I k 0 LINCOLN, NE1UJASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOHER 1SD7 NO. 2(1 voi,. in. Cittcoln j 111 ii iii iii ii i oi iii 111 in u n in in ABSOLUTELY It is guaranteed to give Satisfaction by the Standard Glass& Paint Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR 12 &. M Sts. Paint, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Machine Oils, Plate Glass Mirors, German Mirrors, American Mirrors, Etc. MO IM III Of the Well Known Barr Parker SIMPSON fc Co. From Kansas, dealers in bankrupt merchandise have purchased this immense stock for less than one-third manufacturers cost and are now selliug it for ons-half original cost. This is the Largest and best Uetail Shoe Stock in the state in voicing over 50,(100. Barr Parker was celebrated for keeping the best goods he could buy. consequently there are no shoddy goods in this stock. Every pair must be sold within the next .'50 days. Think of it, shoes at T.O cents on the dollar. This is an oppor t unity you cannot afford to miss. 13oow we quote you a few prices: Ladies Fiue F-eneli Kid Shoes 2 " Elegant Patent leather walking shoes M, French Kid " " " " 3, Obildrens Shoes former price l.oO Ladies Dongola shoes former price 1.75 " Fine kid shoes " " :l.2o " Fiue toeslii.oers " " l.oOtoo.OO MphV Hurt Shoes verv tine former ' " Cnnirress Shoes verv tine former price 53 to $ft mw U.'.'u to 2.i0 ongress 41 Oxford shoes ' " " Work shoes ' " " Arctics First Quality " Kubber I3oots lirst (pualitv Uovs Kubber Hoots " " In fact this entire stock is marked down to r0e on the dollar and by calling early you will be suited with the goods and prices, Every pair must be sold within :!0 days. Simpi Parker's Old Stand 10090 St., DEAD SHOT' Fi-r Hed l!u. ROACHINE" For Uoach, Flea, Ant, Moths mul Ml Vermin. Fcr ! Out by RIGGS PHARMACY. iii'. o. sua; Li UiiM'iiiber, S . IT With I -j r Lfe, ..f Ii 1 e n eirty :, W. M. SMITH, ; Mi: I r. Parlor Uarfoor Shop. i 141 'li tl. ! t I' i ll! !, !' I'll.) I' lHI "! t . ' I J I ' Trv M i And " .4e.l ' it t ..'I W II. i Col i n Dl'JtJ PAINTING, PURE MIXED Shoe Stoek. to 'J.V former price 5, now $1.2"). !H)c COc rc lH')c (Jo to dOc price 0 to 7 now $2..0 to IJ.25. $-, to $4 row l)0c to 1.73 " 1 30 to 2.30 now itOc to 1.:55 " 1.50 " S5e " $;5.r0to t.50" J 1.75 tolVJr, $ lOC I son & Co. Lincoln, Neb. Tm crtatiL S nator. ( bandit r, o( New Hampshire has under' taken the Ib'n uluii task ol .' teiritr.it: t fctop tin .'.. I., it.... tlt. Iwtfiliri" III r 1 n- uilruad'. tunning lioin the .. .1. ...1 .... 1 ... ......... . . .. li.f r, t ti.H U1 I tCC II HlMUMl I llie pi' vu!('iih uf the nine ruiSriMd t H je the p.iM ngtr and irtignt r te on tlmr n4di un ih ir in si th.it tie j'lwpb willh.Hi IIU plutei turn thioiii;b Mm;H titittn fnuu the ..4s t i'll i I lh l.tl'fo.1 .In, If Nen.l I t t'h4iid!i t wuul I adopt tt 1 11.1 platform and none uitrttt." p.p ii .t p.itt , l.e wnu! I .tt : .! I ie llo I e!p .lud )iup.tht 4 t!.e 1.. .1 ...... ...... 1..,,. 1,. . 1 . 1 . 1 livitiii titi't-4 M .11 1 uiitpii'iii , ! 1. 1 . I. ft tai.t 4ps A it 1 i f H'.t.U e.tt I tin I'lrtnh t.t ail 1 i t' e lult MUte t t'looo lt in .'ll ,lkili tin 01 I 1 t. ) t hi . II c ,,f '!" u 4 i,i I Unit i.d t O 'll 4I I I I .V tM I .i.il . I I . .1 I Ii . Wl.ll Sil ml., ti e w 1 l I k. I u i u v !i i ' ... iiC'i I l i l i i n ,1 ! l V if. Il! I I t. H I - t I st t p . it- i p-'H wi t v. ; ; ii i . i t -i etl i - PAINT. County Mcotings. At school house No. 130, in Highland precinct where republi. can speakers because of their abusive language were compelled by the people tq break up their meeting when only partially through , I'rof. Walters and K. E. Richards held a rattling good meeting on the 21st. The school house which is a good large one was crowded and standing room was at a premium. The double doors were thrown open in order that numbers who could not get in might bear. The very best of order prevailed and the people received a lesson on the science of money which L'thcy will not soon forget. As a student of the financial question and a public speaker I'rof. Walters is making a record second to none. We understand that he is to engage in a joint dis cussion at Cedar Hill school house- in Mill precinct with a republican- on the financial issues on Saturday evening Nov. 2. Our republican brethren had better look out or they wont know what is the matter with them after they have passed through his bands. Walters and Hichardson held a good meeting at Walton on the 22 nd. A portion of ths school board attended to run a bluff on the pop ulists of the community by refusing admittance to the school house, calling populists a lot of fools. Hut the people gave them to un derstand that they bad some right in the matter. The school house was opened and a better meeting has not been held in the county. I'rof. Walters commanded the closest attention of his bearers as usual. Mr. Richardson in a few well chosen words impressed his hear ers with the idea that only true men should be elected to take charge of the business interests of the county. The pops an- in it every where. Republicans are very smooth people when it comes to doing dirty work. The rin;j has out a number of gutter snipes and reserva lion bums doing the scavenger woik (or them. Thin red nose brigade carries with it three or four bottle of republic an ltj;hl liintf. Tin y hunt up the prolubi- tion and tempt ram r people tbiougb .. . 1 ..1 .n... v.... 111. 111 - .iiiiiu and li.ik r whisky St. lit tin I. a I cell Ilu.r I.. 1. i ''"'! tb 1 11 . mppo 1 in !'i. I, and it it si i I v ei j! o! (1 II A (..llldilllg th ulii-1, lliivllli d In 4.1 t 4l gf4'.e, .ire rntwt HKiAt rMiLoi'M .'. i. i I., la t i .ii. l.i m lilh I'ki Ii It u 1. ..Ml I n, .. t i. h ' lii.l hi Ih.-li ( kt It I'.ti t l . si 11 In, l.i li.- 4. I ll i l K " l " . Milt .! I F. ,1 I,), II. I" i t . . Ll t " I ( .) .1 I ' '..' I ' I'. u M 1 'i I " 1 . - .. .... . 1 1 . it ... ..1.,, . .. . s. .. .( .. . .. . i !. ., I . I 'll-M 1 1 I'... I i.l .IV . l t I. . ,r ,t 1W 1 KIM 1 mmm -7 Beware of Imitations See the to Gold Coin & Radiant Home Base Burners. Best Assortment of Stoves in tho City. FRANK E. LAHR. 108 North Tenth, Between O and P Streets. AN OPEN LETTER. To Tho County Superintendent. J.SJiAKii: Dear Sir 15eing a voter ami anxious to know how to vote in the coming election I uddress these questions to you, bo that 1 may he able to vote in telligently in ihe coining election. First. It is charged by your competi tors for tho republican nomination, and generally believed that you spent from $uOO to $700 to secure said nomination. Do you thiuk it fight and honorable to procure a chance to run on a ticket by such means, and if elected would you use the influence of your ollico to in struct the school children of this county that it is wrong to (not to say criminal,' to secure oifice by means of bribery ? Second. It is charged arid generally believed that you have granted certifi cates to persons not leuiest, and not of good moral character. If elected, would you grant certificates to such persons in the future? Third. It is charged and generally known to be a fact, that you have sur rounded yourself with a sort of ''kitchen cabinet" composed of favorites whom you constantly reeomniett for the schools in the country (to the detriment of other and better teachers) at least one of waich favorites is not lit to teach school and who although he has taught ten or fifteen years in this county, has never taught the same school twice and in come eases could not teach twice in the same district if he gave his services fiee. Would you do the act again if elected';' Fourth. It is charged and well known that you have permitted a large num ber of teachers from other counties to come to this county and take schools which you could have prevented had you wished to do so, notwithstanding the fact that you had eoniclled our hiuiie teachers lucum to the institute at an exiienso they could not ull'urd, under the iuijreMon that they would I huM' th lirst chance to fetch our li"ine I schools. It in u rid thai muii) of l-fr 1 te .telicr are nw out of empl ivmenl !' jcjio-e of your action Mild hi line uf them do nitkuowwh.it to doto .MiMt IiivelilnMul. W011M S11.1 1.111 hop thf mm' plan 4iu ;i elt i li tt Fifth It 1 kimuii that when 411 iii.l, rqaliltt kihI UnflliV tt ieher of H.H . .. .. - t . . . ... coiiiifv 14 iii roller ( )iii. W4 111 duurer ..fUi.. 4 ....t.., thr..ut, ., MM truiupetl iipchute, f..r.ul4'.,l i.t ... i .,. i l hi l'o. 1 iv " tun uK.. ,1.1 ..e.!.t...tll,.. .,, .lie, .,!. j . . , ii . i ii . i ..'initil to tlie nlvt n t! n iiiumI. Ihe 1 Wi.nl, lUeH" Jtti tin wool I HI ; .i i i ,i i. . . . . in i i iii iit 'mi i aihird In hue Ihein , t,,t riliUnt tin 4i I ll line iiii i ) n v ...all I u . - . 1 . . ..I. j id! ll l.'4'll It 'le tul ' l . t l..f je I Ih it I Id ) nir ' i i I l in I I ,i I I i 1 1 i ii ion i lMl.l' l'..l ill!' 'll lo l lulll. II lli'ilil I U ut flit. nl i i.i li.leiiti. i.l tn )no ,l It .t It lln s i, 41 "I -I i "I Vi'iltid I II (.mini l V I a 4 I'n'.it e M i 1' iiUi l.i il i rlitl H ! ktifWii ll t Von .f"ll. I Ii li i I t. II I t i. il.lt 4 (Mil,! lni if II il ft' t lttttl' l't h it Jon nii 'I t. I ei'i I I 4 It.ild Itriit LINCOLN $20 STEEL $25 RANGES $30 Tho Best Range Ever Ofiered for the Money! EVERY RANGE FULLY WARRANTED. ElOCllWltllH'M OollUiMO ROUND OAK, Buy Only the Genuine. Name on the hep;. older it right to thus break your word of honor und would you, if elected try to get the ollice a fourth, fifth or sixth time? An unswer to these questions will enable me to vote intelligently next November. Josreii Yorxo. A Loiter from Sheriff Miller. LINCOLN, Xeb., Oct. 21. (To Whom It May Concern.) It has come to my notice that there is a story going the rounds reflecting upon my admin istration and the muuner in which the deputies in my oflice ara paid. I desWe to say that there is appropriated by the couuty coram issionerg from the earn ings of the sheriffs oflice for deputy hire in the (Alice the sum of iW,"00 per annum. This sum is divided among the four deputies and is all consumed in the payment of their salaries. When I first entered upon my duties a shcr iff f employed five deputies Instead of four deputies and the amount appro priated was the same, of which Mr. T. I. Worall, who was employed as a dep uty for about three months, received tl'.i;!. "j and the other four deputies the remainder. Since Mr. Worall left the oflice the remaining four deputies have receiveed the entire sum allowed by the county commissioners from the earn ings of the oflice for deputy hire. My books are open for inspection at all times for all who desire to examine them in reference to this or any other matter in connection w ith my olheial acts. I'liKI) A. MlU.CIi, Sheriff. The Reps at Raymond. The republicans are having a hard time this year. They held meeting here Saturday night, which had an at tendance uf seventy-live, not over. The whole object ) the shakers seemed to be tn talk without saying anything to avoid touching on any issue. There see 11 it it to be no euthiitiiasni tn,tqeak of among the crowd. A i funny incident took place during A. J. CorniKh'i. speech. He started to leA of the no nin at urn of Judge Maxuell by the poputist when the crowd broke out in upplaute at the men 1 1011 if the name. The main iirguuieiit of tin . t ,ik r 1-'iltlsti-i of ubu-o ot the iiie iiitvilt and ihni'MruU. Hut when they tiirn tioiifd the prohiliitlni i't t'uy '( Kirrd II i.-t tille 4 not king iliilM," hoping thus I" i' t linn 'l.i.i. nil' Mtil HI IT ' " , , . , U, l ' '" "- ' -"lil...ilu 4 i my . f l.b.. ll(er,M.r., le : ... ....1 it. , ........1 It.. .1.1 - . 4 ' 1 h ,l ""' k k ,,,' I i K't K Hit f the tfioiljl 4 0 ..4il. j ; ' 1 I to oi I'.lii. n.e i't t! I' tkft tll.J nut t! t .) . ut. 1 1 4ilti ir,'iiopir4 lion whirh C rtr l4 1 1 i.l it it iiii.'t r Vv ,i.(4ik H .i ,i, t.a h, , u vliir uf l.l WK'eih), v.. u w- fel'ie Mfl (.J.llf , tiff lit I oil I I I . ll t'ti.o lull'. fl.Ulllllt in llil ,1,. e I i I W !,' )UII W itit .l r,l V OH ii ! i . li, ! I .m,t ll The Cause in Cedar County. II Aktinotox, eb., Oct. 21, 'it"), Hon. T, II. Tibbies of Bancroft has been canvassing Cedar county under the auspices of the populists state com niittts. He has spoken at St. James, St. Helena and other points. The dis tinguished gentleman has kept hit rec ord good. The speech at St, James was a masterpiece. Many old party men are leaving, and burning the bridges behind them. Mr. Tibbies speak at llarting ton, the county seat, on Monday, the 28th. Maxwell will receive a two thirds majority of theentire vote of the county. The populist will elect at least four out of the nine candidates for county ollices, and have a lighting chance on the others. Nine cents a bushel for oats and thirty centi for wheat is an argument which is striking home, and men who never took an interest before are waking up. Wiiiau r, Huvaxt. POPULIST HANDBOOK. A Populist handbook has just been published and is now ready for distribu tion. This is the most complete and valuable populist campaign document we have yet seen, it gives the whole history of republican rottenness in a nutshell. Nocampaign speaker orcom'j mittee can afford to be without it. Pol lowing is the table of contents: 'fne Asylum Steals, History of the lloodler's Trials. Penitentiary Cell House Steals. The Impeachment Trial. State band Steal. Failure of the Capital National Hank. suit Against Kx-Treasiirer Hill. Hilton's Defalcation. I -egislat i ve A ppropnat ions. Deposit of State and County Funds. The Attempted Printing Steal. The Half N ot Told. The Maximum Freight Hate Law. Nebraska's Populist tiovernor. The tiang Hies Hard. Patriotic Inaugural Address. I. milieu' llehef Commission. Churchill Culled lowii. Hold t heft of SjMiils, sugar lloimly V eto. Ai'ther Men! ut the Pen. 4inple Cepiiblican Statu ll!heer. The A. P. A. Politics. Omaha Fue and point' Muddle. What Ihi) People Prty Im on for Nthr4k4. Fads on the dver ijuctitni. Iiivilii.ible usthewoik of reftreiicut f ir -.tin L.t uti .f.tkrr. ( It n. lid ( 'tun ptiiiu tint linn nt I t put Intu the lialnU ef doublfiil Voter, I out 4iu two et I il. tf llWeili most flliliHH . llimlii'. I he l...lt it t nf It ifliU. (Hit ill ir pr il'oeu. !,. r huintft.1. I Hllln I lui'it l i.Uin f if l4frf f ufdeM, tliil of li f luthtf 4 lll .. J. A. Fi. i litov l.ihcoln NU bul m J'.ivl C... ltrj ( Mrvti nr xlteiitli 4ii. I . riitr' Ir ! 4 pt nil), All gr n l if Imrd .in I ofi tii! 4I oet piue, lUrl u J oel C,i, lir.'l 1 Sv.l. n. .' I i i, (nil 'Ut I. I- 1 M. I III k." , ; i 1 1 i 1 k ll e 1 1 i s ri m i m until ' I'l 14! i I to ,'i I en 1 1 1 1 i t 4 I ., t? 'i;- "l 4 I 4 il . f 1. 1 ) nil I II I