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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
Lincoln Independent. The Official Populist Paper. l. JO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ' ISSUED EYEKY 1 MIMY. T . TIBiltK. l'lli.V HKNRt IIITItINN, lllj Milor. HO. W. Ill Mil. Ha, Inn i Manirr. Fill DAY, 1)KC. 180:. Eoterfed at the post office of Lincoln, Nub., 88 second clas mail matter. Gkt together and vote the gold standard into hades. IJotii of the old parties arc lay ing plansto make another campaign on the tariff. , Skvkrai. large slices of republi can prosperity struck the city of Lincoln this week. Mom v is scarce but there is plenty of it, is what the sound money idiots say. You don't know anything about finance. Leave that to the bank crs. Oh! yen, they kno. Thiktv years of banker's legisla tion filled the offices with syco phants and the land with misery. Ci.kvki.ani is going to fight Eng land is he? He'll first have to get permission of J. Pierpont Morgan. Tai.maok is coming to his senses. He says that both old parties are so bad that each is worse than the other. The promise of office costs noth ing but it keeps more men in the gold standard parties than promise of money. Tin: best banking system in the world! Any man who advocates government postal savings banks is a lunatic. IKni k lln' threat of republican ascendancy in the bouse and sen ate, prices continue to fall, and dis tress everywhere prevails. Tim bankers can't manage their own business with all the laws made to suit them. Hut they kn6w it all and you don't know anything. Thkrk seems to be a genera) de sire among the lovers of prosperity in every part of the republic to join forces and wipe the gold bugs from the face of the earth. Tin-: manner in which Allen threw in his speech on the Monroe doctrine the first week of the ses sion showed the foresight of a Tallerand and the shrewdness of a Macchiavclli. When a court is in contempt of the whole people, what is to be done then? Contempt of court is pun ished by fine and imprisonment at the judges own discretion. Out in the other case what? The woman suffragists being constantly met with the objection that they should not vote because they cannot bear arms, changed the fashion, and now bear arms that spread both ways clear across the pavement. pNosri Kitv came within ten das after the repeal of the Sherman act. John Sherman said it would. "He aint no liar." Oh! no. He's a saint. He's a prophet. Anyone who doesn't believe he is, is a lu natic. No iink can fail to see that the president's message aud the diplo matic correspondence accredited to Olney were uiKcived in the karoe brain and written by the same hand. The duck shooter neer wrote a line id it. TfH. tnciihanu who are being thrown tnio hanktuplc) arcevcetd ly glad llut they m i un d Lhvnpeal of the Stit tmaii act and i it ell J.. 3mhh of mom y Mipplj cuh mouth. Too much iiti'iu-v, i the I IUc ( i the i.liiit el mii wilheut j tUvubt. Till icpoilit great d;t i n s of gold H di'teiciil puts il ihe world aie (tutting out to b ftAudo. I'.VCU this p4ptf, f it'4 HjHiii m ri mi 4i Ik lr m Ihij girjl iiittvihe. nd tno tlti I y lioiitJiiM lu lr t ileii't.rl. Il i musjov ,t i, M ,i; M hriUH to dtilti I le leotivv jniwrf romt la li4e K I aa I uti tl gftft u . ti?iv Mi I .( 4 i ll 4 H tft Vlo-lllel J l v K ! w-ird t,i i! N 11 ' t Ott blind 1U'I It 4 I -!! I '4 l' flliol i!to;ii'i U dv (t f ti, i I ttul II lild 1 a I i l bliv ml I t u ti a tikr Uiile ! 4 'I 1 l!'t the )MpU ii!! fiitve tt ft (ul tliii if s.inif-C ioti hon. If iIukii in i4ii n t i vuduot it i Ih4l lHJtHHl, M vi'.' t d k' !e M)t mh Kit). WJJ.4. MOKEiUiN. Wm. A. McKeigan is dead, but the memory of the work that lie did for mankind will never die. The recollection of it will be held sacred by all lovers of mankind wherever bis record is known. With unfailing courage, neither elated when victoiious nor discour aged when defeated, he fought on to the very last hour of his life, lie was of the common people, lie knew how to sympathize with them as the rich and favored never can. Although the very men whose homes and hearths he la bored so bard to protect from the despoilcrs, often turned upon and tried to destroy him, he cherished no bitterness toward them. He would only say, like one of old, "They know not what they do." During the last campaign, blind and weak, he staggard through the state on his trembling limbs, plead ing with a voice which already had in it the accents of approaching death, with the people to relieve themselves from corrupt courts, and to remove by their votes the oppressors power that rested so heavily upon every home in Ne braska but lie came to his own and his own received him not. This has been the fate oi reform ers since the beginning of time, The people destroy them, and then after they are dead build monu ments to their memory. There is a profound sorrow all over the state because Wm. A. McKeigan is dead. (William Artlinr MrKvigan of Knit Clow) wa Imrii of Irifb purriit in Cumlx-rUiul comity, New JutKtj. January I1MHI2; runovrd with hl parent to Knlloit county, Illimil, in JSIK, wlii-re Ii lii on aftarm and attended tli common a liool ; en llitol la lli! Klffwnlb regiment Illinois cavalry, Krptciiilwr. IStfl; at thn clow of the war b wttlH on a farm near I'ontlnc, III., took an aitlto part In organising the Knnnera' amoclatlon: wan alerted vice prealilcnt for the Klglit coiigre'Monal district; removed to Nebraska in IMXO, and aettled on a fn;m near lied Cloud, took an artlvn Interval In organiz ing the alliance; wa elected county judge of Web cter county In IWJi In Ks, aa democratic candi date fur ciingrena airalnxt lion, Jamn Laird and vtaa defeated ; wan again nominated for oingrena by the alliance or Independent pnrly, m Indoried by the democratic convention, and elected to the Fifty aecond and re elected to the Fifty -third ron- grei an Independent, receiving 17,I!K) Votea agnlnal 14,2.10 vote for Win. E. Andrewa, republi can, ami IS vole forO. C. Ilnhliell, people'a pJirty. in 1HWI bu wax dcfcuUd In the r.uu for electlnu by W. K. Andrew, the vote n.tuiulliig: M' Xi'igan. 15. i'lO; Andrew H!,II0.) GROVER'S BrCCIAL MILAGE, The Associated 1'ress says that the senate went wild over Grover's message on war with England. That su'ted their plan of campaign exactly. They could howl "war with England" until after the next election, and then settle the whole matter in a week. Meantime the money power would establish iUelf in every branch of the novcrnment. Any scheme will suit the gold bugs that will attract the attention of the masses away from the money ques tion long enough to permit them to rivet the chains of slavery upon us. They used the tariff for many years. Now they are going to use this war with England cry. The people have been so easily de ceived they think this plan will do just as well as the tariff did in the past. a roruuBTBcoor. Allen stole all the gold thunder in that first speech of bug his on the Monroe doctrine. He's not quite the greeny that Joe Haw ley and Aldrich took him to be when he first went to the senate. 'They were going to make a cam I paign on a cry of "war with Eng land,'' but Allen scooped them at their own game. Nothing would delight the pops so much ns to help pound the stulling out of gold bug England and confiscate every debt w owu her. Let (j rover and John Sherman whoop for war. They can't beat the pops at that game. There is not an able bod ied pi p living who is not ready to shoulder a riilo and shoot daylight through every John IUUI gold bug that shows his head. We hawri'l bun bowling about Lombard iftreet's rule in this country for nothing jtit let u-i at them is a!l we ask. .'I In- only thing that makes us juad is that there is about it huh h I proHjn ct of war with I'.iiglju I ai I Unturned John Sheinuu turning I honest, er tmiver l'.i v in I .ign ' ing 4 HUl abstinence pi. dgt. . Si icithi'li's we t.tke a gt at deal i f kJtisfi-lion til ihtiiklmg over ! Il.o sink v.y ri whi.h ,'lf stolt -IJn.'il tl.uil , HeiUhfil t! t 1 1 s tin d the bit gun ml l .m; tail tm lifjuf a id the tt t tun e I iJIkwiu altif It late lpp t l I I 'I H Ut bi t td Hit) k ,'i I eil u ml i'l tbu idU'tl parcel .t I M I t I v 1 s i 1 11 't 1 l' i '! Ill J . , i I t k W4 li I 411 I t li . .4tii 1 1 . I IK pli aii)4i t l pllt it i 1 nn. ti"lt it tie j I l II :it I I'"' I d 1 1 i'l U tt I In Utlt . It'll I i i ., 4 4 til bl'i t jins' t In be p .t I 4. He 4 u ' m k it! the li dit fiee-i a bit 1 I Io li p!ti,ui prt) i ;m,,ci - I (,!e I N1. I. t I In 1 11. . .! tfuhl Uf l.4d) b mi and girt OLD ELFEPY 0B8 BEE EYES. With the unerring precision of science, the economists foretold what would result to the manufac tures of this country upon the adoption of the gold standard, while India, South America and Asia remained upon the silver standard. The manufacturers per sisted in aiding the bankers and credit holders, Don Cameron told only the truth when he said: "If the silver is sacrificed, the manu facturers will be responsible for it." Japan having cheap money, as compared with the United States, wages and the price of commodi ties being absolutely stable, shu is able to enter our territory and un der sell any manufacturer in the United States. Even Old Sleepy has at last waked up to the fact, and we find the following in the State Journal of Dec. 14: Titer wciu In be aomethlng very tangible be hind tbim Inlk about Japaiieae competition with American labor. Mntcbea of good fjuallty ac now old in Sau FrancUco at letn than the coat of uwnu fai ture Id tbia country. We are nut rure about the 812 bicycle that weic o widely advertised a few wucka ago, but the cuunlng Jap are certainly tending In watchea, clock, clothing, fancy good and iM tiom alaUnrdly low price and are now prnparlug to make trouble for the cation Manufac turer all over the world. Time and time again, have the economists said that Asia and South America would make des erts out of our wheat and cotton farms and transfer manufacturing of all textile goods to their own shores with their silver standard. The State Journal talks of put ting up a tariff barrier. That con tains just a much wisdom as did its, and John Sherman's promises of prosperity within ten days after the repeal of the Sherman act. Ex perience is a dear school, but gold bug fools will learn in no other. Mr. Gere's attention is called to the following extract from the London Financial News. There etui be no doiibtabotit It, th:tt if lue I' lilted State were to adopt a tilver 1ihI tomorrow Brit Ulj trade would be ruined before tbu year wa out, Kvery American imlutlry would be protected, not only at home, but lu every other market in the 1 world. WHAT MB.BAIBD UID. The Albion Caliope has been consolidated with the Cedar Kapids Kepublican and a new name taken under which to propagate populist principles. The paper will here after be called the Hoone county Outlook. The Kepublican has been one of the best populist papers in the state. The Outlook will have the same editor, Mr. J. K. Uaiid. In speaking of the demise of the Caliope, Mr. liaird makes the following sensible remark con cerning it: "It struggled under the difficulty of having no settled editorial management and no per manent personality behind it." No paper has, or ever will sue- cced unless it has a "settled edi torial management end a person ality behind it." The his tory of journalism cannot show a single success that did not have these two ele ments in it. The Chicago Times under Story, and the New York Tribune under Greeley arc examples of the success of these two principles. The live pipers in the populist party all have a set tled editorial managemet and a per sonality behind them. This is what Mr. L'aird said and we re print it for the benefit of those who hold different opinions. CONGtvESBIOAAl 1TNERAL&. Senator I'eller has 1'ill No. 1,011 the senate calendar. It is a bill O abolish congressional funerals, lie made a speech on it the oth :i day. He has been examining the items in the bills which these funeral parties have been turning in. Here is one itemi.e account: Champagne heny. madeira, pontage. r('.ir. lemonade, bar bill, waalilng, medlelnu. pol oftVe tamp, Hirtrrai;e and uieM'ner, ha k hire paid at ililtoimit time, telegraph, cigar, brandy and whlfkj lu room, poller and ale, envelope, Larler bill, aniuiiiitlng In all toli'.nHj. Thii is Hken from one of the earlier bills. Of bite wars, these I articlen an called cmu)iss,iry sup plies. In tin funeral vxp tisei of Sen ator I'iunib these two itcfis ap pen: I i 1 fi in. 1 u 4 In , ie 11 .n f ' V(, ;.!.. ,l tfMMMI'Mt ami ail, till ,. tlti , f.iiu.lM,try i, i.Ue en n,u , :i It ; 'I he f u hi t al expenses et the ntd- j lion jue Si nutui IIcjim wire t:t.- ill. Si,. It will take ii , t : huhiU l i..u to pay Uut bill.1 Hww long Will tie fit mm m tl el Unfit.! bate tn v. oil pay nf ; tl' it iiiilii j'tj ti ' piib In; b in raj '( lu.t fa ue tlii l bill el tht 11 ite it III lh. (el it t tl I Wit.l III I H't' j I J"U 1 1 ilt Ai a dis. li 1 il 11 v l i to tl, Amelii an peuple, it Will i I" iipu l le to 11 1. h iiii! ,t f 1 , .1 tl l U'-'llelil 4b. .'it t i v ! ui 1 d,4i4 tbil p' l-.'ial bab.ts 4 1 I tit 1 caih v. h it t i'i t . t in 1 1 . . . 1 i ""e 4H4V I'l Ui JslninI,.it ,, 4l 4 III. it, W I t II l.l li ittt if Ihr t tin in Ji; 1st 1 all i mi 1 1. .i I ;l I ,. ht I I b't4ty 4"4.l I I lliw kin 1 ifei it II' ii'4tui hi I'Hi Jl, ( it .ll ' S ; I It M tt I HU M li'tind HI Hie I j M bal tl it v.t il kninail l.'tstij tn, tu Vhii IwO. IIT MEAS8 DESTRUCTION. The threat of republican ascen- dancy is producing worse havoc than "the threat of democratic as cendancy" two years ago. During the first regular session of the last congress, it was the habit of Ding ley of Main and other republican leaders to get the floor and depict the awful woes that had come upon the. country on account of "lite threat? of democratic ascendancy," before a law had boen put upon the statute books by a democratic congress and while the McKinley and all other republican legislation was still in force. They could, and on the average they did more ca lamity howling in an hour, than the longest haired, wildest eyed populist from Kansas could do in six hours. Now there is a threat of republi can legislation and tenfold worse disasters are at hand. There is a general strike of all the street car employes in Philadelphia. Fifteen thousand tailors are locked out in New York. Infernal machines are being sent through the mails Eanks and business houses are everywhere failing, and the condi tion of affairs is worse than it was under the threat of democrat ic ascendancy. The truth about the matter is, that the prospect of the power to govern, going into the hands of either of the old parties is enough to frighten any well balanced man. When he looks Hack upon the record they have made, upon the horrible con dition to which they have brought the people of the United states, is it any wonder that he has no faith in either one of them? Eor twenty-two years under both democratic and republican rule prices have continued to fall and debts, interest and taxes to in crease until the burden has become unbearable. The ruling of either spells destruction. WILL THEY 1)0 IT. Only recently two populists of Filmore county, Minn., subscribed for 600 copies of Ignatius Donnel ly's paper, The Representative, of Minneapolis, for next year, and now comes a populist committee in St. Paul with a movement on foot to subscribe for 5,000 copies of that paper to be given away until the election in i8, and a similar movement is 011 foot in Minneapo lis. If the Nebraska populist would do something like that for the In dk pknuknt, it would not only be "a credit to the party and the city in which it is published" as the Cen tral City Democrat sa)s, but to the whole state. ItiVITIHQ IMMIGRATION. The writer cf this may be ac counted a heretic but nevertheless he cannot see the wisdom of the present effort made to induce im migration into this state. Shall we invite laborers? There are thous ands of able bodied men here now who seek employment in vain. Shall we invite lawyers? The state is full of them. Shall we invite merchants? Those here now can find but little sale for their goods. Shall we invite ministers? We can't support what we have. Sit all we invite fanners? Will fanners come where oats sells for ten cents and corn for fifteen? Shall wc in vite capitalists to loan money to a people who cannot pay the interest on what they now owe? The only people whom we could honestly invite to come to this state at the present time are a few more slu riffs and receivers for broken banks ai.d bankrupt corporations and they probably wouldn't come, for they have more business in the states whcie they reside than they can attend to. The people in the other states already know there is nothing to be eaint d in coing from one state to anothi r to escape the i tlei ts of the gold standard. It's datk shad OW covet the whi!:!ied world, Sinumk Ailiv it'iuo busiue'si 111 cut short the s' nate th. (ill Ihuistlay b) introducing i frsilil li m diivi ting the ftMtue eom.iiit aeto bring 111 a bill lot lie ft ret m- tee ul sdvirauda lar;; issue of mg. gteciitMeks tu cnal le U t" I it the ie:it ii..iiiH V on 4 fuelling He ,U.tent stopped the p,,t ft Use bill sent (In n t i limn liic hviise Ui ai jieplt at-,' ii.iMi l' stud a t.'it tHe tu t in 't U and tu t'ie I eu'i !' In t un 11 th it 1 1'tmtiv an I l.!i;'i.d Ihe peqnb lie tieatl wie l ilii..-iii'i, in ,shi!u;tn lb I ... W I, h .it til ui it is 1:1 n .1 t . : t'.:!.. ..... 1.1.MI leil IS II I I'M 4 11 ! l l I'l'i l- 1 ibshiaief iit tii' :!.,:, .ad man tlut is i.;.iiil nn 1. is, 1 ,tli ..d debt s ni'l 4i t. .tit , e ai.t h wa I bv luei'l 4K I lit II in , I 1 be pitie le i I Un IX'tnih't It !.t st lit 1 i stit iil I I'O m l il'iuiiii i i"'s - j . ...I .t .....1 1 la I t. la. ptl, Si It.l U l "'l 4S. juill ' m i,lil e.f tj d- bkow if . DUTEREXCF IS EXCHANGE. Senator Stewart introduced the other day the following resolution: Ili-colved, That the committee on finance be ill reeled to inquire what ctfect tbc difference in ex ehtng between gold ;andurd conn trie and silver huikW.I countric Jiux iijon the agricultural and nviuuftcluring Industrie of the I'nltod Stale, and report by bill or otherw Ue, Upon this subject the Senator proposes to deliver a speech. Per haps not a thousand men in the United States, outside of the econ omists, have any definite ideas on this subject, or even know what the term "difference in exchange" means. The Senator will proceed to enlighten the public upon the subject. It can only be remarked iiere that the difference in the purchasing power of the money in countries having the silver standard or those having the gold, acts as an export ing bounty on everything they have to sell. The result of it is, Japan can ship goods into this country and ruin our manufacturers, and Argentina and India can undersell us in London on wheat, cotton, beef and hides. The end of it will be ruin to our manufacturers and make deserts of our wheat and cot ton farms. ALL A rRAOD. According to the cablegrams published in the dailies, the Lng lish press puts a correct estimate upon Mr. Cleveland's special mes sage. One of the London papers says: "The uniform belief is that it has its sole origin in political motives." That is to say, the message was concocted in the gold bug circles of Wall street under the advice of the: London Roths childs for the purpose of carrying the next election. Sir Ashmead Hartlett, M. P., says: "The extreme tone of the president's message is rather to be regarded as an electioneering stroke,"' The London News says: "This I election dodge does not give us a j moment's uneasiness." The St. James Gazette says: "It is merely an election dodge." The London Globe remarks: "No one doubts that President Cleveland's heroics are due to the neccssitie-s of politics" and then re fers to his bluff against Knzland when he demanded the recall of the former Piitish minister, Sack-ville-West. The Standard thinks it is an ef fort to hold the Irish votennd save the democratic party from annihi lation. A Liverpool dispatch says and they have evidently been consult ing the Rothschilds--that "We arc assured that in unusually well in formed quarters there is a shrewd suspicion regarding the real ob- ' jects of the message, and this is regarded as a sufficient justification for declining to take President Cleveland too seriously." The London Times says that "this sudden offensive movement on the part of the United States has more to do with party politics than with diplomacy. Much may be pardoned in view of he ap proaching pi evidential election." No doubt the editor stepped across the street and hud a fe.v wcrds with P.aron Rothchilds be fore he wrote that. The fact about the matter is tin only ones who are really in earnest about this matter and really want a chance to drive Kngland and her ! financial policies from this hemis phere are the pops. I'oi. R million dollars in gold go to London on tomorrow's steamers. If Giover is going to fight he'd bet ter get at it In. (ore Rothschilds gets the last dollar we have. lr this country went to war with Kngland there would have to be an issue of legal U nder payer money within )0 days. Go ahead. That suits the pops, i. e. An issue of lei;al tender paper to at least fifty dollars p r capita. A 1.1 mii mis of thin c it y ha v ing n ad th'i I'nivi -r-tty uin-sp-eidi nee ill the Imu itmh I ban. led to tin editor the f jl'iowii'g, aint asked to j have it inseltid III tils pupil' I Ic ri iite about v' stuileiils in tin- St ite I nivi rsity wl.u j hiluii-u td -: t Hi; 14c I an the in (a 1 111 The ,if ells, ts wl i at. -Ml .ll !', sitppm ti II poll tl ! ci lit Host be d . 1 1 1 .1, at I IS mau wiiuld (ts W ,N We ill ft I .CllH, l M1 a bii-i,. 1 '" an t it Vi 'li 4 I liib 'l si. b-.t III 1 IS an I I'Ceiti '"ie S if liei ill' III, 1 -u ! p4el I it i'H: t s!ll. U I M'l 1 t 11 s i is ila.n 4. Id lit 1 III ll! ltl"l I" 1 Ills' it I a List l,iit pep ibs pi r M4ht iuiti 't , t I'lulllilt :i' nl .111 I l l.i lti 1 t't I I lit till UI4 "O lie iiii t 1 iiii', 1 t-r ..f lelllliNlid O under 11, k M tn ki! e'h'i. Anything III the llll" liiie f.ii' li tt init. IUiUr y T I I if in f uf l'i nth hi 4 O m .tin p4 l'4 it 11. I I pel utilil )' i CURRENCY NOTES. They Maintain a Parity With Com mon Sense and Should Circu late Everywhere. All money is irredeemable. Alt substitutes, of whatever matciial composed that arc redeemable, are not money. All money is fiat money. "It does not exist by nature but by, law." If dear money is good, the dearer the better. Let us have money so "sound" that it will take 100 bush els of wheat or a bale of cotton to get a dollar. A stable curre ncy means stable prices. Lquitable prices, once es tablished, the currency should for ever keep them stable. Then bus! ness would not be gambling. Now it is. One wins and a hundred lose. It would be much better for our country if the foreign investor kept his money to himself, or invest d it elsewhere than here, John P. Jones. The official reports of the New York police show a large increase in crime. All the economists fore told that when the government be gan to contract the currency, A contraction of the currency alway produces an increase of crime, poverty md insanity. Mining for tlie precious metals is a lottery. If we are to depend on mines for our circulating me dium, business will always be a species of betting 011 the rise and fall of prices, or the success or fail ure of mines. John P, Jones says that "until the quantity of money keeps pacr with tlie demand, the real emanci pation of man will not be achieved." Prof. Nicholson of Kdingburgh says in the Nineteenth Century: "livery economist of repute since Ricardo's time has been an advo cate of the quantitative theory of money." Karl Gray in a letter dated May 31, 1HH1, says: "Lxperiencc has proved that irredeemable paper money will circulate, not only with out depseciaation, but even at a premium if the issues are sufficient ly limited. Notice. Tlie executive committee of the Nebraska Silver League desires to appoint one silver republican, one silver populist, one silver democrat and one silver prohibitionist in each county as an executive com mittee for ihe organization of the county and for the distribution of literature. All persons who , favor the free and unlimited coinage ( gold and sillm ct the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the aid or consent of anyother na tion arc requested to send their names with address to any mem ber of (he undesigned committee at Lincoln, Nebraska. The local committee will be selected from ' the names so received. County papers please copy. G11.iir.Kr L. Laws, Sins A. IIOI.OOMI', V. J. Hrvax, II. W. Ha Kin, Kxccutive committee Nebraska Silver League. Thi. Lincoln Iniu i l.n'I;i- nt reached our disk for the first time, this week. We notice at the paper's mast-head the familiar name af T. H. Tibbies, foimerly Washington correspondent of the Nonconform ist, as editor-in-chief, which is a sufficient guarantee cf the paper' merit as a reform journal. The lMin-KMii vf has our best wishes for succecs. Weekly Tribune. hi Tll LlM nl.V Imh I'l Ml is I illiL' name of a new populist state org-., . ! published at Lincoln. 1 hi; need V a pop. ilisl slate paper that woulc i .1. :.. .1 . .. 1 V 11 lilt; in s 111 iiii; smii- nm: i nation has lung been b It and wi bebee the I vin i M 1 , jiujgiii!; ! from ihe hist nun ber we have ie- I I't'iv ei( is ;ftg tu till till! bill. Wit ibis week publish a li 1 1 1 published in it 1 it ten bv . A. I. Inti.ri. S'teils tii tin v'lllilSI Gil ci C etl'lH l itii !), lui p 'p'lii ti ij e a f oii.l etui inaii .H U .; I hi 'i v I il l 11 M'l M 1 s 4 , it iiii U: p4ilv ur In ll ills 1 1 tt In h i' 1 , pii I id I, !, Aft Jti it i' I "', ,n Mruul on I i I l.l'l l.lei i li,, . V kiib It f"l llu J il they 1 .41-, it, l'i;, 1 I ellrl ll4fl I,' iesl 4liu , i th- L 1 1 1 ' f " 1 ' l hl'i- I4t ". X. ' li ' ' ,t . l .I " I Vit. k' ' " 1 .1 i'i, tt p-1 I I" I ' !' . " '"' 4. 1 S 4 I 'I ' j i ii , K'.'cA), 1H ,i. rib ' ! tit I. int, Jtuji'ii' r ,111 1 iLi lu Wile l,tl l.ipioi l4bt j Mdi,k' I'm 1 r. I hltlill ll 1 1 H j! nte (jT I'htii, 1 ri r 1 t