The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, December 13, 1895, Image 2

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Europe must have an ordlnanco
against Turkey-raffling.
The Biiltnn is said to have broken
faith. We didn't know that ho had any
to break.
It 3 evident that Lord Puoraven be
lieves that yacht races should be sailed
in printer's ink.
' It is a mistake to suppose that people
hate to be laughed at. Look at the
comedian, for instance.
A young man who lacks in gallantry
toward his mother and sister is likely
to lack it toward a wife.
A woman in Clroc-ntiburg, Ind., died
of remorse tho other day. No fears of
tin epidemic are entertained.
While not sympathizing greatly with
the sultan, wo think it may bo fairly
said that Lis job is do sinecure.
The candidate discovers that "no
cross", no crown," is about tho nhape of
it under the kangaroo dispensation.
Nigh breeding gracefully insists on
Its own rights. Good breeding grace
fully remembers the rights of others.
The nawab of Basoda may not be a
Tery learned personage, but he is splen
didly adapted to the purposes of comic
We imagine we can hear Col. Dan
Stuart praying for a restoration of the,
parity between lumber and physical
Ordinary talk doesn't seem to affect
the sultan. After a while some of the
war ships may come along and give bins
blowing up.
The sultan is decorating those who
Committed the atrocities, not neccs
tpriiy for publication, but simply us an
ividence of bad faith.
Coxy did not go himself, but he sent
his son to Cuba to help struggling Cu
bans to keep Spaniards off the grass.
Give Coxey duo credit.
A negro who wounded four people in
Kansas with a hatchet has been re
leased and the victims have been bound
iver to keep the peace.
New York, not being able to get
either the republican or democratic con
vention, might try for the populists.
They would not bo afraid of the Tiger.
From the way oil wells are being dis
covered in Indiana it might be sup
posed that the earthquake had shaken
part of Russia over to our side of tho
globe. ,
Men who feel that the safety of tho
country and the success of candidates
of 1896 will be dependent upon what
ttiey do will be very busy from this
time on.
It is difficult for a man coming home
!ate at night to realize that the tower
ing femalo who stands at the head of
tho stairs is tho timid little girl he
ikcd to be his wife.
A Kansas man has been committed
for contempt in refusing to taste beer
in court. Most of bis fcllowmon will
look upon him as being justly punished
for despising an opportunity.
Theso repeated rumors of Senator
Pavld B. Hill inteillng to murry are
very distressing to that young man.
Mr. Hill thlnkB the public should real
ize by this time that he is wedded to
bin art.
An Inquiring man thrust his fingers
Into a horse's mouth to nee how many
teeth he had. Tho horse doped hit
mouth to see how many tin rim the man
had. The curiosity of each was fully
A o1ink journalist of Chicago has
toon sent to jail for font months Juki
for tvajlng that another man had been
feut lo the prnttmtlury. when, In fart
be hail not, and tlx ie u no
for nodding Mn. II" apolog Jt-d and
explained that he ha. I lm it tare, la by
a Joker, who give him the tttory, l.ut
aa he I'm putitihhtitK a butiiorni;; j'.ip. r
tfco Jury shaae I hiiu no m r y,
The "Kurrlsn Nntr" r!itir ttittt ,
lei'la!ty of I'liropejin mar-clou.! an!
H i a mUi.i) d. if J.ty in t'
tr J hM1l ! ( l)'f X ttlirlt there
tioaa In i(M It i i.v ,.... h,e guts
ti nriw fit mi r 4' ! ! p',nt
fcur The ,... :ic r.' mi i '
Mm a Ititli r rj !-r g il !iw , p i
(UHmi Ihat u.i. ut . i ! a;e
isjtjtiy .10 rit,r(pd ond Itttifi' l I 'in
tti r.::n . vf lb i", tui; -i ! tV
Am H 4 1 j. ir-p r u. i 4,1 j 4u I no
ltt d II t.jn i ii tt p-t;0'
Suit l4 u i b-t t i-4 r in i f
Of M.r III tl t-t .! Il , M.llll
Of !' it ' ' '! t I ' ;..pMo
rcki i i' i (, m ,
fa It r tf'tH-4 H It,. ! f .
lf .tlntfr, l:w x i i i-.t. it
llitl ! It r. tin f... ttl f'w
jt, an I in I., ii' . k . . i i
lH !. I . iniv. .4f, ;
tVf, t t tit ( f , I 4 I i J-j Hi
tatl. f r. f- .; ' I '.t.
l-M iin : "J f t.,-1, . f. i
IM Kr4. ki .i t,i K, ,1.. ( in
o imlu!
Camt of tha fttnost Perfactlan and Vary
Rara and Prarleaa.
Fefore the existence of "specimen
stones" becomes, through tho drain
of them to America, a thing of the
past for us, it may bo well to say a
few words about things which vory
few people hava ever seen, and
henceforward have little chance of
seeing. The word "specimen stone"
explains that it is a gem of tho ut
most perfection. ' but few know how
rare and precious it is and how little
it differs to tho eye of any but an
expert from an ordinary example of
this kind. Specimen stones are mas
culine luxuries. Tbey are never set,
because even tho most delicate set
ting might hide defects which would
make them comparatively valueless.
The desire to possess them consti
tutes the last infirmity of noblemen,
for not only are they tho most conse
crated form of property, but tho ap
preciation of them is the most exclu
sive form of culture.
it may seem strange, but is true,
that thoro are probably not fifty per
sons in England who can tell a dia
mond worth a hundred pounds a car
at from one worth five-and-twenty,
and of those fifty not a dozen uro
jewelers. Tho trado In specimen
stones is wholly in the hands of four
or five groat firms, and minor deal
ers, who have no custom for this
class of gems, know almost as little
about them as tho laity. It takes
yean of practice, with such rarity of
opportunity as the market affords, to
train tho eye to recognize exactly
the orthodox color of a ruby, emer.
aid or sapphire, and to distinguish a
brilliant of the first water from an
ordinary "fine stone" demands a del
icacy of vision which roost persons
could never acquire.
Stones may bo divided Into four
distinct classes. Poor stones, ob
viously bad In oolor and full of
"clouds," "flaws" and "feathers,"
may bo bought (one marvels who
buys them; at comparatively exceed
ingly low prices. Tho value of two
rubies of the same size, for exaraplo,
might be severally 1 and 1,000
per carat. Then come tho ordinary
stones, stones which a lady may
wear without discredit, their Caws
and the poverty of their color not
being visible except to tho practiced
eye. Of such stones consist ninety
nine per cent of those worn even ty
rich women. "Fine stones," being oi
thrico the value, aro only to be seen
on the persons of those who are fas
tidious us well as rich, for, though a
commonly good Judge can detect the
difference at once, there is too great
a temptation, with most women, to
put conspicuous quantity before
unconapicuous quality, for the latter
to prevail I'ull Mall Budget
flaking rnwdfir Company Winn Iti Caia la
Itiltad Statci Conrt.
The decision of Judge Showalter in
a recent case that camo up before him
sustains the claims of tho Royai com
pany to the exclusive iue of the name
'"Itoyal" as a trademark for its baking
powder. Tho special importance of
this decision consists in the protection
which it assures to the millions of con
umers of lloyal baking powder against
inferior and unwholesome compounds.
Tho excellence of this article has
canned it to bo highly esteemed and
largely used almost the world
over. Its high standard of quality
having been always maintained,
consumers have come to rely im
plicitly upon the "Royal'' brand as
the most wholesome and efficient of
any ia the market. The cupidity of
other manufacturers is excited -y this
high reputation and large demand.
Very few of the hundreds of baking
powders on the market are safe to use.
If their makers could sell them under
the name of a well known, reputable
brand incalculable damage would oe
done to the public health by the de
ception. The detcriniuaMfn of the
Royal Haking Powder Cjmpnny to
prritcil the users of tho Royal baking
powder againet imitators by a rigid
prosecution of them makes surh imita
tions of its brand extremely rate.
Tka 01d rlttn Van.
The oldest Christian fan in eilt
eni'a dao, it is claimed, from tba
ixth century, having belonged IV
(jucen Tbeodellnda, tho princess
who posseited a nail of tho holy
rrois, which afterwards was sot in
the iron crown of l.ombardy. Tho
fan It praiiervcd la the cattle of Mon
ro, near Milan, and shown tn tho
tv,ir!U a a rello. It I a folded fan,
made in two laares, which shut on
each other by means of a spring. U
1 f ilded and ornamanted with pearls
and mbl4, and bears t of a
l.atia prayer. Ibo handle It of solid
gold, ln'aid v,lh gun, iho young
glrlt if Mt'an go lo Monia on a car
la. a tla? in Uajear im;ly tit touch
t)i! tna.'ua. fan, a il I suppi'ted lo
bi-uif a ,! and l,'i7 r.,f.
T!e bj aemo mora rMrk
on," si'il l', a ha d bit
a'a tha rtti I
I wt orry li.eto l P tnor, Y it
a i - la I hH a i h. ..! a Oo
li' " ai'M l'a hoilait iBilU.
ii. p
l mti. at 'ladilw. I
till if a hi r i U kilt a !!-
a mi. j . i ara aiwut Ik"
Iw I ltfltl
rtS,m llu Itjwi't'H
4,-:ng In t,a nti f
1 a i ' I.'. o l!o It iia t I
ami 'i a .1 e t ;. il l a
i ,tt ii. ttiat ta gui af ft,a it
I l4.!.ia- 'I :.t t ar. ,
In Mai ! t 4t U a I ). i i
i .1 niiif i
II It aK'i 'a J I h t il Iho
l ,1.1 ; ,n i. i ad in' I c
-l4'i .-. a i l;iO A'lau'li'
.hin rt .h k, a i
a liat4 " I. . a I
i la it4 to 41 H, I ijfi.'l ; atii.W
T.atoit Happening; of Sot In Ilia State
Jlrport of Keseuta.
The regular report of J. S. Dales,
secretary-treasurer of the board of re
pents, has been lilod with Governor
Holcomb. Tho report covers a period
of six months, ending November 30,
and tho items of expenditure are listed
as follows: University fund, salaries
and wages, 815,081; current expenses,
9jIO.354.44; general fund, library build
ing, $70,718. Cj; secretary's cash, uni
versity fund, $171.22; agricultural ex
periment station, $4,448.38. Among
tho receipts is an item of $7,500 for the
experiment statit n from the govern
ment and $209.94 for cattle and other
products; from the Morrill fund as the
instalment for 1805 and 1890. $21,000.
Tho report gives a detailed account of
the expenditures and receipts of tho
law school and other departments.
Mans Meeting field In Ouialia Will that
Olijrrt In View.
A largo meeting was held at Ci-eigh-ton
ball in Omaha Monday evening
to express (sympathy for Cttha in her
ctruggle for independence. Tho speak
ers were Hon. John L. Webster and
lion. Wm. Bryan. Tho speeches
were warmly applauded and at tho
close of tho meeting resolutions were
adopted which expressed sympathy
and favoring a congressional declara
tion, as soon a possible, "not inconsis
tent with our treaty obligations."
After tho adoption of tlio resolutions
Judge Scott was cat fed for and made u
radical speech for Cuban recognition
which was applauded to tho echo.
Tom Majors also spoke briefly.
Ontralt'i Acquittal tm Da Tnreatlgated.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 10. To-day tho
federal grand jury will begin investi
gating the way in which the jury Sat
urday acquitted Richard Outcalt of
complicity iu robbing the Capital Na
tional bank. Some sensational revel
ations are imminent. Judge Dundy
said that some papers and some people
had been trying this case before tho
public before the court had taken it
up, endeavoring in that manner to In
fluence the jury, and the law should
step in and tce that Midi conduct did
not go onpunished. The court, Judge
Dundy raid, had received threatening
letters from different ones, advising
htm as to his duty, and these thing
were to be investigated.
Mora Criminal Ca'et.
In the Omaha criminal court Monday
ing Judge Scott made a beginning on
the cases against thirtuen members of
tho Rruton gang. There aro a full
half dozen of these cases, and they
charge either grand larceny and burg
lary, or the receiving of stolen prop
erty. Tho names of two or three of
tho members of the gang are on each
of tho informations and they have
each demanded a separata trial. The
thirteen men who aresupposed to con
stitute tho gang were arrested last
October, and have admitted their
guilt to several of the charges.
Humboldt Ratted Bonut.
At a citizens' mass meeting hold at
Hum holdt Mondav eveninir. $3,000 wa
subscribed and guaranteed to O. A.
Cjoper, whnae large flour mill burned
a few weeks ago, as an inuueeraent fr
him to rebuild at that place. Mr.
Cooper has received several handkorao
offers from other towns, bom oi
which are more than twice the amount
raisud in Humboldt. Tho citizens of
Humboldt and vicinity are now congrat
ulating themselves upon being abie to
retain this uplendid industry.
Counterfeit Co'n.
Mmday noon a United States secret
service man came to Omaha and hunted
up G. W. Ilaworth and obtained pos
session of the bag of counterfeit coin,
which Raworlh had found under a side
walls near Twenty-seventh and J street.
The detective said that tha matter
would xs thoroughly investigated, and
a watch placed on certain people in
town, who are susp;i-iel of dea'irgm
rpurious coin.
The K!l .lrl i' t ana
After bearing the ovid'T.i-n in the
rse of the little Kiael glrN Saturday
Courtly Jtul;o l'iainxik of Krenu.nt
cu!encM.i tln-tn to a term in tint t.iato
industrial sehm I. Thu Indie having
in charge) tha Kiel affair bant ha I
wera! wari'Rtit taken ouu against
IVetni'tit. men, ehaging them with
tape. Th" could be lea-ned.
t'lirtniiate Tremrnt Woman.
A rt'.nior i4 Hu"at tit IVi'iiwmt that
ni.alx tli Smith nf that city bat fallen
heir t' the IVnii r hou-c property in
Ciiii'tU'i'. N utiing can lw It'.trn.xl as
to it truth, mi Smith is alcnt
in Miia ikie. It ts kteiMii, liovvuvi-r
that Mr. Sn:i'.li' Im-baml atel hi
i ciat t i k ni n i! Mopeity at eon t!mt
iti lt,e lii-ihVn biiisl ef tin' IViner
I ! ".t-".
I el I M iter Ura l.
I,.nte! I', M lire, a pit tu i-r pi.litieian
ii.nt ) i a il. j p. i i- i f iw a, i) it'tl in t iin n hit
M '! i lie a ilitvi'l
j . 4! I : ami f ir etin iI.hii I n'.f a)
til ir l. ml l.i-e n a "i"n ' lien f B"t'
in l'e) U : l" ' ' i .' l n
14 '' 'f tit ill a' It.
tat Hill Cruaa a Mtttu.
"Jlil M l Ik i.l HI, 'I H d Ui S.i
i" i .
Htl fcil H.t I .III.. . . 4''l!
a i i-e it .miii, , i -i .i M ,,o .i t. u
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lee tea l..,4.t l,a
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ii .i U i a 4. ,,f vil
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In a ij n. l Kt i . Ii hi tMitrr
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if .
IU I Ki44 l l HaiHt.t.
.4t , t . 1 1,4 i .,:,
,t,e I t l,- iii.ii. I Ii.. mi . . It. i t, 1,1
.t. wera l.ifin"t 'i,i, 'jht,
f tat l.- 0 I m 1,1 I l, l -,( 1 1, ,,, ,
Ii if 14 l i a. Willi i.. i tin i
)u tn li m n-iu-i I U j4i
From the Evening; Ncvs, Newark, N. J.
Mrs. Anna Burns, of 833 Plana Street,
Newark. N. J., is a de tidodly pretty bru
nette, twenty-six yeara old, tail, and a
leasant conversetioriHlint. . On tba ground
floor of her residence fcbe conducts well
ordered caudy store. When our reporter
Tisitod her store, she in response to a ques
tion told him a very interesting story.
"UdIII about two months ayjo," she be
t an, "1 enjoyed tha very beat of health and
rould woik night and day if necessary.
Suddenly, aud without any apparent cauaa,
1 began to siffer from intense pains in my
bead, in my limbs and temples. Almost
distracted with this seemingly never ending;
pain, I tried cure after cure, prescription
after prescription and almost a gallon of
medicine of all kinds. Nothing did roe any
good. In fact 1 became worse. Tba
knuckle of my bands toon became cramped
and tha pain in my hips became more and
more distressing each day. Business in the
store had to be attended to, however, and
so I was obliged, suffering aa I was, to keep
mora or Jeig ou my feat and occasionally I
was forced to go out. This was the ordeal
I dreaded. Each time I went out 1 trembled
when I came near the car t racks, for my
pain at times was so severe tbat I was
obliged to stand perfectly still no matter
where I was. On one occasion I was isir.el
In this way while 1 was crossing tha tracks
on Market Htreet and there I stood perfect
ly rigid, unablo to move band or foot while
a trolley ear cam thundering alon.
Fortunately it was, stopped before IC-i Jek
me, but the dread of it all lasted as long as
my pain, for I never knew when crossing
the track, whether I would not drop to tba
ground in my agoay aud be crushed to
(tenth. My anxiety to get well grew apace
and I bud about given up iu despair when
1 saw in tha Evening News one day. an ad
vertisutnBut of Dr. Willlnms' I'ink fills.
Here was something I badu t tried before
and I lost no time in getting to the nearest
drugstore. There 1 paid fifty cents for a
box of these truly wonderful, health restor
ing pills. Before I bad tlnUhed taking bait
of the pills 1 began to feel relieved: the
pains in my hips gradually disappeared and
lor tbe first time in many day, 1 felt an if
there was some hop. 1 continued to take
tha pills and tha mora I took tba better I
felt. I finished on box, got another, and
now bfcvtag taken only a few of tba seeond
fifty rents' worth, I am free from oil pain
and as bappy as tho day is long. Since I
began to take Dr. Williams' Fink Tills
I have gained thirty pounds and now whti
I cross the car track I don't care If there
are a dozen vehicle near by. It i a great
relief, 1 assure you, and suffering humanity
has a never failing friend in Dr. YV illlams'
i'ink Pills for Pale People. 1 know what I
am talking about. I speak from exper
ience." Dr. Williams' rink Pill contain, in a con
densed form, all the element neeoary to
give now life and richer, to tbe blood and
restore shattered nerve. Ia men tbey ef
act a radirsl.cure in all cases arising from
mental worry, overwork or expense of
whatever nature. Pink I'llls ara sold In
boxes (never ia loose bulk) at 60 rent a
box or tlx boxes for t'i.!0, and may be had
of all druggists, or direct by mail from lir,
William- Mod. Co., Schenectady, N. V.
A Philosopher fay 1 hat tha Mrat I
Never Served Akrad of Time.
"It is a curious thing," said tho
grumbler, "that, while 1 have been
keeping house for thirty years
and hava bad my wifii tell me a
thousand times that dinner was late,
I never once know of a time when
dinner was ahead of time. I made a
careful inquiry among rcy friends
(and I have many who have been
domestic longer than I) and do not
find a single well-authenticated case
when dinner was ever, at any time or
place, ahead of time. Five times a
week the cook will do (something
that she ought not to do and dinner
will be anywhere from five minutes
to an hour behind time, but sho
never gets under sufficient headway
to have things on tho table bo
fore tho appointed time. I have
made this curious and interesting
phase of homo life a careful studyi
and I intend to write a pamphlet
about it"
"I guess you're right." said tho
kicker. "1 am a marriod man of
some few years myself. a?d 1 have
had tho satro experience. 1 may
get nome an hour earlier than usual
and be hungry as three bears, but
that docs not make a particle of dif
ference. Dinner uevcr comes before
6 o'clock, which is the scheduled
time, but It very frequently cimes
much after that time. I had an old
uncle once who noticed tho same
thing. Ho was in tho house oca day
and ho put the clvck anead two
l.o.trs to see if ho couldn't work thu
uiiraclo. Hut tl.e cock fooled him. "
What did sho do."' asked tho
grumbler, eagerly.
"ih turned on tho natural ges
leforo rhe pit in the natch, aud
whent'o lire depa. t.T.oat got tUro-ijU
It wks It o'clock. '
State of Otilo. C.ty of Toledo, l.u-as
Courtly as.
Frank J. t'lieney maVs nalli that bo
la the senior partner of the rtrm of V.
J. Cham-y i., rt.itng; burin-- tn tha
City of Toldf. County and KUte afore.
Mill, ami that ..ill llrm will pay tbe
sum uf una llumlred linllara for ra.-u
ami every ra of I'ali.rCi that eann it
ba rtireti by lb wo f Italia Oiarrli
Cure. KHA.VK J. CtllsNUY
Hwirn to bef.tre ma and au-taerlbeil tn
my -reeence tti diy 'f I mbr,
A ! I , A. XV. HUDSON'.
Irterl ) N.uaty J'uliHc.
Hal! a Catarrh Cma Ii ll."ii Itn-timl-!y
oti.l o- .l!r-ly on 'lie !' and
mui'.Mt ruf f oM i f He leni. H-n4
fi f t-'li.iinll, free
K J t lltiNCV A CO, Tuli-d i, O.
felt ,v lni,cxi"t; T"i
iu i a i ii. iv nu. ;v
Wild Ke. Mratigfr 1 llt i UiO
4'natnite a.
l'Vr. u!ivloti'y Vol den t
'k i i ,i. 'i vine i
"I m not. Lit !' gi-t Tja Mend
!. I ai I kUippr l filling aiMut
I', a t ;,..;o fair )k Hbi.l 11. a
i i i "'
t f it'l eba o
ft ill pij iiiu mi
tU.o, t'r,"
t t.a liafHi !.
tho I. !. ' 'l..t... A-1 n wa
ti'fu lo ii.t t itHuro Caiigsi'a hl
A - v r i ) ot lighi ef
1 1 a n iei U it' 'at
I ,t r ' ; r "t I. or. th
I U at.' iV i, h 0 e.o .ler tha letr'
i .at am.
llltrtKl I e tt iir kp It i ia,
I Mil - Ail t,-M in
, t 1 1 .i a. o a Utjr, hi I am
..ur en n
Itit'o I'M - -1 1. ) I lo fit a S'u
Id aa,d KO I llio f
4 Ul
Tounc Hoy Near Th linage Kails to 1 1 red a
Varning In Time.
Monday afternoon while 'W. Horst
miinn, a German fanner living four
miles north of Talmage, was cutting
down a tree for the winter's wixxl, it
became lodged in another fine, necessi
tating the felling of the other tree, and
while doing it, he told bin little boys to
get away so that the trees would not,
fall on them, .lust as the trees fell,
the youngest of them, u three-year-old,
came running toward his. father. The
father called to the little fellow to run
back, at the same time starting for
ward to get him out of the way; but it
was too late. The trees caught them
and Mr. Hor.stmann Was knocked down
but escaped with only a bruise. The
little boy, however, was crushed under
neath the tree, his neck was broken,
and his head was split open, causing
death instantly.
Imrgen of Inrritt Made Aguiimt fliui
Not Proven.
(Icorge Kissel, who was arrested -hist
Thursday in Fremont, charged with
practicing incest upon his daughter
Pearl, had bis hearing Tuesday morn
ing. The evidence was not convincing
and he was discharged. George Web
ber, a butcher, was arrested Tuesday
charged with rape. George Kissel hud
the complaint sworn out charging liitn
with having illicit relations with Ids
(Kissel's) daughters, but he vv;is dis
missed, as the girls denied the charge.
The arrests of both Kissel ami Webber
were made on confessions gotten from
the Kissel girls, but when the time ar
rived to do something they denied their
confessions. The w hole business seems
to be a mass of lies.
Suicide ii f Carrie A. Turner Canning Much
Coroner Flitcher of lieatricc received
a telegram Tuesday saying. 'Iiold body
for identification by O. J. Snyder, who
starts at once." Signed A. F.Turner,
It was Mis Turner who committed sui
cide in that city last week and the,
authorities have beeu trying to find
her friends. It now developes that the
deceased and the man who registered
'"A. T. Turner," Mopped at the Windsor
hotel ut Lincoln n few days liefore the
Miii-lde and that Turner is her uncle
and that be derrted iter.
Was a Keokuk Girl.
Kf,oki:k, Iowa, Dec. II. The woman
who was murdered or who committed
suicide at Uea trice, Neb., .Sunday, wa
Miss Carrie Turner of Ibis city, who
has been living with her tincie, A. F,
Turner, at Kahoka, Mo., while her
father, C. 15. Turner, formerly of this
city, has been serving out a sentence
in the Kansas state prison for the
murder of his brother-in-law at Atch
ison. Miss Turner and her uncle left
Kahoka November I'O for Kansas, in
tending to bring back with them the
woman's father, who was about to be
released from the penitentiary. Noth
ing was beard from them afterward.
The girl's father was wealthy while
Trai-e the llttrneMi Thieve.
The. local authorities have succeeded
in locating the he mess and blansi ts
which were recently htolen from
several farmers near I'lattsmonth. On
December ; a man rnmcd Thomas Fl
lis, shipped two boxes over to Hamburg
by freight, stating that they were
household goods. Tbe lio.xcs were
billed to himself and it has been learned
that the boxes contained all of the
stolen harness and blanket. As no re
ward has been offered for the recovery
of the property, and the county will
not defray an official's expenses for er
rands of this nature. Wilis will probably
be allowed to enjoy his ill-gotten gains
in perfect security.
Young l.aily VINnlii(t.
Miss Victoria Ifedden, n young lady
attending tbe state imivcrMty. left her
boarding-bouse Tuesday evening at
about il o'clock for till err;in.l up town.
At hist accounts she bad not returned
and tears are entertained t lint she has
been waylaid for the pt:rpoe of rob
bery. r" lias bred ubiliieted. iilthttgh
no valid reason could be assigned for
the bitter conjecture. An organized
search is being made for iter by h'T
friends and the silice.
There W No Minuting.
Filgar l.orig. the young man who
st nick diver t'rmvdcr lust I'r'uhiv night
over u girl, is still at large, but the ofti-i-ers
are .n tha lookout for him. His
brother Trunk, w'ho wan placed In Jail
at York Nit unlay morning, has been
n li us. d on a bond uf T.'ini lo appear
Hccinlicr for a preliminary hearing.
Tlml I here was no shouting done is inn
t InsUe. till. I the ease will n -lilt in II
tt li.l for an assault lib intent in il
Ii.hIiI, in jur .
M.M.iit l llirrrd.
K. H U.mlev, tl l.ll.colli attorney.
s ill burred front III" pra.liie of hi .v
iticl ltii num. stricken fi"iu I lie !M of
p'H.'t icing at lni lit li .l.u'ce I b.iji
int. II of Tl.ill-'H 'I'Ui Tin s lay iiioi tiin"
WiadeV Is ebargi d with loi fipl piai -ti.e
tit tin l.t'Ue.'M ei.tltcr. mill a .
ymilyiif ml s.M.i,"w to .
f,il- and .ii i 'il.. us ;it',il n il at i.l. .i
t lit . o'l t
i h 'i'' .
t.i .tin! 1-.U.. I p' c i'',' ' ,l'''
,ll tl alllil.Hl l-ll'l br Slbl4.)
l ,t,4 k It I' I ps ti it i t at ,. .11 W lilt I,
i, tot lln re Ur I i 'lut X ; "'
i. en'.U a Wit imi b .e.' Il.t i''-'"l
(it,i i.! -s !' tn it '" i "
If. ,n., Hue In4ittl v4lr
A . a hi w tl" " ' 'lnl ,n! -.ii
t l ,i tit I be u. i I Cm ' ' to t ii..
I i. ..I rr ...tiit '. !..! tbe rfvi't . .t i
l.ii l,i liti'iti,ali I be lo'ir i,l I'r
t..e of " die !. in olf (i
t .t.i l .rfl a .i ii ' 1 C 'n' !
Ihf aiifboitlt. . al ! ' I' I 'ir' 4
t. it. l r t,ntra ..ic
Ikiii'il tHIt I tt.i.tni
.'trjil. I; I I.U,I'((', i i
,n ,...,'te4 a l.ri, I l lie t
a I out 1 1 wtt i , it (. v t ft 4 r 4H!
t ,rv ( I w tlt4l I- 4 "I alul i I 1.41 l
kt lli f'ii"f.'j!ii' I ' of t'-' tin ml
Utiiit fut.-t
Keeping aa T.ju nn Bank Employee.
On the occasion of a visit to Paris
latt winter I renewed equaintanoa
ship with a very old friend who is
employed in a bank in that city.
During the evening wo took in oo7
eral innocent and harmless recrea
tions, and I suggested to him that
we might see something a little
more out of tho common. To my
surprise ho said that if I wanted to
see Paris on the shady side ba would
find me a reliable guide, but he cer
tainly could not go himself, bocauso
if ho did be would bo like a states
man out of office at U o'clock tho fol
lowing morning. Pressed for an ex
planation, ha told me that every of
ficial in his bank, and ho believed ia
every other bank, was practically
under police survcilanco day and
night, and that pictures of each of
them were in the hands of skillful
detectives. Instead of waiting until
a bank official got behind in his ac
counts in consequence of exceslvo
gambling or high living, the direct
ors preferred to close tho stablo
door boforo tho horse had got out
&t Louis Globo-Dcmocrat
Western and Fartero.
Every once in awhile tho Western
mother, after putting her children to
bed and picking their playthings off
tho floor and putting thing to rights,
sits down to her woman's inagaztaa
for comfort and discovers that tho
mother who doesn't have a southeast
room for a nursery, with a matting
floor and delicate, colored pictures
on tho wall, is not a true mother
and is "raising" her children liko
barbarians. Tho Eastern woman io
not only foolish, but is allowed tt
appear in print Atchison' Globo.
A Singular Form of Monomania.
There Is a class of people, rational enoug'a tn
other respects, woo ure cartalnly rnoricm;nt
ac In dosInK themselves. They ure coiwlin'.lr
trying experiment uroii tbelr stomachs, their
bowels, their liTers n4 their. kldnejWtli
trashy nostrums. When the, organ a-a
really out of ordar, If they would .oniy uat
Hostellers Stomach Bitters, they Wo'l. If
not bopclesnly Insane, perceive its supf:r,m-;.y.
Anthony Hope de line to lecture in tb'
country beeame, first, ho is a very poor
talker, and. second, be ha' nothing to talk
about. No further apolosv is ne- rsarr
Taking cold, is a common complaint. It
is duo to impure and deficient blood and
ft often leads to serious troubles. ' Th
remedy is found in pure, rich blood, "sod
the one truo blood purifier is
Hood's Pills euro all Liver Ills. 26 ceasa.
Go to j
California !
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is tho RIGHT way.
I'ay more and you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest, $
cleanest and easiest rid- f
ing Tourist Sleepers ara, ;
used for our if
Personally Conducted I'
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angelei
Monday noon.
You caa join them at
any intermediate point.
Asknearest ticketagcot
for full information, or
write to
J. Faleis, ti. P. 1., Omaha, Nb.
Tiir Ar nwoToK co. hut m ;.n
tvllMtmlll rtlillir4t. b4.'dMI It U44 rd.HIl ill r4C nl
Ulud pwH tn M Il m. It It mini kruni'a
biKivn, an t tuiipli III t'll"tl li.t
nivt, ati't tupplir lit f-omltaittl I4ift,i
Mruurd.ui, II ran uii dij luraoa a
Vt7i7A atriira.M. Iirj
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tum l J . ,k w, aot. t i.i . t. i ., .4
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a.rru. Ha. go.
k.aj M.i1.a T ! sVHao
V'f to lOOt 4.M .