DEMOCRATS TO BLAME. A Starving Republican Lays All His Troubles at Their Door. A poor man, a republican, one of the howling, rantanl-rous kind, called on a friend in this city the other evening, a pop, one of the shouting calamity-howling kind. The republican looked forlorn, worn and poverty stricken, and boa- no evidence of having been struck by any of John Sher man's waves of prosperity for at least a quarter of a century. He was out of money and out of work; the fire had gone out in the the scanty homo and the little stomachs were sufferings of hun ger. - . ;. .' He had no overcoat and had come .to ask his friend if lie. had .. an old pne to give' him, or any other old c?st. off clothing. Or did . he know of anyone who had' any old clothes' to give away;';. ; He was disconsolate and ' des perate and had come to his friend for advice. ' What should lie do? "Keep right on voting, the re publican ' ticket,'-' replied the un feeling : pop.- '. "(ipld standard, money good in Yurrup, the destruc tion cf the silver dollatylow prices,, no work,, business paralyzed,. sta'rv .. ation and want is what you have been voting for; take your medi cine! : - "I know we have never agreed on politics," said the. republi can, '' "and :' you ' have for years been preaching this stuil . to me, but d - n the demo crats! They are the fellows' who have caused the trouble. If the A republicans had been in power the 'past three 'year's we would not now f have such hard times." - I "Oh, you talk like you had ' wheels in your head. You have '( followed .blindly so many years the Vlead of a lot of political tricksters H.fl.o trnn rirtt cnncivnnniH'li tn yy . 'reason for yourself. ... Do you pre tend to sav that the democratic party is responsible for the great - national, county,, municipal .and private indebtedness .. which has .( been placed upon the people in the - , , ' past twenty-five years, the interest ! Oil Wllll.ll ni: . saj'ivu niv- ..jr nv. out of the laboring and producing j . classes in this country ? - , 7 1 "Do you not know that ' when j M.h,, uartvlwent ouCof I business three years ago that they ....-.-...-.'....: ..-.r lull . ine ircabiiay .nuu Vins of obligations .lue'and unpaid and that democrats issued interest j gations? 1 "Do you not know that John I Sherman, the prince of rcpubli- cans and chief conspirator, aided Cleveland and the Wall street ring ; 1,1 tlm nw-tinn nt I ho tlvir !OI- lar which took from the hands of the people . 4 .2, 50.1,001. a month, . t. .. 1 .... 1 ......I rJt KiMn..JL- ' Cduaiuij i ic uu.uiv,, v. '"--"-r-" f falling prices, no work Dut surva- tion for the -laboring masses. . "Not only Jolin Sherman, but -verv republican in congress save j . :i :,u .i. a... .,.r. ' .UILllt.ll. nun III-- tivinw i - '. Vall trct t. Mritt-li. croM 1 hli; riti tr i .1...;. ......t, ,.t..V -..,.V r.V-'.'J.-'- I I - ' . . . neon hi s Diisiih -s. 'Nk c spcriinvii, yoti arc to lie ; 1 , ikltlir -atKMIl hOUUl IUOU , KOIM r utJjr-1, monf-v t.uij in vimv, " ' ''lil tfu-n rriiuis- lu'io 1 ircitiif I ox iasi on luiinii;;. i rp on muh.--, " tlx- rcpulilii :;) tu l.i X an ! in vt y tit voii will rumi' ,irou:) I v. :'.liout rt.iy Votlii"i at nil war tin.; mih ! kk ull." .V !. li. r,.is . ... ! I f.M.I t.'stli'tu .1 lot tl.i-i. 1 ai; 1 1 oat, l.t;,; .1 I 1 hit t !1 p.ttt'. 1 1"! a littlt t.-'st r o his snf 1. 1 te t-t .m l !; r t I , r .i , t.t.n t '! ! r. t';;;ik.;i,; t oia a at a.," I " I mat. U I in t.!i. .) t i- ..I SO t . ;it a t-. l t it 1 1 t I !!) I Ho - I III!" I . .llll.l . -t'l . i-'!v i V I ' . y ,i . .tii .t ) ,! o- I t II .1 t I t f 1 I M t,' ' ' I l- v. M 'I I ' t ' .i O !; .1.1 I II s; I I .1 t' (I I I) ll 1 1- Another Evidence of Prosperity. The Nebraska Savings and Ex change bank, of Omaha, closed its doors Monday. The directors on Saturday adopted the follow- ing: ' . Whereas, The long continued ; business depression throughout the I country, and especially in the state of Nebraska, has made it difficult to realize satisfactory profits in business, and as we do nut consid er it sufficiently remunerative as to profits in future to continue the business of ihis bank, therefore be it Resolved, By the board ol di rectors of the Nebraska Savings and Exchange bank, that we now voluntarily take the necessary steps to wind up the affairs of this bank as soon as practicable. Thus the gold standard, "sound money" and "the best banking system the world ever saw": is; dc: souring, the very class of men whom it. was calculated to : benefit. .The failure aggregates $150:000. President Hush announces that the institution .stood up as . long as it could, but - business continued so poor, w ith no prospect of .'immedi ate Improvement ' in view the di rectors concluded to go into, "vol untary liquidation."- As. usual, the assets' ' are-sufficient J ) . to pay. otf the depositors in full. The great er portion of the., assets consists of real estate and mortgages, which require a little life in business to make them worth their face value. Let them rest easy. When John Sherman's wave of prosperity ar rives -which was to immediately follow the destruction of the silver dollar and the adoption of the gold standard "sound money" theory they may see "a little life in busi ness." Since all things come to those who .wait, let them, possess their : soul in patience. Mean while tuey should not kick; they got what they voted for. John T. Dorgan has donated a car of coai for the benefit of the city. Next. . Ex-State Aiulitor Denton is one of the jurors in the case of ex-State Treasurer Hill. Comment is un necessary, j If you must kick on these hard times,, have your foot look neat. We - se shoes, U. S. Shoe .Co., n,,. b Atn-et. ' ! At least two of our grocery houses have "arkttl their goods down to hard times prices. II. A. Bowman tSiu- () and the Good Luck grocery, 1 107 O. They are enter- inrisinr d.-alers and always. UP to i : o . .- 'the times. JSee their .Rotations in another column. Judge Waters Wednesday on the Ghari:e of selling coal on short A eight. I f he had been a member 0 the gang, and selling coal to the asylum or some other public insti- m i.. n-titTli Invn i.-n rivi :i chromo for his shrewd- business tact. ; v.. I.. iJ1 Ha,. I ... Ill q street'. f..f .-. burgainH in Jackets i mid Opes, We are closing out our sti k ot .child reii k'oo.I at Call and examine our line hsfore buying I ho J.cntlcy Id'ock at nj Siuitb nitii vtrett. ii 1 1 1 rt- storv liru k. i . 1 . 1 i .. f . . 1 . . t..., was. ucuyi-M iy uia mu.u.iy morning, l.nss, cstitnatcd at al out . , 1 1 I . ,,...r,i. i ru. mi iiminiB """""-",-j It is whjnriid that tin? tire w,n of! .. i i iiiiculi.irv origin. insiiraiKi imiiicy 111 litest- hard tnnt'-i 1 oir.ts t ry )i;ii)'l mhdo tiim-s. I h' if is a n w it) tli- ivp'iMn .111 ; tamp in tin- 1 1! ot r tin- appoint- no nt oi a 1M1.! i 1 oi.t . 1 J . Mimic, a tipuliln an .irl lit'.it, is jt 1 S to Mi !i ii'i shofH. an l.ts .1 1 .' lit I' IIH'llln lN I I hf I II'! t t!ii hi l.t! 1 1, .1st 1. .tr I . ' 1 1 1 II li 1 1 . I 1 1, ill I I t. .t i . 1 Wlirn . 1 1 Sis. ,.!'i'.l ! j i . ,lt tl.i ti- in s,.i,; I j I t ' t tl I t! . 1 , 1 ' i 1 ii . 1 . I t t t I i .. .i ! I v ill!' ti - ' t , fl--:,i ! I j' - . I 1 Arthur H. Nichols, a farmer liv-J ing near Raymond, this county, accidentally killed his little nine-year-old daughter, Ethel, Wednes day morning. He vas attempting to drive a fractious colt into a lot. Tllc ani;iiai being about to get . Nichols nicked up a stick of wood and threw it at the colt, missing his mark and striking the little girl about two inches below Uhe right ear, when the child fell to the ground and died instantly. The missle struck over the pneumogas trie nerve, which leads to the lungs and heart and is supposed that the shock was sufficient to kill her. The coroners jury rendered a ver dict finding that ...Ethel Nichols came . to her death by reason of a wound caused by a stick thrown by Arthur 1 1. Nichols at a colt, mis sing which it hit . the .deceased,: causing her. death. , We' further find that, no blame attaches to Arthur II:-. Nichols, ." W. P. SHITH, r.M.'MKltS Farmers Feed and Stables. 1118 K STKEKT, .. ' Lincoln, Nti:. One" hundred Armenians employed at tho Whiting- macliine works t Whitensville, Mass., refused to work longer unless the firm would discharge four Turks, also employed by the com pany. The condition was not com plied with and the Armenians at once Stopped work. .... The new comet discovered from the Lick observatory is increasing very rapidly in brightness, and wiLl be vis ible to the nuked eye in a few weeks. The Kentucky court of appeals has upheld the stutute imposing a 'i per cent tax on each 5103 business done in the htate by foreign corporations. It is claimed that this will drive seven teen associations doing a business of $.'00,0UQ from the state on account of being unable to compete with home lirtns. , The superintendent and other officials of the Great Northern have put all employes through an examination as to whether they be longed to the American Railway Un ion. Very Mv men could be found who would acknowledge they belonged to the order. It is believed that the company Will request those who are affiliated with the order to withdraw from it or sever their connection with the roud. At Lincoln Xeb-, startling develop ments were, made in the trial of Washington Davis, ehaiged with wrecking the Rock Jslund pas senger train last year, and killing fifteen people. Kd Craighead, a nert witness, haid Davis confessed the crime to him. He had asked Craig head to help him remove a rail and then flag the express to get a reward. He refused. Davis later told him he. removed the rail, but the train was wrecked before it could be flagged. At Emporia Kan., Dave Hender son, the school tcuuher who chop ped four people in the head with a hatchet the other evening at Dunlap, had a hearing before a justice of the peace, and was released on the evidence, his plea being self-defense. The parties whom lie assaulted are placed under bonds to keep the peace. Henderson is now in Htnporia, but says he will go back to Dunlap a :nl teach school. -Should he do so, more trouble is liable to result. . Kvcry effort of the administration will be directed towards, secur-l n-. the locution of the next Demi erratic national convention in New jork city. The announcement that pix Secretary -Whitney bus decided tii take nptlie tight for New York is Kliiil to )e specially significant. Mr. leveland's friends are said to feel that the influence upon tin1 Democratic party of t he convention held in New 1 ork citv would tend to udvanee the cause of scuud inouey inside the party rttUU,w .... . .. t , . I At iiiiMon me Home .iianei -iuo! ,...i ........ . .i, hull Inst evening. IJ 1 lay hvnna C i IcntiesM-e, i harle Kmory mithfi I'liilttolim, rvMlltlxter to i:usii and editor of the finlud.-lph; ITps nil. I ex Senator Warner Miller of New' York nuide the print pjl t-peechcii. Ainei'ii'uu ages A iiiericau work j men and protection to American inar-l ketn v(s I lie key note of lh-1 relunrk-t, fernt cvi-rv ittenl ixli nf 'i Ih.iuMs Ii. keit ' r .V. Umley called f.rt It great ri "' ( .... 1 . - . 1 ii 11 .... ..1 were ir 1 1 ti ll nt Lnwriim- K411 . bv ,!, ..It II n,l!,i. 11 ......... 1 1. 1 ..I II.- c r'. fat er, l. . I i.metMl, of I'.-'V It-f'it Mt. !, iVt.'i.i i-uiity, M.i, tin- tu I .ill h'.inV liiiiii pit e 1 1 1. .11 1 t .1 11 11 ! 1 ti -.' a 1 n It 1 1 -r t li'-m .1 tu' '" t't tiii; were !. t t I'V H e I' 11 'ill i ihiii'i. i,l!n ,r 111 I ilHTi .i A til'.-I Wt . .fit . I IJ 1" I l si H 1 ' .till 4 In it I i ft Id tie (- fl is III ..i.' w.'tt - ui 1 t 11' . t . Hi .1 1 , , ., I t.e I ,1 11 In ; I Ml I 1. i . .1 I I H.e I1M..I if f , .el. ki I - . 'ii - -ii' 1 i ,,v 1 nil 1 I I t ' tt f t. ..-. t. I, f 11 r. ituii, ,i n i 14 i.i.i- ' f ' ll t !lt lilt . ,f 14 it t.i I ! :r t . 1 1 t t f t trr -. , 1 1 t.i. t - Mi. h t ... ,, I t. i.-. i t f I I I' "I AT The GOOD LUCK GROCERY Is Selling the Following Goods at Half Price for the Next Ten Days. 20e j.v lfe '. Tic k: 20.' Tic lOu 10c Klc 10c Xc Me 20c: Can 1). ). Tomatoes " Bui'i I) IVuehes.. ...... .', " " 1) Tears . , Scrub Hrush ... .:'. '...-.. 3ottle liluing.. .. ............ Cake Wild Koso Toilet Hoap . , , Can California 1 Vnrs. Shoe Blacking. . Package Stove. Polish . . . . '. Qt Sour Pickles. Cako Toilet Sonn. . . . ........ Jb Japan Tea. . .... .......... Can Sardines. fim Monarch Ped Kidney Kipperal Herring Sale Commences Friday Morning, Nov. II J107 O STREET. COAL, JOAL ! COAL GREGORY SELLS GO A L ! $2 to $10 Per Ton. Office 1100 O Street. Yards 14 and M. ?. Ry. Phones 343 and 488. Try UKA1 SHOT". For Hm1 IJugs, And "ROACHINE" For Hoacltfs, Mens, Ants, Moths and All Vftmin. For Sain Only by R1GGS' PHARMACY. ii4j osti:ki;t. IN'iiif nilicr, we give a las-, of Soila water with every o cent ptinli;i'. ALL ABOUT IT. An tlhihlriiteil .Journal t 1 1 -inir all ulioiil Hi" workiii'H of a l.i v t: S-'IkmiI in a I.ivk city that is making n pt-riHlty f trainiiioj l.i liiinesh nun i ()M.Mi;i;oi.i.sTn)ii:s. Short llnin!, Typewriting, etc. Vott tan't iniiiiH' hovv in lit h it will help Soli ill th" fell r tinfi of tin riyht in'hool In at eii.l ss itlioitt mi; a eopv. ! i 1 tu M lel it fret i lili.!.iiu;iM;r.. s.t y. I.iiitnln !iilin tfli I., i ..I... N. I.. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon. I .:, ill I KM II H. Ih. .!., :' 1 1 ii I--..SI . t) 'i -, S i r " i r. ! i, . .. o ? Surgical Diseases cl Wcio, And Chronic Diseases . , , . HALF PRICE. 10 c 12J 12A l 2 A 24 10 01 .Vms , 10 12i 1 rc Suck Lincoln, 3STe"breLsk.eL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 1 1 . i-wtrtr.SV mmmm-mm The Best School for Musical Training in the West. Wouiil adsifc'' all those ilestriii"; a first class musical education to read their catalogue and Prospectus for 1S5I5-I5. (iraduales from this school, can enter the Great European Conservatories without, ex amination Yon et a thorough mimical training. A beautiful home for ladies and gentlemen. CATALOGUE and TKOSPKCTUS Sent FREE to any address. A. A. IIahi.ey. Business Manager. M its. L. P. Hrooks, (J. 3lolt 8, Musical Director. Found Something at lastfor the Babies The t'libreakiible Doll at thu Great 10 cent Store. The (i rent Tell Cent Store has received ulioof the fineht line of IhdU ill the City. One partii uUr doll I warrant from brenkint:. 1 is one if the nicest tlolU out and they nre just u t ln-ap at a common doll iiinl I vih cmtv l.i'ly wouM cull Hinl iiisiei t our line of dolls They ar iioss mi s..le. Also iceeised a i-oiisiyn ii'ent lot of China 'imiiIs ss hirh are k' in ' be sold at very low tijjmv. 11B S 12th. Kennedy, tie 1029 OSt. Lincoln, 1 1 ti . i U i vT t !n fi ! t r,.oi..',' r Cabinols 2.00 Per ImU-hX Stylo Small mi .... r .--.., -.'u i 'ii y i f i ii h I . I! i nt' 'u ' -1 ! h ' Ill Turn Peppers ',0c lb " Alepico 20c lb " Whole Pepper 20c lb 110c Vinegar . 15 c i:c Pink Plv mouth Hot k Gelatin-. 7 A One (iallon (Jenuine Apple Cider- . .20 sOe " .'Syrup 20o Can French IV-as 2"ie Holtlo Purity Extract Lemon, 10c Package of Gloss Starch ... . '10c ' Sago .40 10 124 20c " Muccnrorii (imported) . .10 H0c Jar Extract. oE JWf 40 10c Bottle. Mustard ' 20c Can Monareli Little Neck Clams.lO Corn Meal 7?, Lincoln, Neb. Secret rry. S. POLWOSKV. Photographer. Neb. Noble tudio. i li in t in' i" doz- Photos $1 Per Do. juilyilLSura mm iv. ' e ' f .-! .. i.' .r it)'- - ( . I I t I i i.,, ,.,. . . u k'li'NNI'liVN Abl Aitiiri..,, l... I, ' lU'JDO Street. 0