The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 15, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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March 15, 1894
Test mt the Ceo. H1, IT-tl (a
MIwImsit I) Memory Verse. 1 7
18 Golden Tut, Oaa. avlii. IS oo
nlir; by tfc Be. D. M. Bieara.
17. "And tbe Lord Mid. Shall I hide from
Abraham that thing which I do?" A we
nav choice between a temperance and a
mimionarr lesson, I unhesitating-ly eboose
the latter, believing that the greater in
clude the !, and also firmly believing
that if Individual Christian and churches,
societies and Sunday schools would only
yield fully to tbe Lord that He might
through them accompli!) all His pleasure
in preaching the go pel to every creature,
cot only would the Lord be greatly re
joiced. His elect church hastened to com
pletion, but these same individual be
lievers, churches, societies and Sunday
schools would know the blessing of
tbe Lord as never before. These five
verses of this lon are in connection
with the visit of the Lord and the an
gels to Abraham nndcr the oaks of Mature
and tbe approaching destruction of the
cities of the plain. It is a most sugiiMttlve
missionary topic, as the same Lord who
aid, "Shall I bido from Abraham that
thing which I do?" said alno somo 1800
years later, when here on earth in His hu
miliation, "As it was in the days of Lot,
they did eat, they drank, they bought, they
sold, they planted, they buildetl, but the
'same day that Ixt went out of Sodom it
rained fire and briniHtone from heaveu
and destroyed them all. Kven thus shall
it be in when tbe Hon of man is re
vealed" (Luke xvll, 28-30), and now over
1800 years still later those who are Abra
ham's seed by faith in Christ Jesus (Gai. ill,
20), with this thing not hid from tbem, are
as Indifferent to the impeuding storm Abut
is surely coming and the we I fur? of peo
ple about tbem ait if the Lord bad never ut
tered these words. I'lense do read I'ror.
ixiv, 11, 13; Ezek. xxxiii, 7-9.
18. "Seeing that Abraham shall surely
become a great and mighty nation, and all
tbe nations of the earth shall be blessed iu
him." As to tbe farreaching blessing, see
chapters xii, 8, and xxil, 18. Although it
was not fully revealed to Abraham just
how tbis glorious result was to be accom
plished, it is uot hidden from us to whom
has been given tbe New Covenant as well
as the Old, The New opens with thestute
ment that Jesus Christ Is the son of David,
the son of Abraham (Matt, i, 1), and goes
on to show that He is tbe one of whom
Moses in the law and tbe prophets did
write that though he was rejected by
Israel, to whom He specially came, yet He
suffered and died and rose again accord
ing to the Scriptures; that while the
kingdom is postponed because of the
rejection of the King He is by the preach
ing of tbe gospel of His grace gathering
from all nations an elect company who
hall reign with Him as His bride when He
ball bless all nations through His elect,
restored and holy nation, Israel (Luke xxiv,
85-27; xlx, 11; Acts ill, 19-21; xv, 14-17). The
national conversion of Israel will be accom
' plished when they look upon Him whom
they have pierced, as He shall return in
power and glory, bringing His bride with
Him; then shall they be smitten with trde
conviction of sin, like Saul on the way to
Damascus, and shall welcome their rejected
Messiah, saying; "This is Jehovah. We
have waited for Him; we will be glid and
rejoice in Ills salvation." Then shall Israel
blossom and bud and fill the face of the
world with fruit. See Zech. xii, 10; xlii, 1;
Isa. xxv, 0; xxvil, 6.
10. "For I know him that he will com
mand bis children and his household after
him, and they shall keep the way of the
Lord, to do justice and Judgment, that the
Lord may bring upon Abraham that which
He bath spoken of him." The Lord know
eth each of us thoroughly, even to our
thoughts and imaginations (Ps. exxxix,
1-4; I Chron. xxvlii, 9), and He knows what
He can accomplish through us, and wheth
er we will walk in Hi way or not. 13y
disobedience we hinder Him from accom
plishing His pleasure in and through us.
If we were only willing and obedient we
would in every true sense eat the good of
the land and be filled with the fatness of
His house (Isa. 1, 19; Ps. lxxxi, 13, 10;
xxxvl, 8). The way of the Lord is as high
above our ways as heaven is above the
earth (Isa. It, 8, 9), yet vain man clings to
his own thoughts and ways, and thus
knows neither the Lord's thoughts nor
counsel (Mia iv, 12). Much time and
strength is thus wasted by individuals and
churches by not knowing the Lord's way
and purpose.
90. "And the Lord said, Because the cry
of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and be
cause their sin is very grievous." All sin
cries unto God, and He hears the cry of all
the oppressed. "The voice of thy brother's
blood criest unto Me. from the ground"
(Gen. iv, 10). The cries of the oppressed
reapers enter into the ears of the Lord of
Hosts (Jos. v, ). His eyes and ears are
open to all things on earth, but because He
is long su fieri ns He tarries to the utmost
if perchance He may lead men to repent
ance aud deliver them from eternal loss
(11 Pet. iil, 9; Job xxxiii, 29,30). Aud while
judgment is restrained He gives us the
privilege of interceding for meu as Abra
ham did, and of beseeching men to be rec
onciled to God (II Cor. v, 20.)
9L "I will go down now and see whether
they have done altoget her according to the
cry of it, which is come unto me, and if
not I will know." He never punishes wit h
out cause, nor without due aud patient in
vestigation. "Ye shall know that 1 have
not done withoutcause all that I have done
in it, aiiitb tl.j Lord God" (Kxek. xiv, 2:1).
Before the Lord Jesus shall lie revealed
from heaven with His mighty angels ia
flaming Ore, taking vengeance on them
that know not God and that obey not the
gospel of our Lord Jesus (II The, i, 7, 8),
there will be a judgment of thesaiuts for
their ss-rvU (Horn. xiv. to-, U Cor. v, 10),
and as there i a possibility of much work
being burned up (1 Cur. iil, 13-13). I for mm
assure to keep the way of the Urd aud
have Him work in ute both U. will aud to
do of Ilia good pleasure (1'ulL ti, 13).
A at arvehMM Ximm llmidtr.
One of the most wonderful machine In
theao ilaysof miraculous mevhitnUm Is the
chroausciipe. It took fonuuhuVr theaaill'
tut hands of WnvaUtoiM. the niallitinatl
ian, who tteedt an Instrument U uirwi
are aoialUr Intervals i! tUn than t.U
clunk or waUu euuld Indie Many liu
fsjaissjanu have bm-n made In thsvttruiwv
oopo aiiico V 'keaUtono paW-nUnl l ttt
1MD, and now tbe machine l ruipl)t tu
ktosaura the Sight of n Je UU front a
yua. fta act-urate U it that It til
and M a ditTvtvtu tf ttin amounting
to a RilUUtit'.a pail ( a stvunU t n I. vlt
trUUr Uiug wwl ia rwruifig the
tag of a lv wUl, It l NU)4e to drier
d mt to a ry small frttUa th fat if
lsaj wit hkh a shot flu from a gun
lml rtWd.
A Sahjeet With Whlrh All IlosjMkeepera
Art Not Familiar.
For windows, mirrors, glassware and
polished glass generally it ia beet not
to osa soap in cleaning and to employ
only the eofteet and finret cloths. Pol
ishing powders, pclittbing soaps and in
fact anything harder than prepared
chalk ebonld not be twed. A polish
one given, whether tbe substance lie
glaatt r metal, cannot as a rnle be im
proved by any ordinary rubbing. For
bottles or other articles, whve the ap
pearance is of no consequence, pearline
or soap may be ased in combination
with sand, etc. .
For mirrors, fine glassware, etc., al
cohol and water is probably tbe moot
convenient and safest liquid that can
be need. In some cases a littlo acetic
acid or lemon juice may bo added with
advantage. Upon windows, whiting or
prepared chalk is frequently recom
mended, but tbe polirih obtained in tbi
way is inferior.
In cleaning common glans little -attention
may bo paid to the preservation
of the surface. It is possible to uho the
more powerful agents safely. For a
strong corrosive lye, for cleaning dirty
bottles, etc., dissolve an ounce of car
bonate of soda common salt soda in
3 quarts of water awl bring to a boil.
Slack an onnce of quicklime in a cov
ered basin, and wben thoroughly slack
ed add, little by little, to the boiling
solution of soda, stirring frequently.
Tbis ia very effectual in removing
grease, but is so strong that the band
must be kept from coming in contact
with it. Sand soap answers very well
for articles in wbk-b the slight abrasion
of the surface is not of m uch importance
and when the dirt does uot adhere tena
ciously. For sediment in the bottom or dirt
clinging to the insido of the bottle,
place a little rice or coarse ashes in the
bottle, fill half full of tbe cleaning so
lution, shake thoroughly, and it will be
quickly cleansed.
How the Hound of Seaahcll at tlie Kar Is
Accounted I'or.
The peculiar murmuring sound, not
unlike the ripploof the waves on a still
evening, which we hear on placing a
shell or other hollow object to the ear,
is due to the fact that the concave sur
face concentrates, and thus multiplies
all tbe different sounds around us, so
as to render them audible. The many
Bounds) always present in the air are
augmented by the resonant cavity of
thn shell. A goblet applied to the ear
will produce tbe Bame effect.
How to Make Rose Potpourri.
Gather faded roses and any rose leaves
that fall to the ground, prepare some
earthen plates with white blotting pa
per over them, spread the rose leaves on
the paper, throwing away the stems and
seeds, and set them by a window where
the sun will shiife on thorn. Stir often
till very dry. Sweet violets and other
fragrant blossoms can be nsed with the
roses, bnt should be dried separately.
Put a layer in a jar and sprinkle with
salt. Fill tbe jar with alternate lay
ers of dried leaves and salt. Stand the
jar on a shelf in a warm room for four
or five weeks. Leave it uncovered and
stir well every day. Then from a drug
store get a little rosemary, thyme and
bay leaves, break up fine and mix with
the rose leaves. Qet also a mixture of
powdered orris root, ground cloves, am
bergris gum, cecia, patchouli and san
dalwood, in all a half ounce. Sprinkle
tbis mixture over a quart of rose loaves,
grate in a little dried lemon peel and
about 80 drops essence of jasmine and
the same of attar of roses. Now cover
the jar, and you will have a potpourri.
How to Clean Willow.
Willow chairs require only soap and
water, with good scrubbrusb, to make
them look like new. Let the soap be
good, the water warm, and give a good
rinsing to remove all traces of soap.
Do not dry, but leave in the air until
well drained, then remove to their place
in the bouse.
How to Make Deviled Chicken.
Chop very fine any pieces of cold
cookod chicken that may be left. To
every pint of this meat allow one-half
pint of cream, a tablespoonful of but
ter, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley,
3 hard boiled eggs, 2 tablespoonfuis
of bread crumbs, one-quarter nutmeg
grated. Salt and cayenne to taste. Put
the butter in a frying pan to melt ; then
add the bread crumbs, cream, chicken
and seasoning. Stir over tha fire until
it boils; then add tbe bard boiled eggs
chopped very fino. Fill paper cases or
individual dishes with this mixture,
sprinkle lightly with bread crumbs and
brown in a quick oven.
How to Clean Drain ripe.
To clean the drain pipes dissolve a
few cents' wortb of copperas in a pail
of hot water aud pour a little of this
into the pipej each day. It will keep
them free from noxious odors and the
grease thut otten clogs the pipes.
How to I tnd the Magnlmnf 1'ower of
Compound Microscope.
The magnifying rower ot a micro-
cope centers in the lens. This power
of a Kns depend tmm its final length,
the object Wing, in fact, placed nearly
in its principal focus, oi so that the
light which divvrgia from each point
may, after redaction by tha Una, pro
ceed in parallel lines to the cytt, or as
nearly as U requisite for distinct vision
The focal length of tbe eya generally
i rang from to II imhis, m that
, they iiMiims 10 inches as near the true
veragu. Thus a lent w)no trugth 1
one-aiitmittt if an imh ismttd to mag
nify 100 turn.
Haw i f reveal awlllog Aftsr a MUw.
To puveiit twi lltnrf after a blow rub
the part iiutneduttly with Imtt.r, r
dip a han.IkiT Uicf in cl4 wt r, rt
it into a IhU k pd, pr tt U the part.
aud tt It ct wish Niidtiga antll nth
r letuedJU can I obtained.
No. S3. Doable Diagonal.
The first diagonal of six represents tbe
name of "a recess fur books as in a library;"
the second, "a military engagement in
which tbe parties engaged are not armies;"
"a conflict." The upper horizontal of eight,
"received;" the second, "flowering;" "de
veloping Into beuutr, freshness and vigor;"
the third, "suitably" "belitting;" the
fourth, "engrossed," "engulfed;" the fifth,
"relating to tbe deposits of sand, clay or
gravel made by river action;" tbe sixth,
"to depress by haughty, stern looks, or
with arrogant speech and dogmatic swer
tions." No. 54. Buggmts an Old Savins;.
No. Off. Numerical Knlgma.
My whole, composed of 30 letters, is a
Spanish proverb.
My 12, 19, 23, 7, 36, 17, 34, 1, 28, 8, 11, 32,
30, 6 is a large city.
My 14, 22, 1, 15, 6. 10, 8 is to mislead.
My 27, 2, 9, 20, 29, 26 is entirely.
My 13, 3.1, 4, 24 is a place for worship.
My 21, 25, 33 is a river in Scotland.
My 10, 81 is a preposition.
No. BO. Charade.
Mf "first" may be made of gold.
Of bronze or common brass.
Of delft or china old,
Of zinc, wood, tin or glass.
My "next" is best to pay
As soon a It is due.
Perhaps not Juxt day by day,
But at least in a week or two.
In my "whole" we may put our clothes.
Our bats, our boots and shoes.
Our books, if we so dispose,
Or anything else we choose.
No. S7. Curtailment.
A one small pattern for a dress
Will cause a woman much distress.
Bhe'll TWO the goods with careful eye
And often shake her head and sigh.
Khc'U place the pattern o'er and o'er,
And skimp and piece, and snip and gore,
And then the product of her skill
Will seldom seem to fill the bill.
No. 68. Satisfactions.
Satisfy the first. blank in a couplet and
then prefix a letter to that word to satisfy
the second blank in the same couplet:
1. Do you see yon heavy stormcloud 1
I fear 'twill barm that delicate .
2. Vou will find it much to your
If you can visit us .
3. Now put the steak upon the t
'Twill keep it fresh and safe from .
4. This man, so lean and ,
Was as black as .
The four prefixed letters give a word sig
nifying "renown."
No. 89. Word Rebus.
2,000 lbs
2 weeks
No. 60. Crossword Enigma.
In proof, not in sin.
In battle, not In din.
In rank, not in file.
In rig, not in Btyle.
In snow, not In dew.
Three cities now you view.
No. 01. Hourglass.
My central letters, reading downward,
spell a portion of nearly every book. ,
Crosswords: 1. bpecimens. 8. A spray.
To aHK. earnestly for. 4. Iu sufficient.
A hobbv. 6. One of the numerous small
eyes which make up the compound eyes of
insects. 7. A supreme monarch.
No. 63. Decapitations.
Behead motive power and leave always.
A sweetheart and leave above.
To frighten and leave trouble.
A ftuit and leave a part of the head.
A sphere and leave everything.
Rhyming Comparisons.
As round as an apple.
As black as your bat.
As brown as a berry,
As blind as a bat.
As mean as a miser.
As full as a tick,
Aa plump as a partridge,
As sharp as a slick,
As clean as a penny,
As dark as a pall.
As hard as a millmono.
As bitter as gali.
As fine as a fiddle.
As clear a a bell.
As dry as a herring.
As deep as a well.
As light as a feat luir,
As hard as a rock.
As stiff as a poker,
At calm as a clock,
As green aa a gotiliug.
As brink as a bee.
And now let mo stop
Lest you weary of me.
Key to tha Poaaler.
No. 41 Arithmetical Question: Tench,
a Carp, 15. Uomh.W. Bream, 47.
No. 411. Knlgmaj The letter II.
No. 44 Buried Trees and VUnts: 1. Fern.
1 Beech, a. Cedar. 4. Maple. 5. Ivy. 6.
No. 45. A Heart lew Change; Hun, shoe,
hose, hues.
No, 44 Metatfratiis 1, Deaa, bran, mean.
Wan, Jean. 9. Cat, mat. bat, rat, eat
No. 4T.l.OHt Birds aud I'acked Fruit.
Heron, crow, loon, owl, swallow, rail, rob
Itt, dove, wren, kite. Union, oliva, orange,
(war, at pie, yam, reach, lime, pomegranate,
N 48, QtwUtion From WhltUert "The
wlUl Ue's pturblug than."
'u 4U)tuUrglMU Central, willows,
C'vaswotdai 1. Miowm. t bting. a. Ale.
4. U , IW. r'wr t. Cbaallig.
Nrt, 60. IWvapiUtMt! I' rteo.
No. M. Vfotfreo.ive lluUtnai Toleration.
Na Wk-Coucrnlwl MtUirni Niue;
L iiyWk. ft IVrll. & Hamlet, . lr-
f Uudo, a. Cell. . IWr T. lWatrlv. ft.
A Man Who was Cured of Rheumatism
ar.d Paralysis After Suffering for
Twenty-Six Yean.
From the fhiladehhia Record )
A very interesting story comes from
Cap3 May C. H- N. J. Tha chief
character in the story is John L. Steel,
who has lived in that town for thirty
yean, aod is one of the best known men
In Cape May County. To a reporter,
Mr. Steel said: "Certainly. I'll tell you
tbe story. I am 54 years old and was
(list attacked with the rheumatism
twenty-six years ago. I suffered all
that mortal man could stand. Tbe m&dl
cite and the doctoring I have had
has cost me at the very least $2,500, but
they were all like so much water in my
"One day, In 1882, I was taken with a
chill up and down the back, my leg gave
out at the knee and I fell like a log.
Never shall I forget the agony I suffer
ed. I thought I would go crazy. I
could not walk, and my legs were all
drawn np at the knee aud felt as if dead
If was without fcellcgr and without
power. I called in Dr. Alexander
Young, one of our town physicians. He
cupped and blistered me withoutsuccees.
I went to ur. Downs, a physician of tbe
old school. Dr. Downs took my leg and
pulled it out straight, then be laid it
over the arm of the sofa on which I was
reclining, and front it suspended two
bricks. The plan was almost unbear
able. Tbe battery was applied, aod the
r6ult was that I was just aa bad as ever.
As a last recourse I went to the late Dr.
Pancoast, then of Jefferson College.
He pronounced my cae chronic rheu
matism, and said that be could relieve
the pain but could not cure me. He
fave me saruaparilla and iodide of po
tasslum, of which 1 bad already taken a
quantity. I felt that 1 was going from
bad to worse, ine pains were growing
mure intense, my body was growing
weaker and I ha l to crawl up stairs on
my bands and knees, I was as white
as a sheet, and at times nearly frozen to
dea.b. I slept nnder enough covering
to crush me, and was cold then. I bad
to lift my bg around wherever I wanted
it, but at night it would twl'ch and jerk
aa though possessed by some fiendish
''Well, to cut a long story short, I
read in the Philadelphia Record of a
man who bad been cured by Dr. Wil
liams' Fink Pitls for Pale People. The
story appealed to be an authentic ac
count, and with a ray of hope I sent for
two boxes oi rink fills. This was
about six months ago. As soon as I
began to take them they began to do me
good. I felt as though I bad been given
fresh blond and new muscles. When
the two boxes were finlbhed I sent for
six more, and under this treatment
continued to improve. I began to re
gain the use of my limbs and 1 could
soon get around with tbe aid of acrutca
and cane. Now I have discarded the
crutch. I have an excellent appetite
and feel first-clacs all over.
"Why Pink Pills have done more for
me than all the rest of the medicine and
doctors put together, and my recovery
is due solely to them. I have taken in
all twenty boxes of Pink Pills and you
can see for yourself what they have
suiting tbe action to the words Mr.
Steele placed his cane over his shoulder
and walked off like a man who had
never had an hour's sickness in his life.
Some idea of the severity of hn case
can be bad tram the fact that bis left
leg has. been shortened nearly an inch
by tbe ravages of the disease, xne loi
lowing affidavit was made before John
Spauldlng, Justice of the Peace, who
hb Known xur. oteei auimg nis enure
Sworn aad subscribed before me this
26th day of May, A. D. 1893.
Justice of the Peace.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a
patent mediuine in the Reuse that name
implies. They were first compounded
as a prescription, aud used as such iu
general practice by an eminent physi
cian. So great was their efficacy that
it was denned wise to place them with
in the reach of all. They are now man
ufactured bv the Dr. Williams' Medi
cine Company, Schenectady. N Y., and
Urockvilie, Ont., ana are sum in Doxes
(never in loose form by the d zen or
hundred, and the public are caution- d
against numerous imitationsold In this
bane) at 50 ceuts a b x, or six boxes for
2 50, and may be had ot all drutrgibts
or direct by mail from Dr. Willia n8'
MediclneCo.. from el her address The
prioe at which these pills are sold makes
a course of treatment inexpensive us
compart d w'th other remedies or medi'
cal treatment.
King Lo Bengula Dead.
Capetown, March 6. King- Lo Bon
jrula, it is now stated, died on January
S3. The Matabclus are hurrying into
lluluwayo with the intention of sur
rendering and are very anxious to
know where they are froinj to live and
who is to support the wives and chil
dren ot the late King Lo llengula.
From Hebrew to Uaptlat.
Ciscixsati, Ohio, March 0. Dr. E.
John Kauffman, the first husband of
Minnie Selipman. the actresa, and
prominent Jewish physician, last
niirht abandoned the Ilebiaw fith
and publicly joined the liaptlst church
Ilia present wife waa baptised with
tklm. '
tloodtlng la m Hrhoal Board.
Ui'TUHtic, Ok., March It Is claimed
that members of the school board are
Implicated In a scheme to secure tl0,
000 out of contracts to build five school
buildlnifs. Tbe whole town la stirred
up and an Investigation haa been
ahnt Himself Throat the llearb
TorrEA, Kan., March $. Howard 8.
ffluiefTer, of this city, a man of cunld
erable property, ftt out of hia bed at
S o'rliH'lt this Hiiirnmir and bot him'
so If through the heart. Ill health
was Uu' vauc.
f titll voa to! 8.M U0 erst cU fare
ti ba l'rnelsoo,Csvl.,l Missouri l'v
ilflorouto. I'alloneltv tloknl afvat.
OWot I -VI O Hi , UarHiia, 1eb.
If so a Ilabr " Cream Separator will earn its eot for
you every year. Why continue an Inferior eyMetu
another year at so an-at a bit? Ihiiryunr is now the
ily profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly eon-lu-u.-d
it always pays well, and must pay you. You
rw-l a Separator, and you neeil tliu KKfcT, the
" Huty." All Btyles uml cajwieitie. Prices, $n.'i.
upward. Scud for new lt&l Catuiog-ue.
Branch CSces:
Allen Root, .W. C. aixyn,
State Stock Aaent Nebraska State Cattle Salesman.
Farmers' Alliance,
omci aim visancuj. mahaoib.
Allen Root & Company,
uvt mm mwmmi r,i tiiM ah 1 5 .
tj oor ' " '"' 1
-Boom 220, Ixcbasge Building
First National Bank of Omaha.
Commercial National Bank, Omaha.
U. S. Ys National Bank, Soutb Omaha.
Neb. Savings & Lxcbanire Bank, Omaha.
Central Clij Bank, Central City, Neb.
rr .ntira ativk of Hones. M ires and Colts,
Percheren Shire. Clyde, French Coach and Standard Bred Stallions and Mares of different
axes Sale will commence at 10 o'clock sharp, continuing until all stock Is dinpoxed of. N
postponement on account of weathor Bile will be held under 4evr. TEltMa Cash or one
year's time on good bankable paper, drawing 10 per cent Parties winning credit should bring
..i ..rariir. rmm lorni hanks We will offer at private sile our entire herd of Galloway
Cattle and Hock of SHROPSHIRE siHEEP also the Olive Branch 8teck Farm, consisting of
3180 seres of the finest land in riouthern Minnesota all under a high stat of cultivation: well
fenced ; has pure running water In all its pastures, and ttrsi-class buildings. For terms, prices,
etc., address J.T.T.m TMPOTlTTNfl 00.. ADRIAN. MINN.
1 I
1893. Mf Black -fheron """""u For strfctly first-class Imported horses, low
Pown? ftlephonetofarm.
Saemile distant. New Importation just received. :
Aberdeen Agnus
We will offer for sale at the Stock Exchange on the Fair Grounds at
FALLS CITY, NEB., HAM 29, 1894,
At 1 'Clock, p. T.
in head of registered Aberdeen Aenus bnlls wned by Samuel Kiromel, Walls City, Neb., and
8 Short-Horn bulls el lglble to record, owned by O. Keyt, Verdon, Neb., and L. J. Hitchcock,
rialem. Neb. No postponement on account of weather. Sale held in barn and comfortable
seat provided. Anyone wishing catalogue will apply to either one of the parties.
COL. M W. HARDING, Auctioneer.
Hastings, 3STeTo.,
S In Clydesdale. English Shire. Percheron. Belgian,
German Coach, Yorkshire, Coach and
l ri Lnw Cleveland Bay Stallions.
&W.'r" '3:JR
Long time given
solicited. Stables in town. Address,
W. J.
m?mmM Black rercaaron.
i-jKW R Y-'VMV ".Jl.l'tJf
I MS' italliom, mare and colts won the prizes at Neonuka Suite Fair over Nebraika World's Fair
winners in past bv years.
They Were -Winners of 527 Prizes. '
IAMS li the onlf importer In Nebmak that Import rl hit Percherona ir the past threi year from Fra
and th largest importer ol ClydVe and Shire. A 1. 1. H LACKS, lanu' hnriea won nix twtepatak
iual Nebraska elate fair of 1891, and l-ima ia the onlv man of Nebraska that is sn tilled lothcamo
IAMSOUAHAN TKKstoshow ww th lrirst inllectionof Rl) FLAnIIY DHAT HOR8K8'y"
of th various breeds r Ois BSS 1 1 N 1 VIDU Al, M KKl I Al UO Y AL HltKe 1)1 V'i. (to y tars old 4
lon U ao wihi and at AUtlANCE PKlt'KS AN'U TKRM, ona.tweaud lhr-e y.r tint at 7
par nat interest, or th-sper Ihto anv live importer, or pay your far lo see them, and lams v in Iretfht,
More State Prize winners Than Al Nebraska Importers.
anf 8AV Ub baytiig awinnerol lain. My prise w marts all for sale, litwd suau, every
sywvw tjors recotaeo.
Writ IAMS. St. Psul U os th B. A M.. and 1' P.
PIG FORCEPS. ntnO airkjKFRII. l.tvaxr.iur.lowA.
jujLuuix.Ki.m. w-BB"
Tatkiri Qurrtii H.i Iks ly
,i.t4n R.liM mu4 wni.ui
iw U-rn k ... t4t Mlte..'i. M
th,i4ti .Hti 4f VHtw twr
I b tt I !" ,
lisi. rtis"V, u iw
Sk. .
'it m 1bhI
General Offices:
George S Bkown,
Hog Salesman.
South Oijiaha, ivfeb.
3T Before shipping ask ns tor condition ot
Market and races.
I have a lot of excellent good pure bred (records') stallions and
mares, both Percherons and EDglish Shire. Also Imported and
American bred Shetland Ponies. This stoek Is of our own Import
tlons and raining, clen, healthy and all rifebt. We will sell one ani
mal or all, as the entire stock must be disposed of. For a ust and
description address, A. L- 8ULLIV AN,
The Importing Draft Horse Company.
Thur., March 28 and 29 J
numbering over I OO H e. AD. Consisting of
WILSON, Creston, Iowa.
importer or
m' BelglM COdCh HISeS'
i- a , tka f1!nr1ns fairs: Iowa ''f
Short-Horn Cattle
SAMUEL KlMMEL, Falls City, Neb.
C. C KEYT, Verdon, Neb.
L.7. HITCHCOCK, Salem Neb.
to responsible parties. Correspondence
WROUCHTON, Hastings, Neb.
frnporter apd Breeder
French Draft,
Clydes aod Shires.
IAMS' "Hone Show" at the great St. I.onu.
Kanins and Nrbratka State Kalm of 1S93, sn.oth
won the ijrand mo herd prize "For Best
I Draft Hores" and over every Nebraska
draft herae or mare how at the World's Kair.
8t. Paul. Web,
!IT!fj? '11S2T1
( M 'H ') sf I vt - r t i-i-iiu ! a
l'Y Li r " iis
tj -H n