The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 15, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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March 15, 18U
Decatur, H.
U nneqoaled for House, Barn, Factory or Out
Builuinga and coota half the price of shingle, tin
or iron. It ia ready for tue, and eaiiiy applied
anyone Send utamp for "tuple, and t?.te tize oi
159 Outna St., New York. N.Y.
lath and Farnam Sts.
To Make a Trip to the
Best Advantage It Is Es
sential to
: : START RI6HT. : :
If Going to Kansas Don't Call On Us,
Any point in the two Dakota or Central Wyoming,
call on u, Because the only Llneru"o"K
81 reCt to these mid intermediate pom la on it
wn 7.01 nuiea of road, it ii the Best-
W. M. Shipman, A. 8. Fielding,
Gen'l Agt. City T'kt. Agt.
1 133 O Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Depot: Corner S and 8th street.
C I ! I C M G
Great Rock Island Routi
The Rock Island is foremost tn adopt
ing any advantage calculated to im
prove Bpeed and give that luxury, safety
pad comfort that popular patronage de
mands. Its equipment is thoroughly
complete with veetibuled trains, mag
nificent dining cars, sleepers and chair
coaches, all the most elegant, and of
recently improved patterns.
Faithful and capable managttneit
and polite, honest service from em
ployes are important items. They are
a double duty to the Company and to
travelers and it is sometimes a task
difficult of accomplishment Passen
gers on this line will find littlo cause for
complaint on that ground.
For full particulars as to tlckoU, rasps,
rates, apply to any coupon tlckot office
In the United States, Canada or Mexico
or address: J NO. SKI3ASTIAN,
Gen'l Tkt. k Fan. Agt. Chicago, III.
R. ST. JOHN, Uea'l Manager. Chicago, IU.
r: if -r:
ftCl -w- u3 1 -v--iS
' V w
TTlK-mih'-V,; i it-.. nES
Fiee Fiet Pits Free.
If you are about to make a trip to
north, northwestern Nebraska, the
Black Hills country or central Wyom
ing, to paint ia the two Dakota, to
St. Taut, Minneapolis or Dulutb, or
point west on the Vacltlo linee, to any
point tn Minnesota, Wisconsin, North
ern Illinois and Iowa, direct to Chicago
the rat and south, you can obtain free
of charge at Uo city oWco. 1133 O St.
or depot, rncr Mitt aud 8 street, of
N'orlb West rn line, complete an t re
Habit information of all connections,
raws etc ' With 800 mll of lu own
line la the staUs named viiltors to any
i t them can but serve their Interests by
pal rending the North wwilera line.
A.M. ilai.uihu,
City Ticket AfL, UUO street.
tV. K. SuiPHAR,
per box.
Schenectady, K.Y.
Moot Practical Baslneaa College In the j
m Went, booithand, TjrpwrHuiSf, itooit-,
fel kiMfTtlnit and Teleirrauhv. Shorthand I
V? by Mall. Three Iwtwma free. Send fori
Make Your Own Bitters !
On receipt of SO cents, U 8. stamps, I will
send to any addreHS one package bteketne't
Dry Bluer. One package makes one gallon
beta tonic known. Cure Ktomacb and kidney
dlHeaitea. Now la the time to dm bitter foi
the blood and stomach, bend O. U. Steketee,
of Urand Kaplds, Michigan, 80 cents, U. H.
stamp, and we guarantee that tie will send at
once. For sale by dragglate.
yield of all VruA ?
V4nU erop. Tim
on prlng. Ctrrulartrt. Ti
w w EMaaaal
Pearl Steel Mill A
and Tower. Oi j
Will run 29 years without oil.
Will send them on 30 days' test Mai.
and if net satisfactory to the pur
chaser it can he returned to us
and wo pay freight both way.
Ve gi ve the itrvngeit warranty of any
company in the buHinea. there
by protecting you and your cus
tomer agaluat losa in case of an
Write for full particulars and
printed matter.
Bata!a, Kano Co., III.
Steel Wind Engine
Has been In aue elnce 1882. It
Is the PIOHUH 8Tl Mill. It
BILITY, POWERi H the bent;
iietice thH mill for you to buy.
Tliouuuida have them I
Our Gteel Tower
Dave 4 angle steel corner posts,
aiibatantlal ateel irta and
hraeea; not fence wire. They
CONSTRUCTION! nmch cheaper
tbs" wood and wul lent a Ufa
time I Our mills and tower are
AIL STEEL and are KULl-Y
prlcei and circular!. Addreat,
Mentioning thl s pa per.
Arkansas City- Kansas.
Holstein Cattle.
Thirty-five sows bred for spring farrow, four
males of June farrow ana a few fall pigs at
prices to gull the times,
Beaver City, Neb
Hog Cholera Cured
Gretna, Neb., Nov. 18, '93. I here
by certify that Henry Combs operated
on my hogs in August last and since the
operation I have nver had my hogs do
so well. I believe it to be a good pre
ventative against all diseases. I also
believe it to be to the interest of every
hog raiser to try it as the cost is very
little. M. J. Gillespik.
Address, IIeney ComBS, 11th, and
Cuming St, Omaha, Neb.
mmP "jWI0 mske a Farmer Hippy.
- jnt or oneiHMa uuiu any
if oua, euv. Dim ixxih be
kll.Mwn.lM. H'.l iiiiiIiiIii ii
to ehojca W warrant 0 l'r!kllLre4 to he it
j l-XT and f'fl K A I'KWT Ml I.I. ON KAttTII I
III "Viw tbu M HH4MI Ml U4
la the only
Waawe IiduS.S.
1 S year prte.
i trewlara free.
UJn l famamtite,
Uaaaa, his.
i.,..1. i ..'ii
Trt Tint Hnrinira. Ark.. anJ retura
22.35 vU th Mla tr I'aoltlo rouM
en Nia. uaiioarau. u nim, i;, r
A T. A, 20l O street, Liaouln, Neb.
Call on Ueo. Nttrma A Co. for
carrtH g-na, hinder, sad alt
farm Implsmeau. WU use yt rtf at.
AW AWm SV A AW . w a.
9 """Li f 2 Itoul.le Actitui X' . V ill i
A V I l. Kicl.iorMtr- J VJ
9 I I lintOutOWpreveiit fo f. I
A ih lt Kilfbt A Wurmr T
V hit I lviiL inuM a lu;Arrr 1
iS n u
m.. r
t MM,
Tbe People's Party Platform Adopted
at Omaha July 4. 1802.
Assembled upon the 116th anniversary
of the Declaration of Independence, the
People's party of America, In their first
national convention, invoking upon
their action the blessings of Almighty
God, puts forth In the name and on be
half of the people of this country the
following preamble and declaration of
The conditions which surround us
best justify our co-operation. We meet
In the midst of a nation breught to the
verge of moral, political and material
rnin. Corruption dominates the ballot
box, the legislatures, the congress, and
touches even the ermine of the bench.
The people are demoralized; most of
the states have been compelled to iso
late the voters at the polling places to
pre ventunlversal Intimidation or bri
bery. The newspapers are largely sub
sidized or muzzled, publlo opinion
silenced; business prostrated; our homes
covered with mortgages; labor Impover
ished and the land concentrating in the
bands of capitalists. The urban work
men are denied the right of organiza
tion for self protection; Imported pau
perized labor beats down their wages, a
hireling standing army, unrecognized
by our laws, is established to shoot
them down; and they are rapidly de
generating into European conditions.
The fruits of the toll of millions are
boldly stolen to bnild up colossal for
tunes for a few, unprecedented In the
hostory of mankind; and the possessors
of these, In turn, despise the republic
and endanger liberty. From the same
prolific womb of governmental Injustice
we breed the two great classes tramps
and millionaires. Tbe national power
to create money Is appropriated to en
rich bondholders. A vast publlo debt,
payable in legal tender currency, has
been funded into gold-bearing bonds,
thereby adding millions to the burdens
of the people.
Silver, which has been accepted as
coin since the dawn of history has been
demonetized to add to the purchasing
power of gold by decreasing the value
of all forms of property as well as hu
man labor, and the supply of currency
Is purposely abridged to fatten usurers,
bankrupt enterprise and enslave indus
tries. A vast conspiracy against man
kind has been organized on two conti
nents aud It is rapidly taking possession
of the world. If not met and over
thrown at once, it forebodes terrible
social convulsions, the destruction of
civilization or the establishment of an
absolute despotism.
We have witnessed for more than
quarter of a century the struggles
of the two great political parties
for power and plunder, while griev
ous wrongs have been inflicted
upon a suffering people. We charge
that the controlling influences dominat
ing both these parties have permitted
the existing dreadful conditions to de
velop, without serious efforts to prevent
or restrain them. Neither do they now
promise us any substantial reform.
They have agreed together to ignore,
in tbe coming campaign, every issue
but one. They propose to drown the
outcries of a plundered people with the
uproar of a sham battle over the tariff,
so that capitalists, corporations, nation
al banks, rings, trusts, watered stock,
the demonetization of silver and the
oppressions of the usurers may all be
lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice
our homos, lives and children on the
altar of mammon; to destroy the multi
tude in order to secure corruption funds
from the millionaires.
Assembled en the anniversary of the
birthday of the nation and filled with
the spirit of the grand generation
which established our independence,
we seek to restore the government of
the republio to the bands of "tbe plain
people," with whom it originated,
a We assert our purposes to be identical
with the purposes of the national con
stitution: "To form a more perfect
union, establish Justice, Insure domes
tic tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general welfare,
and sesure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity."
We declare that this republic can only
endure as a free goyernment while built
upon the love of the whole people for
each other and for the nation; that It
cannot be pinned together by bayonets;
that the civil war is over and that
every passion and resentment which
grew out oi it must die with it, and
that we must be in fact as we are in
namo, the united brotherhood of free
Our country finds Itself confronted by
conditions for which there is no prece
dent In tbe history of the world; our
annual agricultural productions amount
to billions of dollars la value, which
must within a few weeks or months be
exchanged for billions of dollars of com
aiodllles consumed In their production;
the existing currency supply U wbol'y
Inadequate to make this exchange; the
results are falling prices, the formation
of combines and rings and the iuv
poverWhmcBtof the producing olas.
We pledge oureelves tba, if fives
pewcr, we will lab r to correct Ua
evils by U sad reaeonable Uls
istloa la aceortlaaoe Uh the fcrue
of our platform. We tUev that
tbs powers of goTerstnent-la other
words, l tke people-should be
laeadad eJ la Ue ease of tbe postal
service) as rapidly and as far as the
good sense of an Intelligent people and
the teachings of experience shall justify,
to the end that oppression, injus
tice and poverty shall eventually
cease in the land.
While our sympathies as a party of
reform are nrturally upon the side of
every proposition which will tend to
make men Intelligent, virtuous and
temperate, we nevertheless regard
these questions, important as they are,
as secondary to tbe great issues now
pressing for solution, and upon which
not only our individual prosperity, but
tbe very existence of free Institutions
depend; and we ask all men to first
help us to determine whether we are to
have a republic to administer, before
we differ as to the conditions upon
which it is to be administered. Believ
ing that the forces of reform this day
organized will never cease to move
forward until every wron j is remedied,
and equal rights and equal privileges
securely established for ell men and
women of the country, therefore:
irst That the union of the labor
forces of the United States, this day
consummated, shall be permanent and
perpetual. May its splritenter into all
hearts for the salvation of the republio
and the uplifting of mankind.
Second Wealth belongs to him who
creates it, and every dollar taken from
industry without an equivalent is rob
bery. "If any will not work, neither
shall he eat." Tbe Interests of rural
and civic labor are the same; their ene
mies Identical.
Third We believe that the time has
come when the railroad corporations
will either own the people or the people
m us. own the railroads, and should the
government enter upon the work of
owning and managing any or all rail
roads, we should favor an amendment
to tbe constitution by which all persons
engaged ia the government service
shall be placed under a civil service
regulation of the most rigid character;
so as to prevent the ' increase of the
power of the national administration by
the use of such additional government
We demand a national currency, safe,
sound and flexible, Issued by the gene
ral government only, a full legal tender
(or all debts, publlo and private,
and that without the use of
banking corporations; that a just, equit
able and efficient means of distribution
direct to the people, at a tax not to ex
ceed two per cent, per annum, to be
provided, asset forth in tbe subtreasury
plan oi the Farmers' Alliance, or some
better system; also by payments in dis
cbarge of its obligations for public Im
provements. We demand tho free and unlimited
coinage of silver aud gold at the present
legal ratio of 16 to 1.
We demand that the amount of circu
lating medium be speedily increased to
pot less than 150 per capita.
We demand a graduated Income tax.
We believe that the moneys of the
country should be kept as much as pos
sible in the bands of the people, and
hence we demand that all state and
national revenues shall be limited to
the necessary expenses of the govern
ment, economically and honestly ad
ministered. We demand that postal savings banks
be established by the government, for
tbe safe deposit of the earnings of the
people, and to facilitate exchange.
Transportation being a means of ex
change and a publlo necessity, the gov
ernment should own and operate tho
railroads In the interest of the people.
The telegraph and telephone, like
the postofQce system being a necessity
for transmission of news, should be
owned and operated by the government
in the interest of tho people.
The land, including all the natural
resources of wealth, is tho heritage of
all the people, aud should not be mono
polize d for speculative purposes, and
alien ownership of land should be pro
hibited. All lands now held by rail
roads and other corporations In excess
of their actual noeda, and all lands now
owned by aliens, should bo reclaimed
by the government and held for actual
settlers only.
Hebrew Convention Iti'lrgHlen Hal tie.
Nkw Yoiik, March . The eighth
annual convention nf tint liiilfpi tidciit
Order of llrith Abraham, a liT.trnnl
and len'fit uhMH'lntlm t'otnprMiij'
over H.r.OU tiK'Uilicix, ojietH"l yi'ti-nlay
with 333 delegate present. Tin morn
ing mihhIoii wu tuki-u up tvitli n
purta. A fret" fitfltt broke up the after
noon imetln. Tli troulih' utomi
over the election of ,M Stern
gruutl master.
Ithlu Mlmr Agrrtt in ArliMrtl.
WiiKKt.tMti, V. Vu., Mitred All
Um miner In the Olilo t,T. district No,
fl, over 7,00(1 In ihiiiiIm r, hit ve avf reed to
return to Murk to.luv, etiilli)if a
t-t tie men I of Uu vKtfi iiit .lit.ii ly
arlntiation. Ciutiiiillteea of tint
lninr jiii.t n etittiiio w ill meet Weil
nenltt y to apituiiit arMliHtora. Tim
tl'mtr arc, iioMtn out for a .'" eetit
MM-VYtiit r I'air Itatee are lmn.
The Nnrltnrtoa route Is so wrillrg
roend trl tickets to Mta I 'raaaJeru at
15 .0(1. One way IM W
Think of It! Four thouaatttl milts lor
U'ss than forty doll rs. l or full Infer
luation sail at IU & M. depot or city
Offio, ewaer IPiti and O 'reU.
V, W. IWmmu,
V. IT. A.
The Senator Ke ported AtHmtrvd to Vlre
I' reiki drat tttevrawra'e lr.
CI5CIHKATI, Ohio, March IS." A
rimes-Star special from Louisville
Kentucky society is In a flutter to
day by the announcement of the re
ported engagement of Miss Lctty
Scott, a well-known belle, and Sena
tor David Ii. Hill of New York. Tho
report lacks confirmation or denial
for the reason that both parties are at
present at Washington.
Mian Kcott ia the niece of Vice Irea
ident Stevenson and, according to the
report printed in the Times this after
noon, she was visiting bcr aunt at
Washington when she met the sena
tor. An engagement is said to have
Iteldrlrh Keuaiua Taken Into Cuntodr
Ity the Police at Kanaaa City.
Kansas Citv, Mo., March 13. Deid
rich Kenatnann is locked in a cell in
the "holdover" at the Central police
station charged directly with the
murder of his wife, Johanna, whose
body was found in a deserted house at
H25 lialtimore avenuo February 22.
Theodora Hoffman, allut I'uulina
White, an abandoned woman, who,
Chief ripeers thinks camci from Flems
burg in Hchleswelg-llolhtein with
Kenatnann several years ago, is locked
In a neighboring cell charged with
being a party to the same crime. Tho
only evidence to connect them with
the crime is clrcuuintantiaL
The German Admiral Force the Itebel
1ml-r to Make Itoparat Ion.
Rio Jankiro, March 12. The Ger
man admiral demanded of the insur
gent Admiral da Uama tho payment of
an indemnity for the seizure of a light
er, which wan flying the German flag,
and ulno for firing upon a German
steam launch. The lighter, at the
time it wua seized, waa lying along
side the German steamer Catania.
Admiral da Gaina is said to have ac
ceded to the demands of the German
The report of a battle near Kavandia
in Brazil is confirmed. The rebels
were routed with great Iohn, More
than 400 were killed, including many
Mont Henone Outcome of an Amateur
Ma ten In Chicago.
Ciiicaoo, March 12. At the Chicago
Athletic club last night A. W. Crane,
a local boxing celebrity, engaged In a
friendly bout with Mike Sullivan, a
young railroad clerk, and as a resul t
of the contest Sullivan lays dyinjr in
the operating chair in a West side
jdiysiclun's oflice.
I'oatoince Appointment.
Washington, March 12. The com
mission of 111 presidential pobtmubtcrs
will expire during this month and
about I'M more will expire in ApriL
Exactly O'J'J ended during the lust
three months as follows: December
473, January 351 and February 170.
Of these '47 a or 300 have not yet been
acted on, although pructicully all have
been taKeii under consideration by
the postmaster general In twenty
two cases where commissions expired
in December and forty in January on
recommendations for filling the
vacancies have been sent to the presi
dent. t
A Princely !ft From 1'hll Armour.
San Fkancihco, March 12. It was
learned to-day that i'hilip D. Armour,
the Chicago philanthropist, will leave
$.100,000 to tho San Francisco public
schools for the estnlillblitricnt of a
manual training school in which to
teach boys trades. This generous
endowment of a trade school is to
serve as a memorial of his early suc
cesses in California in the pioneer
days when ho made the money which
served as a nucleus to his fortune. Ho
and l)r. GunHuulus have been especial
ly interested in the work doue at
Stanford university.
Seven Thouaanil Work men Nlrlko.
Nkw Yoiik, March 13. Nearly 7,000
persons are now on strike in l'uterson,
N. J. The flax workers have joined
the silk weavers in their demand for
higher wages. Almost all the em
ployes of the Harbour flax spinning
company went out. The streets were
crowded last night with strikers. The
police dispef-sod every crowd that
A Meteor Pall In K annua.
Atciiimon, Kan., March 12. A large
meteor fell at Oak Mill at 11 o'clock
this mornin g. It wan very bright, re
semlilin;,' a sun us it came down. Th
farmers for miles around saw it. They
are seari hlng for it this ulternoon.
Millionaire Iiimii.
Nkw IUvkn, Conn., March 12.
lloadly I!. Ives, it million;iho of this
city, on.' of the most liiilueiitiul ilimu
tiers in Connecticut, became iiisitno
yesterday afternoon, lie In more tliun
SO yearn old mid t Slid li h worth
fl-ol'il O ID.IMI.I to y.'i.OlMHrKI.
J.iiliet Tlii'tiiiuhl, cotlM-i viiliu' nielli-
li ri-f the litiCsli parliament, il e.1 in
l.cii'luti an the result of I'iJiirlcH sus'
l.ihicd whil.' lonr liin,' a moving liain,
J. N , rrvoi. a t. lo.iU dm,! ulf
uuiu-. who !i i Id up ly lilhttity
nu ii ii. ui- StiH'vuter, ok., IiUI'-l.uu
ill It's t(hnt nod I hn rol'tn rs ifoi
bud u u It Ii.
,mni IJiw-el'fiy, l'uiiftiuir new
prYMlf i. it n liuyf MocMimWIci in tlm
N.utli! rn Mate I iilld H lid I lituU'r
tl'!llMIIV, 1411 l.lli.;lidt ll(-illHli"lt (hat
has m m ml littrt luHU lit this tHumlry
and -1 in-1. 1 1 .'1 s in IViif)U, I la.
The I' kind 'u rn ' 'lie funi t
l itM NutlioiMl 1'itt'iU of I.lttl lima,
Vrl , p,-iiniii lu re lit lit tc t'cnrls
! io. im nl of s, v nt Inn ur
tent untile lv Unf eoii'lr"U.'t' of de
t'ltm'licj 'I hey rUUll thet Ui oitm ri
w r giiilly o( fraud iu handling U
Geofe I 'w r Cuiihor, rrliep the
Bt"t ltiluet Mei ill the K'tltU,
died at l hti.l.KyA
ili Ml fllfiS.
They War Placed I nder Hpectal Cob
Diiwilonrr mount's Control In Order
to Prevent a Conflict or Authority,
and at I he I(eo.oeat of Prcal
dent Cleveland JCuroeroas
Precedent Pointed Oat.
Wasiiinoion, March 12. Secretary
Herbert has made response to the
lioutelle resolution adopted by the
house calling on him to state his au
thority for Issuing instructions plac
ing the armed naval forces of the
United States and the use of
its ensign under the orders and
control of Special Commissioner
Blount at Honolulu March 11th, 1893.
The substance of tho answer is that
the action was necessary to prevent a
conflict .of authority, and that the
secretary's authority for issuing the
order was (the president the commander-in-chief
of the United States
army and navy. A number of prece
dents for this action are cited.
The secretary says that in order
that no conflict of authority should
arise with reference to the disposition
of tbe United States naval forces at
Hawaii, but that such forces should
be employed in entire harmony with
and iu support of the policy of the
diplomatic branch of the govern
ment, and in order that the speci
al commissioner appointed by
the president might, in the
discharge of the important duties
entrusted to him, be aided by
the fullest co-operation on the part of
the naval branch of the government,
it was deemed proper to direct that
Rear Admiral Skerritt should consult
freely with Mr. Blount and should
carry out any instructions given him
in regard to the course to bo pursued
by the United States naval forces at
the Hawaiian Islands.
The secretary gives a number of
precedents for bis action beginning in
1823 and running down to 1H81. In
1823 the United States ship Enter
prise was sent to Porto Rico and the
commander was to "regulate his oper
ations by the advice of Thomas Ran
dall, agent of the government." Dur
ing the Mexican war N'icholus Treat,
an agent of the state department was
clothed with power to arrange for a
mutual suspension of hostilities,
and Commodore l'erry was instructed
not to relax the vigor of his opera
tions, while he, Treat, remained in
Mexico, "unless he directs you to
suspended tliem." The order was
complied with. In 18U9 General Bab
cock went on board tho United States
ship Albany to San Domingo and the
commander was directed to conform
to all General Bubcock's wishes and
orders. In 1870, Lieutenant Com
mander Bunco had similiar orders. In
1881 during the Chill-l'eru war, Rear
Admiral Balch was directed to be
goverened as far as possible by the
wishes of William Henry Trescott, of
the department of state, special envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipo
Peffer Will Pre It Unceasingly le
aplte '8natorll Conrteey."
Washington, March 12. Senator
I'effer'a resolution to investigate the
charges against his brother -senators
of speculating in Wall street on their
inside knowledge as to the action of
the senate finance committee on the
sugar feature of the tariil' bill will not
come up till Monday because the sen
ate adjouned yesterday afternoon to
that day, but If the Kansas statesman
has any power at all it will be taken
up then and be made tlie subject of a
discourse by him. He declares that he
will press it unceasingly until the sen
ators go on record in regard to it and
he says that "senatorial courtesy" will
not count with him. Tho resolution
in full is as follows:
Whurmis, It la ch;ir-oil In munv of the mo 4
ltiliiiuniitil and widely circulated ncwpupfr.
of tliu country and from thimi copied in the
rural proH t hut Home one or moru mom era
of thla body were actively piirttc(p;itlii- In re
cut trttnuactlonH on the New York stock ex
ehuuue rulutitiK to tho purchasing untl aeliluir
of sliurca of ntock in an orunlKiilioa known
us thu Sutfur trust; und
Whrmm, It lnullejc.l in said newipa,mn,
and It la bcin ao copied In tho rural pr.
that the and iiifiiilicm of tliix ImkIv in their
own n;rmihal lulcri Ht imtl fur thvlr own m-lti-li
ptirposci) niuiiii uo of knowledge and informa
tion procured through und ly their official re
lutloin us ocuivtora to iiitiuciu-e prioea of
liiurua In the truil of th)-iioiK ex
aimii w in lUu lfuu-l!oi,4 irufu.,U . uu4
WhcreiM, It ia alln.i-d further in the manner
before mentioned and l beiinr ko tiroultiiud
auiornt the peoplo that the suiit senator ctii
by ruuHoimuf their transact 1mm itliote referred
to aud their WHineeliou therewith, ucgulre
lari.'0 kuIik and prolliw and
Whereat, luovruvily oi thus" char.-i and
all.'vatiimi i mintilent to require thill they Im
fully. Impartially and promptly invetltruld
to t ' tit) that the truth coiii-ernitw tlit-su lie
aMcertiiinml, ami m tliu known mid ihnh iuor
and diKiiity of the ai-nate U proMrvol i mm
lum l it:
Itcwiivnd. That a aulec! i-miiitltri nf lw
nu iui er of Hie renate t .-ppuinioU li Ui
pre. duiK tilili er whimt. duty II iiuli i to ru without iiiiimiiWB try ihii y Ik uiako a
llutroiit b Ulvi Mlulliiii of al iliarti-H it all
Of tin in cud rliil I he teitilieiuy and evithnce
and their tonciualo'ia thoo'un ul an curly a
dito ue rciu-iil 'ib( ui-l vctiif't
-a or ait ioiituiittc. luircof u ill
tta.e Mwer to adcuatolrr oath and
perform all itiht-r ilml.-a uuUv en l 1 1 toiniiiiKw' of like flurm u r aud
in vmi'liiy a tii'i a a uiuxkuuer a:l
rr I'lo-r The uiwlln. ul id temuMttiw
ih til Iw held In oi e of lh trouiMi'lioe lw id
ItiB m.i.'I i.oil.liii r in aouxt ut.'M-r auHMi'l
rMimin liu.l'iuw liu liw i.i . .
Weal to he t apifl I- .oriruy for lie
I ir-i and ptoHrty uppiu-. ich furniture,
Hai "HT aud ulS'f ri hwuTK iy itw
viaui at ruu proviibti, ;ui la '
tut) iouiu,.li" nhil be of ut nniiit'Mi
lo. I it it a tl ho iiiiiil'iiu to m
I ,ro !i la and .l.t , lei railn.
I i'it i.f i r'ip4nt ur ti.i eittiu r "
am lv I wiib IM lfU"i il l M h Uw
ietiti'M h.a t Ikl ! '
! r ,,'iMtiu in. n f t' i s Im
cHuf N.-w Vri, auvk it - ewt
aewt.ary fat l ''
ll .tl I blid "Ul Wf lilU .iMillil) vl K -l ! IS
'ial u IU nd Mrt
la thrthiuiwi uf rwwiit.ttita M
IU wf Araai.w ha Inturtu ! a bill
to prohihtt the payment wf ln nty
for the prtaluctt tu wf raw vr sad
to pat refined siitfar oh the frv lt