The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, January 03, 1896, Image 3

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TIio latest instance of crime, brin
lg its own punishment comes, on the
authority cf Dr. Leonard Guthrie,
from Italy. An Italian woman had a
husband and the husband had the
dropsy, lint the dropsy did not work
quickly enough. The woma i put a
toad into her husband's wine to poison
him, Hut the poison which the toad's
skin, secretes has an active principle
phrynin which much resembles dig
italis, which is the best possible rem
edy for dropsy pending on heart dis
ease. So, instead of killing her hus
band, she restored him to health.
"The Melancholy Pays Have Com
The sudili'st ol the year," not when autinr.n
has arrived, as poet JSryaiit intimates, but
I)!na fellow ire is bilious. The "sere ami
yrlluw Jfaf" Is in his ecir.plCMon if not in the
foliage, ut that iirwispicious time. Ilentetter's
Stomach Hitters will houu discipline his re
boillous. liver, it ail reuulam his bowel.-;, tirMcs
tonic:.- his stiuihirU utnl healthfully stimulat
ing., his ki'Jheys. Muhiviii. rlieuma'isrii i,l
ueneuMifbs are also relieved by tiie Uittcro,
liable' Itifiht of Way.
One of the pleasantest features of
New York's uptown residence avenues
is the large number of rosy cheeked
babies who are trundled up and down
tilt? sidewalks when the suu shines
.brightly. After, however, one has
keen forced into the gutter half a
dozen times in as many blocks by
nurse girls who persist in pushing
baby carriages two or three abreast,
he is apt to wish the babies were less
numerous or their nurses more mind
ful of the rights of pedestrians.
S ivei a Tort imp.
?.fontcrey, Tenn., (Special) One of
our prominent citizens hero, Col. James
R Jones, secretary and treasurer of the
Cumberland Mountain Coal Co., is on
the high road to make his fortune, and
attributes the fact to his recent cure
from the tobacco hit bit. lie vae an
Inveterate uwt of tobacco for many
years, consuming ho much as to make
ti Hons inroads on both his purse and ;
his health. One box of N'o-To-Hac com
pletely cured him, and he gained seven ,
pounds in lens than two weeks. Within ;
ihn'e days after starting to use No-To-Khc
(be desire for tobacco was entirely
Ron". Col. Jones nays to all tobacco :
users that No-To-l!ae will do as recom
mended and is worth by far more than
its weight iu t;old.
Tout of J'flrlfivd 1 i,h.
In the northwestern part of Colorado
there is a cregion cseveral hundred
square miles in extent which ,'s liter
ally a vast deposit of petriiied fish of
all sizes and shapes. These fish hcilri
shale, containing lish remains are
about 1'jO feet in thickness and extend
up and down the (J recti river for u dis
tance of 150 or r.'OO miles.
Lart week the Salvation Army sta
tioned at Ogdcnsburg, N'. Y., announced
that on Saturday evening they would
f-xporo the biggt liar in town. All the
prevaricators of note flocked to hear the
expose, and the result war, the greatest
boon the army ever enjoyed In that
section. It was a great night for tho
OKU KrcjOYga
iJoth the metlioil ami results v. hon
Syrup of Fi;;s is taken ; it is ploasanl
ami refrcsltincj to tlio tasto. and acl-s
eeiiilyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and IIowcN, cUanses tlio sys
tem cilectiKiHy. disjicls colds, licad-nehe.-j
and lovers and cures habitual
.onslipation. vi uii o l iru i the
iiily rcincily of its kind ever pro-
heed, pleasing to the taste and ae-
r labia to tliy i toitiaeli, roniT.t i:
Us action and trulv heneiieial in it
In eta, prepared onlv from thcinos'
licaltliyand a'rive.ildepuhsfaneos, it
niaay excellent iiualitios conmicnd i
to all and have made it the ino:
h ilar remedy known.
-nip ot rigs is ior Fate in
bottles liv all leading unitr-
Anr reliahle ilnHjerist Mini
Ir.ot have it on hand will pro-
lit promptly lor anyone who
M to tr v it. Do nut aceet anv
lomsvius, t.i. ucj mx, ff.r.
" )
Drs. Maybe
You choose I'm d!J t:lnc ht yotnsr cn?, V.'liy?
Hccausa you J. :ft vant t catfust y.iur lifi In litvrciU-i.'cJ
lunlu Tru?, llu your d cl.r tnay -C tr:rkn lit: t
til." rdj (JiKbir must be. You U!.c i.o (Yvu'v with lr, Maybe,
h'it Iir. Mutbj it U r;a,;h. Sjt.j v Kit rtcJi. l;tcs a. nh
mcJul;i; maker - lae brytrleJ r;nt:ly In yncr;.
Y'i'i frcUT cxri.rl:tKe !i cxpvrltc.n -hvii you a-: ciHuancJ.
The tuw rem;'jr jn.iy b: c'-'J - - tut I.I samboj els; frt v.'
It. V.U oU Tixcij $.iut H r'4 -JnJfvi -n l' r.vrj t f
in.-s. Juil !ic n;'.rc rcavn ..r ihiHixin? A VI. 11 Nuru-r-iiKU
h 'i.i i;nv.- Ii an b'li;r. It h.n I'.i: 'di'iMJ
li'.i..hi;J ;jtaMti;!j fr ImU u v.uian, Iu rtiei.! In ?u
n Usiui ;- nl vnrvo. I( idhm in.n- . i, !,
At.;', far'.irjf tu mi'-l hi; ou tVi e ili.iu k.n miI
Uit . i.ll .iiil.J, ui
A Trt'l I'.ilnn ISV) Y:rj nit
In London there is a ipniint oh! cr
g.iui.a'ion known as tho l-'eiloivship
of Free I'.irters. It was organized
sometime in tho thirteenth century
and for nearly 500 years its members
had the monopoly of the discharging
of grain from boats coming up the A century ago the organiza
tion had members, wiUi a sur
plus which in 1S5J grew to 51,030.
The construction of do.-ks and tho
abolition of metage or measurement
of corn destroyed the prospority of
the Fellowship. It has bjen languish
ing for several years aud refuses to
dio because n ) provision has been
made for the disposal of its funds. An
arrangement has been made recently
whereby tha funds are to ba dis
tributed and meanwhile each member
is to be paid ten shillings a week.
Mrg:in County. Colorado.
The irrigated farm is the only ' sure
thing" farm on the face of the earth.
And the beauty of it is that it never
wears out never fails to yield double
the average of non-irrigated sections.
There are irrigated farms in New Mex
ico that have been tilled for 250 years
and which are today as good as new.
In Arizona, the l'ima Indians have for
400 years raised the biggest of big crops
from their irrigated land. Along the
Nile, in Egypt, are farms that are more
than 4,000 years old and which produce
larger and better yields than any other
lands in the world. ' -
due of the best illustrations of the
advantages of irrigation is to be found
in the irrigated district surrounding
I'ort Morgan, Colorado, w here during
the htst ten wars half a million do!-
been spent in the const rue
system of irrigating canals
1 Jim of a
which litis
no Mine
ior anywl
pcrhi!).s I!
icre. A
10 miles
stretch of country
long by 15 wide has been brought under
ctillivatiiin and now presents an ap
pearance that is allllont ideal. Fields
of alfalfa, wheal, oats and corn lend
brilliancy to the broad plateau,
windsof sleek cattle ami ciuintle
i flocks
of sheep browse upon t he nut fit ions
grasses. Here and there an orchard
bends beneath its luscious load. A
more flourishing community does not
exist. And the secret of it is -I irriga
tion and Cattle. The Morgan County
farmer lives on mid from his farm which
never fails to yield double the average
of non-irrigated M'ctiotn, and he grows
rich on cattle.
Men who are unaci'iinihlcd with the
results of farming by irrigat ion can
form no idea of its superiority over or
dinary mi thods of agriculture. Think
what it means to be able to hasten or
retard the development of growing
crops to make it rain when, where
and in uhat volume you wish. True,
ail this means closer att ntion and
greater labor, but are not the results
worth it'.'
In Morgan County there are no cy
clones: no extremes of heat and eohl :
no malaria: no crop failures. The peo
ple are friendly. The religious and ed
ucational facilities all that can be de
sired. The markets high priced. The
climate the liec-l in the v "!d.
Morgan County land is not "cheap"
that is. it is not. cheap in the sense in
which that word is ordinarily under
s','od. The price ranges from -'15 to
S:;0 an acre including perpetual water
right, but as a man can make a better
living oft' 40 acres there than oil' 100
acres anywhere east of the Kocky
Mountains, the apparent difference
after all docs not count for much; so
a''rcs is the favorite si.e. One Morgan
County farmer give; it . as his experience
that 10 acres under irrigation in Mor
gan County is preferable to t he best, and
most expensive quarter section in the
rain belt,'' The success he is meeting
with gives weight to his opinion.
Detailed information ,'iboii. Morgan
County i.i contained in an i.iustrated
booklet issued bvthe Passenger
pnrtmcnl of the Uurlington Koute and j
now ready for free dist ribution. A copy j
will be mailed to any one who will !
Francis, li. P. A., Omaha
Experiments, made hi Kiin-eiice imli 'nie
that it wvi, ild take n suuil exii. l iy loartci u
days to II avel u mile.
' r.iciw v's 1 1 1:. -N II i A I, Tii'";ti;s" nn tt
simple and naii cuicul reiuedy for liion
eliial Alb etioiis and Coiili.s. furry tbeiu
i. i i,,:r pi,' lo-l.
The li.'r.v'hicli apjieat'-i to le nemnmon
bird in tin; moon' oiii dilricfof (ierinuny,
where the beecli retails b) the forest.
I! It m i imv o ii'iTHiir Cnriia Hit III iil'T-
,-irni v-6 wi,it,l. r -o it n-i wnl i n mo- 01 in.
Uti illi.U'1 c-,tu Hii Itirii IU,-i. !l i. Lkii lb' Hi O
Tbey are iiiiikinii v lii I Irom bee i, b it
that soiuiils us It l!:i cart uas bfloi-j tlie
'I hfi ! Ii0nsiir iiutl iri!lt
inl no ii i . i, hi; i ;it Hiiniluy ii'i'iLVinnii
ii, (J I'Hii.Mit i.l, tis.ii t'urUt'i i,iniri u!c.
The inipur priHliift. of tho world in
Mis e.lnaale.l tu exceed l.ouo.oiHI tot,.
and Mustk.
KJKJlJKJ . I.UU'lilllMlil,!
It Wan Intended n WoiMlng (aft for
the IltK-hrM of Marlhorouch ami
Sfenn tu llavo Cot l.ot In the
clteuieut of tho W.' lillns.
ARONE?f5 lilanche
de rierzsenyi, of
Austria, has
brought suit
ngalm.t Mrs. Alva
E. V a n d e rbilt,
mother of the
Duchejs of Marl
borough, for ?j;0
with Interest from
Oct. 26 last, for the
loss of a small an
tique known as the "Tantalus Cup."
The action is brought through Lawyer
Julius Lchmann, of New York, and the
papers have been served upon Col. Jay,
who represents Mrs. Vanderbilt.
'The IJaroness came to this country
from Era nee about nino months ago.
i She is a very handsnmo woman, about
twenty-five years old. I'pon her ar
rival from Paris she went to the Wal
dorf, where bho occupied a unite of
rooms for some months. After that she
moved to private apartments on EiH
avenue. She sailed lor l'aria laat
When the Baroness rune .she brought
valuable bric-a-bnic, paintiugj nnd
Japanese and Chinese curios which
were said to be worth in the neig'j-
j (Who aceusos Mrs. Vanderbilt.)
j borhood of J 1 0,000. Among these was
the famous Tantalus cup.
According to the aflblavit cn liln iu
I the suit Mrs. Vanderbilt was looking
j about for suitable wedding presents for
j her daughter, Cor.Kiielo, and alio asked
a mutual friend to have the Baroness
j send to hT Japanese, Chinese and Ori
l ental curies, including the famous cup,
j to the. llolel Savey for im jic tioa. Mrs.
Vanderbilt was living a' fiat, hotel at.
the time. The curios and tho cup, it Is
said, were later taken to 'Mrs, Vander-
bill's home on MadUon avenue. The
ISaroiifKH was inclined lo eell tho cup
and the other article:-). The day before
the wedding of Mrs. Van.lerbilt's
daughter to the I)u!:e of Marlborough
the Baroness sent to Mrs. Vanderbilt
asking v.he'tlier .'he Intruded to pur
chase her curios and the Tantalus cup.
In her cm; plaint the Baroness says that
all the curios were returned to her with
the exception of the cup. which i;!m j
valued at 5"J0. It Is slated that the cup
was lost.
Of its value the complaint says "that
the. cup, owing to its historical and
mythological value, its exquisite work
manship, oddity, and, moreover, owing
to the fact that there are hut few of the
kind and quality in existence, was
reasonably worth ?.V0." It Is aho pet
Jorth by reason of the intrinsic value
an exquisite workmanship, fragility
and' delicacy of tho above-mentioned
bric-a-brar, great care and attention
is given to the articles by people
who possess timm, ro much so that it is
a common practice to keep tluni iu
phmh-lincd cabinets, which are seldom
opened. Safes, it is alleged, are kept by
pi rsons who pos sess valuable bric-a-brac,
and such articles as these sent to
Mrs. Vanderbilt by the Baroness aro
kept In sue! af a until !-0t)ie occasion
occurs wli'n it is (leiiircd to dinplay
'I '.' vt
. Jl -1
U 1.119
TV i Vm
f f
' 'V ' ! .
Mit.. AI.V V V. VANidliil-ll.T ,
t V m. i I ( ; .V a : i.i, A v , n :i i ' e ' '
'lei. ''!' i
The,. ,, . .... i c m . i. "
V.i'. I' , i:i.''".' ! p ;
I up ;i ltd " i" ol be.' t-i ,t - : I.) .i I pr I - '
I li i to li f d.l'l I 'IT, t ' : . ' ' ll . I . ' -
ill,,! , V. I f iii I I . 'I '. ! ti" I I 1 1 " i
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ti. it .I. r- f ' : ' '!'!,! i". , lb
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.,;. , .,:'
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' li' , ' . , ; ; .
llernfic an 1 was br l
riii n cr le t i
I,......,;,,,, ,, ; ,...,i0 n,.lul'unilerli!!." said Lawyer L''h-r-jhnfi
to the writor, "I notified Co!. Jay.
ItlK,' VumlcrbiU's counsel. He told mtj
that In this case J.'rs. Yand Tbilt ,vas
only ..bailee in l.iw without cmjaM .i
tion. and the cup coui.l r.ot 1
fonri, Co'. Jay sota up that !:U ci: -it m In 1-,,., tr.i a,,!f , " ,1m i-
4U U1USV III 1.4 T ll 1 . . j
ages . I contend o, her wise, especially
on icrount of tho fieat value : ;lie
Tantalus cup. The Baron -'83 has t i'.IcJ
for France, but I expect her hero U. ap
pei.r when the case comes u; for tri.'.l."
Ilo 9trni.Klri Catttu 1th IIU Nul.ed
f liiiiuU.
Tlte r,".tlh, men on the ranges wert of
Pierre, S. 1)., till a ghastly story of a
madnian, who for snine I Imo past ha.i
been roaming over the reservation, kill
ing cattle with his naked hands to suck
their blood, and in seme cases even at-
laeUiag men. No one seems to know j
who the man is, nor how long he has j
been wn".dnieg about the ranges. Hot
was first seen some four or live weeks;
ago. Repeated aUciiiiiti have been
made to capture hhn, but thus far with-'
out f nieces.-' . j
lie is said lo labor under tho halluci
nation that he is a vampire. How lie j
manages without a weapon of any kind
to kill the cattle on which ho lives is a j
nijiilery. When found after he has left
timm the animals appear to have been
seized by the l'.ead.i, burro to the ground
by main and tern to pieces by
the teeth and nails of the lunatic
Jack Lewis, a cowboy on on" of the!
ranch'' about midway between Pierre j
and the Black Hills, i.i the hero of the;
moat exciting advenuuo v.iMi tho mad
man yet rcjiorled. U was nearly a fort
night ago. Lewis h:td keen out, for sev
eral days with a parly on tin range and j
about U o'clo! k in the evening lie wan-
j dercd away fio:n Ids companions and!
I tii.-itnoiiuleil for a few moments. As he
tdood by hi.; hr.;--o be was s- ddenly j
struck from b'hlt l and hurled to tho;
grgiiud and nearly strangled by tho!
maniac. He tsl niggled fu, leusly, lu;t
was t liable lo rea h his weapon, while j
his assailant frothed at the mouth and
made every effort to seize the cowboy'
by the throat with his teeth.
Much wonderful str'iiglh did he dls
phiv that Lewis wan nearly over-j
powered and would daub: leu? have been
killed had not his fr.ends, attracted by
his cries, ai rived in time tu rescue him.
The mad man flew when he saw this re
inforcement coming, ami although pur
sued by hevcral men on fast hones, he:
contrived to elude them in tho dtis't and
made his f.wane, Lew is was quite, had-
lly torn about tha face and tied: by the,
i man'a teeth, and received a fdmclt from
which ho has not yet fully recovered, j
They I'ruieil 'Mutt ! ho 'J li'mj" for ttewt-j
f lllB tll ll.llllin OCIffist.
Miv. Margaret Morrison, a prepo; :.(-!
i Ingl Oimg widow, whoso father is a
piTr"T,t;ns r.rimi'i' i.vms i j j rcit .in-
mm mm
.mi;h. MAitOAin-rr mohuisox.
, wan arresled at I'ort Townscnd
Wash., the other day by tie.; iitsloms!
ollielsl.i nil I ch '.r.'yil with KintiKKlInt;
opium into this country. Opium valued j
at $l'i't was found concealed ahuiit h"i''
wearim? apparel. SI e was r-ecfitiip.iiiied )
by In1 t vii Ive-y ai'-n! 1 daughter, on
v. bos" person four pounds of opium
were discovered. While comlin; across j
from Victoria ti:'' l!ispeter I,.i';:ne l
lmr tUmre was mimaially plutnp. and
npi n lii",pcc ion li'.e tKis of the drii'ii
were tmnid in.r,i'i.loi!. lv K.ecreled In her
balloon ( leeve ;. At Ih" Clistoiii House I
she fainted and wen; ieto hyi.'t ric, and i
tiiUested that In.;- ,':"!;;n'"r l:e sent
outside inlo the o,' n air. Hardly had
her iVI'l reack'-d tli- if.'" walk when
i h" lief;-in run;', inn snd ' t in;:, thro .. In;.;
dozens of cans of upiam into vri':mt lot t,
Later .Mrs. Morrison, la i
f' 1' !.'
lOfl '
ol similar char.
I ut be'M
H pie,'e,'i;
'1 he itilir' I
n i-i !;ul,.i 1;.
ix Iii i-ai"';-
ftMlnst her d.t u'hii
and I.l det.ih.e I in p:
claim the v.'om i'i .'
i ir:.-:i"l ,' jr : "i". .'I
ell;.;? o:,iiim f,,r a i 1
- i.
WlbOt T()'.V:kii NtJ I...
1 In- (;,Irf . iii , , It J ,, ,
Hi r . ir till,
M '' ' H, t i!- ,., ',.
1 ., ii i
I . ' I li' .,1 , .
I t i i
i !
1 1
The John A. Salz-r Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., always on the alert for some
thing good, have struck a novel idea to introduce, exhibit and advertise their
famous northern grown seeds. This Is done by means of an advertising car, aa
illustration thereof appears herewith. This car is in charge of three experts
who aro thoroughly familiar and versed with, seed growing. The CRr inside and
out is a marvel of beauty and elegance and is lit out regardless of cost and is
i thi: sALZiat si:i:d exhibit cab.
mcn, such as tine vegetables and tegetable needs, aro exhibited to perfection,
and theri there an endless array o? farm seeds, corns, wheats, oats, rye, barley,
Bi-rnd vetfrh, lupine, laihyrus, sacallne, amber cane, kafllr corn, Jerusalem corn
and hundreds of other varieties of seeds and crops on exhibition. 1'articulal
notice is due to their marvelous collection of heavy cropping potatoes, their
51.000 oat, Just, Imported from Russia, and Silver King barley, cropplng'la 60i
different places In America in 181)3, over 100 bushels per aero.
The car is visited daily by hundreds, yea we may say thousands of peoplo
and nothing so catches the eye and rivets tho attention of tho farmer than tht
great bed of diffennt varieties of grasses, clovers and fodder plants that ar
exhibited in one end of the i ; as one great dairyman of L'lgin, Ilk, Bald upon
seeing this magnificent display of grasses, "I have eeen tho World's Fair uml
Barnum's Circus, but this exhibit beats them nil!"
It is only possible In a newspaper article to give but a faint Idea of tins
beauty and attractiveness of this car. It must be seen to be appreciated but it
only strengthens tho Idea amongst fanners and others that a firm that can
exhibit such excellent products, grown from their own seeds, on their own farms,
is the llrm to tie to when you want choice northern grown seeds. Seeds that
never disappoint! They Issue a large catalogue of farm and vegetable sced
which is mailed to any adih-' i-3 ttpou receipt of 5 rents, for poftagft. W. K.
0!!l.l.l;y Peiil.
A man was being wheeled a-vay
Willi the dead, at tho tine.! of an epi
demic. The victim suddenly raised
bis bead and dcmntid"d of the man
who was takiifg him along the street,
whero ho was taking him to. "To
the dead house," was the reply. "But
I am not dead," said tins poor man.
"Oh, you be quiet," said the man who
was pushing him along: "I guess the
doctor ko c.vs more about this than
you do, and he says you tire dead."
MOO Knwnril, ll)0,
TJie renders of this paper will hn
pleased to learn that tie re Is at least
one dreaded disease that science ban
been able to cure In nil It stages, nrnl
that Is Catarrh. Hall's ChUitIi Cure Is
the eniy positive cure now known to
the medical f 'nilly. Catirili being
a const disease r"iul:vst a eon
rtltuilonnl trcatiiiiit. Hall's Catauh
Cure in tuken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood sri'l mucous surfaces of
the fyslcm, thereby ilcstroyiioj m
foundation of the dl'(eh.e and giving tha
patient strength by building up the con
stitution snd uKslstlng natrit In dnim;
Its work. The proprietors have no much
fnltli In Its curative powers tint they
offer fine Hundred Hollars for any eass
1 firjt It falls to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. AiMrevH
F. J. CIIKNKY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druKKbti: Tf-c.
Hall's Painily Pills, ie.
Skills - Vbnt iii vsif,ier do the people
nest :l.jor t ywi U I.i ' I'UtvU- Miuo.
I em recoiiiiiu'iid I'i-o's Cure for Con
sumption to n'lt'erers from Aslhliiu - I'.
l. Toi XM1.. mi, Ft. Howard, V'i., May 4,'li-J.
Admin 1 Lord Claretif tt Paget is s( years
old and bus complete I his memoirs..
Vf 1 1 matters !i ttlo of how
dH ion;; Bunoiiig mo THiin
5; has been jclironio cases
1) yield readily to
mil R H EU M ATISM of many
mmm asm
. , PLUG
TBc largest pieco of
Good toabacco
ever sold for 10 cents
being run and exhib
ited in Wisconsin, Il
linois, Iowa, Minne
sota, and other states.
I'pon entering it, ona
Is transported at once
into a very fairyland
whero flowers anil
vines and forage and
fruits and vegetables
luxuriate and abound
in great abundance.
Of course the great
specialties which
have made the John
A. Salzer Seed Co.
leaders among gced-
tiii": Af'iwoTnn co. iom pm ih mma-t
w 1 I tut 1 1 liiiijis,!i, tw aiirjt It lian iniiucmt Ibc ci A
tlii(J iHiwurtu I ii Mii it Miit a II u iiiuur brn:b
,1tM.'a",m' "iiH'li" Iuih(k1hii(1 twpaiit
At."a al juui iliwir. II ran nnd dim furiilah
Aj jJT,i'lf it-i l'U"r i tn-io lt IfMi iiiiiim tlun
tu'KitfSE3P!3rf'',,,,'l'H' " nia'"' J'uiiii'iiiif ii
S! ;s'i wjl oi'iri'd, stwi. liiiivaniiBil niter,
ii' . :'-lf M i ... ui,..i...iu., 'fiiti,.
' 4 Vv ii ,,,,, ii, in, .,,.,,K
ttib'iy "nll Sou l 'Unfi t. Klj'ellliiD'.SiL'i
''iff l'Tumi'ii, Siil IVinl I'uticru nd Fs$"4
ifrJ Onnili-iii. On npi.llrHtliHi li will mme on
! til III""" Briii li-s iimi It will funiiib milll
Janimiy lit iu tlm iric. It alwi rokri
'lui.ks z:u I'mniitiif ml kuiiK. Hiuiil (or catloik
liistury: ball, KoikvU mi Mllaare Strccli, ',bluf
L. Douglas
If you ay 4 lo fcll t"r slio" ,,
amine th W. I.. Iloiiul is .Mm', and
see what a good sae you can ki;y fur
oMii:i:s:i, isl'ttom,
mil I.ACi:, niniln Iu Alt
LIiiiU"(1!h-Im'M do( td
Ifultii r Ii) nUlllcd urcrk
men . Wo
S. y ' ! una
f i",Mi , n ,ro
J"''yK S3
ii 1 Ii e r
lli uorlil.
iciiiii' ;ir.d
thy buttiaa.
ii:;ooir.i t nrcr In
,eti'' ;;ivmiiu unk
piUu ii (.tutnp'd on
A il: votir flfwler for nur 8,
nt, w.'i.r.o, wi.fin, n t.".n ,si,.e
t .r,n, i ! and til. 75 ter buys.
i.inii'f .'.ui'j'ly 5m, sciiT to liii
tory.i .71! lining piic; :iud Vr.pnti
IOi4yt.uiMe." kit'i.tyle
,f t': (;:ii or pljin), si.e and
v.idlli. ihir Cictom lii-i't. will till
our eul-r. ,s?nd h.r ti"iv JJJus-
triiccl (.atji'ue Kox II.
V, L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Masa.
years' standing has hoen cured by It
oh JMbOoy