The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 22, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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March 22, 194 -J
(Continued from finrt !)
lord In idleae? Ask the million of
farmen of Nebraska aad the ether
atatea who have tolled rly an late
to raise corn and wheat, and who were
then compelled to sell them way below
actual cost of production; ask the busl
oeta men of Nebraska, falf of whom
are lng money every day they do
business; aik of crery one who realizes
the horrori of busiuess stagnatiou and
of falling price; ask the millions who
cannot collect their accounts, and who
can not pay their debts; be honest, and
ak yourselves, are you actually poorer
to-day with few exceptions than you
were a few'years ago? Have you not
been Industrious and have you not been
conomlol? What thn has become
of the wealth tbat has been creattd?
It went east to help make up that MOO,
000,000 of annual greed money;
Have not these American lords, you
will ak, a right to demand Interest
for their capital? That leads me to
ak, tan 4,047 men honestly earn HO,
OOO.OOO.OOO durlnir their short lives?
Can they rightfully come into posses
lon of a quarter of the wealth of the ca
tion in so short a time? All wealth is
created by labor. AH this wealth has
been created by the laboring men of
theis nation, and has been taken from
them by whut is termud sharp business
scheming, but what should be termed
legalized robbery.
Jesus Christ said, the laborer Is wor
thy of his hire, but the modern Idta
seems to be that he Is worthy of about
enough to keep himself and family par
tially renpectable.Iand that the million
a're, who Indirectly owns blm, Is wor
thy of the rest of his hire. Some Chris
tians men used to think it right to own
slaves. Borne Christian men now think
it right to rob the laborer of a part of
tho fruits of his toll. I can not see
why tho laborer is not entitled to alt
that he produces. Why should hegivo
a part of the fruits of bis toll Just for
theprlvllego of workiag? Two mil
lion men out of employment and busi
bess stagnation all for the lack af mon
ey, while $100,000,000 of idle money Is
being hoarded away in the banks of
New York, above the legal require
ments, openly defying the demaudsof
the business world. It is oneugh to aet
every wheel of commerco going, giving
employment to all. Their object is to
force down the price of labor and at
the same time force up the purchasing
power of the dollar; to freeze out the
small investors, ar,d the farmers and
merchants. Are they not delng it? "
Thousands and thousands of mea,
women and children cryinjr for bread,
aud at the same time our farmers sell
ing their wheat below coat of produc
tion! Thousands upon thousands of the
unemployed shivering for the lack of
proper clothing, whilo the factories
which turn out these much needed ar
ticles are shut down! The politicians
tell us it is overproduction, but we see
it la under-consumption. Such a spec
tacle for the social system of American
civilization! Interest is a peculiar
thing. Any sum of money loaned at
10 por cent compound Interest doubles
itself in seven years. $1.00 loaned at
10 per cent compound interest for 100
years, will amount to $13,809. At com
pound interest how long will It tako
that $10,000,000,000 to eat up the entire
wealth of the Nation, and make us all
elaves? It is only a question of math
ematics. It is onlya question of time.
The conjentration of wealth and
the moral and political corruption of
our large cities, is far greater to day
than it was in Rome when that proud
and wealthy Republic fell. Every
acholar knows that the concentration
of wealth, together with lta moral and
political corruption, was the real cause
of the fall of Rome. If like causes pro
duce like effects how long can America
atand the strain? But there is a good
time coming, boys! It will bj when
men stop living upon each other, and
commence combining their energies
for the good of all. It will be whf n tie
oomoetitlve vteui U overthrown, and
Christian socialism has become
blessed reality; when the people own
the corporations and sot tho corpora
lions the people; when every man will
be allowed to work and recHve the full
row art', of hi efforts; when bltry ha
hwn writtea and tells us that the
grcaWtt hindrance to American prog
reus was the blind political prjud!o
of the people, Than, aud not until
then, will permanent gwd tliw come
and vry man who will worn be b
lo obey the divine injunction, "uke no
hd for the morrow what ye hall ,
cr waatye shall put oa.M That lime
Marvr thaa moy Imagine, There ar
w.noruM) labor n wha would vote for
a syWMw tomorrow afWtramm, If
tisy had tht opportunity. Toeru are
million of farmer who weuld nW for
the Pprortuatly of tdlai thua Urv
las million. fUr are thousand t-(
J liars prvavhlaf ll la rough the pr. fca Irnnwi It OT BOt. hdward
Bellamy 1 not the founder of socialism.
The Populist party has no corner on
the idea. Eighteen hundred years ago
Jesus Christ, the friend of the poor and
heavy laden, overturned the table of
the money chongers and preached so
cialism. Not until ppnic after panic, calamity
after calamity.are tho people beginning
to realize that t him, that has, has
b-en given, and to him that has not,
has been taken away even that which
he thought he had.
A. ARTHUR. Gkiffes.
m4 IU re are tbtun!s ul
itrKtm rspoaadleg ll flow Oteir pu
.lis. A4 IN UfhU of im a cot trol
t!r actios. rrj time a a"rgg
f ' oaurw rv bouest na.1 it hi
bttMSt U farm, ll spreads the r
i Sit2Uai. lfj tiw I'hlUlUft
pr,'Thy klsdsist eM, Tby will
be dose arU M ll I 1 IN
Ctt vltt wir rfeu' bftfcd,1 U
v Ut miaiWia, part 4 tmpif,
Hent Out I'rom tlie Ilead(aarters at
Washington,!). O.
Business ad headquarters is becom
ing brisk, as the campaign opens.
Malls are Increasing every day and the
demand for literature comes from every
section, which proves the wisdom of the
committee at St. Louis at Its recent
mteting In establishing a department
of literature in cennectlon with head
quarters. A price list of all kinds of reform
literature will be furnished by head
quarters No. 450 Pa. Ave ) to anyone
making application for same. All
funds derived from sale of this litera
ture will go Into the campaign fund,
therefore it is the duty of all Populists
to order their literature through head
quarters, where they nan get it just as
ckeap as elsewhere and it the same
time contribute something to the build
ing up of the party.
Attention has boen called to a fatal
error being made by some of the news
papers by publishing the address sent
out by th National committee from St.
Louis February 22, 18!U. The error is
ound In the following:
'A declaration ia favor of the fre
and unlimited colnago of both gold and
silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and the
money redeemable in metal,"
It should read as follows; "A declara
tion in fayor of the free and unlimited
coinage of both gold and silver at the
ratio of 16 to 1 and the direct issue by
the government of legal standard paper
money redeemable in debts and taxes.'
Reports from primaries held in Ore
gon on the 10th inst., indicate that Mr.
Pierce will be the Populist candidate
for governor, and that Governor Pen
aoyer will be put forth ai tho PopulUt
candidate for the United States senate
to succeed Mr. Dolph, Republican gold
bug. It is pretty well settled that
Senator Stewart and Congressman
Pence will, with quite a number of our
ablest spcakers,spend some time on the
stump in Oregon during April aid
May. Oregon is tho key to the situa
tion. If the Populists carry Oregon in
June look out for a landslide in November.
For several days It was reported la
the New York papers that certain sena
tors were taking advantage of what was
transpiring in the senate finance com
mittee relative to sugar schedules, to
gamble in sugar trust stocks and mike
few thousand. After a few days of
ulet, and about tbe time tho guilty
ones were congratulating tnomseives
that tbe storm of critlcUfai had about
own over, Senator Peffer sereuely
bobbed up with a resolution calling for
committee of five senators to investi
gate these reports and rumors, and re
port their finding to the senate, where
upon quite a number of senators arose
and protested their innocence. Senator
PefTer U determined to push his reso
lution and have tho investigation.
Some rich and rare disclosures are
looked for. It is so nlco to have a Pop
ulist senator around, sometimes. I'he
resolution baa been tabled. The guilty
ones are too numerous. Editor
Wealtu Makeus.
Everything In Alabama points to
sweeping victory for the Populists in
Ausjust. The UeuiocraU down there
are at hli old tricks, inventing and in
dustriously circulating all luauiit r of
lies about what tho PopulWU should
hauo done In tbe campaign of lrtu2, In
etT.'eUng combination with the Repub
licans. When a party begin to lie
tbU early In the campaign, It U pretty
good evidence tbat they have no faith
in tholr ability to win by honest
All people's party clubs, I'floui and
Leagues, should Send In a list of Bantu
of tholr officers and their hmU!Uc to
ht-adquurWrt at once to that tluy may
ecelve tho twnefitof aoy literature to
n ut out. Surrn'or I'rfTcr has kindly
agreed to furai.a headquarters with a
ltHundur aw re of hU spvclal report
on "Atrlollurl lVprrtoa,lCu
and lliudtM. Ttl U a very valuable
docuutvat and will x J.i4U:Uiu'y dU-
la a U twr tu hvtduarter from W
l Marvb, n'rtry vt the r viil
Ui t;!ut;UiiumllU-tf Kaiutky
h UW tbatthe IVupU's jarty
nihVu active cp fa la tut ivs
I'oitMy Ct'RveitUw are b-inf h!4 a.hd
iTtt' t. tUa ar Wlarf rpU:y pf fyvl-
J The rotle' part wiu iiara aa
li,Uw la all tWrti
l thUU!Vari
4 U qU a a4br
Proaident, W. U Dale. Atlanta.
Vlrn-Pres., Prof. W. a. Jonea, Hutlngs.
Becaetary, Itn. i. T. Kellle. Hart well.
Treasurer. James Cameron, BeaTer City.
J. H. Power a. State Lecturer, Kaponee.
W. P. Wright, State Organizer Alliance Aid,
Bethany, Neb.
Chairman, I. N. Leonard, Lincoln.
E. Boderman, Bertrand.
L. W Younx, WllsoarlUe.
C. M. Letaar, Wahoo.
J. M. Dimmlck. Macon.
How Thorn re V. Cator Kndorses tbe
Omaha, March 10th, 1314.
Editor Wealth Makers:
Let the people awake and read what
Thomas V. Citor, of San FrancUco.
has to say about the Industrial Legion.
He was our candidate for senator in
California, and reported the platform
to the Omaha convention. The au
thor of ''Government ownership of
Railroads," 'Nationalization of Mon
ey," "fjauae at ranics," and otner
addresses. Ho is eloquent, honest, un
selfish, and the people can trust him
Heed his words and follow his advl.
and respond to tbe urgent appeal of
the National Committee, which said at
St. Louis, "Organize the Industrial
Legion in every voting precinct In the
land." Write to me for instructions.
Do not delay. Let us get out our in
junction against bonds by massing two
millions of people, believing In our
platform in the Industrial Legion, the
People's party club. It is practical
and plain, and takes la all the mem
bers of the party. It standi for tbe
Omaha platform and votes for the Peo
pies party straight.
Paul VanDeiivoort.
I hope tho Industrial Legion Is be
ing pushed in all the states. In San
Francisco we have no other organiza
tion of People's party; and representa
tion in our county committee U ba ed
wholly ubon the various Legions, who
elect the county committee from tholr
members. It works well, and in all
our towns, or nearly all of them in Cal
ifornia of any considerable population,
we find tho legion the best Kind oi or-
Hoping your zeal for this organiza
tion will be seconded by a general
effort to increase its strength, 1 am
Very sincerely vour?,
Thomas V. Catob.
Rare : Hardy : Grapes
ALL FOR $2.75:
S More Early Black.
I Magra White.
ft Golden Pockllngton.
SKUlra White, Wry Proline.
S Brighton Dark Ked.
i Virginia t Red.
ft U'B!uelUni( Black.
10 Warden Ulack.
2U Concord.
b Pay's Prolific Currant.
1 Japaneae Wine Kerry.
The above So. t well rooted ft toe k tor 12 75,
Sre paid by mall or exprem. Kay's currant
choke of grapes Jc., post paid.
u6 South agtb St., Lincoln, Neb.
Write tut price 11m in 100 or I.OUO lou. I will
surprise you.
Legal Tender VelloW Dent and MIIIh County
VVhiU). Best In cultivation.
Won tlrot and awwimlakes
Iowa state fair wsl and
MX Also medal and di
ploma at World's Fair,
jutted to central Iowa and
couth; 11. 60 per bushel.
Two btixhel orders, sacks
free: iare orders less. Write for clrculnr.
Choice Poland-tihina sows bred. IM
Non-Trust Wall Papers.
Retailed at Wholesale prices. Send lOe. post
age for 100 samples.
Good Paper for Four Cents per Boll
Can refer to hundreds of well satisfied cus
tomers of last year. 1 pay the fre Igbt ea al
orders of 1 10.00.
S 1 6 Second St. Hastlnss Neb.
Arrival and departure of trains carrying pas
senders at Lincoln, Neb. Trains marked,
Daily; t, Dally except Sunday; $Daily except
Monday; t, Daily except Maturday; , Sundays
only; f, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Baturdays
on , Monday, Wednesday and Friday only.
Burlington Jt Missouri Hirer,
tt, B. Q. B. B.
Ticket offices at depot, Seventh and P sts; and
corner Tenth and O Sts.
An Appeal to tbe Million 1'opullat
Both the Democratic and Republican
parties have established head-quarters
and are today preparing millions oi
campaign documents to be sent out dur
ing this campaign.
it is the opinion of tbe shrewdest
politicians at Washington, that if the
People's Party takes advantage of the
blunders and infamy of the present
administration, there will be no trouble
in electing Populist members enough
to bold the balance of power In the
next Congress. It is aho admitted by
the closest observers among both the
Democratic and Republican politicians
that the next election of president will
be thrown into the House.'wbich will
give the Populists the power to dictate
who shall be the next president of the
United States? Tho election In the
state of Oregon comes off in Juno, and
In Alabama In August. We are al
most absolutely sure to carry Alabama,
and we stand an even chance with either
of tho old parties in Oregon. To help
to carry Oregon and Alabama is to help
put life aud enthusiasm in our party In
every state in the Union.
Tho People's Tarty is composed of
the great common people of the country
who are poor and honest. It has no
millionaires, bank or railroad corpora
tions upon which to call for campaign
The National Committee has estab
lished head-quarters at Washington
where it can procure an unlimited
amount of campaign literature at a
small cost One thousand dollars used
In eur party will do bb much work as a
hundred thousand dollars In either of
the old parties.
After carefully considering the above
facts and the bright prospects for our
party In the coming campaign, we feel
It our imperative duty to appeal to our
people every Lsr to como to the aid
of the national committee In doing this
great work. In tht last election our
mrtv Dolled more than a million votos
for president.
We now earnestly appeal to I.oou oi
that number to give us 15 each, 10,000
to elve u ll each, 20,000 50 cenU each,
20,000 25 cents each, and the temaludtr
of the one million to give u 10 cent
and 5 cent ch. We also earnestly
anal to all Tcoplo's Tarty Clubs, Le
gions, and Uaguea to raise what fund
lhy ca for the coaitutliee, iv tasting
up collect!"" lM"-K tnttfrtalnmenU
etc. We make tU request oecause we
Kt,lK,d tt our duty to do to, our
party ever attains suwese. each inern
ber f ihe l-arti must contribute to that
l 0cea aot only with his ballot, but
kith whatever BUr h en ptr. Tt)
ro.pood promptly and Morally maa
(.uvs that will bii tn nau jr at
AU contribution should b U
M. C, lUtiUtt, T?re lUut, lad., whi
ery i ruy urs,
i ti 'I IL J TAVitsrcu,
Hrforstarv. fhalrma
f I Vl.i I'ikum. M. C Jt tHKI.
lWer'trt . Traurr
Flattsmouth, via So. I
Hend and Louisville )
Wahoo and Schuvler...
umnua and ChIcK
via Ashland cut-off..
Ashlund, Omaha and
Crete, Hastings and
Lowell and Kearney.. ..
St. Francis aud Ober-1
Holvoke a Cheyenne....
"liurlinglon Special"
to Denver and coast
Crete, Beatrice and
Washington and Con
cordia Endlcott an Bed
Bennet, Syracuse, Ne
braska City and east
Qrand Island Broken
How, Alliance, New
castle, Sheridan and
Dead wood
Seward. York,
Urand Island..
Atchison, St.
Kansas City.
Louis and south....
Tccumseh and Tabls
Mllford, David City,
and Columbus
tl0:10a. m.
t :M p. m.
8:00 a. rn.
2:0p. m.
10:10 a. m.
t 4 56 p. m.
12:20 p. m.
JU:68. m.
s:b0 p. m.
6:30 p.m.
U:5o. m.
t S:86p. m.
1 1:58 p. m.
t 4:00 a. m.
t 6:45p.m.
1:45 p.m.
I 6:36 p.m.
t 6:40p.m.
t 7:18a. in.
t 6:18 p.m.
tll:Ma m.
11:60 a. m.
6: 18 p. in.
t 8:30 p.m.
t 9:50 a m.
7:40 a. m.
1 1:40 p. m.
t 7:40 a. m.
t 7:40a. m.
1:40 p. m
10:00 a. m
t 4:40 p. m.
t 4:40p.m.
t 4:40 p.m.
11:65 a.m.
$10:45 p.m.
1.85 p.m.
6:10 p. m
t 7:ia.m.
Chicago, Bock Island Pacific.
Passenger station corner O and Twentieth Sts.
City office, 1046 O Street.
Fast express toTope-
ka, Kan. uity, ana
all points in Kansas
Oklahoma, and Tax
as. West
Local freight accom
modation, east
Local freight accom
modation, west
FaHtexp for Omaha,
t o. Hums, D.Moines
St.Paul.Chlo, k east
Fast ex p to Denver,
col. (springs, 1'uod
lo and west
Looul pass for Omaha
aud council uiujts.
rnlon raclflo Railway.
Depot corner O and Fourth street. City ticket
oince iim u street.
cuko, Valley, east
and west
Beatrice, lilue Sprgs,
Munhattan, east a
west, Topeka, Kan
siifl Civ. Hint, south
Dav dCity.StromHbr.
bioux i;ity,uavm uny
('olumlius, iHsnver,
Suit Luke, Helena,
Sun Krauulsco and
1'outrlco, Cortlund.. . .
oiigrtfMtaal dUliVi
Ha j.rti' lor
ibvr o tact. J
lluras, taJuB) A, ft, will sH yooi a
foo4 Crrig or PhaeWa, lor m
aosty than gr cor, l$l r ' -UU
t 8:20 a.m.
12:86 p. m
4:03 p.m.
tl:llp m.
til 80 a.m.
2 66p.m
t 0:03a.m.
t 7:45a.m.
t 6:00p.m.
1:46 p.m.
t 7:Wp.m
t 7:30p.m.
t 8 45 p. sn
10:40 am
4:10a. m
t 8:02 a.m.
Missouri raclllc Kali way.
Ticket offices at dnpot and corner of Twelft
anu u streets.
Auburn and Nebraska I
t'liv K i press (
Pt lrf)ulsdny express..
Aiilnirn and Nebraitk:i I
t'tty KxiTPsa t
st. Louis at: lit up ....
II 60 p.m.
11 Mp m
035 p.m.
t p m
500 p. m
5 00 p. m
I Wa rn
0 w
rciuout, Clkhnrn A Mtsaoarl Vatley
Dpit corner K.lifhth and S streets. City Tick-
ei omie dm u sireet.
'hU aiin anil
I inn l Unisha, Mmn '
M.irlialt iwn.l'wUr
ii.i 'niiinii,
Mulii s l'ilrr,At
iWu, t'ke . ...... ,
Wahoo rnnunt, Ke? 1
f..ik. l Neili, i,iii(
ime. t 'hsitrun,
jwr Hut (l r Hp
Ut'lt. H'ti4Hi4 , .
i'rt iutint v4iti lt B.
1:45 P m
t T as m
T m
til 0 M,
l S0p m
it Ma m
0 a ,
J- O:.?13. 1400-1402 UXIOI A..
Red, While. Alfalfa and A kike Cloven, , 1
Timothy. BlneGraas. Orchard Grass, Btd V 1U fIP PITY Iff.
Top.Otiioa -u. Tree Smij. Cm fvewt riAllOriO Wll I f MU
V t X
4'; f ';'s--jli !
LJ yhp r"B pUntlnfttlzer'aReManrTprlTOnrB'of h&rd tims,
y cubi,, ail yi-ioE! ivy it f.r it mua ok napti;
jrvj 1 LarV(t f rwer of
iajiioK Virctabla U.
Arm 8.uinth world, rata.
SrVr " ,.ja&uJ lu ivaiiin. VtiMimsv Houo, fe. tor poaUtfat
TI ir IMSflllMUl
3as " tu-sv m. W
We have on band an extra fine lot of Excelsior side oats at 46 to 50c per bnshel; also tome
very cboloe American Hannwr oats at f to 56c We handle northern and native grown
s-ei potatoes, aariy unio ana nuriyitose in targe quantities. Also other popular va
r.etics. vr rite tor prices ana seea catalogue.
GPISWOkD SEED CO. ktricolp, Keb
Alliance : Seed : House.
Tbe cheapest aad best Seed House in the world! We ware the first Seed
House ia tte United States to take the side of tbe farmers, ia offering pure fresh
seeds at the lowest possible prices, and we trust tbat every reader of this paper
will glre us a trial. Below we quote some of the standard sorts:
Asparagus-Palmetto. Conovers Collosssl. pkts3c each. Beans-Red Valentine, Imp, Val
entine, Black Wax, bpeckeled Wax. Golden Wax. Early Six weeks. White Kidney, Henderson
ftil.k. Hnah. Lima. Lsrira f.1m& Pntuhnrt tfina eit t.h (lu.rAan l.ff,i&. rttits ftrl fi!U.h. llAu.tAfcM.
monds, Bassono, Dewlngs, Kellpse, Lonir Blood, Hwlsschart, Egyptian Blood, Turnup, pkts So i
each. Beets for stock lied Maugol, Yellow, (ilobe Maugol, blleslan sugar, Imperial sugar, 1
Golden Tankard, Olant Red Maugol, pkte lie each. Carrots Early Forcing, Long Orange, Ox 1
Heart. White Belgian. Nanta half lonr. Kcarlet Horn. Danrers half long. Dkts 3c each. Olerr 1
Dwarf white. Large white, Boston Market, White Plume, Golden Heart: pkt 4o each. C&ti A
bage Henderson's Summer, Early York, H4 Drumhead, Early o'lnnlngstadt, All Heads?
Fathers Brunswick, Early Stamps, Late Flat Dutch, Late Drumhead, Dwarf Flat Dutch,
Early Express, Stone Mason, pkts 4c each. Hwoet Corn-Cora, Early Minnesota, Early Adams,
i resbys, Btowell's Evergreene, Moors Early, Egyptian, Black Evergreen, pkts to each. Cu
cumbers Long Oreen, Early Huselan, White kplne, Early Cluster, Giant Perla, Short Prollflo
tarly Frame, Burr, pkts ir each. Lettuce- mined SliHxlan. black Simpson, Curled Simpson,
ianson, Prise Head, Deacon, Silver Bull, Market, pkts 8c each. Musk Melons Hurprlse. liack
msaok, Ketted K'utmeg, EmeralGem, Montreal Market, Oasge, Early Citeron, Ward s Nectar,
Pin Apple, Miller's Cream, pkts 8c each. Watermelons Mountain Hweet, Culan Oueen. Boss.
PUlnney s Early, Kalh's Gem, Ire Cream. Seminole, Dirk Icing. Black HpaRlsh, Orange, Rnby,
Gold Dexle. pkts 8c each. Onions Mammoth, Htlver King. Early Bed, Ked Weatbersfleld.
Daaver's Globe, Danver's Flat, Sllverskln, Elpaso. While Queen, pkts 4c each. Peppers
Hweet Spanish, Honstrows, Mammouth, Cayenne, Ruby King, Large Bell, pkts 8c each. Fump
kins Cheese. Cashaw, Japanse Pie, pkts 8c wh, Peas American Wander, Yorkshire Hero,
Marrowfat, Tom Thumb, Bliss's Everbearing First and Best, Alaska. Premium Gem, Carter's
11 rut crop, Rnral New Yorker, Bliss's Abundant, pkts 8c each. ItadlHhes-Hummer Turnip,
Black Bpaclsh, French Breakfast, Kcarlet Turnip, White Turnip, ixing Scarlet, Cal. White
Mammoth, lion Plus Ultra, White Btrawsburg. Chanters' White Vienna, Scarlet Olive Shape,
White Olive shape, pkts 3c each. Squashes Crook Nuck Kssix Hylrld. Early Ford book, Per
fect Gem, Mammoth Chill, Warble llrad, Hubbard Silbtty's, pkts 8c each. Tomatiws May
flower, Cluster, Llvingxton Beauty, Pear, Cherry. Plum, Peach. Paragon, Acme. Mikado, Car
dinal, EsbIx Hybrid, Llvlopiton Favorite. Llvluunton Perfection. Trophy, pkts 4o each. Tur
nips -Flat Dutch. Aberdeen, Mlnnlch, White Egg, Purple Top, Bed Top Globe, Cow Horn,
it mber Globe, pkts 3c each.
OOOur Great $.00 Offer
To induce evervone to trr our seeds we make this wonderful offer. 68 nkts your cholo
from the above for H 00. Think of itl Nevur before has such an offer been made by any seed
house In the U. 8. M full slw?d packets your cboloe for only II 00. We make this offer to in
duce everyone to try our iwd, for if you once grow our seeds yon will grow no other. Cata
logue free on application. Address,
Alliance Seed Hc'ase, cove city, Kansas.
Allianee Seed Co.
Gents: I have purchased seeis of your firm and was well pleased with them. Got abous
nuble the amount that we get here in the stores for tbe mosey, and your seeds showed them
selves to be pure and good. Yours Resp'y, A. Muskxntbalek, Paxleo, Kans.
Alliance Seed Co.
Genu: Having received such good seeds from your house last year. I thought I would
send for your catalogue to select from. Yours truly. i. W. Hubwibt, bevery, Kans.
Alliance Seed Co.
Gents: Please send me your seed oatalogne for 1833. I bought seeds from yea last year
and am desirous of buying from you again. Yours, W. P. Hoi.toh, P. M., Jester, Tenn.
and plants of varieties that will bear
fruit in Nebraska, as evidenced by l,30o
bushels of apples and 800 bushels of
cherries grown in one season ia or
chards of
Crete Nurseries!
Large stock of FRUIT TREES aiid
TREES suited to Nebraska. Tbe ex
perience and advice of the proprietor,
who is President of the State Horticul
tural Society will be found 6afe and use
ful to all. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor
respond at once before extreme rush
opens. Address,
E. V. STEPHENS, Propr,,
Crete, Neb.
$40,000 'n 5 YKAks
... w-s.4Jl.i5Vr
C. L, Allen iti his llook on
minis, cianm mat certain uiA
DIOLI multiply at the rot of 200 BULBS per bulb
in 1 year, and other authorities confirm tliix sIhUx
iuciiI, At tli" '.try iiiorh.rute Increiiwi of 'St bullst
per bulb, IOO GLADIOLI planted this yenrwnuld
iirKlii'-c 2 rtillions of bulbs in 8 Yearsor 5 Millions
in 6 Years! I assorted In colors tliov wholesale this
year al an averago of $20 per 1000 1 1 Any boy or
girl can grow thorn without trouble.
FOR $1.50 we send hy mail or express prepaid
100 of these PROLIFIC GLADIOLI or
60 for $1.00; 25for50Cts.; l2for25Cts.y
Warranted blooming size, with piimptilet vrrifj lniy
hIhivo statements and other valuable particular's
WcalMosendforSl, ISOassortjil SummerFlowc
ing Bulbs, including many rare sorts not to lie' J
cUewhore, hardy cllmhers. Lilies, ftf , enouglr J
a gardmi or 70 Bulbs for SO CIS.; 30 for 23 Ctl
10 for lOCt.t., all Mint-paid, tftiogiven In prcmiunl
Z Catalogues of Bulbs, Plants and Cacti, hrjs.
Book on Cacti, 116 pages, 1 60 engravings, 10 Cft.
12 Cactus Plants, $1; 5 for SO Cts. ; 2 ior 23 Cts.
A.BIanc&Co.3'sPlTilad'a ,
Given away Free. A pamphlet on potatoes
and bean culture telling how to prepare the
soil, when to plant, how to plant, how to culti
vate, harvest, &c, all given in detail. Also a
description catalogue and price list of four
choice varieties f potatoes. Five of the best
kinds of seed corn. Three of choicest kluds of
seed corn Three of choicest kinds of neld
beans. Kvery farmer should have this pamph
let. Please send stamp to pay postage.
S. A. 'I'ni'M",
Bingham 1'age Co., Iowa
Locust and Ash Trees,
Fruit Trees, Crape Vines and
Small Fruit Plants
tilj. slim! 37o. wheat! ?to cora M
steers' latrt t mortgage and
ttt, d'lnif balties4 at a oi
A meatiotf ul tha OU eouatv Alii
mt' wlil t MA at 1st ttiwra llu
ia MruM. ou Vdatljf Marvb SUI
at 11 it'olit a AM. for tt. uurnt tf
thir orihv ! prUU'Bl, John ll.
ir. wilt hn iHrt at.4 a4Ur
A cnllal ImrlUlU'it ( r'n.t4 U
allitUl AUlai tntiTOr, KaSghU f
IjtVr AstrtnbUe. tiafr a4 ait
(urutcr la (lUkiHtthf wiiU Iba eau tl
auiuaall. la ta bu4.
TuikW tvlluiw cttuens, an! Uot
racr rower wtlllrriM ua iwn w
, C. lUtl ten .
Send (or free price list to
Jansoa, Jofforsoa Co., Nth
Or Or.o. It. Galiikaith.
(W, Mlll.'t Bm J. Kaffir. Hire ana
Jerusalem I'ora I ullow ana hit Mtlo
Malio, all grown la IHHX For I'rlce.
Oatdto City, K
Wesleri) Trees i
It 13 a Pact that for Prairie Plant-
f . T L S
ine, xrees erown on rrairies are me
best. You caa get them at
The Geneva Nurseries
AU aorta of them and in any quantity,
from one to a car load, at Very Low
Prices. Our stock Is vory complete
In all departments.
Osage Plants and Forest Trees,
Aluo a full line of Fruit, Shade aad
Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines,' Rose
and KverRre8. Catalogue free.
Write for Price
Youngcrs & Co ,
Geneva, Neb.
Cattle Robe Tanning Company,
1012 B Sired, LINCOLN, NEB.
How to Phkpahs 11 mm roa Robks. As
i mid as litilw Is removed from animal, trim off
head and less. pred out on floor, cover well
with salt, (medium sld hides will requir
two and one ha. f gallon of salt, evenly
sprradi. leave In ittU condition for Uu to tif-
lwn days, Iheu MU U, tlrnh side out, He wll .
and ship. Chum for tttiimiK will Ut from
13 n) k ou milium slmwl bides.
In Hi t. mshh and oiiirr parties halnif
chol. hiiwk hUW. MiinliiiK thrre or mr
hltlna, we will ri'iiim ou r.itKi fit the reuialn
tun two hides. I'rvltfbt hi be paid hf shlrwr. aud litttuso haiher tauumt on same
tvrmt. aiiinlea sent ou application..
ne hav i1dhI thin rls an.t Rud
them In tw HrMt rla In vrv prtt'tilar: u
Il..m tiiltltuie li.r lh luftlu rube w hi' U
I Uv tiiuliiil so f r - I'uttlubors I
Tci the land of Utd Appli tl t,h
MitHiurl Pactfta rtut lutt, 1st, for on
Im tha rolln.l trill ,uA Ml itu
Catl tm Phil tianlol. g, p. & T. A. Uo
O t'.rwt UatHiio, iStiU.
!, West's iUW tit M-sUl twwtaa, Xw
vtialil,, iKwlaK,., IsirslsaUa. TiJ
K.U. Sits. aanuiM MMCT. I. Wk
M WM4ufVMi MimI, IMm, Vm
0imnrmmt hum
Wol TNacers tod Snlp?en
" " 1 wY
iiiMik i set.
! WlltS , tOIShM
o o o o o o o o p o .o o o o o o o wjt w m ww Am)
im h .h . i a. 4-i. f. i:.ijti v
viswwi ua kMm. V 4 '