The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 3
( t .... 1 4 V, OUK COAST DEFENSES. GEN. CUTCHEON SAYS WE ARE IMPREGNABLE. Nevr York C ity 1 .c at tlio Mervf of VoretRti Jiatinn- .. KrancUco 1 Well I'roteetril -Tlio tiroat Mmippiar Wir lii:'.. MICHIGAN dally paper contains nn interesting inter view with Con. I3y ron it. On tcli von on tho prom at romli tion of tlic ciKir.t rtc-f.-'iiEfS at New York :uul other Import ant harbors, On. Oilcheoii served three yearn hi the 41 i;. lu 1.1 during the lata war, und eight years In congress on the military commit too. brln chairmen while liia parly was la conRreaiiional eontrol. From eoiijrronn he went on the hoard of ordnance and for t Mention, where, he served four years, until hU n&lgnatlon a ft? months no. When nf-lsed if New Yuk oily could he nuceeRf fully defended walnut an Kii gllKh Ironclad fleet, tho plural Bald: "New Yorli If. in my onlnlon und in tho opinion of our he::t wHitary author ities, fully prepared to receive any Iron elud fleet, Tho defense work done Hiero Klueo the fortifications hoard wan organized, cl.?ht yeara ko, la cf tho tnoKt modern and complote character, calculated to defend tho city from any number of tho IkhI battletihlpH afloat. During the past elKht years the fartiil tlons board liar; built live new batteries to command the entrances) of Now York harbor, which en ineomin Kt"arn:.liip pa!!senr;er would hardly notice. The most of the walls arid all the guns arc down out of Bight. Tho outer walls, or first liners, nro at Sandy Hook, the en trance to tho main. or sown channel, where powerfi 1 batteries of twelve inch rifled steel guns and rilled twelve inch mortars are planted. Tho bat teries, when on high ground, have walla even only with tho surface, and on low ground they are slightly raised. Tho outer wall la of concrete, forty feet thick. In tho concrete nro blocks of stone, thrown In promiscuous;!)', to de flect projectiles which penetrate the nurfae, Inside this wall is thirty feet of sand, covered with concrete; then another concrete wall, under which tho men and guns are protected. Under neath all are steam hollers and power ful tuig'.nea for handling the immenso guns, which wcIr'i over fifty tons each, and the carriages weigh r. much more. The largest guns on any wnr vessel are thii teen-inch, but the g)in on laud, with a firm foundation, has more power and accuracy than one on ship, . "In addition to its twelve-Inch guns, the Handy J look works h ivo a mortar battery of sixteen twelve-Inch modern rifled mortars. Their shells cau carry 100 pounds of cmmensHe, e'liial to 300 pounds rif powder In explosive force. If oho cf these monsters strike tho pro tected deck of an lroncla ! It will go through It and explode, ,A:dde from these equipments, Sandy Hook has three of the lately Invented dynamite guns, ready t'i throw ."jO-pouml charts of dynamite on or against an invading ship at long ran:;c. "For an Inside line behind the Sandy Hook batteries the board has also powerful. Across the channel is a line of batteries one-half mile long about Fort Hamilton. An attacking fleet would be in range of the Sandy Hook gnus when eight miles out. If It passed tho Hook it would then be under the concentrated fire, of the Sandy I lock and Narrows batteries for another eight miles. No fleet could etand this tiro for any long period, ami torpedos or submarine mines would prevent any HUick pafsage, Nov.' York is easy to defend. An altaiklng fleet could not deploy, as the English did at Alexan dria, form a semi-circle, and concen trate the firo of every ship, There Is not room for miiIi tacrtcs. The ships must appro.uh bead on, In single ll'e. Powerful senr.-hllghts at all the bat teiii H would help the gunners at night ami prrvent tampering with thy planted mint's or torpedoes. "The.e powerful batteries are the i'iackbohe of the New York defenses, ' .'? xt conies the modern Mil. marine '.iliMH. which uie iu i jilarneinent aim I.ikVw.Mi ..,.! tvw.ft' , li'iMfir r.-j nearly ns powerful nine miles up at , - i tho Narrows. One set are about Fort .'I Wardsworth, on Siatoii Island. These V :j ' are 1W feet above the wu, and very Otg Inipioveim nt over the old f.ihMouiil torpedo. A Htoek of mines with i tticir appiiai KH nil i.iitiiiiereti 1 1 ittm-l on Htaim Idtml. and nt Vl l. tt's t'olnt U 4 fan e of )) n,' n from ttt i i itner corpH. thoroiiKlily dfi'lnt for (! In the i'ik t.f pl.nj:i r.d V Miri.l: tin in. "lb" V..n riv- r utranc ti Ne York b.u u di ' mled by new land p.iwriful lni.!ii bit.!', bu'lt c Will it ivint hikI I n il i l i H i. iae i, t limn' u!i 'In- J'iiu'!: I mill I, it t j New s.m lv.i'i"ie' i Hue N h ! . If Htd t'.'-n tiiinj tul Utl..'".' e- ' t,. t 1 nlH It " e; k. H U Kiii'i t;l 'i.f i w I' I f I - n , t)H Mi i I'l ' i It r I ' o;" , il i.i ; , . I I ' I I ! ,V -n s, n. r 11 W ' , , J I P u. 'l i t Pf I it a 1 i H I if I I'll f 1 1 I o I... , r, i k , -. I I t. , . , '4 C 1. WHY MEN STAND. t'oiuplcx mefhanimn Uemli-m It rnnlbta but tho At'.itiulR I Not Normal. From the Scottish American: We are eo accustomed to standing upright a'.V a natural attitude that few of ua think what a Epecia! coniple:; mechanism is required for this purpose. A momeat'a consideration will siu.v that the or dinary explanation cf thu erect posi tion (the center of gravity to bo direct ly above the feet) in insu'Ti .lent. When a in nn is suddenly shot, whether from the front or behind, he drops on his f:i:e, for the truth is lhat there i.s much more weigh; In tho front of tho rpinal cnlmun than behi.vl If. The fact Is that when we are ctandlr.g a large number of powerful mui-U'les (both front and back) are simultaneously nt work, tho effects of their action being to neutral ize each other. Thus, tho legs would fall forward vero it not that they aro kept vertical on the feet by the strong tendon (tho "Achilles") at the hack of the heel. At the tamo time the muscles of the thigh are tightened eo as to pre vent us taking a sitting position, and the muscles of the bae.k aro pulled tense so that the trunk does not sloop for ward. The head Is prevented from dropping on the c! bt by tho ligaments in the nape of tho neck. That the up right la not its normal Ion is easily shown by the fact that a man nods as he falls asleep; for as :-oon as the con trolling nervous force is deadened the head drops forward by its own weight, only to be pulled back in position again with a Jerk' when the brain becomes suddenly awnro of an unusual attitude. AGAIN MINIATURES. U iiimcii Curry I be Staff ttt l.lftt fr'itn Hour to Door. Fiie largect loaves of breed baked in tho world are those of France and Italy, Tho "pipe" bread of Italy Is baked In loaves two and three f et long, while In France the 'oaves are made in tho shape of very long rolls four or live foot in length, and in many niii'i) even six feet. The bread of i'arls Is distributed r.lmoct exclusively by women, who go to the various bakehouses at C :f'0 n. m. and spend about en hour polishing up the loaves. After the loaves are thor oughly cleaned of dust an 1 grit the "bread porter" proceeds on the round of her customers. Those who live In apartments or flats find their loaves leaning agnlimt the door. Hcstrnra tenrs and those huviug id reel entrances to their premises find their supply of the staff of life propped up against the front door. The wages earned by these bread carriers vary from a couple of shillings to half a cro vn a day, and their day's work Is completed by K o'clock in the morning. Tlie I,w)y mill tlio Uiirglnr. From the Chicago Times-Herald: The lady, hearing come one In t no dining room, thought It was her husband, and slipped down to pour a glass for him. She confronted a burglar who was mak ing a vigorous eeureh of the sideboard. She idepped to a (lonet and brought out a heavy barkct, sajlng: "Here Is the silver; now'f,o away, my good man, be cause I hear my huabnnd at the front door, and he caries a pistol," The bur glar fled with tho basket and tho ladv fainted. When btr husband revived her she told the tale and explained that tho basket contal.i"d an Immense Mal teiia cat that slept in it. She fainted again for the possible fate of pussy. The next morning the cat iicratch"d nt tho basement door. It looked no worse for the adventure, and it lore a note tied around its neck, which conveyed tho compliments and admiration of her victim tho burglar. Aj.1i' Am llriln I'ooi', "The apple," declares a hygienic Jour nal, "hi one of nature's best gifts to wo men. It cle:.r3 and beauti fies the complexion by exciting the ac tion of the liver. Ilvgleniially it aula digestion, prevents calculous growths by li'dping tho kidney secretions and, as It thoroughly disinfects tho mouth, is one of the best-known preventives of throat dlseas". Apples are excellent hiaiu food, for moro than any oth' food do they contain phosphoric arid in an easily digested Ftate. The best tiam to eat apples in Just before going to bed, for they nro sure to promote sound und healthful sleep." One quest ions, per haps, the latter part of tho paragraph, for nil person cannot c t fruit, even the l holt min e applfl, at bed time; but the i st Is undouiiN dly trm-. Cliuiu natl Tril'iiee, I'.ulWrll.n fur lb Hair, Jev.-eh d is iii'im nis In the hair Me g'l?g t; be line h worn win r. hi ttie i 'ells if a mut t theater, a (i w iiiKhl li!, I null. i.l IH'Mil, cut third lady were a diamond luit'erdy to' n:r llr.htly poM.-il i n i n i;eiit t fiVi i. A tr.i it'i' t.nni t't ihi'inotitH taught H a tbiT , f iir fi ie !. ' I . but u tul.)' i I d. llllilli liUl'i'l lU p.Yi'itrd (Hi ,i mil df la iky In. r ai i 'i mere pe- ll'if. V'lut l,i, t ' 1 I 1 1 . lll. pi lO.C.i '! e , I HI ( I I ( ' 1 , , .'jilH 'i in if. e 'i. I lt I i M )i , it. N. 1 them Ml. . v, ,: : , , ie. J itu a 'In. in. ii. I . i. .(i ..' (i in ,., 1 1, Mr. I I III I i.'-Cl if. , I Miu i It li'i Ii. i,,t ! ii v I in lit t M n-.ih) t.'t' r ..,ini.; S.l pri i ' i U'.l4f Aim r..f l.ia i l- 'v: "I I i. l ' i ,) i I i ! . : ii I i '.i, I" i ,1 , ,!(, i I- ' . . ( . i .. . (. ' U ; . if l'i ' ("''' . ii, r . i ' t i i !,. ' I K ! ii' I -t 11 ."liai . ,' '...!. I i I I .1 I 1 . Mil !: A. CHRISTM 4S STORY. N THE big hive house, a of work- people, situated in tho Ruo Delambre, where for six months Tony Ko be.: had o.Titi'iled a roo,n, every one thought that he V , was a wldow-r. He tould not have been a widower very for hhV llttlo hoy, Adrien. who with him, and who was always long, lived well-cared for, was not moro than six years old. Yet neither of them wore mourning. Early every day, Tony Robee, who was employed aa a compositor in a prlntlng-houso In the (Junrt'er L:'t:n, left his room, with the child ( till half nsleep on his shoulder. He loft, tlio little one nt school, and called for him again at night, whi n returning from work. Then they went shopping to gether, after which they shut them relvca up In their garret, and nothing moro was seen of them until tho fol lowing morning. Tho kind-hearted gossips were full of pity for the poor fellow. Ho couldn't be more than forty, and was still good looking, although Had and pale, and with tdiver streaks In his black beard, Behind his back they said: "That man ought to man'y again." They wished to make his acquaint ance. Generally this Is not dlllleult in Mich a house, where the tenants live with open doors. Hut Tony had a very reserved manner, ami bowed so dis tantly and so coldly although politely to hlu neighbors, when he mot them on tho stairs, that they were r.fraid to approach him. "No, ladles," said the door-keeper, who was Inclined to ho sentimental, "that widower will never marry again, mark my words, Tho other Sunday I passe-; him In tho cemetery at Mont parnnuse. His wife Is doubtless burled there. It cut me to the heart to seo tho poor man with tho motherless llt tlo chap at his side. Ho must havo doted on his wife," Certainly Tonv had been very de voted to his wife, und would not bo consoled now that ho had lost her but ho was not a widower. His life had been simple, but not by any means happy, Although a con scientious workman, he was not par ticularly good at his trade, ami there fore until ho was thirty ha had not euc ceeded In making a to'?rably gooit liv ing, and could not think of marrying. When ho did resolvo to marry, ho ought to havo chosen a s.-rislble, eco nomical wife, who had known want as he had. Hut love does not. occupy itself with such trilles. Tony lost his head over a pretty, light-minded, light hearted .flower-girl of nineteen, honest doubtless, but frivolous, and thinking moro of her toilet than of anything else under tho kuii. It mupt be admit ted, however, that the could make a dress out of u few scraps of tuff. Ho bad saved a llttlo money with which to start housekeeping. Among other things be bought a big cupboard with a glass door, in whlc'i his wife could admire herself the whole day. They were married, and at first lived very happily. They hnd two modest rooms on the fifth lloor of a house in the Hotilevnrd do Fort Hoyal, villi a llttlo balcony from which Miey h;nl a lrd's-eyo view of Paris. Fvery nH;lu, t leaving work, Tony ltobec disguised I','-! h e , . N At.'. la . . r'.S ,A-;,Z i.v. ii r, , ii r "HOW GOOD OF Y()r." his workman'ii clothes uruler n lan.irt and waited for his wife, who priMcntly appeared from btr little booth la tho Hue S.ilat-lloiioie, iiiel nrm-di-aim ihe reuuned tj tie ir lilU'lhle lii'llie. At t e"'i watt barn, a:; I ;ui pu out to fitu i!e. Tlie i i. iit v.i iit to i, i h!"i tiote u (ornilglit. Hitt fit the m! i.f .1 '.i-ar th ' I bil.l dh 'I of i ulivul-l iti-i. I The par- ntn liOev-r. ki.ui niter j ward KUiMniiil by tin l.i ;li f li tb" I Adn n. llaln;, had a b.s I - ! rl'i:et Cleiiit l.t'.iii ii -ohed to brinii ; u,i th"' child lii'l it If. I;:d j'ave up le I i ;:ii'a .hp l'i tiribi to ! nO'i- tii j ten.l t- Ii - r S tic t.i.i. ia .,,. ii U ill I IH' fi-ik" iieira l( :l l .i'f III I !iat !. .- b i l j 1 1 iine ly i . i ii- I N' n-tbt ..ii i enrui.' ! - i i I la i Ii 1 1 i mill! ; i il I , . .... lii ,u. , III ,. I I I I , I ,n : t. ... i, (In- i,ll , ,i . i ,t mi ; . t. a it i ' . 1 1 ,i . . i -it ii i , f. e(:n i;:,n i I lw .e I It! I di. It ' I 1 i , I, til' , i a . 1 1 ( I ' I I " Tony sc!d the greater part of his furni ture in order to pay hie debts, and moved into tho Hue Delambre. Toward the end of September he re ceived a letter from his wife four in coherent and desperate pages, plenti fully washed with tears iu which uho announced that she had repented and invplorcd pardon. This was all verj painful fnr Tony, but he was proud, ami the loiter remained unanswered. He heard no more from Clementine. On Chrls-tnias eve he weut, as was his custom, to tho (canary at Moutpar ua.'?e, there to place on the. grave of his dead child a few frozen violets and roses. For the first time Tony went alono with the child, and, ntrango as It may reem, on entering tho cemetery he tuiVered more poignantly than ever before from tho absence of that wife who, had ro cruelly deceived him. "YYhcro lu r.ho now, and what Is sho doing?" thought he. On arriving r.t the grave, he r.tarted, for at tho foot of it were strewn iwv eral Utile playthings such ns tho poor glvo to their children a trumpet, a jaek-ln-thc-box, and a whistle. They had evidently just been placed tin re, for they were cpiito new. "Oh, what pretty playthings!" cried llttlo Adrlcn excitedly. Hut his fath er, having detected a scrap of paper pinned to orio of the toys, opened It nod read: "For Adrian, from his broth er Felix, who is now with the child Christ." Suddenly ho found the boy pressing ngalnst him, and murmuring, "Mam ma." There, only a few paces away, under a clump of cypress trees, knelt I ho mother. Sho was clad in a wretched dress and a thin shawl. 1 lor eyes wero sunken nud her cheeks hol low ami pale. Sho was looking at her husband, and her clasped hands wero stretched toward him In supplication. Tony pushed tho boy gently toward her, saying, "Adrlcn, go kiss your mother," Tho poor creature strained tho child convulsively to her breast, and covered him with klsces. Then rising and turning toward her husband, but al ways with tho air of a suppliant, eho said, "How good of you!" Hut he, alnady at her side, said huskily, almor-t harshly, "Don't talk. Take my arm." It is not far from the cemetery to tho Rue Delambre, and they walked quick ly, and without uttering a word. The child, engrosred In his newly-found treasure, trotted along at their side, thinking only of his toys. When they reached the bonne, the door-keeper was standing on the steju. ".Madame," paid Tony lo her, "this hi my wife. She has been elx months In tho country with her mother, who was ill, and now she has come back to live with me." When they reached tho room, Tony made his wife sit down in the only arm-chair, placed the boy In- her lap, and opened a drawer, from which lie took an old card-board box. Out of this be took tho wedding-ring, which he pressed on his wife's finger. Then, without a word of reproach or bitter ness about the sorrowful past, silently, gravely, with tho overflowing gener osity of a simple, childlike heart, he gently pressed Ms llpa to her fore head as tho Kcnl of his forgiveness. Hin l'iiiiiiiiilniir Coiffure. Tl;f pompadour fashion of wearing the hair has been adopted by two of our most talked of brides this year, J.IIhs Anna (iouhl and Miss Consuelo Van derbllt. This stylo of hair dressing seems escntlally natural, but a false pompadour may be bought In varying lengtlu ami prices to suit the purchaser. One for the forehead alono costs $10, one to extend to the ears, $!;, and t complete wig In th!:: nt) le over S it I:, i.o t cheapest. Kx, Iioiki by "Il iioiiari( . King Leopold of Helginn:, ehi' f o. the Congo Fre Stnte, recently ex pressed, in a letter, his high apprecia tion of the cervices rendered to the rtate by ii grammar of the lmguage which Mr. Heiitly, a Uapiut missionary, 1ml prepared, Another liaptlst missionary Mr. Urunfell, was knlghred by the king Co'niC lo It It llnril Wlnlrr. If there is any truth In the old saying that rt reason of Hlnindaiit wild fruiis and liiilf presages a cold and fpcwv winter, n vere weather may be expi-etrd lo Mai ' ii nc.t, All lh wild fruits have In en ui.i iiil'y abundant nid Hiiro Ii prorniM- f an ec.ualiy : luiudiint nu; j crop.-- AU .i!iy 'i'ia.iii I nam. PtHSONAU ' Tif A .'".inpreii :iiet,!f j.ur- I ate I a i;n..l! r.tat at Hraemar, n::J , il! t.aie . L' 1 built tl' re. I ('oluui I "ii K"i III ll.H bet 11 Clllnl ! Ikci ftoai Japan lo befu:ri mnagitijr Iii!i,fr of th" ,'e Yolk IN tall. :-t,tnn'l Khiw, ii wealthy farmer of 1 Anij bti, O, tin inuritd fur Hie fiftli i II ,-ne i'lil 1 lint PMf i'l ,,IUK fif BRO. I I hii Mi.t!i - aitlst of ,oii .m I'uM-h, ft- t 1,1.- l;nillrl dialt'lt. fell .! of . ..i t, , !ti il i". her rm ! i i" 'in Vea .J t, Ii t. f.innerly .- ) , ;. a' (( M,IS!i 11,11 II ill! i:,i'.n, hti ; n .ii ini ii1' I pi-..t- -, ri'liry it? f in . Ii . - it , " i ' f t v Fit' .-I 1 Ii f IMf t i 'i' ' v, .: t . i Uie . ' !-. 1. 1 1 ' o . I 'i, ' ''. f f .rt i t ii ,'it ' , : . i i ! .. it - .-n i ."!. V j 't -. . V. IM- r, I hp - nt! i ! I ' in . I , l ! ,tO I ' t 'I F '." I' -I cf . ! - I ii I ...i-i I v i 'i.i; J. I til '.' K,r-ut' ', ii .",.i' -r II, 1 i i I . V! I Ii , ll It' a il !"!,, Ci'H fl , 111 ill ill 1 lliliyis Best in the City. On iii'ctjinit of Hard Times we have eU'c'ulml to make the ptica o our Celebrate. Mca!a nt lO -: CSHTS -: lO And ujiwanls. Kcmoisiber we giitirnnti' our Monls the Best in tho City for tho Price. Everything Clean and Neat. HEBJRY. 132 South Tenth. WAITED ! 10,000 FARMERS to Know that tho JMMCV RESTAURANT, yiilLM 133 SOUTH 12. Is ninlor pew ami I'spi-ricin'oil m&nacnu'iit whore you can get all you wdiit to cat, tuorythiiiij on the Hill of Fare for QC, Open Day and Night. Special Oyster Soup 10c. Tprsr IT. Your Produce Taken at Cash Prices. L, 0. HOLADAY, Prop. European Plan. Corncr 11th and ? Ets. Lincoln, Neb. ALL NKWLY HKNOVATED: Haciotia, well.fnpnitiLeiJ ltownw with Kteani Heat. ROOMS: X iiiil W Vi.t- i'cr Day; $I.C(, $2.00 and t'J) l'er Week. SI'KCIATj IJATKS by tho month. Train-ient custom solicited. First ClafiH JJcbtHitinutiti i-onnection with the hoitEc. CAPT. J. H. McKEE, Prop. The Old Reliable 3T7S3:C The Pi. P. CURTICE CO, Is tho p'aice to hny your Pianos, Organs fuul Musical Merchant tli&e of All KuhIs. 208 South Eleventh St. Lincoln, iNToTorELSfeieL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Tho UcKt St haol lor MurumI Tr anlnj In tt o WoKt. Wuniil it'll it" nil tlii1-" ih ii 'Intf tt r.fft i lf-iS tniHiitrl I'llur.tticii tt ri'R'l tlicir ciiNi'ietif Rii'l Pro? ''i fiir 1 v.i"i i'. tirnilmU fiom tlii h !itl ran inter tl.i tip i.i l:iiti.j'iii! lu.TinNiriei withniit ntuiimtKiii tiii:'t ft t!it'niiir,!i mtiMi ;il Irnii'ini;. A t fut lii'tlll f.'T I I lie litl l elltl Uletl. re rvTi,a r. nuFKCTi' .cut xwx.w t. ui.y tnhlrn"!. A. A Ihl tiY. nn-iiii -i ; r. Mm. L 1. I.r.i'ohs i M'.fii . JImi.iI I'mtt'T. S-fiiiriy, F.HNE3T HOPPE, III; is Wines, Liquors and ciears. 'I 'M. lii'. I Ii. I'. tt!. Ii'i .i 't; UmI, Win V ( r IV . fi u.' A ?vu,!ii. HOUSE Lincoln, Neb. , ... t-1 I u t I ' ; iSi,, , ' .- l! re ei. !"" . I1 14 I I . ' I I It I' ; . , - . - t . m . - ., . i , , . i a i . ,i -I-. . 1 1 ' 1 ? i -I i . ' ! I v I 1 1 ' k I " n U lii -, i .. i "- t i .. a vi i 1 . I ' ' t . m j i r J lv i i !l r i ' ': ; - t . i '! I ''til i 1 1 . t ' I - !n i t lit l J..,-. , V Nn L'i M1 l it M.N i il M . I.A. 0