The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 15, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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March 15, 189-1
J ' ' 1 - -
Warm Friend In NnckolU Conntjr.
Ekdioott, Neb , March
Editor Alliance -In dependent:
In ue laws of March 1. of Thx AU4-ASCS-IsDEPEJtDEST
we find you at the
cradle. Some hand that rock the
cradle are a power. Yours have proved
such since you assumed your present
position on Th Alliance Isdepbk
ENT. Tour iober dignity in present
ing fact. U gaining you plenty of friends
After years of-riUtent effort In this
ticlnity we are beginning w see s
pi Inform us In some future Issue
-v.. a farmer about to lose bl frin by
mortgage has not as good right to
have a receiver appointed by the gov
ernmcnt as other industries.
Kick fusion hard.
Success to the cause,
j. p. Ballen.
Edwin C. rrescottof Itandolpb, Neb.,
writes: "Your subscription blank was
not Iaro enough this spring. This is
tbe third spring I have sent a club to
The Alliance-Ikdepesdkkt, and each
vear the club is larger than the proceed
ing one, which shows how the Po ple's
party is dying out in this neighborhood.
May it keep oa 'dying' in the same way.
J. W. Jay of Alliance writes: "I don't
want to b$ without The Alliance-Independent.
Will Bend you the money
soon as I can. You will see ray name
on your list from the first. I, have
gathered uo several subscribers for the
paper the past three years. I dou't
wnt mv miner to stop. I shall never
- j i - -- -forget
tbe Omaha convention.
W. A. J. fioodln of Iiloomlngton, Neb,
writes: "1 ?ot four new subscribers to
day, but find some who want to seo tbe
latum unn I IV Ml iM like to have a few
more sample copies as I om out. I find
money terribly hard to find or got at
leant; but hope I can do eomothing
more. Send samples at onca, a dozen
or so."
Mr. J. H. Morgan of Geneva sends In
another name to add to his club and
says: "How I wish THE ALLIANCE
Indei'ENDENT could beput in the hands
of every voter in Nebraska! I believe
the days of the present banking system
are numberod."
Geo. M. Simon secretary of the F. A
& I. U. of Lansing. Colorado, writes: "
have been requetted by the members of
ho F. A. & I. U. of this place to send
for 8am pie copies of your paper. Please
send half a dozen copies and oblige."
J. W. Ireland of Shlckley asks to have
a few subscription blanks sent bim. We
are glad that the wide awake Populist
workers are stirring themselves to gel
our Daner new readers. "Go thou and
- r t
do likewise." '
JJ. N. Kanaga of Mansfield, Ohio,
writes: Please send mo sample copies
of Tub Alliance-Independent, and
Mr. H. Sturdevant of Malcoln, Nob.,
writes for sample copies to use getting
us subscribers. Who else can make
good use of some?
Mr. M. Edwards of Mammoth Springs
Arkansas, sends in his dollar for another
year-and says: "I do not see how I cau
get along without your paper.
J. H. Dill of Bel videre calls for "extra
copies of this weeks issue," the last In
Burks Cadman & Co. have the lar
gest line of Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
& Phaetons, In the State at cor. 10th
& Q St.
The Castor and Morton Gan Utile.
The World-Herald's fusion scheme
did not turn out as favorable as was an
ticipated. The machinery of democra
cy In Nebraska Is In the hands of the
Tobe-Morton gang and with them only
can any fusion be accomplished. This
fact, if there were no other objectionable
features, would render fusiou a serious
mistake. But there is no nod of fusion
The People's party Is gaining steadily
and surely, and It Is only a question of
time wtien its principles wiii triutnpu
Mlnden Courier.
Stay ly the Omaha Platform
Stay by the Omu'iii platform, and In
stead of making it narrower let us make
it broader, till every feature of an Uh I
and rval government of tho people is
recognized, lly thb iiietntM we will
bar no good element from our rank.
We may d.lTvr w.sne a to details and
methods but let us nt differ upon fun.
damenul rlncltlea.Tccumoh Us
public. liurka. lNlm A Co. ar head iuar
trr In the iv.iUc, for VS'atfi'ti, UoiYi
Hame, ami ia fact any u.Utf, lrm a
l4i j:idu htm to a Thrbicg Ma
chin, tor. loth A, Q.
How float t t to St., Taut and Iht
Q(at Nrthwtt,
Start right. 1hfis l dmI ot illr.u t
yWW line. To luav. Ltr.volu by mn
riJa t a be turned it.ef o U .NoriU
VVeitoro Kurt ftirtiuWj. h. lht vn
Start wKh9 'N'r,h-Vpt.rtt" t'y uf
c fe!n t caU iA lt rvprvuWhta,
A. b. KaUtUgCU TVita Atfun HI
&v ytfc, t K- T. Moor at a nv-U'
nwrtiJl an4 rt treU
I'm I, C-dma .V C , will I 'll y
Vc4 ( a)-rl H t'hvU)B, fr k
muti-y that a'jy nue e'., t or, ti.'.h .V Q
Orsaalzc! Organ!!
Reallzlne that there must b some
method of organizing tbe towns dur
ing th coming summer, and believing
that tbe Industrial Legion oners wo
best method of effectiig that result, I
have consented to become recruiting
oOcer for Nebraska. My work will be
to appoint organizers throughout the
State and get them actively engaged
in organizing Legions. I desire that
th-ire shall be at least one organizer In
every county in the state; and that tbe
name of some active worker from each
of the counties be at once reported for
that place.
The Industrial Legion is the People's
nartv club organization. It was start
ed by the People's party national com
mittee. At the meeting of tnecommitwe
in St. Louis last month it was again
heartily endorsed. This being the
case, MeDrahfca snoum noia
. a a 1 v i a i .
longer. After consulting with leading
populists from all parts of tbe state, i
r r . ....... fj.....ii
am convincea mat me inuuvni
Virion furnishes the most effective
means of organizing the party, especl
ally In the towns; and having come to
that conclusion, regardless of personal
Itles, I am ready to do what lies In my
power to push It forward to succeee
In the last campaign those counties
which were most thoroughly organized
lato Legions, made the best showing.
The best example of this was Custer,
the baaner Populist county of the state,
which wa organized Into Legions dur
ing the summer of '.1.3.
The thing for Nebraska populists to
do, is ti bury all personal differences
and push right straight forward for
the principles we advocate. Uo not
run olf after strange gods, but keep an
eye single to the three central Ideas on
which the party wa founded: Money-
Land and Transportation. Make en
tingling alliances with none, but in
vito men to us because our contention
is just. Any other path means daath.
This path means life, because It is
the right path.
This fall we will have the hardest
figbt In our history; and we must be
organized as we never have ben bo
fore, if we hope to achieve any taeas
ui' of success.
It costs only twenty-five cents to
join it and only twenty-five cents per
quarter for dues. Women and minors
can join for ten cents. It Is a political
organization distinctively, such
tends at once to strengthen tho party.
It Is an open organization, although It
may have secret meetings. Any other
industrial organization may change it
self Into a Legion by reporting its ofll
cers, subscribing to the Omaha plat
form and paying ten cents for a char
ter. The Legion can be organized in
the towns. It has been recommended
throo different times by the national
Donullst committee. The executive
committee of the Peoples party is the
executive committee of the Industrial
Legion. All these points are te be
urged In Its favor and many more.
We should organize a thousand Le
gions In Nebraska during the coming
summer. If wo can do that we can car
ry the state. Let us have some good
active man in each county for an or
ganizer. Let committees recommend
men or let men volunteer. Any way
at all bo that wo get rustlers. We have
plenty of good workers in the People's
party in Nebraska. All we need to do
Is to get them into harness and start
them off. Then lot us get a hump on
ourselves and move things. Let the
watchword tie organize!
J. A. Edgekton.
Of the many condition powders re
commended for hoes, none are better
than Ground Oil Cake at one sixth the
cost Feed in slops.
He Has Demonstrated His Moral
Weakliest. '
Bryan has lost his opportunity; he
has demonstrated his moral weakness
aud unfitness for a reform leader. The
I'opullsts of Nebraska will let him pass
down and out Cedar Rapids Republl
Bui ka, Cadasaa Co. and J. K. Bar
birV Co'a creat department storts, 1
the place for you to Rut valuo received
for your money. When go-al aro uot
as represoutcd, bring them buck and
get your prtco tht you paid; don't ft r
tret tbe phice at the cur. f H h & Q St
The Chicago Limited (Dally)
Give to the A ortU-Western lln vie
surpassed r ed s rviee to Cliienjjo an i
ta ttfru cities. A. S. FUvdlntf, City
Ticket Ag, nS, Sa loth strett. I,tn
Cwln, Neh.
Uurks, Culmau .V Co. are headquar
ters la the H'.atrt for lUk lltrrow.
Cultivators, SV, Ji .V Uek Island Lis
ters Urtwn IVantor, CultifAUr, A:
Sulk Cutters, U- f.r nutu C.llJilen
batu wire, er UUh 11 81.
Ti U A.iirt-let. CaUl 'rnta, IJJ.Oti fer
llrst c' ticket ! MUstMirl l'se !le
route. Cl'j livk't offie l.H'l O Street,
I.iooviiP, Nth,
J. K- I'm-ia r, A t a wl'U iliari:,
Ci,, St Co, wiil s:U you mu
gv4 ur-Hurit ?of lMlr than any
tnlal In LU'tola, ! r, ia.h A .
t'. NvrUvvurn Vm CH'cs..
f4 rt.U 1'Mt traits tH!lc 1113
OFFICERS S1ATE AUlAhCE.Jare ; Jjjrfjy ; QrjpjS
Prwldent, W. L Dale, Atlanta.
Vlca-Prea., Prof. W. a. J oat, Hastings.
SocMtArjr, Mrs. J. T. KelH. Hart well.
Tn-aHarr. Jamea Cameron, Beaver City.
J. H. Powell, Sula Lerturrr, Naponea. '
W. F. Wright, Stat Organizer Alliance AW,
Bethany, Neb.
Bxactnrirt COMMITTU
Chairman, I. X. Leonard, Lincoln.
E. Bodermaa, Bert rami.
L. W Young, WHaoarule.
CM. Lemar, Head.
J. M. Dlmmlck, Macon.
An Appeal to the Million I'opnilat
Both the Democratic and Republican
panles have established bead-quarters
and are todav preparing millions of
campaign documents to be sent out dur
ing tiils campaign.
it is the opinion of the shrewdest
politicians at Washington, that If the
People' Party takes advantage of the
blunders and Infamy of the present
administration, there will be no trouble
In electing Populist members enough
to'hold the balance of power in the
next Congress. It is also admitted by
the closest observers among both the
Democratic and Republican politicians
that the next election of president will
be thrown into the House,' which will
give tbe Populists the power to dictate
who shall be the next president of tbe
United States? The election in the
Sjtate of Oregon comes eff in June, and
in Alabama in August. We are al
mostabsolutaly sure to carry Alabama,
aud we stand an even chance with cither
of the old parties in Oregon. To help
to carry Oregon and Alabama Is to help
put life and enthusiasm in our party in
every ttate in th Union.
The People's Tarty is composed of
the great common people of tho country
who are poor and honest. It baa no
millionaires, bank or railroad corpora
tions upon which to call for campaign
The National Committee has estab
lirtbed head-quarters at Washington
where it can procure an unlimited
amount of campa'gn literature at a
mall cost. Ono thousand dollars used
In our party will do as much work an a
hundred thousand dollars In either of
the oil parties.
After carefully considering the above
fact and the bright prospects for our
party In the coming campaign, we feel
t our imperative duty to appeal to our
people everywhere to come to the aid
of the national committee in doiDg this
great work. In the last election our
party polled more than a million votes
for president.
We now earnestly appeal to 1,000 of
that number to give ub 85 each, 10,000
to give us $1 each, 20,000 50 cents each,
20,000 25 cents each, and bhe remainder
of the one million to give us 10 cents
and 5 cents each. We also earnestly
appeal to all People's Party Club?, Le
gions, and Leagues to raise what funds
they can for the committee, by taking
up collections, giving entertainments
etc. We make this request because we
believe It our duty to do so. If our
party ever attains success, each mem
ber of the party must contribute to that
success not only with his ballot, but
with whatever menus he can pparo. To
respond promptly and liberally raeanB
success that will bless the nation for all
tim to come.
All contributions should be sent to
M. C. Rankin, Terrc Haute. Ind., who
is Treasurer of tho National Committee.
Very Truly Yours,
J. H. Turner, H. E. Taubeneck,
Secretary. Chairman.
L. J. Mc Pa klin, M. C. Rankin,
Secretary. Treasurer.
The best srocds, sixteen ounces to tho
pound, at tno lowest possible prlcu ara
our mottot'8. J. i',. uaruer a to., cor
2uth & Q St.
The National Com mil tee.
Sinco establishing head-quarters at
Wubhington, D. C, tbe committee has
urratiged with the Census Ollico to send
out to our workers all over tho country
a large lot ot extra Census Bulletins,
giving tho mortgrgo Indebtedness of
tbe d lTennl states sud other valuable
Whenever the committee can ar
range with any of tho lX'partnint to
send out valuable documents to the
people, it will he done.
Fro.n now on, the committee will
avail Itself of every opportunity to sup
ply the H'ople wliii literature.
All i'iinuunlentlons relating to lit
erature should bo adtlivsied to the ec
retury ot the u-uuullke.
J, If. Tl'KNKK.
IVnn. Ave.
llufk Cudmau A Co. will you a
John lKvrt, lio.k UUnJ it bt Joe
I'low, tullrg waUioj; or ereepli g, for
is htUe iu'iiy a kotnl l'lo tan be
,n Old diilillcr ImlskM am Mm,
(NiuoHti, Nvb , March &,tM.
i'J I tor V M LT It M A K E u s ,
lkh4 a rcatcr of jour paper, tbebt
rvfarm t-ap r In tho tlo, and oetvr
havliig Hi-n any ivnumuak-aUjii fioat
th' part tf lh3 c untry 1 wlU wtlia a
few wir,U.
Wi l say for thn Kn. flt t f yoar rva.1
itht Ma IVp areiUai! v it hurl, d
Ut Ifcht twvitty.' Ttu-y fl"t di4 lu
f..r, (id KMt w f nr litlai
.'...upI . i... .liii.H-uv. ttul atsftti mm
ur oth-r $ Wj'fH h4 Iti'lv w4""
tir. Then aa t!u r funral, lrgvf uo
t( tiir, lt l ptt f U lh djj laif
Hdkonib eah t if itU KrlyMr h a
ALL FOR $2.75:
5 More Early Black.
t Magra While
Goioen Pocklingtoa.
t klvlra White. Wry Proline.
t Krightnn Uuk Red.
i Virginia s Ked-
Ixte'asmelilDg Black.
10 Warden tliaca.
30 Coocord.
Kay a ProUfle Currant. .
1 Japanese Wine Kerry.,
The abore No. 1 well rooted atoca lor 12 78,
pre paid by mall or expreM. Kay's currant
3c, choice ot grape Sic., post paid.
u6 South Jjth St., Lincoln, Neb.
Write for price list In 100 or t.OuO loU. I will
surprise you.
Legal Tender Yellow Xtrnt and Mills County
While. Hem In cultivation.
Vou t)rt and awrmmiake
own aute (air )8M and
IMia. A I no mmlal aud til
.jlotna at World's Fair.
ulu-d to central Iowa and
outb; II. SO l-r bunhei
Two bUHbel onion, sacks
free: lartfe orders lewt. Wilie for circular.
Choice polnrid-nhlna sows bred. Mini
Fine Stock Auctioneer.
f 203 O St. i klpcolp, fie
Non-Trust Wall Papers,
Retailed at Wholesale price. Send 10c. pout
age for lull sample.
Good Paper lor Four Cents per Roll
Can refrto hundreds of well ftatlxllad cuh
tomt-m of lHt year. I pay tho frdgbt oa al
orders of Jlu.W.
S 10 Second St. Hastings Neb.
Lincoln, Nib., Aug. iv, ityi,
"iiilpho-Siilliie Baui Co., i.inciin, Neb,
Irtintlemcn I have hcea a victim ol rheomstium
lor nevcrnl vear. past, 1 have suffered intiTj.tly at
itncn, and have Kne to the Hot Spring o lSo- th
OakoU. and the Hot SpritiK of Arkuiihu. fiv
inn, aceklnir relief. I have alno ukin mnra
ncillcine under the directions of able physician.,
hout one month n(0 I au&Yred from one ef tlit
nost violent atbirk. of the disease, and at cinre be
fan tnkinv hot salt water biiths at our new and
iplendld hath house in thiscity. Under the cure of
our gentlemanly and elliclent attendant, Mr. Henry
Schnintte, I have, I think, entirely recovered.
F"ro i experience and my observation of the re
mits of treatment of rnuny patients at the Hot
4priiifrs aliove naried and at your bath house, I am
'.oiivinced that better and quicker results can beob
'ined by a course of hot salt WHter bath at vour
mth house than at any other place in the country.
I do not hesitate not only to recommend, but to
irffe every person suffering from rheumatism to try
(course of baths at your bath house under the
Urcctions of one of the physicians in charge.
I believe your new and mairniticent bath house
will prove a (rreat blessing to the many victims
if rheumatism In this vicinity, and I hope 11 will re
jeiTe the liberal patronage it merits.
You have not requested of me any testimonial,
mt I deem it proper that I should acknowledge the
freat relief I have received at your bands, and you
may use what I have said in such manner as you
may deem proper. Very respectfully,
,J. B. STaoDi.
The above from Judffe Strode la but
fsample of the many similar teptimon
'& we have received without solicita
tion and which will appear from time
te time In these columns.
Sulpho-Salwe Bath Co.
PourtPflnth and M s'reetss Lincoln.
jority. And now wa are deader than
ever, never to be raisod again according
t Shylcck. Nevertheless we will give
Allen and Watson 100 majority in "J6.
dead or not dead. It makes me pick to
hear so much of this dying business.
Mayor Weir is our choice for gov
ernor. Make every honorable effort to
secure his nomination.
Where Is the prosperity we heard so
much about during tho extra session?
Has it got lost, or is It stuck fast in a
mud hole in some of tho eastera stat, s?
No one has seen anything of it In these
Mr. Editor, when it gets to Lincoln
please hurry it up this way, for God's
I am in the fight during the war.
Jonas Coffman,
An old soldier.
Mr. Farmer? do you know that
Durks, C:.dman & Co. have added u
fine lino of groceries to their hardware
and implement slock at cor. of 10th &
TheGrlswoldSu'edCo., of thiscity,
advertises on page eight a very linn lot
of Kxoelslor Side OaU, also Karly Chio,
Karly Hose, or any other good variety
of seed potatoes. If the farmer who
need anything In thatllno will send o
this company for them we guarantee
they will get the best. Write them
telling them where you JW their
advertisement and pet ut what Jim
want el.ear tlian you tan get It at y
I yoa u OrouQ't Oil Ckof VoJ
man Uniwi-d Oil Wutkt, Omaht,
i for faVculnjf s'.ovlf. i'uj pund of
iotindtUcak() Utiiual to thre xund
of corn
Thti't Mf Krsilwtal Tm."
t.'xi'axvtT, Nob. Mais r U, L
KItt VRAt.TU MakKh:
I'Uii lsW f lth Ur.!lor Wolfe for
in lr hi omutUjtU a l c if "ni r
tif las'. I", oa fulosj. tet(M-m
i iN'iitlaienU to ! If . Wo h got
to th pU'ii ia isr lUrtotlurfHo
ha ail w f ismu'it wt u
ft , ..i.i'l talk (i!,tt if U if I.aI
tho iu,d.r of L. ro4.
j iMimm
1 J m 1
i fr V --" . - - ' 'r"-I j
O I& Iff c "
Barfc-y. Corn, Claw Timotby,
upon receipt
Wa ha m on ban S an extra fine lot of Sxcelxlor aide oata at 43 to 50c per bnaliel: aUO frOme
Fey i-boloe Amprlcan Banner oati at h) to Kc
ved putaue aarly Ohio and Early Uofte In
rletka. Write tor prlcea and aed catalogue.
Alliance : Seed : House.
Tbe cheapest and best Seed House In the world! We were the first Seed
House In tLe United States to take the side of the farmer., la offering pure fresh
seeds at the lowest possible prices, and we trust that everv reader of this paper
will give us a trial. Below we quote some of the standard sorts!
Asparagus-Palmetto. rvnover Collooeal, pkt3c each. Beans-Red Valentine Imp, Val
entine, Black Wx, Hpeckeled Wax. Golden Wax. Karly Six weeae. White Kidney, Henderson
Hush, Bush. Lima Large Lima. Cumhort King of the Garden I lma, pkw tv each. Bet-Ed-monds,
Baaono, Dewlugn. lielipxe, Long Mood, KwliMuuart, KgyptUn Mood. Turnup, pkta So
each. Ileeta for etock R4 Maugol, Yellow, Globe Maugol. MleMn HUgar, Imperial augar,
tiolden Tankard, Olant Red Maugol, pkts 18c each. Carrota Karly Forclug, Long Orange, Ox
. . . 1 . .1 . 1 ... 1 . . . II I V. . . 1 , ..n Till .U ...h Z1.. Iu IT.
Meart, w ild neiiciaa, nsum usn long. rM;rt.i. uiru. ui, mun, mwow-H. . j -
Dwarf white. Large white, Uomon Market, White Plume, UolUen Heart; pkt 4o each Cab-f
i....ii.M.,uj.n'a fiitmmttw ii'u.i. Vn,i, niiinih.iri V.alv In ill n if s tad t. All TTead.'"
l.ihsra Hrnnawlrk. karlv KLaimia. I.aL I':
Karly Exprenn, Hume Mason, pkte4ceach. Bweet forn-fora, Karly Mliineita, Karly Adamw,
f..fva Kixiwoll'a Kvrirrnx. Mnn Karlv. Ktrvntian. lllat k Kvercreen. PkU 2c each. (,'U-
rnmber- Long Green, Karly Huawlan, White iilue, Karly Cluster, Giant Perla, Short Proline
Early Frame, burr, pkts 8c each. L-Huce- urled fclienlan. black Simpson, Curled Simpson,
nauwin, Frlme Head. Deacon, Kilver Hall, Market, pkta Sc each. Musk toe!oni-eurprle. Hack
emsack, Netted Kuime, Kmeral Gem, Montreal Niarket, (Mage, Karly Olteron, Ward Ker.tar,
1'lne apple. Miller CreKin. pkle 3c each. Watcrmcion Mountain Sweet, Culan Queen, Hone,
Phloney's Early, Kalb'e Gem. Ice Cream Seminole. Uark l--lng. Black HpaHlnh, Orange, Kuby,
Gold Dexle, pkW Do each. OnlopN-Mammoth, HUver King. Karly Red, Ked Weatberslleld.
Daiver'e Giotie, Danver a Flat, Bllverskln, Klpawi. White Queen, pkts to each. Fepnera
Sweet Spanl-h, MonntroWH, Mammoiith. Cayoune, Kuby King, Large Hill. pktx3oeach. t urap
klus C'beei-e. Cashitw, Jarmnne Ile, l.kls 3c each. Peaa Amerlciin Wander, Yorkehlre Hero,
Marrowfat. Tom Thumb, Ullss s Kverbearing t irsiana ueht, ia-tsa, j-rem ui
Itrxtcrop, Rural New orger, Ulins'a Abundant, pkt 2c each. Kadishes
Hlack Soanl-h, French Hreakfact, Scarlet Turnip, White Turnip, iug hca
Mammoth. Non Plus Ultra, While KtrawKburg. Chanters' White Vienna. Heat
Marrowfat. Tom Thumb, Ullss Kverbearing
White Olive ahape, pkts 3o each. H-itiaHhHM-Croc.k Neck Enhlx uyiriu. n-atiy roranotig, fer
fi,n Mainmniti fihiH Muriiio lUait fi sllliiiV H. tiktu Ikj each. Tomflt'tes May-
n iwer. CltiHti-r. LIvlngHton Beauty. l'-ar, Cherry. Plum, Peach. Paragon. Acme, Mikado, Car
lnal, EhmIx Hvbrid, Livingston Favorite. LlvlngKton Perfection. 1'rophy, pkutc each, lur
ol -Mat Dutch. Aberdeen, Mlnnlch, White Kug. Purple Top, Hed Top Globe, Cow Horn,
Amber Globe, pkis 3c each.
eHOOOur Great
To Induce everyone to try our needs we mtiko
from the above for l ()0. Think of It! Never before has ttucn an offer Been 10 cy any wi
i.m.. imhaiT a m ii ui .wi tmr livtu vmir rholiwi for onlv II Oi). Wn make till offer to 1
I in. vrinn' a trv nnr need, for If vou once
,ugue free on application. AdUrciM,
Alliance Seed House, Cove City, Kansas.
Alliance Serd Co. , , ...
lum.r i haiinnrxhrnuii Djl nf vmir Ann and wns well Dleased with them.
ouble the amount that we get hero In the stores
pelves to be pure and good. Yours Kenp'y,
Allianct Stf.d Co.
Gen': Having received such good needs from your house lHt year. I thought I woun
send for vour catalogue to select from. Yours truly. J. W. Hubbsbt, Bevery, Kans.
Alliance Serd Co. , .
Gents: Please send me your need aatalogue for 1893. I bought needs from yeu lost year
and am desirous of birylng from you again. Yours, W, P. Hoirow, P. M., Jester, ienn.
and plants of varieties that will bear
fruit In Nebraska, as evidenced by l,30o.
bushels cf apples and 800 bushels ol
cherries grown In one season In or
chards of
Crete Nurseries!
Large stock of FRUIT TREES and
TREES suited to Nebraska. The ex
perience and advice of tho proprietor
who is President of the State Horticul
tural Society will b found safe a d use
ful to all. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor
respond at once before extreme runh
opene. Address,
E. V. STEPHENS, Propr,,
Crete' Neb.
Olvnn awav Free. A uamnhlet on potatoes
and beau culture telling how to prepare tbe
will, when to plant, how to plant, how to cum
vate, hurveBi. 4c, all given In delail. Alio a
dewriiillon catalogue uud nrlce Iwt of four
rholi'n v.riHtl ul IKHMIWH. Five of the !)-'
klnda of 8eed mini. Tbrre of choiceKt kinds of
seed corn Three of choiceMt kiutle of tleio
beaux. Kvery farmer ahonhl havethiMpamph
let. Please wud blainp t py Htage.
Bingham Page Co., Iowa
Locust and Asa Trcts,
rruit Trees, Crape Vines and
Suiull Frssl Plants
Send for frte prlco list to
Jfcn-cn, JerTcroon Co ,
Or firo II (ii.mi.iTn.
Oai, Mllh-t Berd. KaBlr. fjlw ami
J.'iui.'.im Corn YflUiw anl A h'.K Mi:.
MaliSH, all frown In 1 !'. For l'iitv.
Aodre. McHtTll KINNI IO.4,
(Ufdtn City, K
To th ln 1 of Uh Aiptts vU th
M shhuI IViiln mutii K i. It. fortino
fur for tliH run.l tr, t,o d :i'l t'ai
Ciiit on I'MI lUnl.-U. C. V, XT. A I, in
O '.r' t Uu;o:.
(.il "I'l l
pi. ttl V, ul
-r l OTPOOATPn unn i z.-.l I! Htm ltt t
.u ... ;
Gim Potato.. noriqMtiu. 1
e. for 6 imttr. Writ to-day.
we handle nortbern and native grown a
large (luaaUtlea. Also etber popular va- El
SEED CO., kfpcolp, Teb.k!
at. Duu h. Late lirumbead. Dwarf Flat I) 11 tell
t'irsiana ueht, aiansa, j-renrum ora, i.nrwr
IlMllJ,lir numiiirr iirui.
t-carlet, Cul. Whltu
icarlet Olive Shane:
3f.OO Offer-"O-oo
thl wonderful oltnr. hi pkts your choliy
grow our eeeds you will grow no other. Catil
for the money, ai.J your Heeds showed tbe
A. Muskknthalkk, Paxloo, Kans.
C. L. Allen in Ilia Ito,k on
11. ,11.. nlul...M II..., ..uvfui.. nt A-
DIOLi multiply at the rate of 200 BULBS per bulb
iu 1 year, and other authorities confirm tliix Htute
niciit. At tho vi-rv inoilcruto iiwreiiHO of 'St Imllis
per bulb. 100 GLADIOLI ,liint-il this year would
produce 2 Alllions of liulbxin 8 Yearsor 5 Millions
in 6 Years 1 1 wutortcd In colorH lliev wholesale this I
year at an average of $20 per 1000 II Any boy or
Kirl can grow Ilium without troutile.
FOK SI. 50 we eend by mail or exprcm prepaid
100 of these PROLIFIC GLADIOLI o
60 for $1.00; 25for50Cts.; 12for25CU.I
Warranted blooming size, with pamphlet verirylcir!
above HtatemenlM and othrr valuiible partieulari
WeaUoneiidforSI, ISOaHKortcdSuinmerFlower
Ing Bulbs, IneludiiiK many rare sorts nottonehn
elaewliore, luinlv rliinhem. lalics, cm , ciioukii
a itar.len or 70 Bulb for SO Cts.f 30 for 2S C
luior IUWI5., uu MHipaiu. bmhij;ivii m v
2 Catalogues of Bulbs. Plants and Cacti, t
Buok on Cacti, 116 pages, 1 60 ensravlnzs, 1 0
12 Cactus PlanU, $1 i 5 for 80 Ct. 1 2 for 25
A.Blanc&Co.' "fPhilac
Weslcri) Trees t
It Is a Fact that for Prairie Plant
lncf. Trees prown on Prairies are the
best. You can get them at
The Geneva Nurserie
All sorts of them and in anyquantitf
from one to a car load, at Very Low
Prices. Our stock Is very complete
in all departments.
Osage Plants and Forest Trees,
Also a full line of Fruit, Shade and
Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, Hoses
and EvergreoKs. Catalogue free.
Write lor Prices
Address, Youngers & Co . l
Geneva, Neb.
Cattle Robe Tanning Company,
1012 3 Street, UNCOLV NEB.
llow to I'ltcr-AHB Hurn roa RrtflK. An
n n hide I reinnveu from immul, trim off
In. 1. 1 and ItHtit. fpii nil nut on lltMii, civr well
wUti salt. (Medium eld hiilcs will rwinii-e
two tsml i.i ln f ujoIudm of sail, rveiilv
ne4ii. U4v Iti i HI- ruinliilou fur U ll to III
l(-n il;iys, thxu r. .14 up, (l.wh hldeoni. lie vu'lli
and hlp. riiiii .'... fin' i.tmoiitt will be from
IJ ( to en ti uu ipeilnun i .,1 i,,dt .
It li-T:ttr,Hi and p.uf; l'uu
i tuMc'n ui;'K I. id,-a, witiiinit lnr- or nine
h, ul n Mini nn, r..i, " the inn tin-
ia in hhti K'ifi-ni io o., pu) ty Mutier
l.rt'e Bill !, a llf r l.Mll ml 1 still,..
,rnii Kin?;-,, "ni on itppii.'tiwn.
We ave in.ui.Uf l th r i'ie atd TiJ
ittm l l r i im l'i n prl"HUiJ a
eidrnt atiii.tK um I, r iIim in;l ii,. rtbe bi a j
t hi. WHflM BtK ttiUtn
Tmi1. A m DMtl. liraki
hxltf a..tH l-fio Matt, It Ml I
lltt.Mt fdtttHtVl, (.I A .'! ttrMk
ftti itn tir,
tj 'iOif-U
i ii)l9.
flltr , r
wvHt turf b r I
bit ' . j.J , ,,
iif t k miiUi
!, , ,M Sili U,l
Silbermnn Orothanf