The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 9

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The llarqals of Nayv, Who l Arcnned
of the Murder of His Stepson The
Ji'w Woman' Daring Breach of Eng
lish Customs.
WO social sensa
tions of somewhat
similar nature are
just now vastly
agitating French
and English people
respectively. The
first Is the trial of
the Marquis de
Nayvrs for the
murder of his
wife's Bon, la the
course of which, not only certain char
acteristic tendencies of French life are
brought out In strongest relief, but the
extraordinary and to the Anglo-Saxons
the seemingly infamous perversion of
justice in French criminal procedure U
dramatically Illustrated. The Marquis
is himself the son of a French officer
and a young glove-makor, who subse
quently married. He advertised for a
rich wife, and the young daughter of
a distinguished lawyer was offered to
him by her parent's with tho frank
statement, however, that she had a son
by her father's gardener. The Marquis
found no objection, and ho and his
wealthy wife lived many years in ap
parent happiness, two children being
born to them. The Marquis Is now on
tho dock on the accusation of his wife,
but she lived with him, and even wrote
him affectionate letters after the date
at which she swears she became con
vinced be was the murderer of her
first born.
Ho on his part swears the accusation
is the result of an unbounded influence
over his wife gained by the Abbe ftous
selot, their domestic chaplain, who, he
says, desires to occupy his place as the
master of his household. Incidentally
it appears the mother-in-law took the
warmest interest in tho welfare of her
daughter's son, that the grandfather
had settled a handsome fortune upon
him, and that he was to be educated as
a prlesL The trial has developed
many other extraordinary, but appar
ently not unusual features of domestic
lifo among rich French provincials.
The reports occupy many columns daily
n the newspapers and no Action was
ver more dramatic nor apparently
lore improbable. But tho most re-
narkable and to us the most shocking
feature of the trial, is tho revelation of
how the full power of French law is
exerted to bring an accused man to the
guillotine. It will doubtless be news to
most re 'dors that a man may be ac
cuser In France of any crime on un
sworn testimony; arrested absolutely
at tho pleasure of a magistrate, and that
from tho moment of his incarceration
until tho magistrate finally binds him
over for trial, :io legal process can
either get him out on bail or even per
mit him accesn to his friends, to coun
sel, or to evidence against him.
There Is no habeas corpus, grand jury
er anything similar to them in France.
Asked during the trial why he had
Mgncd without reading the report of the
fvldeuro before the examining magis
trate, the Marquis der-lturd had he not
riotio bo he might have been kept in
trlsun for years before coming up for
Hrlal or bcinfc able to secure counsel.
lot only is the examining magistrate
itHUctlcally prosecuting officer, but sn
& wk was
ff ml
'Lpihe Judge who Is trying the accord.
CMjrtil tinus ntlp.mattied the ikviinmI a
T.n assassin, and hrn the MarquU de
viated 1:0 bad not Riven infi'l iti.iti.iii to
l!:e police of IV death f t!i b, -4im
he did ii. t I0 them la ii;mKi'
public bin wif.-'is dl.iti'uier. IV J i ! re-
I lied that th pw.h'r, t ' MtnH.
eliteil to llMC l I ,t I t .Ul fili 1,1
Mr on honr r
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be an open protest against legal matri
mony. Americans have been informed
of the various public proceedings in tho
affair, but probably not of the very in
fluential aid and sympathy the young
lady hs.s received in the best press of
London and the provinces and other
notable quarters.
The fact Is symptomatic of a recent
great change In English public opinion
touching natters of this sort. The out
rageous public promenade in music
halls are defended by half tho London
press. On the other hand, the estab
lished church is setting its face rigidly
against the religious marriage of per
sons divorced.
The open protest of the church digni
taries, supported by the Duke of New
castle, against such a marriage in a
fashionable London church last sum
mer, Is to be Boon repeated at the forth
coming similar notable wedding cere
mony of a guardsman to the daughter of
a peer. Tho couplo havo been duly
warned of the intention of the members
of the Social Purity League to denounce
them at the very altar. The famous
London doctor who signed the certifi
cate of Miss Lancheslcr's Insanity de
fends his action by quoting her admis-
vK. ' . V ......
at she knew she would have no
legal claim on her lover for the support
of their children, and by saying that as
he would be justified in pronouncing
her Insane if she declared to him her
intention to commit physical suicide
so he was justified in forming the'same
opinion on her declared intention to
commit moral suicide.
Jerome Conceit hargpil with Killing
III Wealthy Adopted I'arfnls.
The police of Haltlmore have an
nounccd that they have discovered
most damaging and convincing evi
denee against Jerome Concell, the 13
ycar-oid boy who Is under arrest,
charged with the murder of his adopted
parents, Capt. Frederick Lang and his
aged wife. The victims lived in the
suburbs of the city, and Capt. Lang is
supposed to have been worth $100,000
The house was entered on the night of
Nov. i, the two old people were liter
ally pounded to death with a hammer,
and the house rilled. .Suspicion fell on
young Concell and his brother, both of
whom were arrested on election night.
The brother will be released, but the
police claim that they have found
bloody clothes belonging to Jerome,
diitl that he wore shoes which fitted
perfectly the tracks left by the mur
derer. It is also asserted that gunny
sacking was used by the murderer to
muffle his footsteps, and that portions
of this material were found clinging to
tho shoes of the accused. The boy
maintains a stolid demeanor, and does
1 :s
not wHii to realize the enormity of tut
charge nc.-ilnst hi:n.
urni'ii 4rr f rrrd.
Yoi n;;iy krnv. ;i! !'. star
Cii'.ir from Nepi ine t ; M,ir;
nil l.i.iy 1i.ih i n ry .! tea f by h'.Tt;
It ' l.p In I) Ht;l
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l'lirjr IliiTe a KnnwleilKn of llifi t'in
Hint III Vici of Herbs, anil Woe Itctliie
the Sahjuct Who I in-urn Their i::iuiitr
11 ii iu it ii Sitf'rlllce.
WO English trnv-
niers left Gonaivcs
with the purpose
of exploring the
mountainous in
terior of tho Island
of llay.ti a few
years ago. Two
years later ono of
them reached
Fort du Fays n
broken, emaciated
wreck of his former self. From him
was ascertained the fearful fate of his
companion and the awful talo of his
own detention and Bufferings anion,;
the natives. They had witnessed tho
sacrifice of a child to the voodoo fetich
and one of them had paid the penalty
of discovery with his life, whilo tho
survivor died not long afterwards
from the effects of his frightful ex
perience. While undoubtedly the con
ditions which -mado such an episode
possible are Improved by tho Interposi
tion of a strong government, there aro
still in practice customs of which the
public has little conception. The .race
instinct for fetich worship is strong. In
tho midst of the mountain fastnesses,
there lives a savage race of full African
blood, which retains tho superstitions
and practices of its ancestry. Even In
the sea-coast towns and among the
Creoles the voodoo influence remains,
especially In the lower quarter, such as
Piscat and Bcllaire, in Port au Prince.
The priest of this religion Is tho obca
tnan, and It is almost impossible to con
ceive of the fiendish nature of his hold
upon tho people. Not only is his power
used among his devotees, but It is even
directed against any white who may
offend him or his followers.
Herbert Siordet, a civil engineer of
English birth, who had recently gone
to Port au Prince, was engaged In the
construction of a bridge at Petit Goave,
a small town upon the Gulf of Go
naives. During his work he was one
day provoked into chastising one of the
negro workmen, and as a result he be
came the object of bitter hatred. 15fu
fore a week had passed he was af
flicted with a rapid swelling of the
right leg, which soon became so serious
that he was compelled to abandon his
work and to return to Port au Prince,
Although he consulted the best medical
aid available he could obtain no asbsl
ance, and the edema becum so
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possessers of a remarkable knowledge
of the toxic, properties of Herbs and
shrubs. This knowledge, together
with the other secret lore of their
priesthood, Is transmitted from father
to son, although occasionally possessed
by a woman, and in this manner tho
hold of the obea men upon the people
is maintained as acquaintance with
these matters is the possession of the
priests or obea doctors only, they are
enabled to perform many acts that aro
beyond the comprehension of their fol
lowers, and to sustain In their minds
that superstitious reverence which Is
the basis of obea practice.
Since the obea man is feared as ono
possessed of supernatural power, dis
closure of his hideous performances is
rare. The negroes of I f ay tl are of
Wagonda and Matabelo descent, and
their obea practice Is undoubtedly the
natural continuation of the witch-doctoring
of the Congo basin and Zulu
land. A case which came to the writer's
notlco in the vicinity of Port au Prince
illustrates a further source of power
possessed by tho leaders. The captain
of a Norwegian 'Jark which had been
wrecked upon tho Connives coast fell
into the hands of tho natives, who de
tained him in Piscat. It is supposed
that he had pried Into the secrets of the
obea practice, which Is tinder (he ban
of tho government, anil that the blacks
held hlin to prevent exposure. As theso
agencies aro necessarily constrained to
secresy near the cities, investigation in
this ease was extremely difficult. How
ever, tho writer with the guidance of
a friendly negro, visited the house
where the unfortunate victim was at
the time concealed, and found him ap
parently deranged. Close examina
tion proved, on the other hand, that the
seaman'a condition was that of a hyp
notic trance, in which he had already
remained for nearly three weeks, ab
solutely under tho control of the obea
doctor. Three of theso fellows wcr
present in the hut at the time, all
wrinkled and bent with extreme age,
but betrayed much mental power In
their keen black eyes. So completely
was the captain subject to their will
that no effort could induce him tc
make his escape
As hypnotic power is necessarily ex-
erclsed apart from the rational facul
ties, its possession Is far more fre
quent among tho strongly Imaginative
and the less rationalistic races than
among Europeans and Americans. The
Hindoo priesthood and among the
Japan' se the Shinto are, by the exer
cise, enabled to afl'eet seemingly super
natural wonders, In like manner this
powtr predominates among the African
races, and has In en carried to this
Vi'etCern world by the slave people who
swarmed into the West Indies a hun
dred years npo. The voodoo doctors
poiwss it, iilong wlih their knowl
edge of vegerable and animal poisons,
and ro maintain their supremacy in
I lay 1 1 and San Homingo, and to a lesser
degree iiiiiiui-r the other Islands. In
fpito of the elTorts of the government
and the prenclilng of mU.-loniiricH.
Living its they do In little hamlets
of ti limit a iloen huts, n hitiidr"d or so
I huk of both ivxm form a complete
'oiniiiiiiiity. Each v i II ti;e Ii.m Its obea
il.i. tnr, it'Mn i a!i ' a 'eiulr;ive f How In
ndv.'ft. i"l ,i'-,irc. v. ho? nrd Is the law
ef the phti p. The In lief in wltehe be
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rorrtgnFri Fn)oy Ttthtng AdTantac of
Their Icnoritnrr.
In a quiet way the Italians get a
great deal of amusement out of tho
English and American tourists, says
the t'hiciitro Itccord. On a steamer
on Laico ('omo the captain was in
terrogated by an KnrliMh woman as
to the name of a certain mountain
peak to which the pointed The
captain did not know, but ho did not
Intend to confess his ignorance. He
flanced ut the mountain i question,
then nt the woman. Her main charac
teristic was e:ubonpoint. And tho
captain, suddenly inspired, gravely
replied: "Monte Stomacho." Tho
woman, in all fierlousness, described
in her little note-book tho mountain
and gave to it the name the captain
bad ued. An American lady was
visiting the Plttl (jallery at Flor
ence, when sbo came to a picture of
FopeLeothe Tenth, in which the
popo is represented in a sitting posi
tion. The lady studied her Ilaodekcr
industriously, then looked at tho
picture, then ajain sought Informa
tion from Laedeker. She was puz
zled, and, finally turning to a gen
tleman near, who happened to be a
profebsor from tho college at Padua,
'said: "Could you tell me, sir, what
madonna is this?'' "La madonna
della seegiola" ("Tho madonna o(
tho chair";, said tho professor
The Moilrrn Mother
Has found that her Uttl ones sre Im
proved more by the pleasant laxative,
Ryrup of Flfts, when In need ol tbs
laxative effect of tt penile remedy, than
by any other, and that It is more ac
ceptable to them. Children enjoy it and
It benefits them. The true remedy,
Hyrup of FIrs, is manufactured by the
California Kip Syrup Co., only.
Collector That old Slopay in too darn
polite. Kditor Kb! t'olioetor Everr
time I bring bin hill j tells me to call
A CoroF, Corn cm HoukThio,it requires
Inimedfite nttent.ioii. "Hhown's tinoN
chiau Tnocues'' will iuvariably glvsrelier.
Blsmsrck's bedroom contains only three
piece of furniture a lare washstaiid, a
mall camp bedistend and a bootjack.
I have found 1'Iso's Cure for Consump
tion an unfuillng medicine. F. H. I.otz,
lliOi Scott St., Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1891.
Charles IhIHif m, a nephew of Wendell
Pbillii, in the cliuf iu a rcktauraut in
l'ortliinil, 0:e.
If the naliy I Cottlng Teeth.
Bttur tndmjtlittuld end writ tried rm'lr, Hu
. Wu.tiw'i3urHiKa Si ri r fur Children Tt)ilog-
"I thought het-bowed a good deal of con
eern when I told him j ou were ill." "So
doul t; i owe bim .().
FITS-" FH'otopped free by Pr.Kllne'e flreil
erYu ICmiiirrr. Ko Kiuittler ihf lirtiniuy'i, uut.
Jlaielim-ur'. Tri-ullMiBiiil S'JInal iki! i Ir f ri ti
1 lUuo, baud t HI', k liut ,f:il AiuU bt.,l'U)., 1 .
Elizabeth Cadv Stanton N falling lenson
on the piano. She junt culetiruted ber KOth
"Hanson's Hagio Corn Salve."
Warranted to rnr or muncy mfumleU. Atk jout
SruKylut fur IU I'rlc ItceuU.
'Stick to me end you'll get yourself iu a
box," said the envelope to tho stamp.
Cm'i Cough Ilafvmn
I iholdet and bet, Il will liritk up itl'olfi quirk,
cr liiu liiijtblBKClse. H b lwnv rWlnble. Iivlt
"I don't want the earth." "Youeom to
have soiiiethfnx of the worlil.'1
The rmltlug- poncri of I'arkrr's (ilnsiir
Tonic rta'ier It unili'iii'Utniile ui rvi-jr bouie. SU'm
i b truutilci, culdt suU evcrjr furuuf illmreH yield
ut it.
Mark Twain says that the
tale anything but a joke.
A ral will
Oet nindoreorns anil as It
If yoa wnt to rmilf it he cumfort of i.rluf without
corn, ll wko Uisia out perfectly. 15c. miurugt-liu.
Mary Ann, kitchen lire; kerosene can,
Coldeu lyre.
Jacobs Rheumatism,
vll Tt cure Is certain, snre.
Timely Warning.
The groat success of the chocolate preparations of
the house of Walter Bakor & Co. (established
in 1780) has led
many misleading
cf their name,
Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu
facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and
Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are
used in their manufactures.
Consumers should ask for, and be sure that
they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods.
WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited,
Stop L' alu rally
Ycu Don't tiavG
to Swear
u4 wtnnlo
SsA S 1 I: J
S. i atv t s
I It I. ,i-7 l:i
I vrfs
"mi con.
Some say that the hypo
phosphites alone are sufficlerrt
to prevent and cure consump
tion, if taken in time. With
out doubt they exert great
good in the beginning stages;
they improve the appetite, pro
mote digestion and tone up
the nervous system. But they
lack the peculiar medicinal
properties, and the fat, found
in cod-liver oil. The hypo
phosphites are valuable and
the cod-liver oil is valuable.
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo
phosphites, contains both of
these in the most desirable
form. The oil is thoroughly
emulsified ; that is, partly 'di
gested.' Sensitive stomach3
can bear an emulsion when
the raw oil cannot be retained.
As the hypophosphites, the
medicinal agents in the oil,
and the fat itself are each good,
why not have the benefit of
all? This combination has
stood the test of twenty years
and has never been equalled.
has been rnrfoiud by the medical profeuion fix twenty
years. (Aik yaur doctor.) Thia la becauae it ilwsys
piltiMt always uniform always contain Ibt fund
torugian Coa-livrr Oil and Hypofhotpbttri,
Intlst on Scott's Emulsion with iraie-mark of
man and fiali.
Hut up in yO cent and ft, on sizes. The small to
may be enough to curs your cough or help your lwby
The Greatest led leal Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried il in over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of Us value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for oook.
A benefit is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver
or Bowels. This is caused by the ductc
being stopped, and always disappears In t
week after taking it. Read the labil.
If the stomach is foul or bilious it will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enough of it
Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed
time. Sold by all Druggists.
Mot Repair far 40,000 dlOVrrfit '.iotas.
SB ranees. 1201 Uouclas t.,Omaata, ftafc
to the placing on the market
and unscrupulous imitations
labels, and wrappers. Walter
I 1 til ill k'
yoiU'i to tl, ur.
rmttarolv oi l man
It roMUtrt'M I at ij,n
Yuu miir ifihi ta
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: only 41. Your own .lm.. .it
X.r f i I Vi M 9 r-;jfS hririiin b i a k
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AU4r aa) tur oil .
MO.llin.Ca. tmats
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