The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 8

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    V 7
r i
&, "CO.
Dealers in Bankrupt Merchandise,
An Elegant line Of
Are now Closing Out the Harr Parker Shoe Stock at one-half cost, also the Eohnian Grocer? stock for 73 Cents
O street. We also have on sale nt 1185 O street for one-half cost an elegant stock of Gent's Furnishing Good, fc
on the dollar at 1009
Dunlap and Stetson Hats.
Your Choice for 82.5(1, worth Frum $.".00 to $8.00. (
1009 O AND 1135 O.
formerly owned by J. A-
Smith. These are all First Class goods and you cannot afford to miss tins great opportunity of saving money.
1 I
1 1 1
, 1
ft I ltl IIihI Dim Clrt-ua lavorlt It
Upcoming Scarce.
There Is a wall In the New York
Ledger thai there la every reason to
tvllevc thiit elephants, like the Ameri
can bison, aro fast disappearing. In
a worker In ivory In Sheffield,
Knglnnri, endeavored, In all seriousness,
to figure out how long tha elephant
would fast. IUb own house, he said, had
In one year lined 1,2X0 pairs of tuiks,
which meant Ihp killing of more than
that number of animals, for not every
repliant yields two tusk of Ivory to
Urn ivory hunter. That the African
pecleg iH f,m disappearing there is lit
tle doubt. There are ninny elephants
In llon. and from that Island most
f those that are displayed In traveling
menageries and In zoological gardens
come. The snowman has very little
use for the African elephant, because
tie In less Intelligent than his Indian
-ouin and much meaner In disposition.
The African elephant Ih the longer
legged and smullcr-hodlcd animal.
Jumbo, who was n half-breed, had the
Jong leg of the African anil the largo
body of the Indian elephant. Jumbo
;m undoubtedly the largest of nil ele
phants, tii.'iudiiiK 12 feet 8 Inches in
fie-ight. The largest elephant remem
bered In India was one ridden by the
viceroy In ISSfl, which stood 10 feet 4
Inches. Col. I'ollock records that the
Ling of Uiirmah had a sa red white ele
phant which was two intMes taller.
the live stock got loose the other night
and ate Frank up. At last accounts the
neighbors had assembled and were set
tling the estate with their rifles.
v Slllll II tl.
fortune comes once to every door,
And usually comes no more.
When she cornea here I'll bet my hnt
The bell won't work that calls our flat.
New York fnn.
A Vnrni Welcome.
Traveler (hi a tropical paradise! I
would just love to five here. Forty
Million Natives (snakes, hugs and
things -We'd Junt love to have you
.nitl Hint.
He (at 1J p. in.)-"Wcl', misery loves
company, you know."
She (repressing a yawn) "Not at this
sour, f think."-- Detroit Free Press.
ever been oound up with the separation
of the kingdom from tho continent of
Europe by a narrow but stormy eslu
nry. There had, of course, been repeat
ed invasions and successful invasions
of her soil from the days of the Anglo
Saxons themselves down to tbe expedi
tion of William of Orange but growing
wealth had furnished ever increasing
means of resistance In the superb arma
ments which under England's Has; made
access to her shores so much more ditll
cult with every year that finally, after
the Seven Years' War, it came to be
regarded by her enemies as impossible.
On the otiier baud, the people them
selves are to this day skepti
cal, and fall Into p 'iodic pan
ics on the question. Some clev
er fiction, We the "Battle of Dorking,"
or a revival of the project for a tunnel
under the channel can awaken such
visions of invasion as to insure the
passage of any grant for strengthening
the navy. This singular distrust was
well known to the French.
On icn of
Spulii Ha (' to
Queen Christina Is about to undertake
a voyage to Austria, where her pres
ence. It appears. Is indispensable in con
nection with the settlement of the vast
estate of her uncle, the lato Archduke
Albert, who died the richest man of
Austro-Hungary; Indeed, one might al
most say of Europe, since no inconsid
erable portion of his fortune comprises
an Immense number of as yet undevel
oped mines. Of course her absence
from Spain at tho present juncture is
j extremely inconvenient, says the New
i Vftl'L- Tln.A, Tl..i it. I - i .......... .1
U is a mistake which many parents ' t " Vf V. , ,7 l"lK'"hL "u lu
.., ,u, . ,..,i . , . ' I ture 01 her children are at stake and,
j We Should I'rouoiinca It l.iiu;rroii.
1 Toledo Blade: it is correct nowadays
I to pronounce any of the afflictions that
! end in "itlfi," such as "appendicitis,"
l with the accent on the penultimate syt
le.ble, and as If the "itls" were spelled
, "eyetis." Kminent surgeons also say
"lntesteynal" for "Intestinal," and An
glicize as much as possible every tech
. nlcal word derived from the Latin. It
' seems to be a go-as-you-please with
the Creek termlnalogy as yet.
Henry Veith's
WK CAN SAVK YOl' MONEY on Anything you need in the Hardware Line. We are Hel'ing
The Jewel Stoves and Ranges
Over 2,500,000 in Use Mir Veiling l;iijnjr Tliriiinel vr.
It Is a mistake which many pare
male, that of trying to make premature j
men out of boys, and of holding them
unlves aloof from all the emotions, sym
pathies, plensitres and pursuits of
younxMers. It Is not n; tuml for boys
to be so staid, reserved, nor always
e:;-mannered, and the discipline
which rmikeg them so before their time
t1I probably distort or cripple some of
their finest qualities. The roots of a
yoting tree must have room to spread,
and, if they are Inexorably crammed
Jnto a hole big enough only for half of J
them, some are suye to he grievously
hurt ami the tree prematurely dam
aged. As for education, It must al
ways be remembered that what a boy
learns from books is but u small por
tion of his education. That which he
gathers from his surroundings and
from his home, pleasant or repulsive,
from his associations, from nature.
fr,,.n .,v,,n - i 11 ' "u P'ovohei the departure was ttie
rrom ever) tlniiB he sees and hears, goes I ., ,., . . ., , , . ,
...,;....... .ii . . . 'rd,t lnat K" discovered the k tie and
duchess whilinu awav a .June afternoon
In one of the kiosks of the gardens of
moreover, her sister-in-law. the Prin
cess Isabella, countess of Olrgent.l, with
whom she Is now completely recon
ciled, has already proved herself a most
capable regent during the absences
from the kingdom of her brother, the
late king.
Christina has left Spain but once
since her marriage In the latter part
of the seventies, and st the time she
then quitted Madrid she firmly Intended
never to return. It was a couple of
years before her husband's death and
she had been so exasperated by the
flagrancy of his Infidelities, notably hy
his public liaison with the tete duchess
of Odsiina, a Princess Soims by birth
and a dttchess of Croy by her second
marriage, that she vowed never to live
with him again, and sought refuge at
Vienna with her children,
What provoked the departure was the
ill Kir siiiitiiiioii.
The French cutlers established in the
town of Langres are determined to call
attention by every means in their power
to the absurdity of the superstition
the palace of I.a (Jranja. The duke of
Sesto. the diminutive and squeaky
voiced stepfather of the present Due de
Morny, was on guard at the entrance
and attempted u bar her progress, ller
ibout presents of knives "cutting j Hnpsbmg blood, however, would brook
friendship.-- The belief, they allege.
io luiibt tvilh some show of reason. Is
injurious to their trade. Among the
wedding gif's presented to a newly
married couple, for lust ince, one never
sees any knives, although metal ar
ticles of oilier kinds are never wanting.
The. LnugroH cuilus have therefore
no such Interference, ami, Inflicting a
stinging slap on the cheek of the jllicd
fiance of Kugenie de Monlijo (subse
quently empress of the French I, she
passed by and Into the kiosk.
It iieed! all tho persuasive power of
Kmperor Francis Joseph, her cousin,
and of the Archduchess Elizabeth, her
b.xd the French minister of public iotlier, to induce her t.) return to' Ma
works, M. Diipuy-liutemps, to accejit a
little preunt of two fancy knives and
a pocket-knife of line workmanship,
W. Dupiiy-ili temps 1ms graciously ac
p!ed the gin without sending the tra
ditional penny or halfpenny in ex
rhain' with which the superstitious
ordinarily wek in dhgube the nature of
Mn It a tr.ii!f-i!i li..n.
I if ii. M.I rrll ltlr.
An iidvaii. e of mcr .",0 p.-i cent iu the
.r(p of raw has hikn pliiee d'irlu
ih i.ot vim. During Hie In hi fiscal
year inri!c,iii niainifaciiinrs nd 9.
41 1 tie,; m in. I nf i.( pllk, and they lire
MmiI' mii;i!iiu'ies foreigner in sup
ilc g tin- ihhmU iim( Iu ttiiMiuuu
try, Hr. li .,r Him.
i n -i u u jjn.i.f to priM row un
t( l' ,i f,r !.( iiim on )on," muhI a
l.i iu in mi. i ( i l,i n'i i-in Mioi iii-) n
"'r '( cVje'i I ili( HOUIP Ullloilk
r. Iff it'-i !(..ii " nan Itii H'Jitv, "mi
fi t il fnl Ij' a ti.iirc' tlikt;iiu
I .I...--
ilrid. and this was not achieved until
three months had elapsed and the duch
ess of Ossuna had been banished not
only from the court hut even from tho
;. BauMler.
General Saussier, who would com
mand the French army la case of war.
Is past seventy years, an age at which
an American commander-in-chief
would have been long retired, but still
a robust and clear-headed man of af
fairs. He is a soldier of unusual stature,
and at present he is the military gov
ernor of Paris.
Another Sew TToicjn
"I don't take much stock in these
new woman ideas," remarked a man
from south Ceorgla yesterday, "but I
aaw one to-day I would li:a to Lave In
my corn field In fodder s-.aon to pull
fodder. Say, that woman was a James
D. She saw a street car about a block
and a half away and made up her mind
to catch It, and she did, begosh. She
nutfle a pi an re for it and whistled for
tho conductor to stop the concern. The
conductor didn't think s' vrould ever
reach the car and conseq iiitiy did not
stop. But that woman was one of the
up-to-daters and she had different no
tions from those of the conductor. She
ran like a rabbit and it wasn't long be
fore Bhe had planted her tiny foot upon
the step of retreating car.
"1 felt disposed to applaud her for
this feat, but about that time she
reached up and pulled the bell-cord and
slopped the ear herself.
"The conductor and looked
up in astonishment. 'I simply want to
wait for my dog to catch up,' she re
plied, to their Inquisitive glances.
"Now, all I have to say is this - that
If that woman is a new woiaan we need
more of them to run this country. We
need them particularly in the corn
fields." Atlanta Constitution.
We have the Finest Line of GRANITE and TIN WAKE and All Kinds of Kitchen Furniture.
We Imve a few Fetiitisular IJuruers which we will Close out AT COST.
We keep the Finest Line of TABLE CUTLERY, CARVING SETS and Pocket Knives.
You will find in our :tore a Large Assortment of Goods for
Holiday Presents!
Complete Stock of Guns and Aniintinilion. SKATES and SLEDS for Boys and Girls.
Give us a Call and be Convinced.
905 O St.
Remember the Place!
Opposite Post Office.
Hflaiijs Oil i
Formerly tbe Opelt, Corner Ninth and Q.
Into th
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From Palm IJeach, Fla., conies the
story ol a woman 3$ years of age, a
uatlve f Jamaica, who hits for ten
yearn hern engaged as a submarine
diver, ller husband, Pedro (liinn-i.
runin from n Kpaninh family of spougo
divers. Vhil at Funchial,'ira. in j
lli t'ail.ll leu, he lircHlnti !lriU4iUt(-d !
1 it h an Futilich iliwr, who iuv him
some I Ii ,ik ns id Niiiimii! inn Kpl.iratlon i
miller i li'iitlti. aii'p!i . lie weut to
IVntrsI Aiitcrlia and mei hli. Ime and '
' hi hii'iiueia imi'tner of l.t-iUy ii t'ulnn. i
on l!i ItUimilD. Hlii fe! u! i la line
of l',f imhP), iiti.l tor ten ) ir. h don ,
tl'r tn'td-r pin f thi liii.ud work -tii
h h as .t miinjci imt.uU tiir j
Mik CHll'iei Ic 't .it ill ir limn l.e dnw. ,
i a hit Utti ltvriil"d .1 UHiel aitil A ays- .
t li-iii (if ainii(M' lint thr ld tiet liux
il luii hul l netttit of ll U '
rUilie, (hit Willi lM hctmrt elll!H
hi r Uic i.liin ii.iiuiiiu a Uh h iii t
mt .i ll -i- 'ijii jiid- r n'li u i at w ill
itmi.iii a .inliii kria In a invnt
iiiti'il- altti il.- ti a laiki-
.lit ur.Min r tii- . ill it la th.i
Mill it 4 1 llu'luJii-l it' lii thn
.Aran a In -I t!lll tt U t "t t U I
Si t I -.! la I u n ha n,t
' n. r 'lift a ...irt'"f .ir an uthrlf lint at l ii ' t' Hi- -rt
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in i .t , I i ,l- I It it nimua
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ThuuKlit Hli Wu Wtli.
There waa a correspondence In the
papers some time ago about the cruelty
of leaving servants alone In town houses
while the family is away nt the sea. A
curious commentary on tho matter has
just been supplied by Htelyn's cook,
says girl's gossip iu Truth. Evelyn left
her in town for a fortnight, quite alone,
but told her she could have a friend to
tea when she IlkeJ, rnd edded: "My
mother's cook Is a very nice, superior
woman, and 1 will ask her to come
round and hae a cup of t;a with you."
After the fortnight the vum'.au a very
dlsag-'eeuhle and huffy- ro much so
thill Kvelyn told her thut site could uot
keep her utiles she could managx to lie
nil her jile.ixunter, . .it has upset
ou!" she (tiked. When upon, union
other, n. tK. ( lA tnUi, You
asked your titot I,t'w ( tut tu n;u
here fur no eihr re.vno:. t, ui to kerp
aalch on lue." S the . isna that
a.n kin 1 1 v meant i'"'i- 'i 'id Into sa
instill. It orl) f, mv to bJl wa
iitil iieiir '(.eii MUml i r. : a. tryst
m il
Ih titbit la I iii..
Him In hi I .t ! . U "s f.aj.t ii,i (tur. I
i if lh ( jut ; -it 1 l,t i l no a (Mtifii. I
t r Is vi ( ... J. nil , I hri.tim
I ii til lb'' Mil-1 i . uii.l 41 ,- !n lha j
H'lii lay m, .1 'i i a i
irr(i .1 t!ttit.i(' IU iii."iii.l . art -
I, i t, n nli ) tf
a Mr t il fttng.
I e. I t t ) lU.c-V ttiv! tUrt lujiicn
1 i' 1 l ' 1 ' !- V 'it I.lt4 (ill
IU" it n, 1 1 a k. J 4 ! . tit
! It. H,.it .,i,l
'Itiviv m tit i v 'a
i til I i I 'i ra
t f" l l 4'i
It has the le.t Location.
It is two blocks from 15. A M three frmn F. E. Sc M. V. and M.
!'.. and two from 1W Otl'uv.
It is one block from lre t cur Hue, Tliert lore it is euaily ac
ii'nil.f to all jxiinN in tlin city.
The location HvniJ the noisi and liustie tf lite tiiain stn t t.v
It haa all the tnodt rn impruv cio nt". It is newly ' u ipj !
with iii i 'onvfitieiit i ...
SjsTial itttenti n In Cmu ' Met..
Ita nt. a nr in "id ui' with the timet,
l la tun'. . t!i' umt i. mel t of all evpiivi;. i d lint. J
Dr. W. .Qneeav Tbe Specialif
TI I 11.11 It
- - ' j
'w--,-.ewi. jm
Its scientific
ami reoiOTtl
iu twenty
5J m:ni-.te
"M kDife.
pain or
loss of
& drop
of blood
DR. QUEEN cures Piles and Tu
mors without pain, knife or loss of a
drop of blood, he also cures Caterrah,
Troat, Lung. Heart and Nervous De
biiitv. bit. QUEEN has made diaeaaes of
the Stomach, Kinney , Liver, Wood and
Disease of Women a apeclalty for ,.!
thirty-live yearv lie has restored i
heHrinp u the deaf sud aiyrht to ta- J
IK. QUE EX la the specialist of f i I
OoithweM iu the Treatment and 'L '
of all Chronic ami Private Altm. t
a. - i i .... . .. a
P. L. BROWN, Prop.
Eft tliit,.', Rate ,.i.. M . r d.
til 4 'it
'Wtri l ta
Telephone 105 for the Best
Coal Cheap for CASH
Clark Coal Company.
Fuel GuurtUitet'd us HeproKi-ntcd
hartttir livotl in l.ineolu and l.ancaf
.ounty for thirty-fi'iir years. '1 1
H spplyliiif to Dr.
' J' tU Kl lll!"Tll ItVllVl 4 4 '
a i u fiHuu &U Tain trn t Uhninuti
imuiiiikk iiti tin viirtii7 AlllflffiVl
I&aIHiiI . u...i 'l.u Irln P.ll. I....tM m
Onion DIock.N.E.cor. ioth&O'
. I ale and Boarding Stable.
IV HulU 410 lVr Month.
! U.. S'aHa tVi lVr Mtith.
j r ,mike it CJm ul') i f 1 t:tr I
j...,; ISiiate
T.lrj.h.H,,. lie. i,-,-'t
H E. MOORE. Jro)-
In fin i'i t f i jl a!
s n r., r.t r.i; rt ..k u
at !, I ': al I i '..
jPnrlor b.tfbu bhop.
i(ii im-ti.iii si.. 1 'ii
1,111411 ..l t I . I . t l..'li tt th
I 4' t Si!i Hi t I '
ti.r I t . !