ORTH OF LOTH And Iiarnieliine: Goods eit Cost GREAT BARGAINS. See Prices Below. We aro Strictly one Price. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Tills is Your OpTOortianitv For SUITS. A $2') Suit for 815. An $18 Suit for Y.M. A 15 Suit for 11. A 12.50 suit fur S.K). A 10 suit for :.:. COY'S SUITS, -Long 'Tan Is. A 15 suit for $11. 12.r.0 Suit 8.00. iO.CO Suit for 7.r0. 8.00 uit for 5.")0. ()'EllC().TS-85 Coat for .JT. 20 Coat for 15. 15 Coat for 11. 12.50 Cent for S.(H. 10.( K) Coat for 7.r.0. T.50 Coat for 5.0. We curry a Full Lino of Trunks and Valises which we will ell you the same way. A 83.30 Hat for &i. A 8.00 hat for 2.50. A ','.50 hat for 2.0 ). :: (0 bat for 1.50. (iLOVES. A $2 Glove for 81.50. A 1.75 Glove for 1.35. A 1.50 (Hove f, 1.10. A 1.25 Glove for 1.00. A 1.00 Glove for .75c. The StOCk IS All New and Fresh Goods Containing all the Newt st Novelties in. Moth Pattern and Cut, and no old stock firsf marked up 50 per cent and thai cut down. If you wish to Have money do not fail to give ns a call. This Sale will continue until the first of the year. 1039 O Street. BaJeir's Olotlxizi IHEoTxsse. FURNISHED ROOMS, BY DAY OR WEEK. Nicely furnished rooms, from $1 to $:5 Per Week. mrs- oHESSiisra-Toisr, Vi'U O Strkjst. Lincoln, Neb. European Plan. 3Cercn.arLts HCotel- Corner Htli and i' Sts. Lincoln, Neb. ALL KKWLY 11KNOVATE1): 'Spacious, well-furnished Jfooms with Steam Heat. ROOMS: 25 and r,0 .(Vuts Per Day; $1.00, 1.50, $2.00 and $2.50' IVr Week. SPECIAL HATES by the month. Transient custom solicited. First Class Ifeitaurant in connection with i lie house. CAPT. J. H. McKEE, Prop. The Old Reliable The N. P, CURTICE CO, Is the place to luy your Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchant tlihe of All Kinds. 3EED THOUGHTS. As you our journey take tlvi' time Oh, let your light Rhine forth sublime. Cheer those who in tho chirk may be, Then you'll shine thro' eternity. Ferrer Marlyn. If thou int-iul and wi-k nothing elan but. the will of God and the good o? thy neighbor, thou shalt thoroughly enjoy inward liberty. Thoma a-Kenipifi. . I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air; 1 only know 1 cannot drift Beyond Ills love and care. Whittier. He who is falsfi to a" present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find a (law when he may have forgot ten ils cause. H. W. llcech r. Chrifitianity is an infallible revela tion, hut It is noi committed to au in fallible ehurch. Jan. C. Kernald. Slander lives upon succession, Forever housed when once It sets pos Kession. Shakespeare. Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it. die for ii-anytbing but live for it.-Colton. Let us be kind to each other here on earth; it will save us much confusion when we meet in heaven. Anon. Cast your bread upon the waters, but do not wait until it is too stale for your own use.- Sabbath Outlook. HAVE YOU TRIED HenryVeith's Hardware Store? VK CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on Anything you need in the Hardware Line. We are Sel'iu 208 South Eleventh St. Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln, 2STe"bra,s!k.a, CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. . fir 1 ?mmmi&mM The Best School for Musical Training in tho West. Wotiitl advis-all tliosH desiring a first, class musical education to read their catalogue ami Prospectus for 1S,5 0. tiradualen from Hum school can enter the (Ireat European Conservatories without ex animation You get a thorough musical training. A heautiful home fur ladies ami gentlemen. tS (WTAI.'KJUK and PHOSPKCTUS Sent FKLK to any addrea. A. A. Hii.KY. liusitiesi Manager. Mkh. J P. Urookh, C. MofUS, Mimical Director. Seerctrry. Now old man remember the next time patronize the The Jewel Stoves and Ranges 115 1 The 13 1'IST IX THK VGl,'Id. Over 2,500,000 in Use We have the Finest Line of (JItANITE and TINWAKK and All Kinds of Kitchen Furniture.. We have a few Peninsular Hunters which we will Close out AT COST. We keep the Finest Line of TAIJLK CUTLEBY, CAllYINtr SFfS and Pocket Kutves. Y'oii will find in our store a Large Assortment of (Hoods for ar Holiday Present Complete Stock of Guns and Ammunition. SKATES and SLK1S for Uovs ami trirls. Give us a Call and be Convinced. arton Fuel Go Remember the Plac 7i UEST GRADES of COAL iu the Market at ItOTTOM PIMCES. 1024 O Street, Yard 16th andY. M.tir I Otlice, 7HJ. lEi.wm.xB.: Yar(1;7o7. HEMRY VEITH. 905 O St. Opposite Post Office. i ERNEST HOPPE. Wines, Liquors and ciears, Thw C.delira!'l lJinUeiner Pottle 1!ct Coutiitly ou hand. Whi-ky for lVeily uim a HjKHialtf. Nil VJ7 M)UTU TENTH ST. I. IN" ii , Sin. Telephone 105 for Hie Best Coal Cheap for CASH Clark Coal Company. Fuel Otmrantml ns Iteprwnteti; ui i icmu tat n."i i. j r,.i. i hu...! i -i.. CO Til Capital City MEAT CO. lUlt P Street, for Low Prices. Choice White Lar.l, o Choice Shoulder Steak, Tic; Itiilogna. j Salt Pork. Uairy Uutterine. 11 fur Vt'c ' tiive us u tnsl. Capital City Meat Co. 1014 T Street.! ALL ABOUT IT. n illustrated Journal tell tug all ahout tlie wi.rking of , i l.tvr S-liiml i n Liu: city j tl,t i making a i-ecialty f J it.kiuing LtU" Wusiiieii iiKii j it)M.MEllC!LrnII. Shutt Hand, i iH' ritini'. . on 'i'l iii gin In iw ninth it will ! ! tu in tin' l---tm: t'f the tl lit m limd tti at i wilhoiit in,! i'""V. ! tt'.nl tn i d it f r f i ui.uiu;iii;f. H.r. I.o i !i lUi-'mt C.-li' ii''. t .!...!. N-t. DISCOUNT SALE. Now On At The Palace of fashion. (Mrs. .) II. lilair's Old Stand.) 117 South Eleventh Street. Imported Pattern $l0o, Worth $12 o.Ot). ' lt .'") Trim tin -d Mats &MK), worth V " " 'J.ott, " " ." ' " l.r.o, ' I One-half off on F.imy Feathers. Ti, Kihhons, Hinlf, Flower., Etc. You will avi- inoney iiiBecting mir stork hefore inirchn.-ing New here. Dr. W, Queen, The Specialist Cancer! Its soietitifi treatmeut and rorawl in twenty VJ! without 3 kuife, iain a m (tr oftj w i PR. QCEK.V curen I'llfnV mors without stin, knife or !i drop of blood, tie tlHO ciircat.iy. Treat, Lungi. Herl and NVrvixV bilitr. XJ l)R. gUKKX ha made di-aa 1 the toinuoli, Kuliify, I.irrr, lilo.nl aa 1 listaM-s of Uniiieii a iijH'fia'.iy for L tliirtv tlvo yi-arv He has r't.lord T J hi'imiijf tu tii ili-if anil i!i'. lo tha MllKl. IU. Qt'FF.X t the sjteoialt or th n"il!iwt'l to the Trt'atuieiil and Cura f.f a ' Chrome and I'rtvute I'tilmenU bavinir ilei in I,ln-o!n and ltmUf wunt.r fur thirty-four, years. Hy apfilylnj to IV. 'jiiffn. tli KIe. rieuii, ym nipt Instanl Itttlef aa 4 Mire from a',1 l' u from Ulifinisiioni Neura!iia and all llironlc AHmeuta after ait uiedical rei tedie have (al4 lastltut t and t;ie.?'rle Its'H W..n, LTnlon niock.N E.cor. lothfaO WINDSOR LIVERY ! 5 ale and Guarding Stable. I Tii. Sul!tO IVr M-uMi. I ILx S'tlU P. r M ntlj j J V lil.tVe i . I ,' i f P .M( j iy: Prmit. Ki' M E. MOORE. Prop. Holiday Ioods. 011111110118' Books, Toy's, Game?, Dolls, Albums, Celluloid Novelties, Etc. I I, tf(.U in is! ! N!d in the Ni"t "l l.ii y !) rtid llti j will l" ' V wiil makf the j ri- e ; tin in. ROY'S DRUG STORE. Corner 10th and P Sts. I r V