The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, January 03, 1896, Image 4
l J; f' , v ft : 1 ., INSISTED ON HIS RICHT3. MIM-Mannered I'iirnrr IfrnnnJtil a hell IS?rire talvlug Ml TirkaL A ucht-boiitvt train had just pulled otitof the t'uioti htatiuii at Albany, hay liu Kxprcss. and the conductor was harvesting ticket. All the ,'i-ats With LlioMI U!ld hi-Fcral OtSSi'll '.'ITS . 1 1.. in i mi tnimi r Urn i U'.tcr wa a diill leiit-Icokin r, mdd mannered man, who, miu-li to I ha con ductor harprise, refused to tr'ivv up a t "r-;,. i. "When i get a fccatyon get a ticket." h- rcciarhcd mildly hut firmly; "you ,ire piobably awaro that the company cannot collect fan; from pas'-ieiigerii whom it !') not provide with m ats." '"Oil, co'ue now, that don't go; 1 want your tielici, ':'!'' 'i'liu ,poWo the "ifilu''!or.ifi n torn that indicated 'bathe believed he would intimidate Uu mild-mannered man. "No wat, no ticket," laconically observed thu latter, "WV11 .;! about that," growled the eoniiuetor, u!i tem becoming joit win ill in tho ri'l'tolt lit tl r.ij.ur. "I would if I ,fio you," remarked !( paiM-fig,;!, ntl 1 wiihily, f j i 1 i t,' jlcr.xaul ly, Tien the conlnrtor liu-itlcd abound and found a brother coi'dm-ior who w going up the roid away, whom he iulriccd to C(trj n; bin Miat ii tins mildly firm jmvjg -r, "'iln-f'n at foe you; now give in! that !;I ,t," iiid I'm conductor in u fcrocioti I tun, "Certainly, h-r it !," And tloj tn'M hot linn pavicngcr liau'f 'd oiit a pt. jo id to i'UU-x. HUPUHTAi: CONTEMPT. A ( Kf hl-r MiUh hlmwi Hut llH- i,if'il A jf"riii' Ar. A 'Jim I iory uliowiojf How appear (inef arc fcoiiitiifM dcci'itfiil evues fruri Iii"fa, At u cert'ilii famoiii rn.f4iir.ilit in HI. IV t rsbiir;; hOiiie ivhat !ao lyi'di oJIi'i'r of lhe imperial )l.r-e i?mr J.itdriaUig clr.mipio;m. Not far from llieni witau iniiiuilieunt little ia v-'itli ;i bhabby nit I an mi iieinpf frt-ard, and a tui j( liuor in ,'l'Ollt lit Willi, It wai. not Jony befori 1m becawe u tvurt' f bat be wnt beinif riIiciji -d Ijy tl.f ui'.U'vrx I'y th by, at flic be ea,o' iio;- und u.oiv otf iiriv-' in fhclr i''fiifr(Mfi Ii; ji!roii;iI u.p;ear;iiiec, el",, b" tailed for lie wait rand haid: "li'All;! u'l botllei of your be;t i i aiiipa;;fi"!" I be wait'-'f Instated, "Oil you not lofar what I aid'" aId the liltlii m:( J'ii waiter t4',;'dUl ljf'Mttttd, but olcyu 1 illbtlllltly at tins jM.'r'iiiplry repi-t tiou of thu nrdT. "A iUh-a of ap" wiu tin M-Kt iitilvr. It v.i brought, "A low V," Tb waiter Iian bl ii mm o)i, ' .'ow, t'lmu the bottie;.!" Tim waiter old wi. Tfi' man now filled the ba .lu WCb tli Co)i!eti of the i boltk'n;. rolled il lii itb'yun, wa.hed biunelf ia fb! en tly fluid, wjped Ms baiidw, I .;V1 it I on roubl" ' note on life "tabic, and, i-AhViff, u look of Hitbcring con tempt on t!ic urttccm, fcfrutUi'l out of p rKio- Sn( lu-r mivI Jo' i. 'lift proiii'tion of Lord Wolsuley to l a held lliaiiih;il utteiicli uverv n'urlv ' age U hi r'My tb rl un toward i an arrangem. ot whl.di tlw court na I'lllOlt fur t.tmyt lisiK b'.'cii flnioiisy t-D'hiiV' in ing Ui carry out, UMhiit tin next f.v moot Ii Do' diik.' of CnuUvhl sts is to resign hi iy)1b;n m cotiininmlcr in idiM-f, and loi will bn fciicc.'cdt-d there- ! ul,l" tl-trlk" 0,it ,;lal,B0 ln " (;(J n by Lord Wolwlcy. who i, to bold j filiation which keeps the union out of (bat tt fur liv year, after which In' will Ik replaced by th luku wf oiiaught, wloo ajp ointment U ji fende I lo Ui (i?riiUieMt Lord JEob rS 'it U tit'!!' Lord Wolsidey ut I'liblin. It will certainly be funny If thi wioiiiti,iu j soci'i f,-fully bi'inclii-d i Itr n liberal government. I.ul Hu!r, '! bcr U a ciiHtiiui praeticc I In Northern China of Uhiiiif hot water every iMmlij t wadi t;i fa. n au l b.ind. Alec, woiicu and children mii.'t ba a bfoiin of clean, hot w:iter ivhi'it they gt up or lu-for? th'y cat fbeir breukfjut, in which to b.ithq fect und hand at lei ft. liven beg g.rii bay. Lot wati.r, or ikiiia ftt (ill, ;4.aorci imt affect ftie cuitoni. In Miiuiii'-r, nhnii on woul l IhinU a i-i.'d .:i'i would b'. gr.itefu!, hot walcr 1 ic d all the naiuc. No hub Konld in lit hi gucil by ortVriii f cold water ti waj in, Tim w.t.-r is :ilmi't i caldin b it, an 1 tiio towel ir wipin.f Ilrnt us.' I iix ti wjsh-ra.f. !rkl'l( llix S.i liolitl. It is iclat-fd fhat it oiich fi- t(j mi S i. l.Min n. an to hrcnk tlui neW'i to .1 n t.iiian that her lnib:tnd bad ifii kill" I Oo j -ii know," bn .id, ralliiiut tier liniiki. ''(lint with mii light lulr .ind pretty e.iinile vino iki ,niild brc ili cely IhmiI in I iv II if ilie..el iti ;i widow,'' .sjiu liliilie I and bi i,'M' I. " n I vim art i.i.r," bit ml b-( ' Yo ir bu-t, uid h , ,u blown to ntoiii doiii In Oki boiler w.irl.s. tlcn lUi'l. U mi lie. I . UI i 1 e.f to ) .il." Il'jt lirr I n I ii i Sll.- 'i ll ii ln'el liiil.; ll . I In mt i! 'ii" r '!'' at tilt' .il kti.ii. s i .. . inn ' t 'ui i bier an I u on ie ! i.'.iiU I i r v Ii il , i.ii.i i ( i ll ii-til I i m ti ii . , t In bit d. fi ti I iniin iu'Vi r tnl I i ll .i fu led t il, , ,1 ,i i.t'iii. t o I 'll t.-r t ti i'i l i'l o Ii I rill , i I'lo 1 1 i. :l 'i t, 1 l il ,' lull I ' . II', I'lit .1. "I.V. ll 4l' il HI' ;.e i It i 1.. .1 I ie i;.,ilu. Aft. r th-v I it ' Ji ! ft ; V .10 I 0 ' ' lit f ,l.,. . .. -.1 I ' : - ... I ! lot" rii: I i- I l.ll tl I, ' 4 '11 ' , I . iM- I"l III . ' I li-' I. llt ..- o II. I ji tJ.I) 1 I'll I I ' I '.. ... t t ' I V, 1 1 1 It H - . I ill I I ' II 4 n e CURRENT TOPICS. The income of a now cardinal f-r the first year, 20,000 francs, 1b Fpcnt in feci. A Orman baa invented an incan descent lama apparatus for ciiowing tin; Interior of tollers while filled with steam. There are at present In China only 1,022 citizens of the I'nited Ktatea. neurly L&lf of whom are women: aOG are wirs'.onprlca. Oreeriland, with its population ct 10, 000, Ib almost entirely ChrUtiariized by tlu? MoraviaiiB, Luthfraas anil Danibi; ! HilxHlonarh-s. The ai th worm propria hlranelf along j the ground or through the t-arth by j meaiiK of bristles projecting from each ririK of hi body, A tenement house in Muncle, Ind., oeeupled by J, T. HohinBon and Koy i Hurtt, wan burned. The lire wasj started by mice gnawing matelicB. A wi'll en tho Hannoek rescrvailor, at IJolne, Id-ho, hau bi'en suril; lo Hi depth of 110 feet and the water in it in of it (Mfiprraturn of 90 2-5 d-ffrees. At Oaklru.d, Cal., lat .Sunday bua; )arn rohhed the eontribiMlon box in a ehureh, and at Sonora tli'.v broke into a J;ill and lr-ncd out the .;leriiI'B oin. With the ei-ptlon of New York the burn total of the served eonftreKHlonal year of Iowa memb'Trt l r.reater than tiiow of thp congressmen of any other WatK, Kelentihtg -!imate that every year a layer equal to It feet deep of the snr faee of all oei'ana and other bodies of water a tal'.en up Into the atinocpln re a vapor. There yearly 11,000,000 aerra of j land Jn .South l-ikuta H'.ihjeet to entry! under the ho'tH'Hleiid laws. There are J Rreat jioK.sil.MHUn lu this vart tract of UlCl!!!iv::.teit roll. I. A BO ft NOTES. I i ii(. have 317,00') In their national : treaiairy, I lU'n York printem pay 1 per e.ent j of Hi' it erTiilnif';'! to unemployed. Cijii'jf'i !ii( klayera will Inaugurate j the G hour day when the present agree 1 merit expires, I The bra;,Bworkt r IlirottKhoat the eamitry will make a demand for an cltfhf -hour d:iy Jn the Kprlng. ''hif'fjo Tjpo;raph;eal L'nion No. 10 lux uflilialed with liie Labor Congrens, a no Jabor body of that eity. j i The -lgarnuk.rif' International, unloa 1 iIurli'K the part five yeara ban paid , J;!27,!itil.75 to aneiuployed infinbers. j All the labor bodies of Cincinnati' liave Indorsed (he movement for free ttehool bookH and against military train itn In the schools. 1 I l;urliiKthe month of October the Cer- j I man typographical unions expended' for out-of-work benetlts, $i:!3.3.j for lilck relief, $110 for death beuefitF.i for traveling benefits, and f 50 for i aKltatlon purposes. The rubber works at Bristol, K. I., which cloned down recently for on in- deliaiic pcricd, were started up again find l.luO employe will return to work, with orders sufllclent to keep the plant In operation for some time to come. Tlie Ixindon Labor Oa.ettc for Oc tober contains an article on the wages, of the manual labor classes of tht Vniu"1 kingdom, In which it. gives the vTage rate for men at $0.02 per week; Hoinni, Jp:;.04 ; lads, $2.H, and girls, $1.02, An effort Ih being made have the Jlollennakcrs und Iron-Shipbuilders' the American l''cderatlon of Labor. It is belli veil that the effort will prove successful. WORTH KNOWING. Cleveland Journalists arc organizing a pii'Bij club. In one year an average of 41,002 ves sels pass In iind out of Liverpool, while the daily average is 120 vcrsols. (?omc flower, ilkc those of the yenst plant or of the common mold, produce seeds In a few hours after blooming. A cannon ball fired from one of the great Krupp or Armstrong guns travels ut the fcpc"d of 2.SS7 feet per second. The following bill Is posted ln large; letters at the door of a Hriissels theater: "Moral pl. ceii every Sunday and Thiirs-1 day," i "Teeth extracted. French, Spanish.' Italian, Orniun and Kiiglish spoken," la the announcement In the show case, of a dentist on upper ,-llxth avenue, New York, The thinnest, sheet of Iron ever rolled has a surface of .'lfty-Ihe ripiare inches j mid weighs but twenty grains. Ii j would lake l.tviu such idled lo make ; I.iji'i' an inch thick. In Hast Thompson. Conn.. Is a curious j IkiIUiP, which din rs from l'n nnlmnry j 111 bidiiK inred on the mtsltlc wllhj w lilfc p iper lns!'"d of et.'phoarda or j tOiliif ('. j CAV LTII t ANU OHAVITIKS. j 'Id le are t 1 1 ome thins In if, Hint mn i b.l.d'iri'.i can l ingh ui, j HiHIie pi IHiiim ;lt c ulitl lilies lnMUe (hey i-preri: Ide.i.i. n.h : s be iii.. , tli'ie la lut liw In pii'urn It. ; 1 he mi l tl! f -"vivo im for rt Rmit IIIHIIV lltlllli't 1 1 'I (I I'llll'X"- Jlilll !C I It-I'll'. I l ill I'Jfil! Mill N i' ui nc I !ro Ittumph el I j oi a ii! C(l Kle life If I'll flMllJ ( ii.ii 1 it .!' lii tlii h!ii ! I' u I- H t,i,t 'ill (,it, 'I i-r.' it. I 1 to I l I ' ..III FLINGS AT THE FAIR fit'X. Ho-Do yon think it dvi fle for people to marry on a small sala?. She How much do you get? Town jfop'cs. The only time tvt a womanjfc will, ing tc take a back ECt la wa it. is reserved for smokers ia the Etct car, Cincinnati Enquiror. ( "Emilie. is my wife nearly rady?" "No h'l'on you will have to w;tit a lit - tie while. Her maid has minlaidart oi ' ' .. i- id the bareness, l' iiegenue im sr. There's good material for arf actor In Kofflelgh." "What leads ton to think t;o?" "He fhed te- f fat his mother-in-law's funeral." The aniite. Goth- "Oh, l do wish the count woi f.d pro- poBe to me." "Would you accept him?" No, but I could tell Harry all about It after we are engaged 1 rooatyn Life. He What leads yon to call .Mrs. Smi lax eccentric? She She was telling a ctory the other night and began it: "When I wns a girl." Philadelphia Record. An Oakland footpad with his pistol duly leveled was simply talked Into flight by a wom-m whom he had pur posed to rob. Of course, the hiti vay man was at a disadvantage. Ho real ized (lint there was a limit to bis am munition. San Francisro Examiner. The story that Moses snubbed Eliza beth Cady Stanton in her youth, and to this Is due the ascerbity of the wom an's autl-bible, is denied in Thebes. Minneapolis Journal. Wife Well, doctor, how is my hus band now? Doctor Very poorly in deed; be wants w.t above all things. I have written out a prescription for an ophite. Wife And when must I give Dim the medicine? Doctor -Him? Tho opiate is for you, madam. Rose leaf. "I have li'ilf a notion to give up try ing to be a man," sighed the new wo man. "What!" shrieked the others. -mere is no use trying, l nae mace the most strenuous efforts possible to ted hair scared to 'tenth when I go into a dry-goods store, and I ju:,t can't do It." Indianapolis Journal. And so you are engage d to Chol'.y Chubbins," said one girl. "Yes, was the reply. "How did he cer persuade you to marry him?" "Oh, he hasn't persuaded me to marry him. You know that lovely solitaire ring he had?" "Yes." "Well, I wanted il. to wear to a progressive euchre party." Washing ton .Star. MORE OR LESS HUMOROUS. "How do you know he married for money?" "I've seen her." The Sketch. Miss Yearsy Do you think a woman ought to work for her husband? Miss Quick Yes, till she gets hini.Mcl bourne Times. She So you're engaged to one of the Thornton twins? How can you distin guish the one from the other?j He I don't try. Tit-Bits. t ... Rapp - I look upon yo, sir, ifs a ras cal. Partce You are privileged to look upon me In any character you de sire to assume, sir. Texas Siftings. Mr. I'ersentski Veil, if dat girl preaks dot grockery any more, deduct It from her vages. .Mrs. Persentski Should I scharge a profit on It? Puck. Frlmd Did you ever write any jokes? I. (). Yew Well, I should eay! I sent a note to my tailor this morning telling him I would settle in a week. Truth. Mr. Mann What makes It so con foundedly hot. in the house tp-night? Mrs. Mann I don't know, unless it is that new coat of paint that they put on to-day. ISoston Transcript. "Dearest girl of all," was the way the letter began. Kight there, so to f.peak, he queered himself. "Of all," r-he said softly to herself, "then there are others!" Indianapolis Journal. "There goes yo'ing Van Doodle over there; did you hear that he tried to blow out his brains when the heiress refused him?" "No; did he succeed? rhey don't know." Brooklyn Life. Hazel -1 have one of the nicest den tists you ever saw. Nutte In what way? Hazel Why he pulled nut the wrong tooth tlie other day anil wouldn't charge me n ciit for It.- New York Herald. Customer What has become of yo'ir assistant? Ilarlfr Started for him s If. He Is tired of working by the day, I suppose. Cusionier -I thought you paid him so much per thousand words.- Life. Oentleman-Fx( ii"e rr.o. riadnm, I paid hlf-a-cii.wn for admission, but cannot see anything owing to vour hat. lndlcnant matei famill'is Sir. I paid ten times as lunch for my h;;. Lus tiue p.inettcr. EXCHANGE. The more the rival fvUorir rl to gether tl nunc they Jnft apart. liar rishurg I'airln. As n:, th" in .in In i lucr Ive office ; i i mis. thinks ih couifrj i p i,. Datl iii N' .. To ail. Oc I ?i n v c the nc UHiumc a ? -il. ti..i oMtpiO vi 1 1 !i o t help I Inn .In it I; i-i's Mem. Cer rvery die mho ge, r i-!Mn fur nott'.int: ?-'m nr'.'T tn.wi j:. i.o' h- liiu for on,, t!,iu inr n. j I 111 Sr F-r ii ,.r o' h'l' jr. It Ii ". o, 1 ty :.ri. ! i outer v ' t M ;.n',.' .'si, I M cr Of 4 I ' Pi'. . II- pf fir.- 1 i '1 1 I : t , ! i r ih ,. .; oi .,!..(, J. -i f. Oi't i',' ,, ,t !! . .1 I' !,! , . ! '; M ' irt ' 'l if i-' u ii. ,n 'i . ' ' .' i i ' . .. ,. !' '. l t ., '1 V It . I ' V ' " ' '- ' , ..'..-I I I:, k '" " ' ' 'mo I .! I He ..' S '. c 1 ' t i it t r-i ' c -'' ' i1 .t n i ' : i j ' i i ,, ' ri ' A, i ' ; AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Ijiwjrr Irt .liiilj I n'liT wnoil s ( onrt Krldoiu .Hki-.l fup It. When .lud'.fe Underwood of Cr.v-,r gd, had charged the jury it was exoeed inly dangerous for the defendant's counsel to ak for aa additional charffp AYilliain (Henn had bo.Mi do- fendiiiy a l'f, strapping town boy, 1 who was ehargftd with art assault and battery upon a smaller boy. The, bi 1 t.'ii ' Kill- boy bad b-cn imposing upon tho littlo fellows, and one of them hit him with a switch and ran. The bitf boy pur sued hira, threw a stone at him. cut a j bad ijash ia his head, and laid him up I for a nvck or two. Thu pr.inl jury '"unci a true bill, and, after the elos- lnK hpeeuli oy thu solicitor, tho ! J""" eaar-eo ui law very la.riy, and I jui; I. tiit charge that counsel desired. Olepn rose and with some ton; of apprehen sion, sui.l: '! believe your honor omitted to charge that self-dfuuso may justify an assault." "Yet," said the judge, as lie straightened up "yes, gentlemen, there is such a law, and if you believe from the evidence that this great big. double-jointed, big-fisted young gentleman was actu ated l.y fear and self-defense when be ran aft 'i- that poor, little, puny, tallow-f;i ,ul boy, and, because ho couldn't overtake biin, picked up a rock big enough to knock down a steer and threw it at hini ao:l knocked him senseless, then you can find for the defendant. Any other charges, broth er Glenn.'" "I believe not," said Olenn. HIGH HEELED COOTS. Tlii')' Hare it iri'iilr !nllinnr ou lltMlth Hi ii il Mont I'rnpii) 'Mil lk. It lias been stated thai a young lady went oiu day to an oculist with trouble in her eyes which threatened frightful results. She was already in a state where reading wa- out of tho question, and other entertainment wus fast iH.(,OII, ;. a uirmtMit. Tho , WAX looked at her wit h his protes sirmal wi ,doin, nsked her various . ,fstior.s. Hirn sin'denly her by asking her to put out lier foot. ! The foot, in its kid boot, with a wie'.ed little high heel, was thrust, forth. The doctor eyed it a nioui -nl with a stolid face. ' Ho lioi)i'" he sui I. "and take ofT those heels. K.-ep thcin o!T for a month, and then co-.n:! to me again, and we'll sec bow the eyes tire." In a month the eyes wcr ! '.veil, and the young lady learned by her ex perience and a little wis" talk h v near she bad come tm having no eyes at nil. It serves to show that there is the possibility that with that iu Ptruuient of tortme constantly at work in the center of thu foot, where go many delicate nerves and tendons lie that are so intimately connected with all the other delicate nerves of the body, there must presently como disarrangements and disease that may work fatal mischief with the health. THE DOC ON CUAFSO. A Ciiiilun Mrmlicr of tlm l'lutolllra Do purtinrut. One of the postofllcc officials of Hus ton is the owner of a bulldog that he. would not part with under any cir- cumstanecs. '1 ins dog considers it his special duty to ride to und from tha depot and postofllcc on the mail wagon and keep guard of the mail sacks. Ho lias followed this custom for a number of years. One night, after the unloiding of the mail car, be f tart.'d to ;: b, as usual, on the ba'rs on this wagon, but when the postoflice was reached ho was nut on board. This was .strange, for heretofore no temptation Jiad ever b -cii strong enough to lure him from his post, 'i'.'i'! sacks were de livered, and as the man callo I them over one was found to bo missiny. The wagon driver hurried b.telv to look along the streets. After searching over a goo I part of the route lie suddenly discovered the dog silling in the gutter wagg'.r.g his tail, and evidently i.vcrjove I at b.'ing recognized. On going up to him th driver found the dog sitting n;i the lo .t mail sae',c. lie ha I cvi lently n-y ticcd it when it feil from tlr- wa ,'on, and had immediately jumpe I o.T and btood guard over it. Ai iricu t. Asparagus, deservedly a favorite vegctible, was ex. -nsivcly i ".illivat 'd by the ancient Unmans, but was not; introduced into Kngland licfin-c WX In sonic prts of Kurope the seed, arc licd as it substitute for emTee, and a spirituo'iH liipiur i male frum tho j ripe brrrici Ap.iratrus is Imth lithic and its roots were onci und d:urct ic ctcnsielv ii ,ed in medieinc. Thn foung tender sprout i or steins, from six to ten inches long, are the cdilde ntirtfc, and tlioso Unit nr. entirely ,.,.,, ri' Om ino.l tender nnd ibdi cnti. The wlntu i is a A rule., very toiih, the tipHaloii.1 b'ing e itttlife. In s'niiC old u'cio" bool.s ili ii'i tiniiH ri given for l-i ing :iurn-;-!hin)i' fiteir, but lli: is ll t-rent UlU Like. 'Iwrllt.- or thirly inilitllei U loll 7 i nnii, Jt to cin k il Mirttceiuly. I Ull I:nrlii4. fecii ut S c; g b t s ill Iwl, , oil t l S l ; tto,', . Wolds ..f o.ile . III 'I rt'l vi, .,rr l"li.Hlii4 I"-1 till U. 'if 'tf : hi ii it i.h'i- b tle -it si-viTiil . Tin r - it n , ' it tin ,,. 'iii-'i i t U In!" i ii . . : ii l '.i. k t .m nc i M i; 'I r ii.iM Coll. f."l I iM tr'!-l'n- ii ,'i if, U' t I'l' t ii- . i il ii . , III t' . ,.t .' " I si i'-i. ., i i . l'.i ivi-ri ..' il r - o i t f ! ri t r l.i" f T TV' V, J.1 o y -i-i I. Formerly the Opelt, WHY IS IT Trie BSST? BECAUSE: It has the lest Location. It is two blocks from 13. & M., three from F. E. & M. V. and M. P., and two from Post Office. It is one block from street car line. Therefore it is easily ac cessible to all points in thfi city. The location avoids the noise and Lustie of the main 3treets. It has nil the modern improvements. It is newly equipped with modern conveniences. ' Special attention to Commercial Men. Its rates are ia accordance with the times. It is under the management of an expireuctd host. " P. L BROWN, Prop. llnblished Hates $1 and $1.50 per day. Telephone 105 for the Best Coal Cheap for CASH Clark Coal Company, Fuel Guaranteed as Represented; ICE, BURR BLOCK. Yard, 19th nndf FURNISHED ROOMS, BY DAY OR WEEK. Nicely furnished rooms, from SI to S3 Per Week. CHESSHSTO-TOISr, 1331 O Streki. Lim'oln', Neb. We have an Elegant Line of Holiday Neckwear """ (JLOVKS, SUSPENDERS, Ac. We are Leading CLOTIIIMiS, and TAILORS. Jtttf CALL and SEE! Paine, Warfel & Bumstead. Now old man remember the next time patronize the EEST (lliAHES of COAL in the Mw-ki-t at BOTTOM I'1!ICKS. 1024 O Street, YardlGth and Y. l Otficr, 71ft. Yard, 7l7. Tn.u'iioMs: Barton Fuel Co. WINDSOR LIVERY iale and Boarding Stable. Tiv Si.dU ZU IVr M.. nth. 15.. S:h1Im5!'J IVr Month. v iiiiikv a p 1 1 d!y i.f IJ'i.ird' iiu: l'rintv Itii. T. lf li'.iiv '.M'.'. lO'.'l I.Slrv t. H E. MOORE. Prop. 0. P. latr.beitson. 0. 0. S. I.IM.H Nn t Iilh.luiitv i f ,.. (' l' !' (lii ii i cmi.J. r H ' !. K "i't .; tii,l i. I'.ifi 1 1 ivsi .tt'i hi d II Mm ! NEBRASKA. Corner Ninth and Q. Dr, W. Queen, The Epecil Cancer! Its scientifii treatment and removil in twenty niinntcB S without J knife. pain or I loss of a drop of blood ' DR. QUEEN cures Piles and Til- mors without piin, knife or lord of drop or blood; he also cure tatarn Troat, Lungs, Heart ana JNcrvoiisi bilitv. DR. Q'jnKN hn made Hrc5 the Stoiuaeh. Kidney, I.iver, IS r J Piseascs of Women a fcpvcnJ vcars. lie ha hearing to the deaf and ightJ blind. Pit. QlTKI'lNf in the Kpeeialifctl ooithwcntin the Treat incut anl of all Chronic and Private A i ll having lived in Lincoln and l.ui.l county for thirtv-'our vcars. Hv applying to Or. ''uecii, th ricion. vol can get Instant Relief ai ('nn from all I'ain from Khciunativnl Neural n'a and all Chronic Ailuie Ml' after all medical rcuiedicM linvt fail; Inttittit i and .Mec'ric Hath llixtiw, Onion Dlocle.N.K.ror. inthtfrO ALL ABOUT IT. An illiiKtriited .Joiiriiitl tell itt' all nU'iit tin- nrkin'nof it I.nt: Si'hiNd in h l.ivfc t ity thul ii nihVitie; M-rinlly i'f ir iiniliu' I I K liiiiii ia in H roMMi;n.M i..H'l'li:s, ."liort lUtnl, I i i w tiling, tc Vmi enn't innijiiii' h iinu li it lil I 1(1 lull 111 (lie H l't I, hi i f llit- tu l"'l In at t c I'l tboi,t M l 1'lg it I i.jy. Ii ,d tn t tnl H fit e l l.ll,!.uu:il ir, S..'y. I. no "hi ! 1 1 Colli i: I , . 'i. S. i. II