The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    March 15, lS'.U
, That jut t what w want, and If tie
A P"ty a regular convention can
O counted on to back that advice up, we
.'can pull our poliiical caootuuU" out of
i the fire and bait and lure them over
1 into the ranks of Democracy, when, the
Populist party belnff swapped off or
forsaken for a share of the offices, they
will have to stay.
Work on man's part Is always assisted
or linked with the tireless energies of
beneficent nature. "We are workers
Aogether with God." The worker
' alone can know and love God, because
of actual contact and the all-wise assis
tance In producing things serviceable
and enjoyable. Intelligent, voluntary
work is, or makes possible, the mos
intimate and real worship. In work we
do not search for God, but we touch the
(Infinite Energy, Wisdom and Love.Jand
draw to us God'slever ready, effective
uower. ftDower that never refuses to
h , answer and serve ns. msiree, voiun
Y tary, honest work,, also, which makes
us each and all of use to one -another,
and is the attractive force between men
the basis and bond of society. Work is
worshin! work la fellowship; work is
love. But they who would obtain the
fruits of labor without labor, rob Goa
and man, and must live loveless, apart
separated in spirit.
Thb Omaha Bee In criticising Edward
Bellamy's article in the Forum admit
that "municioal ownership of water
4. TOorka oan works, electric lisrhtin
, - "
plants, etc., is in vogue in many Amer
lean cities as well aa abroad. J. he pos
tal teleeraph, telephones and posta
savings banks exist in many foreign
countries and will eventually bo cetab
liahed in this country. It will be many
years, however, before the government
will monopolize the lumber traffic, the
iron industries, and the mills, factories
and business enterprises which constl
tuto the arterial blood of our
national commerce." Mr. Rosewater
cannot make the above admissions and
not know that the Populist party is thc-
only party that demands anything new
and worth fitrhtin? for.
f.x-Mavor Hewitt of New York
characterizes tko Bland Seigniora?
bill as an attempt "to coin a vacuum,
i 'ir rather the "negative Quantity on th
..athflr side of a vacumn." Never
mind, Mr. Hewitt. Any sort or
-annum whinh will hear the eroverc
V CV ' ---- u
ment stamp and complete the round o
circulation is all we need. Enough
such "stamped vacuums kept movlnp
will serve to fill the vacuum in million
of American stomachs.
, Any man who wishes to fuse with tte
faamocrat or Republicans Is at llbert
to do so. But any man in the Populis
party who .tries to fuse the party, o
who proposes a fusion conference, wil
find himself burled 'beneath an ava
lanche of opposition. We merely pre
diet this avalanche -if the fusion crow-
far is inserted.
MR. J. B. Obbounb has delivered 488
Pomiliat In the last nineteei
months in Georgia, has traveled lO.OtX
miles by rail, and has addressed over
250.000 people. The Popuhat party l
"making sweeping gains and Georgit
will be one of five or six Southern Btatet
to stand iu the Populist column in 1896
The Democratic editorof the tireclej
Herald is strongly opposed to fumo
and oDnoaed to it on principle. Tkat U
i i
the kind of Democrats we respect
, There are a great many honest Demo
L crats and Republicans. We never re
I for to them or Include them when wc
y characterize the macMnn variety.
Buffalo County Al iauoo Men Ileitis
to Be Fused.
Shelton, Neb., March 6, 1894.
At a meeting of our Alliance March
6th, held for the purpose of organizing
In the Aid Degree, the following reso-
"Actions were unanimously adoptod:
A Whereas We tee a writer in the
' World-Ileratd is advocating i fusion o!
the Independents with the Democratic
party and a division of the offices, and
Wnereas, Such a scheme of fusion
for the sake of the oftlces Is di'Rustloo,
to the men of principle who belong t
the independent party, and would re
sult ip its death and burial; therefore
Resolved, TV while we do not be
Hove it possible, that an Independent
, , state convention can be gotten together
that wm nave one vote for fusion; tsi,
it fnsion is voted by the regular state
convention, we pledge ourselve to send
delegates to an Independent state con
vcntlon that will put a utraight inde
pendent tickni in tne n-ld. And wo
further pledge ourwlves to w If neces-
. wry, that a straignt ticket Is la the
field In this county.
Signed ) HERMxScuErtR, l'reat.
s. A. Needy, Jcy.
Tourist (torn Mtnnttota Peinta.
Commencing October 5th, a Tourl.i
car leave Mtona:i. every Thurtda.v
, morning ol runt to I'uoblo and l
Albert l.a to l olumbu J unction, ar
riving at 1UT p. m. and there connect
with our (!. II I. A I. Irala No. 13
which will hold at that point for ar
rival of thi tl. C It, & N. train carry.
Inf tha etr, and via KtL'iiy arriv
at I'ut'hl i oe.l mrotrc
IWUalu Ocvibt r 1Mb, Tonritt etr
will AUrt Pvry TucmUi
mrnl? and run U MlnuiaooH. A. Hi
tool Itjr thnwf h Affim to Ik Mutt....
rrtvlair at slgWt, and thern lav over
and ho UU a e on "11! U I rl
day "nl!irf, and rua via Omaha., Ua
tUa 4 iWiWt tti to wbU
The Xew Premier Declares That the Home
Kale Question la al Fretting ma Ever .
dadatoae'. Attack oa the Ilout
of Lord Indorsed Principal
Points In the Queen's Speech
on Opening Parllnment.
Losdox, March 13. A large crowd
of people gathered in the vicinity of
the foreign office to witness the am
val of the celebrities who were to at
tend the great meeting of the Liberals,
which had been convened for noon
Lord Eoseberry, the new premier, was
loudly cheered and a warm welcome
was also extended to other distin
guished Liberal leaders. Lord Hone
berry also received an ovation as he
took the chair in order to preside at
the meeting. Sir William Vernon
Ilarcourt, who was the last member
of the cabinet to arrive, was greeted
with great enthusiasm.
The prime minibter, in addressing
the party, alluded with considerable
feeling to the retirement of Mr. Iliad'
stone, saying that they "would greatly
miss that sublime and pathetic figure
which enriched and ennobled, not
merely the treasury bench, but the
House itself." continuing, he said
"It was thought in the high office to
which I have been called there
should be a declaration of policy,
lhat is not necessary as we
stand where we did. There will be
no chancre of measures and although
there has been a disastrous change of
men, they are all pledged to the same
policy. The , same measures remain
as they are, the program of the
Liberal party, and it Is not intended
to recede from any one of them. The
honor of England and the peace of
Europe are safe in the hands of the
present government. The Welch
church question will be pressed to a
ucnnite and successful conclusion."
As soon as the applause which had
greeted his opening remarks had sub
sided, .Lord Kosebery continued:
In rjpnrd to the Irish Question we are bound
to It by ties of honor and affection. My cpeouh
rawed Koine doubts as to my own position in
regard to home rule. Those who have these
doubts can only have read the speech In
eurnory manner. The policy of home rule will
not D mst twnniteiy pursued ir there is
any doubt on the subject, one pledge which
the government ban uiven in this connection
is the coiumu knee in his present office ot the
Itiiht Hon John Morley, chief secretary for
IreUnd. Mr. Morley has been offered a hUher
otnoe, but he thought it his duty not to sever
bis career from theVauste of Ireland. Cheers
On the house of lords issue Lord
Eosebery fully indorsed Gladstone's
late attack on the lords.
Sir William Vernon Ilarcourt, chan
cellor of the exchequer, followed in
behalf of home rule and reform of the
house of lords.
issues is the queen's speech.
WheD parliament resumed its sit
ting to-day, the speech from the throne
was read. In it the queen says:
Negotiations are In progress with the United
StuteH for the purpose of executing the award
of the court of arbitration in the question of
tne seat ntmerieg or tne uenrinfr sea.
Two collisions, accompanied bv lamentable
loss of life, lately occurred with the French
colonial forces in West Africa. I await the
result of tbff inquiry in regard to these deplor
able occurrences with full oontidence that
they will be examined in a calm and diirniHed
temper, as bents two great nations upon such
an occasion.
Gentlemen of the House of Commons: The
est mutes for the public service will be laid
before you. They will be found to make full
and adequ.tte provl ion for the defense of the
My Lords and Gentlemen: The recent im
provement in the state of Ireland bat been
continuous and marked Agrarian crime has
been reduced, under the administration of or
dinary law, to the lowest point that baa been
reached for the last fifteen years. The condi
tion, however, of a considerable body of the
evicted tenants of that country requires early
attention A measure will be submitted to
you with the view of a reasonable settlement
of this question, deeply affecting the well bem
or iretana. Bins win bo submitted for tho
amendmentof the registration, the abolition of
plural voting, dealing with the ecclesiastical
establishments of Wales and Scotland, tbe
equalization of rates in London, local govern
ment ror bcotiand on the same basis as re
cently accorded to England and Wales and
the exercise of direct local control of the
liquor trallia You will be asked to consider
measures ror tne promotion of conciliation in
labor disputes, for the amendment of the fao
tory and mines act and for the reform of the
method of conducting inquiries into fatal ao-
ciaenis in Scotland.
Only a few peers were present in
the house of lords when parliament
opened. United btates Ambassador
Thomas F. Bayard was in the diplo
matic gallery.
The Mctarthyites assembled at 1 p,
m. In committee room No. 15 of the
house of commons and encrae-ed in
animated discussion of Irish parlia
mentary matters. Mr. Justin McCarthy
wits re-elected chairman of the Irish
parliamentary party.
The Husband Held Without IUIL Charged
With the Crime.
Kansas Citt, Mo., March 13. A
warrant charging Deldrich Kensmann
with the deliberate murder of his wife
Johanna, was sworn out before Justice
Worthen this morning by Police De
tective I in nis. Kennsinau was ar
raigned, pleaded not guilty aud was
committed to jail without bail to
await u hearing. It is charged that
he did deliberately, willfully aud with
malice a fore thought, beat, Mr ike,
choke and atrnngle hia wife until she
wan llriKl.
I hlef XiM'tfr U confident that Kens
mann killed his vifj that he uiltrht
recover V.m Insurance n her life., and
that his uiititrck,i'li(HHUra lIofTutitnu,
who naa arretted haturdav. knows
something of the matter, even if she
did not actually help In lh deed. t'tr
thU reaou no tvarrnnt ha yet been
Cpli.'d fur aeaiusi her, the chief
want If p nit. to lerii mora of har
hUtoi'v Hil l it Hkiltt get ik slate-
tent from to r,
I' I Jdl U...1..H,. it,.. .a.l.t..
to al t! i' mi i elet'Uou iu 17
v r ium luniaiM, t ;,
Ji.hi i;L'er v ntk'lh'd neat I'rai
euiutotltr vohovUiHsr I I.j ; caught
itiui wiir. ! tluuil r.
A 8aitiT riaai.
The eompany are seated at the dinner
table. Enter Baptists (a (errant), haggard,
txcited and exclaiming:
"Quick, quick glass of wine!"
People stire at each other, and at last the
wi&h is complied with. Baptlstedrinks off
a glass of wine which has been poured out
by tbe mistress of the house, who inquires
What has happened.
"Oh, madame, I've been dreadfully up
set! Ah, that wine baa dona me good! I
feel better now. Only fancy, I have just
managed to break both the large Sevres
china marmalade dishes!" Voltaire.
"Emu For One More."
Brooklyn Ufa.
One on Baby.
Mr. Noopop My baby cries all night. I
don't know 'what to do with it.
Mr. Knowitt-ril tell you what I did. As
toon as our baby commenced to cry I used
to turn on all the gas. That fooled him.
He thought it was broad daylight and went
to sleep. Truth.
A Limit.
Charley Hardup What will you have
Ada Oh, please order for me. I eat every
thing. Charley Hardup Not when you're out
with me, my dear! Puck.
"Your husband is so magnetic a man!"
aid tbe visitor.
"I know it," responded the wife. "I fonnd
asteel hairpin sticking to his coat collar
the other day." Indianapolis Journal.
Prosecuting Attorney What Is your age,
Miss Seref
Miss Sere (appealing to judge) Does a
etness have to testify agaiust herselff
Get these books and our paper as fast
as you can Into the hands of the people,
friends. Buy, read and circulate.
Address all orders to the
Alliance Publishing Company.
Lincoln, Neb.
STOCK WELL a BAD BOY. Twsnty-three side
putting dialogue!. Laugh aad prow fat.
Money, land and transportation in broksn dotes.
Warranted to make more Populists to lie iquare
Inch man anything In print Points for Thinkers
knocsstheO. O. P. illlr. OOTernment Ownernblp
of Railroads paralyzes 'em. 10 cents r.h theS
mailed, postpaid, for 2 cents front this office.
A Cooperative Commonwealth.
A book for all who believe the competitive
commercial strangle Bhould be superseded by
a just economic system of production and dis
tribution. A book alno for tbotio who believe
competition necessary. Postpaid, paper covers
30 cents.
Tbe Railroad Question.
Tbe matter presented in the 469 pages of this
book, drawn from all the American sad Kuro
pean literature bearlRg on the railroad prob
lem, is mott valuable. Kead this book and
you will be thoroughly Informed on one of the
great over-shadowing questions of the day
Cloth 11.60.
The Seven Financial Conspiracies.
This little book, which has had largest circula
tion and Influence in the Farmers Alliance,
shows bow the Money Power bas gathered its
vast plunder. A beok to sow broadcast over
the land. Post paid, 10 cts.. 3 tor 23 cts., 7 for
60 cents.
Six Centuries of Work and Wages.
Abridged with chart and summary. Tbe facts
and the thought summarv of six larze vnlumee.
A historic collection of most valuable f nfor-
mation bearing on the present crisis, by Rev.
W. D. P. Bllhs. "Introduction by Prof. R. T..
Ely of the State University of Wisconsin.
Paper, 25 cents.
Civilization's Infemo.
Studies In the social cellar. A almnle. thrllluia
report of what The Arena editor looked upon
witn nis own eyes in tne tenement districts or
Boston. A book which must greatly startle
and arouse men. Cloth 11.00, paper 50 cents.
Looking Backward.
A book no one can afford to miss reading. "It
has revolutionized the thought of the country
as no other book bas ever done." Translated
into nearly all European lansuaKes. a most
entertaining story that lew In the full llcht of
hoaven on the great social problem. Millions
have already read iu loth 11.10, paper 60
The Duties of Man.
The great Italian, whose heart embraced the
world and whose thoughts will never die. He
lived and suffered for the industrial and politi
cal emancipation of the masses. Postpaid, 15
Ten Men of Money Island.
Another book to scatter everywhere. It Is the
money and money question made simple Most
Interestingly instructive. Klgbty-elghtpages.
Post paid, 10 cents, 8 lor 26 cents.
Errors in Our Monetary System and the
ids crats. Ve have not yet seen this book,
but the editor of The Coming Natluu very
strongly recoiniuenda it.
"Tbe Dogs and the Fleas."
Thi book Is the strongest Piece of satirical
and allegorical writing; which has yet aiir-
Hl aicaliixt the forrea of oitretloa aud evil.
The dog represent the worker anl the flea
the bltMid-Kucklng monopolism. The ethical
force the imry Is grrat id drepoilo iwwor
aud treed get a fearful ahaklnf up by tiilit to
ii4 tirnvloiiHly unb'aid of author, iHmalaa 41 n-
('iklfiim. The book in nnoly llltuti'aiod with
numerous cartoons. Price in pir, so cent
Al; A Social Vision.
a new nKK oy powerrui riairai novelist,
Charles K Daniel, of Pnilldelihl, pubilhel
by the Arena PublUblng tV tBu!d be In
every true man's library. Kill I ef the new
IH.kttL'fcL f.f ,tl I,H. ,.l milt .tl.t.lll.
quo.iluulng. In iMiwr.&ueeuui UrUerihrouifa
London Monty Puwr; tha Qieat Rsd
Of t II .wlfnlk, li. I. Niw aa4 re td
tdutua. frke la iiaiwr, tcceuia.
Tbe New Rtdtmpiion. hook by Rev. l.ra II llerma. D. II.
rir il AH'tlod t brtilBlir la V,
Warn virluelly a m dlwtif j ol t. the
l atil the , el.aii nn. u t of lb ti'iitt
Ir iu acuiuu,atM lompie rub.iia, laa truia
!" raa va the Iu4llual 4
!' II Ihe fw til l la aiHutt, b
limti trial, ft.minii UI Miir (ll!liiHMitl
rout a ObJf Kvwiiel. lu t UHh lnu.iiu. ll
Ias(o. I ti ui,
A Pisa f?i tha a asps,
Tht bnoh. by Ibe lame itth m the lm ii
in. I a Rtit Start ktutf ,itutvkltt ff the
fc lis ana work of l iuu. Uuu
iru. aeere, t eUh
Three Cent Column.
"For Bale." "Wan ted," -For Exchange, "and
(mall advertisements for short time, will be
charged three ceats per word for each Inser
tion. Initiate or a number counted as one
word. Cash with the order
If you wart anything, or have anything that
anybody eb "wants, " make it known through
this column. It will pay.
UKNI S WAN I KD I o sell choice nursery
L stock Cam Ncrschies, Crete, Neb.
I TOR EXCH NOFarm ISO acre near t In
1 coin, for land further wwt, prefer It parti
lly Improved. John J- UllllUn. Llnceln, Neb.
VANreD fresnd rvclone airenta Good
tf pay. J. Y. M. Bwlgart, Bec'y, Lincoln,
Neb. 37tf
EIGHTY ore farm nar Lincoln, 65 acres
under cultivation. II . if taken at once.
John J. GillUan, Lincoln, Neb. 3bM
TjlARMKRS and feeders send Sc. pontage for
ju' pacaage. kodv Thomas, rJingDain. la.
TjlOG From a choice oen slcifle comb Brown
Xi Leirhorna. $l.Miperfel'in IS dozen eggs
irom i punou) ror nionin i r rnruary. n, u.
YOUNU. l'.OI O St. Lincoln, Neb. 3Dlt
J ANTED -Twenty thousand new subscri
FOR EXCHANGE Fine six room house and
corner lot In Lincoln, for land in eaolern
orrentral Nebraska. John J. Uillllaa, Llncom
TINGLEY & BDRKETT, attorneys-at-law.
WM O St., Lincoln, Neb.
OR SALE A new t horse level tread power,
james waison, eteua. men. ants
fTUNrJLKY & BURKETT. atrorneys-at-law,
X wx u tl., liucoiu, Neb. aesiracis ex
tOR EXCH ANUK-Clear low well located in
1 Lincoln, tor clear land, must be miooth
(and and good soil. John J. Gillian, Lincoln,
II AVK YOU anything to sell or trader Then
Al advertiKe the fact through this column
aud be surprised at tbe result.
TFyou wish to buy, sell or exchange real es
J. late. inerchanillHe or live stock, you should
address John J. Gillllan, Lincoln, Nub. S!4
T have a limited amount of pure blood Ger-
1 man Car;) that will spawn in May or June
which I will sell at hard time prices. Also a
few one and two years old For prices, etc.,
address J. U Romlne. Bee, Neb.
IjiOlt 6ALh -mooih acre and five acre tracts
1? near street car lino and colicce, flue for
fruit and gardening John J Gi llian, corner
11 and f streets, l.lucoin, eD.
A UKNT8 WANi KI for the best selling Nov
A. elty out, iSO.uuo sold the first week In
Boston. Bamplo by mall i5 cts. Needed In
evM-v bolide. Address, W. H. MAHONEY, No.
l Keverest., Lowell, Mass.
If you waul to exchange yur land tor
smooth Lincoln lots, near the street car
line and the largeot coll ge In tbe write
t once to John J. Gillllan, Lincoln, jicb. 8M4
1 F YOU WANT to buy, sell, trade or borrow
X Any thing, remember, you miss It badly if
you ao not inuue it Known inrmicn mis coi
iimn. OnlyS c:-nts per word each insertion
Cahh wtih the order.
l tiiir.MDl-.K that Tub Ai.i.iancb-Jniiepien
J.l iikmt Is tbe best sdvcrtlHlng medium in
the west, w ben wrltinir to ay or our adver
tisers don't forget to tell them where you saw
their "ad "
one in the market that gives complete
BaMnllu-'UUll l; luo muit, nuim ivaumu
everywhere. Write to the Model Mop Pail and
fTiRAVELERS WANTED -Faithful, gentle
I . . . I . . 1 I . . A,.w
.X IliAU vr inu.T Mi Liavr,, iironut'iiiK vvau
llKhed house. Salary 8780 and expenses
with Increase. Enclone lefert-nee and self ad
dressed stumped envelope, THE DOMINION
100 Grape Vines Only $2.25.
Guaranteed No. l.rsend;ror price list. w
Slrel. Davenport, Nebr.
Capital 8100,000.
Comer I'lth and 0 Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
The Only State Bank in the City.
n. E. Shaw, Prest. 0. M CftAwrono, Capb.
WM. FtTLLBBTOH, V. P. W. E. Ta Ylok, A. Cash.
Office: 346 North nth St., Windsor Hotel
Block, Lincoln, Neb.
Will practice in State, Federal and Supreme
Courts. Special attention given to delen Ing
foreclosure mlts and cases apairst railroads.
Correspondence solicited. Letters promptly
Farm for Sale . . .
On account of old asm will se'l cheap my
aso acre farm near Wallace, Neb. About
'A0 acres iu good cultivation. Gord frame
houie, barn, wind mill and under fence.
Address.; fi -i t3TCTl
32t2 Wallace Neb
400 choice Eastern nvuraska farms 150'clear.
150 moderately incumbered. Price from 110
to !S0 per acre. Write exactly what you want
ana wnere yon want it. a number .orj excel
lent ixtrgaini if taken soon.. t&s
W. K. B0ATR1GHT, 301 N. Y. Life Bldg,
Omaha, Neb.
Iowa Farms Tor Sale.
e "Lve a laree list of farms for sale m Iowa.
We have pood lands In eveey direct Ian, from
town lots to 2.(100 acre tracts, so you cannot
make a mistake In calllnK on or writing to us
If you want to buy at lowest prtcts. and now
Is a eplendld time to buy homes In lowa. es
pecially In Marshall county.orcityptoperty In
N.trliMi:uwn, Call and sreua v. e think wc
candoyou(Kd. CALHOUN A VAI.K-TINK,
Ileal Kslate Agenu, Marshalltown, Iowa.
100,000 Acres Just Tut Upon the Market
Small Cash Payments
5 to 20 Years Time,
For map tit Nebraska and further
parUculara, call on or addreea,
$100 REWARD l'.hTi"'.!
ettruhiale from lha tcm. N- by pHiii,(
...i In, but by pullli'tf them out aiil killtn
ill-nuj It yuu er lnJ private
taw, ,ni ttv lhn Mri-itrv. AtwiiK )i,
IhIi.i an J ubr Minri l'i. r..l yuu
I'i Hrirr tm ytturwit sib until mii hat
hl'l l MIIv 'Mil. I M,fa tMif a
i rmimt't f llt (cmim Wl.uimiini
Ivrtl IK'Kit .' ( M, m Klantlll 1 ! If .i are ei4it) fit. itwal
ka)i ait tf ttilrk. t a a.-tik i .
! -e wm A, I " MluS. t
. rai' IMiiaJ Drsl c'ai
Ucwt f1ico OBt,, Uattila, NsU.
Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St., Lincoln, Neb-
i. W. Castor, Pres. W. B. Lwch. Se J.
Farmers Mutual
Organized in lS9l.
2,000,000 Tnurrce now in Effct.i.
J. W. Castor, Emerald. Neb.
J. P. Kiue, Alvt, Neb.
J. L. Hermance, Raymond, Neb.
n. unTa-injirr, v neeney, weo.
H. II. IXvIa HvriLriiiu. H.k
J A. Ftoien, Goehoer, Kebl
J. A. Barr. Yerk, Neb.
w.j. Hlldivth, Exetor, Neb.
N. H. Hjatt, President, ee.
First : National : Bank,
Capital, $400,000.
Su.rTDluLs, $loo,ooo.
l'msidn V M frvtr a -vi.
Vice-President Ass't Cashier.
N. S. TTarwood, John Fitzgerald, J. D. Macfarland. R. E. Moore,
D. W. Cook, Charles A. Hanna. A. li. Clark, T. M, Marquett,
John II. Amo8,John L. Carson, F. M. Cook
Opl.Ff WmatEfl 1 Fiyfl Years i
vAgents Wanted fop the
Texas Land for Sale !
Over 1 00,000 Acrea Farm Land Situated In the Wichita Valley, Texas.
and owned I jr the Wichita Valley It. It. Co.. now for sle at low prices and oneay terms. 1 Hies
perfect if you want a home In a wsimer climate, you should know that this not only Is the
best and lined laying land In the slate (doep, rich, well drained clay soil), but that it also bas
an exceptl. nel healthy climate and In -very way and manner Is bet dapted for home,
for fanners from more northern localities, ss they here cn raise tt.e same crops they are
used to, besides all hinds of fruits. Winter wheat is the principal crop and generally brliiKS
Chlcairo prices. It Is also a line stock country asd hog raising- will pay well. There Is plenty
of timber alonir the ureawis. Only w hite people selile here and a Rood many Nebraska and
Iowa fat mors live there now. You should not buy land in sny other part of the state betore
you have seen this line country. Excursions from Omaha to Lundee March lMth, li.rll 10th
andMayHth. Kare for round trip only H9.75. WW show our land summer and winter.
For further Information write to or see
O. B. NELSON, General Agent,
Boom 5, 205 South Thirteenth St, Opposite Omaha Nat'l Bank, OMAHA, HEB.
j, fjir- J mLpliJL
No. 6, Four Horses for Bulky. Gang or Walking Plows. Works one horse in the furrow and
three on the land. No wide draft Hwings clear at the corners. Send card for elrcularseto.
Drs Moines, Iowa.
IS hOW used by all the principal feeders
of stock, aDd is better appieciated as its
1 1 rr.4. -
merits become known. It is used for stock
of all kinds, and you cannot afford to feed
stock for market without it There is
nothing: that assists so much in fattening as
TUTS MEAT, and von or. i
to be convinced. ONE POUND J if fi .jyoooM-AVj
bacrs of lOOIbs each. Trice,
liM lbs. If your d aler does not
order and we will ship promptly.
Woodman Linseed Oil Works, Omaha.
Will konil U
mm mmmmwm ruuuills IS oue
in Power per hour.
& Gasoline Engiu Co., Kansas
runninK Is oue
Web?r Gas
1 -i:.
Th Roliallo Incubator and Crooder, hu k heeriiH uir.viwti.-u. m"nfit..?dvvih
tell t'h'D lbirB. BrU-r Co., of ju'. li' . lU I !v In h f ! namiu.'
rl.irm-,t Their m-ipe h bra Jii ' !! I ti et,ui-i t-- i"l j'l(Hl
tlMim. I hu. wild I anl tut. wmt I .r ttwia trie Umw -I bt '' ' a !
i lh .M.-ha nt-r it m4 fit IS fut tlmi t . i,.,.t i.v, f . . . I Ihv l I n; U- IB
aMta,ia d .ii -I.v . IN Wu! I r'so e h!'-'l" f-Aw v. ill S '! t
it h-l tie iJUwi. f Mitta the ltii.iur It Mr Ilia i . 'm wtn
1.m a '1 .!wn-i i, l Imnw !
J .-tea k Ha a .i in at ri
Ut'U, lte .4 r-il M nll:'t.!
uwkl a.ii t firuwa Wtt.t ttait t .! h M
-n lie Acta-tKiail tnrlKat ibi.i.W
ttt HiuM ' Vw aw '.tK-
Hiaa; f. iwi .Hiy mmt(. atenb -
P. Rorsa. Vice-Prve A. G axis am tjb, Trees.
Insurance Co.
248 South th Strt,
Correspondence solicited from all persons
Interested In mutual Insurance.
Cashier. H. S. FREEMAN.
Price, $49.75.
Kimball Pianos and Organsvw
Jr., Oijiaha, Neb.
Oil Cake.
. 100 lbt
Tut up S 81 SX?
$1.50 per 2ulr-
keep it send us draft or mnnftv
The best because the most simple. A
SIWIll .I'll . I AJ itml
running M..1 1 ft(a'"'.'i
miaranuuui in.t. i
cent t horse
Cent. wr hOrSC Tj." 15 T( . 1
AdUrea, Jll MftvC J
Box No. 60. Ifem
Citj. Missouri.
tSrunls h -m fc tlt-t : ,! ail
ht -rl ,! '"
tet e-
Mi ta wf
', i ', .S
'- Hi i !'! .,.i
hi n- 'ivU -it ti.tilntk
.! mn. t - (IH
tel t. - ;
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