V-C Site Wfchhi plwlrpcudcnt iraCOTO. N BEASSA. Tli". nan who hxes his temper Ir.i f d his game. a I. so As (here nrc exceptions to all ru'oH, tome duties miiKt have drains. John Hull takes to the Monroo doc trine with the oaK0rnf83 of 11 tramp to a bar of Boap. Kansas farmer, have dleeovorpd that simtlowrr h-aves make tui good cigar fillrr-5 as cabbage leaven. During the recent cold snap elk in tho vicinity of Lander, Wyo., came from the mo'iiitiiins to feed with the cattle. The fciiKan la doing his best to prove that he hat; lo hill the ferocious Arme nian kIicp; lo keep thorn from biting him. Tlif reputation of Chicago wan sus tuiurd ono day lata week when ilvo judge.' granted a hundred divorces in three hours. lb-fore Harry Hnytvard left Minne apolis he had succeeded i:i making the verdict cf the Jury and that of the pub lic entire'' unanimous. .somebody in Sloiibenvillo, Ohio, ad vcrtNcv. a matrimonial pilot lor r,Q ceni.f-. And another advertises ''di vorces sefu:'''d on easy termn." The ura of "perforated bed-clot lie:;" I wcRiMcndod ;ih a cure for rheuma tism. Tli is wunm to be merely an nm lifb;."Uou of the porous plautcr i lea, riirmis' attorney general liar, dc.-Idcd that 1! its a lottery and therefore illegal to five parch asters of nieiviiaiidliie '1 gu ,-. ;;!, die nuniixT of bcana in a jar. An e x-hnitgin.tn, who ban s-e-u over live hundred c! imlna! out of this world, nayx lh:it not ore of these was? a teeto taler. There's expert testimony for jou. V sMf.v I'.lai k, of Kililwnter, Ok., wat? ns."'i;.'ed to a lady in Ohio for twenty three yean i: m! dually married her one day hint week. Think of that, impa-ti-:,l pirlfi. Since tiie r.uhtitilution of electricity for juilmal power on Htreet railways 115,010 Iioiwh have lostt Uiclr Job nearly 71 per enl of the whole number formerly employed. Las! v.eel: the Salvation Army sta tioned lit Ogdcn:d:tirg. N. Y announced that on Saturday evening they would :-:poi the blggo, t lu' 1" town. All the ,'ircvai icatars of note flecked lo hear the M'o-e. r,nd the result w..n the greatest liooni the army ever enjoyed In that icctioi:. 11 was a great night or the Aiuer i.-t Wiort rnadiiew,. Ia he not i inadm.'in thai has lord, the government of l,i:,e;ef, and I loused hither and thither by his fury as by a tmpc;;t? Tlie executioner and murderer of 1; U o.vn friend? It doen nil tiling by vio lence, an well upon itself as others; and li K in short, the master of all pas- S-llli: . A I'.iiii. an inrinb. r will go thundering down the ages as the w-n who made tiie first speech in the LIVth congress. After the roll was called, he aroHo with great dignity, addressed the clerk, an nounced hiR name, and then tusked if Mr, name had Iieen properly recorded. This npeech was not parth ularly bril liant, but it was the first of the LIVth I'eRgrf-'. (Jentlenesji. which belong In to be r:i;vfuily distinguished from (he mean spirit of cowards and the fawning assent of r.ycnphanls. It re nounce;; no just right from fear; it give up no important truth from flattery; il is, indeed, nut only consistent with a f;ru mind, but it. necessarily requires a manly t-pirit and n fixed principle In (in! r to give it tiny real valu Kv. H. O. Fi.sher, of Kansas, would not have b en ;'.it isfaclnry ns chaplain t-f the house of representatives, auy vvay. l!e makes longer prayers tii.in any ether person we keo'.v of, imhI lurg pr .yets are not popular in cougn :-s or nut of it. Lciiidis, lie tr 11m the J.ord li'-nriy every dry nbout the (Ju.iui re r.i:d. in which he was rolled In an old ! a -pi t by his wife, and saved, ar 1 there 1. 1 fu'hlng for which he will rot pe,i ti'iu the throne ol grace, n.iy.i a Kans.i.s i -i -r. Or lin wcr mis la ihe Jauraal of cn ii" fiat be i nred two v.unnt wout- eU . I-,. f ( oc.sunqu tui! ry i,ivnu ttn-in all .i:n:t. tin v i -11111 1 i !. They h el t.l'l'i i utitii iu p ;iiiiii;i a iuiial- vim- i':-.i;;oai!--e. i, Is an ev- .C . l.ll'l-s licit : 'l . c- l I'.V'T iit i.te ..rly ! el, lie f si tl: ,r tul aiie'A' I 1 1. cm ! r (;'! i-.i !: n t!-i-v -i'. The pi .inn! . l e ih f.i! pie bi.-.'t. !( '.s t'.e K" 1 l ii 1' in' t i' '; ' i.-tui i 1; i: . 1 '. T I .1 . '! It ti.e vc.- I mi -a "u 1 I vi C t I i .1 In C,d,r,t;.i l'l1 i v.i te Oi I , II I I. '1 I i, i". .il. v 1 , f t:i Ti ATTACK OFSIIKKMAX. COLD RESERVE WAS USED I IMPROPERLY. Fti-sn'tit ion I nl i-Mitm-cil l)ert:nnt!mj; the Ifltrtllioil lif I lie lieservf ti OO.OIIO,- 000 'mill Ki !iii-'::iK its !!iil-'iiK!ii-e ul 1 hut I'olnl. U'asiiixoto.v, .la ii. 1. Senator Sher man of Ohio introduced in tin; Senate to-day the following: "lU.-.-olvc-d, That by injurious eg:..latiim by tin; Fifty-third Congress, the revenues of tiie 'government, cere reduced below its necessary eNe!idi'..ure and tlie funds created for law ful redemption of I'nited Stales no es have been in vaded lu heoply Mich flelieieney of reseTTe; tiiaj Midi a misapplicitioii of the n-tumption fund is of doubtful legality and greatly injurious to the public credit, and hle.uld be prevented by restoring saiu fund to tiie iiuii of not, less than JSIo:i,Ou;i,oiiii in gold eoin or bullion, to be paid out only in tlie redemption of l olled States notes and Treasury noles, and fciich notes, v. hen redeemed, to be re-issued only in e.: elmngc tor gold c in or bullion. ' Wlieri the Sensit;) met Mr. I'er.;ins. Uepuiiican, of ( alifoi nia uske i iinan inious consent for the eutisitlurat ion of a re-iulul ion dirccliug tlie committee, on finance to report an ainetalmeiit to the )loii:,n larift bill laying an addi tional duty mi raw sugar cijiial to the other increases of the bill. Mr. I terry of Arkausns olijee.ted. It was agreed to adjourn overfill 1'ridi.y. Mr. Morrill of Vermont explained that the tinaiiei; miumktce desired to eons tier the boint and tanlV bills on 'I'liur.iday. Mr. (handler's resolution, offered yesterday, ashing the committed on navul uH'air lo investigate tins prices paid by tlie government for armour plute and as to whether any oflicia! of the government, was interested in patent processes, was called up. At the .suggestion of Mr. (lormaii the words directing an inquiry into the facts s.s to w tiether tlie prices paid by the I'nited States were "as low a.i paid by the foreign governments" were stricken oat. The resola'iou was adopted. Mr. Suerman then introduced his resolut ion, w hich was listened to with keen interest, in view of the Senator's utterances again.it the retirement of Kreeiiiiack. lie gave notice that on Friday lie would su limit some remarks upon it. Mr. Mitcbel of Oregon then too!; the floor and spoke in favor of his resolu tion instructing the (inane;! committee, to restore the McKiiiley duties on wool in any revenue bill reported to the Senate, Senator Mitchell declared thut no industry had received such a slugger ing and deadly legislative blow as that indicted upon tho wool industry by the Wilson larilf act. It had drained from tho Fiutil States within t he last year gTi.OUll.uoo 'u gold to pay for for eiirn wool, and had occasioned a loss to the wool ; rowers of this country of more than Sl.ouo.iido. Inlcss this leg islation wa-- changed the sheeii iudu-- trv of the l'ac'di i cons woc.ld be mi- llihilated. Mr. Mitchell said the tariff bill passed by the House would probably iiitn use 'the revenue i!'1 oniMmo a yi-ar Anictidcd, as it should be, by tilford iug wool, lumber, barley, hops, and other agricultural products adequate protection it will give an add.t:oiial revenue of Jr 'lO.dOl t, () K), mid place a pin) lock upon the so-called 'endless chain"' by which gold is drawn lrom the treasury, will stop all neccs'iiy for further issue of bonds and rescue from unpenning ruin the wool and other agricultural interests of this country. While Mr. Mitchell was contending that the Secretary of the Treasury could have stopped the gold drains by" using his discretion to redeem rices in coin, Mr. Hill of New York asked him if it was not true that greenbacks had been redeemed in gold by every secre tary since Is?!'. Mr. Mitchell replied that, it might be true, but in his opinion il was very nour policy. I "Treasury notes have only been re- deemed in gold since I Si) I," interrupt to virtue, Cll m,.. rock re 11 of Missouri. Is that a fai t'.'" asked Mr. Mitchell. "It is," replied Mr. lockrell, em phatically. "In l-.'it in response to a telegram sent by mo to Secretary Cos ter he replied that the lir-t treasury note had been redeemed by him in gold in I-'.il." I am talking about greenbacks, ha id Mr. Hill. "Have not all the "Secretaries of tlie Treasury redeemed these notes in gold I ince IsT'.i'.'"' "Crecnbacks were never pre-enled,"' baid Mr. l ockrell, "There was no demand for gold and that can be show n on the record. The Senator from I 'bio (Mr. Sherman! since that time propoM'd to redeem and re tire every one of thoie grernbueks with silver dollars uiul his amendment to that elfcet is here on record, in which, he propose to substitute for the greenbacks silver notes In answer to Mr. Hill. Mr. nckrell baidhed.d not k n w w he her .s.-.-re-tary Foster had redeemed greenback ! Ul golll. on s.uit it had n H iieen itoni . "Not on liei'iaiid." siid Mr, l oekrcll. 'I repel' th.it tm veci eiarv of the I'rfriiMiry until "itolier, l-'.M. ier Mcld.sl the upturn to I in- holders i f idled Stale . note . " "hut t'liited Sl.ile uoic- wcn-ir-licciii'd ;u e.iid." "Not u! the option of the holder. 1 he o I it ion w ,i . never 1m ii the l"i : r until l- ':. Siilnc- C I hi-, mill M is Ma. rv ''mi liiem a'ls of Ji'oui ili-iil iv iit.'. ,v f.i ii it-, cbii'cd iin.t were in in i i o I Minors, luwa. I' lin-'l I i. in it.liliifi.ii, U V--IIIN.. los. .i n t. The lllilt I w l ll.d .His l. .l,e i ,lsc I ncres of I net f- 'i t he U.nv tr.l 1 1 ii I n ' lo live o;! 1 1 i i nt 1 1 i t tit. iite. I Ui.lN l-l W till . t. i, l-V III C..M ol.,. 1. 4, I V ol' W t II III I i His l , j r t re I ! i i-i- t ..mo -e. no ! lii'H' ."l.t-'d t.ri ( l'i"'l' il il n . .in.; i-i' l-V .toi! 1 II s ll Hid Ii , i,c it i )i ,. I of tlt ii ii- '. ,1 n; .ilei llll I .I..' e i Is i ii." la "I II ..l'l.. .l.'l MORGAN GETS THE CONDSj i Him i: ImmI 1 pii l iUii.iii .'or 41..ti.nCii.i(iJ - Til" S ii. Ill Hie Details. j Mit,' Yo!:ii. Jan. 1. Hankers in Jhis i city who in e in i iose touch with 't be ! aiim'tiiNiraiion cxpics tiicu' opinion regarding the v. " I .... 1 1 i. ... ..i. tluit the announcement govern men t bond issue will i.e m:.de I not later than Thursday. The dehtiH of the contract with the syndicate will c!o-i.!y eon form to those of the previous i-suo. The loan is expected to lie for jrli i),(uo,(K,o, with an notion luon j 1'bc I cn an additional SKj.'i.OUo.oo'), arrangements jn tiie present instance do not provide tor any tiuarautttcS by the syndicate as in tlie last js-mc. " ,' Formal applications for allotments I or tin loan were received to-day by J. I'. Morgan & Co. Oossip from ItVrlin is t hat part of the loan uill he placed in Ocrinatiy. Li'ineitie apolicalious alone in this city will aggregate l.'iO.OOO.Oou. Washington, Jan. 1. The Evening Post says: "A contract was signed this afternoon by all the members"? the new bond syndicate, subject to the formal acceptance of tho government, i The syndicate agrees to furnish ll,- odi.O'iO ounces of gold, f.moiinling to about F'.'Oii.OirUKio m gold, the govern ment, to take one-half of this sum first and to ha v! the tint inn of taking the other half and to deliver four per cent, thirty year coin bends at about the same price as paid for the last issue of bonds: the mamigers of the syndicate to receive a commission of one per cent. The price at which the la't bonds were taken was int. l;i. rf which they yielded ;:;:f per cent iutcr.'sl..'' I.O.M.OV. .Ian. 1. -.Mr. r.nrns of 1 Thomas M iri'au ,V Co., said: "None ! of the new i-,sue of bonds will be Iloated in Loud'. n, owing to t he strained reI.i,tios .n-twceu the I luted States 11 lid (,-eat Lritai.'l. I'ho situa- tiou looks eraver than ever this morn ing from a commercial point of view. 'J'li is is parlly on account of Senator Sherman's position. The affair has made a wonderful di Here nee in the business between London and New York uiul will resuit. in the with drawal of most of the American secur ities irom iMigiariil. we are sending home daily large quantities of tlie-,e securities which were, thrust upon the market. Some of the new bonds will probably be placed in (iermany.l it t this has not yet been decided, in my opinion our American copatriots have gone mad." THE HORSELESS VEHICLE. Ci-ni-riil Mile (VinKlileriiii; Its l lilit.v la Army l.'iti! Woulfl l;e a Jrcnt Kiivlii;;. W a sin no ro, Jan. L (ion. Miles is now making a study of the horseless vehicle, with a view to determining' its utility in army use. The idea is to use it, for the army trains. At. each of its forty-one military pts our army employs two or more wag ons, prescribed by tin; CnurU-ruiaster (leneral. "Tie luner, the six-mule wag-in, is for transporting army sup plies to and from i.i.lrcad stations on the frontier posts. The other, known as the escort wagon. i- pulled by two or four mules. It is used in tin: imire uucmv seuien regions, lor the tsme purpose, as well as for nflicial err; rnilds. -. lJ: In TIiom wagons have been usi ' e army since 1 lie war,, with but 1 tie iiltiuation. The hor.icless vehi :1 ieasiiile, won l'l lie a lur imnrovcm nt a over them. I!e-.ides, it would ba great saving. Our sma 1 1 army of 'jri.wio ieu em )!oys !l,."iOt) horses and. mules for uses of the cavalry an I artillery and for general oral t mg purposes. 1 lie aver age cost of the-iC for the hist tiseal year, for instance, ranged from $.'.. lo Jfl'iS each, the cavalry horses costing I he least, even less than the (iovern luciit mules, and draft horses t he most. Thus the army makes a great outlay each year, not only for purchasing horses, but for keeping them well fed and groomed. COPPINGEirs PROMOTION. Ills Nominal ion l lie llri ulier still Ilelil I p. W AsiitMvro.N. Jan. I. - -The noniiiia tion of Colonel Coppinger to be briga dier general of the army is still held up in the Senate. 'There is a hard tight being made against his nomina tion. This tight is being conducted by the A. P. A. The most j-erious ob jection to the distinguished soldier is that he is a Catholic in religion and w hen a young manse rved in the Pone's zouaves. Coppinger came to this country in lsi',0, entered the I'nion army, served w it h distinction throughout the civil w ar, has been wounded several times, and received a eomiii-sion in the reg ular service and in the natural order of things reached tiie command of his regiment and was nominated by the President t i the grade of brigadier general. Colonel I'ojipinger's wife was Ihe eldest daughter of the late James 1 1. 1! hi ine, nn-1 it is si id I hat one of t he reasons for the serious break between the l'.laine and llai" ison families was ; ne reinal of rresi.tent M.irrisoii io i promote Copningcr to hri 'a l.er iren eralship w hen i-eipieste I to do --i in' Mrs IS, aim. I. a t summer, when a "vacancy o.-currcd in the grade of Iu i;;a tier general, Pi csUtcnt I'lev c(,U'd (us. moled Co;ii.ner. OLADLY Li LOoiON. I iflf rri.l iii-II i. Muirr4 Killivl or Injun-I ami -i-i iiti eii 1l:lni;. i Put.-1 M . .Lin, I. All explosion of (i'-c d imp i"c ir:-ci in a eoioery ill il.lenbarg. I'russi in silesl.i, f . 1 1 Hi-i i' inde-. Soi Ihiiest nf th e .tv, to il.U, lil'.v lii'liei s lire knoAii lo liive I. e i kille I or iii)i'i-el mi l .ve.i'.icn , ol ;.e-s 111 i' HI -tl"' I JUSTICE UKLWEIt ACCEPT!?. 1 '.if It Iv.i i ill V III lli i rliriili-l.tn l'.i;ivi.i', I's Pre w ei t t In- I i. i i mo t !i in I-.'I'll It I, I ef'e.l 14 '!.. v oil ! '. 4I a Urn. lief I lllllNlUtUlll. .11. - - .fu .'. I S' ,'. I jil i li -I llll I I. IS ' Vei , n .-. lit 'Il U It i I,. 4 tnr s ; 'lii- V .!,H I 1 lo' el . i ,-l t I lie ,! ..I' in l i t AFTER J. S. ELWOOD. fetr.n.i; I.ITurli lleln !Mail to r.rtnrn tlin I'unk ' rook. Toi i h v. Kan.. .Lin. 1. M. Ti. Tom blin of (loodland, left to-day for Okla homa to make another effort to secure . . . , . - T . . . , . , ",u """ry "" '" ei'iMik. tn t m Kansiii nut nnnl ie. Kl. I , . . " wood has caused tho Oklahoma au thorities so much trouble, that they want lo maki! sure that they will get rid of him. lie could be tried there for some of his crimes, but the Kansas cast.s are the strongest. The only fear in Oklahoma is that LI wood may buy off his Kansas victims. El wood was Connected with Frank I'oyse in the Jamaica, Iowa, bank fraud, and Mr. Tomblin estimates that tliev robbed the bank of Western Kansas alone of SL'0.000 or more. Their scheme was to establish a bank at Jamaica and for a time do business in apparent good faith. They thus gained a rating in the commercial reports and their drafts uttered in Oklahoma anp Kansas were paid. Finally the bank went, out of business, and following this El weed and I'oyse imposed upon banks of their acquainteneo through out the country. Loth ar. well known and by various means they were able to realize sums often as high as S'iOO. FOUR DEATHS IN A FIRE. IJmtlicrs I.lvini; iir I-noiitenar, Kan., ItnriH'l in their Hume. I'lrisni no, Kan., Jan. 1. Four cf six brothers lost their lives in the burning of their home near l'rontenae last night. The house was occupied L,y i'c. tured l-7- Me Fad den brothers Allen, Ilobert. Is; John, ill: James. Jr,. William, 1.', and Arch, 1 years. ' n(.y vv(.r(. orphans and "bached." The j three older ones worked in the mines .....I vnrmnrled the vnnti.rer one Tho I house is located about a halt mile from j the town and is rather isolated and by the time assistance arrived the dwell ling was virtually destroyed. The charred remains of Uobert, John, i William and Arch were found in the j ruins. Allen and James were in Fron j ten ae at the time or possibly they I might have met with the same faie. How the tire originated is not known and then- are some hints of foul play. The burned bodies were carried to the Methodist church, where tiiey vvere viewed by hundreds of people this morning. MASS MEETING HELD. lltl.eiis of l.i li;inon Oiiioiiiiip ttii itiirn liiS ly a .Hob of Mr. Wost. Li.ua.non, Ivy., Jail. 1.- Faliy 1,000 people assembled at the court house in this village yesterday to take action on t he burning to death of Mrs T. .1. West and the killing of W. A. Levers by live men near this place Saturday night. The speeches were all vigorous in denunciat ion of the disgrace on Mar ion county and the state. Very strong resolutions were drawn up and signed by Hon. I,, li. McF.lroy. Colonel J. 1!. Carter. Judge If. W. Keeves, Mayor Leed Cay, Captain A. OlVut. .Sheriff U. K. Young ami Circuit Court Clerk 1). J. Lancaster. These resolutions con demn the outrages and the violence of the mob in the stron-'est possible cx- , tirrti..,(nn '; 'i in I I I li IT U-. ' TH fl ! 1 . i ! it i -i I It I , :i tl . ! ; ., 1., 1,.. ,!, I.. L,-., I., 11, ",;,....,.( iiu"U'".I "Jf m..'..v .,,-........,,...... mg. a mini was raisea ny prom pi. una ; liberal subscription to employ detec tives to a'd in ferreting out the perpe trators of the crime. I.rluml unil .fudge .lohimon. Tori:KA, K'an., Jan. 1. At .'! o'clock ' yesterday afternoon a delegation of anti-Leland l.'epublieans from the First Congressional district called upon Judge Johnson and asked him to become their candidate for delegate-at-large. Judge Johnson replied that he appreciated the honor, coming trom his old home district (he used to live in Jefferson county!, and would accept. He made a patriotic speech about how he would, if elected, work for the nomination ot a winning can didate for President. A Mtiili-rn iilinm 1 clU Hor Si'iitNos. AvU.. Jan. I. "Ari s;o:ia Ciiar'u-y," vvhoen jovs the distinc tion of having conducted a week of bull fighting at cripple Creek. Col., in spite of the opposition of the local authorities ami the governor, was acci dentally shot and pain fully wounded last evening. I tideuce in the friend, whom h bad too much enn- mar!:manship of a re-ine.sted to shoot a snow b ill from the top of his head. 1 Tiie friend's nerve was bad and ( barley teee'ivc 1 a painful v.'onnd iu the forehead. iin.Iitioicil ?':irilous in Kiihi;h. , Toi-thv. Kan. Jan. 1. --Attorney Ceneral Dawes yesterday gave an opinion that the governor has n right to grant pardons upon conditions. The question came up over the cus tom established of the governor par doning j i. nt. keepers in on londition t bat t hey leave the state. The Pro hibiti.'i. sts pfotc-t upon the irri and that Mica m i ion is il.e'j i!. The gov ernor referred 11c mutter to the a'ti'inev general with the rcseit as stated ' sniiill lii-rilnr I i ir I). ' v li I u A i i -. Mo. Jan. I. Consider iib'.e interest is man fc-ted In re us to tin- prol'lll'ie utile n-c of the gli'llt lie eoiiibil i". A its w nfkiliirs eiill vet I'lilv be Hi -set, llci-.e ii.li ri-s'eit it. l ut f -ei ii' I.iIiitIv t.' ''.vim i thi ui elvi's. The llilp"l-ssiiil illlC'llg in. in, nun lis and opei.iturs is that the re- . ult w il I i iii i v to i hoi.e out of eiten ' a I sum I cMerp: ise-, ;ui I t i l i eve 1. 1 a ii v t a n her tl "i I s ; nm r I I he l.iuM ii - . f . nv iidi!.t:oii.i! sin.: till'. . ill n ol ! Ii IS s .1 mil. a i -i llo .tit l.ti-ii Uruni,'. J I II 1 J Mill J nil li i .i I .i i jot-iin-1) I g I ' I'll, l ot! fl'S'l'd l.i tili.irt l.ol o r ul it w .is ii f..r,- -f , I I ill I 1 !l I II t la) g- ne In I sti ,i'!.. 1 I I i Ol II' 1..-.II.' !ll , " I III f i. -el IO. . it' ' .Hid 't "I I I I 1 V H I I.l II. .I.'l) Ull ., , l'l ,: -:iler at l' v ' ,u i'Mi.I.V t ' H. s n o iioe Mat ,l,i!, s 1 hell to, U .1 -.- , ! i I .1 v i I .. . ,1 It I l. 1 -.' It.- '( ? ' ! fin, I I. v , I t. ,tl .. .alt 1 1. i i tit"' b. OUR BIRCH WIELDERS. Tli.riei of Nelirusli Tenclicr. DImiiui K'liKiitioti In (ienenl iiml ilelail Lducational ideas liHcil tlx nniversi-i the state i ty eamus Wednesiiay lit teachers' meeti.-iir Line In. 1 ue , library association hel-l forth and alius; - .. . .. t. ....... . : l. om- more io i.-n- .vine soi-ieiies niiuii make for culture and progress. Today, Thursday, closes the meeting, and all j or nail was struck many more times concerned except, the hard-working I than any other nail, it was assumed otiicial.s, will regret that the meeting i to be deader than other nails. Hence is not to continue. It is such a good: the phrase, "dead as a door nail.' " thing that it is a pity there is not mora " of it and that the teachers cannot, con-1 The Jnn A' Salzer Sfied Co.., Of La. tinue imbibing knowledge in this so- j Crosse, Wis., have recently purchased cial way. tl10 complete catalogue trade of th The morning -ssion was ridled to ' Northrup, Braslan, Goodwin Co., of order at ! o'clock at the Fnnke opera 1 Minneapolis and Chicago. This gives house. President Skinner presided. fhe Salzer Seed Co. the largest cata Nominations for oflieers of the gen- j 'Sue mail trade in the world and they era 1 association was the first busim ss ! are la splendid ehape to take care of taken up, and nominations will le voted on by ballot at the university library building until 4 o'clock Thurs day, and the result soon aftorward an nounced. Several committei s were appointed, the most important lieingone to revise tho constitution. The only speaker at the morning session was Col. F. W. Parker, who poke noon the "liidcpemlencoof Stud- ies and the "New Ooography. jt the eveninir session the teaeners listened to a thought -arousing address by W. llawley Smith upon the subject of "The Common I'eople and the (am nion Schools." His address was a most excellent one, and the speaker was fre fjuently interrupted with apjilause. The )rimary and college sections of tlie association held interesting meet ing and elected oll'iccrs. The high school and grammar sec tions also held meetings lull of inter est to teachers who are engaged in these branches of education. A Child Study society was formed v!th nearly lifty members. HOOVER MUST HANG. layer nf l ouaeilriimi Dnlioi of Omaha l-llllllll (.iiillv. The jury in t he mii'd. r ease of Claud II. Hoover at Omaha retired Saturday at 11 a. in. and came into the court room Sunday morning at 10: 1 a with a i-.i .. ..,... i.... ;., ii,., iit .h.irn.f. V I I 1 1 II L Ol Jlllli'li I in in ni-i ... and iixed the penalty at death. Thi was the most rapid work ever seen in Omaha or the state, 1 he act occurring but sixteen days ago. On December 13 Hoover ij'.iarrelled w it h Samuel Du bois, his brother-in-law and a councilman-elect, and was discharged by the latter from his employ. Hoover then trot drunk and coming upon Dubois io a shoe shop, shot him without warning . and Dubois died the next (lay. All ine evidence was one sided and the verdict occasioned very little surprise. Tho I'linriff-s lisirovi-il. Charles li. Penney, who ,n ('apt. for som at Pine years past been Indian agent Pidge and who litis been re- moved, leaves with a clean record, not- j withstanding the charges of dishonesty that were preferred against him by In spector ('adman and Special Agent Dickson. Captain Penney is in receipt of a letter from Commissioner Brown- in which the Commissioner ISrown- in"-. in wnieli ine commissioner rvivn that he finds that the charges reflect ing upon Captain Penney 's honesty have not been sustained. This is very gratifying, not only to.C;tptuiii Penney, but to his many friends in Chadron, who regret his departure and whose best wishes go with him. Yiiiip'; H'oieiiii ISmlly Injured. Ford Clilhroe. a young man living eight miles northwest of Fairmont, came to tow n Monday morning to take his sister home. Nion after starling j home the i down, which liviuge tongue dropjied so frightened Ihe horses that lln-y became iinma nagea ble. I he end of the tongue ran iu under I he sidewalk and threw the buggy over on the horses. .Miss ( lit hrm- was rendered unconscious, her face is badly cut. one ear being nearly cut oH'. and a bad bruise on t he back of t he head. Mr. 'lit H roc got nil' wild a badly bruised arm. I r:n lnrcil His skull. Joseph Linika. a iiro-peroiis farmer living near I,:ivreiMe, met with an nc ( ident Tuesday evening wh'-h l-roved fatal in a few moment.-, lie started out to haul a load of straw. His team became frightened and started to run, throwing him from the wagon, the wheel passinir over ii'sheud. fracturing bis skull. Mr. l.imka leaves a w ife and three children and a b-.st of ralativcs and friends to mourn his death. His remains will be interred in St. Stephen cemetery. Injured In a Itiiiiuna). I.eoree Aldrege of Fairmont reeeivcii si telegram Tuesday evening from May , mi i .1. stating that hi'- falher-iu-hiv., .1. D. Chamberlain was .'.( I hurt in .1 iiiiiawav I and telling him to come .it l.roi" the best stllvriotl lie ,,,i,l,l tind in Lit in. Mr. hum! i rlain c ..I.I ,v,i,l,-it nf Ian. lion! an i III .veil to Ma v.i.o.1 -i ,v vi-.H'-.tg, Ilio-I Willi Knivr-.. ci noli Mm Si'i:i., Mo. Jan. I. Wii liatii l;,-iie lied l'"C Hoe fouu'l.t with knives at ll dance tit Hoe's h'Mise, west of town, and as a re-iilf llec.- is fill. Civ injured ami b icnin-ry N ilou"t till." I aril, W I li I. l ilt uho-.!. V.IS ,ll"l !..! . n I." 'V.I t . s 1 1 III lit .1 1 the an I mi I II ,1- I.ll-t' I'll,,,! i ,- ... -i iv ii b no iu I . It 11 : I ill;,' III the ti i . in r.oi He iv. is i le.-pl'.l!. h.i.l l-.li.i v. tc n- " e V ' II. ,l t t. s.i- l; I 111 "HI i ,.l ' .(,! th, I h. a,, . I I - .... ,v .1 I, e ;.i.. SM ii .nut li s IV II " It . ;.t Ihe , 1 ' Origin of on !i Kirln-f. Thts question i.ioft.'n ns1od o.s totha origin of the o t-nsf.l phrnse, ' Uead as a uoor nail, but is not always an swered readily. The following expla- nation recently appeared in tho Chicago Journal of Commerce. "Tha door na.il in parlicr ti:ius vena fV pa:j on tUli door upon which tho old . . . . . . . iasnionea unocner sirueic to arouse the inmates of the house As the nlato same, as they have recently completed a large addition to their mammoth need houses. Tlie IJjOC catalogue is Just out and the largest ever issued. Sent to any address for 5 cents to cover postage. W. N. Since the substitution cf electricity for animal power on street railways 115,000 horses have lost their Job nearly 71 per cent of the whole number formerly emDloved. "Hannoa'B UeIo Cera Salve." W'arranteil to tui-o op ir.uney 1-nfumleU. Jink' yotiff iruxjitt fur it. l'l h 15 ceutj. Sir Ldwurd Mulct, after a long nnd sue eessful diplomat ie career, is now employ ing himself writing opera librettos. FITS All Fit Ktopi wil frrj-liy Ir.Kllnr'fl?rt erm Hv-Morvr, 1' H Mill it I M. iii-m u;i uc. Jliirv.-lou.ii-ul'i-. Tr.-aTiseuii'l tUlr.nl Ui!iiMn't- fcacuACA. bci.a Utii: Kiiwt-.liol .aiviu&L.i'iiiia., I Komo tieui!o get, u great reputation for philanthropy by iudiieing other pcoplo to lot them give away their money. If tho itahy Is Cutting Teeth. Bestir and usj that old and wcll-trlod rf:nilr, Mn V.'iSifcow'uSooTiii.-ia Sykcp tot (,'liil.iren TocthSnj- Henri Diuiunl, louiiiler oi the Ceneva Pcsl Cross league, is liviug ia au old age lu st itution. tIi.ginnn''itiiiplior lev wll li Clyt orln. Til-'orijomil and nnly Knwni.. I.'ure.i huppi-ii llamU ;uid tiicc.Cilaoui-'-i,iic. CO.CUi-iiCo.ti..iiaV'-L.i;i. i There never was a sheep so old that tome ' resiaurant or hotel liar would refer to it as - n luitib. Rich I the f onr-dation of hpsllh. The way to have Ilica, lieu, iiealtiy Ulcoci i to talie Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. j . cl'llUJ. Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. ray more aad you are ex travagant. Pay less nnd you are uncomfoi table. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist S!eepcr3 are used for our i Personally Conducted Lxcur.sions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. 'ou can join them at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. I'lt.vNCis, V. A., Omaha, Nob. Wii MACHINERY tiiMn.t.11 u'n'.netl.. tihr.irini? VKf.t.jf VNl JKI1I.NO 11ACHIM I(V, etc. srNT FKf. liBve bcoa tebloil cad all icarrunCd. 'lull I'ltr l:nit!n 'il Irr-n Work, fjuCrUM'ii " til lrll Mil. I'll. Mlllllt. II. Iiiwh. -aE ItOWEM l lll'l M' lllir!'.T t'o . 1111 VVf.t riHii-tiln MriH-t, Kftn.ft. I 11. Patents, Trado-Marks. Y i u .tin lliv. Uiii.,1 ii I a rm " V.l-i in. H r I t 'r' (til-U if If T.:r.;-:', WHY DON'T YCU EUY COIN? l' ! l -li li l' H it Li( Mi It' u!i i r ' m in ll i' " I t i r n.fciM. A tL, I "" ' jjsr.fisU'SviJ'ivj tii.i.ti.i-i..i.. it. . OSiieeesisfui'v fron'ut-'t Cl.lti. 1 I a C r 'I- i.si I . I ' ' I "III ai... 1 i,. J... B Jj ,.1'U. I l-l.. I , ... ...iu. ., t i . a. Cntfa STOVE REP ill. VOlkS Ifiatta lli.nlis f,.r 40, III. O illlT. mil lint a a) nnal riigMi lii'i uiil avi .imnilia. 'a-n lar.ilii II i tii f I io. I lit ! I klloM.'j.tlltHtral l.ti'iv" 0 I1..M l .....Oi t , . rim J.iiL.l.ta. yiood lisag MM mm Wm&m HAIR bAI.SAM J foi&t y iSrf d ;, ln'i-i'l r"" S5?'''JN.Ii' rlt l' MW, rmj I ' J 1 I ,r.e -t V ..-(,' Mr V III- I v I. I ,m ri. i io'.' I .! I I . .' " ' tin ! 4 ! i li ... I..,-, , n s .1 in it ..II, till. i. 1 -.t '0 f i.l I 1 at . j.. ii r. I1 ill-,-.- Ml. I II r of Ho li,tr II. ! I i-v II I. tic I . te I,. N. IT. No. 1. 1RP. ,yr: r j'j v n. in Th i pji-t v. i V.'r ', j ta n AJftft itr, ,1' a- .ii p II A, , , , i I ' I'll j'' jlC.lt '.:l, . s ' , it II 1 1 I la I . ili Ii i.'l-l In n. I VV I I..-.1. I II I ! M..,. I. M' I . ' II t. !,. t I. li I ir il v. I. .! tt j, ..( L X