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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1895)
Lincoln Independent. The Official Populist Paper. 1.jO per year in advance ' issued eyeey fmjjay. T H. T1BHLKS, Kitito-. HENRY HITKIKK, CM Editor. HUKE, Ita lnei Hanijr. FRIDAY, DEO. (i, 1805, Eatered at the post onlcoof Lincoln, Neb., as second class mail matter. Some men were born fools and some were made fools by reading the gold standard daily papers. l'awnee Independent is a which js a credit to the popu- party, very ably edited and lull of news. When good times come we will all know it without looking into Dunn's or Bradstrcets reports to find it out. Warden Lkidioii and Governor llolcomb are making the bravest fight ever made in this state to pre vent the looting of the state treas ury. In 1893 the populists in Kansas elected 171 county officers. In 1895 they elected 192. "This, thy brother wis dead and is alive again." Somk of the church members in Lincoln are not sanctified. One of them said. "Our minister preached on patience, and I sat there an hour and a half and practiced it." It has always been a mystery to the newspaper men of Washington why the State Journal's corres pondent always leaves off the last three letters of his name, and signs himself Anniti, instead of Anninias. A preacher down in Kansas says there is a railroad hell and that every state capital is a station on the way to it. That is straight goods. Let a hundred more like him be ordained right away. The secrelary of the treasury re ports the debt of the United States on the first of December at $1,125, 883,997. The increase of the debt during November was $2, 000,000. The "sound money" craze is ;what did it. Step by step backward we go. Money has become so "sound" in Lincoln that people can't get it to pay street car fares, and in one in stance, an old line stage has been substituted for the discontinued 'street car service. For the first time in sixty years Cant. Bassett, one of the senate employes, failed to appear at the opening of that body. Clay, Web ster, Sumner aud many more have come and gone since Capt Bassett took his seat et the left of trie vice president. There can be no doubt that the crime of silver men of sufficient in telligence to hold high places who have been promising the people that either of the old parties would renionetize silver is blacker than the crime of the original conspira cy. Silver Knight. A private letter says that the Pacific railroad lobby had arrived in Washington, to prevent any ac tion by congress to foreclose the mortgage. Very little information win ever reach the pumie as to how they work their schemes. There is no pop newspaper man there now to te4l about it. AccoRhiMi to the gold bugs the result of the free coinage of silver will be to pat us 0.1 the level of tl c Asiatics, l.viry man would im mediately start a pig tail and wear hi, fclurt outside hi trousers. 1 hey think that the United St.iUa sella lor iu appearing would destroy the dignity el that body, and that would ruin the country they say. Tu United Sttte tisu di jws that nhilo the f irm animal of Kannji iuircaacd 50 per it 1st in min i r between ih;u and iSoj, the Value ul luiin atitiiuN in Hut peiiinl ileucm d f ik, '' lut f Altai tC 1 vlllHuh "lllttltl nic" out el the f Jtllif, tug, tioi- Mid tiitepid K4U4, the fc't'M bug dtm't led U. Tiir rditur tl the Atetu lhe ediU'f il (lit mmiviim town? ile, at Hireling id 1 1 !ti"tmil in NWthtn&tKii Util thtee )'( zu and i;f t. m 4 Uiku le, tituut Mting "mhIi kifut4 Uuitii;." Nt W .uj diU r ff te An i4 l tinm; "iMfi?" Iv;u ;'e " an I fitiu ' about "t iuln ii ' 1 1 t! t I I t !ll I 4 N l4'4 liim urn di l in Li hUv But Igu H a t It I ! v r r lint r "I 4 Nti4ka l-iim id htv I K )i 14 4 Uifcli'4 n itlJll iff a. TIie vfipcr WORLD-HEEALD VS HOLCOMB. Attention is called to the inter view with Gov. llolcomb printed in another column. It took the governor just about ten seconds to knock the foundation from under the World-IIerald's charges and the whole fabric that it has been laboriously building up for months tumbled to the ground. The World-Herald would better try to maintain a "parity" between its ware house articles and the politi cal economy furnished to its col umns by Hon. W. J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan truthfully contends that there can be no rise in prices J until there is an increase in the quantity of money in circulation, but the ware house writer thinks he can raise the price of the whole Ne braska wheat crop by inducing farmers to store it in ware houses and then borrow moncv and pay interest on the ware house receipts. If the farmers were persuaded to do what the ware house writer ad vises, the said writer might find himself terribly disappointed. lhe Chicago near would only have to point to the millions of bushels "in sight," as the wheat gamblers say, to knock out any rise that might be started. No, Mr. Warehouse Writer, the benefi cent results you predict would never be realized, you can raise the price of wheat by an increase in the quantity of money, but not by building ware houses. GttOVEE'B MESSAGE, The president's annual message makes nine columns of fine type, and by universal agreement it is ad judged to be the dullest piece of writing ever inflicted upon the American people. Everyone knew beforehand that he would advise the destruction of the greenbacks, the extension of the privileges of banks and the issue, of more bonds. The only object in reading it was to find what argu ments he would use to support the propositions. In regard to the increase in our bonded debt he says: Tile InrrciM! In uiir luimli'd debt would be uinply I'ompviiiiuti'cl liy ri'iiuwi'd activity unit ciitrrprtac In nil butlnemt circle unil rcxtorcil coiifiili'ino at llllllll!. Notwithstanding : this state ment, we doubt if the American people can be made to believe that the, deeper in debt we get and the more interest we have to pay the richer we will be. Of the free coinage of silver he says: It would he lhe nlguat for tliu complete ili-purt ure of gold from our i-lmiliitlim, tliu Immediate. mil large contraction of our cirrulutlnff medium HlirlnkuKo In the real valuo and niouctury edlclen cy of all other (onuaof currency. This statement is not only in di rect contradiction to every econo mist and financier in the world, but is an insult to common sense. We doubt if there is a sane man in the United States who could be made to believe that on "immedi ate and large contraction 01 our circulating medium" would follow the unlimited coinage of silver. If it would, Mr. Cleveland and all his bond holding supporters would be in favor of it. When a president will so far de mean nun sc. It as to make such a statement, he disgraces the nation over which he presides. The reason why Kir. Cleveland fights free silver is because it would pro duce an immediate and large ex pansion of our circulating medium. To say that a contraction of the currency would result, as he says in the following sentence, is to talk financial idiocy. The result of free coinage would be a large contrac tion and therefore, he says: Every oue who receive a lived Hilary and rvrry worker for waiie would find tl'e ilullur III hi hand rulblenoly ncaled down to Hie point of hitter dlap pulutmeut, if not tti plurhlurf prlvullon. Mr. Cleveland knows that a con traction of thecurrecy would "scale up" instead nf "scaling down"tvtry dollar. There may be men who may pre tend to U lieve such a self evident contradiction, hut the same men would swear black i white for the premise of an ellicc. TWO I1.10SJ. The Pioneer Pie says: tibia id ll )ni e L ltn. .l ll.r r lra..rliif .. I. I ct lh frvnl orrtiiwrnt ! lira I 11 Ird Mtti U liitf ri-.uil In a i.mi;;..liB,' d ihWiii uu a;dUl nt l"l IrfU li 11 ki f. Th te uevrr W4 a tuoic iiiljm ttit t il.'!nni tr greater .lander h llie Ann ru 411 pn-lo m r pl.litid thuu that nUtt-inrii!. In noway wt ievso U pendent tipott thattoi- i 1; i vUliC4te. 'I liuu.iiiU n Auu nun MtMent ftteud i .i ly mid wej weetlitijjy anttiiiit buy II1C1U l'i' l tla lum l Injur Mle I h 4 t lllf V Wile kvUd to tll4t U f 14U n.hi4t.. One n4 t wlui wnl.l $ytiuiit t. ll VIII Hit I I 4 tl! li viin. 1 1 MvHild in t 111 I. nil kti!i ,li!? iJvel4nd in. I t4tl.a!t fu4 !e 4 S I lot t FY t I lluMfv 4 tuy h) sjiiH 4 ll rut lt a li iii'i iii!,i vie In any ttnntrv II. V V l! I ,. V till) Hi.j tii-ii d I I tl 4 l.d lit 4lt I 4 It Hi, 3"H l -tir tt vtunti'a tn Mi 1 h'.n-4 i.n I I.O J Wt-nh 1 1 Mil KM It f.f It W Tru iln. U V, H. HhLVi., it'liiOMrt.t. A THEFT OF EEMISE. If Mr. Norris accepts the posi tion of judge of the Fourteenth district, he will be a forever dis graced man. No one who has looked at the records or seen the photographs taken of them, can doubt, however much he may wish to do so, that that there has been a forgery committed. Mr. Norris can not and does not doubt it. If he accepts the place, he should be driven from decent society. No honest man can associate with him. To steal a judgeship is the foulest crime on earth. How will a judge look i-pon the bench, sentencing men to the penitentiary when his place was given him by forgery? How can any dignity or respect at tach to such a court? It will be a step toward anarchy. liven the men who committed the forgery and gave him his plurality of two, will despise liim. 8EMATOEIAI1 BL0WHAKD8. As near as one can sift the truth out of the mass of lies sent by the associated press during the week from Washington, it appears that the populists undertook to find out how many really free silver men there were in the senate. They called a caucus and sent an invita tion to every professr-d free silver man in the body, with a proposi tion to organize the senate, for free silver. Outside of the populist, only Senators Teller, Mantle, rntchard and lillman responded. All the rest of the senatorial blow- hards for free and unlimited coin age of silver preferred their parties to free silver. These old senatorial roustabouts in the old parties have no fealty to anything but party. JEFBH01i WAENFD US, The mam object of the supporters of the gold standard is to fix upon us a perpetual interest bearing debt. Of this, Jefferson forewarned us when he said: I am not among thorn.' who fear the people. Tin y, unil not the rich, arcour dependence for continued freedom, and to preserve: their liii!cpendcnc! we muHt not let our rulcm load ua wllll perpetual debt. Every well informed man knows that at present prices of the pro ducts of labor, it is utterly impossi ble for us to ever pay the princi pie of our debts. It takes all, to pay the interest. WHAT DID IT. Jute Maxwell carried a luwe majority of th couatle of the ntutc. Norvut cirrled tbe alunia if Omaha and Lincoln by enous-h to L'Uc him a p!u rallly in the etnte. OuUlde of Omaha and Lincoln he wu defeated. -Fren Pre. The republican party is in power in the state of Nebraska, by con trolling the votes of the bums, loaf ers, gamblers and riff-raff of two cities, and they are rewarding that class by allowing gambling dens and vile houses to run wide open There was a noted populist who was greatly pleased with Mr. Jeffer son, and with his populist platform of human equality. 1 refer to that great and glorious populist, Abra ham Lincoln, who never tired of uttering his approval of Mr. Jeffer son and his sentiments. John Davis. For many, many years, the blind chaplain of the senate has been praying every day the senate meets that that body might be endowed with wisdom. Last Monday he be gan again. Considering the results so far, he seems to have more pa tience than Job ami more perse verance than the saints. The editor of the Nation, Web ster county, says, "We consider the independent very ably edited and the only populist state organ in Nebraska. We take especial pains to recommend it to our popu list friends, and let us assure you we will do all in our power to help build up a circulation." The United States is the richest country in the world, in wealth ex ceeding that of (ireat Britain by at h .is! fifteen billion dollars, while itn resuun es 1 .ct ed tho of the whole of Furope. No unc denies ihi. and yet wo ate told that we cannot adopt a money system with out asking the tonicnl of Home other nation. Tlir Nont enj.irinist m I l. lick when it paid Bright Fym l r t.tit i'K lvr tl, and t ther paper look In r article 4i.l nmde eddotuU el them will t.ut t tcdit. An ediimul in pi; t r ! vl Wei k h the aub j fit a in i it 411 41 tu If luniulud In tJ.. j I vi u 1 it 1 ,lin . wi iUm;t'V Jl'iuhl .t. lhe Nun (.'mi , V4 dp4 Cih1 l-'tt! It lit ; t .ipP' U'- I i tepid 1 v 411 j 1 ik f an I Ut !'l III III 4 kit 4l 4V Ulllt Mill W III, !. 4i Hi. 111 ilui "I'll" Aiiirttv 4it ( J-piyle tavt I'linrUl'iinit 4 tut U muiiiI 4 amind 4ii I l4i:e utti tn v. ' ,4nd ii t ri il v l4tiliiiU pi M'd . vii4t t Ijw In itrxitr) l iitirl and iinkir 4 1 ui H 1 1 v lli 4 1 i ,tt aUt ! nf ii.- In (it tut 4 w tv 4 !M I4li'4 III 4lliV, Al 1.) I til. and hilt thtf Wt'lM hi iwvit It) Ivio mil lli' like 1 1 On hi. THE STATE TJKIVERSITY. The correspondence with the professors of the state university has produced a general discussion and a large correspondence. The populist position may be stated as follows: We desire a state university fully equipped in every department, in which the young men and young women of this state can obtain an education equal to that attainable in any state university on the coutinent. Populists are willing to tax themselves to the limit of endurance to qualify the youth of the land for active life. But they also demand that the professors of that institution shall teach "science." We are willing to pay generous salaries to the men who will teach science. We believe it to be the very best investment we can make. We are not willing to buy money .with 10 cent oats, 14 cent corn and 35 cent wheat and give it to a profes sor who teaches sophistries and theories exploded and discarded by all scientists fifty years ago. Without doubt, some of the pro fessors andassistants in our univer sity are over worked, and a few who lack a great deal of it. Some are very able men and strive to teach only scientific truth. Some are not now, and never can be sci entists. I hey lack that love of and devotion to truth which is the first essential of a scientific mind. The populists, if they could, would increase the facilities of the uni versity and extend its buildings and increase the price of the pro ducts of labor until every young man and young woman in the state who desire it can have an univer sity education, and they would have professors who would teach truth as founded in the nature of things and established by experi ence and observation. The gold bugs practically claim that because a man cannot walk well with one leg, he can't walk at all with two. For straight, clean cut lying, Annin of the State Journal can beat the devil and give him odds. His first dispatch upon the assembling of congress contains this sentence: "In the last congress there were twelve populist .members; in this there will be just six." Both ends of that sentence contains a false hood. One of the churches in this city furnishes a high class, string band, musical entertainment every Sun day afternoon. Another has a Boy's Brigade and trains them in military exercises on the same day. Some of the preachers say that the string band service on Sunday is sacreligious. Others don't like the military drill on Sunday. Now when the preachers disagree, 'Wbafi a poor innrr to do?" When John Sherman undertook to demonetize silver and establish the gold standard, lie didn't put it in his party platform, and he ac complished his purpose. Some of our friends who want a platform a column long, would better remem ber that. There are a good many things that we want and are going to have sometime, but it would not be wise to put them all in a platform at one time. An Associated Press dispatch says that a call has been sent out to all the silver senators to hold a caucus for the purpose of organiz ing the senate on a free coinage basis. There is ten majority for free coinage in the senate. No one can tell whether there is any truth in it or not, and what is worse, we have no pop newspaper man there to tell us what the truth is. There are wonderful stories com ing from Kansas and Oklahoma about Kaffir corn. They say that it makes the best bfead, the best feed and the best for.ige in the wot Id, and that it w ill giow, rain or no ram, hot winds or northers and nothing can knock it out but a hail Monn. It would be a good thing fur home of our f.rmtrs lo try it next i-ar. J'iik republican warden of lhe Kansas penitentiary leporl a de bt i tu v 1 1 jj.tu'ii) a niniith. When ihtle wu 4 pepu'iat Warden he tut in d h urp!u into lhe utatf iti iHiirv tvty uioiiih. The Unu civ ( I Kiinsj didu'l alt like, mi Ihry MU I the p i t ut. 1 be t 1 itu r Hi" I li 41 e, 1 1 tetlif iho tl I'llhiu 4SI l illlli f tiki ll. I I iV ' ft pill'lu ,111 Ijlliirf l tl leu'. l Till tier .l, "III till lt t llut ' iitnii .nt limit il4t iih humii! kind t f 1iiw.1v tviiliiivi'i 4il t fit ltl" I ho !l mdctit Inith .l ti'i4tnt I V lhe p.'tni!it I 4tl li tif ! t uiv n lit t., One j V Mi ' Ifn M ' I d 11! ; ,ti 1 Inf. 1 l In ll Ui'i li wl 4 1 jll'H. !4l 4;i III) till lip 111 t h u'.i . tin i;t it f.."Hhiitl, Mi I. rod, e,4' i ul! I4iii e I 4 utu Jvl.i Itulh hi" 4 ., "I.1V4 'will 4p h pulMt 1 I f4l'k, i I jWtniili, td iiunitri 4d vi au.h f " This issue of the Independent is published by a new firm as will be seen at the head of another col umn. It will continue to be the state populist paper, advocating nothing outside of the Omaha platform and endeavoring to bring to the support of the party the in telligence, business and labor in terests of the state. Brother editors, please deal fair with the Independent. We are struggling to build up a paper that will be a credit to the populist par ty. If we succeed it will help you. An editorial that first appeared in this paper is going the rounds of the state press, credited to the Sil ver Knight. That is giving the Silver Knight advertising that be longs to this paper. The Silver Knight is a great paper and don't need the advertising as much as we do. The economists all foretold that "the little yellow man with the white money" would down "the white man with the yellow money." Last week the paper3 stated that the Japs had been selling large amounts of staple goods in San Francisco at so low a rate thrt eas tern manufacturers had no chance in the market at all. They deliv ered the finest bycicles there at a price so low they can be retailed at twelve dollars. If eastern manu factures like that, let them keep on howling for the gold standard. The Mexican rule silver standard manufacturers are beginning to ship goods into the United States. The eastern gold bug mill owners will have to make another cut in wages or lose their trade. When it comes, the wage earners will howl, shriek and strike, and then go and votegthe republican ticket and submit to another cut in wages. That is the course they always have pursued heretofore and they don't give much sign of changing. They seem to like ic. So they vote for it. Between i88j and 1894 the United States statistical abstract shows that the number of cattle decreased 6 per cent, the popula tion increased 7.5 per cent, and the value of the cattle fell just 7 per cent. A decrcasejin the supply,an increase in the demand and a fall in price! Now let some learned re publican, who, like John L. Web ster is not troubled with "financial madness," tell us the cause of this. If the quantity of the money does not fix prices, tell us what does. It was not supply and demand in this case. The National Bimetallist says: "There are many profund thinkers who are firmly of the opinion that the greenback would have never depreciated at all if it had been made receivable at the Custom House." Some of these silver men are beginning to find out what money is at last, for in another place it says. "The value of the material has ro relation to the value of the money." After a while they will all be populists. On the transportation question Mr. Lincoln earned the enmity of the railroad corporations very early in his career. In 1858 every offi cer and man employed by the Illi nois Central railroad was opposed to Lincoln and in favor of his demo cratic opponent; and while Lincoln could hardly get a comfortable seat in a crowded coach, Douglas was carried to It is meetings all over the state in a special without charge. In this experience Mr. Lincoln re ceived the treatment by that British corporation which is usually mea sured out to to the populists of the present time llerndon's Lincoln vol. 2 p. 4 1 2. pt'RiNi; the last year Mexico de creased tier imports one half and doubled tier exports. Mexico is a silver standard, cheap money coun try. During the same time the United Stales increised tier debt Jtitij.iKxi.oou and lost in exports tiparly but nut quite $500,000,0110, The United State is a j;nld stati djfd, dear money country. Bui then )ou know, if we had live tiil vrr und t li4per money we would all have lo wtar pig tail and l4lk Sp4iieh or Chiure and lint would l wluli, awful. we only jut keep on and nuke 4 iU bt e three or b'Vir t'llliKit, e "tml ,4Vc tu wcaf pi ; l.iil. Fit i: J hi ' ii rut only hi tmni in lol'.im A UK la tfi only thai bin Hi loj I I Vl ). A nun ii in. , it t b iski- I I V h i .run ih vif. u uilt for I J U' li t-'tF t!. II. A !. il 1 ut ni vkw 4 motit tn, t ut ff'i H ll,4.i 4 lo-t.l. Mm i'j.!i ffitir 4 iivuUal f?r4!!i tt'er IH ! II a.-, iltl.lll. Tli u nf 1 m.i bit r, M t m 1 Ht I1 ' uf 4 In h" ran I' ll S hat I il-.iii 1 niiint M h t.n. 1I4II) it It Ii 4 Ita lu l .1 tu WHO iS RESPONSIBLE? WHAT DOMES OP IMITATING ENGLAND. Our Laws Protect the Suffering "Animal but not the Suffering Man. It is a fact that cannot be denied that ths republican administration of the financial affairs of the coun try, under the gold standard and since the demonetizatioa of silver, has resulted in the making of multi-millionaires, and of an ever increasing number of men without work. This, too, in a land teem ing with boundless harvests and full ol undeveloped resources, which await only the energizing in fluence of a sufficient circulation of money to start into life. The legislation of the government has been directed rather to the pro tection of the rights' of money and property than to the best good of the citizen. WHO IS RESI'ONSUII.E? The law holds some one respon sible if a horse is turned out to . starve or is cruelly treated. The law holdsno one responsible if u hardworking faJmer and his still harderworked wife are turned out of their home after years of toil and labor, because they have failed to pay the mortgage on their home. The maintenance of the gold standard by ths moneyed-class of the country in their own intertests, has caused the low and ever lower prices for the products of the farm. The man who has served his coun try most faithfully is he who to the full extent of his strength and ability has performed his por tion of the daily labor of the world. What more cruel than to turn such a man with the wife and chil dren who depend on him, out from under the shelter which they have failed to maintain from causes be yond their control? Yet no one, not even the financial manipula tors of the country, are held re sponsible. The law protects the man who enriches himself through the fore closures of mortgages. It does not protect the sacred right of the farmer to live a decent life and to earn a decent living. A STRUGGLE IOR EXISTENCE is not a decent living. A man or woman or child may die cf starva tion in a city teeming with plenty. Only human life is concerned. It is nothing to the law. A hu man being to sustain life steals a loaf of bread or lump of coal.. Im mediately the power of the law is invoked to protect the man who owns the loaf of bread or lump of coal. The people of the United States based their laws on those of Eng land. It is not many generations ago that in England, the law ex acted a life for the theft of a loaf of bread. The law protected the rights of property but it did not protect the rigtit of the human be ing to.'dive. WHAT THE LAW DOES. Through the protection of the law, Rockefeller put up the price of one of the necessaries of lib . The poor widow with her children 1 struggling for a bare existence; the farmer hoping, in spite of est r lowering prices, (caused by finan cial legislation) to keep hi home ond educate his children; thwotk ingman whose wage are ever trembling ( .through K-gi. latum) in the luntc; ;i! urn tuiu pi lled to pay the tribute etattud ly the IliilliiUUirv'. Kixkefelii 1 hand eArr lino- tmlhun, a p r Uiun ol tu ill m.tu ti e,diu tu .1 1 ivMt r.iuu imtv t'ti 1 n milium tl, it I the l.iiu!y fM'l prtiiiil iulluug I j I c t4ii(;l.t w !,u li alulj 1J4-.I1 With 1 hi t'Wtt in w ol lhe ln;ht ol uiv j rtl'pi !v, 4!ld I ll 41 1 tin t till' iuii til 1:! t I14 h t I the I. Inill I,ii! i a!! a 1 I ti ! 4 dfi l I Ilif duiiiiiniil i.b'4 il tin 1 1 . j 1 1 1:14 l tin pfi 1 in 11 1 1 pt. j 1 tt . li4 lll l.e I ;ll I b II II, l I U i . 1 l.i 4 dm nt iii uirf, il I .e n il t .. ; U t it 1; 1 el lhe iWI !le. ; in t, : l I ,. :, ,. b ;.!n ..11 t , lVif 1 I the ilium) 1 t,, j( , , j e.ttit all I'tl.rf t!j.,vty .. I l4 lili ; tl e i !utiiii in,, t ry 411, j l u, UH i.'Wit Jtml4kn. !) It lUhl t I lhe I i ,'ii.a u tvi 4 dttdtt tuitn: Bli IM , I t ' 1