The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, January 03, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. III.
NO. 30
Morton an Anarchist and IIill a
Tide-Waiter Financier.
A Cyclone Strikes the Republican
Craft and There is Mutiny in
the Forecasts.
Bonds in Times of Peace is What
Did It.
fit seems that Washington has been
seething vith excitement for the last
ten days. The Associated l'ress has
suppressed much and glosses over a
great deal more. The readers of the
1 N J)WKMk.nt have presented to them
a vivid picture of the light against plu
tocracy in the following columns. F.d.
A Row in the Senate.
Washington, Dec. 27. Special.
There was one of the liveliest spats in
the, senate to day that has occurred for
a Jong time. Jlill got onto the old
thread bare stories that were sung so
long, to loud and with ill conceivable
variations during the silver sessionviz,
preserving the public credit. Teller got
hot under the collar as soon as the notes
of this old song struck his ears, and as
mum.') as Hill sat down he sprang to his
feet and said he wanted to enter his
protect against the repeated assertions
m-sde by the executive department, and
now in the senate, that the government
:'3 bankrupt. He made that protest be
cause the eecuritiesof the United States
weie 1 giltedged-' securities in every
nrket of the world; and never had
S discredited by any banker or by
body save by the executive depart-
wit under this administration, and Lv
Vat member of it who appeared as its
champion in the senate. Mr. Teller
.spoke of the contract under which
.i"l.'d wreipuM lust yea? s "a lasting
disgrace, due either to the dishonesty
or imbecility of this administration."
"We are tolo," he said, "by the public
press that we are to have another bond
issue and that it will not be as favor
able, at this time, as before, because the
government of the United States is in
greater distress than a year ago.
Against all that I protest.'
"There is not a financier,'' he went on
to say, "m the country who will not tell
' you that we can place our bond? on the
i V market at 3 per cent and sell all that we
I V want to. At the p-oper time I will ex-
jl press my opinion upon the department,
from the president down to the 'tide
waiter' who now assumes to speak on
the financial matter."
At this, the senators burst out laugh
jug and Hill who is always as white m
u corpse, took on a look ten times more
like a cadaver than usual. He arose
and began to speak in a slow measured
tone, every accent charged with passion
and hate.
lie said he was in aid of the public
credit, and not against it and he was
probably as competent to discuss fi
nance as the gentleman who hailed from
the wilds of Colorado The bitterness
was in the tone more than in the words.
The truth is that there, is a fierceness
noticeable in everything said on the
money question of late. The sides arl
f'1 'i ttiuir farther amrt I'Vitv ihiv. There
. " '
jini no compromises possible, now.
r'l lands of iron and rivets of hteel cannot
M li'ild the silver men and cold bus's in
V 'the Kline party when they net tempered
up a little more. That day is in-t far
off either.
Silver Republicans Rebel.
W niixikn, I'C. 'JS. i. special. i
Long before the gallery doors were
opened great crowds thronged th c irri
dim lo wa'ch Tom Heed hut ;i li-md
toll through. Th wh"le dy n foil of
loafer every rtj.ul lie. in niigrc-v-iiiaii
having promoted half of hiM-on-.titiii nft
place if he were tfd and t)n"-e
to tiers j tunned tl building t I k i'c li l.oid of All, I mil "tee I, put
through ,i U!id Pill Hi timet nl.iti"U
to the W lhei of the Atlter.e 'It p ople.
Ilriderilt lioit'.t li. : i. tr-ii el id,
i i'M t trti ti-ij rule providing f r t
('.'i. f, of the t..l lt ! I tintd ro , ! . K
'!s ,ltet ci. and at nit ! o
i. o t. til " flt'l H o'llwk. it' d at I
i k to in. tro t 4Uf on -.
,'. I 1 V- li.
I !,. t i t w l It ! I '.., t, I t I i,' ,?
-i i o r l-ffore I It" l I'O , ( ,1 li I
hi' l p I l I "g. H U t ( ' I
..- i..i i'.. it iii: 4 d. i ,r .. t i.
. ' o!:e,- !!!... . I
'i ; . th" i.I f ! 'i ' :
i 1. 1 t u. ) if i ' - - ; . i
full force the old republican tub and
she not only sprung a leak, as Church
Howe remarked.but the pumps wouldn't
work, some of her masts went overboard
and her sails hung in ribbons.
Dingley, who was on the bridge almost
lost his head when the crew began to
mutiny. The silver republicans revolted.
The first one to flash defiance at the
commander was Johnson of California.
He comes from the Sacramento district
and is a line speaker. He said:
"I am opposed to this bill because it
contradicts all the republican platforms,
and all the republican conventions, and
all the republican speeches that ever I
heard or made or wrote upon the ques
tion of the finances. Let us be cons;s
tent with our record, let us stand by the
rule which we adopted many years ugo,
that we will not issue bonds in time of
The fight went on through the after
noon and evening, during which time
Lowers of California and Wilson of
Idaho joined the republican silver nuti
neers. Lven the the old Czar, himself
begins to look troubled. During the
uay Dingley called Secretary Morton an
anarchist and said he had violated the
law as visciously as any mob had ever
daied to do.
A Vision of Donnelly.
Washington, Dec. special.
There was a meeting of republican
kickers at the Ebbitt House to-night.
The greatest precautions were taken to
maintain absolute secrecy, but your
correspondent-got hold of the main
facts. There were about 40 republi
cans present. Towne and Kddy of
Minnesota were there. Mr. Towne was
very obstreperous. He denounced the
rule brought in by Henderson to pass
the bond bill in the bitterest terms. He
sa:d it was a gag rule and he would not
be bound by it. The 40 members pres
ent represented Z western and south
ern states.
Johnston of California called the
caucus, llroderick of Kansas was
chairman. They appointed a commit
tee to ir.form the Czar that they would
not vote for bonds, in fact declared
their independence.
TfirMrrnlsotanicuibtrs ?rere excep
tionally rampant. Tj'ey have, without
doubt, the fear of Ignatious Donnelly
Hiidhis paper always before their eyes,
and dream at night that the populist
vote next fall will banish them all to
the continent of Atlantis. One thing is
certain. There is war In the republi
can camp.
The Way They do It.
Washington, Dec. 27. Special.
To understand how the Tom Reed pin
tocrats can pass a bond bill almost in
the twinkling of an eye when there are
at least ten million voters in the United
states opposed to it, one must under
stand the Tom Reed rules. Under
these rules the w hole proceedure m the
house has been changed. There is io
way now to discuss a proposed law, or
even oiler an amendment. The speaker,
as f ar as those things are concerned is
an absolute, unrestricted despot." There
can be no more discussion in the house
than there is in Russia when the Car
orders silence.
If Mr. Keed wants i bill passed he
jeaks to Mr. Henderson of Iowa. Mr.
Henderson walks in and the speaker
recognizes him. Then Mr. Henderson
says he has a new rule to propose. That
is a privileged question and has the
right of way over every thing. Then
J!r. Henderson reads his rule, to wit:
"Mouse l!o!l So, will be taken up at
ll.'Mi p. in. Fifteen minutes will be
allowed each side for discussion. At I
p. in. the house will proceed to vote on
on the bill without any intervening
motion. On fins I move the previous
The thing is dune. The only rik'ht
hft to the American citizen who occu
pies a t-eat in the American IIoum of
l.'eprfttfuUlivt is t call for a yea and
ray vote and be can't do tint iiuleis ho
ctii pet one fifth of ad the Minuter
elee'ed to theh.uioet'i second hi motion
That Is tin prticeni which w. K"M
tl.roiu-h yestt rd ty, to authorte a mm!
mi! up of the taritf. and tint will le
tfiiic Uiioiiuh t'day t Hothorio
lil I more bole's, I he bill t'liy
went ft t nigh In a J.ify V & l
t Iiq .l ll liitl.ttle hilidful of d too
t..t tt t liLe w !i! i 1 1 or, l-.itn lot
g n I In l; e.. I! they f, i. ny eoiir
n' 1 1 a M al d i.H' ! I.. 't.t tl i r redd
ki t. p t H' ! tl a t'linj wv I'm!
I!.. I o ; ll.. y : c, t u .it t I' .!!.
1 ! i ) u e the fhijr t,e tr ; tr . f t!..
C t .H u y f In' i f t! . r h i1. b f
' f i ii . 1 f . li II. 1ii t'.c l i l n
..if, 1 1 1 - In"' f I !.. f-.t. r. t I . !. .
i - i i . I, t i. 1. i r ,o t i- I it i ' e
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printed before he left office. The origi
nal order was exhibited in the house
When the vote was announced every
man seemed ashamed of himself There
was no demonstration. They just
sneaked out of the house and went off
to the saloons and hotels, tkansij"
Contested Elections.
Washington, Dec, -r'- (SpeciaL)
There are thirty-two seats in the pre
sent house which are contested. Several
of them by populists. This ia perhaps
thelargestnumber ever contested in any
congress, and would put an unusual
amount of work upon the committee
upon contested elections, and prevent
the members of that committee from
taking an active part in general legisla
tion. A new rule was therefore adopted
creating in reality three committees on
contested elections, designating them
as Xos. 1, 2, and 3.
Heretofore a contest in theliDiise has
been a farce, the seat nearly always
being given regardless of the, facts, to
the contestant of the party in power.
One of the most notorious of cases
was that of Tom Watson vs. Major
Llack, where the evidence showed be
yond the possibility of a doubt that
several thousand more votes had been
returned for Major Ulack in Itichmond
county than there were male inhabi
tants over twenty years old. .. ,
Majur i'lack made no attenfpt to re
but this evidence, in fact he did not tak.
the testimony of a single witness or
make any defense at all, yet the demo
cratic committee voted for Major Llack
to retain his seat.
Another game this election coin nittee
plays when they have a case of fraud
so glaring that it would bring disgrace
upon every member of the committee
to keep their own man in, is to delay a
report for the whole tw o years but bring
it in to the house in the very last hour
of the session.
Such a case occurred in the 4t)i con
gress from Maine, when a republican:
who was not elected held the seat the
whole congress. Just forty-live minutes
before the final adjournment the demo
crat vw etd,-irw-- hie uwxti.mrtd.
mileage and went home. The other
man who had held a seat to w hich he
was not elected, of course drew lus
810,000 and mileage one way also.
J'o avoid this sort of thing, the follow
ing amendment to the rules was ottered :
"That the speaker shall administer
to each member of earh committee on
elections, an oath to well and truly try
and decide each case according to the
law and the testimony."
It was voted down by an overwhelm
ing viva voce vote. So we are to under
stand that this republican house does
not intend to try the cases mid decide
them according to the law and the
evidence, but to vote in a republican
every time.
The Fear of Rothschild.
Washington, Dec. 2'X (Special.)
Tho men from the south and west, (al
ways excepting the six Nebraska re
publicans,) are furious today over Ueo.
W. Smalley's foreign letters. He is
denounced everyw here by the free silver
men for his abominable todying to
Knglish and aristocrats.
They are talking in about the same
way the populihts have done for the
last two years.
The populist are rather pleased at his
last letser for he says just what they
have been saying about the lioth.;:'iulds.
Stnalley however claims that the I 'nited
States is powerless bef me them that
the government can hardly eu;,t with
out their permission, w bile the populists
look on the House of HotLichilds with
I-i his last letter siualley sajs of the
"No Mtie 1 1 r tit or Kioup of linn, i r
perhaps uUother lirms together f.,r the
others never all act together haw an
equal authority in tin-nioiiey markets
o l-'.iirope, Stop, but they are nrirti
more th in Unit, tin y Hre Ihetrmted ud
, i'-cM, fchil li. ore thai; the ltd twit of
goeflill:eli'p. 'I hey control po.ciet
and politics. 'llny diitde terms t.t net uiid ivcicigii", Tl ey urt . in
mine caen, the art it r -em ui.d
IT. It l U.f)" Who t,nd the he lief t T
w tr. I l ey wie p trii.rt i m t!.e m, ii
ltte Wlllltl t!ot(if tl e 1.1-1 o. I 1 1
ti wrhio tl f Ml naht tl) I IM' been
Velclil ' all I n.i n t ;i l!i-t Alien
i an ii,wtii i 'iH Nov (!.'. "
lift' in e I! e 1
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Fcrty-two Republicans Bolt and
Refuse to Vote for a Party
JU T MEIKLE 1011 N.M llU l lt, ll A IX
VOTE foujioim: HOXDS.
Intsneo Bitterness Between Free
Silver Republicans and tho Gold
Tho G. O. P. is Split Wide Open.
Washington, I)ec.2:i. (Special.)- All
last night and all the forenoon of today,
there was the most intense excitement
in the republican camp. Desperate
efforts were made by the free silver re
publicans to gather enough mutineers
to defeat the bill to issue more bonds, or
to at leist insert the words "iiilieu"und
st rike out the wonls"in addition" so as to
make the bill read "in lieu of the pow er
now given the secretary of the treasury,"
but by 1 1 o'clock they gave up the fight,
forty-seven republicans mutinied. It
would have taken seventeen more, and
they could not get them.
. Mcikeljohn, Mercer, Hainer, Andrews
and Strode all voted for bonds. Thwe
live Nebraska congressmen and the. re
publican senator, Thurston, are looked
upon here as the most reliable gold
standard men in Washington.
The free silver republican workers
who were sent out for recruits reported
that they got nothing but insolence and
contempt when they apjiroachei Meikei
john, Mercer, Hainer, Strode and An
drews. The free silver repuplicans are ery
b;.tter against them, lor the reason that
(Vey all pretended to their constituents
lifore election.aud tolheii fellow mem
J. & u&tH"Vrfthifi the kfct tkr r focr
ijtys, that they were in favor of silver
and against bonds.
The bill, as passed, amends the re
suniptwi act so as to permit the issue
of 3 per cent coin bonds, redeemable
alter five years at the pleasure of the
the government, and payable in fifteen
years, with the specific proviso that
nothing in the bill shall be construed to
repeal the act of for the reissue of
the greenbacks, and thatthe bonds fhall
lirst be ottered for subscription at the
suhtreasuries and depositories of the
United States. The second section of
the bill provides for the issue of three
year '.I per ctnt debt certificates of de
nominations of $20 and multiples there
of in amounts not exceed ing$o0,000,0'0
to meet temporary deficiencies.
Ihe men who prepared this bill ai d
forced it through under a gag rule all
voted to issue bonds payable ii gold
alone one year ago. It is the Maine
outfit Tom lived, Dingley, Jloutelle
and Milligen.
The result of the vote to day is that
the republican party is split wide open.
The forty-two republican free silver
men who bolted are denounced as trait
ors to the party, and the bond voting
crew are denounced by the western re
publicans as traitors to the platform
and principles advocated on the stump
for the last twenty years. TJie western
men are especially defiant and bitter.
It does not look possible to-night to
keep these two hostile camps in the
sainn organization much longer. Tney
certainly represent diametrically oppo
site economical principles.
What the populists foretold uboitt
this congress ban come to pas. Tf ey
slid the Ini'Dielit it begin to legislate it
wo-.iJd spl;t, just as the deiiioctutic paity
did two years u'o.
Washington Notes.
When Hill f-keti what kit d of r t
teet hi to the treasury the imposition
oT All' ii. HutVr and Teller to pay in
iuer would M'Twaiief Alil.iina
sti cited "ti ii i ", j
If I4y WJI.I.'d Ol'il lllioiis t,-.t lit to
ititrod'ice a resolution f wni g t! ei
the ! Ilhlllijf l-t m 'J War I,, -., .llt j
h. w.t'- dotit upon p, d. , i..'itiia;i
au.ol g the le' l el.; i lu g, j
1 le tt.ri e p r em i.oo.u to run
e'i i jti a .' :. t .. i
t! . i.i ! i.o
-II ' ,lt li til ' I -ill ',
i " i t i till I i i ) i ; I . ,
i r I i l.t r. ' ,-
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I i 1 S t 1 t. M w .
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it o ' l i
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market which will make the greenback
more Viihtalili than gohl.' If that is so,
what becomes of the theory of the
"intrinsic" or inherent value rf gold,
when a pupsr dollar is w orth more than
a gold dollar.
The bond bill um ;t w as lirst drawn
was a most cunningly devised scheme
to retire the greenbacks. The uproar
that it caused among western repub
licans, (always excepting the Nebraska
contingent who are all Ruld hugsjcaiised
the committee to insert a proviso sav
ing the greenbacks, but it does not save
the Sirrf),0()0.000 Sherman notes. They
will bo destroyed if the bill becomes a
One democrat, Hutchison of Texas,
voted with the republicans for a new
issue of bonds. What will the Texans
do to him V
In tho Middle of tho Road.
A new organization of the senate was
effected last Monday, the republicans
getting control by a plurality of two,
the populists, except Kyle who voted
with the democrats, not voting.
Tho Associated I'ress report of the
matter is as follows:
This morning Senator Allen was in
clined to object tit the consideration of
tho resolution which it was understood
Senator Mitchell of ( regon would make
on behalf of the icpublicans. Allen
thought he saw a democratic-republican
alliance in the make up of committees
to the exclusion of the populists, but
when he entered the senate he discov
ered differently, and remained silent
w hen the resolution was ottered, for the
reason that he would h ave bad enough
alone. After the adoption of the reso
lution by the narrow margin of .30 to 2,
Mr. Aile.ii gave the populists' reasons
for keeping In the middle of the road,
charging both democrats and republi
cans with incompetency in matters of
legislation. Senator Harris asked the
senicr senator from Nebraska if there
had not been a deal on (he part of the
populists with republicans. Allen de
nied that there had been any deal. This
was the beginning of a verbal war.whlch
lasted late in the afternoon, giving the
crowded galleiies keen enjoyment,
f'opufists aid at "a idss to kiiow' why
Kyle voted with the democrats, their
policy being to maintain a dignified
silence. It is understood that Kyle is
dissatislied with his committees, having
had hopes of being better placed than
in the Fifty-third coi gress.
He Tells of II is Interview with
Czar Reod.
Washington-, Dec, 21. (Special.)
There was a populist caucus held of all
the populists in lioth the senate and
the house at which Senator Allen sub
mitted his free silver and greenback
resolution. It was ordered by the caucus
that the same resolution be presented
in the house, and Judge Hell of Colorado
was chosen as the man to do it.
When Judge Hell was asked why it
was not presented in the house, he re
plied :
"While the II oiife was meeting and
ii'ljourniiig simply, the I'i.puiist ineiii
Itcrs agreed in their conference io intro
duce :t resolution in the House and
Senate inviting the Finance Comu ittee
in the Senate and the Committee on
Coinage. Weights ami Measure in the
Ilou-o to investigate and reiort what
elleet on the iielutrial condition ol the
c Hry, if any, tlie, divergence between
gold and Hlvcr had. MnaU'r Allies
promptly introduced it In the Senate,
mid it passed by a good majority. 1
wiih !iis.iutel to secure recognition from
the Speaker and have him ask the House
for uniiniiiii-m.'' eonsetr, for itcoiisiilera
tioii there I oti approaching tlie
s-ieakcr, he very thoroughly exumined
my resolution, and tiniily replied, "I
Flioiild not i an. to rcedgni.e you for thin
lesoliitioii,' llioiigh toe lloase nis then
Hi id cue-.. Had It leen some lute
ioiul lueiDOin or sooilllilli,' that the
Sm-A'T nii.r'ivi d of he ..'iU!e.-s would
have es.leii.. d the courtesy .
" 1 Iiiftlt loll I lilt siiliplv to hive the
i'omii-tiieK'li'leliey ol linhvi luul liiein
ler on the w ill i f (Iio Speaker.'"
When Jiidg. I'ii 11 ii" akel what
i haiiee A inetuU'r ihe Wi t or So'ith
had to Hl'ire-H t.'.i' l.oii-e, . ad Up 11
I ill or make an aioftl Ina i.t. he lepl.e 1
" t he favored t:ite not hiiit the
i I uiritoiii-hiii of the U a utid 1 .iii
t .lotn.ttee, hut t.'.ev have the Ji. !n iaiy,
t! lhil koi iH -1 I ' I'M i.rv, I .iina.'e,
Hi i.'l i :.U I Me.i'ii.-, an I i aii'l
Il,.i!- , ' eh e aifn l ev.nth i'w '!
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Allen Says Cleveland Lied.
WtxiiiNGTrjf, Pec. 'JO, (Special).
There was hot talk all around in the
Senate today and some of it camo from
Senator Allen. Teller was hot, Untler
was hot, Allen well he was mad. He
went after Hill and the Tresident like a
Sioux Indian on the warpath. Allen
made a short speech in which he was no
less bitter than Teller when he applied
the epithet "tide waiter" to Hill.
As what Allen said .created quite a t-en-nation,
I send a verbatim report. It is
not an ordinary thing for a Senator to
intimate that the l'refidont is a liar
from his seat in the Senate no matter
how often he may do bo in private, and
at tho Rrtino time tell unother Senator
from a great sUto that what he says is
not true. Uptakes courage to do that
sort of thing. Allen is perhaps the only
man in the Senate who would dare t
do it. This is w hat he said :
"When the President of the United
States mid in his annua! ,nv swage to us
that any of tltoM? notes were redeemable
in gold' lie fulfilled the history of this
country. I am not pre pi red to say that
the President of the CniLed States knew
that the ttatetiient was false at tha time
it was made. The Senator from New
York suggested to mo that I had better
'go the whole hog.' as he calls it. I do
not want to inipiiirii the motives of the
Presidentof the United States. I want
to believe that he is the President of the
entire United States andnotof Jxmibard
and Wall streets alone. Put I say when
the President of the United Stated faid
that the greenbacks were redeemable in
gold ho gave utterance to that which all
hi-tory proves to be false. They were
specifically redeemable in coin, and gold
and silver were coined tion terms of
equality at that time and for several
years afterwards.
"V, hen the Senator from New York
say these different form of money are
redeemable in gold, that statement is
not true. The old greenback was re
deemable in either metal or in both.
Tho certificates issued under the Pland
AClison Act were specifically redeemable
in silver and in nothing else; and ac
cording to the terms of the Sherman Act
of 1KII0 it is made the duty of the Secre
tary of tho Treanury to redeem the notes
icsued under that act in gold or silver
ciin at his discretion. Those were the
fatal words entering into that act.invest
ing in the Secretary of tho Treasury dis
cretion in refereuce to the redemption of
these notec.
"The Senator from New York would
changtf the whoW law of tlieTegftHtTidtr. "
The very element of the law of legal
tender is a power or right on. the part of
the debtor to choose the money in which
ho shall pay. It has lieen so throughout
the enlirt' history of the common law.
There is not a state in the Union where
the law is to the contrary today. Yet
the Senator from New York, by this res
olution, would change that common-law
rule and invest in the holder of the
bonds of the United States the right to
demand a ppecillc kind of money. I
want to call the Senator's "attention to
the fact that that gold reserve was estab
lished in 1S7',), when there was not a
statute upon the statute book authoriz
ing it. and there has never been one
Rood's Railroad Committee. ,
Washington, I)kc, 24. (Special.)
Huntington has the House committee
on Pacific Railroads fixed up to the
desire of his heart. Powers of Vermont
is Chairman. Heed's determination to
insult the West at every opportunity has
here a good illustration. The man he
has chosen is not from any of tho states
interested in a just settlement of the
questions involved, but as far away from
the etates interested as it is pissible to
get one
That however, was not the principal
reason for the apjoifitment of Powers.
He was appointed for the sole reason
that he is Huntington's pet and confid
ential man in the house.
When the priqiosiuon was hefore the
House, to loin the Pacific roads $100
0tu,o00 for l'.'-'i years at two per cent..
Powers was Huntington's chief spokes
man. He made a long speech in support
of that proposition.
Af'.er he had finished his fpeech, Boen,
the ixipuliH memlier front Minnesota
went up 'o Puwert and said:
"All iw me 1 1 congratulate you on
your effort."
"I am glad" Powers replied "that
yon a Imired the Speech."
"I did not u luiirw t: tqtcerh" replied
f'.iM n, "but I could red help admiring
the gall of a man who could utattd up
Ifh-re an audiencof American citin
tint make kih Ii a t-jx ci h, I don't ludiev
there i another man in the United
Mates w r.h brAH eitoii hi hi tJ
id., it."
j 'Unit i tl man that Tout Keed hat
j put in chsrg" of tin' Pa irlc riilrosd
eoniliutlee, nil I tin-other mcinlx-fn, with
tao or th'en cx.vpti in tin hkt unto
I. ol
Ad th. oil;ht ! I a u; id ft
. i' . -ii t !! l i the fi puhH. farttie' i.I
i Vi-I t.i.k. vh i did their p.M t' l'!P
I l Hi!tlao lit out hi pi in I y ett .
i ii . P i ,.i ' I- Woa I utt .fliey l. r pre
jfi',1 t'.eui in I .. iut I M - " n itc
r, ;r t!n.i ,imi n e"' i- ' vw i
il.tkNU Ail tfu. - .1 t