The Wealth makers of the world. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1894-1896, March 15, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Manh 15, 1894
If tba Importation Am tha Kama a
Last I'nrlt Will KatM 3M3.1SS.0OO
Jcmo Thla Added to Other
Mourn Will tiring tba Total
IWraaa t p to 0411.1.500.-OOO-May
ISa Modified.
Wakhixgtos, March 12. When the
senate committee of finance met to
day for the purpofte of di8ttuMiiff the
tariff bill aa preaented by the majority
only Keven member were present,
McHftr. J one of Nevada, Vance,
Md'hcrnou and Sherman being1 the ab
sentee. Those pre (tent examined
the detail of the bill and
diactiMHed its aalicnt features,
but in the aWnce of figure showing1
the effect of the bill in the production
of revenue, they adjourned until Mon
day morning', when the statement
will be ready. There statements
have been prepared under the aiiHpice
oi the committee and miow that the
revenue will be t3M,500,000, if the
importation prove to be of the same
quantity and value a those of the
leat nV-al year. The amount added
to the receipt from the poatofflce de
partment and from luittcellaueou
sources will bring the government
revenue np to 1493,500,00a Under
the cuate bill the cutttom
receipt, it i estimated, will amount
to 1105,000,000 a compared to 8124,
000,000 under the Wllmm bill and 1193,
000,000 under the McKinley law and
those from the Internal revenue por
tion about 91'.m,000,000 compared to
SI 00,000,000 received Just year from
thi source, the income tax being1
ertlmatcd at 930,uoo,ooo, spirits at
820,000,000 and cigar at J,000,000.
A member said after the committee
adjourned that they would begin
work Monday morning and might
conclude it next week. The He pub
lican member will make an effort to
secure tome change and if they meet
with succcMi, in a few, will probably
try to secure other. They are hope
ful, from assurance which (senator
Mcl'herHon is ald to have g-iven per
son who have called upon him that
he will join with them in trying to
secure the modification of several
A New York Hoy Terribly MaimedThe
Kxplonlv Hidden Jly Anarehlats.
New Yokk, March 12. Joseph Hoff
man, aged 13, and Char Ion and
Frank Obcrly, while playing on
the sand lot of WilliuuiHburg to
day, turned up the sand near the mas
sive boulder, and found a box con
taining six bomb. The Hoff
man boy, being the oldest, took
charge of the find and examined the
bombs carefully. Finally ho picked
up one of the bombs and said he was
going to hurl it against the boulder.
The other boys ran away and had
gone about a hundred feet when Hoff
man threw the bomb at the boulder.
The Obcrly boy soy they felt as
though the earth bad opened nnder
them and when they turned Hoffman
was lying on the ground screaming at
the top of his voice. All the skin of
his face and hand was peeled off nnd
be was terribly wounded on the body
and limb.
The police have the box containing
the five bombs which are of tin and
oblong. About three months ago half
a dozen bombs were found in the lota,
but the police were unable to find the
makers of them.
The district abound in anarchistic
societies and in the vicinity is the
home of John Most.
Accounts of tha Ki-llox Short a l arge
Bum Townfthlp Honda Mluluf. .
New Yokk, March 12. Lawyer
O'Ferralland the citizens committee
of Gravesend who have been
investigating the act of John Y.
McKane.the imprisoned ex-boss,allege !
that tha chief failed to account
January 10 last regarding the dis
position of &"00,000 of town bonds as
required by law. It is reported that
a portion if not all the bonds have
been hypothecated and there is an
apparent shortage in his accounts of
McKane's friends any the apparent
deficit i due solely to the lack of
business method in conducting the
affair of the town.
Inmate of Holdlera' lloniee May Vote,
Wichita, Kan., March 12. In the
federal court yesterday Judge WIN
Hams handed down a decision holding
that inmates of Kansas soldiers' home
may vote at any election held in the
precinct In which their home la located.
The state constitution hold that any
Inmate of an asylum or almshouse,
supported at the public- expense, cau
not exercise hi franchise. The de
cision reuder unconstitutional the
1'opulistactof lt3, which expremdy
KrovUled that inmate of soldiers'
nines hatl nut be allowed to east a
A t hlaaanaa la m IHvorra Court.
Ntw Yok, March 13. Yue Lee,
I at a, m. .
nines gambler of M.itt street,
enjoy Ilia diatinetloa of Wing
the first Chinaman to secure a dlrorv
in the wart of this city. IU appeared
to court in a trrgtm eimn of
ehangeable 4r4 uilk la which the
rvUiiilatltr color was purple, lit
ilg tail wa Uuu4 with purple nb
U.fs. Hi hU. an Amritn rl
named LouU rVhnnlder, li4
with another C'h'.iuimaH.
A dispatch from Olntfapor say mat
4atteeK of th eearoity f Mex-
imu wuiars tni u urgent lix-sl d,.
Rtaad ff Um eotu of a itrllUh d l-
la. Tla Wkk aa4 iurrhslU -
Immi aaiaoaJ; lu favor ft th
Mora Damaging Evldrnra Aralnat tba
Kentucky Con rra roan.
Washington, March 12. In the I'ol
lard-Breckinridge breach of promise
suit. Major Moore, chief ml police of the
district of Columbia, testified that he
was acquainted with both parties to the
suit; first met Miss Pollard, accompa
nied by Colonel Hreckinridge, in his
office May 13, 1893. He said: "The
door was suddenly thrown open, when
Colonel Breck in ridge came in, follow'
ed by a lady. He suid he might have
to ask my protection, a the lady had
threatened hi life. She demanded
that he should marry her, and seemed
much excited, lie named May 31
1893, aa the day, and said he would
marry her then if I'rovidence spared
his life. When he started to explain
the trouble between them, she put
her hand on his shoulder and dissuad
ed him. (She was much excited. He
was cool." Witness had warned Miss
I'cllard that she must not make
threats against Colonel lSreekinridge's
life, a the police would have to deal
with her.
On May 17. in witnesses' office,
Colonel Breckinridge had told him
that the lady was pregnant through
her relations with him; that she was
going to New York to prepare for the
event, and that he intended to marry
her. "He asked me to witness his de
termination. We three clasped hands,
It was an impressive scene, ' said the
Mis 1'ollard had drawn from her
bosom a revolver, declaring that if she
bad occasion to do so she would use it
upon herself and him. The witness
took it, Col. Breckinridge suggesting
that he should return it to her as a
Christmas gift, she telling him to give
It to heron her birthday.
Une oi the best known physicians or
the city, Dr. N. H. Lincoln, then testi
fied that Colonel Breck inridife had
brought Mis 1'ollard to him in May,
imi, representing that she needed at
tention, as she was unreasonably leal
on and exceedingly nervous. Her
delicate condition had been referred
to, and Dr.. Lincoln testified that he
had said that one or two other profes
sions were required in her case. The
examination of the witness wan brief.
and at its conclusion, 3 o'clock having
arrived, the court adjourned.
Dun K' porta That ftlgns of
mrnt Are Multiplying-.
New Yokk, March 12. B. O. Dun &
Co. 's Weekly Review says: "Evidences
of present improvement in business
multiplies, but confidence in future
improvement does not seem to in
crease.' There is more business, and
a larger production by industries, for
the season has arrived when greater
activity is necessary if dealers in
stocks are to be replenished, and those
who cannot make calculations beyond
a few months are the more anxious
to crowd as much trade as they safely
an into these months. Jn soma
branches of distribution, however.
there are indications of a diminishing
demand for goods, and the evident
preference for medium and low-priced
articles, with the known reduction in
wages and family expenditures, lead
many to feel somewhat less confident
that business will soon recover its
former volume. Undertaking reach
ing beyond a short time are not made
with great freedom, and in spite of
a larger present demand, price of
manufactured goods tend downward.
The number of failure durinir the
past week have been 284 in the United
btates against 103 last year and sixty
in Canada, against thirty-two last
year. .
Two Ilore-Tratars Killed and Their
Ilodle Cremated.
Pauis, Ark., March 12. News
reached here yesterday of a tcrriblo
double murder committed four miles
south of Booneville, this county. The
crime was evidently committed Sun
day night, the 25th ult Two horse
trader and their cook, a young man
about 25 year of age, went into camp
in an outhouse near Booneville on
the date named. That night pistol
shots were heard, and the next day
the yoang man was seen and the two
horse-traders were missing. That
evening the hiAiso they were camped
in burned. It was noticed that the
young man was in possession of all
the horses and cattle that belonged to
the traders. Citizens began to bus
pect foul play, and went to whore the
house burned and in the ashes the
bones of the men were found. The
young man was arrested on the charge
of murder.
Tha Cope Auout to Ilemoye the Han on
Several Secret Order.
Baltimork, Md., March 12. Cardinal
Gibbon la in daily expectation of a
decision from Home in repaid to the
removal of the ban of the church from
the lodge of Odd Fellows and Knight
of Pythiua, which wero submitted to
the pope bv the last plenary council.
Father Thomas, secretary of the
cardiual, said no intimation of the de
cree had Iwen received, but the docu
ment itself would appear shortly. It
is generally expected in Catholic
circle that it will grant to communi
cants of the church conditional ly.
That is, each prospective member of
the Odd Fellows ami Knlghta oi
1 I'ythlaa, who belong to the Catholie
church, will first be required to re
ceive the sauetloa of the intr of hi
patlcular parWU.
kaaaaa City Ural.
KriTT, M. Mart I! -Wmit Na
t rw. i N't I ml W S 3 hr. v.',t;
No, I br,l. Ma ln -N. a M, .:!
Nov I Jl , No f white irora, .; ,V I
alia, Re. Oat-- N, 8, WVM. N 'VI
Mo. Ka I ehite mia Jo jii-,,- S-i 1 h (
l ive wrk.
' t'llli . lTtr4 lf 4 llfcM ht
ni'Vt ta 4 Hfr . Hjt Tt
s4 Uti to f 1vi H Is l
v. ff iiwktft 4 tit. St I
Ml l4, ) K
tld.-IUtli-i it fit, ti:i..J ilr44.
t.l- The BMtiot 4 at tnk le
1 V loa KM 4 H i A I V I H tt uit
ttaatfvalst N tf top rt,t Nut Si
W is er i ft y.terT
IkMf (!. I. ss thio Tss
" sta is ut u4t
Tf Mlwit ruiiT
W rtie
. IK
Valuable Feed for Cattle and Sheep
f acie for Urlvere Growing and Cook
Ina; Sweet Potatoot Hortlcult oral
Uinta and Ilooeebold Help.
Turnip aa Second Crop.
Land from which crops are har
vested early in the summer should
not be allowed to go idle, and there
i no second crop so valuable to
grow on it as turnip. Even
fair success can be .had when the
turnip seed are sown in the corn field
when it is worked through the last
time. The roots may not get large
enough to sell in the market, but
they will be of great value as feed
or cattle and sheep, and also for
home use. One of the best fall pas
turvs for sheep, bogs and cattle is a
corn field, from which the corn has
been gathered, and where young tur
nips are growing. Tha animals find
great nourishment for a month or
more in such a turnip patch. Thoy
will eat both corn stalk and turnips
a the mood seize them. After they
have finished the field the roots left
in the ground can bo taken up some
mild day in the fall and stored for
winter use, but sheep and hog as a
rule will root down and eat the vary
ends of the roots
, The early flat varieties of turnip
are profitable even when they sell
for only twenty-five cents per bushel,
and this prico can be obtained for
them at nearly any season of the
year. Ihey more olten bring thirty
or forty cents per bushel, so that the
labor i well paid. The rutabagas,
or Swede, cannot be grown so suo
cessfully a a second crop, unless
planted very early In the season, as
they require considerable time to
ripen before freezing weather. They
are in more demand, however, and
bring fifty cents per bushel when the
flat turnips sell for half that One
thing about turnips is that if thee is
no profitable market for them they
will always repay ono for growing
them as food for cattlo.
Tho expense of growing the crop
smull, according to the American
Cultivator. .The seed is cheap, and
the land used would otherwise re
main iille for the rost of the season.
Hence all tax or interest on the land
is not included in the original ex
pensos. iho land la already soft
and mellow from tho cultivation of
the previous crop, and it only needs
surface plowing and harrowing. A
fow hundred pounds of bone dust
should bo spread over tho land at
this plowing, and when the land is
mellow and smooth enough for the
seod tho work is nearly complete.
Mark the land off, and sow by hand,
or use a garden drill and planter
that will drop the seeds carefully in
rows, using Ices than a pound of seed
to the acre.
This is the most economical way,
although soma prei'er to scatter the
seod broadcast, especially when it is
to bo used for pasturing cattlo.
When the seed is used in the corn
field this broadcast sowing is prob
ably potter. The turnips should be
cultivated as any other garden vege
table, thinning out to six or eight
inches in tho row. The harvesting
must take place before a severe freeze
in the fall can injure tho plants.
Fact for Driven.
The Humane Circular says that
experiments show that one-third to
two-thirds more power is required to
draw a given load through mud or
sand thun on a smooth, hard road. 1
That a slight raiso in the grade re
quires a larger increase of power and
a raise of ono foot in ten doubles the
That a little rain softening the
surface adds nearly twenty per cent
to the power required.
In all these casos policy and hu
manity domand smaller loads and
frequent short rests.
Dry axles add double, sometimes
treble, to the labor of a team. Nothing
pays better than frequently oiling
wagon axles.
I he power and longevity of the
horse are in exact ratio to the intelli
gent care and fcoding ho roccivos.
lie can draw on his fixed stock of vi
tality to supply deficiency of food or
to do ovorwork, but it shortens his
life and roduces his value. That
horses have been worked to death in
ono day shows how rapidly overwork
ura on tholr vital power. As heat
depend on food, all clipped horses,
and those not warmly stabled and
well blanketed, require much extra
food, without which they wear out
fust Therefore overwork, under
feeding and neglect are all costly and
Overloading is costly and cruel,
and hua ruined thousands of horse.
No load should be too heavy to haul
easily over tho hardest place on th?
trip, iteady hard pulling cause
great pain, so give your team fre
quent rest, especially during the
arly part of tlw trip.
Ownership ha limitation and be
stows no right to mutlbto, abuo or
neglect any animal Our law reeog
nUd the right of domestic animal
and protect tin m.
The. whip InfticU proat pain and
worry, and Uli'i immensely to wear
out a hor The Nt bowmen of
our time condemn it ue, and be
lieve that touch mora U lot than
pained by It If all driver war
inu'lt t)H tlroe they strike a hor,
tthJp would ixn dWappear. Th" fot them would r a-
T kaow how a hor feel, trara
how you would itt la the mt eon
dltlon Man and hots ar wonder
fully alt. Whatever dtlreon4
would dittree tha other. o4 tie
t jn4 them la be th best f friends,
isa. to ! fcorrt. i mM !
i"ord!jf th Ut dtff rv
hore Is senseless and crneL Pain
aces not relieve irignt, out tha as-
curing roico of a kind driver does.
Whipping makes confirmed shyer
because the corse connects tha pain
with the object of his fear and it
more afraid of it thereafter.
Jerking the bit, jelling and con
stant nagging" weary a team and
mark a bad driver. A good driver
is quiet, steady, patient and low
voiced. A bawling driver is of very
Uttle value.
The mouth of the horse is very
sensitive and the size and style of tha
bit Is of great importance. Avoid
small bits and never allow two bits
in at once. Experiment until you
una the right bit
(rowing and Cooking- Sweet Potatoee.
.Contrary to the generally received
opinion, we grow our best sweet
potatoes and largest yields on clay
tana, it 1 a mistake to maka wide,
nign ridges. ihose eight or ten
nches and thirty to thirty-three
Inches apart from center to center
give the largest yields and the best
shaped and most salable tubers. Our
merchants are beginning to find thi
out. and to advise growers to plant
in this way. On my farm sweets are
a much surer crop than the Irish
potato, and will yield on an average
at least fifty per cent more and sell
for from twenty-five to seventy-five
per cent more money. But to realize
thi ono must not crowd the crop on
tha market in the fall, but Btore them
and wait till the fall glut is over.
hvery farmer who crows from one
to ten bushels more than ha needs
must sell soon after digging as he
ha no way to keep them safely, but
tha man who knows how and has a
place to keep them in. can afford to
wait, and about December 1, may ex
pect an increased demand and a rise
in price. Last season fully forty per
cent of our potatoes, both sweet and
Irish, were below merchantable size.
and while email Irish potatoes scarce
ly sell for enough to pay for hand
ling, we usually got more for the
small sweets kept till spring for
sprouting than for the large ones..
think 1 never bought seed in the
spring for less thun f 1 a bushel, us
ually f 1. 25, and I have paid $2. One
sweet potato grower of largo experi
ence told me that 6ome years his
small ones paid the entire expense of
growing and handling the crop.
A much larger quantity of sweet
potatoes would be used than are if
cooks knew how to prepare them for
the table. When visiting anion? tho
large sweet potato , growers at
Marietta, O., a year ago, I ate the
best dish of sweets that I have ever
tasted, and on inquiring how they
wero prepared was given the follow
ing recipo which my wifo has used
ever since: "lion tho tubers until
well done, then remove the skins;
lay them in a broad dish earthen
preierrea eprinicio over them a
tablespoonful of granulated sugar
and pour over them a teacupful of
cream, or lacking tho cream, milk
with an ounce or so of butter. Put
them in a hot oven and bako brown."
I think 1 shall get this recipe printed
and give to every customer, and
beliove by so doing I can
greatly increase the salo of them,
for cookod in this way they aro a de
licious dish.
Of course, the quantity of sugar
must be regulated by the size of tho
family and the quantity of tho pota
toes used, but the Intelligent cook
will soon find out how much to use.
Waldo F. Brown.
Horticultural Hint.
A grape grower advises leavinj five
canes or vines to each post when
Superfluous branches should bo cut
off for thoy take nourishment that
should go to the tree.
Give the tree salesman tho go by.
Too often he is a fraud. Order di
rect from tho nursery, and hold the
nursery responsible. We have often
given this advice.
Cabbage, if the crop is taken, care
of, protecting it from worms, is a
profitable farm crop. It must be
kept clean and kerosene emulsion
will tako care of the worms.
A practical berry grower says that
a quarter-acre garden, well arrang
ed, set to best varieties, and properly
cared for, should yield at least
twenty-five bushels of berries. In
no other way can a farmer produce
so much of value, with so little labor,
as in a garden of small fruits.
Houaeliotd Help.
Sponging the face and hands with
woak extract of pennyroyal Bwill
keep away mosquitoes, and will al
lay the pain from their bite.
SpoU and dirt may bo removod
oin paintings and chromos by using
cap of warm water, to which a few
rop of ammonia have been added.
A bcefstotik cut an Inch thick will
bo cookiQ rare in ten minutes. A
mutton tiiop cut throe-fourths of an
Inch thick will cook In eight minutes.
When the yolk of e;,'ff are uned
for thickening a oup or saueo, heal
them well, then add a gill of cold
liquid to every two yolk. Stir it
Into the hot II jiiid and tlr all the
time tho dish is on the flr which
hould never U more than a minute.
Veal and pork must bo broiled
owly aud tor a lorn; time There
hould ik I ' a tniee of pink in the
fiber when the meat U done. Tho
ehops pliould not be cut more than
alf an inch thick. I hey will bo
till done with twelve minutes" roik
U U a ve.-y cotntnou thin; for
youug lu'kotwr la scorch their
i , . ... i .
men nn irirntn; to iron tu
not b dt,oura'o4. Wat your Iron
thoroughly and keep ihem la dry
place. I'M wilt prevent thtlr
tleklif- if ytut Bad rorcheU.
lace, i pose It to the holt! my
f Ue lan. It wl! t ebULlivtvi
euJ Tiun iirnu
nd on I union, lor Rsmmv.
fctrrwrtli &ud 4 tM-aBva. -r
....,. inw ,ru rim nave
own aoia aim-t to ifce pwpie.
Hi-nd at nw Ji,r our compl. i
(titliiiiw. i D,f every ku.d ,,(
ltlPAX TAIU Lr.s are the W.t Med!,
flue knawa r.r Indiirwtloa, IlilliwHieM,
lleadai-ae. I'eaulpaUm,, liyntH-paia, CSreate
I.WerTreulrlr. Plzriaro, KedCem pinion.
lretcr?, OUVul.e lin-utk. Mud all ill,
enlcn mt the etawat-li, l.lrtr and tiewel.
Illpn Tabulos rouutn nrdhine- lr.!uilou to
tne mot lell,jiu- ronatiiuUou. re ijl.Hrant lu
take, mfe, t-irmii u, and kiv im-t,-diW ri-lkf.
friro-Box a Tiii.J, Kwuu ; l'arkam-'4 1-oiMt).
?. Mar , iirdisrwl thnniKM ut-urwa ilriutui.
or by mail, btuplo fit bv mail. Ai'iln-v.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee -eee
f Good cockrell 11.00, new stock.
3 Eggs In seacon $1.00 per 13.
W. A. BATES, Jr.,
Cedar Bluffs, Saunders Co., Neb.
la n tVddaadSHwrWal-
At Price Bsss
SHnrWatcaM, RlvrW
retail. Carta,
Carrtana NaAu.
a. iOtmm Bilk.
IU llrann,
Uw rrniai,
. I,.., i I,,
daakairm, Track. Aatlk, Uail'attan,
Copy Bank. bs Drill. IU4Mm,
Md i
lava Bower,
CeffM Hill, Ulaca, Bradan, SaaiaCarta,
Maad Carta; rarias. Saraan,Wlra faata,
Cam Sarllm,
raaataf aula.
Oaw Han, IMkm, Taab, Bit anm.
Ran, Kalian,
illraad. Pluan
tar, ewtk, El
Ballraad, V lattana aad Caaatar W aldtS.
Saad far fraa Catalan kmm
Ul . dtSanaa .. CEIOAOO MAU CO., Catoafe, OL
Please mention The Wealth Makers.
For Sale,
Eieciric Motor
In (rood condition. Will, be sold
cheap if sold soon
Corner 11th & M Sts., LINCOLN, Neb
MIXED Paints.
For Houses. Barns, Roofs, all colors. & SAVE
Middlemen's profits. In use 51 years. Kn
darsed bv Granpe & Farmers' Alliance. Low
8 rices will mirprise you. Write for samples
. W. 1NGEKSOLL, 263 Plymouth St., Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Given away if it does
Hot save its cost in one
Martin & Morrissey M'fg
Company, Omaha, Neb.
In the District Court of Lancaster County,
Samuel M. Mills, 1
Plaintiff, I
ts. V
Ella L. Mills,
Defendant. J
una Li. mum, aeienaant, in above en
titled cane, win take notice that on the 17th
day of Kebrnary, lm, Samuel M. Mills, plain'
till herein, filed his pen ion In the District
Court ot Lancaster county, Nebraska, agalnKt
said defendant, the object and prayer of which
are to ODiain a divorce irom ner.
Yeu are required to answer said petition on
or oeiore tne n irsi a ay oi April, im.
Samuel M. Mills, Plaintiff.
Fy Lamb, Adams & Scott, his attorneys.
Dated February 17, 18S4. 36 14
The best paying Investment for housewife
Nona trenuina wimout .rass attmfri our latest
improved style, is solid make, baa deep flange
iron t bnt htftb grate, and closes perfectly tight
laves S3 per cent nutrition elements. Full de
scriptive circulars on application. I also man
uractar. tha "New success" stova mat ana the
Famous Frying Pan. etc. AGENTS WANTED
In every county in tha U. 8. Address.
Council Blutf low
"A Tobacco Stinking Breath"
I not a nice thine to be carrying1
around with you; If you are tired of lc
and want the mean of an euvy release,
g-et a box of NO-TO-BAC, the harmlos.
guaranteed tobacco liablt cure; our
little Doolc, railed "Don t Tobacco ttpll
or Hmoke Your Life Away" tell all
about it; you can get a oonv or it. or
buy NO- IO MAC of U. T. Hark Drusr
Co., our agents; or book will be mailed
(re direct from the manufacturers'
nffice Address. Stkrun'Q IUmidy
Co , No. Randolph M., Chloigo, 111.
Use Northwestern line to Chlcsjro
Low rate, r'aat train. Office UM
Via the IiaMri faillto itonte.
On ihe eeond Tucdar la Ducunher
mx January, Fehruarr, Match, April
and May. the Missouri i'Aciflo
lUnite will still round trip ticket to all
tatltxie la Tim, with final ilmll U re-
inra la thtrt. day from date uf !.
Khfr are allowed la Arlctaa,
Tim ad Oklahowa. Nw Mtlco ad
leaiaa 'lrrtury. 0ae had Uke a
trt to the south l'uiu Dan itut, C
Ijaw r w w eki.
' -: IT AID PAV f 3lfiHT
tlA na aar tcmrarwalaa ar aak tak
IT j.,,,4 Hit Arm Hl.f f rntkmrn
imtlr aaa. aaaal aito4.aaalW t Sra
ee asaTT von; fWMlal for 10 laffi wrtS
IMaaMlk- S-aWa MUr. Srif-TkraaUa Cyt
haaul.H.lMHUaa; aaa maiplM
,wtet H4l liti,.i it mH aey vanaaa
O !, Trial. So momn MB4 M aaiaaea.
B,M aav la . W na I air tiadal inrM mvll, a auack
Kala, Boy from t aOary tot aan aaaiar aaa aenrt'a amaM.
.nrf Cai TmlaOat a4 a4 fr Mcai ar larca fn
W KLC rtalr9c,MilHHi'l 4 ;timnariot it World' Fair.
OXFORD MF6. CO. 3i2 Wiiith m. CHICA60.ILU
World s Fair H.hssl Awards
Rledal and Diploma
on eur INCU34I0H ind
. BROODtR Combined.
'Old Reliable" hS2f
'wmiucMtdi fWtry. H i
:.Biy,rlrnfnihiU pawl
Btliable Incubator anij B-Torlgr Co. Quincy, til.
rvanarj vwnr. jrai
CUT THIS OUTanaw'ndittou-i withyourniun
and tuiiir!, dI -will mtal you tin clfirant Wavdclt
bv ei ureiw fur xatmrnation. You examine it and it you
Vons.tierliAbwrvaiu pay the tficr. ar-n( $14 and
exjirtuM'tiarti-rnnti u iMoun. rinrtiu piute
aal I'mbtbi FKKK wirh earn wath. aIm our written ftiaar
! fr $ fpmrm. W rite to-dwy. this niav iMtflmnrafraui,
444 uearoorn &treei. uiikmO iiu
Do Your Own Leather Work!
Root's "Si mnlir1tT Ptywmhui" enahti'u anr man lu ntavke)
ifood iMt of double liiu'ttinMntinut) tor il.; Havnia-
trapd, c; Hitchntrape, 15c; Bri!titrapi. tloei HaJtere,
owe., ana oiner lira dm in proportion, mrap uy uuu.
half imual price. HuifoleB, Ha(1illrv,eta.cbfnp.
Root's Iron Laataand loairinir Out Ht. SolOrlihJr-
rakett, Biakninith't T(Mla,etc.for home une.
liatnioff tree. Sect Bros., Keaiaa. Chlo.
Own Words.
"Dear Mr. a a mil t h.. -
faith in advertised remedies; bat it must now
be some twenty-live years since first I saw in
the person of one of my students tbe effect
oi your remedy.
Be seemed at death'
,W VW , A Okll'Il, uci Ly
then I
have seen
in many.
the most
happy res-ultstollow-ing
y our
I do not go
KEV, U. 11. SFUKAiEON. dv tiea
say, but testify to what I have seen with my
own eves. 1 believe that you have saved num-
s from Consumption. I have friends with
coughs and weak lungs, who speak ot your
medicine with sincere gratitude. Personally, l
find it most useful in the case of wearing cough.
Very reluctantly do I give testimonials for
publication ; but I send you this as your due.
What I have seen of God's healing power
through you, demands of me that I speak for
the good of others. I have those around ma
whose health I value, and they are living wit
nesses that yours is a very beneficial prepara
"Yours heartily, (Rev.) C. H. SPUKCiKUN.
"Westwood," Beulah Hill, England."
G-. T. Congr eve's
Message to America.
The above letter
from the late emi
nent preacher, C. H.
Spurgeon, is one of
thousands of test
imonials to the won
derful curative prop
erties of my Balsamic
Elixir, which not
only cures consump
tion but gives in
stant and permanent
renei lu cases t
Asthma, Chroni
Bronchitis, Influenza'
and all Chest affec
For years I have been entreated 1 -
to make my remedy known in the United State,
but my time has been too much absorbed by
my European patients to allow this. Now,
1 have been able to extend my organization
so as to bring America within the scope of my
personal observation, and my desire is to
make it clear to all citizens of the United States
that they may henceforth procure from my
American Depot
A cure for Consumption
which, even in the advanced stages of that
tern Die disease, may be used with eertainty of
-ilif I
Every person suffering from Chest Disease,
and all of weak lungs and delicate habit, shoul
read my book on Consumption of the Lungs or
Decline, and its successful treatment, showing
that formidable disease to be curable in all its
stages, with observations on Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis; together with .
accounts of nearly 400 successfully cured cases,
any one of which may be like yours, to be had
'11 :
A3. y-v.. f
I r- 3A
post free for 25 cts., or the book will be sent
free with every first order of $1.00 bottle of 5
my Balsamic Elixir.
obtained from many drug stores, but it will
take some time before it will be tr.roduced
into all of them throughout this st country.
Jf your druggist has not yet put it in stock, Sr
will be sent you, calriage paid, from my own I
depot, on receipt of sects., ft.on, $1.75, $,.75 or J
$7.00, according to the size of the bottle ordered.! '
London, Eng., and
4 Woosfer Street, NEW YORK.
tTMcntioa this paper.
North Western Line Palace Sleeper f
and Fast Chicago Train Set-vice. 1
A palace car for Lincoln imodIo la
now auacneu uauy to tne Chicago lim
ited, leaving Lincoln at 1:35. No better
servloe, lowest rate.
For ticket, berth reservation tfl..
call at city office 1133 O Btreet, or depot
Cor. 8 and 8th itreeU.
See that vour tickets tv ur via, tha
Missouri I'acfac route for San Franciaco.
wm. Wljf HCKet omco 1201 O tree.t.
Une North went(irn It ha
to Chicago
Iw rate. Fat train.
Office 1133 J
Ue North we tern line
to Chlraro
OB'ce 1131
Low rate. Fact train.
The cheaneat place for monuments la
at l!o. Naitertnao . 21S South Ninth
St., Lincoln.
Anyone can obtain free ilvuf hter,
hire br aldreioir The r an-Araerleaa
ui-Meuiue AiMielatUn. IHnvi-r. tVto,,
ftnd eacloatof pnU(u fur aa roe.
A C nMr alive t Ulnae
Head your aam and eddretw on
(Hiatal card fur Infitrwatloo reardi
tht Birrnrle. You mar becow
charter Nitio.btr and tecurv a bum
permaaeat miuyuint m It out mni
A atari ter a New aa.) N'i.htor Uv)
Uo. Tin Nation.
tlrvH tfise, t . . ,
r, T. A. u irek
UmnsVurgf, InVa