The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, November 29, 1895, Image 1

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    .V-? C
NO. 31
Capital City
1014 P Street, for Low Prices.
Choice White Lard, Cc
Choice Shoulder Steak, rc
Hologna, 5c
Salt Pork, ric
Dairy Butterine, -J lt for 25c.
Give us a trial.
Capital City Meat Co.
1014 P Street.
1025 X STREET.
Parlor Barber Shop.
A clean, smooth shave for 10 cents.
Guarantee not to pull them out by the
Latest style I lair Cut 25 cents. (Jive
me a call.
We buy for CASH and Sell for
Cash. We will sell more goods for
Less Money than any house in the
City. We don't claim to have all
the trade ; only part.
Specials for Ttsto "SZTeelrs:
(iool Flour 4!)c Can Corn
Vinegar IS Pan cake Flour, package . 5
Onions bit 2'. 13B K Oats iW
llaisins 4 Lye 4
1 'J boxes Parlor Matches 10 Corn Meal, per sack S
1 Har White Cocoanut soun 1
Don't forget the Place.
1819 0 St.
Goal-d. Coal -
The wind may blow, closer
u at rt-apniiablc prices with well
J'iie sjccifll bu-iut'KH of
Yards 2lKt and M Streets.
TUt tiKnlMii; A. UAKKIi. ut vi OSiiect i
ctiwl!v Sellnu' M'T" I 'KKII ami SALT M MAT,
mid S THUS for th-- imf M ie y tlmii any Mir.
l in l.iiK'nIii.
George A. I3aker,
K tin;
Wines, Liquors
Tin- l i.i tS .1 !,idiMr
Wlif'kV f ' 1'aiMllt Use t"ij "i in'.t v
Now old man remember the next
time patronize the
Barton Fuel Go.
1024 O Street,
Yard 16th and Y,
Phone 301
der, Coal-dust!
on ilraw In t he lire. To biijily
screem - d fn?l to keep up this tire is
1240 O Street.
1831 o St.
and cisars.
Il.itt'- I'rt i',,iitant!) mi hue!
I. is i.i v N i
Now the Home Countless Thous
ands of Degraded, Staging
The Gold Standard Wrecked the
Common People There It Will
do the Same Thing Here.
England in a gold standard country
and has maintained the system lor a
much longer time than the t'nited
States. What are the results of that
system there V
One is iu the habit of thinking of
England as a rich country. So it is.but
the wealth of that country is in the
hands of only a few men. In ISl'.i the
bill was passed placing England under
the gold standard. At the time the bill
passed the land owners of (ireat Jirit
ain numbered 100,000 persons. At the
end of seven years after the passage of
the act the number had fallen to 30,000
in consequence of falling prices caused
by the gold standard law. At the pres
ent time, according to the statement of
the distribution of land ownership in
England and Wales, from a work on
political economy by Prof. J. S. Nichol
son, of Edinburgh:
"England and Wales total arei is 37,
000,000 of acres. A body of men not ex
ceeding .1,500 own moiethan one-half.
Less than 2S0 people own one-sixth of
the inclosed land. Sixty-six people own
one eighteenth part, or 2,000,000 acres.
(Joe man owns 1S0.3O7 acres."
Tne following on the concentration
of wealth in Kngland, is taken from the
speech of Senator Jones of Nevada:
"The concentration of wealth m that
country is illustrated by the distribu
tion of the national debt, amounting to
over 83,"j(Hj,(KX,0tK, which, a short time
ago the ollicial returns .showed to be
held in the handsof only 120,331 persons
thus averaging !?:J0,0UU to each person
owning the debt."
France is not a gold standard country
and this is what Senator Jones says of
"The greater prosperity of the French
people is illustrated by the wider and
more general distribution of the public
debt of that country. Even so long ago
as 1S07 that debt was held in the own
ership of 2,0!5.fH3 persons, averaging
but 2,0u0 each, and since that time It
has obtained even a wider distribution."
This is what John Kuslun says of the
condition of his own country:
"Though England is deafened with
spinning wheels, her people have not
clothes; though the is black with the
digging of fuel, they die of cold, and
though she has sold her soul fur grain,
they die of hunger."
Now we will take the statements of
some of England's most noted citizens.
oxl-tlxtii a i : i ; r.u n:t:s.
Again I quote from Senator Jones"
"(len Dooth then enters upon an esti
mate, based upon an actual industrial
census of Fast London, of the condi
tions of the people throughout the coun
try as a whole. Counting the houseless
and starving, as well as the criminals
and the members of Die pauper work
houses -all who get relief, whether in
doors or outdoors, as well ui who
git neither and Including England
only, without reference to Scotland or
Ireland, after enumerating the actual
liguns upon which Ins estimate:: are
I used, he Minis up the ease as follows:
Till! I K MILLION I li VMI's.
"This brings my total to a,'','!, t.r.
to put it rough!) , to on- tenth of thej
population. j
Art. riling to Lmd l!r.tluo:; ami Mr. i
Nimiir! Miulli, In twten two and three'
million of our popul item are uImuv
pauperized unit degraded. ' j
Mr. t hamheri tin ay I urn still!
1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 if troin Mr. liooth' IwHik' "Theiei
1 a population eqn it to that .f I he inc
tiopolis th it is, tutttien four ilii'l live.
II. tilloll Wl.trhti.ia It'lliUllied j
ly iii t stu'r of abii'rt iui' ry and th ti
lotion." ;
Mr. liUtrli it lu -if iiitxlt r it. itr Ui'.t i I l" it t odlititf f i. 1 1. f lu
!!. . one in I. it- el 1 1 . 1 1 1 i .-i I I il.'. it iv r
-n hi l i ( ti.i p.. put iH. . Mr, CiMi-o
it. in t uM lie fiord million w Lit !i t
i ii i on 'A.v li.rot r bio-
lU'wiin Mr. t ti imU'ita it lour mil
!.'!. 4int alt. I Ml, l.l'tfll Ol f
III. it'll t l.'l.t b'll.illl'l l(l Mo 11" I, lo ll '
li.M.Ut .l) U t l oli'elil ok thl' -
imHi .in i ifpr-t-titii i ti e I 'l tl mint
I . M if t! I Ii t t r I Ir f l.t;li,.
may be said, then, to have a population
about equal to thatof Scotland. Three
million men, women and children a
vast despairing multitude, in a condi
tion nominally free but really enslaved
these it is Whom we have to save."
One may read statistics upon statis
tics without realizing their force. When
a few years ago, I had l ever given a
thought, to the money question. I did
not even know that Kngland was the
greatest of all gold standard countries.
I was curious to see her people and coin
pare them with the American people. I
judged of England through her litera
ture and thought that the people would
be in keepfng w ith that literature. The
lirst tb'iig that struck me in the streets
ol London w as the
appearance of the masses of the people.
I am a small woman. Walking through
one of the crowded streets of London 1
found myself head and shoulders above
the majority of the pedestrians. Phys
ically they looked as if they had been
stunted iu their growth. Such speci
mens of deformity as there was among
th ml It did not seem as if Eiich crea
tures could be human beings and they
were to be
.MKT W il li KVLKYW lll ltl..
in the broad well lighted btreets as well
as ui the degraded portions of the city.
One met faces constantly that looked
as if they had never known better con
ditions, did not even know that better
conditions existed, and therefore could
never even hope. New York is bad
enough but London is w orse.
In the congregations of the churches
and. in the audiences to be seen any
where, the exception was to see a well
dresced perMin. The contrary was the
case here at that time. ! did not won
der afterwards when some Fiiglismen
who had come over here and were tak
imr in the streets of the city of Jloston
asked. "Have ou no poor people here?
All the people in these streets seem to
be well off."
Our country has not been under the
gold standard as long as England has,
and it has the advantage of beimra new
cojintry with undeveloped resources.
The masses of the people as compared
with those of the United States were
poor, ignorant and uneducated.
I heard an argument at an Knglish
dinner table between an English lady
and an American. The English lady
commanded that it was not good for the
masses of the people to be educated,
that it made them aspire "above the
station in life in which (iod had placed
them." I found that the education,
like the wealth of the country, was con
centrated, the comparatively few
being very highly educated, while the
masses of the people had almost none.
I was continually surpried ctthe
cheapness of everything. S1) imny
thing? could be bought f,ra 'penny. "
'tkxny run i-:s"
or low prices mean cheap wurkingnien.
fan a workinginau earn living wages
when the products of his labor are held
so cheap? Low prices are caused by an
insufficiency of the circulating medium
for the needs of the population.
The in8Ul!lciem:y of money is caused
through evil legislation, and this evil
legislation, makes millionaire on the
one hand and tramps on the other.
Evil proves the existence of good, us
darkness proves the light. Such coudi
tioiis as are described iu "Darkest Eng
land" are produced bv evil legislation.
4 it'll. Hooth's leiuedy for thoM condl
tioi.s seems to be chanty. -Many be
lieve such conditions to be inevitable.
They are net inevitable. Me populists
contend that the mult 'millionaire and
tramp, being produced in this country
through bud legislation, the conditions
can be swept aide through rij;ht h giv
I iti in and throiivh the abolishment of
the gold stand. ml system of liii.ture.
Mi ll made the Uw, then fore the t on
tilth n produced ) them are not in
v liable. I'.iiii.iii Ev h.
Uro. Todd and tho University.
I iu, N I n , Vov, ivr.,
Ell II. Ii I.IM l A ' I MO I't'M'l I
luclnsvd !ii d "1 iii oiisiilt r.iti..ii i i.r
the " list tilt ri'llit'lit of pit Islitt- i-
ii'Ued or your "time ol .ilr."
In luy vievv the t br.i k o,ttr I in
virity uaifejt humbug and
hi Ue Ironist Ml In llliish I th Iv
un mill In show on.- if. Itnilit
j.-t full i In the '.' lit l re i f In tn
.tie nn j.' Ite petiple l-iri' it b t .
sf Uilffil. it Kt.ow Intuit li.ts Utliiot
I tMi-il t-ll thf I'll )t I of .lk"rit ll!.ilt le.'
wi ll kli'iMtt by .ill f illiHIt, YVrtaVe
l l loi'l lo ll .1 l l ll Ull.ttf I'l I lllf
.11 ) !ii;ul iiai 'lll.Hf. I In h pi U'ii'
i.ti!l 1 m !-lrii', I ..tell) .mil t IV4ll"li
' ire th ptvpitt Pi thtc liieb'il I tit
14 ' 1 r-'b t .r t eoMtotii' l tli iw . 11
- 1
l,.-i ( if ii.- on it 1) if .tint lie ttt ki
on the legislative assembly for large
and extravagant appropriations for ad
ditions and expansions for library build
ings and fixtures. All this is continu
ally going on while honest working
boys and old men are working early and
lat,e through cold and heat for a bare
living and to pay taxes to maintain
these slick fellows who claim to know
more than the common herd, but in
fact know nothing by experience, bas
ing their knowledge on books, written
mostly by men of their own sort.
This question of value is ideal. It is
the nvidence of things not seen. When
a man is without food; shelter or cloth
ing these commodities of food etc., are
of value to him especially. !n order to
secure these valuable articles he works
for the circulating money ot his coun
try. When this money is obtained he
goes to the market when the conditions
suit. The articles to be procured are
priced in such currency as circulates as
money. Thus the value is settled by
mutual agreement between buyer and
In fact, the potatoes are valued at
what they will fetch, without regard to
the increment of pleasure. Yours for
common sense, L. i. Todd.
.. . .... ...
They Held a Lovo Feast and Didn't
go Home 'Till Morning.
Omams. Nov. 20. Special Corres
pondence.! -A 'arB' number of tie
members of the Trans-Mississippi con
gress are populists and this is the first
time they have met since election. Sen
ator Allen and (lov. Ilolcomb were at
the Paxton, so they naturally gravitated
there. Finally they all got into a room
and began to tell of their election ex
periences and what they were going to
do in the future, They were all in the
best of spirits. One thing developed
and that was that there had been a lot
Especially was this proven in the
election of I SIM, One gentleman as
serted that some man had told him out
in Montana, that they had been given
free transportation to Nebraska and
back and 10 each to come to Nebraska
and vote that year. They all wanted
the count watched ut every precinct
next time. There were unlimited op
portunities of cheating in the way that
names were read off by one and tabbed
bv another. The returns of the last
election in McKeighan's district, com
pared with those of lS'.M, show that the
vote in that district was padded 1 or
(i per cent.
Voi' ci.rns.
All of them were iu favor of going to
workiiifctinter, forthwith, immediately,
without any delay to organize
populist clubs, especially in the
towns and cities. The returns
show that we made gains in
the towns and citieK. The merchants
are just beginning to find out what is
hurting them and are willing to listen
and they all agreed that the winter was
the time to do that w ork. So we are
going to have a pop club in every town
in Nebraska, and we are going to some
how the Lord knows how get the
momy to pay postage and tend them
some literature. Every lean felt that
the state was at last within our grasp
and we are going to take it. The great
gain in votes and in county otlicers put
all 111 high spirits. They got so full o'
glee, that they didn't go home until the
morning. There was H"l a eigir to
mil .ke or a drop to drink in the room,
but 110 one hit until the love least
broke up.
Tho Official Count.
The ollicial count, im biding the til;
111im.1l figures from Furnas count)
shows Ibe vote 111 etir.i-ka at the lute
election to be for su n ine judu-. Ni r
val, rep, T'.M'h'i; M ixwt ll. pop, 7',"7.V
Mul.01.ev, .'oi l dun, IV'slV Phelps, ml j
fr item, lu2ll.Mi Ifrlili.irgiT, pfohlb,
Kfgfiit- Vite I iiivrriitv, lioolil, rep,
M.iriill, np, m'.'.k'J': Peal tie. op.
.Vl,:i."M, P.avstoii,"..'."'.:t. NorvaU
.ur.ili!,Ho. ! Mtuij, .Ul atH,.t.fii,,t himself 110.
lis 1111 il disri j ud lr truth, 4 of t . - -
1 .tin pmratitv H'.'.- II. w l.i-it .t s. i,!; jjnir cl)t j ,v)Ui (.,.r
t j IVnili mi.l O nn.ler H. i M. ticket
ll.t ..ti.tvd itt on show . 1 l"l,":",!l,(,,.,.. Anvtliinw' i tli' l'.itlr
tf 110 ,.01 li e Vote f..r l!.e .U'.f ..n.e
t.)e .!,. . I" ' "" .! "
pi.piil.ts lnveii tie U " "'ti'.
..fla t rs t f .'.- I !. t it t Uirt 01 "f
jl ip i.f lit I i. its .rt at lit 1 f U
l I. t tli.ll. ll.t' WtTK.
This Paper Fre
I I t'ltl st U.i' I 'rr ' " )'' "
The Tmns-Mississippi Congress
Convenes at Omaha.
Omv aa, Nov. 2H, 18!5. special Cor
respondence.'! The great Trans Mis
sissippi congress convened yeEterday in
Creightou Jlall. The bankers knew
what they were about when they said
"We'll tlx them so they will not hold
any great conventions or congresses, for
they can't get the money to go." It was
a respectable body but nothing like in
numbers to the lirst sessions of the con
gress. (
(lov. Ilolcomb made a splendid speech
of welcome. The World-IIerald re
porter didn't like it. He said it was too
populistic. After he got that down he
lied about the people going away. (lov.
Ilolcomb did honor to the state and the
popul ist,'party, as he always does nhen
he appears In public, lie is a man of
whom the whole state is proud, save the
World-Herald reporter.
After the introductory aldresses and
replies, the whole day was taken up
with reading and referring resolutions
to the committee appointed to report
or squelch them as they saw lit. There
were about a hundred resolutions
Nearly every one of them asked for an
appropriation. In course of three or
four hours they had appropriated about
three hundred million dollars, Xo one
made a suggestion as to' where the
money was to coma from. None of
them seemed ever to have heard that
there was not money enough now to
pay the expenses of the government,
and that it was running behind i!2,0(X),
000 a month.
Uesolutions were introduced to spend
millions on the Nicaragua canal, tne
Hennepin canal, for deep water har
bors, for irrigation and for the general
remodeling of the w hole western hem
isphere. Neither God nor the railroads
seemed to have lixed things as they
0ug.1t to be in regard to transportation,
rainfall or deep water harbors, and they
w anted congress to appropriate a few
hundred million dollars to be bought
with ten cent oats and thirty-five cent
wheat to lis them as they ought to be.
After that they adjourned until 8 p. m.
1 11 the evening they talked about
statehood for the territories.
Congress Personals.
Church Howe was In attendance. He
didn't say "The old ship is leaking now"
but he looked as if he felt that the pops
lmd punched another big hole in her,
r. Steele of Hastings Was 011 hand
and reported that the pops in Ids part
of the state were putting their war
paint 011 for the next fight.
Ex-Senator Pointer was there, fuller
of light than a Itocky Mountain wild
Senator Allen took the 5 p. m. train
for Washington Tuesday. When he
went into the convention he was imme
diately, by an unanimous vote, made a
Ex Congressman McKeighan attend
ed the convention and was heartily
greeted by all. lie U still in poor
health and almost blind, but says he
will light on till life ends.
. J ISryan was heartily greeted
everywhere. No one can help liking
him. if lie won't quit running with the
tail end of one wing of a dead party.
Clem Deaver made one at the pop
love feast.
(!ov. lloleonib went honieearly Tues
day morning, for thing uround the
c.ipitol need close watching.
Mr. Craig of California delnered a
very tnlere-ting lecture Tuesday night
on lli iu u, lie wants it nude a late
of this union and an m ean cable Uid to
1 united it withvin Francisco,
Their is a man iu the coiigrtss wh
t miiiii.tiitle I u party of men from Mis
souri tint c ipturt d the writer 'f thew
u..' in I "'.'., court uutrtulfd him, and
e Ctrl iced him t hung for bfllig till
;t!M.!iti.uist. The id Missourian a
f tf ,,.,,., J.4tUT
,,,rh..r ,.f Truth mi.U.
1.1.014 Ki'M.I, l-W N'i'lV.1
lentil ntn-tt, ltuprir uu! I'elrr
in Yiii" mul LiMti. Va1
M.lw .' lU-er, Kntnih tr.!' a
j t . v'.ty. W nie f,.r j.n. . .
I M.l . ttH fitl
I "
O '1
I I.