The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, October 25, 1895, Image 2

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She WtfMg gntlrpftttat
A lazy man never believes that hl3
py Is high enough.
Claiming' to love God and doinf? notlt
fig for tho good of men Is hypocriuy.
We ehall bo sure to go to bed tlr id it
e epenJ the day looking for an easy
If any of the European sovereigns
itnow how to play poker they will have
lively time when Editor Wutterson
I3U foot In their various capitals.
It is r.ow In order for the unspeakable
Turk 10 humanity to Interfere to
keep the Armenian from audaciously
trugglinn not to be massacred.
It now appears that ho excitement
of the presidential campaign next year
to be complicated with tho addition
' J another International yacht race.
It ia fouiethlng of a Ktirprlse to din
rover that tho "new woman" has bad
no appriclable effect on tin; business
of the marriage license clerk as yet.
The deadly pink lemonade seems to
bo getting knocked out all around this
year. The Wisconsin state fair asso
ciation Fold a beer privilege for $5,0oU.
That distressed expression on the
face of the Uritish lion may lie taken
cs an indication that Mr. Hayard has
already begun teasing with the tail
twhiier. In Kansas a baptismal so vice was
jfostponed for a ball game in which four
ef the converts participated. The re
port very negligently fails to stats
Which side won.
Don't f t the Idea that you can make
It all right with eternal Justice for
stealing from your fellowmen six days
a week by giving the church a small
percejtii;i of the swag on the seventh.
It Is rioted in Chicago that the sugar
trust, has made a combination with ths
wholesale grocers by which the depart
ment si ores and retail dealers will ha
unable to buy sugar on a parity with
the wholesalers.
The Morgonlhaler typesetting ma
chines are being so heavily taxed in
various parts e? the country that their
owners have had to resort to court. This
tax on machines is all wrong. It can
not Mop the tide of progress as Indi
cated by Invention. The fault with the
machinery lies not in the fact that they
cheapen and facilitate production, but
that t'ae product is not equitably dU
Two Russian gunboats, the Teretz
.Snd't'te 1'ralot. nominally attached to
tho Black sea fleet, are no allowed to
pass freely between the Black sea and
the Mediterranean wit bout objection on
Ihe part of the Ottoman authorities.
This is considered by Russia as the
thin edge of tho wedge that win open
the Ronphormi uud the Dardanelles to
the Hiaek sea ileet in splto of the Pari
and Iitiiin treaties.
Thes test of religious principle in the
eyes of the world Is honfsty of life.
If it be apparent that one is not honest
in temporal things his profession of re
ligion will not be accepted as of much
north. They will be suspected as hy
pocritical. The effect of genuine piety
la to load men to do what God requires
of t'uem. The prophet sums It all up
in one sentence --'What doth God re
quire of thee but to da Justly, love
mercy uul waik humbly with thy
Nashville, Term., announces an "In
ternatienM exposition" for next year,
while preparations for n similar enter
prife have actually united the quarrel
ing twins. S'. Paul and Minneapolis.
At; singe the Chicago world's fair the
chief use of an exposition is to give ex
cuse fer a co'lection of "wide open"
variety fIio.vs in imitation of the late
Midway plaisance, there may arise
pome justifiable doubt of the propriety
of either national or Wnl taxation in
ui pert of such enterprise.
The annual International urain mar
nt Vlnn estimates the crops as
fellow: Gnat Untnlii wheat estimate
Ire ;;7 per cent vui.s barley 30 per cant
and cats 2!i per cent wurne than they
wn e in IS'.M. I'ratit f show u decrease
of 21 pr rent in wheat and " per cent
Id rvt mid oat. "Anuria II iiiumo I
fM.r rd lather i:er In r'ipe.i t but de. btedly lower in i . In
rHir.Mi'r tat ley l lower, but o.ita
liiefjInHit ll ui'lr are better than
In l!l It.H.lltl h.r U de, reile of
3", i- r i. at In h.t, 4'per In rye,
6,i .j ( nt In bar lev and 4"i per itit
lu u.i'. In In.ll.i ll.e 1th-at crp U
",H: tuti. ...ltl uy ta
)-jt Mk li ttitt jm .t.n ;;,
v i,l,tli of aliiM. ."I '.ib.ih.iJ
In.!.1! t.f . an. I ; t.'I. "' t.iitu
, i( i mi. t-tiiihii a (hi
, ; -i-u i!. U, i.;ta4 ?. ')
p , i.i ; in i
m'l M it ul'!S.'l l"t li ) S
,u ( ;...r l.i 4 '-' m '9 a
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I. .
AUm'iilntralion Nut Kecking a Quarrel
With (.rent llrltnllt. lint Ieteriuiiid to
I'rrvnnt the I'.xtrii-lou of Kuropeau Do
muln on Hi In lUimhipliore.
Wasiiin-o iox, Get. 25.-rWhilo it la
nbsolutelt true that for the first time
in many .years work ut the navy yard
and gun factories g-oes on nig1 tat and
day and that the succosivn notes on
tho Venezuelan allair havo Jjroujjht
that controversy tu a staro whero
England must assent or dissent to the
Monroe doctrine, with hostilities
in the latter event, there is no
basis wlutioever for uttribnt
injj to tin." administration tlio
purposu to seek a quarrel for the quar
rel's sake as u domestic: polltieal ex
pedient and there is not in thn e.vist
inir situation the lc:ist feiiifg'cstion of
theatricii1. display. There is a 'Ann,
well considered determination to pre
vent the extension of Kuropean do
minion on this hemisphere under any
guise, though tho petty turbulences of
the sub-tropic regions will not be ro
(rarded by the I'nited Stales.
Diplomatic circles arc growing1 soma
what hkupticul respecting- the cor
reetan.H of the London dispatches
which announces that the ultimatum
lias been sent by Lord Salisbury to
Venezuela, it shown in the. case
in pointihat. although the arrest of
colonial ollw-crs at i.'iuan occurred
in November last, no ofliciul cogni
zance of the nutttcr was taken by
Great JS. iitiiin until recently. I'nder
the.-.e circumstiknecs the probability
of an ultimatum baiug suddenly
sprung is seriously doubted, though it
i not questioned tlmt Lord Salif.btiry
lias sent a communication to the
'aniens, govern iicnt direi'iinjr their
attention to the arrest of Sergeant
Jichrens and asking1 for an na
tion. If the Vciieaiclan, explanation,
should not be satisfactory, then, it ia
said, Great Iji-itain iniHit, with pro
priety, respond with an ultimatum.
Senator t'ullom said last night just
before bis departure for Illinois:
"There is do question about the sen
timent in Congress being in favor of
the upholding of the Monroe doctrine.
I ctippoxe the doctrine will lie de
clared in some mure or less formal
manner by Congress, end if the
situation demands that anything?
be done to enforce its observ
ance. Congress,' I think, cun be
relied upon to act promptly. Great
Itritain does not seem to eare very
much for our opinion or our wishes
and we must maintain our own dig
nity and uphold our own rights. It
looks as if most of the foreign power
had begun to feel that the I'nited
States was getting too powerful to
imiintain the old attitude of indiffer
ence toward the affairs of the world,
and as if they saw in our increasing
strength some imagined, danger to
themselves. They seem to be bridling
up nuH displaying a disposition to
press us back, forestalling any poasi-'
ole aggressiveness on our part.
I.i pii n a id IlUHniit I'l dpui liiB to Si;np Over
Londo.n. Get, 2... A special dispatch
from Shanghai says that a Russian
squadron of fifteen ships has left Vlad
ivostok for Chemulpo .md I'ltsen. The
Japanese fleet in Formosa n waters, it
is also slated, has been recalled and it
has been announced, on excellent au
thority, that several Rritish warships
have been ordered to sail for Coca.
It is stated ut ShungliHi t hat da part's
reply tl the demaud of Russia, that
the former evacuate Corca is couched
in pacitic but linn language, and pro
tests against die ation by llussia in
affairs, it is re;rardd at Shanghai
ascertain that Russia will permanently
occupy Fustn.
The Shiinghai dispatch says thai
the bit tuition of affair?! is most grave
and that preparations for the expected
htruggle ure visible on all sides; btt it
is hoped a solution of the dillieulty
will lie found in Ilu-siu and Japan
agreeing to divide ( orea.
Milt Another I ru n n n KeMilt ef iUf
rout -1 lUpHl ell t urn il I I Ion.
Sr. I.oi is. Mo., (h t. To-i'.ay the
l' I'u blish in tf l 'ompany appeared
in Judge Wood's court and liled u
motion for a changu of venue in the
hearing of the F.ditor '. II. Jones in
junction suit. Juil'.'p Fink'-lliurg,
attorney for the I' Hide, in pre
renting his motion, averred that
Colonel Jones bud undue iti:lii-mv
over .I mi jf e WihuI.
This brought Altorney Lew i t his
feel, and hes.v ari r!''!!l rn-t-.e l.
in which I Inke'iiliiirt'. orilim.t ily vet v
calm and id. 'hi! :u bi micc Ii, e.iHeil
Lew is a liiir. 'I h 1 ii .-r si'lJii - ;il llio
a.'cd Httorio y an i si : u. u bun . n tl,,.
cheek wi:h his cii-i hi d lls.t
It l Hiked for i, :ii, . ; i' n M(j
Wiuld ll,e iiii. e I, tlif l r i,,
but the huiini'i II11..I! v u I hi I'.--
storing in ,ler, un.l ,li d(f .wi lined
C I) Of III!" 0) ,,T iH
Jihl) UimI i'iiiled 1 1 l:iiii? ' of
ti niie, bii i li e (nil tn'ti'.ti ( of t in' m
J'lii. C'ni. n Int li w 1 I tl -i in I U-v or
I ll'.llll l ,1 lltl ',4M I- lit .(M'l' i
itor f lb- I' . l ! tmMi nit I n u.i
the I .t 1 r a 11 r x ;i. li I of (r.. ,, ,
ttl'l ' bill I ..trft M.l 4
n il t i x iiicv (Vino -av
I I I'kl'n' 4H Vti luinj.
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riienoniinnl Tim Mwle lietnren CliiciiKO
ew Vork ami lliitTalo.
' ISl t FAI.O.'l X. X., Oct. ". Tho
world's records for railroad time over
a great distance was broken to-day by
a special train on the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern railroad, which
ran from One Hundredth street in
Chicago, to Huffalo Creek here, n dis
tance of 510.1 miles, in 481 minutes
rind 7 seconds, an average speed of
(IS.fiO miles an hour. This time in
cludes stops. Exclusive of stops the
run was made in 170 minutes 10 sec
onds, an average speed of CI.P8 miles
au hour. The New York Central's rec
ord September 1 1 was an average speed
of ';;).iil miles an hour including stops
and 01. miles an hour exclusive of
The train left Chicago this morning
at a:-;!!;'.'? a. m., (Central tiraa) and ar
rived at Huffalo creek at ! l:.'t0:,H.
Four minutes litter the train came to
a stop in the Central station in IJuiTalo.
It was made up of three coaches, an
engriue and a tender. The coaches
were two Wagner drawing room cars
and Dr. Seward Webb's private car,
Klle.smcre, the combined weight of
which is "01.5! pounds. The
weight of the engine, and tender
was Itvl.OOO pounds, making the total
weight of the train, 4HH,fon
pounds. Those on the train were Dr.
Webb, third vice president of the New
York Central, who, September It,
lowered the world's record 'on that
line; his secretary. Mr. Leonard, who
was t he olliclal timekeeper of the run;
General Superintendent W. II. Canitf
of t he Lake Shore: A. J. Smit h, gen
eral passenger agent: A. Handy, chief
enginetr; Assistant General Superin
tendent lilodgetl; S. 1'. Gage, chief
clerk to the general superintendent
and K. ii. Cook. The superintendents
of the various divisions accompanied
the party over their respective
Every arrangement had been made
to expedite the run. switches being
noiked and all trains sidetracked for
the flyer.
Across the Illinois prairies, through
the Michigan farms, and along- the
smooth stretches bjrduring the edge
of Lake Erie the flyer aped. Ericf
sl ips were made at Hillsdalo and To
ledo to change engines and Cleveland
was ' reached 3-'i minutes out of
Different engines were used on each
of the divisions and' the runs for the
divisions were:: Chicago to 'Elkhart,
87.4 miles, in .i minutes IN", seconds:
Elkhart to Toledo, miles, in i M
minutes 85 seconds; Toledo to Cleve
land, 107.S miles, in lis; minutes (i second.-.;
Cleveland to Erie, '-'S.. miles, in
S.'j minutes 'A'i seconds: Erie to Huffalo,
Sti miles, in 70 minutes PS seconds.
I!etw.'cu Chicago and Elkhart the
train was obliced to--slow down for
railroad crossings eight limes and to
scoop up water once. The engine
which pulied the train over this di
vision was !.i7, Mark Floyd cng-ineer.
This -engine i- a standard Lake Shore
passenger engiue .(eight wheeler)
Unlit . by the Broolri Locomotive
works at Dunkirk.' N. Y., and de
signed by Gcorg-K W. Stevenson, su
perintendent of motive power i'or the
Lake Shore. The. diameter, of iter
drivers is seventy-two inches: of
cylinders, seventeen by twenty-four;
weight on drivers, C'i.O i" pounds: total
weight, exclusive of tender, 101,00)
Malics a t'hiiiai tciLsitip Siirceii ut a IM5
IieniitejHt Kslly. . .
Xi:v' Yokk, Get. '-'."i. Senator Hill
was the central fijrure in the treat
Democratic mass meeting under the
auspices of the Slate committee, which
was held at Cooper Fnion last night.
Fred 'It. Coudert acted its chairman,
and with a few complimentary re
marks introduced Senator Hill. .
The Senator declared that the prin-"
ciples of. the Democratic parly were
so plain and explicit that I hey do not
need to be avoided, Ve have dodged
nothing in the campaign and we are
attempting to deceive no one. If we
are right we want to win. and if we
are w rong we deserve defeat.
On the tariff bill enacted in Wl by
the Democratic party lie said: "it has
lii'en in operation only a little over
one year. That time has not been
aiiipie lo dciiio!i-.lrale its vain" am1
usefulness. Il is to b. regretted that
it has not met t lie fuil expectation of
its friends in re;. lizitik,' suttieient rev
enue lo prevent lieticteueies. but this
consolation exists, that even if t hern
must be miiiic deficiencies for 11 biiei
period, there has been no unnecessary
pvtravupatit tavitioti imposed under
its provisions. Sit ft i i f 1 1 time lias not
elsp-cil to determine accurately
whether its re-duet -tiii wcre .i'l wise or
justifiable, but it i believed in the cud
it will result in dumaif.'v."
: ' -1 . i I i I I lr.t s I lirl Mill IIhk
u I itllli li;i;rriin.
u: - -. net.
I'l-e-i.ipiit t respu
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WlM-e ! ' I'tr.Mi ill t.f H i- Hi public
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nit' rtee, 1-, , en it,,, t liis!
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Who Wat Eniiblsil to Draw tba I'emlont
of Two Koltllni-4.
A reg-ular personification of de
ceased pensioners has been discovered
at the station of Dapoolie. This is a
delightful, healthy place in the dis
trict of Ratnagiri, about live miles
from tho sou, at an elevation of GOO
feet. It was the residence of veteran
sepoys vho had been pensioned after
doing good service in 18.37-5. An
anonymous petition brought tu light
the distressing fact tnat pensions had
been drawn long after tho decease of
the real incumbents, and that there
was, besides an original schema by
which pensions still due to survivors
had been intercepted and were in the
main enjoyed by money lenders in the
bazaar and by tho native clerks of tho
department, says the Saturday lie view.
A Ion? investigation followed, in
which tho military authorities wero
all but baffled. - Hut by the skill of an
Englishman in the ordnance depart,
ment and of an intelligent l'arsee
books were seized, rolls wero in
spected, and it was found that one
Tannak, who had originally been in
tended for tho army, had been in tho
habit of dressing- himself up as a pen
sioner and drawing the allowances.
This enlcrjirisinr individual, from his
photograph and from tho letter press,
must have had a lively sense of humor.
He was sagacious enough not to per
sonate more than two pensioners on
the same day, one in the morning and
one in the evening, except on special
occasions, when he appeared live
His military salute was admirably
given and he subsequently related,
with just pride, how he had managed
to draw tho allowance of the suhbadar
major and of Sirdar Harnnak Bahadur
l'oc four yours. Of course this gifted
actor had got hij own "commission"
every time. The sharpness of tho
English superintendent in detecting a
series of interpolations in the native
account-books would havo done credit
to the best officers in Scotland yard.
Hanging Trounnm.
A genius, who has devoted a great
deal of his time to the question, lias,
iie says, discovered how to prevent
trousers from bagging at tho knee.
This is a piece of news which should
send the public, or at least the male
portion of it, into transports of joy.
It will be no longer necessary for tho
poverty stricken dude to put his
trousers under the mattress at night,
nor for wives, who are proud of their
husbands, to iron their trousers -the
husband's trousers after they have
gono to bed.
The theory which has been ovob'sd
is that all trousers are cut from ciotii
in which tho thread runs up and down
and straight across tho leg. Hence,
when the strain comes on the knoo
of the trousers, those threads stretch,
because tho strain is directed upon
them, and the trousr-i-s bag. A tailor
has' i made a pair of trousers so that
the threads run diagonally across the
lg, and the result is said to be highly
f-atlsfactory. Tho strain is distributed
indirectly upon the threads of the
cloth, and tho trousers fall bac-U into
their proper shapo as soon as tho
strain has been removed. N. Y. Sun.
Iiiitnrin; ('on-iiliipt lve,
Cincinnati, Oct. 21.--Speeial. Re
ports say that a leading life insurance
company is accepting risks to t lie
amount of 300.000 on lives of con
sumptives taking the Ainick Chemical
Treatment for lung disease. The Amiclc
Chemical Co. of Cincinnati is actually
paying the premiums on this insurance
and presenting policies to their pa
tients. This company claims to have
the most complete statistics on con
sumption in the worlrt. and that these
risks are good, providing the patients
take a course of tho An ick treatment
1 eilut lirlp.
An'ish device for enabling
cyclists to obtain a linn grip on tho
pedal is now in use. It consists of
steel plates with leather blocks for
fastening to the sole of tho shoe, with
t ho object of affording cyclists n linn
grip on the pedals. It is claimed that
by using this applianco tho shoe can
not sliy. and the rider is able to
claw" th" twin I round, so to speak,
a new method of riding recommended,
mi understand, by well-known cyclist
us the correct nay of pedaling, sinev,
to a great xtcnt, it overcome tho
dead center."
A great advantage in mniuvtion
with tliesfi block i that, when not r
ipiired for riding purposes, they can
Iss ecu-lily removed, tlitm making
ftuiking easier mid morn leaaut than
Mh'T, th block- urn nulled to tho
hliO", as ill the old M stein.
flu nn "iti-eiilnl?
Tticiinsitl lor eiir botil.. lit. w lo Sjceii
t. .,,,.. (i,l in l.'n'ii'l lntK.11. 111
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liter' Nttl.l.m like l.tller
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111 Cm., luive f'. in 1 11 ' for old
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Three Hundred Miner Strike to force
Other to llt-mam! I'nirorin Scale.
Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 22. All
of the coal miners at the North Leav
enworth shaft, about ,100 in number,
fitruck this morning for the purpose of
forcing ihe local operators to estab
lish a uniform schedule. The North
Leavenworth company is paying
eighty cents a ton, while the llome"
Eiverside company pays seventy cents.
A meeting of all the miners will be
held this evening to agree upon a plan
of action. it looks very much as
though there would be a general
strike, as the Home-Riverside company
is not disposed to raise the price.
Pratrlo Tires in Kniuns.
Topkka, Kan., Oct. 'J2. During the
past four days destructive prairie fires
have swept over parts of four counties
in Western Kansas and a large scope
of country in Eastern Colorado. The
Ure which has caused most, damage
started in the western part of Finney
county Thursday and spread to tiree
ley county, burning over a country four
miles in width, over :.'00,Oo,) acres in
all. A great deal of grain, broom
corn, bush and forage was destroyed,
together with barns, hay in the stack
and outbuildings. In Northern Finney
county much damage was also done.
In Wichita county another lire started
near the town of Halcyon and covered
a territory three miles wide by seven
miles long. Four bouses were de
stroyed and many hay stacks and
grain ricks ruined.
Itnutt of (Jarnctt, Wan., Faili.
tl AliNKTT, Kan., Oct '.'3. Bank Com
missioner Lrc'dcnthal look possession
of the Hank of liarnett yesterday
morning, for tin; benefit of depositors,
creditors and stockholders, and is now
engaged in an examination of its af
fairs. This bank closed down in the
panic of July, lH'.l.f, nud resumed busi
ness ia November of the same year.
Tho management, struggled hard to
place it on a paying basis, but failed.
The district court, which is now in
session, will be asked to appoint a
receiver. It is believed no one but the
stockholders will lose anything.
Halt Fttrnlxlieil for t asliler o!ean.
Four Sco it, Kan.. Oct. Fpon
reeeiptof a telegram from a Jackson
ville, ill., bank, the Citizens' National
Hank of this city went on the bond of
.1. P. Colean, the defaulting of
tiie State Iiank, and he was released.
The original bondsmen is K. ( ockryle,
of Jcrseyuille, III. Colean, it is
thought, will immediately bo re
arrested on another count for cmbe.-.
zlement. He is still unable to arise
from bed. His Jersey villi. and Jack
sonville relatives a rd ail here. The
bondsman is u relative of Mrs. Colean.
I'oil jmneil for five Jhy. .
Toi't.KA, Kan., Oei. 2:;. Judge J. li.
Johnson, master in chancery of the
Santa Fe, received information to-day
from Wheeler H. IVckham, solicitor of
the I "n ion Trust company, at present
in New Vork city, that, it would b'a
necessary to iiostpone the sale of the
Santa Fe railroad system from De
cember j to Decemb-r JO. us the
necessary .arrangement's' will not bo
completed before I hat date.
1'ree Urer for a Kansas Tmvii.
(!kat Hk.M. Kan., Oct, '.'ii. When
Oeorge Michael lleim of 'Kansas City,
nephew of Joseph J. lleim, the brewer,
was married last Vfuisday to Miss
Catherine. Wolf at Klleti ivi,oil. he gave
to each of the six joint keepers of the
town $l."i to let him run the joints for
the day and distribute free beer to all
who desired to drink. Many 'people -from
neighboring places enjoyed the
free lager. .. '
liny Tretis Tat'tory Iturneii.
IiAwHKX-r:, Kiin., Oct -fine of
tin; Kdipse Hay Press factories, lo
cated on the. line of the Santa Fe
road. Imrned yesterday afternomi,
the fire starting in the boiler room.
The other factories adjacent were
saved, together wit li a large amount,
of machinery in the building in which
ihe fire started. The loss will pot ex
ceed Sl-'i.i.'i". fully covered by insur
ance, ItliHiilless line! Ileiweeii t.iCtorii. .M, Ala.. Oct. -.X At
Huntsviile Franlc I'oietnan, editor of
the Argus and Hubert I. lineal, editor
of the Mrcury. m-t 01 tbe public
:(ttare an I emptied thei pistols at
each other, exchanging mi shots.
Two of Oueal luiliels pasvd through
Coleman's clothing, lull ii.ilher mau
was hurt.
I Iftneil hf l.rk nf ltiiliie'i,
Wi a.i.iM. lox, Kan., Oct. -The
First Natinna! of t his city closed
i:iionrsot In 01 lock this morn nir by
order cf t he direcfiirs. The t'liiil. had
been iloiuir I'Us ne s',111 e issi, uith II
capital s'oet, i f tt-. t. A ridnsl
shriiilin of lniin's ii 1 1' -iK.n ;bU
for tin" s 'ikpcn .i iii. I he i!cioi!
ti mount to about 5 .oiiti
l.i-ati'iitiiirlli linrr Oul,
I.i t l x aoi.i 11 Kan.. t. .1 Tl.
jtitiiuiliu aiiiung He '"ul miners 1
un. liciHc itln luiO 'eil to t,,v, Th;
Nurtli itt.iift nu ll rt i'i.nii nut uii.l near
111 Ittl ( i'f I In II iiie -liitt r..ile ni'iieis,
ll It t. il, I'l fill"'! In to I'K tle
Ciel ll llfc? I iie llll I ill of lii tit 1 s t J .V
B'jfiit tai'Mi'il it ii in 1-4 1 nil If
ti l le-iS tUi.le iti-iH.
S r .li' i. M.t . 1 '. II.' cr. "t
i'f J 1 ut sir ii. ' iili'.il. he wi
I 411 ,e 1 e.u ' fl - n, 10 ' i t- il'iifilit I
.,-. tu e ,i a . . ., 1 11 1 Ii m t 1 in be
f. t in. 1 ' le ' l'ii 1- in i- M.iri ,-t.;i
.ii " I k I' ' s 1 I 1 I '' I It' lf I en'
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ti 'a ' in . r A 4' - li 'll'''
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t, ,.'. J 'I I tt I. I ill HI. I O". I'-
I, 4' ( 1 C 1 I ' ' "li I ' ' ' '
t.j; ,
Are inseparably connected. Thft to
4urtn.1 aimnlr snip?. snlfd'T
UICI -ucjVMva vm-yj t .-..j , j
upon the latten. If it Is pure they ara
properly fed and there is no " nervous
ness." If it is impure they are fed on
refuse and the horror of nervous
prostration result. Feed the nerves
on puro blood. Make pure blood and '
keep it pure by takiug
Tho One True Blood Purl-.-r.
Uji DSHc- tun Hfiw-nmii-r pill mul
llOOU S rlllb family cas.Uanic. iHc.
World's Fair 1 HIGHEST AWAkU. i
: Is unquestionably a most
j valuable FOOD sick!
rooffl,wliere either little!
:one or adult needs deli-i
Icate, nourishing diet 111
jonn cone .in3. new yorK. 3
Go to
California I
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
Tha newtst, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
. .. ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, arid Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
, Ask nearest ticket agent
for full informaiisa, or
. write to
S. FnAxcis, (j. r. A., Omaha, Neb,
n 1
itatiatii iiiiiii wo-m-m-i
W D?Hobbs
3 'naraoriie
will euro
nd blood troubles, BriRht's dls-
eastr, inil.inimation of kidneys,
ihrumntisiu, gout, neuralgia,
bacitaclie, headache, sleet.less-
ncss. antemia. diisxmess, etc., by
curm? the kiiltiers. '
yi BaMi'i tntla Im Pills Dcn'r Btipe. V?A1 i
Dr. Hobb's i
Little Liver Pilis
Stomach Troubles
heartburn, constipation, Indices.
1 lion, flatuletife, bad breath, palpi
tations, loss of appetite, etc. W
I ceutly acting on the liver anil
Dowels. 1'nrelv vetji tubte md tba
i only liver pills don't Riipe.
UrircLI. fll lli.a.
Writ fr frt ttfk.
Is eneiii-Bt lur til Ibroat iiillammaiiuiis and I
Hiiiia. "iminii
tseg innins' i
iletim lienegt (r. f
il me, it ym m I
abate tli roiit.
ItlOia rj., in . ,
linu enr, a.s t:lt' "
liaiiirti lit ri.,, f..
tn 'i I lasuna.
Tti. r la laitejir.
retitjeiilihi.te i.,i
anpiK'W ii-
to b eiiiMiiti(.tiun
wIki are tin f ift-r.
I'ij (ruin a 1 1 f. ii i)
tt., I tl"-p atai-ti rouuit, r n Sftaiaie.! li
ra'ar'h. t rtah lw I It a t, am tinlet. l:
r. l ea ( ! atit tu , I 'n mi lia.w, Mr, i I
r'ii; 1'iifii 1 1 .am, lru,j''a. lii.i-
ilt,' a ! t ' 't w ".I - -te om r,-es.' tif at, turl.
ll bKu'. Jl fit. 4m Mar.tu M.,.Nt tiM..
t ' ) tl la tt t H 4
At, t ! H M !
., hi i i ,t j-.
LM Mm I 4 ' 4l U
Im fit.i t'Hi JtlH l,rillH,
U t'M-a ( t 4l t It m 0
g J aval I . I f . r I . .. , , ,
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ai '... . 1 1. '
V. A.AhVCC At. 1.'Jl'a.,'l,,Tvn.