The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 5
5tr. LAID TO EEST. A Groat Throngs Fay Tribute to tho Memory of Wra. A. McKoighan. All that was mortal of William A. McKetghan was laid to rest in the cemetery at Red Cloud Thurs day. 1'ublic buildings, private dwellings and business houses were drapcd'in his honor. Flags were draped and at half mast and all business houses closed. The Christian church, the most spacious n the city would not ac commodate one-third the people in attendance, many going long distances by private conveyances to pay their last respects to the dead ex-congrcsfman. The procession was Jed by the Sons of Ve terans band, followed by a hrirg squad detailed by the Grand Army of the Republic, next a large number of veteran comrades and members of the Modern Woodmen. In car riages were, besides the family, his brother, Alexander McKcighan and wife of Yates City, 111., Isaac Urown and wife of Springvillc, Kas., Mrs. Klizabcth Urown of I'ontiac, II!., brother and sister-in-law of the departed, and Mrs. McKeighan's mother of l'airbury, Neb. There were also Mrs. W. V, Allen, W. J. Uryan and Adj-Gen. Harry. Gov. llolcomb was un able to be present but vas repre sented by Stenographe r Nelson of his office. The church was taste fully and elaborately draped, and the floral decorations were in pro fusion and were the offerings of many personal friends. The services were conducted by Kev. Mr. Maxfield of th Metho dist church and Rev. Mr. Yciscr of the Uaptist church of lied Cloud. The principal address was delivered by Hon. V. J. Uryan. In subdued tones he bespoke his personal emotion as in beautiful sentences lie portrayed the kindly , nature of his departed friend, nnd touched the well of sympathy in the hearts of his hearers. At the grvc with the simple ritual of tl:e soldiers' society the body was laid in its last long resting place. We hope to receive 10,000 Christmas gifts this year, mainly from delinquent subscribers. I3k Hiiro mid see Sutton t Hol low bush's utock of XniHH candies before you buy. Twelfth ami O street, 1" unke opera house block. ropuhsts who believe in sup- " TrrMnnr thoir narfv nancr fan ln sn J i n 1 1 1 - - g very materially iy cieaiuig wmi those merchants who advertise in its columns. The Journal weista long distance lOiit of its way last Sunday to be little Warden Leidtgh by publish ing the false statements of an cx convict. If the Journal ever pos sessed any dignity an i fairness it has long since laid it away. It simply merits contempt. A reporter overheard several re publicans on thf streets tins week clamoring for war, and kicking; vigorously about the condition of the country. If a populist takes such a stand In- is brauded a an . 1 . , t,,,, ,i, , .v 1 ! anarchist. lut th- republicans I COt what they Voted for. fit J-ugenc .More nas rcturn.ij iroin w ith an-appropnation le l ows at H, ,, ..,,.(.,,.. . sinunin. in .M-.I..I Linn - ,ohn the governorship of Nebraska, Mr. Mciklt phn graci fully ai rcj.ted il. That ends the matter. A U w nieaniiilcss fmnn are t In gone through itii before betaken his ' M at, but oni.t hi nothing. J U bat m the t jtubli an 1 b'.i of lln-' fituaWon. N- where III tin- I nihd Slut, W4 vsift g'l a nie.d oiM it fi r tell cent at tho Met. hanti tin. t 1 101111T I" ami l.l . Ml, f (iov Ikilvomb v in d ll pi- o dill! I'ul Nci v.m 1 1- to b.k lip the Mt!'t' dot time, I I 1 t!otfttwf r iei,ed a t -pjivb ftuin MrV St 114. 1 i f Vjtt.. N. I. , 4 !:.! oil el 'lt'l lei t Vo ttiiiiiUen Ai'itn. .01 tU'l ti ' o I 1 t.. ,,. ,, t t ll,,!i In a 4. vtU, I 4 1 ti 1 i , 1 ltliiii.ut ini'rii' 'iu;t,t tl . , , ,t . ot a"y ot ti..e Cleam 4pkiii, u t t..ih, atUlltiie Wil,la yu 1 i i( ,,f h at f foii for m n it t M i li.t. lloUt, P UK I I N rvVi lret4 A Shady Affair. i .1 ii i? v:efi..t. x- i IS' Monday turns out to be a shady Tafiair. The two partners, Nissley !& Wells have been arrested for dis posing of mortgagtd property. It appears that they gave a mortgage on their stock to the American Exchange bank some time ago and then persuaded the bank officers not to put it on record, so astO; keep their credit good with other parties, promising to make me bank good at all hazards. Then they gave other mortgages and had them filed before the bank knev anything about it. Then the bank officers got hot under the collar and had them arrested. The question is, are not the bank's officers also culpable? Tne keeping of that mortgage from the public records enabled the firm, with the bank's knowledge and consent, to deceive other creditors. Honesty is the best policy, even under the gold standard. Canting Hypocrite. Lincoln, Nkh., Dec. 1 9, '95. EunoK Lincoln iNDti'KNW.Nr: Some republican idiots in Lincoln would shut up a poor littb school and turn the pupils out on the street that they might buy flag poles and flags to float over the others. They call that patriotism! They are canting hypocrites. The men who act that way never rallied 'round the Hag when shot and shell were screaming the air. An Old Soi.mi.k. Here's Your Chance. Improved Iowa and Missouri farms, where drouth is unknown, for Kale on easy term or will take purl in htocks of merchandise or clear city property in any good town. Address the, owner, A. Ii. NOME, Hamburg, Iowa. The good substantial meals for 10 cents at tho Merchant Hotel V aud Eleventh streets, are the won der of the ,-,ity. A. 15. Noble, an old friend and substantial citizen of Hamburg, la., Was a welcome visitor here this week. Ho reads the Iniu Uefore you buy your Xtna can dies see Sutton A; Hollowbush's assortment. Twelfth and O, Finite opera bouse, block. Miss Lorctta E. Iloxie ami Win. Mann were united in marring on Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, six miles northwest of Lincoln, Kw. Mr. Parker of Kaymond officiating. Only an intimate circle of friends, and relatives witnessed the cere mony. The young people are well to do, popular among a large circle of acquaintances and the future is . , .. j Cajon pass, imagined they saw some full of bright prospects for them. . (hig 0, f)0 ,ra.k ahai, Myt The 1xiki'KS1kst (Mends good the San Francisco Kxaminer. Think- wishes. No j imming, no Htools to sit on, but, L'ood servire und a a iroixl diu - hit for ltfceuts, Merchants Ibdel 1 '"iir"1 ,1,al ,h' "R,lf' Ji,,,lJ' V and Kleventl. btivet... ,ng 'f 11 ?n h"hlp ' hdihCH hml brrn lUtac hed. Their driver A proposition was made to the J had wen ihe bmidliRlit of the i-iirUio school board to spend .piito a l,tt!! an'' J'l"l n time to me hlm , 1,1 'r' an'l t'5'" Moi'iiulK theniKUTK were sum of money to buy the parapber ( cropping tho M Rrann nlnnc the road nalia for floating Hags over all th i side, which chowed that they had not school buildings in the city. I'nA. lrr" fr,fa,l: dl' ,"r,,"!l ?'" m '"-.i"1- ... . , . . l'o.v ,.r. w:t h vevi ra nt hrr. um , .Tain it vmm nf lhi nl.l ll i. 1.11. m j-rtii MniMii, it iuimmhii that when Pi of. 1'ohsler Mated his objections to the appropriation he said he opposed it only for the reason that the chooi diMnct alie.uly in debt Ioo,ooi, but he would lonti ibnti: live dollars it I u w poikel to M !j buy tl t Hagt Novelet some of IIh-m Hit ; ! l are so i.m.Iv t.. ,iM "t tbe.r patriotism and i mi.ii uim !,, ,, ,'.lx,v-. s, ,( iim (! u , I bll,4 .14 It p'll . In, i;I ti,. ir j ki t it in no t.k III' Mt V op, ei 4i 1 I li' ' en init tj.i t ot t ;.!,. mi, 1 h ii tis di !i iht- it 1'iil 1 ) 1 , , i? p, o'd j , p it A f .r"i't i mi !k bi4 h,o1. fthiit l Ihe M- l. !, .!(! , t, l p fllld ' M Kill IM t, Mill fill' lie I I 4 K'" ' I" dleiOT f il ll . l I III, 8 ii 'ott .. ,t and (I .S I il tk'l tl'l I' I !o IIMKll Clli. 'jUllflli t''M,k' i r t l.o ui The Merchant s Hotel is a dandy ou i It proposes to Use ju iit out of the wet i 'I'ii fiif nut si lied nice and clou!), free I'rtim'buirs. You cm w alk on I hi carpet tr w alk on the r You can sleep and your rc-t vull lie sweet arid serene. ru'.listui'teu" by the, rowdy, the drunk ard, the mean. The prices bo moderate a i taker w ould laugh. You can sleep for a (junrterur sleep tor a half. - r,.y the Merchants' this onct-ami you nlwavs will come The landlord 's so kind, He's a genial old chum. Tho land lady, though short, is of pretty good tize Hut a lady Indeed such a one as ou 11 prize. Mr. Hock sets up meals rich and eleiii, pure and nice. That can not bo beat in the town for the price. You can have a nice, meal for the sum of a dime, That will knock ull other dime meals out of time, Hut if you are hungry and this don' sulliee You can send up your orders for all t h it s nice. You can send for more coffee, beef, ham, eggs and pie, You can eat 'till yon'er bursting or eat 'till you die. So come, try tlie. Mcrahunts, you will never regret. You can come when it's warm, cold, dry. windy or wet; You will al ways be welcomed and rested and feci On .McKee's duwney couches and llonkc's butter -bread. 1), M. Sw isnri:, Merchants Hotel, Corner Eleventh and 1' streets, Lincoln, Neb, Estimation I'AI'KU HA Ni INIi.l'.WNTIMJ, F It KSCOI Mi, S WOIJK, IMCniltKFKA.M I Mi, J.W. MITCHELL, i:S O Street, Telephone m Hest thing in the World"! We, have? it. An oil that will hold dust. No scrubbing neeesssry. Best thing for stairs, hall, school rooms, etc. Warranted. REFORM LITERATURE FREE. Circulate all the reform literature poHsible. Education is the watch word. Wc have the goldbug on the run. For ten cent (10-ctn.) in hilver or stamjiH your name will be placed on the Iteform Tress Circula tor List and the leading reform pa !rg of the United .State w ill tend you ham pic copies free for distribu tion among your neighbor. (Jet on the list at once; yu will receive lots of good literature and are wire to be more than satisfied with the invest ment. Write your name and address jihtitthf, Address j our letters to ItOX A, PaBMKHK TkIIHINK, Dcs Moinew, Iowa. A good, solid, substantial meal at tho Merchants Motel 1' and Kiev enth streets for 10 cents. CAUGHT TWAIN ON HORSEBACK. Runaway .orninotl 1 1 a J Many fclcvy talk; rten(cY la Tow. Karly on a rewnt morning the en gineer ami of the Saaia Fe overland train, hound east, wben near log the train was about to w wrecked ; they both junjpJ. The -nglnM-r wan ; rather badly hurt, but when thf fireman i P'(k,,,l hiiulf up out of th- .lut lie uih me irain. wun no no. y bi me en- .. .. .,... throinrh the durkneHM the i)anrnEeri . , , , . miou tluit were beinR drawn by H loc.iniol Iv e. Thr fireman, WHO hml Wen hit behind, thulium be would try to nvertnk tile ftylliR train on foot Then he eh;ini' I 1ln 111 1 11 I hint, Jiiilip IllR Hntridi one of (lie Iicmm . be net nut iiftr 1 he run iiw,-) Irain. Me knew It liiilM ftnji xtiortly, iic i' hud to tH'tib lerv ttieu urn Ii mil If tin lire tin ler th i u rn w i n'ni kejit up (! uiply "f ',1"n would not r.i'.i..i ijr? U nt , . , . . SB nille HI' . hill fi.mi Mt.iie l!ir And j ll'lll IM',I,'. I itlfl ill.l . Ill ki em lo be illi V I 4 ill lur .ill III If II il)i' lull Of the Juliiu V hi lh.. (Milli" ioi l . tlii i mill .1 i ..i .i", I r tk' in.ia Ii'iito i .! J I' !l lli.ll l.i !, I.I il , I I l.C l eef w I n ' ii I f il i i n , "i I l,r 1 tt' 1 11, 1 tin' 1 1 .. jii .,' 1 .111 ... t 1 lrl t ti 1 U i-ii i,i I'm. !i l!i l.lii I Jh- u'liit 1 ti ' t,, i .1 4; 1,, I mi ) i . ' 1 1 mil 1 Ii l( w,- I I l',iK. I M,l tiMil l.i , -tini , , ih. 1, tui . - !.siirtr Ulsil- 11' 1)1- r,r .re. 10 1 t, ai i i.,, I, p. m U'it ni hr" ln .,, 1 t,,,ir 1 vfiii 1 1 i i limn ki) i. u 1, .0 hi' I 'lll l llU el . a 4, -t I j. a ) is fifu !.t the lira, 1 li t, eg ft.- trfilfi.i'l ii It d wf lti ; ii t iriiii lid' It .i ) i'.tp a i, 'Hi ).!' htf ii(: t, tail t ft in I - ! H lull anil hi oi., I hi I IMk i lJ, i,, I ' r i ' 'M POPULAR SCIENCE. The Inhabited bu.ldinj; in Eurooi' v thp Alpine dubhouse on Mt. Hosa-12.(100 feet above r,ea level. In experimenting to find tho effect of sunllht on disease germs it has been disioveird that suoh npores arc killed by tho blue and violet rays of sunlight !n a few hours. Dr. Iiohr lias none to the Faroe Is lands to study the breathing apparatus of the diver birds. In the name ship went the IChlors expedition that is to invcBtlKiite leprosy In Iceland. The oil of tobacco found in the stems of tho lonic-HKed pipes, or obtained by distillation at a red heat, is one of the most active and powerful poi.sons known to the chemist. A single drop will often aune death in the case of n dog or cat. Mathematical calculations nhow that an iron ship weigh twenty-seven ncr cent less than n wooden one, and will carry 115 tons of cargo for every ion tons carried by a wooden ship of the same dimension, and both loaded to tho sumo draught of water. In about twenty-two neeond 11 drop of blood goes the round of the body. In about two minutes thoentlre blood In the body makes the round through the right side of the heart, the lungs, to the left side of the heart, through the arteries, the veins, again to the heart. Peek the sunlight I the advice of al! present-day hyglenlstfi. Patients on the sunny lde of the hospital ward recover oonet. The person who alwny walk on the Bunny bide of the street outlives bis shade-eeklng brother by ten yearn. Rlep in rooms where the sun ha shed his ray all day. Bask In the mm nil you con. , A man. I a old s hi arlerie. If they are soft and compressible, the de teriorating effect of old age have not yet aupeared. Distilled witter is recom mended as a Holvent to net upon the earth salt In the blood and expel them from the body. Apples, grape ami bananas are rich in nutritious elements and do not contain anything which cause the ossifying blockade In the Rytem. Sir John Lubbock has been experi menting with the appetite of a nplder, and comparing it eating capacity with that of a man. He find that not even the ogre of fairyland were credited with Hiich eating capacity an a man iniiKt have if he absorbed the panic pro portion to hi weight in food that a nplder doe. If a man nte In a spider' proportion he would conmimetlie equiv alent of four barrels of fish, a dozen hog, three sheep and two oxen in single day. HUMOROUS. The wife; "Isn't that your rye doc tor?" The hudband: "I thought ho until he hent in hi bill. He' a tskln special!!." Harper's Weekly. Her effort to be agreeable - Clergy man: "Some people think I preach long ermon. Ho you think so?" Khe: "Oh, no! They only erem long." Puck. VIitor; "Hut thl portrait of Mr. Ilulger I a good deal more than life i7.e." ArtlKt: "I know It, That I the ly.e he think be 1." Ilonton Bulletin. "That whiiiky I fifteen year old. 1 know II. becfitme I've had It that long mynelf." The colonel: "I5y .love! lr, you mind be a roan of phenomenal aelf eontrol." I.lf. She (haughtily): "I beg your pardon. Ir; you have the advantage of me." He (jauntily): "I ahould ay I had. I'm the fellow yon Jilted ten year ugo." Melbourne Weekly Time. Flrnt tianip: "It makes tne nervou to leep In one of dce lodglu'-hoiiHe. Supposln' a fire wn to break out in do night?" Second tramp: "Hat's o. Dem firemen Would turn a hoe on yer in a minute."--Truth. Teacher: "Tommy, you may define the diffi re nee between ti while and a time." Tommy: "Wy-wy - when paw h.ivh he I going down for a while maw mj he'U bet he's going for a time," Cincinnati Knqulrer. "What couri ahonld a lawyer puruv when called on lo defend a man whom he known to be guilty?" asked the ex aminer. The examined scratched hl head a moment and angered: "Charge him ilouiiK of course.' - t'liielrinati Kn qulrer. H'-iitrbe nerd lis Home verw enti tled. "Why Do I I.tve?" We cannot ne your eontributlon. lle.Htrb e, but we can anther your conundrum. You live sim ply beeauM' j on wad your verite ln iead of bringing them. -Yniiker State mian. The tencher of the i I;oh at Ihe Fund'y hod. lo InteriHt ttie I little one, bM.l begun lo tell them the Mo'y'nf the ,ill of man, when a mite of ii girl w,i heard tni xcluim h.ilf aloud: "till. I in mi tire, ef nut Htory IhmiI (h V I.Oi.m h." Moat on TranFcrlpt. MISCELLANY, The ue ol e I f lli'ea lie a i;" u - I I , , ii! Hit In Mliena i i! ii,; tin imieef Si, ion he i x," I n lb i fin ti ldiun le ile I he ill IVn'l III i' I ' i ill ,i iiii it ai a C.iio le Hik i ori ,n:e I i hr : ( I, Ml. a-iii, III liiillii.ot bU ll ink Vi llllri , mil le. :lh It.h I lk Ci4 be i .!,. -4 . i;i,:n 'He t'',, .f Ihe er hU I,.- ii k tv piti.iiK H t'ifti, dl, it hi oii i, i men ib,n iiu.e r I'rtii i, ni .i,'"a ul ibe I lii'! ! if i ,tiri.,nli at Iidirt iiK ; ) Uea. t,, ,1 inid' ilf l -i i lh- aimi n n ioi'lt ir, . niie S ,ii ,i .oat Ihe M'llMMi, ! I'.!. I H it I lbl Millie III, I.I l 1(1 t l if ' ! 1,1'f ! in n- ik . ,i ii i jttii, ; ,i in V',4 ' i,,it:llK nil nj ef t.fl' , lit 1 1 1 1 1 a i mi' I, tin, e'l nil toeift ; .,nlJi O tin 4l k ) lit , il l o i i ih,i: ,y h,r 1 i yuai'ita .1"il if ' til a I t in t lo i ' 4 ; I i l.v f'n I "n ' I to t ti H 1 1- OF Suits and IS Tour Opportunity We know times lire hard ami Morjey HCtirce, but Clottiing ih no luxury. V Iielp you to get what you want by making pricon so low that a very few ilollar will go a long waye. Our pricos art always low for tlie quality we give but now to done ilown our Men's ami loyn' (,'lotliing wo have nia'le them still lower. Wo will nel! you Men'a units from $3 H7 to 10 that are from 11.00 to $.00 behiw regular priced ami OvemmtH fron; $3.Ti0 to $10 that are juitt hh cheap. BOYS' SUITS al Hric, 11.00 and $l.r0 that are mrprisiugiy gooil for the money. Our WOOL Suits at $2.35 are mae double at Kent and knepB and warranted to wear Underwear, Shirtx, love, and Mitta und winter Caps equal ly as low in price. Our Bargains are Yours if You Want them. The Globe I Clothes, Hats, FurniFhings. O and Tenth Streets. Great 10 cent Store. The Greatest and Largest Bargain House in the State. Onco morn w denim to Call your attention to ourVlegatit ami very extensive line of LauipH, especially oui beautiful, lntegt ami large variety of ltanquet Lamps. We are going to otler yon for thw next ten days iinmense epecial bargaiiiH in LanipH of every variety, style and boauty. We are go'ng to well them quick, and continued slashing will surely accomplish it. I'lcuee call and convince yotir selvca what great inducements we are now offering you throughout our entire maiimioth lines. Come and look at our recent shipments of Novelties of Japanese Auhtrian, (terman and French iniportaiioiiH of our own. (Opening o our goat Holiday Display will be announced litter. Very ltesiectfully, 118 S 12th. S. POLWOSKY The Great Ten Cent Store. FURNISHED ROOMS, BY DAY OR WEEK. Nicely furnii hed rooms, fiom $1 to $3 Per Week. MRS- CHESSINGTON", 13,'Jl OSritHT. l.iMOi.s, Nib. Ofiina. I SI 0,000 Stock to bo Slaugh tered before Jan. 1st. To como and see will be to buy. Overcoats la ke Moaev. 1032 0 St. lass, Lamps i OLD STAND. i 1032 0 St. 1032 O St.