The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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Rntherland i.s to have a paper.
3old Las Leon discovered at Alma.
Perry Woodcock of Fremont ran into
crap joint at Omaha und dropped
It will take until Chrwtnws to -harvest
Iho jj corn crop iu llarlau
H. D. floott of Thedford had four
hfai of cattle all shot to piece by u
freight engine.
Tho poet lanrente of Iowa claims to
have unloaded 200 of LU books upon
Nebraska cIUzcuh.
A pupil of the hlffh school nt Blair
wan Roundly pimi.ibod for Buiokiujf cig
arettes on the catnpUB.
Attorney Frynxmr of Nebraska City
f proud of the fact that he road law
under Allen 0. Thiirmau.
A strong effort is bring muda to build
np a sentiment in I'lainvlow udverso to
Venning' my more KaloonH.
JXhun Allen, It twins, Ih still on
rnrth. He lives in Franklin county
ml is one of the early bcttlera.
W. M. Muupin, who lust served time
m th Fremont Herald, I now proprie
tor of the bulletin at l'crry, lu.
Itcv, Vyron Ileull Is working in Iho
field out west where tho harvest is
cady and the laborers are few,
li. V. ItoNcoo, a fiwatiton biitcher.wtis
awlsward iu hwinging the cleaver and
ih hhy two lingers on his left hand.
Many of the Ponea Indans oro look
ing longingly for their coming Issue of
rations. Some of them are su ffcring
or food.
There are 170 ruses on the bar docket
In Jefferson county, td tho tax payers
view with ularra tho expeuso of "clear
ing it up."
Jage county has two lifts of wiper
visors who are meeting and udjoiirning
from day to day until a contest cut li
An evangelist from Missouri is giving
the people of Madison such a religious
ihaking tip as they haven't had for
many a day.
It is reported thatt the slareh factory
t. Superior will be purchased by parties
able to operate it, with tho dawning of
mother year.
Tudga Welly will wage a content and
try and overcount tho majority of two
for Norr'iK, which stands between him
4 nd tho bench.
J. Davidson of Palmyra, son of the
hold keeper, fell nud broke his leg
while skating. This makes tho third
time ho has broken his leg.
Ira Thomas of the Craig Times has
p'lri'habod tho Oakland Independent
nd will move tho Times plant to Oak
laud and couMilidulo the two paper.
Sam Anderson of Washington counly
ts iu hurd luck. Oat of u herd of over
one hundred marketable swino ho has
but nineteen that Mirvivcd tho cholera
Lars Jaeobson, brother to Postmaster
Jucobsou at Vacoma, lost a team of
horses on May i:i last and has never
Veen able to obtain any cluo to their
The university regents and Chancel
lor MacLean have decided to establish
furmciV institutes, found a dairy
fcehool, a school of agriculture and a
school of mechanic arts,
Wilsonvllle presents a lecture course
to tho public which, for excellence, is
'.jtird to beat, Tho list of speakers is
beaded by lien. John M. Thayer. Then
Kev. U. fcl. Haywood, I)eau Mcllricn
nd others.
Work on the bridge across the Mis
mrl at South Sioux City Is becoming
very hazardous. Two men fell from a
winging NcaA'ohl the other day. One fatally injured, tho other ha a
broken leg.
A man named William Iloyd, stop
ping temporarily at Kushvitle, tried to
end his lifo by taking strychnine. When
the deadly drug commenced to get up
ait ion, he was glad to have a doctor
i vine and call him back,
C H. McKiustry and Mr. P.t-own, of
fatherland, while out driving wire
thrown from the buggy ami sustained
evcre injuries. Mr, linmn unified
riUIocated and ftutttirod leg and Mr.
McliLuatry wui considerably bnuM'd.
IVaiiU Shaffer and John Peterson
w ere riding in a road rai t neur Flair
when a Ug fiighteut'd the luirv and
Inith lueu wire thrown out on the
1'imi-U. hhuffer vn unhurt, tut Pet
a.tMiu' arm wit badly ft at lined at tliu
Oeirg Taylor of lii?Uw:iy, wh
rred a term in the hotel tie Leidelgli,
tor tealiikg h'gN bail rt'crUt'il wt-rd
(rout above that the "mwiuI huh i. '
would (vur uu the PtW iui., but ut
l! tUte ha route and ", ha ini-i
Ujto bvtu utUiulWiiusl.
J.t'nent", lVr. a m ,u),'n.t la t!.
I'ttt'Uagtoii yard t l.'iuoln. nut
ft.-r by 0e car 1 1 ul.iy n, ,i tm,,; mil
Instantly IttUtnL N Un. t ja
!. tt liiiied, a he found i
! I tm the tf i W awhlie ftfu rtf.;,
I ui tiKl n the f nd nt a r tint h td
t-nt lxbiHg lint i. ( Out lht ii.i .l
ka the rau t hi ! tlt.
' t.rndi tM. l'h I w a n
l v t i J I'M the l-'ttt iu.l (I tiM.t
fU,-ti kUMtt hty )ti, al. t ,
In otttfiUbl l.filtli. tU i bl b'C
1, 1-0 ir f ttiMtka b' I
lu it f.4r4 it ti. t.. ; hi l 'tltj
I uiirir With h tt I ( Oie w j
latil lutlirt t lU h fit I . ep- I
t I t tiilu pj-cJi Oie tt.-t i -a vf
frimlnrt Sliernimi, MorKan anil Olltrr K
preii the Itrllcf Tlmt Thi-rc W ill Ho No
War IiiIkv f SIa.ui lne.i IU Vmils
Quirk Art lim.
tVisntxc ro.Y, Dec. 20. As noon as
the Senate journal had been read and
approved the clerk of the House an
nounced the passage by the House of
the LiH appropriating Jf 100,000 for the
expenses on tho commission to Investi
gate tho boundary between Jlritish
tiiiiana and Venezuela, which was
recommended by the President and
the Vice President immediately laid it
before the senate.
Mr, Sherman moved its rcfureneo to
tho committee ou forrigu relations,
but iu the absence of Mr. Morgan,'
chairmuu of the foreign relations
committee, Mr. Coekroll requested Mr.
Sherman to withdraw his motion until
the arrival of tho senator from Ala
bama. Tliis was iloue.
, As soon as Mr. Morgan arrived tho
resolution was laid bcloro tho Senate
again and Mr. Morgan moved to refer
tt to the foreign relations committee,
The bill should, lit his opinion, be de
liberated upon long cnouyh to secure
an absolutely correct judgment, and
he concurred with Mr. Sherman in tho
belief that it should hrnt have due
consideration, but he wanted it dis
tinctly understood that lie would op
pose such a reference unless it was
made with the distinct understanding
that Congress should not take tho hol
iday recess until it wan reported baoU.
J ii tho Hawaiian affair, Air, Morgan
aid, Mr. Cleveland in the exercise of
Ms power, had sent to Hawaii a com
mlshioner to obtain certain informa
tion. He took that action without the
advice and consent of the Senate, and
when Mr. Mount's report was mailo
the debate upon it waslargely devoted
.o the questions of the President's
powers, purposes, etc. In other words,
if Mr. Plouiit had been appointed iu
virtue of an uet of (,'ongress. Congress,
and not tho executive, would havo been
responsible and there could have been
no possible issue betweeu the legisla
tive and executive brauchc of the
government. The qucttiou now pre
sented, therefore, was whether Con
gress should at this time declare the
policy of the Friitcd States, or leave it
iu the Prcvdilent's hands us still in
the Held of diplomacy. He did not
want it uudci'hlood, however, that a
diTcrcnce of feeling existed between
congress and the executive. Jt wu.'i
only a question of method, not princi
ple now. So far as the Monroe doc
trine was concerned, that had been
definitely settled by the action of the
president, t.'lcvc laud'M uu-siugc. and
more particularly Mr. Olney's nyte to
the liritish prime minister, placed the
Monroe doctrine iu a clear, substantial
anil unequivocal light before the
world, and uny action emigres might
laho in atllriiiinK' it, whether by tint
pessage of the house bill, amended or
unamended, it could not, be mistaken.
Mr. rgau congratulated the coun
try that the consummation hud been
reached, lie iiaid he uus incapable of
expressing the (,'i'ati.ude he fell over
this clear cut und tlctiiiite enuueiatiou
of an Anierieiiu doctrine founded on
love and reverence for American ideas
of government ami rooted and
grounded iu the spiritof the American
institutions, it was a com lusiou com
porting with the dignity of the United
Slates as a government and the pres
tige of the people itsu nation. At last
a great American doctrine tixed
absolutely the attitude of tho
United States and warned the world
that it would be maintained end en
forced. After reading extracts from
Secretary Oitiey's dispatches, lu mi id
that the Secretary's conclusion were
in harmony with his ow n views. This
was an American doctrine, such in the
Secretary of State formulutc I and ono
which when it became applicable in a
material way to a country on the
Western hemisphere, it behooved all
to suiuiort,
Mr. Sherman exnrcssed the belief
that there would he n war, and that
t he ma Iter cou Ul be ad justed peaceably.
Mr, hodgft of M UsIJehllsetts toi
lowed in a wiorins speech. lie said
that he was imt iu basic, hut he
thought the lime for the commission
to repojf should be limited, mid ruvc
notice of an amendment providiu;'
that tho ooinniisHioii should report by
Anril 1. lie did nut think that the
Monroe lo trine coulil Im noiield as :i
proposition of international law, but
he believed that it should 1m Mipj.orWd
as the Declaration of ludcpcinh ucc
wan supported, ineausij il was mi
Ameiicuu doctrine,
Mr VtHii iiees hpot.c in f.ivor i f im
mediate action, incut lo liitii) took
months to say that slm would iu.l ur
bilr.ilc lie thought tho roiintiv
should not m.iKe liny furttier dtlav.
but aps.l.t a cou.i'-ksiou to sto w hat
belonifi'd to great licit. I'ti, and n
her that an I no more. He dul leo I
hove llieri was imv tlaiccr if ir,
hut thought the ibyitit oi tie-I mtcil
Stales .Icmaudcd tint t undress should
ui t w itboiu uu - do-l h. r ili i.n
Mr, Mien ..f N. t ra-'. t ot..-.t.-d to a
seeolid It t 1 1 ig (f I lie '.,', WliiCU
Wtmbl ea'TV 15 mer uu'1! m rms.
Ill n khorl ;ct rti ' n. i l tloit l.e
tint fce tie,eoiil t i V . .f
He lli. u ;ht the itm. i uu nt pi -,.p 1 I
hv Mr. I !, iiiciiiit Oi -t Oicn t, i it
le liiore if a ', I t' Wur O itii an
111 Ui M I sc.
Mr. lUwb't ' -i-ui'i i,t im I Hi it
it m ii so et ? i i.e" w r .t
ill f oi if t ,i I I N .1 line i, lu tf t Ii tt t-v
the f t v t r. ,H l' 'I I I e 'l I
U U tt.., W . i t I II..- ' rc
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I'f !' n it t ,u ii I ic it i t "il i 1 ii . 'i
le cm i . i I
ff it.l.t i r ft ( ! '' n 1
li. lirill it '4i I u trj i ! 41 ' t
ttt?t of jt l ' U I rti t '' t
tilliN at. I IV. ' ' d frUf i ii t '.
I'ti ir, 1 , m! I !'
ho!l tie hniW.i! ! i, t,r t
tvl If . Vr.:,lnt w!t. i.iii ,
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O-U'n- o t-
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The I lltl.) Kibul.lif Wild Over tho l'nl-tleiii'-
Cahacas, Venezuela, Dec. 20. Tho
news of the Clcvelaud message, un
comproiiitsingly upholding Venezuela
and the Monroe doctrine, created the
wildest joy and enthusiasm here. It
has produced new confidence in the
future of the country. The Venezu
elan foreign ofllce declares that it will
custtiln thediguity and sovereignty of
tho repnblie by force if necessary.
One hundred and tii'ty thousand sol
diers can be pnt Into the field.
Tho government declines to speak
oflicially in regard to the Uruan inci
dent, but it is almost sure that it will
refuse to concede tho indemnity of
gilO.ooO recently demanded by Oreat
Jiritain. .
Jt is reported that England's war
ships are on their way here. The ar
rival of the American naval mquudron
iu anxioudy uwaited.
TIio Venezuelan press calls upon tho
peopio to show their patriotism ou
this great occasion and their gratitude
towards the noble iiepublio of tho
Northwest which lias proved in tho
supreme crisis its staunch alliance to
tho principles laid down by its most
advanced statesmen in the early years
of its history. The press also urges
upon the peopio the duty of preparing
for war with all their energy. Spec
ial editions were issued by the news
papers in tho evening, reiterating the
expression of tho popular feeling of
gratitude that there was at last to be
union of political sentiment between
Morthond South America, productive
of beneficial results. They ulso de
duce their confidence in tho outcome
of tho commission, which President
Cleveland proposes to send to examine
into the merits of the dispute with
(rent Pritain. The prestige, they add,
is now unique in the political world.
Kuglishmen resident in Caracas be
truy their uneasiness, but express the
opinion that there will be u peaceful
Caracas Is crazy with patriotic en
thusiasm. The populace show thai
they uro deeply moved to gratitude
toward their sister republic. Pictures
of President Monroe lire displayed
everywhere and the statue of Wash
ington lias been decorated wiith Amer
ican Hags and floral wreaths. A grand
mass meeting was held in the public
place Jast night, at which ringing
speeches were made. The American
minister was serenaded by the mili
tary band. A grand ball in celebra
tion of the event which now absorbs
t lie thoughts of Venezuelans will be
held January 1 at the Union club.
Tho minister of foreign all'airs
called at the American legation yes
terday and expressed to Minister
Ha.citon the thanks of President
President Crespo said that he was
preparing a personal letter of thanks
to President Cleveland. He added:
"The uttiludeof Venezuela and of the
executive head upon tho question of
tho boundary line in Ouiamt will
always bo one of self-protect ion, The
Itcpuldic will uphold rights that prop
erly may bo regarded us hers at all
hazards' President Cleveland and
myself were both as ono in the losing
and iu regaining power and certain, ly
it. hcem-i as if we were one in dentiuy
and iu action."
Inltriiitlloiiiil Inn l'rircHii Urclino
llio l'reitiilriit I Wriini;.
Nicw 1 1 a vt-'N, Coi.n.. Dec. tjt. Pro
fessor. Thomas S, Wolsey, who holds
the cha r of international law in tho
Yale law school, speaking of tho Pres
ident's message on the V'cnezuelau
dispute, t-uld:
' The President has been ill-advised.
When ho Miytthut tho dispute between
Oreat l'.ritain and Venezuela is dan
gerous to our national tafety, he says
that which everybody known t- be
ridiculous. The I're.s.deut emphasizes
unduly a single phrase of the Monroe
doctrine, without taking into account
the special circumstances which the
Monroe, doctrine was intended to meet.
Ill tho whole matter, the Monroe
doctrine should be kept out of sight
as inapplicable, and the question
should be itrglied on grounds of 1111
t'umal policy. The President finds
h's oiler of aihitration declined,
lie now announces himself lis a
mediator IIl.I the mediator kujwti
to international law must l-e accepted
liy both parties, who arc also Imlli
free lo reject, bis- ib e'ldou. In this
ea e u - ther party made the I'-esidenl
u in. di.itor and he announces i i in.
tent ion to en I'oree it decision. Ho is.
therefore, not a me liator, but the
di-tutor. Compulsory mediation in
th', i i ;ic is as much out of place a
oi;'i. I ,ji V i lieeii II similar p1 ' -posit on
in and Nor' hen. '.
bo'.ioilary dispute ''
l o -HA. i e o. -.1 II Peal, .Jr.,
pr -fessor of international law at liar
ta -i. s;iv it is t-i ront ons to ln-lii,e
l in- l'i i-s iii-iit s a ssei t ions lu On- Vcn
cii hi a ipi tloii ace justified b inter
nil o i;il Itw They 4i i . irerely m
tit'inii iiimi of it maioit.ti I'oiU v, bet
ni.H ss J u-. , his prove I t V 11 ii,e t-i !
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ilow the Cp-to-Inl J'enpt lUid rteai
ore In IV Inter.
People are fanciful and it is Fancy,
after all, that is happiness, and the mo
tive which dictateao the world. Soipe
one fancies that the cozy fire nt home
and tho environment of favorite books
is enough to mako lifo worth living dur
ing tho winter months. That will do
for tho way worn, weary, easily satis
fied, old fashioned roan and woman, but
the up to dato cavalier and the new
woman require a change many
changes In fact, and they seek in tho
dull winter dayu to find the climato they
wearied of in bprlng and whined would
pass away in summer. Sitting behind
frosted window panes and gazing on
tho glistening snow crystals they elgh
for tho warmth and brightness they
lovo better now than a few ehort
months ago and, In no other country
may these whims, these fancies be bo
easily gratified as In America. Abso
lute comfort in these days, and In Hpecd
and safety, too, Inntead of tho wauled
time and discomforts of the not distant
past. Ponce do Leon who sought the
fountain of Eternal Youth on tho shores
of Florida consumed many of the pre
cious days of later lifo, and died befoto
Attaining tho great prize. Do Roto wan
lured In tho came direction and found
at Hot Springs, by the Bid of UJelah,
the dusky Indian maiden, tho wonderful
product of the "JJreath of the Oreat
Spirit," but before he could return home
and apprise his friends of the gre dis
covery and enjoy the certainty of gold
and youth, which ho believed ho had in
his grasp ho fell a victim to tho inlaaml
of tho Great ttlvor and found a grave in
Its muddy depths. To-day tho seeker
after health dimply boards ono of the
magnificent trains of tho Missouri Pa
cific System, and after something to
eat and a nap, wakes up to find himself
In this delightful winter ltoEort, ready
to cmbraco health which neems to be
Invariably renewed by the magic of the
air and water. In Do Roto's time tho
fsccret of tho Fountain of Lifo was sedu
lously guarded by the savages, but now
a hotipitablo peopio opens Its arms to
receive the tourist whether his quest be
for health or amusement. Fancy some
times tires of Hot Springs, strange as
It may seem, but Fancy enys "the fields
beyond aro greener" and the climate
of San Antonio U more desirable and
thus another rldo in another palace, and
new scenes and new faces pleaao tho eye
and satisfy the rest less cravings of this
master of man. Thus from tho Father
of Waters to the waves which wash the
wcHtern chore of this great country tho
tourist Is led by a whim, but rnont de
lightedly captive. Mexico has been
described ao the Egypt of the new
world, and tho comparison lo lltllng,
and ho who dare not face the dangers
of tho deep, and. prefers to retain hla
meals as well us his life, should mr.ko
tho Journey to the land of tho Monto
smmas, anil there learn tho story of the
apes within the faces of a people which
change less la tho passing years than
any other on the Western Continent.
This Is the land of Sunshlno and Color;
of history and romance; and ns bright
eyes will smile at you from under be
witching head gear ou may bo found in
Castile or Arragon.
Fancy carries one to California of
course, and this Journey, ns It onco was
termed, Is now so easily performed as
to have lost til of Its terrors and left
only a mmit emphatically delightful
trip to bo the mibject of mauy future
conversations. The land of fruits and
flowers and fair women; Fancy can ask
no more after this tour unless it has
been, satisfied for once; and Etlll it is
Fancy which takes the wearied traveler
back to tho h.omo and tho familiar sur
roundings and tho friends and loves of
homo. There ho may contemplate new
Journeys and new dlvertisements, but
there lingers in his memory a pleasure
ho would not part with, and ho hopes
soon to again enjoy the comforts af
forded by this Great System of Railway
which has taken him safely out and
brought him safely home and has not
robbed him of the Joys which Fancy
b'lu"8, F-JjJ!AKi:u-
Tim nt r ami t utor of I Imt-rrt.
Plants with white blossonn have a
larger proportion of fragrant species
t'lait any otluM'j n-xt comes red, then
yellow and blue; aft?! which, an I in
tho saiuo order, may be reckoned
violet, green, oraii,'-', brown an I
black. The llowert of uprin-r uro
white an 1 highly fngrant; tlioe of
Miinmer are red and yellow mi l lcs
fragrant; those of autumn and winter
ri darker and uit'. still I per
CnUrrli fa l H I'tirrtl
With bwsl nppll stloiic thy rs.
ii- t r-uch tin . ( t! illf-ase. C;t
t.trrh tu t l t vil if ftnis'lMiii noil dl-e.tst-,
ami order I cuio It ) me t
tuse fM ' tien It tli t'tt inll
rr 4 tjk -il liitt I II ttlv. mi l "
r aly tot ht M i.,.l hiel mueoiin ur
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The Kecent ISaiii Verj Sewre In feevt-ra,
f out Scott, Kan.. Dec. Almost
incessant raiu since Tuesday morning
has caused the worst winter loon ever
known here. Over five inches of water
have fallen. Jlarmaton river, Mil',
creek and Puck, run are all out of
their banks and the water is higher
than during the Hood last summer, in
which two lives were lout.
.North Fort Scott is badly under
water, and families were moving out
during the steady rain and cold north
wind all night. Tho public school on
that bide U inaccessible and fcchool has
been suspended. Since fast night a
force of men has been ut work on tin:
National avenve bridge to prevent its
being wusbed away. The (food lander
mills havo bee ii forced to suspend.
Passenger trains from St. Louis due
here this morning have not arrived
nud one is reported abandoned at Si
dalia. Columbus, Kan. A ruin which has
continued for forty-eight hours is still
falling here and the local signal sta
tion reports it the greatest rainfall
ever known lie re. The htrcams urn
impassable, trains are being delayed
and mails ou the star routes are hus
pended. Cherokee, Kan. It ban been raining
hero for the past forty-eight hours
with little prospects of ce.sation. The
Neosho and .Spring rivers have over
flowed their banks and unless a freeze
up coincp soon much damage will
Jikoly result from floods.
Mueli Hiiiiiitr in Mlsvnirl.
Kt. Lons, Mo., Dee. 0 ICeports rc
ecived from various oeetionu of Mis
souri and .Southern Illinois indicate
that yesterday's rain htorin was tho
most severe for many years for this
season of the year.
Passenger trains on the tit. Louis
ami San Francisco rail way, both ways
from Carthage, Mo., were abandoned
as were also he vera 1 freight.
Me.vico The ruin is said to be a rec
ord breaker for Deletubcr in this sec
tion of Missouri.
Powling t;reenlt lias rained stead
ily nud hard for forty-eight hours and
is still raining with no signs of clear
ing up. Streams in Lincoln. Kails and
Pike counties aro swollen out of their
in the vicinity of JopKn and fioldcn
City, Mo., the, which lias been
falling for more than twenty-four
hours, i-hows no nigri'i of cf-asing.
Mines in the vicinity of .Joplin will
sufl'er to the extent of thousands of
dollars by the fiood,
The same story comes from T'.loom
Ington, Areola and New Douglass, Jit.,
whore county roads arc almost im
passable. iScdaliu Rain has been falling con
tinuously for more than forty-eight
Springfield, Mo. The heaviest rain
for years has swollen the streams in
this vicinity until great damage litis
been done. Over eight and one quar
ter Inelies of rain lias fallen in thirty
six hours.
t;x-t'lty Hciin-lilfcr of Toelt.i. I'liai-tffti
AVIIIt Urn trim Kolttiurloit,
TofKKA, Kan., Dec. 20. -The police
!a.-,t night arrested ex-City Scavenger
M. I',. Lowe on tho charge, of body
snatching, and they claim to have a
i.traight chain of proof which will
convict him of being the party who
robbed threo graves in the Topeka.
cemetery to supply the Kansas Med
ical college with dissecting material.
Lowe is already under 3l,3u() bonds on
the charge of murderous assault.
Dr. Minney, dean of the college, was
also rearrested on the charge of ar
ranging with Lowe for the bodies, as
were also V. Jl. Martin and L. C. Dun
can, students at the college, who are
charged with receiving the bodies into
the dissecting room. The throe latter
gave bond while Lowe remains in jail.
Ahum SUUu-cll'i hornier Mife uii'l tint
Doctor Testify.
powr.iNo (iiif.KV, Mo.. Dec. "0 The
nine lawyers who are defending Dr.
I.e. llearne in bis trial on a charge
of murdering Autos ,1. Stilwell. devot
ed nearly all of the bitter part of yes
terday to ititroiiuc.iig r-videni'o to
discredit Dr. 1'reil Vern 'Me of llunui, who swore that l.e nut Dr. llearne
at 1:1 on the iii;;ht of the murder,
going toward his lm no from the, direc
tion of i.he Stillweli mansion
To-dav a number of other wit nesses
were put on the stand tu discredit
Vei tiel le and establish un aiibi for Dr.
llearne. Nothing sen saiioal ".vtis de
veloped. Mr. an I Mrs. Ili-ariie tm.k Die stand
late this afternoon and flatly conlia
dieted all tlie ilamutring evidence of
tbu Mate.
Kltl.-.t l- 1 1. f trvi-tlii am.
I'iiIIT Al I I.Y, lot., Dec .Tiibtl
Pryant a loan man 'o year old,
win killed mar here by his sweet
heart, Miss l't l!o Tin- tM
yoiiiij.' people ant u sister nf Mus
.l.i'iu-t ttvre f t'lrniir.r fi in a imly
pndUig If, v.i ut I in 'i t M s .bntit-a
ins pisto' u i.t lo!. . i t i sh.-tit, It.
Mtc piilnii l !' tli " s Ve-itl times
,ii. .1 f ,eli ti , e it .... ji;s I III' tlu-u
! it t'r; no,- fit. tin- i butler met
ijulflit l U 1-t t r. " 'u fiK iitcd
tin-pistol a' Pi ii.'. pii'ii'-l tin' tug
r i' a i n--ti' I "' . ii.'ril . w,i iln
tli4rae,t t. c .t, -I s- u i
titer the i- tit . t-.ti i 1 o ; ii in .11 I 4 il' t v .
I t ti u W ii. t I r e.
, ( tv 1 . - I l.f . Ht
of upt- i s lii . , i 1 I I i u -'- ti 1 1 i"
i-,. nl 1 li - tl Iff nt tt i. r-
,i. 1 ...... ;t t-i I .i -Mi-. H oiuit
t , t V V III. tit IS It (f U III.. It.
t llli kit I t , t too.
I t i.i t ,i.i,' i d. m-Iis
u !-a'ift .,.. 41 ''-''' i.. ili ..' lit a. loi't" f !
-.4t i -t. i t.i f ' ''
'. !.!, I l U. K-I'lS 1 4't
IU .. !... t f l:, - -it. lot 14. f I -!
, . if.-.- of I. .., f t!,,. f ,ll,.-l
I e t, ' , I ,.! tt t . I, -1 I
t t , , i - r
s.iif t. Hi - ' v 1 .
mt I , tilr 5 ..s to" ' ,''-,. t-t
W. m. t -' ' 1 '' ' ' l'
t . tt I ?
Why ArtUt WhtiUer - Conlrln't Holler
Ills Cat Had Ha l Kittens.
Everyone knows the story of Whist
ler's celebrated reply to Oscar Wilde's
envious exclamation of delight of a
clever sketch of the eccentric painter
how Oscar said, "Oh, Jimmy, how I
wish I had said that!" and how Whist
ler answered, 'Never mind, dear
boy, you will" but everyone does
not know, says the Chap-book, how
during the time that they were
frinds, a kitten was given to Whistler,
and that in token of affection and
witlioutundue curiosity ho had named
it Oscar. Time passed a nd Whistler's
wifo invaded the studio ono day with
a momentous announcement.
"Jimmy," Kaid she, "did you know
Oscar has kittens'."
"Impossible," said Whistler, laying
down his brushes; "Oscar can't."
"Come and bcc," said bis wife.
Together they went to where Ose.n
aud the kittens lay. Mrs. Whistlei
looked at her husband, who stooiljfoi
a moment iu amazement and dismay.
"Never mind," ho aaid, "they inus'
be plagiarized."
Ill-met mu I Kulliirrl
Wo run iii'-iitlnii no failure nioro fllsnstrou.
fhnn that oC ul erery. It Involves tin
purihtl biik)tisIiii nf the li;nllve and uesimt
liilfve vriii'cHse. mid cntniW t' retlrenionl
from biwhien of I he li'-'-r l.idnej-H. tinlj
ttuoiiKli the Keoil oltlces uf Itostetter M Stoin
Hell Hitters can till) lVtiiiuliini of lis ffirne'l
vixuruiiH walim tm Imiii .1 rr. Wlieu tliiM mrf
1ms Hi:tu.r1, a riismiiptioa of m llvliv Is
liin stoinni Ii. Ilvr iiuil bowels may to rellfit
i pou. 'fho OittoM cui'iueis uuliiiia und kid.
i.oy troubles.
Tlis Fores of I'lsmpln.
"I do not believe nny man ever ycl
genuinely, humbly, thoroughly gavs
himr-x-i; to Chrmt without eamo othet
finding Chrifct .through him." Phillips"
Uroolin. " .
A 3lup of the United
The wall map issued by the Hurling
ton Koutc is t hree fei't wide and four
feet long; is printed iu seven colors; D
mounted on rollers; (shows every M ite,
county, important town and railroad in
the Union, and forms a very dcM.rabl
and useful adjunct to any household or
husinotsH establishment. Purchased iu
huge iuanlitii'M, tho maps cost the
Uurlington route more than 15 cents, but on receipt of that amount in
stamp 1 he undersigned will be pleased
to t-end you one. Write immedirtely,
as t he supply is limited. J. Francis
(i. 1'. tSr. T, A., Ilurlington lloute, Oma
ha, Neb.
Pctient Hee here, yon mi vert he that von
pjttritet tnelh without pnln. Dentist.- C'cr
laiiily. but uot t Ids Ihid of feolh. Patient
What then; Dentist-False teeth.
ruin I not conducive to ili-anr,
rtrifr.laity wtn oi-iirl,mcil lir eerii llinitrrorni
m.I .'jic)oii, tut 1. remove) tbcin pcrleaiy.
Cowley lllfed fried eels. Ho f,oid .tlint
when properly cooked they .w ere a dtli lo
Hit before u hi'ng.
ThUb 1.'irlcer'iluirir Tonlr lionitt wit It yon.
Vim ttnl ili.J II in I'XiTi-d your etpe, -ui'miit l
obailug tclili, mij miny lil, m.lii-i ,iu wi-iic-i.'
Homo people crave notoriety so they cun
linvu a big funeral when they die.
That good health, utrong nerves, physical
Vigor, happiness and usefulness depend
upon pure, rich, healthy blood. Itemem
ber that the blood can be uiado pure by
The One True Blood Turifier. ; 0 f 05 j.'
Hood'n Fllla cure biliousness, lieadsrhc. iac
WorlJ s l-'ulrl HKilitiST AWAH1). t
r ranum
Mauy competing FOODS
j have come and gmzSA
been missed by few or
t none Si popularity of this
I FOOD steadily increases!
J Sold by DRt'OniSTS nVt:RVVllf;KEI 3
t Jnhn CmiIo A jHin, New Vnrk.
AWlSIl,l.liitil.lHl.lil.i(i.t(liiVIl .
llliltmio, rjl.llm'i.n hiiwltif- lH,t.,
r,u.!-i. h it ii in:u.i.s. l'i I'ikAl
.'.! .Ifc'I IIMI HACHiNllfcV,
t-tl sr. Have lirtia tutu j oat
-'l ; 1 1 'It f V itiilim nii l lr-!i Wtrk.
' h .i. i',,i. m. . fiv,5nv't v
n i It ..trn. i. i.vVSi.,1 f
r. UM'.:f..V t H.-K M.I HtS.,1. I O , t - - "i4 ! p
, -1 It I 1 I. ..,11 i Ir s i, Mmi
' i'.'w.WT,'" 4 Ut- - w n. kill.
f t ." ', 'i' I ' ' t" i ''" iirj
: 1 '.I' r I - in W'.Un .! t'..i.t,
?-v-:-tlv- 'V, I.!1.,','
Patents, irfitla-lviarks.
I' t i-,. . ill -1 H-l t'-.-. I .I'M- ,- i 1, .4
.i- - . I. s- ' , ' ' 1 ,. 1. - 1 ,- .... I- 11.., ., I,. 1
1 1.::.;; s.'i.'.Lj, iair::!, s. s.
llvlif t i,ti iSlrr-it,i
M4iutti., i iuu t.a4lui ..itH tha
PTV '-7iJ .'I.;' -5J v.,'tiMiMl
-I s. W I . mli'iHjIii'1 "
'.iitCt-HHt.ll V '.. t f l-t - 1
u . . . ... I
CI -1 1 . 1
fi-i-. J.
,KllW', a irra
Xl- l-l fit i. 1
,4-' if , 11 i-.iii-i, V
r, . k.., - 1 . .
i. jl. 11. v7, K Tss 5,"
, I 11 ,,i tt.
J' i, '1 - I I '