vol. in. LINCOLN NEBRASKA, FIJI DAY, NOVEMBER 8,189,1 NO. Is i i. Ooal-d, Rnal - Il W WMB The wind may blow, closer yoa draw to the fire. To supply you at reasonable prices with well screened fuel to keep up this fire is rlio special business of WAUGH & ALLEF. Yards 21st and M Streets. 1246 O Street. DON'T TELL ANY ONE That GEOKGE A. BAKER, at N31 0 Street is Actually Selling More FRESH and SALT MEAT, " mid OYSTERS for the same Money than any Mar ket in Lincoln. Qeorge A. Baker, 1831 O St. 921 O Street, Opposite Postoffice. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Ntwithstanding times are hard and money is scarce, our store has been crowded with custom ers every day. People certainly appreciate the low prices we are making. Those who have not been trading with us we would ask them to do so. See our Bargains this week. DRESS GOODS. 41-inch Stoim Serges, regular price 00c, this week 4'Ja 3G-ioch Novelty, regular price 40c this week 34c. All woo! fancy dress flannels, this week 24c. 3S-inch dress flannel, special this week 24c. 5()-inch fllannel, special 39c. 52-inch Ladies' Cloth, regular price ooc, this week 40c. Cotton Flannels. 4c, -"e, Oe, 7c, 8e, 10c, 12k, and irc. Buy now and Save Money. Caps. Bojs' Scotch Caps 15c. A job in Men's and Boys' 50c, . e, oc and 75c, to cloe out at 35. ; ffOe BUY YOUR. SHOES OF We keep Reliable Goods at Lowest Prices. J. S. EATON. Physician and Surgeon. 13" HOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Jlmwtxdl lilnck. TH.rriioFs: ojfiVe, No. iKtdcni No. 5(12. iirgical Disease of Women, And Chronic Diseases A Spfeialty. W. P. SHITH. i farrmrs Feed and Boarding Stables. i it Mi:i;i;r. ! l.ts l n , N in. I'ou t'iio ron' riM&uiaut 1 the I ' to l what )oi .tiit t.i ml ; a our iohii i rr. llsitlii Fit m nth n'rci t rlPi final -duet! UUIi UUUI UUUIl Large Stock OF Flannels Comforters Shawls Underwear Flannel Skirts Hosiery Gloves Mittens Hoods Fascinators Table Oil Cloths, Duck Coats, ! Ueese Feathers. J. V. WOLFE & SON'S SEVENTH TUDLIC SALE OP POLAND CHINAS, NOV. 14, 1895. Will , o,U ,f aU.i.t 10 hoars motlv Mttriiii? farrow. Nn iutfi-r offered nt public or private Miic For (''!.. F. M. W.k.i.n A ih'I ion.'fr. ERNEST iriiii. Wines, Liquors 11... Wl. U for '.!. hrnb t lui l. ii. r I'iioilU l!o n Hi 1 f tlt V ir .on ii TiiM ii sr, i COAL, COAL, COAL. SELLS $2 to $10 Per Ton. Office 1 100 O Street. Yards 14 and M. r. Ey. Phones 343 and 488. LANKETS. c G Buy this week: $3.:.0 10-4 All wool $3.13 4 50 10-4 " '" .3.1)3 T..00 " " 4.50 5.50 11-4 " " 4.95 (5.5011-4 " " 5.85 8.00 II -t " " 7.20 Prints. 1 Case Standard Print, worth (5c are this week 43-4c Per Yard. Lamps- $1.50 Lamp with Shade $1 20 2.00 " " " 1.(50 1 bale L L Muslin, worth today 5Jc to tic. this week 4 1-So Yard. us r..d y U ,r, ic and nl-.t b' br.,1 i,.t I...11.... ;,,.i,. ; J....I pnrtmiLr ad In - J. V. WOLFE k S. Lined ii. N'.h. HOPPE, i and ciears, I'ut'!" I'.tr oinlnilly i it m. l.tv i x. OUR UNIVERSITIES. THEY DAItE NOT TEACH THE KNOWN TRUTH. A Humiliating Spoctacle to Every Lover of Science. l'oople do not seem to rea!i:: to v.imt an extent our universities are being run to suit the views of the millionaires and corporations of the country. It is a subtle danger and it is to be regretted that the trustees and presidents of these institutions should think it nec essary to curry favor with, and cater to the views of such men as Jloekcfellcr. Carnegie and Russell Sage, in the fear that they may withhold pecuniary favors or endowments to the institu tions under their charge. This leads them to liiscriniiw te in their choice of professors and teachers and those are likely to be chosen who lack the faculty of original thinking and full intellectual development and highest culture.. Men subservient enough to regulate their utterances und smother their convictions of righteous ness and truth to suit the views of a niuJli millionaire are not apt to be of a very high order, and we need the very highest and best material in teachers for the coming generation, if the nation is to be saved from the consequences of past and present mistakes in the man agement of its aitairs. There is no need of any starvation in a country teeming with plenty, or of sti iking workmen or of men out of work in a country full of undeveloped resources such as this. These things are not inevitable as so many people seem to imagine. These things can be prevented, together with the existence of 'multi-millionaires by right management. To discharge a professor from a uni versity, one acknowledged to be a man of culture and whose talents as a tea?h er were recognized by Ins associates in the amversily work and by the students and the president himself to be of a very high order, because his views on the subject of a railroad strike and mu nicipal ownership of public needs diJ not coincide with the views held bv the president of a railroad corporation and manager of a gas trust cornnanv. is an outrage on the intelligence of the nine teenth century. Prof. Ueniis, tha teacher iu question was not only all that we have described but also a man of high personal charac ter and yet he was discharged from the Chicago university. Prof. Uemis is not a socialist; he is not even advanced enough tons a popu list, but he thinks it would be wie that our cities should gradually come to own in the interests of the people, the street car lines, water works and gas works as is done in the cities of Cilasgow and ttirmingham. For this utterance ' the then president of the so-called gas trust refused in 1 103 to render a linancial favor to the university becmse I'rof. Memis was on the faculty.'' For writing a monograph on this sub ject in the Review of Reviews the mana ger of the largest aggregation of pas works said to him "If we can't convert you we are going to down you.' Wen l'rof. llemis asserted that "the university ought to be in i-lom touch I with the labor question and monopoly j problems." President Harper replied: j "Yes, it is valuable work, and you are a I l .... iil.i.ir4.. . I . . I. . .11- .nun ii mi ii, uui mis may 1101 oe - thi is not the institution where sach woik can be done." i i.i.r. J.,-um gave an address in the ' First i'rcshvteriuii el.nr. li r i 'i, ! Jul ., t s; 1 und in that addn-M cured the following: oc- j j 'If the railroad would expect their men to U .jw ' uliidiittf they noi-t tat I the example. t Iht ir oi.e'n violation of thi iiterff iUi I'liiiiiniT.-i) l.iw uo. I ttrZ InliZi - .tllll Mt'SHtir tt'sllfV UK In ttitir tt tfl iti . f his regard. 1 doieit attempts ji,,t ity n,.,r,i,iV ennui it.. i,r,uio..iu.. . . , itheMr.M.iMhe.rlio.MoHo,. thcr.nl ,. I-''" rud.;lM.t rallro!l!)uhlu1Mlvell.ol.gr'l'!"''lH,', ! ! pUn-d u ii ollpiidiiig ru.nl tiitibr the' ' uie Tilht or mm Rrymi can .hi itieP Un and rctiisedto hom ri! iicki t. ! rc d iu nrnr fer Ih inti rr( .f ii- 1 Ili'n I.iiVi'iJlit i.u Hi. i...i.t it . . i I .. . .. -rf " I 4 U).l of In MilPM.U ,y t!. Mr t, ; "t'Tllt-tH r wrhHU- oonhl ,,. I, m, I t t tier U . one fiju.ilu) , j p"il:i' tli.it Ihey cult t m I! i r.atiiti nt of Uoiij,'.' j - s 1 Ii nV of th ddir w m : ndf j In the main ll,t pi.j ul,N o ih;- i 'mii n U unlm, (county .b 1 their duty w.! .,.J pr u ioii-m Mtlr ! I pi"td"iit nh i Mood b) t!."' n k. f ow i- w.m ir.ei.t ..nd i . iii.M.u if... Hi -it i ik (in . d.,;iii.t. I.t, ..ti., tm!. .......i.. . ........ .- i ... . j...t.. i . . . . ' )'' '"mot tumij iifi i ! iioinr lirr an I linptjr t!.at ti e oil nU ' i tlilinl t on l. , i f iiift ,( h i' i! i i lot nio'ii ' I II til 1'it t.di nt II ti per wt.it i "(..f ;,. loiMlut ,h mbtrt". ba.l i i 1 4i t,;li I i i r uui. ). aon. tan nod iut m I'll- t' -I Hi fu' no I n In ft- i at. t ill !i :p'i.!(- lilt r.O i'-1 , i,!.--,;,,-,, . , President Harper also said, "It is all very well to sympathize with the work ingmen, but we. get our money from the other side, and we can't afford to oflVndthcm" A wealthy and leading trustee id' the university spoke on one occasion ' of "our side." When asked as to his mean ing, he answered, "Why the capitalists' side of course." Are our universities adopting the policy of barring out the best thought, moral character and intellectual devel opment, of the Nineteenth century be cause they clash with tho ideas of men of such doubtful chaiaoteraiid morality as the multi-millionaires of our country who have made their mousy through dishonest speculation and gambling oil change? Rockefeller has given to tin; nniver suty of Chicago $3,000,000. The intellectual advaiit-iges that the students may gain through the money will not offset the detriment to moral character, and the object lesson taught the students in the affair of Prof. Reinis and the Chicago university. His hu miliating. BuioiiT My km. Our Enemies. (iov. Altgeld wnins up the result of Clevclandiiini as follows: "Iowa went democratic several times but two years ago it went republican by IllOOO. This vear when the democrat held their state convention it was pack ed by postmasters and the agents of the administration, and they adopted a platform endorsing Cleveland's policy on the money question, und as a result the great republican majority of two years ago will be doubled. In Ken tucky, the great strength of democracy, tne administration, by proper distnbu tion of patronage, secured an indoise mentof Cleveland und Carlisle on the money question and as a result thi democrats are in the woods looking for tho remains of their once, mighty party. Ii Ohio, Senator jlrice and Campbell d deated the silver plunk in tho conven tion and adopted a gold plat form, and the phenomenal republican maior- ity which McKinley got two years ago has been increased. In Pennsylvania the democrats adopted a gold platform, aim uie result is a republican majority ofir0,000. In New Jersey, which is really a democratic state, the democrats adopted a gold platform and the repub licans carried everything insight. In Maryland, which has been strongly democratic for a quarter of a century there is not enough left to bury the dead. In New York republican major ities, outsiile the city, have been nearly doubled. In Massachusetts the rennh- hcan flood is neck deep all over the state. "I have found that everywhere all the men who toil with their hands for a liv ing feel a most intense bitercess against the federal administration, and as the democratic party is held responsible for it there was a general disposition to kick it. 'Among the democrats everywhere the feeling prevails that tnis adminis tration has trampled upon every prin ciple of democracy and has simply done dirty work for the lepnblican party." The question for ;ov. Altgeld to de cide is whether he will continue to help tio me dirty work of the republican party by endeavoring to keep up the or ganization of the democratic party and thereby divide the opposition to the Sherman-Cleveland program. If there were no Tellers in the republican party and no Altgelds and Rryans in the dem ocratie party, the Sherman Cleveland Rothschilds gang could be snowed un der at the next election It is inch men as they who ure the mainstay of the money power In this country If Teller Altgeld, I ryau. Joe Rlackl urn H um i brought Morgan ami a few more of that ' kind (should unnouncK to -morrow that ' from now.they would liuht in the rank oi me poping party, that would the doom of money power and thfv Know it. I'tltll till V till It tll..V- :tr jut v - - - J ,1), Mill flliniid im.i M ..... I . 'i WO'I Ull IIIITL lll'"lllll I IH HIIII on hoi ci r re I niit. t lo v fitly in n.iiiii- ate ko w n lo .,ive - I S K' n' Hfofg. nm N wa t!.f o iU p ip, r nt t;. ,-,,ii"u wi.kI, m. . i j, i p piiiiMo. it .it,: IU duty and ht. i I watl d ie Jo!.'.ir i;t p iv I I " O'ilil ! .., ,) ! , I tit ' ! , I t! S:tl. A NONPLUSSED FA'RMEE. IIo Talks Things Over With Himself. John Farmer drove into tovn wita forly bushels of oats and soil them for 81.10. With the money ho bought 1257 pounds of coal. It was an exchange of 12S0 pounds of oats for 1257 pounds of coal. He cave little more th:in n noun,! " ----- . , of oats for a pound of coal. That was his trade. He got, nothimr for deliver- ing the oats or coal. .He g t, .nothing for his lime, tho wear of his team or the or the grind of his wagon in making the trip to town. On his way home John fell into a conversation with him self. He talked out loud for he va alone. Ills soliloquy ran along (some what after this fashion. "How is this? A pound of oats for a pound of coal. I raised those oats on an ucra of land which cost me t wenty dollars. Ten per out interest on this money, which is the interest I pay on the money I owe. is 200. The tax on this acre of land i i twenty cents. It took me a half day to put in these oats and the work was worth 81.50. The seed cost me 81. The harvesting Including the inachine.twine, shocking and stacking cost at leas;. $t. The thrashing cost ?1. Adding these items I (hid that tho load of oats which boiurht this 1 157 pounds of cal cost me 8H.70, which is at the rate of $lo.C a ton. The price of anything is what it costs to get it and bo while the nominal price of Rock Springs coal is only S7 a ton, its real price to the farmer is SIOCCj. In the same way if I hud bought Miiir or coffee or tea or dry goods my purdiasa would have cost me a third more than the nominal price. I ilnd that I sold forty bushels oats for 82 30 less than ihey cost me to rafoe them. Now in making this estimate I am not count ing anything for t.ie total loss of crop last year. 1 have not reckoned anything for misfortunes. This is on the basis of a good crop every year and no sickness or bad luck. 1 would not ciro so much for all this if I was living comfortably. If the family was properly clothed and fed, if we had a house lit to live in. but as a matter of fact we are not living.we are simply existing. If we were laying up someting, if we were paving dtibt and if we had any outlook or hope for the luture it would bo different, but we are not only layng up nothing and saving nouiing on tne debts but we are getting behind at the rate of $2.30 for eve-v acre of the land we live on. We paid $20 an acre for the farm but as a matter of fact if we had been paid 82 3 1 an acre to live on the farm with the privil ege of getting all out of it that there is in it, we would then only have had a lighting chance lor a Jiving. Then per haps by close economy and hard wui k we might then be able to live comfort ably. We might t hen be able to build a house ht to live in, we might have what we need to eat and w ear and read, we might educate the children, but as it is a farm is a burden, and a farmci "s lite is a profitless drudgery." Just as John Farmer reached this point in his soliloquy ho found himself rounding in to the place he called his home, As hcjlighfed from tho wagon his voice lowered into a w hisper and as he lifted the lid of the coal box he slid ''We will talk this thing over in the family tonight." If your shirts and linen begin to fall to pieces, change your laumlry plate. Most steam landrics p.se a preparation for bleaching and "taking clothes white, w In there!. i n or not, which rots the -foods ami Kafhu-nt altera few times go;r it through tint proct ss is in shred s. llfwarc of Meant laundries r.nl yui want to I' continually l. ing new good. v- S nd us in what you ow i i.ii "l' npiion tfgether with a ku 0f your neighbor, How about Toa . . ' " . KMray Notice. Taken up at u j j la. m ar Km r id. on a vrar old iow, Imht n-t eofor. luiiMti-d on It-It lup. reii lole tiui ie ;! H lllllp'j.f in in pt, z W in r can lt.i ime by ml! i k, po.v" ion pi uriv m d i-iyii t,' for tin i, t (T. l'ii ,. K.Mikv, j:;h Noiih Tenth tre-t. lutjt.iier itti j iK.i.Vp III Wlllt'4 klld 1 lO .iiH I'.l.t lt!o5,ct ft ef. t until trade for ptit e. m t!t) Ui l!i Part r. - r oU ;i It I' l. l t'.l, t'tlith li, I ' . I't t V. i I'ttiiatf Mi f Wl'.'H ' tf. III !..! i f V. h ud au t oft i U .tt i'i 1' ', I',. I I l ilol I li O i!t , ,