annum. Here we see the contraot system cost the public over two and a half times as much as the municipal system. Here in Washington it is three and three fourth times as much. On the other hand it is argued that the companies pay taxes, while tbe municipalities do not. This is tbo best answered by the report of tho electric commssslon appointed by authority ot Congress In 1891, wherein they say, "Hie United States Electric Lighting Company pays $225, or a trifle over the receipts upon one and one-half arc light," and at tbe same time there was appropriated from the District revenues for the benefit of this eame company the sum of $39,500!" Thus we see in every 0 instance that the contract or corporate system costs much more than the municipal, and in Washington it costs three and three- fourths times more than it does in some other cities. I particularly desire to call attention to that part of the report referring to the amount of taxes paid by this vleo trio lighting company, as a sample of tho manner in which these corporations o.capo taxation- I It any wonder these follows want to hokl their job? Is It any wonder the people are complaining? Have they not a right to protest against the continuance of thl thing? These corporation not oJy teoftve enormous rates for their llgbt. which are voor and dangerous, but they fall to pay their Jut proportion ot taxes In support ot the government which gave them exigence and from which they reetlv all their benefit. I find also In the Cwngrestlonal 1U card ot the prewnt month a furthe. la. dorsoment of these view to the shape of a resolution. It was tutratuoed la the Senate by Mr. Msudsrson, a Sena tor from my own Slate, and upon It ho mdo sow remarks, which I will ak the elerk to read. The clerk it ad a follow. kiiHTMiC j'laxr ix WAeiuvurox. M Ma!ret, I submit a ruUilua. 'rt,rau.ry to tuirinWeg U I desire, by the umsalutou oobmuI ot the baM to say a tew words. Ik romwUUHi n ru'et ha had It atuatloa railed Vtiba ooedlt'ueot wet ter cwa4Hmd with the i'etiittti build lg d the pubitjarHuadisurrxtttaaieg It TheiLvtrH eiaai to I'tffclUi Ibis bull Jtrg U aouwtmtsly latRU-tl and h ay nortaKuutag. Mettled elt'UUlu even go the eifcal i f lajUf that It Ul daigereu thing la In the Capitol la its existing condition. Very shortly the great new building for tbe Congressional Library will have to be lighted. The committee has made exploration with a view to seeing what It would cost to puts proper electric plant to light the Capitol, the Maltby annex, the public buildings and greunds, and the Library building. We find that at least $200,000 would have to be expend ed for that purpose. We have very sear the olty oi Wash ington a water power that its almost un excelled a to force by any in the country. It la somewhat amazing that capitalist and men of enterprise have cot made uee of tbe Great Falls of the Potomac for some useful purpose. Be yond peradventure, that is the place to erect an economical and effective plant. There ia undoubtedly power enough there to light not only all the public buildings of the city of Wsshingtion, but tbe streets as well. Perhaps the Little Falls of the Potomac, as suggest ed by the Senator from Connecticut Mr. Piatt, that are nearer to the city, might well be used for this purpose. With a view to an exploration of the matter, I submit a resolution and ak that It bo now considered In the Senate. The resolution was read ss follows: Resolved, That tho Secretary of war be dirocted to investigate and report to tbe benate tbe feasibility of using tbe water power of the Great Falls of tbo Potomac for tbe purpose of lifirhtlng by electricity the public bulldisg. ground and streets or tbe District of Columbia. Said report shall suggest the mi-1 hod by wblcti the right to use said water can acquired, and what steps should be taken b legislation or otherwise to ac quire said water power and the land needed adjacent thereto; also a general plan of the electric plant needed at said falls, and of the wires needed between said plant and tbe different parts of said District, and an estimate of coat; also whether said power will p obably be sufficient to furnish light to private consumers within said District and sug gestion or tbe terms and regulations under which it shall be furnished." Mr. Chairman, I desire to call atten tion to the above resolution, particular ly the attention of my Republican friends. I would also invoke the prayerful attention of the Republican press of Nebraska, which so bitterly attacked me for advocating practically the tamo thing. I must Insist that they either give me credit for being right, or assail Senator Manderson for being wrong. Now, Mr. Chairman, I recite these facts to prove the statement that we have been paying extortionate prices for lighting the public buildings and grounds and the streets in this city, and to thow that this extortion ought to cease. Why should this company be permitted to use one of the necessities of the people as a means of robbing them? I take the ground that these necessities should come to the people at cost, and that no private individual should be permitted to reap enormous profits from them. Is it any wonu r that the wealth of the country is being accumulated and aggregated la the hands ot a comparative few? I it any wonder that thoro is unlvemt com plaint gotug up from the four corners of the ear'h tnday)bt'caMse tbe many are needy, whtle the tow are reveling In opulence? The matter which I am now dUcusIog Illustrates oneot the reasons why this Is so. We have here simply an illustration of a principle which pre vails throughout the length and breadth of our country today, Ia every avenue of trade and buslne through these soulless oorporatioae, that which I created by tne uiaoy Is gathered la by the tew, who rt-tura thrrefor no just equivalent It serins to m there is eo btitUsr place on earth thaa at the seat of the govttainnt n Insert an teUrlrg wedge and hrgle tht work of rtifjrra It must be not oaly begun, but consummated throughout thi length aad brejdla of our land, it the mMc of our l-vpl are to get the relief to whlth (hey ae entitled, a4 If lhlr blithrUht, guaranteed t them under lbs) Constitution, Is to b pre served and perpetrated. Th AlLUtra liirkMir hs eeaefvd It boding al a lie asm aad bm a pretlW bvadlsg thaa tie uie one. It I an haoen a "Tub WiUTll Man ItH "Tbe Injei. I'll hi County Al'.lauort fcVJ aa vpea etU at Ailva Maruh Slit, it What Exchangee Say of It TUB ALLIANOK-lRDKrKXDENT, of Lincoln, came to us last week with a ew head, Tub Wealth Makibb. which is calculated to cover all classes of wealth producer! and secure to the paper a bearing without stirring up any rrao's prejudice as to his political name. The name of Itself la suggestive of the ends sought, that of uniting all producers in one unbroken army for self protection aad securing the rights given by the All Wise to them who eat bread by th sweat of their brow, Brother Gibson and Company have done honor to tbe cause they uphold, and may unprecedented success be theirs. New Era. Tub Aluancb-Indbpbnobht has got a new beading and Is now called Tbb Wealth Makers. It is a very neat and attractive paper, well edited. sound exponent of the people's rights and under Us roennstaacted manage ment Is one of the permanent fixtures of Lincoln and the state of Nebraska worthy of the moral and financial sup port or every patrlotio citizen of the state. Oeta sample copy If you are not now a subscriber. The Populist. The Alliance Independent came to us last week with a new name. It is now called Toe Wealth Makers The paper Is a powerful exponent of the principles which affect the wealth pro duonrs of our country, and the new name is a very original and appropriate one. Here' success to The Wealth Mak ers, and may It continue the fight un til tbe great armyfor ' which It labor! shall have equal rights and justice. Hay Springs Leader. The Alliance Independent, pub He bed in Lincoln, appears this week under a new name, The Wealth Mak ers (of the World). On either side the picture of a globe are the words "lathe sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" and "If any man will not work neither let him eat." A startling heading and one worthy of thought. The article on first page "All This In America" is worth the price of the paper. Inde pendent Press. Our state paper, The Alliance-Independent, reached us In a bran new dress and rcchristoned with the appro priate name, "Tub Wealth Makers of the World." This state paper is fast gaining a firm hold, not only in Ne braska, but all over the United States for its advanced ideas. It ought not only to bo read by every Populist, but by every progressive citizen. Arapa hoe Pioneer. A few days ago we recoived a copy of the consolidated "Alliance-Inde pendent" which now sails under the comprehensive and suggestive tltlo of "Tub Wealth Makers." It is a fear less advocate of the honest toiler and wealth producer. It costs, only a dollar per year, and should be read by every laboring man, every merchant, farmer and mechanlo of Nebraska. Gretna Reporter. Iiib Aluanck-Inuipendent has at lat found Its bead too cumbersome for it body and bas traded It off for Til a Wsaltu Makkrs. Under this new sign It will try to keep In the middle of the road and thus prevent the people from r-ouring the reforms sought and tRucfl's to bo derived from needed change In th law. Saoh paper do mure harm than good. Crete Demu. erst. Tub Allukck-Indepknuint, ft Lincoln. 1 ao mure, but a ttrong form paper, Tub Wb4LTU Makkrh, appear ia Its pl"e. The new paper 1 biur Iq every way thaa the uld.-Ei. (This way of putting It U a little misleading. It I the sasne paper with a acw aarue stiaply. We expect t gt on making Impiovemeat, however. lldltOf WBALTU MlKkMS ) 1h Atxuxe InpKcENitiTatLta' wl I &9 BAurt, but It soul gov manning un " IjmI week the paper ehangrd II awe t Tmb Wvtirtt MAaxua, uodi r kk it will sail la the future. The Jape watUr U pmeut inRf(uBt t greatly liu prvvvd, aad should ba given wide circulation.-Custer County Indepea dBt. TtlB ALUAN-lNtMsVMCNT hJ 4 ' St f 2' S NO. 41 dropped It hyphenated head and come out under the new name of Wealth Makers of the World. The name la more than the average) newspaper man can support, but advocating th cause It does It sounds quite appropriate. Messrs. Gibson, Griffin and Hyatt still remain at Its head. Oaclaad Independ ent. The Alluncb Indepbndmnt has changed its name to "Thb Wealth Makers" and ha one of tbe neatest beads you ever aw, with the fallowing Quotations In a prominent plaoe In tbe scroll work: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread. If any will not work neither let him eat. Hamilton County Register. The Aluancb Independent of Lincoln, the state Populist paper, has chaoged lta name to Thb Wealth Makers. It Is a name we do not fanoy but the paper Is just as 'good a ever, and should be read by nil Populist. No other paper in the state ill It plaoe. Come In and subscribe. Loup Valley Alliance. The Alliance-Independent of Lincoln is no more. In lu place ap pears Thb Wealth Makers, bright and true. It is better, if anything! than The Alliancb Independent, and that was the best paper in the state We wish the paper, under the new name, unbounded success. Alliance Tribune. "The Wealth Makers (of the World,") with tbe motto: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," "If any will not work neither let him eat," with a fine display of head type, now heads the People's party state paper, hitherto known as "The Alliance-Independent." Independent Citlsen. nenry Stamm of Halgler, Dundy Co., living just over the Kansas line writes, "Please send me your valuable paper. I have the promise of four subscribers as soon as they get the dollar. I can't do without your paper. I read it through tbe first night I get it, and then wait for the next one." The Alliance-Independent of Lincoln has changed its name to The Wealth Makers, with a fine, large attractive head. It is the same old paper with the same crew of editors advocating the same Populist princi ples as did The Allianob-Indkpend- ENT. Verdon Vedette. Tub Alliancb Independhnt has doffed the old name, and in the '.uture will be known by the name, "The Wealth Makers." This is a very appropriate name for a paper that is doing an untold amount of good in oar state. Tecumsoh Republic. The Alliance Independent comes out with a gorgeously gorgeous new heading, The Wkalth Makers. We are confidentially informed that it has no referenco whatever to the proprie tors of the paper. Lincoln livening News. A. Arthur Grilles ot Hastings, Neb., writ-: "You arc making a eplendid paper. Your double leaded editorial thl week I remarkably fine and p ao tlcal. All we need now i to get the paper Into the hand of the people. H "Wbvlth MtKKRts" 1 the new name for Tub alliance Independent," and add grvaily to the appearance of that paer, totlde It I broader and much more comprehensive In It sig nificance. Shelby Sun. Thb Aluanck-Inukpkxdent. ha ba changed In name to "Tub We At tii Maker," but In ability, use fullness and sal it I tbe same as usual, except that it Improve every Issue. - People' IUnaer. Tb aame jf Tun AILUhcb litv rtNPKkT, published at Daoula, aa bea changed and II U now Tmr WiAtTH Makcnu. The management, huwtuer remain uiehaaged. Gewl !kourat. Tua ALUANi w lKltfcPgNOKMt ao eut!tku4r (.ear aas "ftst WbaUA Mabis.m That paper I doBg nvmn goal fvr th f re torn Th Headlight, J,W. lkrl4 04tLVua.l IlluSfs loeA, writes. Ttt new aame ot th i'pvf U th bst 4 alt sggtftt, Yvu ar boned ta saevewi