The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, October 18, 1895, Image 8

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    Fopu lar Prices I
1308 O street.
ranite Iron Ware9
This Stove at
SG .50 .
It is the No, 2
('upper bottom witili boilers, No, H So
Teakettles " ... 40
Glass Oil cane, 1 Gallon 25
Flaring Pails, 8 Quart : .15
Strainer Milk Pails, 10 Qt. . . . '. 33
l( K J) 1' t , (J
' " 14 " 50
These are only a Few of Our Special PriceB.
We have the best stock of granite iron, tinware and kitchen fur
nishings in the west.
Your orders will receive prompt attention and we appreciate your j
Call and try us.
1 Qt Kound Covered Pails 5
2 " ''
3 " " .15
,1 ." in J ap Coa IHods , .20
lfi" " " ' "gg
17 " " " .30
15 " Gal " " n0
1 " " 35
I"" " " .40
Fire Shovels 5
Nail 1 ammera 10, 15 and 20c '
Tinware of all kinds repaired. Old Stoves taken in exchang?
for new ones.
Cook stoves from $!,50 up. Heating stoves from 3 50 up.
You Should See the
Steel Plate Ranges, Cooking Stoves and Heating . Stoves.
Best Assortment in the State.
HALL BROS. CO. Invite You
1308 O St.
The Better we are Known,
The less it will be necessary for us to say in the news
papers about the Clothing which we wish to commend to
your attention. Everjone who knows about it knows how
fine and trustworthy it is? May we mention a few of them?
Three and Four button Sacks aud Three button Cuta
ways iu perfect .style and in many patterns, both in CasM
meres and worsteds, range in price from 10, 15 and to
the best.
We take just as much pains in the making of our $S
and $10 suits but the difference is in the goods.
We have them as low as SI.'iO in Men's and 2 in ('hil
dren's but tecommend the better goods.
We aro the Largest Makers of Clothing in the World
and pan therefore offer you goods at Ijower Price?, quality
and Workmanship considered,
we Hftue also
X fine line of Furnishing Goods, such ;u Underwear,
Host Shirts, Etc.
Iu Hats ve are the headers in the West.
Call and see us. "Your Money's worth or Your
Moticy U:u:k.
Browning King&(
1013 to 1010 0 St.
Sells More Goods than any store in the City.
Because when you buy a Dollar's worth you get Value Re
ceived. If you want goods in stnall or large quantities get
our Prices. We sell at wholesale prices.
Farm Trade a Specially.
Come in and see us. If tired sit down and rett. Highest
Pricss paid for Butler and eggs.
Royal Grocery Co.
1032 P St,
Phone 224
Mclaughlin bros., Props.
Kennedy, tie Photographer.
1 029 O St, Lincoln. Neb. Nobto Studio.
U iimVltU' th tfn"t I'to'ou'r:! in the 1'ilt,
Cabinets 2.00 Per doz-
latesi Slyle Small Photos SI Per Doz
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Will Surprise you by their
Let us ! fiuw you Them.
Cor. O and 10th St.
(50 TO
Your MEALS FOR 10 Cents.
New Place, ( totting an I vr- '
VU-e the I Ifaiiett mij ln'tt.
21 MEALS FOR 52.00.'
1024 P STREET.
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