The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, November 08, 1895, Image 8

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IDry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Carpets- Cloaks, Millinery, Ladies and Gents .Furnishin? Goods at
Corner Tenth and P Streets, Lincoln, Neb.
Ileginning Monday, November 1 lth, J 8U5, ami will continue for Ten Days Only. We have just received a telegram from
.?: V York Citv that he has bought a large Stock of Millinery, Ladies' Cloaks and Capes at about half their value. In
lor to mak room for these goods wo. have concluded to daughter goods at such low prices as never was heard of before in this
.... . ' .. 1 . H C . . ,1 r. l.r, 1 i ii 4 Ua nilr
city. We will break all lorracr recorus oi our ioiiioh epwim
our buy.
IZTo -Quote "Z"-cl tlh-o ' Prices:
M lied Spreads, worth 1.50, now tr"
at 7'.k .
l,()0:i pound White Cotton liaUori,
worth 10c, now goes at I'.jC a pound.
Millinery Department-
Dry Goods Department.
10 pieces sil'k wrap Henriettas, In all
shades, worih sIX0 o at M cents,
1 pi pieces of novelty cloth, worth
I L'oat.Sl.19.
V!lw 2- dn Lillian IfSU sailor hit
"pS Wld.4TjiBh,ner. all -1. all over the ety at 1.50, go at ,..c
ivool worth 50e uo at 2!e. 25 dozen bailor Hats, brown, blue and
50 'pieces single width Cash mors, all black, worth 1.50, our price Hltc.
.-.hades, worth 15c, no at 5c. Ladies Trimmed J lata, latest st)le,
100 pieces Towluig, woita w, now go vvorth $1 to , our price $z:.m
worth $0 to 7.50, o at 3J89.
Ladies' .Jackets, worth !?15, go at
:,0 Men's suits, all sizes, worth lrom ViAa
Clothing Department.
85 to 7 TO, goes at a suit.
)ur "I.j Muts goes ut 'j;j
Our 12 Suits goes at &7.W.
Our '. Suits at 5.50.
100 Hoys' Suits, Sizis 115 to IS, worth
ft I to So, go at 2.l'!.
100 pair men's 1'ant.s worth 32.50 go
at We.
Men's all wool underwear, worth 1.50
a garment, goes at 70c.
lUlHloz mens smris ana juawers,
e A 'It...... I . ,..f L'lf.l.. in.pfh TJin fi TT.. rrr.fiu til tCii'
..... ....,,.... tt.rti.fh Ml f.O ni U tfil '
i umv wicio, vruiu ..,..", b - woi'tri ff..oO, go ai IM.I
""'pair Ited Ulankets, worth 2 per " Ladies Trimmed Hats, worth 2.50,our
Cloak Department.
25 Ladies' Jackets, sizes from 31 to X,
Ladies' Fur Capes, worth 12 to 15,
Shoe Department.
2".0 pairs Men's Congress and Laco
Shoes, all sizes, worth 1X0 to 2.50, now
at 1.50.
300 pair Ladies' fine button Shoe3
worth 3.00 to 4.00, now at 2.5s,
liaby Shoes at 23c a pair.
Children's Shoes, worth 1.50, now at
I'ivo gross lead pencils two for 1c lur-
ing this sale.
Twelve sheets writing paper le during
this sale only.
Ten cent sewing silk only 5c in this
, Ladies' fast black hose go for 5e per
Hair pins, good quality, Ic per pack
age in this sale.
Twenty-live dozen ladies' handker
chiefs, worth 5c in this sale 2c each.
Ten dozen ladies' handerchiefs, worth
20c, in this sale 12c each.
Fifteen dozen ladies' handkerchiefs,
worth 10c go in this sale at 4c each.
Twenty-four envelopes go in this sale
for only 3c.
two hundred bars (me toilet soap,
worth 5c, lc per cake. 1 .
Jiest clothes brushes worth 40c. go for
Ladies' line Jiussia pocket Looks,
worth 50c, we sell for 30c.
We just received a hue of ladies' all
wool underwear, worth 1.25, during this
sale 0'Jc per garment.
One thousand papers of pins, worth
5c, two papers for lc.
Ladies' corsets, worth 75c, money sav
ing sale price, 3Se each.
Two spools of thread worth 5c for lc.
Fine nair brushes, worth 15c, money
saving sale price, 8e.
Fine dress buttons, worth 10c, only 4c
per dozen in this sale.
Remember these prices are good" for ten days only. We will endeavor to make this sale the greatest sale ever held in Lincoln.
Wo have a Largo Sto. of good in every department which we must turn into money a", once. This gale is a bona fide sale and
no humbuir We do strictly m w advertise You will find 1,00 bargains in our etore marked in plain figure.
"Y"oiars Truly,
r..raMJMOin w-t mr irx..i;
icar rirors
1QTH AMD P Streets.
How tho Poor Old Journal Mis
represents. Kvor since the attempt wr"s first
made, over three months a;o, by
certain republican officials and ma
chine politicians to steal the bal
ance of the $ioo,ooo penitentiary
appropriation left by Dorgan, the
machine organ, the morning smut
mill, has been telling lies about
the penitentiary and its manage
ment. It states that Lcidigh has
beat the state out of $1,000 to
$1,800 a month by the prisoners'
lying idle when they might be at
work. This is a lie of the whole
cloth, liver since the pen was
placed !d Lcidigh's hands, after
Dorgan stepped out, the prisoners
oave been kept busy repairing the
boilers and machinery and steam
plant, to get it in proper working
order, and never, until within the
past ten days has the plant been
m -proper shape to furnish the
necessary steam to run the machin
ery. If all the prisoners had been
contracted out they could not have
been put at work until the plant
was repaired so as to furnish the
necessary steam. The Jouma
simply lies when it states anything
to the contrary. It lies at so much
ju-r lie, too, as it always did. The
Journal, like the balance of the
gang, is evidently vi-ry anviou to
get its tingi-r on the balance of
that t iom'hk appropriation, In-ncc
it lie. As soon as the pUnt was
in n!ujh io work Mr. I-vidinh noti
fied the baard id land and build
ing that the pn-on was ra ly to
f utmU labor to contractors when
i-vi r thay t te icady to ckm- con
Matt. The lt L-;; Mature pannd a U
anuullinS the contrail Unt in
order that the Mts should ton it
own pmoii, in I Ihu 04 any in
i,u n prohtt t a
However fti.-v- n"T"
td to lintiijl the ptioti uuti
iMiatt tiu!d 1 teitnivt l, n
i.ntd 0 piisotMt ald t n
tivtt I iut nd a ivuutir ta
thrt UU . 'I hit 4ppuJ'IUlKU
in lo oo th id 4 M-nN pel
dy (. r r i l j !.' t A i l .
1 ri h 'H h t ,v Out J t it a
A gang of republican office holders
are determined that this money
shall not be saved, and are endeav
oring to force another contractor
on the people who will get 40 cents
per day for each prisoner, thus
robbing the people of 20 cents per
day, and is to draw a $3,000 salary
The Journal has been lying
about and misrepresenting the
governor and warden in this con
troversy ever since it began. N
doubt they are to get their pay out
of the stealings for their lies ano
The populist governor and war
den are standing guard over that
appropriation, and are fighting to
save the people $75,000 in the
next eighteen months. The mat
ter is now in the supreme court for
adjustment. Will the court do as
well by the people as the populist
it la hard to believe that a man la
teilioit lh truth when you know you
would 11 wmo you In his place. Bos
ton Transcript.
"Mamma, whore do prrii conio from?"
"Chickens, niy dear." -Well, thut's
funny. I'apa says that chU-kens come
from okr."-Harper's Hound Table,
1'aUfttt -What! Threw dollars for
pulling a tooth? Well, you do ourn
money nukkly! IieniUt-Oh. tf ou
prefer I can do H ty Uly. Uo--j
bury Utut !
Itoelor- CoiiutfK. 1 fhould be Ri'iu
ou wmild let m hear you cough
Count-- I don't feel dUpowd to do
Jut now. tTo her tnaidi KlistJ. peaw
cough I did thU uuu uinit Moua t
lluner llltflns-lHn't you belief
that every bloke tht kilt h!U I In-
mui Wry WMthtns-Hh. I it innv
Hut t did snow li!er oei ttiiti ih,t
Slweil lcaue h roul.ln I gH "'
Im!i.inj'li Jiiotna),
"No. did ou krii 11
t. hoot l d iv T " 1 - I I furH. t'k'- '
on famrt Whir, Im.k st t hurl-y
lt,kiu. He rmrmher ef )IUm B
learn at hl " ' h. " 1
gut Ut bi s i ' ke ut
Wrll.-" i4 the K't
p$urt. ' I pat tnt tiel;
lag wnJ'Mie im via ffiral lr
I have ,.i4ei4 pi r'i-
m rt I h. tt'.d 'a. in
the touairr I atlfth l ' h
lh .,..t.lMtia!-.t MO l,r 1
Irttnj in b ilhl h .' -Vt-t.
I a Hr,
"Cheer, Boys, Cheer" was the work
of Charles Mackay, the music being by
Henry Russell. It was the outcome of
n oironlnir n" pfin V i V lall tV lH la4i.
"What Are the Wild Waves Haying?
a duet that was onca immensely popu
1.. .,..10 oMtrimutnil tn Dr. .ToRcnh Kd-
wards Carpenter, by tho conversation In
Dombey and bon.
"RuIp nrltannla" Is usually credited
to James Thompson. It first appeared
in a nlav entitled "Alfred." by Thomp
son and Mallet in 1710. The air was by
Dr. Thomas rne.
The Wearing of the Green' exists
In several forms and versions. The
best known ono was written by mou
Boucicault, the dramatist. It Is suns
by Shaun the Post in "Arrah-na-
"A Life on tho Ocean Wave" was the
work of Epes Sargent, an American
poet, the idea being suggested to him
during a walk cn the battery In New
York one day when a high wind was
blowing in from the sea. It was set to
Biusic by Henry Russell.
"The Blue Bells of Scotland" was tha
nrk f Annie McVicar. arterwara
Mrs. Grant, the daughter of a Scottish
offlrer iu the British army. The melody
was long believed to be Scottish, but is
now known to be of English origin,
being an old English folk-song.
"The Last Hose of Summer," one of
Paul's favorite songs, was the work of
Thomas Moore, The melody Is a very
ancient Irish time, formerly known as
"Tho Groves of Blarney." This tuno
has been found In collections of Irish
music at b'a.4t two hundred years old.
For Bed Hugs,
For Koachps, Heua, Ants,
Moths and All Vermin.
For Sale Only by
Remember, we give a glass of
Soda water with, every 0 cent
Dr. W, Queen, lie Specialitl
1 air Ha 1- 1 1 rr in - T
pain or
Its scientific
and removal
v in twenty
Jack-Yes, poor John may have bad'
hi fault, hut hi heart was on the j
right side. j
Wanae- la It V"s'hle! No wond-r ,
he die.l'-Tld-ints. j
Ho." aald Pat. "they've been println' j
the funeral imtWe av a man that waaa'l
dead ylt. It a a foine fix he'd b ttt If !
h'd txm au of thm- peojd that be-1
Nov evrrvthliiR In the newpper! " .
Mr. Hitlu loti"t im believe U'a
iruc. John. th t ieren partake tu
conabb-ralde it ' of the nalur f the
creature he e4tf
Mr. Udln Ni, I've bi-n eslnf ftnh
all m lit., and I tn t uu a iruk.
Cht' a Tribune,
"iu!.ir n (IHHf a ni.l, nl tn
ibjH.tMrii How told H la hf' lVl
)ou h irr hJe Ore? U j a yo4
urk In Ht lMit ral'ireT
Kiiuteal h! Mil'wr. ha I t
fK 11 ferl tu d. 1 J 11 thiak of no
him, -ll H I :ri"r ll
la-o I'tirtKima Vr, J '
Hp- li I I t e If 11 t'Slbircll b 1 I Htl!t
ti ( ih. !r -iMatr i Jmt4 t'Uu 4
(,).. I il lilltr f 1 h l pi4 hi
mi ia 4 m .im-tt. t ,' h '9 ef
j,.,t d;l i ' I 'i'ilBttl4 Ud Hie
n wnlrm'r. the U'M let
(Ult it I
DR. QUEEN cures Piles and Tu
mors without pain, knife or loss of t
drop of bloodi he also cures Catarrah
Troat, Lungs, Heart and Nervous De-
i)R. QUEEN ha made diseases of
tt-.i Stninach. K'idnev. Liver. Blood aed
liiM-ahe of Women a specialty fo j
lltivl t' .Pivt Vitas ru lltn Im restored
Still -J Jf
hearing to the deaf and sight to ta
blind. . . v
UK. QUEEN I the spec'!'4 ot
noithwfft in Ut Treatment and Cure
of a'l Chrople and I'rlvaw AlhaenU
having liveii in I.ineulu and Lancaster
couiilv for thirtv-four years.
Hf applying t Ir. Queen, the Elec
'rli Ian, yin can pet Instant lUdlef an4
Cur from all Pain from UhenmatUns
Neuralik'n an.l all Chronic Ailments
after all uiedleal remedies have failed
lntltul. and l.bx'rij Bath Ko-iii,
Onion Block.N.E.cor. toth&O
The Better we are Known,
The less it will be necessary for us to say in the news
papers about the Clothing which wo wish to commend to
your attention. Everyone who knows about it knows how
fine and trustworthy it is? May we mention a few of them?
Three and Four button Sacks and Three, button Cuta
ways in perfect style and in many pattern-, both in (Jasti
meres and worsteds, range in price from $10, $15 and $20 to
the best.
We take just as much pinns in the making of our $S
and $10 huits but the difference is in the goods.
We have them as low as 84.30 in Men's and 2 in Chil
dren's but recommend the better goods.
We are the Largest Makers of Clothing in the World
nnd cud therefore offer you goods at Lower Prices, quality
and Workmanship considered.
we Hftve ftLSO
A fine line of Furnishing Goods, such u? Underwear,
Hos-i Shirts, Etc.
In Hats we are the Leaders in the West.
Call and see us. "Your Money's worth or Your
Money Back.
Browning King&Cs
1013 to 1019 O St.
I- lv k We Man:
I.I '
S. Hi Mori- tl.U than any toro in I lie City.
W K ?
lw.ue when vo. buy a MUr' worth )ou Kel Value It.
,. iL If vou want k-hk's i' "U r Ur.-e Mua.i,luM. Ket
our I'ti . . V ' U hoI.'.ale J fiee.
1 lu jotpu'ut ill t III H.iS in t
, pj in lis the itntl j My, t
i. 4i I .!. ; 4 y w U ii JtnOV'l
f. A v ' H' '!' t . .1 Mfc-'
I i'-'-i .! 1 H tli'l ''' a't
,11 . .
I , ,. ... 1 I . ,r .. 1 . r
i fr of Me
Itr .1.. tat h lta.
m.i h, ia tM fal N m !.
..iiH !' , . . '
i,t 1 ,. .( ' '
. 1- 111 .7 ifcl I
(l (I H-l '
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t I- - -
.t m . i. 1 f . ! 1. 1 .
t . fc. v .,..(. i. . 4. - ln, ''it, I'
..(..., O - - - . - I I
M t " I tkl iia-..
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. 1 It .."( (' 1 I" '
t i. ,i Mil mtth
,1 ,, f f ..'f ! hf t.'f
0!nit CO.. U' It
Farm Trade a Specially.
c,uip I.. ... 1 I. if '-t ! nl"K
F,i . paid for Uuttrf nt'd
Royal Grocery Co.
1032 P Si.
Phone 224
Mclaughlin mios., rrops.
,j n m;1 d thi, ,' l it i. o o.;
ef Ci UU- ? d b U rX2
t, make lfd .4 ta lb"