The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, November 29, 1895, Image 6

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rh Telegraph Service to All IVntalnthe.
Four Mute Virtually Deal roy-l for
Time Only One Wire Out of Chicago
-Storm Most Severe.
Chicago, Nov. 27. The storm which
raged in this and adjoining' states last
night and early this morning: was one
of the. worst on record. The Western
Union Telegraph Company was com
pletely disabled and the Postal Tele
graph Company had the only wires out
of the city and alono prevented this
eity from being entirely cut off from
the world.
The total depth of the snowfall in
this section since Sunday evening hns
been about. 12.0 inches. This is tho
heaviest snowfall reported in Chicago
for November in the lust twelve years.
Uusiness of every sort is greatly
crippled in Chicago to-day. Suburban
trains on the steam railways are
greatly delayed, while some of the
trolley lines had to be abandoned en
tirely. At 10:30 o'clock the Western Union
Telegraph company had established
communication between this city and
St. Louis, and wus accepting Associ
ated 1'ress news and general business.
An hour before practically not a tick
of a "sounder" was heard in this city,
the telegraph offices being silent.
Old operators said that they had not
known such a state of thing in thirty
years. The general demoralization of
the wires wus due to the heavy wet
enow and high wind which had broken
them clown in all directions. A few
remained intact, but they were use
less onacconntof others being broken,
which crossed and grounded them.
On account of the complete prostra
tion or crossing of the wires, how far
the storm has extended is not known,
but as far as can be judged ut this
hour the principal trouble seems to be
in the vicinity of Chicago, due doubt
less to the large number of overhead
Meager reports show that the storm
was as severe in Michigan, Indiana
' and Ohio as in Illinois, but it is impos
sible to obtain and details at present,
all wires to Indianapolis, Cincinnati,
Cleveland and Detroit being down.
St. Louis Street Railway IJeuioralirci
Heavy Nnotr at Many Point.
St. Loiis, Mo., Nov. 27. The storm
almost completely demoralized street
railway service yesterday and last
night, the electric lines suffering es
pecially. Reports from all parts of Missouri,
Arkansas, Iowa and Northern Texas
were that there had been an unusually
heavy fall of snow, with more or less
wind and prostration of telegraph
wcres. Trains generally were de
layed and in Texas the storm swept
over the ranches, covering them with
snow several inches deep, severely ex
posing all kinds of live stock to its
fury. If the temperature falls much
lower in that section there will be
great loss of cattle and sheep. As it
is, there is much suffering.
At Kama City.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 27. At the
United States signal ofticc, in the
Rialto building, the wenthcr prognos
ticates were handicapped by tho ef
fects of the snow storm. It had raged
with intense fury in tho central .Mis
sissippi valley, though the snow full J
was not heavy. Jtclween Kansas City
and St. Louis the Western Union
wires were down in many instances,
and the wires still on the poles were
working weakly. At 11 o'clock no
reports had ennio from Chicago, so
badly crippled was the telegraph ser
vice. The snow fall at Kansas City
during the past twenty-four hours
was.3'5 inches. The snow fall for the
State was .70.
More Than One Hundred and Forty
Tlinooand SpunUh Troop In Cuba.
CibnfiuAS, Cuba, Nov. 2". Five
hundred troopi have arrived here.
There are three battalions, three reg
iments of cavalry, eight squadrons of
cavalry, two battalions of artillery,
one battalion of engineers, nun bat
talion of sappers, one disciplinary
brigade, one sanitary biigsde, one
brigade of administration and twenty
four pieces of mounted artillery.
There will be in service besides 4,000
civil guards, gcnilurmcs, who are the
best soldiers there ure here, and
numerous local forces of volunteer in
fantry and cuvalry. Then there is
tho naval fore. Altogether General
Campos will have under nis command
more than 14", 000 men of all grade,
lie .itiilli-alril lu Tutor of Mhrr He-
rauat Mr Ma an Irishman.
I.VKS, ! , Nov. ;7. Welirnl
( humidon J J. Corbett said in un in
terview yesterday: "I u 111 disgusted
with the entire business and hence
forth m ill ciullttrt nt y en I in- tUneto
the stage.. No mutter i hut the public
may My, whether ll be complimentary
sir iIutaIh I catitiot be tndui't'd lit
m;iu enter the arena. I bestowed lli
1 Ii jiiiiniisliip 'lp.ui Pete Maticr be
t sun h m u 11 Irishman, an i bceau -.,
I'rufi-r h u i Ihivw hud tli'feiiii lli
title filllirr lli.ili Ui'i II in lliotil.
tody i an A Hutruhmi vt LitiMithtiu. ''
MtttM t.uu the Murder,
NW Vu't;, Nor JJ . , sn ml (rum
tClngxttill, Jamaica. " I he Muxiiii
gtiitt nettl I.Tttttrd b) lirititli lon.iiiii
m mpiftl i.f llui Imperial errUiy .f
lb r lon e Ii te.n hi.! the rliertle
Ian ilt 1 . !i. m I iittier 1 rit
rfsrltliil the 1 in ui ' j,i I . .. . 4n
I l.e hmd, r me n in loo,' Iron
I'rrat t exrte.l on , .i. ttu.ii, 1 ).
"iiiiiMlcr .r-itf'f t tnj.ioi-t II. e 'in
Itinif,t in v,t lli'
In .i I -r i .(im i-ji!i" I Id tl ll,i
yiin ttrre li-'t lo If.l, tfi't tio-v wrfii
nant ti r d d hw, i.ot h vi .n
Tli luedii.t in 1. ,ir 1 1! fi,ir t
Cl'itt.loll. '
The Mianonrl Snpreme Conrt Kendrr
Dei-lalon of Much Interest.
Je ffkhson City, Mo., Nov. 27When
the employes of the Ilumilton-Hrown
Shoo Company of St Louis struck
some months ago, tho strikers, led by
A. J. Saxey, undertook to picket tho
buiiding, and by entreaties, threats
and intimidation, induce other em
ployes to join them, and visited their
houses at night and renewed their im
portunities and threats. The com
pany applied to Judge Vallinnt of the
St, Louis Circuit court for an injunc
tion restraining the strikers from in
any way interfering with tho em
ployes. This was granted. The
strikers claimed that if any offense
had been committed, it was a criminal
one, entitling them to a trial by jury,
and that a court of equity had do juris
diction over tho matter, und appealed
to the Supreme court.
With the full concurrence of the Su
preme court, Judgo Jirace rendered
the decision to-day. Ho holds that
while a court of equity has no juris-,
diction ovqr a criminal proceeding,
yet un injunction to protect property
from injury is within the scope of au
thority of such a tribunal. Defining
the rights of employers und employes,
ho says: "The injunction in this case
does not hinder tho defendants from
doing anything that they claim they
have a right to do. They are free
men und have the right to quit the cm
ploy of plaintiffs whenever they see
fit to do so, and no one can
prevent them and whether their
act of quitting is wise or unwise,
just or unjust, it is nobody's
business but their own. And they
have a right to use fair persuasion to
induce others to join them in quitting.
Hut when fair persuasion is exhausted,
they have no right to resort to force
or threats of violence. The law will
protect their freedom ud1 their rights,
but it will not permit thorn to affect
the freedom and rights of others. The
same law which guarantees the de
fendants their right to quit the em
ployment of the plaintiffs at their will
and pleasure also guarantees the other
employes to remain at their will and
pleasure. The defendants are their
own masters, but they are not the
masters of the other employes and not
only are they not their masters, but
they are not even their guardians."
Three Men and a lloy Found Killed
Near Arthur tily, I. T.
Paris, Texas, Nov. 27. Three weeks
ago three men bought a covered boat
above Arthur City, f. T., and with a
dog started 011 a fishing and hunting
trip down the river. Seveaal days ugo
the boat anchored just below that
pluce. No signs of life were observed
on it und finally a party of citi.ens
decided to investigate.
On the deck was seen a man with
his head almost severed from his body.
A nereedog prevented the investitators
from boarding the boat for a time, but
the animal was finally overcome.
Then it was found that the other two
men and the boy had been murdered
while asleep in their berths in the
cabin, all of their heads being crushed
lu. All had been dead for several days.
The men's clothes were scattered
about tho room, with the Dockets
turned inside out, showing robbery,
as well hs murder.
The Wife and Children of K-l'ol master
O'Connor of Muryvllle Meet lllm.
Sr. Joski'h, Mo., Nov. 27. The wife
and children of .lohn O'Connor, the
Mary villo postmaster who disappeared
thirteen years ugo, saw him in jail
last night for the first time since he
went away. He clasped the hand of
the wife ho had abandoned so long
ago and each gazed long and earnestly
into the face of the other. Then
O'Connor turned and embraced his 10-year-old
daughter, who was a child of
3 when he disappeared.
Mrs. O'Connor had never believed
that the man in jail here was her hus
band until sho stood face to face with
him. She recognized him at the first
glance, although he is wonderfully
Terrible Kiploalon of Fonder From Old
Cartridge at Faluia. Majorca.
TUrn t.i.o.ia, Nov. At 1'alma,
capital of tho island of Majorca,
eighty persons, most of them wotneu,
were employed in emptying old car
tridges, when one of the cartridges
exploded in somo manner, A large
quantity of powder taken out of the
cartridges was ignited hy the discharge
and a tremendous explosion followed,
which shattered the masonry of tho
town walls, which were very thick,
ninl did much damage to buildings.
Thirty-seven women ami fourteen men
were, instantly killed and thirty-five
women unl live men were seriously in
jured, nnd of this number twenty
have since died
He Mum III tlilH.
Waiiisiawii un, Mil.. Nov. . hmtt
two vesrx ago J, II. .lone of Simpson
township married u daughter of Law
rence Manning and denettoit her four
months previous to (he birth of their
child. Ills wife irtut nod to her f.itli
n'a home, tslirre the child was limn.
Mio died throe week later. Mantling
Y t tlii i 1. f a ut anil the father made
several f rtiil',c effort to obtain h
keskiou of it. Vi'ter.luy lie ii'ln-,l to
thv prili.iie coin 1 f. r tk writ of lutl4
ioi ium liea the trial tr.'Mt'l' nut
ll.o faiit Jmlie IiiIisih gum Mr.
I I'lonem. it neighbor, the custoilv of
. lUr infitrit until a K,,J"l'imi ewuUt !
; t piiiRlr l,
A tu llrmt I mil.
Al V, ir . Nov .7. Lloyd Mont,
gotm ry. the l )i'jr ol I lu y tiu.t.-r
iriit for the unifier f ll ftitlot mid
unit her mid htni rl M. Keii her. near
I r.m its i'le last 'ii' iUv, ha t-
fuil l-i.ll ft'-. .'ll. Sdllllttilig I 'ill hit
kiiod tl tlir.e of Hie h lie n,t lu
kli. t Irs father bei tine l.e ' d U-,n
an t kit led h s in c h r mi I Mi U-i 1 in 1
HI tin y t h (jlinl I'jit 111
tlii" iM4rrvl
. 1 r a si .!. i.. . .mv,
1 t't uti -it ;' I 'i, 1 . '1 mi 1 I i!v
t l tn I 11 II
At Perry Okie., the. verdict in an
important innrJer case was ren
dered here last evening, after the jury
hud been locked up 100 hours. It was
the case of the Territory against K. T.
Hand for the murder of George V.
I'ohr, formerly mayor of Arkansas
City. The killing occurred near Kil
darc last spring in a dispute over a
claim, but the jury decided that it was
justifiable und acquitted Hand.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 27. The Ne
braska Savings and Kxchansre Hank
of Omaha went into voluctary liqui
dation yesterday.
Fhanki'okt, Ky., Nov. 27. Colonel
W. C, P. Ureckiuridge of Lexington,
it is now understood, will make the
race for Congress in the Seventh dis
trict next year. It is said that he has
told his friends that he will make the
race and that he expects to win. Dur
ing the late campaign Colonel Breck
inridge' stumped the district for the
llcmocratio State ticket und every
where drew immense crowds.
WA8IUX6TON, Nov. 27. It has been
decided to remove tho body of Major
(ieneral Windcld S. Hancock to Ar
lington cemetery from Norristown,
Pa., where it has rested since 18811.
None of t he projects to erect a monu
ment at Norristown has succeeded and
the committee of the Second Artillery
Corps has succeeded in securing the
consent of members of the family to
the removal. It is planned to havo
the burial in Arlington take plate
next spring, when u monument to
(ieneral Hancock on one of the public
squares in Washington will be dedi
cated. St. Lou, Nov. ll. The retail and
wholesale millinery establishment of
A. 11. Fuchs. occupying the four-story
building at 700 to 70s North Itroud
way, was destroyed by lire which
broke out ut '.KM o'clock lost evening.
At the time a heavy snow storm was
prevailing, which delayed the engines
and allowed the lire to gain a good
start. Loss, 8115,000.
1'iiOKXix. Ariz., Nov,
"7. Whitelaw '
Keid and wife arrived here yesterday
morning. A largo residence has been
fiLted up for him and he intends to re
main here for the winter. The jour
ney was undertaken on the advice of
his physicians, on account of an at
tack of uslhina' that threatened to be
come chronic.
Shamoki.v, Pa., Nov. 27. llev. J.
.luckamoow icz, of the Polish Catholic
church in Mount Car me I, narrowly es
caped being poisoned ut the early Sun
day morning mass. A quantity of
paris green had been phi ceil in the
wine vessel, from w hich he is in the
habit of drinking during the service.
Fortunately, the powder wns visible
on top of the wine, and as a previous
attempt had been made on his life, the
reverend gentleman became suspic
ious and did not partake of the wine.
Tho poison was placed in the vessel
during Saturday night.
(Jai.vkstox, Tex., Nov. 27. Martin
Julian said hist night: "There will be
a fight January 10, cither between
Corbett and Fit.simmons orMuherand
Fit.simmons, and it will take place
three and one-half miles from El Paso.
Stuart leaves Pallas to-night for New
York where he will sirn Corbett or
Oai.kxa, Kan., Nov. 27. The Hoistcr
house and its contents, at the Thorn
ton &- Patton mine, at this place,
was totally destroyed yesterday by
the explosion of :t box of powder und
fups. Different persons were knocked
down by the shock, and if they had
not discovered the dungcr in time and
ran, would have been piled up with
the wreck. A horse was also knockod
down, and since that time has been
entirely deaf. Otherwise it is unhurt.
Lkavenwokim, Kan., Nov. 27. A
wreck occurred on the Kansas Central
road near fcaston, eight, miles from
this city, last night. As the mixed
evening train was ceiling along it
broke and when the lrout part
stopped, the detached passenger coach
crushed into a mail and express car.
The couch was badly smashed up and
had to be left piled up on the track.
Two women in it had u narrow escape.
As the cars came together, Conductor
James Lake jumped to save himself,
and lit on some boards and badly in
jured his head and body. There was
only one brakeman on the train.
lti TTK, Mont., Nov. vT. - It is stated
in connection with t lie arrest of .1. S.
Courtney for killing buffalo In the
National park, that there are only ten
head of these animals in the park, and
that the soldiers and park olliciuls are
unable to protect them from the
poachers, and that the true condition
of ulTairs is kept from the department
at Washington.
Dkmimi, N. M., Nov. 27. Israel
King, ex-memlHT of the Legislature,
und one of the most promliieut men in
the territory, and two employes,
Henry Colemun and John Ward, are
under arrest and undergoing imprison
ment ut AsiM-usion, Mexico, in s tilthy,
iiiiliealthfiil prison, without proper
food, und reliisi-d bail und not per
mitted to i iiiiiiiiniiii' itti W illi any per
sons, t.i'ciiiiso two hi ad of cattle.
h'.ii'.f ing tn an Amrr'u-im, but i-laitnod
by the iintlmrities to be o.vued by a
Mexican, strayed into a herd which
Kinir was shipping into the I'nited
Mates. I lie arrest a were totally tin
justified. Tin uutliorit ies ut the t ity
ut Mexico uiiil ut Washington
been untitled, i" older thul the men
lu IV be pruti'i'ted.
PiMHo, 1 0.0, N'ov, .7 Nearly
it,in 1 slmres of I riniile t nvU 11 ill in.
to,l,s were Ira. to I in ut the first rail
ml ttie lli'rt Pueblo M .liinir Mn'H l.s-
,'hs !'' i-sieril.i v attei ill-no- ls...r .
w iesi-il from IS uxrr I nlorjdii
'l lH's, I r iiii I 11-fU Ulld ii-inr, j
L I n 1 1 I'll Vati i int. ir I bonus M.
Ii.ns. 11 ii)-iSd tin- o(ifiiiii' and rl- '
nllllll'! UiI'Im-ss i
t i.-tcUii.l uii 11. I;, 1, In- .1 krli-u
fur iiit e.iis lus .!,.!,,. httUiJ
l.i.t flunk wins'.. , f.-v wi'.k Sifo'
his wife otil ilin-.l a il tyrii. Witrr i
ililV 4 f' i-ril.. .HI while druiiW, h -tint
In 1 tit H i- ii.'l i ', in.u-. Lt l 11 In r.
He H i II sin. I lilin.i-if lit Hit t.m t '
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Firmans Ismied Allowing Four (ireat
Tn'atlmm t:i Hive an Fttra Veel at
t'oimtanlinole Anieriran Missionaries
ut Kearput Not Well Trolected.
Constant ixopi.e, Nov. '2$. Tho
Turkish minister for foreign affairs,
Tewfik Pasha, called upon Sir Philip
Curric, the Hritish ambassador, and
announced that the port had decided
to issue the lirznans providing for the
passage through the Durudunelles of
the extra guurdships demanded by
Oreut Hrituiu, Russia, Italy and Aus
tria, us additional protection for the
safety of the foreign population here
in view of the recent rioting in the
streets. This puts an end to a very
dangerous situation, for there is no
doubt that the powers would have in
sisted upon having the extra gunboats
Fuller details of the burning of the
American lAission buildings at Khurput
show that the Turkish government of
ficials, in spite of the (abundance of
promises of protection for the Ameri
can missionaries and their property,
made by the porte to United States
Minister Terrell and to the Americans
themselves by the authorities of Khar
put, utterly failed to guard the Ameri
cans. No protection was offered un
til the massacre hud actually occurred
and the American mission buildings
burned. The value of the American
property destroyed was about 5100,000.
It consisted of the girls' college, theo
logical seminary, the chapel and live
residences. All of the personal effects
of the Americans, missionaries, the
libraries, scientific instruments, etc.,
were stolen. So far only a sraali pro
portion of the property has been re
covered. The ladv missionaries were
in great terror while the rioting was
going on. The authorities of Khar
put, however, protected the mission
aries after the latter tied from their
residences to the official quarters.
Some of the American missionaries,
including Dr. and Mrs. Crosby and
Wheeler, Mr. Kllisund Mrs. f'oyudjiun
and iier children, have arrived here.
The other members of the Kastern
Turkey Mission at Khurput elected to
remain there for the present.
All reports agree in establishing the
fact that the rioting was fearful; that
several hundred Armenians, men,
women and children, were butchered;
that the massacre seemed to be pre
meditated and the Turkish troops, if
they did not take part in the slaugh
ter, as the Armenians claim, certainly
made no effort to stop it.
Mr. Terrell, when informed of the
destruction of the mission buildings
at Kbarput, made a strong formal pro
test to the porte, und as soon us the
work of collecting all the data neces
sary is completed, he will demand the
immediute payment of an indemnity.
When he intimated that this would be
done, he was assured that the Turkish
government would pay the indemnity
required as soon as all the facts in the
case should be established.
IlnnilrrdH of Million Wasted Fvsrjr Year
In A merli n.
Wamiinhton, Nov. 23. The road in
quiry bureau of the Department of
Agriculture has received returns from
about 1,200 counties, showing the aver
age length of haul from farms to mar
kets or shipping points to be twelve
miles, the average weight for a loud
for two horses 2,002 pounds and the
average cost per ton Der mile twenty
five cents. Kstimuting the farm pro
ducts at 219,824.227 tons in weight,
and making estimates on other arti
cles carried over the public rodds. it is
calculated that the aggregate expeuso
of this transportation in the United
States is S-'4f.,4l4,i)t'i." per annum.
lieports have been asked from tho
United States consuls abroad of the
expense of hauling where the roads
are good, so as tj render possible a
calculation which will show how much
of this vast outlay i? due to bad roads.
The estimate is ventured, however,
upon information in the oCico, count
ing the loss of time In reaching mar
kets, the enforced idleness and the
wear uud tear to the live stock and
hauling machinery caused by pour
roads, that two-third, of the cost
might be saved by improvement of the
A Tmlu Wrerked and Another lltotra
I p I'lantatloiia Fired.
Havana, Nov. is According to of
ficial advices the troops cuguged in
military operations neur Cienfuegos
Mieeecded in capturing considerable
vuluable corresrMiiidenee. 'i hey then
guve battle to the insurgents uud the
1 11 tut n leader, Mut eo. wu kilWd.
Official adviees report that the in
surgents Mie ceded in liberating
twviity Cuban prisoners during the rc
cont derailing 'f 11 train in tl.i-'ui-Imriou
district nf the prmin -enf .mta
t laru. iniim person being 1. tiled und
wounded ut l!,r Mime tiin
A b. inb w us exploded, blowing una
rnilwiiv train. U-twern ieg AiiU
unit Mi l- Hi No partii'ciurs of the uf
f.iir o been reoeiod.
1 ion ftitrs adti-is bive been re
I'i'ived In ro ca 110 p'aulnl mm Biv
bi-iu;; bill in-d iit i ln Vnin.iy ft
'I l.c it ml b ni v nf Jiihu I .ii i.i i 'e u
fanner. U4s ('"in I 111 ll.irl 11 i nitilv.
Iliiiiii s. M inde I I iiilerwni!. wllit
W lioiu In- hu I quarreled atiitil l.n;,
lias it fl l :.i ie,s i l'oi ho. i.
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K. C. Ilrnedlrt. t'levelamrj CloKett Friend
New Touk, Nov. 28. It was an
nounced lust evening by E. C. Dene
diet, the trusted und intimate friend
! of President Cleveland, that the presi
j dent will not under any circumstances
accept the nomination for a third
term. Mr. Benedict has long enjoyed
the confidence of Mr. Cleveland and is
so close in his relations with him that
this statement has a semi-oilleial com
plexion. Mr. lienediet said: "I am certain
that Mr. Cleveland would decline an
other nomination if it were offered
him. I am positive that he doesn't
want to serve a third term. .1 am
equally positive that he could
not be persuaded under any circum
stances to accept the nomination if it
should be tendered him. I have heard
him say that he intended to make a
tour of the world at the expiration of
his second term; that he wanted to
see more of tho world than ho hud
seen and that he had his traveling
companion already picked out at
least that he had asked a personal
friend of his to accompany him on the
In making this statement ' for pub
lication, Mr. Benedict has so fur de
parted from his previous reticence
with regard to Mr. Cleveland's affairs,
that it lias special significance.
To-day Mr. Benedict said further:
"Mr. Cleveland does not make me con
fidant. 1 can not speak for him with
authority, and I don't like to be placed
iu the position of acting as his mouth
piece. It is not a pleasant position
for one to be in by any means. I feel
positive that Mr. Cleveland doe3 not
want to serve as President for a third
term. He feels that he has done
enough for his country and no longer
cares for the successes or defeats of
politics. I feel certain mind I don't
say 1 am certain that he could
not be persuaded to accept a
re-nomination. It has not been
offered yet. 1 feel certain, and
there are little social matters into
which it is not necessary to go, that
Mr. Cleveland is anxious to get out of
politics. He wishes to enjoy the sov
ereignty of the citizen rather than the
servitude of the State. He is count
ing the days and hours until he can
return to private life.-'
"There are some who say Mr. Cleve
land must accept a rcnomination,"
was suggested.
"I feel that he will not."
"Then he will have to make a de
claration to that effect."
"I think," was the reply made
slowly, "that he will cither refute or
confirm what I have said ut an early
day over his own signature."
Teter Mrfieorh of I.ard Corner Fame
Stioot lilnmolf.
MiMVAtKKK, Wis., Nov. 28. Peter
Mctieoch, millionaire, known through
out the country as a daring specula
tor and keen financier, the man who
ran the great lard corner in 1883 and
lost millions in its collapse, shot him
self this morning at his home on Na
tional avenue, just outside of the city,
and wus found dead in the bath room
of his bis house at lli.lii o'clock. He
hud placed the muz.le of a revolver in
his mouth and fired. The bullet took
an upward course and penetrated the
Mcticoeh's domestic troubles un
doubtedly led him to take his life. It
was announced yesterday that his
wife was about to bring suit for di
vorce on the ground of incompatibili
ty of temper, and it is well known to
their acquaintances that their married
life had not been happy and they had
lived apart for some time.
Mctieoch was a man who had ex
perienced many reverses and gone un
daunted through trials that would
have broken down most men. but do
mestic scandal was more than heeould
hear and immediate cause of his sui
cide was no doubt the milking public
of the fact nf the impending divorce.
No man for years wus better known
on the Chicago and Milwaukee Boards
of trade than Peter Mctieoch. He was
a daring speculator up to the disas
trous lard deal of IrtS.'l, when he at
tempted to corner the lard of the
country and wus buried under the
loud. Daniel Wells, jr., of Milwaukee
wus interested in the deal, and a long
and acrimonious law suit followed.
After t he failure of the lard corner,
Mctieoch dropped nut of the specula
tion, and devoted Ins time to his
street railway lines up to I sO. when
he sold to a Pittsburg syndicate,
headed by Mr. liyan of Now York.
Since then he has devoted himself to
his various interests, which are of
considerable mugnit nde.
Mctieoch was married eight years
ugo to Mrs, Libby of Kenwood, a Chi
cago si: hurb. The two had not been
hapf-y for some tim.
Sru-itor Stewart to Turn I urini r.
WAsiiiM.rox, Nov. '.s. Senator
William M. Stewurl of Nevada has
bought u farm of .'iSij acres In Vir
ginia, a few miles from Wa-liiniMon.
It Is neur the village of I'armville, in
the liliio U ilge Mountains. Nenittor
Mcwurt is an enthusiast, e brooder nf
line Iioi-m's, u.i I will ili-vote the farm
In blonde! stork.
1 he I'resldriirs Meie limit.
Wamiixi.Ion, Nov. ,'s. The I'rosi-di-ut
lts! completed tho
pn -p.irut init nf hi uifsst'o, and will
lisvo it ready V" ' M'Hi Ut. It
it kit-d ! In" one of tho lunges! !xeii
ti,o Hn s. .io"s mi ri-i uril. A-cordon,' tlie President lta U-i 11 en
I'l fed in j-'ejr it nt oter u o 1,'x
n turn fr. 11 uay .,il.lrs
H. M llrlHtml fur I ruin. .
tMiixii it x. N". ." 'I in re n o
V l.M1i II II ,. ,, IS .'tl'.lill l
li'i; ill l;i,' I'l'i-ti'iit Inii.', bit I ho iuti.
Is-r 1, l.e iiii li , ii.i fi i I hi t ln
I'i.i 1 ! i c' lit 111 i I . I ' ! 1 I t tt 1
til lit L I in, o l .- i s !, ,i t I 1 11 , .ni
l Liu' 1 1 in ( , .it 1 11 f r 1'w i inn
v.. ri i,'i "I on. 1 ii' or .- I 1 e 1 1 11' v
'i' 1 -r It is I i 1 I -' 1 j 1 1 I ;. ,
j,.', 1 niiii.-lit (; ir i'U -ii 1 in-. a
!! - .1 i i f 1 . 1 , . .1 tl, s . .. .. it'-.,
f Un .. O I l I r.l'. I f
1 ii if "i 1 , ,.: ..I t!,.. f . t4i,, ,.f
I .O s. ( ,.' , 1 - - 1 Ii ((! '.I ' i f
e ,ii 1 . , .v 1, . ii 1 1 , ,1 ,
San Francisco, Nov. '?. The se
vere storm that has been raging
through the East doas not extern'
west of the Kockies.
Losnox, Nov. 2b. At the Koltng
broke Club in a twenty-round confe-t
for 700 between Jem Smith and Du-k
Burge, Smith won in the ninth round.
Skdai.ia, Mo., Nov. "IS. Mrs. Mona-han-Collier's
millinery establishment
closed by assignment, with no pre
ferred creditors. Assets, $3,r0(i; lia
bilities not estimated.
Jknxings, Kan., Nov. 23. Francis
Schlatter registered ;.t the Itevere
house in this little city yesterday. Ho
has kept his room nearly nil the time
and very few have so far been able to
see him.
Jkstkrkos City, Mo., Nov, '2. .lohn
Fates, a farmer residing near l!ruato,
eighteen miles from this city, com
mitted suicide yesterday by shooting
himself through the head w ith a rifle.
Domestic difficulties was the cause.
CniCAOO, Nov. :J8. Hctwcen 12 and I
o'clock this morning fire destroyed
Arnold Pros.' packing house and meat
market on the Haymarkct square. The
property damaged was estimated by
one of the proprietors at SUTi.u'i'i. In
surance, $7.j,000.
St. Josei'H. Mo., Nov. C'C William
Durrull and William King, both well
known men, quarreled over a turkey
rattle in the barroom of the Colorado
house last night and King broke a
billiard cue over Du Trail's head, crush
ing his skull. King is in jail.
I.NDlA.xAi'Oi.ts, Ind., Nov. 2H. The
directors of the Childs-Drexel home
for union printers decided, after the
evidence before them had been care
fully considered, to send a committee
to Colorado Springs to investigate the
charges preferred against Superin
tendent Shuman, of the home,
Ahlimokh, Ind, Ten, Nov. 2?. (llenn
it Peoples, general merchandise and
gents' furnishers, with a branch
store at (iainesvillc, Texas, executed a
deed of assignment yesterday. The
gcods in the two stores invoice be
tween '30,000 and STO.WiO; liabilities,
Shermax, Texas, Nov. 28. The body
of John Mack, aged if, was found
hanging from the limb of u tree neur
(irecnville, in the county adjoining
this. From the surroundings it ap
peared to be clearly a case of suicide.
Mack was guilty of assault upon his
sister, aged 10, and his father says
ever since the cvime came to light lie
feared his son would hung himself.
Jackson, Mich., Nov. :.s. There was
a despeiale riot at the state prison
yesterday morning. Deputy Warden
Northup was struck on the head with
a hammer. It is thought he is fatally
injured. Superintendent Coffer of the
shirt factory, wus badly beaten, as
was also Foreman Muller. Knraged
convicts smashed scores of machines.
The convicts, after much difficulty,
were controlled and locked up.
Soith McAi.khtkis, Ind. Tor., Nov.
2s. The Colgate & Krebs miners have
just held a meeting and have appointed
delegates to a territorial mass meeting
of miners for the purpose of compell
ing the mining companies to restore
the old schedule of wages and the old
rules. It is thought that a general
strike all over the Indian territory
will take place in the near future.
Toi'eka, Kan., Nov. 2S. The Santa
l'e officials hold Conductor J. M. Ilobb
and Engineer J. C. Ifrown of the
freight train which collided with the
cast-bound "flyer" at Shumaker. N.
M., responsible for the wreck. 1 he
freight train was behind time uud
ought to have been sidetracked at
Tipton, seven miles cast of Shumaker,
the officials sav, for the "fiver,"' which
hud the right nf way,
As it was, the:
freight train got on the passenger'
train's time.
Washington, Nov. is. The Kansas
Ctjiiyressiiiniil deleg-at ion, as soon as
possible utter the Fifty-fourth Con
gress begins, will introduce resolu
tions in both houses looking to an
investigation of the circumstances con
nected with the arrest uud imprison
ment of ex-Consul Waller. The iin'iii
lu rs of the delegation take the po.sit.imi
that tne I'nit.-il States is entitled to
the record of the trial as a matter of
right, and therefore should not aK it
us an act of comity.
Omaha. Neb., Nov. 2K During the
'wind storm on Sunday night u heavy
Union Pacific freight train was ;,talleil
by the wind in coming down the
steepest hill on the run in Wyoming.
The trains have to come down the
Pern hill with all brakes set, but in
this instance t lie w ind was so severe
thai the train, with brakes o'.Y and a
full head nf steam on, wus unab!e to
r ,i i.;n I
AMil.lisnX. Ind., Nov. 2H. The wind (
blew at a territie rule last night The
colored I'nited church, a now build- ;'f
ing, w as completely demolished. Tin'
covered bridge nver the M issitt!! new ; t .,
at .liinesbnm, was h:nwn ilouti an
Hit' third Morv nf the ruliKT worlv
torn down. James Hnwurd
Wits SOI H 11
niislv injured bv the wulUof it
. : 11 1
oiiiiit-T r
iny fulling mi hlin. Jj
1!a in n nx t, nn 111, .Nov. son
Ut foil bus boon fti Use I here I
art mil of I If IN-pnbhiNin lenders
bate lb-filled to e.iil a great
inoetillif lor the ptirpnsu nf coiiilitiiii
ln;f the pol'fV nf the 'ot ornnif I. ' .it
nba. It is proposed to isMlt) a m.ilii
ii sto iluiliii ll lili'f ll Ml iii .in r for I i'l 4
ax a mre im-uus nf . i tu-iild.n V
w lit- nit t no island.
Unit I 1 xti lir.ix, li iio. Nor .
Tin' Stiuiil.irl Uil tun, piny irp.i !
nv, r I o 0 1I11 ( ik blon ii ilo 11 in I. s
held l-v lit (light' Mm in, liti'l
th.H it In.s nia riai'h M m "f :.
In -s t 1 p( , .1 1 1. ,,(.ol ,lt urs is film 1, Is.
irrs m o it 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 v ' In-1 o P. '
l,i,-o nf 1 'ti'i i-t, m lli s i-i iiiity. 11,1.
,, Hint I 'i n n ,t
1; -1 1 . n M . N.-v i J. M '
1 f ll. ir'i, I In. 1 1 nt In. '..r f t r. '1 No
til ill fi , , i.'..i ll 'll tint!!.'
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