The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 7

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Thm t'rlnrlplra Involved in the Venezuela
Dispute Dwlareil of the Gravest National
Importance An Independent Couimlss'Ott
To Investigate in t'rged.
' Wlsms'oTox, .Dpc 13. Soon aftcf
lioth houses of Congress met to-day,
the President sent, by Executive Clerk
l'ruden, the expected message in re
gard to the Itrittsh-Venezuelan coin
jiliculion. It was at oneo read in Loth
houses, as follows:
To the Congress: In my annual
message, addressed to the Congress on
. the 3d insit., I called attention to the
pending1 boundary controversy be
tween Great Itritain and the Republic
of Venezuela, and recited the sub
htance of a representation made by
this government to Her Jtritaunic
Majesty's government suggesting rea
sons why such dispute should be sub
mitted to arbitration for settlement
and inquiring whether it would be bo
The answer of the British govern-Ttu-nt,
which was then awaited, has
since been received nnd, together with
the dispatch to which it is a reply, ia
Such reply is embodied in i wo com
munications addressed by the JSritish
prime minister to Sir Julian l'auncc
fate, the JSritish ambassador at this
capital. It will be seen tliat one of
these communications is devoted ex
clusively to observations on, the Moii
roi doctrine and claims that in the
present instance a new and strange
extension aud development of this doc
trine is insisted on by the L'nited
States, that tiie reasons justifying an
appeal to the doctrine enunciated by
Jresident Munroc are generally inap
p!icapie "to the state of thing in
which we live at Ihe present day" and
especially inapplicable to a controversy
involving tlie boundary line between
(ireat Britain and Venezuela.
Without attempting extended argu
ments in reply to these positions, it i
may not be amiss to suggest that the
doctrine upon which we stand is strong
aud sound, because its enforcement is
important to our peace aud safety as a
nation aud is essential to the integrity
of our free institutions and Hie tran
quil maintenance of our distinctive
form of government. It was intended
to apply to every stage of our national
life and cannot become obsolete while
nur republic endures. Jf the balance
of power is just ly a cause for jealous
anxiety among the government of the
old world and a subject for our abso
lute non-interference, none the less is
an observance of the Monroe doctrine
of vital concern to our pconleand their
Assuming, therefore, that, uc may
properly inMst upon this doctrine
without regard to "tin? state of things
in which we live,-' or any changed
conditions here or elsewhere, it is not
itpparent why its application may not
b invoked in the present controversy.
If a European power, by an extension
of its boundaries, takes possession of
the territory of one of our neighbor
ing republics against its will and in
derogation of its rights, it is difficult
to h",: why, to that xtcoi, such Euro
pean Dower does not thereby attempt
to extend its system of government
to t hat portion of tliis-contimi.t which
is thus taken. This is the precise
nction which IVesidcnt Monroe de
clared to be ''dangerous to our peace
arid safety," and it can make no dif
ference whether tint European system
is extended by an advance ol frontier
,r otherwise.
It lias been sueircUod in the jtritish
fVply that wo should not seek to up-
ply the Monron doctrine to the pres
ent dispute, because it does not em
body any principle of international
law which "is founded on the general
consent of nations," and that "no
h talesman, however eminent, and no
nation, however powerful. ur com
petent to insert into the crde of iu'er- j
national law a novel principle which j
was never recognized before, and j
vvhkrh has not sine? been accepted by j
t he government or nny other country. " i
I'rattically the principle for which we
contend has peculiar, if nut cxcHmvc, '
reiii'lon to the l'nited Mates. It may j
not have been alniitted in so many
words to tin- code of international i
Jaw, bul. since, in international coiin- 1
-Hs every nation is rntitli-. ti the
rights belonging to it, if the enforce-'
mem mi me .Monroe ooeirin-.! is some
thing wo may ju.tlv claim it. his its
dace in the eode of I' '
eortaiuly and as een;-e!y as it has ;
M. tv.-r.- Km-i'i lien 11 -.- ma-til ii.ti.-tl i.n.l
11 the I'nitfil Sl it.' W a suitor be-
MtlUhe hijfh tiil.ttn il that administers
yiinl.oiiiil law the iiest i,.u to !)(? .
iimiii'i i;. it' i .it ti'a , a- .T,r
..i.. : i : .t. . i. t . i . a
0J!$' ' 'oil' " ot'ii i in ju.ii in- i.i mitt,
,'ui iav iiuti m in- tjmv mm
'0 ('OM'IXt'iMl M nv if. wrx
g Tlie Mourn.- ito-ir'll flu its ri-eo -'
n '.' ion in those prii: "1 iie. of intciiia-
;' i aw wlii.-li aiehiM-l upon the
iV'tt tint' fvtrv natron tU;'l have
;l,t. pioti eted ,i;id it just i 'aims
'ii'i" t.
tifcoiire this g oei Diueut
itirviy t i,t II lent t hut tnidi i
t . n of t Irs !ort rini' t h.tV'
' i-leaf
; A i mid undoubted fiilim-i. it
' '.gnr-' I by tie- Ih ir IsU reply, 'l i e
. 4. ilster, while not I (H ! 1 1 ' f
r it the Vo ii 1 1 -irin i itppUt .,;!!
. .. ..i n 1-01141 it ,n, hi,i !. "Ju ii,.
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r.Nv't.Axn rKtj.tNES ariutratto?.
In the belief that the doctrine for
which we contend was clear and de
Unite, that it was founded upen sub
stantial considerations and involved
our safety and welfare, that it was
fully applicable to our present condi
tions and to tlie 6tate of the worlds
prog-ess, and that it was directly re
lated to the pending controversy and
without any conviction as to ih'j final
merits of the dispute, but anxious to
learn in a satisfactory and conclusive
manner whether lireat Kritian sought
under a claim of boundary to extend
her possessions on this continent with
out right, or whether she merely
sought possession of territory fairly
included within her lines of owner
ship, this government proposed to
the government of lireat Itritain
a resort to arbitration as the
proper means of settling tlie ques
tion, to the end that a vexatious
boundary dispute between the two
contestants might bo determined and
our exact, standing and relation in re
spect to tlie controversy ni'glit be mado
clear. It will be seen from the cor
respondence herewith submitted that
this proposition has been declined by
the Uritish government upon grounds,
which, under the eircuinstauces, seem
to mo to be far from satisfactory. It
isdeenly disappointing that such an
nppeal actuated by the most friendly
fee iings toward both nations directly
concerned, addressed to the sense of
justice and to the magnanimity of one
of tho great powers of the world and
touching its relations to one compara
tively weak and small, should have
produced no better results.
The course to be pursued by this
government in view of the present
condition does not appear to admit of
serious doubt. Having labored faith
fully for many years to induce Great
Uritain to fcubmit this dispute to im
partial arbitration, and having been
now finally nnpriscd of her refusal to
do so. nothing remains but to accept
the situation, to recognize, its plain re
quirements and deal with it accord
ingly. i;ot'.vt)An" inoi'U'.y and riRMr.sfl.
(ireat Uritain's preoent proposition
has never thus far been regarded as by Venezuela, though any
adjustment of the boundary which
that country may deem for her advan
tage and may enter into of herown
free will cannot, of course, ba objected
to by the I'nilcd States. AssumioL',
however, that the attitude of Vene
zuela will remain unchanged, the dis
pute has reached such a stage as to
make it incumbent upon tho L'nited
States to take measures to determine
with suflicient certainty for its justi
fication what is tiie true divisional
line between the republic of Venezuela
and JJritish tiuiana. The inquiry to
that end should of coarse bo conducted
carefully and judicially, and due
weight should be given to all available
evidence, records and facts in support
of the claims of both parties.
In order that such an examination
.should ibe prosecuted in a thorough
and satisfactory manner, I suggest
t iiat Conrress make adequate appro
priation for the expenses of a commis
sion to be appointed by the Executive,
who shall make the necessary investi
gation and report upon the matter with
the least possible delay. When micIi re
port is made will. in my
opinion, ha the duty of the l'nited
State to resist by even- means in its
power as a willful aggression upon its
rights and interests, tlie appropriation
by (ireat Ilritain of any lands or t he
exercise of government jurisdiction
over any territory which, lifter in
vesti'ntion, we. have determined of
right belonging to Venezuela.
no sri-iNt: si r.jn.ssiox to wr.axo.
In making these commendations I
am fully alive to the responsibility in
curred aud keenly realize all the con
sequences that may follow. I am
nevertheless linn in my conviction
that while it is a greyious tiling to
contemplate the two great English
speaking peoplo of the world
as being otherwise than friendly
competitors in the onward march
of civilization and strenuous and
worthy rivals in all the arts of
peace, there. i no calamity which a
great nation ran invito which equals
that which follows a supine submis
sion to wrong and injustice and tho
consequent loss of national self re
spect and honor, beneath which is
shielded and defended a people's safety
and greatness.
(inovtr. r.ANo.
Executive Mansion, 1 ! IT, Is'."..
TIia i imti ill io:i4 of till t iiitnl Hut,
Set liirlh ! Iln Mcrrelitrj.
Accompanying tlie rresldent's mes
sage in n-uard to the Venze.eia con.
piieat'on is the on tha
subject- It staiis with Secretary
iilney's note reopening the negotia
tions with (ireat I'ritain, looking to
tin ni hit ration of tin1 boundary de
pute. Thiii bears ilate of July lit last
and is uihhvssed to Mr. lanyard.
The duty of Auienea is summed up
as foilo vs. ' In tlntM' i ireiuustanees,
t lie duly of t he President appears to
him iiiii.i-i akalht and tuip?rut iv,
(ireat llri'ii'li's usM i t ion of title to the
dispute! teiiitoi' , en ml, hied with her
re.titl t ha ve that title invest igntcd,
oe.nT u siib-tiitit )u! a ppr priii'. ion of I
l ae I.VI li'irv lO n.M- IIWII use, nol lO
pIM'.est, ;ii l' , ttjiiull" that th
t'U! ae'i'Ml '.i.l li M-e;;irdi-l a injti
r ,ii lis I i I !,.; ill' i I e .'s of t he pet ! of
tiie I if. t d "Malt-il Hi Well as .p;resv
sin i. it. . Wi i.ld be lit I;- tore art
e t.i'i . in I poll Hit'i nil, rii tho
I'oiih: ii'i I e,i i eef th ai rieilitry iili)
! ":' i-'e . M !.! ihe no 4s
t. ii . .-. in piiyi-r for i i ii t ud i
fi' mi ii' t Ii it e ,' ,ire to be r
M 'I i i t , (Mint tier br.ifii'll of l. irov.
t ii in it., t u i i- , for tin Ev,-t'i.
1 ve lo ' -;ive lio h ii iuiJoiim which
11. 'If tc id t It II iff VI II d. 'tTtli.lM-
t .! i ti i sjry.'
Mr li.var. 1 o re ir I ir i I 1'iB
.in ainV. .', 1 1 lr I fll.i'ifjf ami
fid, 'iiii l .l.-iWivti ivi- iirti.
Ii ...u.
AfSt I lol I huaUi'it it.,
V.'im Vfi . "J h I. n-rvi
f l lela l'4HM lo;::it.l I .'if
1 h i' ' t if f it Hi it i f ,,i
o H... I . :,..f , f u,m !,, , tj
'' ' 4rl- llini-ft td oi .ti ,
I lllu.yl
',, l , ! r . U i i.. !." .
ft- 'i"!', ;'.? i . . i It
tf Sil t ii. P. ' ' t iw le l-IT
'in.'.ii U mi ii' ; -i j ,t ilj,
Tho mil Introduced ly Mr. llitt of Illinois
Mr. lloutelle of Maine anil Mr. C'r'nt of
; corgis A'.ono Favor a Tollcy of ( atitton
. Senator Chaiulter'a Iefeuso U:ii.
WASinNcrroK, Ilee. 10. Mr. II it t of
Illinois, Republican, rose in the House
as soon as it had been called to order
to-day nnd called f.r unanimous con
sent for the consideration of the fol
lowing: "A bill making an appropriation for
the expense of a commission to inve-ti-gate
nnd report on the ti ue division
line between the republic of Vcnzuela
and British tluiana.
"I'o it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Euitcd
States of America, in Congress asst ta
bled, that tho sum of $iOu,fKM, or so
milch thereof ns may bo necessary, be
and the same is hereby appropriated
for the expenses of a commission to ba
appointed by the President to investi
gate and report upon the true divis
ional line between the republic of
Venezuela nnd British Guiana."
When tho words were read .by the
cleric they were loudly applauded on
both sides of the chain her.
Mr. Boutelle prefaced his remarks
by the statement that he disliked to
object to the consideration of such a
bill, "but," said lie, "it seems that
this subject is one of such serious im
portance that tho House of Repre
sentatives should proceed in a decor
ous m inner to consider it. Tho
I'residcnt'ii message was read yester
day, and, it seems to me, gentlemen
may not be ready to pass upon a bill
of this importance without delibera
tion." ilP. HOlTI:r.l,K WANT!:'.I CAUTION.
Cries of "Ready, Ready" from tho
Republican side interrupted Mr. Bou
telle, but lie urged that the matter
was one which ati'ectcd the relations
of the two great English speaking na
tions of tho world. He said: 'T have
been accused of being a jingo, what
ever that may mean. 1 hope no cno
in that part of the country w here I am
known would believe that I would
hesitate in my support if the honor,
dignity or safety ol tho country re
quired, to take up arms against any
or all of the nations of the world. But
the press shows the country to be in a
state of feverish excitement. It seems
that we ought to give this matter us
much consideration ns we would give
to an appropriation of a few thousand
Mr. Boutelle referred to the Presi
dent's message us an extraordinary
one, and went on: "It seems that we
should (.end to the committee, to bo
calmly considered, this great question
and the message i l which the execu
tive himself for th.; first time in I ho
history of Mich correspondence, has
outlined the poysibili'ties of war be
tween tho two geat Anglo-Saxon na
tions Oi the word."
The bpeaker nsked: "Does tiie gen
tleman object?"
Mr. Boutelle said that he hud merely
suggested a hope that the bill would
go to the committee.
Mr. Ilitt announced that he only de
sired to say a word concerning tho
bill and its purpose. lie would do so,
lie said, "without mentioning this side,
or that side, for he hoped there would
be no two sides when it came to a
question like this. Aside iroia its
general discussion of matters o na
tional policy and interests, there was
a req.iest made by the president, for
help from the house to enable him to
exercise his executive functions.
"The first thing for us to remember
as patriots," said Mr. Ilitt, "is tha t
the success of our country depend
upon our maintaining a united front
tha our government should speak for
all tho people of tho L'nited Slates."
The suggestion of thu President was
for a judicial investigation. lie wa.s
sure it was made in the. proper spirit
and tho occasion required that the
country bhould act as one man. In
such a time tin? executive was ham
pered by every criticism that comes
from his country. It .should not be un
derstood by the British press that the
President was not baeked up by bis
country, but only by his own party.
Thu people had had a long time to
consider the Monro.? doctrine; they
might not agree wit h all the. ileta Is
outlined by tins President and Secre
tary Oincy and the discussion here
would prove a help to Ujose aer ss the
sea. He hoped the bill would pas.
Mr. llitt moved the revious ques
tion, but Mr. Crisp of Georgia reeured
his permission to say a word. He be
gun: "1 speaic lor all this side f the
House, where there W no tlivision us
to the propriety of pushing the bill.
This Bouse rto.pectfully invited tlie
government of (ireat I'.rit.iir, to arbi
trate the boundary question between
Veneidielii an I Bi it ish Guiana, (i'-eat
liritaili has declined. ,ow v, hat a re
we to do'.' If 1li' AtliCI rail peoo e
have a ficd opinion tn any qtiesi . in.
thev hale b decisive oo iihui t Mat ro
European count'-y cm acquit- t rri- j
torv mi the Aun can coii'-mnt !, ,
IMS! i nine i i r. im.i i. j
Mi. Hilt e..!r at -d Mr, trisp, in view j
l f the IllaH'lli 'll ie of Gi illl. I ,-t 4 .1, :
oUt I, i:i. to pin i;i.',.m.' a lu .1 s (
t iosi ui i f thrill. :
Mr (lisp M-iiiiiied Mr!! it
the lie mil 1 1 t!is h i I in 'r bt d l ie j
hi I ' hu h he l.nd i,t!, it,,) e i I, ,., . ;
iiililii .t if td it , ii, i ,!, i, ,:, :
;t i,i f t !, it if tie" Ii .nil Uf , iiii i.. I I
l e lts 1 tllille I I.V ii , I ' ' J t .1 i . :,
t . i 1 1 !! 1'tin lt t.! ij S'iilt. ii., i .
it i : u il ;ti i i.e." ' i i, t, ii
..t , , - T!ini I 1,1,1'iti c it.' ',i,.i,i i
i V, Ictl, ' rt. kh'iiit I litre th.- c il' i, ?
Uli 1 III !'' i ' I i net iota in II '
't M t ruti uf hi nil.-I, , it, I
o- te le Hl'f l.euloi ' I r If"
oi.. J ul M- II j 1 1 r f is.l ,t i i,.:
l' i r, tiie I the 1 1 i i.ei .in,! ,
I "I Hit. I i irie I . .' t , f
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.!nllii . , f.ird if
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b t. I
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strengthen tho military armlment.n
It directs the president' t,j strengthen
the military foice of the United States
by adding l,o:io,dOO infantry riiles,
iruns for held arti'lerv and not
exceeding "..0:10 h,. V;y jaHm for fortifi
cation. The sum of Sl.onu.OU'J is made
imm diately avmhthie for the purpose
of thu p:-op.;s.'d urmatnont.
Created a Croat Srieitl.i.n 1)1 tho t :ty of
AVaaihli Kten.
WARtnxoToy, Dec. 1'J.-The message
of President Cleveland to Congress
transmitting the correspondence be
tween Secretary Glney and Lord Salis
bury relative to the Venezuelan
boundary dispute created a real sensa
tion in Washington. Nowhe'-o was
there a voice lifted in dissent from tho
doctrine so tirmly laid down ly the
President, but on the contrary there
wa.s an outburst, of patriotic feeiing
that must have b.;en highly gratifying
to the chief executive.
(hi the streets, the message was diii-cu-sed
and old veterans of the late
war talked exultingly of what they
were prepared again to undertake at
tho call of their country.
In the great hall of the pension
building, the employes gathered and
sang with great gusto the "Star
Si angled Banner," and "My Country,
"lis of Thee."
At tho White House niessaires poured
in from every quarter of the country,
congratulating t ho President upon his tf;e. They came from men of all
parties and station.
The matter, of course, was of tho
greatt s', interest in diplomatic circles,
and the general impression, on u sober
si'tond consideration of the notes, was
that the matter has not reached a
stage where war is imminent, and
that the hint of Great Britain's pur
po c lo reopen negotiations with Ven
ezuela, looking to (settlement of tho
dispute bet'.vc.'u themselves, perhaps
may he regarded us the Indication of
how the whole matter will end.
Minister Audrade of Venezuela
secured a copvv of the message early in
the day, und cabled it, by way of
Cuba and llayti, lo his government.
The time of transmission is eight
hours, and it, is felt that its reception
at Caracas will bathe signal for an
enthusiastic detnonstsntion. Mr. An
drade's satisfaction was almost be
yond the power of expression. "Tho
message is superb," he said with much
enthusiasm. "It is even a surprise to
me in its vigor, in the nobility of tho
sentiments expressed, and in the mas
terly exposition of the Monroe, doc
trine. There can be no doubt or mis
construction of its meaning. In in 7
country it can not but arouse tho
keenest appreciation on tho part of
the government and tho people for
this powerful expression of friendship
from a strong country in behalf of a
comparatively weak one."
Mr. Andrade was asked what tho
next step f Venezuela would be.
"There is nothing further for us to
do. We have announced our policy,
ami 111 tliar, wo have tlie co-operation
and support of tho United .States. Wo
arc a little more than spectators now."
"Is the plan of a commission to
investigate the question and fix tho
line feasible'.'" tin? minister was asked.
"Perfectly so," he replied. "The
evidence can readily be furnished, so
far as Venezuela is concerned. It will
le a laborious work, as tho documents
and maps lire very voluminous, and
from many sources, including those of
Holland, Spain ami otlu countries, as
well as those of Venezuela."
CLEVELAND CRITICISED. Alfffflil riiar;im tbo Adiiimin
tratlon With Mint laltli.
HMti.voriEi.ii, 111., Dee. 19, Governor
Altgcld expressed his opinion of tho
President's message on tho Venezuelan
question in the following language:
"Behind the ponderous pretense of
this message several remarkable
things are conspicuous, which will
give comfort ami much satisfaction to
the English. Eir.t, when carefully
analyzed, the me.svage is found to be a
loud cry to Coiigiosi to help the Ad
ministration let go or tho tigers tail,
and it shows ideariy that, tho Adminis
tration ii looking around for a hole in
the fence tj creep through in order to
gel. out of the Held in which it has
been doing sotu, grunting and a little
rooting. And it also shows that either
w-? have the mod. incompetent State
dep-u-t ment that this Government ever
had. or else that this tk'iat tin -nt is
Willi; g to fm v itself into a ridiculous
posit. on in order t: be abie to gain
time, so as to shove everything over
011 the next Administration.
"Niitv, m:.-iim a eon, mission is ap
pointed, and it goet through the form
of an investigation mid then reports
that the facts are in favor of England,
an I that we ought never to have iu-t-rfered,
and have no ground for pro
testing, how will we then look In tin,
si'.' .t of the othfr nations-.' (in the
other h ui-'. if t be commission should
tint be n iiioig to m;ihe Mich it report
ttit n it will l.e ejoy t curry things
u!o;i,,- unl.l utter tiie end of this nd-luiiii-ti
at oll, for il is ca-V to put i l ti
i.'1'em ileal .if tone m c iiniii n
I. .end.'try i;:,r q.i ion t.
And ,in not u c t ie- p'c.ld'iit a.ks
th !' hr i .. ( t ri'i tic I I 1 m ine th t
e, mi ni . ,",.ilt uf co'irso It-- ta, i, name
Ilil lls of hi,, i, it I they Mi.ln.i1.
.! tti.t l Ii" iid.t th'in to. . ii are.
tut r, f oe, a.ife hi a.'.i..' I .V. If Milt
I' .. . Ills.,! ! It If ti . ll 'd tll' T,' IM, l ,i
I." tel. I no. V f lie,. I, . ''..sit idll
t i.e. i ? 't e i aiave b (! mi j, "i' . ,l ;, j
or. ., j,- ie' , it !i . i, , i' i? ion,
el I o a'li...' ,, t , j . . ,.. I -ilaj,
Ii y . I t u I i hat t',. j j,, ,,f (i,,.
A "1 r' .11 1 . e 1 .' - e , . se-I
i'Ii n. ' ie ! mi 1. 1 1 1 ,. , 1 li', ii,4i
It 111.1.1'' . .. e ',,"' .,,
ll a. ..t I M I, tbaa.r,
I I ;M"S . I ; I i. .'rif':
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A Boportrr 111 un i:xp?rluc With B
i:.ivtlfli Vlailtor.
A few evenings ago there chanced
to be a distinguished visitor from tha
llritish isloi at one of tho Washing
ton hotels, and to h'm the reporter
sent up his car l, putting his narno
just over tho paper ha repivsiinted,
thinking the juxtaposition would es
tablish tho connection between tho
two with suflicient clearn ss. It has
always done so with Am -rican vic
tims. The bellboy who took tho card
tarried long in fact, ha stayed so
long that a second boy wai sent after
tho first, tos'C what caused tho delay.
In a little whih? down camo both, No,
1 bringing the information that tho
tourist said ho tiidu't know citner
one of the gcatlomea, and bagged to
be excused.
Ttien tho boy explained that tho
guest 011 being handed the card gazed
at it awhile in silence, and finally
went to his trunk and hauled out a
book. For soma minutes he hunted
for tho name - of tho reporter in his
list of acquaintances, an I then he
began running through tho P's,
thinking it possible he must havo met
a Mr. Post somewhere in his travels.
As his search wasn't succnssful in
either case ho got a second book and
went through th it with a similar re
sult. That was why tho bellboy
tried the reporter's patience and that
was why tlio message cairns that "ha
didn't know cither ouo of the gentle
Siivril by a Oug anil a Drum.
In 1770 a ship was wrecked on tho
south coast of England, not far from
Portsmouth. Fortunately, owing to
the sharp w'ds of ona of tho Bailors,
all souls were saved. Ho got a drum
that happened to be on board, re
paired its defect so as to make it
quite watertight, then fastened a
ropo to it securely, and tied the wholo
round a dog. Next ho let tho dog
into the sea, and tho noblo animal
succeeded in reaching tho land.
There some on-lookers seizetl the
drum and hauled in the rope, lly
now a much stronger rope had been
tied to tho end of the Grst one, and
by its means passengers and crew
were gradually drawn u shore.
The I'llcrlm.
(Holiday Number.) Full fit bright
sketches prose, poetry and illustra
tions by bright writers mid artists.
En t i rel y or igi mi I . n e w 11 n d e n ter ta i n i n g.
Mailed free to any uddress on receipt
of six (C) cents in postage stumps.
Write to Geo. II. Ileatlord. PubJibher,
415 Old Colony building, Chicago, 111.
Cnrloiltlri or thj Ulvorio PUtlitlrt.
Of the 328.710 tlivorcos granted hi
tho tinited States for twenty years,
210,1 70. or Cs.8 per cent of tho whole,
were granted to wives on their peti
tions for divorce from their husbands,
while only 112,510, or 31.2 per cent of
tho whole, wero granted husbands
for alleged fault of thoir wives,
Fiso's Curo for Consumption is an A
No. 1 Ai-,t.linia medicine. Vi. H. Vll
Lvfi, Auliocli, IIIh., April 11, M.
The Lady- Is this novel a fit one for my
daughter to rood? The Salesman - I don't
know. I'm jiut atqunlutu.1 with your
Tim Most Kimi'i.r Axn 8a ru l.KvrnTfor a
Oouuh nnd Throat 'J'roubh' is 'Hiiowk'h 1)i:on
Uiial TuociiKS.' They jaotsoss real merit.
There Is n diMcrcnee l.ptivccu a cold ami
the grip, but you will not lenlUe it untU
you receive the doi tor'H bill.
IlaBaittana ( ftiiiOiar II It filyrirlna,
Ciiri'tit'liawNil HHiiUaairii!F:ii'i,,a.n,lfriir s,ira Kri't,
C'UllbilUlls.riiC., at..'. C. .1. Clm li l Svw lUro, 11
Bach never t'sik nnytliing feir breakfast
but a bit of bread und a i iip of t tiffce.
If tha Ital.y I j Catting Ta?lh.
mrt nduM tint old oiid veil trie! remedf, Kiu,
WuijLow'i Souniwo Srnvr for ciiiMrrn Itclliluc-
MasslnRPr enjoyed veal f boj, hrendeil,
with plenty of butter, mul gluss of nlc,
FITS AH " t-Iir.Kllno'nOrc!
ierr Keatlairer. K. Ho nft' i' O, lirrn tiny a, um..
JtiirVfitH.acui.'s. Tri'itiiM'aii''-irr.l baioii-fr... li
aciit.'. bona loljr. kin.. ,;! ii. 1, .,1.,1'l.i.a. ,1 .
fihiik was a heart y i nter, preferring the
pastry to uny otle r peri of the illniin.
"Rftasoa's ZX.-1.3r Jo Cora Balv."
Wnsrfitl ti PA, a or in .ii,- t-.'utw:eU. itk jam fur 11. Ivlca) li c ut .
'Oh. give us n rest." ' I hnve 110 ret;
my wile is a budding ulit ie'.iii."
(act rid at iiiiri: -f tlio Ktut:iti'.,', fi steiui'j mntirt ot i
or dao tairj'll lo.ivo uly scars. Head (liiccliotis ami uso
Timely Warning;.
f7 Tha croat success cf tho chocolate preparations of
tho house of Walter Dakor A Co. (cstablishor'
J, 1700) has ted to tho placing en tho mark,,!
$i;ijmany misleading and unscrupulous imitaticnr
PfC' cf their namo, labels, and wrappers. Walte.-
'iA Baker & Co. aro
H factjrra cf nurs
I 1
,.A Chocclates on thia
used in their manufactures.
i I A I
,it:."fithoycet,the penuino
r. fcM consumer snouia asx lor. ana do lurt tnax
WALTER BAKUR & CO., Limited,
CmeV!v'. AM risofTllfl.
i i . fit
Both tho method and rcsuHa when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Uowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of iu kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy ana agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it the modt
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for eal? in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it. on hand will pro
enro it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept auy
louisviUE. ni. new tortK, n.Y.
Go to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
P.iy more and you are ex
travagant. Fay less and
you arc uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist JHcepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Fr.incisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for fi'.l information, or
write to
J. FnANCjs, G. V. A., Omnha, Neb.
Ih Ut fruit Motion In th Vin. Vo tlreaUa,
A filu' of rro;n iierer knonn. Mlid etliraU. Pj
durtlt no" Ab.ll.dam uf (lull pui ta?r.
Tur i a. 'iroiiUn llng full fmcrtMlaaaf
th rkh Hlnerul, iH o4 Arlfultural Laad la
BoiHh IV1 iourl,wrlltoalOBXM.Pt'KDT,
JfnU.rf.f lh Wlnourl Ird and l.lf Btecfc Cu
ian, yoa.lia, Jiewtun Co., Illitoort.
TIIR AKItMOTOR CO. Unei t.air IM world'
wlinimlil uuniiwvii. iitH ttiiMi it liun routd tiiacou l
WUid power to I 11 linl ll It hit maiif branrh
. ii'nism. ami .ii,iim lit tenant ana repair
v?at7i MniurUiMN. it c;i and diae lurunHa
Z&Tl laotirr aitlile fr lr mon trim
"TJ ,rfhia I, rv'. Ir,.a Ii,tai,.ia,w an. I
Il7Cl!lf?l(M!iil. suel. (Iitivaniwd afuir.
iva, wirHliulllH. Tlltlna
nod Flird Sii-a-l 'I'lmrrx. SUwl KiitzSa'.
rrjiia-n, mh i !n t iiunr u;i iwi
HiK4 liriiKlum, Oiiapiiltratf'iii It will umiwod
( I or UH-if arti. ia it il until l't nt 1: tl.a iiKiiitl prim.' It aim Diana-
'I anas avid I'urnidi'f all klmi. Ma-nil tut .jtiaii'
H.My: IZ'.h, Uw.kwill ud I'itiRore Sircelt, Obkazia
I!:0T 1 It.-. tvH vmii ivK.ftpta ,tl ftrlt l M for
lii'i i tf Lf iMi If to it in -.o Kl if Hi"lic y tB Ui9 pro.
ifu, tfj tlit (tufli of cur 'i on tiutrglii,
tciTi Im .in -I""" 'i"- KK. U . M MlXkLI
4U.. ilJl I -!! hi.. Ihlftty.
tho eldest and largest manu
and hih-crada Cocoas and
- w
continent. No chornicals nro
A m M A
Walter Daker & Co.'gocJa.
;vj i tu-nit'Uff'Miia rijj;
t'wr a'( mi? ff'.tii bi ut: :
iU i-t- k r itu m il. ia," -v..l
l it: 1. 1 so, Nw t
II ll V lllll 1,1.1, I I
3 .