VOL. V. The Magnificent Address of a Colorado Populist. THERE ABE BUT TWO PARTIES ThTwo Winged Gold Party and The Populist Party The Intrinsic Vdue Fallacy Shown up. Colorado Women With the Populist iToin the Road. Mrs. Raberta is a relative of Mrs. Louise Forrest, the wellknown and en thusiastic Populist organizer of this city. She Is a plain, modest, womanly woman, with a good, face and a splendid voice, and. her first appearance before a Colorado audience was greeted with most tremendous applause. During her speech she found it almost impossible to proceed at times on account of the uproar and excitement, ani when she had concluded people crowded around her and bestowed most earnest con gratulations. Mrs. Roberts will be heard from often during the campaign. Her speech was as follows: Fellow Citizens: In addressing joq as such, you cannot appreciate how glad I am to-Blght to think that the time has arrived when public speakers in Colo rado, can do away with the old stereo type introductory appeal: Ladies and gentlemen. I have been called on this evening to address you on the silver question. It seem quite unnecessary to say that I fully appreciate how often that pile of straw has been thrashed and re-thrashed upon the rostrum. I shall not at tempt to thrash over the old subject again tonight. I can assure you that I would have been better pleased had I been given some other subject, but no truth grows old with reiteration. Even a lie, well reiterated, often does good service for the truth. In the limited time allotted ma it will be impossible to go very deep into the subject assigned to me. It will be my aim to tell you something this evening calculated to set you reading. If it does, then I shall consider I have done well my part. In discussing the silver question it would be well to go into its entire his tory. That cannot bo done tonight, only a few points will be touched upon. mi t .utl. .ill u l A.WOMANS E OQUKNGR i:io pnuun'ai uuw ui nmvu mil us 114 money function. To thoroughly understand the mean ing of silver as money every one should ' mako it his or her business to secure a copy of "The Seven Financial Conspir acies,' and carefully read it. This little pamphlet can be secured in many places in the city and can always bs found in the reading room of tbe Woman's Popu Hut hfftdqHurttfin, In thrt TUmlay block. Thlr little pamphlet gives a condens ed history of all the financial legislation doled out to the people of this nation by the tnonej power, from the begin ning of the war of the rebellion up to that crowning epoch of sin and destruo tloa marked by the call of "John'' Cleveland and (trover Sherman's extra tlon of Congress. THE 81LVIK UCTCSTION by many It uipod to be a local que, tloa with tho silver state just, at Iron aad coal are the pet tariff protected pro duct of Puuntylraal, at wuodn but m'i and tap bolW sugar U tho Utue lu Connecticut and Vermont Thit It an erroneous conclusion, ao4 it paint nit to rjad that Kunjawia liar ila rt marktni In hit Trinidad iecb that "out are" the iltvr acUon It a pmuilaeul oud. Thit iprttUa do iiMult that wa It&rrltoa ha not vet learned or Aimu But rtrt Iti 1 tiara that silver l a world wld qui:lua, and a iuliuo, t-e M1 Wlr uador lo4 among lb tuawwt ut the old world lb an by the pj.l of CoU'rado. U cunactia will) thit rviuark mad fcy tf l'rtd at tlarriw'tt I dlr (oral! jeuratWatio. i Uli fact. thai h- ftvor tho salwgad ut ! llr. tttfat faUuia who aow wcupltt the presidential chair in this particular Harrison favors the enlarged use of sil ver and Cleveland favors the extended use of silver; but only GeneraljJames B Weaver and Populist bodies favor free and unlimited coinage of silver. The platform of the People's party reads in so many plain words: "We de mand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and srold at a ratio of 16 to 1." Could anything read plainer? I am assured that it is the intention of the State Central committee to order that plank printed in our next State platform in red letters a foot high in order to assure the old parties that they mean just what they claim. While digressing please pardon me if I call your attention to one more fact. There are only two parties today in ex istence. One la the Populist party and stands for Cod, home, humanity and silver. The other Is the Gold party. This Gold party has two wings, one is the Democratic wing and tho other is the Republican wing, and both wings flop to the music of human oppression, finan cial frauds, purchased legislation, pol luted courts, corrupted legislators, and goldbug Cuckoo Congressmen and Sena tors. To return to my subject. It is the cry of the money power that money must have intrinsic value and with great solemnity it prates about a gold dollar being worth a dollar because it contains Intrinsic value. " """'" Friends, when you go home tonight take your dictionary down and turn to Intrinsic, and find what its definition is. You will find that it means: something of use to mankind for instance, that material in this world of the greatest intrinsic value, is that which mankind could the least afford to part with. Wheat has intrinsic value because it is needed to sustain life; so has corn in trinsic value, barley, coal, iron and the thousand and one other substances re quired by mankind to feed, clothe, shel ter and warm the race. Now let us stop and consider these facts for a moment, or two, while we are on the subject of intrinsic value. The Shj lock who sings so low and sweet about the dollar's worth of gold in the dollar fails to mention the fact that in Colorado during the year 1893 nearly $10,000,000 worth of the stuff was pro duced at an actual cost of less than 22 ctnts on the dollar. Yes, friends, and In one day "Little Johnny Mine," hoist ed over $100,000 worth of gold out of its shaft at a cost of less than one cent on the dollar. There, fellsw emzens, is intrinsic value for you with a vengeance. How dishonest are they that claim there is a dollar's worth of gold in a gold dollar, when gold can be produced at such fig ures. Ia it not high time the people of the west began to return "the cheap and nasty dollar cry" the New England Shylocks so mercilessly greeted ub with when their gold dollars bought the leg islation thai crucified silver as a mouej ? What gives gold iu value? Legisla tion Now you will ask where does ln trinslo value cor o In? I'll tell you. Suppose by some accident all the silver In the world should be dropped Into the middle of the Atlantic ocean, how would it affect our civilization? I am here to say tonight, that It is my hoaott opinion that the people would dad some other metal to take Its place on tery short notice, and civilisation would go right on jutt at usual. Now tup() all tho gold lathe world thould be dumped Into the I'aclflo ocean. Would clvtlUttloa step? I think cot. Kew bl-chlortde of gold Institutes might abut up temporarily tut biuln. would go right on jutt the tame. Now for au llluttra'loa ol InUln.lo tatue by ooniraflon-uark wtll the pylai I am aow about to wake - tuppote all the Irua la the world should t 1 ttrovml. Would clvllUatloa turn fcck rd? I jot. Th greet basdtef rllway Iron thM g ridiru tbl toall ncrt om!4 dlrtpptar and elli and MaW would Weenie t ttraagvrt, t& UiU'fraph Ws would e0 Vi click Itt mi fro ait quarters wf IU wtirhl. aad once more would we dctvond to the dart of the sari aad tey sipr, far great vvfae tluet woull dUya aad a or would lb tkortt of Ku LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1894. rope fade away into trips of six and eight weeks. (Would to heaven I could say that tonight). The father away from Eu rope we are the better we aro off. No one can picture the ruin that would follow the sudden extinction of iron. You can appreciate that fact without further examples. Now for my conclusion I maintain that iron has greater intrinsic value than either gold or silver, and Webster's definition bears me out on the position I have taken. Legislation, my friends, and a mutual agreement among the peo ple to recognize gold and silver as money is what gives gold and silver their value. This monetary value is purely an agreement and tbat agreement was rudely cast asldeand annulled when the Sbylocks of this nation bought the leg islation that constructed coin to mean only gold. Prices of commodities of all kind in cluding labor, are always regulated by the volume of money In circulation. When this nation was covered up with bonded debts, national, state, county and municipal, we had for legal tender money, greenbacks, gold and silver. Then came the cunning treachery tbat struck down greenbacks at the command of that most infamous scoundrel, John Sherman, than whom no more inhuman or more traitorous ever lived or dis graced this earth. Judas Iscariot was a good man compared with Sherman. I was about to say greenbacks were destroyed and these "vast debts were made payable in coin. Prices went down to conform to the decreased volume of legal tender money. Then came the crime of 1373, that made coin mean gold by demonetizing sliver. That act means more currency con traction and falling prices. In the late special session of Congress we witness ed the crowning of the infamy, and to day we practically stand on a gold basis. You all have seen prices go down. Wheat has reached the lowest prices In the history of this nation. Cotton, pork and all otner products of the tolling millions have gone down, down, down, with the decline of silver. C There is one thing however, that has remained stationary aDd has failed to decline with silver, that thing, dear friends, is the mortgage or bond. The obligations our deluded people bound themselves to pay, remain up at tho top notch and command today threo times as much labor, pork, cotton wheat and products to pay as would have been required to have paid them the time the debts were made. Usury is the curse of the age. It has built up in your and my time a civiliza tion that will pay a poor girl 4 cents for making & 6hirt In a sweaters den, and a Chinaman 10 cents for spitting on It and ironing it. Hut Is there one here tonight who dare face me and say the timo has at t yet arrived for radical utterances? Let me give an illustration of usur by it I shall attempt to prove that the only way that cities can ba sustained is by keeping prosperous the producing intoresta of the country. Let us take the national debt. At the closo of the war by a system of bondage forced up. on the people by the Shylocks, who re futed to atitltt the noble Llncsin, we owed 2,000 million dollars, and since ISf 5 the people of this nation have been taxed to pay 12.000 million dollars In u.ury t'lsoountt and premium. While doing that taa debt hat boon reduced enly a little, a very little over one-half, leaving unpaid at this time la rund numbers about 1,000 million dollar, Now for the point. It will lake more labor, more cotton, snore wLeat l pay ttat l,i 4)0 million dollar cell today than it would have takta to hava paid the original debt of 1.000 million wbua it wtt cuetravted, and thit ki la face of thafact that the aatlotal baok rubber have tinned the producer of tblt natioa of 12,00 Million dollar In utury, In tht iunt!m aa4 all, too, ul of m war dwbv, Mom Ung can Ult rtpubllt? tut at titrate? U U aot hljh llm Ixfaa to n-e-Hi that the rooaoy ,m.ilpn It tt rl it j Mure the Amerlna )moj,4 klf , and aot lie A. i A. Idiocy? Kp yvui yet on the nt$af quvttlon aad kp ut of reUitout ttrif. Urllt lo it aot lee lit via, Gold is money, silver is money and I believe that both should be coined freely. Now my friends, in conclusion I want to say that greenbacks are money, and we demand enough of them to raise the per capita circulation from 15, where it is to day, to 850 per capita, where it be longs and where it was whta the nost of our vast bonded debts was mad. For myself 1 do not care whether gold is secured for the deficit in the United Stales treasury through the issuing of fraudulent bonds. What are bonds? Bonds are printed pieces of paper back ed up by the wealth of the nation. What are greenbacks? Greenbacks are pieces of paper backed up by the 'wealth of the nation. What then is the difference between bonds and greenbacks? The bonds draw Interest aid circulate In tbe pockets of the Sbylocks and money changers. Greenbacks do not draw interest and thej circulate In the pockets of the com moa people. As this government is run today the demands of the bankers are heeded, but the poor people are turned aside. TW policy must be stopped. If it cau't be stopped peacably at the ballot box then bullets will stop it. I am a believer in America and Amerl' can institutions and believe the time has arrived for an American policy. An American financial system. , An American industrial system. I say down with English interference. England and the Rothtchilds have gone plenty far enough. It is time to call a halt. We stand on dangerous ground. Only the flash of the musket is needed to set the nation on fire. I stand here tonight in the interest of a peaceful selutlon of oar troubles at the ballot box, and pray God that the good sense and patriotism of Americans will see to it that tbe homos of the al ready poor and discouraged people are not ruthlessly destroyed in a religious war of some kind, fathered up by the Shylocks in order to draw the attention of the common people from the money question. Dj not be misled, the Issue today is money, legal tender money. Feel in your pockets friends and deny it if you can. Silver is money and from time im memorial has been recognized as such. We are going to get free silver or a free fight, mark the prediction. American womanhood stands pledged everywhere to assist the masses in this fight against tho classes and Colorado women will stand shoulder to shoulder with tbe Populists to whom they owe all for the blessed right to vote. This silver fight has just begun. From now until the last Shylock Is driven from the halls of Congress the conSict is going to be hot and furious. Thl Ought to Have Iteen Printed littt Week. J'ENDEit, Neb., Mar. 6, 1894. Eiiitor ALUANCS -IXD&rCN'&EVT: I m an old reader of your paper, like It now better than ever, and thank God you are gotag to have a new name. The paper has certainly been handicapped. Now 1 predict you wltl spring upward like an unchained balloon. Your Faithfully, N. II. Nvk. The .National Commit t. Since establishing head quarters at Washington, D. C, the committee has arranged with the CVntut Oilloe to tend out to our worker all over Ihe country a large lot of extra Centut Hullellat, giving the mortgrgtt Indebtednvt of ttie d.rterrol ttate and other va!uabl lafuraiatioa. Whenever th eommlU caa ar rang with aay of the Ikpartmeat to tnd out valaable ducuintai to the HHtido, It will hi done. Ftu4i aow ou, the eotamttu will avail lWH of wry eprtialt W tup ply the (Mop! wild literature. Ail r-mntualotiwus rtUtltig Ut ill- rlur thould bo e7r4 to the kh wury of th okuiwUW. J, It. TVHMCH. ftfan. At. TtifcftA fraud ( first olat Ikitl via UUhhi !'at 1 ) rva. city llctjlem 01, LtKWa, NV NATIONAL PERILS The Power of Wealth Concentration Con idered- USURY IS DESTROYING LIBERTY- Some Startling Figure and Mathematical Proof of tbe Dangerous Forces Confronting us. Stirring Word by a Nebraskan. Read before the open tbe Whltlerlan literary Hastings, Neb meeting society of ot The American Republic in its great nesa and grandur, commands the admiration of the statesmen of the world. Its foundations were laid deep in prayer; deep in the conviction that nation was yet to be built which should be the land of the free and the home of the brave Its superstructure reaches the very heavens and its build ing is guirded by the omnipotent haad of God. It recognizes no divine right of kings, but that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Crea tor with the inalienable right of self government. Well may we point with pride to her glorious record a record of the eman cipation of the masses. The embodi ment of strength, eqnity and Justice- the glory of man; the handiwork ef God. She bids defiance to the com' blned powers of the world. In her in fancy she twice whipped the mistress of the seas. She has crushed out the most powerful and stubborn rebellion the world has ever knows, and with characteristic Americanism re-unltcd the factions until It is stronger than before the fracture. The glory of her Christianity and the search-light of her clvllzation have penetrated, the debth of darkest heathendom. Our admira tion knows no bounds: yet reason com pels us th admit she Is notyetjperfect. Today there is an enemy, more power ful than any nation, being fostered ia the very bosom of our Republic, a force more deadly to freedom than poison is to life. Already this powerful organ ized tyranny has tho American Repub lic by the throat. The mngnifient structure already totters. This fiendish, silent power controls the metropolitan press of tbe nation and thus indiroctly controls our legis latures and our congress and therefore makes our laws. It controls our courts and therefore Interprets those laws for its selfish advancement. It owns our railway, steamship and telegraph lines, and thus controls our commerce. It owns our factories ond our mines, and therofore controls the price of labor and of all other commodities. It holds a mortgage death grip on the mott of the homes and ths farsa la Amcr- ca. It demands more tribute money than did ever the Rsman conquerors from their victim and we pay it with out a murmur' Yes this monitor; this organized greed; thit concontrtted cap ital; thee trutU; these millions of wealth in the hands of the few, threat en the very existence of oi'r Rrepubllo There are In the city of New York alone 1.1C3 millionaires. Nearly all of these are raulll millionaire. Mtny ar worth from 10 to 20 million apiece and several are worth 50. 00. ?o a4 a high at Va millions. Ia Uo nation there are known to be t.&l? million aires and it I fair to suppo thai lhy will avertg worth at least tarte mill. Ian dollar. Thl nuakr thote 4,oi7 pertout worth 111,1 U,im0,0i XX Hut to be sure and bo contriativ enough we will tay tby are worth la rouad lum ber bul l.,0iHl,ft!. Our U.orfuts wadily spoah the flgur, but oartuibds are utterl) unabl lo comprehend them We way bat eoufptioa of a million dollars bul our ta'ad Maggrr whta try to omprhd lb rallty of H),Mi,0m WeaaoU-ci.r. h. bJ ii. bat we im tisak j sum u.w narUaa. Th t're, WfaUh et th I'nlwJ Swttt, laoUdltjf vorHral!ont. 'a, rtltaU and Hrtoeal proper ty, wtt ia 1) tat ltjj,,m.n). NO. 40 That is, these 417 peoplo now own nearly as much, is did the entire 3,000; 000 peopl0 of the United States. In 33 years 4,047 men have come Into posses sion of nearly as much, as was then tbe entire wealth of the nation. And yet some politicians tell us the wealth ef the nation Is not accumulating in the hands of the few. Suppose those 4,047 persons bad their wealth in cash and pegan buying up f irms, city realty, railroads, manufac tories, mortgages and bonds, merchan dise and personal property of every de scription, when would their purcbas" ing power end? They could buy out every dollar worth of wealth In Neb raska, together with all of Kansas, and all of Colorado, all of South and North Dakota, all of Ohio, Indiana, Indian Territory and Texas, all of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Idaho, Wyo ming and Montana, Oregon and Wash ington, and California. Yes they would own every dollar ef property of what ever description from the Gulf to Can ada, and from the Missouri river to the Paclllo ocean, and still have billion left for spending money. I mlghtadd several of tho southern states to the ' list to make half of the staUs of this so called free republic I say ,"so called" for It is a question whether we are a free poople if 4,047 individuals are worth the told wealth of half of the Union. Those select few could give to each of the 13,000,000 families cf tho United States, a present of $700.00 and still ba.'e enough left, which if loaned at only .01 per cent Interest, would bean them and their posterity rolling ia lux- ary irom now to eternity. Those select few own over a Quarter of tho entire wealth of this nation to day; and we have not taken into con sideration the much greater number who have perhaps not a million, but whose hundreds and tens of thousand draw Interest just the same. There has never been enouch rold coined in the Uuited States, all told, to pay a fair rate of interest on this com- blnad capital, for a single year. Those select fow the 4,047, whose post offices names and addresses are known could by an investment of only tiaht cent a on the dollar of their capital stock buv ud the combined capital stock of all th banks of America. If their wealth is brineiner in B tier cent interest, they are sitting idle, and ana clearing f 000,000,000 per year, or nearly 12,000,000 per day. As thi In. terest money whether paid in inter est, rents or profits) must be produced by labor in somo form, the American psople must do some pretty hard rus tling to earn this each year, for those lords. This monied arlstocfaev U an expensive luxury ; they come high, but I suppose we must hare them. Lot's see. At 11.50 per day and la borers are working on the streets ot Pittsburg, at 50 cents there must ba just 400,000,000 days of labor porformed each year to satisfy the greed of theee mlltlonlare potentates. Allowing 300 woik day lo the year, it wiii toko over 1,333,000 American laboring men working ten hours per day, everyday lo the year, and every year to salUfy tho greed of this select few If it doe satUfy their greed. That means that 1,3X1,0(19 American laborers are in re ality slaves to the aristocracy. Tdea to think that these lord do not giro a cent la return, directly nor Indirectly, till rtln their great wealth, and yet have the fruit af the labor of 1,333,000 American worcineo etch year for abso lutely B'lthlGf ! Hut who are thoce who annually do nate ihlr labor for the support of tfel aristocracy? Krery man who labors. w hether by the day oron a salary, It do nating hi prorata f th ua earad (10ui..n)0 ol greed money, Oo they really doate a sharw efth!r ahor, you ak la all sincerity? l.UUn lo tho plteou cry of i,(H,0CU American labor, ati aid wining tu work, who ht bvit out of ratUyuita! the cold ttf nioiilbt. MIA tisj Wir at work t!)y cur4 tWat aouga W fidft4 cltlM tarrutvlv and trlr lartiUk. tt ay, th hlac- t!vt of th &ith rwlv4 the taut rga..ut laoy wr avt lure out ia th eoM of wiaU'f to slat W bo ! lulfk tdppjri tbe t4 r