I, ) W1C01II it VOL. III. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, -FRIDAY,-- OCTOBER 4, 18415. NO, 23 A FEAST Of LOW FRIGES. DO YOUR OUU PillfJilG 1 e.- i 5 Dry Goods and Shoe Departments Full of Bargains. Our CUT PRICE on hundreds of articles will be Continued an other week. We realize that this season people are going to trade I where they can get the best prices on the same goods. VT In no case will we be undersold, and our constant effort will be to go below tlie prices of any Competitor. ABSOLUTELY PURE MED PUT, SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies Fine hand turned shoes, pointed and narrow square toes, all sizes, worth $4, this week at 2.85. Ladies' Dongola Shoes, flexible sole, all popu lar styles, worth $3, this week at $'2.35. Ladies' dongola shoes, machine sewed, patent tips, opera and square toes, all sizes, worth $2.50, this week at $1.85. Ladies' dongola shoes, plain toe or patent tip a big bargain at $1.W) and $1.7,'). Misses' dongola shoes, patent tips, new styles, at $1.50 and $2. Men's welt shoes, calf stock, 'all styles, worth $4.50, reduced to $3.45. Men's calf shoes, ba's or eongess, worth $3.50, reduced to $2.85. Men's heavy work shoes at $1.50 now, worth 1.7&. Men's heavy work shoes at $1.75 now,- worth $2. Children's pebble grain and kangaroo calf school shoes, sizes 12-2, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Children's pebble grain and kangaroo calf school shoes, sizes 8J, 11$, at $1, ql.Io, $1.5m. Elegant line infanta' shoes at 50c, 00c, 75c and $1. Infants' soft sole shoes, different colors, at 30c and 50c. Infants' soft sole shoes, wool lined, just the thing for cool weather, 50c. Men's Ladies' and children's heavy and light weight rubbers of all descriptions now in stock and for sale at very lowest prices. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. (X)USETS-All corsets in black and drab for Eerly sold at 75c, (his week at 47c. Fine stock of all regular lines of corsets at $1 and $1.25. YARNS Spanish knitting yarns, all shades, 4 skeins for 22c. German knitting yarns.all shades 2 skeins for 25c. Imported Saxony yams, all shades, 3 skeins for 25. Zephyr yams 4c a lap. Ice wool, black and white, 9c per box. LINENS Turkey red table damask, 58 inch wide, fast colors this week at 42ic. Turkey red table damask, full lines at 22c and 33c. Lame as sortment of German and Irish table linen at 33, 37 J, 39, 48, 05, 75c and up to $1.35 a yard. Large assortment of napkins from 50c to $5 a dozen. lurkish towels, firm and heavy, $1 a doz; crash toweling at G, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11$, 12Jc a yard. DRESS GOODS This week we will offer some now and desirable lines in Fall Dress Goods, including Henriettas, Serges, i'laids, Novelties, Etc. Everything in this department will be sold at prices especially suited to the times and the stock will be the largest we have shown for years. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS-Just received 20 bales more of cotton batts to sell at 5c each . A fine line of handkerchiefs from lc to $2. A fine line of dress trimmings of all kinds. An elegant assortment of buttons of all new styles. An ele- Eant assortment of Ladies purses from 5c to $1 50 adies, men's and children's underwear from the cheap to the best. Special prices this week in Domestic depart ment, Muslins, Shirtings, Ginghams, etc.all cut to lowest point. H. R. NISSLEY & Co 1026 and 1028 O Street. It is guaranteed to give Satisfaction by the Standard Glass & Paint Go. HEADQUARTERS FOR 12 & M Sts. Paint, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Machine Oils, Plate Glas Mirors, German Mirrors, American Mirrors, Etc. T THE UNITED STATES ARMORED CRUISER BROOKLYN LAUNCHED. LATEST NAVAL WARSHIP. ftlio Id it Marvel In the Art of Murine Architecture Her font, F.xcluiilve at Armament, I 'J,OM0,OOO 400.3 Feet In Length Draw 34 Feat of Water anil Goes 34 Knot an Hour. E3 The Weekly Independent. Published at Lincoln, Neb., injthe Interests of Financial and Labor Relorm. Thk Independent stands by the meu whom-the party'.has hon or d, so long a they sUn l by the people. It hasfnc personal tight and no sore potg. It i a populist pajxT. Price, One Dollar Per Year. 25 Cents for Three Months. W, M. SMITH, Vr: X STIiKKT. Parlor Barber Shop. A cleau, smooth shave for 10 cents. Guarantee not to pull them out by the roots. .Z.Lt Latest Style Hair Cut 553 cents, fiivt me a call. Dr. W, Queen, Tie Specialist r v -si v-s .Canceri Its (scientific treatment and removal in twenty minute without knife, pain or I joSS Of A a !rop if of blood Populist News. Telegraphic Matter. Capita City News. For the Omaha Platform and iFrco jStlvcr or a Free FlRht. Wo want Agonts in Evory County. Wo want News of The Work in Your Comity. Offlce Corner 11 th and M frit. yUEI'V curen Piles and Tu mora without pain, knife or loss of i drop of blood, he also cure Catsrrah Troat, Lung., Heart ami Nervous Ik bilitr. hit. Qt'F.F.N ha nifiile diseawa o! the Stomach. Kinney, Liver, Mood an I'iseSM- of Women a specialty fat thirty live y.-ars. lie h restored bearu.g to the deaf and tight to tat blind. Pit. llt'KKN U the specialist of th noithwcst in the Treatment and Curt of a1', Chronic aud Private) Ailments having lived in Lincoln and Lancaster "ounty fur thirty-four year. Pl'lying to I'r. g.ien. Urn r.'.ee rleiau. ii lsd get litctaiit Urtief and Cure from alt Fain from Htn-mnslins Neuraliga and all 1'kron. Ailment ftr all medical remedie have failed lu.tltu.i and hlae'rla Halt, dams, (Xnlon Hlock.N H.cor. loth A O riiii.ADKi.i'itiA, Oct. 3. The great United .States armored cruiser Brook lyn was launched into the waters of the Delaware at Cramp's rhipyard to day. nr.d'Miss Ida May ISehteren, daughter of the mayor of the city from which the mammoth vessel takes its name, broke a bottle of American champagne on the cruiser's bow, and said: "I christen thee lirooklvn." An immense crowd witnessed the launch ing of this latest addition to the na tion's lleet. On the christening stand was a distinguished party. After the ceremonies, luncheon was served in the mold loft, and a number of speeches were made, among the speak crs being Mayor Schieren of Brooklyn, Assistant riecrctary McAdoo, Mayor Warwick and the Messrs. Cramp. The Brooklyn is regarded by naval experts as a marvel iu the art of ma rine architecture. She is classed as a steel armored cruiser, having four eight inch barbette turrets. Her cost, exclusive of armament, is SV.'Hii, )(. The principal dimensions are: Length on the load water line, 400.5 feet; beam, extreme, A. OS feet; draught, mean, normal. St foot; displace ment, normal, 1,2U tons, indi cated horse power, 11,000; speed in knots per hour, 24; total coal capacity. J. 73 3 tuns, coal carried, normal displacement, 000 tons. The same dimensions of tho New York are respectively. .'isO.tii feel; 04. 1 feet; 23.:t5 feet; VJOo tons; '.',Hi0 tons; l.S'.iO tons; 750 tons; speed, Jl knots. The lirookl vn wilt have twin screws. There will be four engines, of the versiesl triple expansion type, two on each shaft, located in four separate compartments- There are seven boilers, placed in three compartment. The hull is i.f steel, not sheathed with a double bottom and a close water tight subdivision, running to about twelve feet above the water line. ENGLAND NOT SATISFIED. China Mu.t I More Than Merely I. grade u,a offending- Viceroy. Lonoom, Oct. 3. It is understood in ofticial circles hero that the degrada tion of the viceroy by no means settles the matters in dispute between Great Jlritain and China, and that the action of China does not effect the possible claims for indemnities and tho de mands for reforms made by Great Uritain. I'rof. II. L. K. Dongluss has written a letter to the Times, in which he says that Viceroy Liu 1'ing Chang was de graded last November, and it is now thought that the recent action of the Chinese government is nothing more than a trick to deceive Great Uritain. At St. ilridgcs' church, Fleet street, to-day, there was a farewell service prior to tho departure of 100 missiona ries for various foreign stations. Of this number twentv-four. including uiiecji women, go to i.iiinu. MAUD STEIDEL AT HOME. Tl Ulrl AUegrd to Have fleen Abdorlfed by Father Wagner Ktturn. .. Joskpii, Mo., Oct, a. Maude Kteidcl arrived home from Chicago this morning, accompanied, by her brother-in-law, hll l'odvant. She looked happy when she alighted from the train, but the meeting with her mother was very sorrowful. Llandt, Father Wagner's brother- in-law, was also one of the party. He was in the custody of a detective. MILES IN COMMAND. The Indian fighter Iliaailed to the High" est I'lace In the Army. Washinotov, Oct. 1. Secretary La mont issued an order this afternoon detailing General Miles to duty in Washington as general of tho army and General Uuger, now on sneeial duty in Washington, to the command of the department of the east, with headquarters in ew York. 1'riestit of I'allaa. Kansas Crrv, Mo., Oct. X The ninth annual l'riests of I'allas parade of twenty floats, of subjects of mythol ogy, poetry, romance, opera, etc., took place last eight The spectacle wus the most magnificent ever presented heretofore. The biggest crowd in the city's history witnessed the display. Fully joo.ooo people were on thq streets. A Life Nnitenr for "Tea Hlilge." N-kivokim.d, Mo., Oct. 3, Geortre Canton province, China, cut the sea embankment and let In the water so as to destroy a large part of the rice of the people of I'ien Cheng, which wus then almost ready for cutting. Reprisals followed, the lighting con tinuing for over a month, Involving many villages and causing a large number of deaths. )y on side three nnd by the other four prisoners were taken ahvo. These men were killed ami eaten. Hayes, better known as 'Tea Kidge," pleaded guilty of murder iu the second degree in the criminal court to-day on a charge of murdering Oeputy Sheriff J. II. Keller, ami was sentenced to the nemten lary for life, lie hail just ,,'ien trieii for murder In t lie second The shin's batterv will consist eight right-inch breech loading ritles degree, Of thirty-live caliber, luelvo live-inch; General Ml...ne IUIU.-aMII.Mly. breech loading rules of the rapid Are i ... .. . ... , . , ,, type, twelve sit H.nder la,'id r! , " .m' X-i!nvTl1 M' guns, four one-poi.n.ler rapid lire guns holu t'""l,,"' "' morning does not and four machine I'm.. The clilit-1 show any marked change. He was inch guns will m mounted in four bar-' v"r' ,nw ,," "r,,t !"rl ' the night, iM-tle luriets, placed one forward und ! htti '',"t comfortably toward morn one aft on tlie renter line ami one on . '"'If ""'I his condition allows somewhat either side of the vcsm-I amidships, i r"' r,'"" the evtreuiely critical The guns in the turret on the center j uie l mid night. , line are to have train of ..to deifieea. i . . .. " .. V " 'lh.e in the side ..rrL can t.re ! " '"'"" V ' f ! from rirfhtahead to rhht astern, or M' a r tss jS, Ind.. V i. -Mtrt Ila Mlsuied III. Valet. Nkw York, Oct. 3. August Bel luont, the multimillionaire banker, Is charged by his valet, Harry Nichol son, with an assault, and will appear before Justice Taylor of Babylon to day to answer to the charge. In his complaint Nicholson says that Mr. Belmont seized him by the throat and then struck him in the eye. The valet charges that both his eye and his, throat were severely bruised. A tine tilft tor Chlrago I'nUer.lly. Ciiicaoo, Oct. 3. President Harper of Chicago university announced that Mrs. Mary Either Reynolds, wide... of "Diamond Joe" Reynolds, the well known Mississip. 1 steamboat man, has given one-fourth million dollars to the university, "to be used for educational purposes in such manner as shall com memorate the name of her husband." Inreudlariea Fire Hedalla Houses. Rkpama, Mo., Oct. 3. Incendiaries set fire to two houses ia this city Mon day night, entailing a total loss of $o,00". One of the buildings, the Cot tage hotel, a notorious dive, was where Thompson Walker, who was shot and killed Saturday night, breathed his last. l'ubllo Debt Statement. W'ASifiNoTOJf, Oct. 3. The monthly statcmont of the public debt shows the public debt September 30, less cash la the treasury, to have been V41,QaU,93D, an Increase for the month of $1.334,t;s7. PLEADS CUILTY. An llilnol Mac Voluntarily Fata !llm-ll In the iallow' Shadow. Pkcaitr, III., Oct .J. -Charles K. Smith, who killed bis child. I and sister-in-law, L'dna lltichert. was arraigned in court to-day charged with murder and pleaded guilty to the child, but not guilty as to his sister-in-law. Judiro Vail said: "This U matter. The court must sentence on to death or to prison for life or not less than fourteen vi-urj U' n..( !.. this do you still desire to plead guilty'.'" - i unneruau i, said Smith calmly, 'and 1 idea t cruiltv to Lulling thn babv." ' " ' The I II dire siiiil: - I u i.l, I,. I,s evidence ill the case ami Inform n.v. lf as to the history of this insn." it wus then arranged that rvidenea should be heard best Mondm. The belief Is tliul .lii.l.ra u.,!l k. ... seuteu.e of death Monday, only nin days after the mur.b-r. A DUAL LIFE EXPOSED. train through an are of lo decrees , " adr, nsta' t ctshit-r of Hie l ir.t! each 1 he erutt-r of the side turret National Imnk heir, hsa disappeared W lit be distant fr h,i the e-ntrr line . and It i said that a ,oi!e of I of tlni vev.el atsmt t rut V three feet, lueru o.ot u, i j iksi ha. lrvi The armor forming the I arU tie j fou,. V,le h.,. HO bad h ib:t M whir', will p.-otrct the cairiagts. tat f r a I li ti fo ill and tin li t n.acli nerv, wi.l be (. I .In I I I ,.4ni -t.l Mta.f rit Aa o. 0"t w . 0'i. ' ? W, . I' I.F . ,,' I . 4' fc, Im J ,...-!, 4 t p- , , s .1. , V ' -, o i , I v -v f - I - i . . - .,-,1 PmrmM1 ' H I . I ik, . e . t . 4 I . , .. . . n, ,. n, C.A.SNOW&CO. e rooi ft , t taa a s 1 vitfM III. lie II, tl.,i klo t .r a oi,,.ii I rm sl.1,1 o ll.e li aoi of k in, the rcpctii lnir.lv 'the feu anting j l.on, um l e re.lu. eil to four inebrs i in tl.,, an. v l'n.1. r 'Ue lirn l MlU be ,1 ,,. three In. Ii arator iiiirlliia i t'- hit h witt prt.teel I he (,i, 11,11 m- tn'U boisU 1 be a'Uior i lie tiuri t ivi! be n add i'li.-l..f In. Ii, hi i td,illls 'I l.n if il it Mill be .. i,lttt4 ill4l tl.VV ill la w i i . ' ... I ! i) h am oinilo.q an I I 4.ld al any llt Htl CANNIHALItiM IN CHINA. .,, lil tflDft I It ll.SI, It. la. .4 III., I t.ll,... It. II. 4 .l I,l,. I Ml Si Im HIS I 1 b,,,,,,j I i hii a ' f'oio I I. li t ti.. (-.,;,' ,,f (.,'. 1 !ie.4 t ?' , t i . i, i ,. Ili,r U i. tu r i K in , 111 ,r limti m I Uliklla. I S 1. , I Ittf s. it,.i , il ty.-ri,.- H ,t mas l,t f t r i.,. largely imriasei (ti- an'Sii.i' ii i U .til, ' in ,i i- a f i f'et msot alii a l ine, U II f ' I ollt s I itain 1 it 'i i ef ( elt !. i llrr, Si-.l. It il Aai, iniiViini, IVl Ai'on.l nj .' t oi fi.,,i K. six, v. U. I' I., , W Ihi i ! i a in': rt. .mi, f,.t tit 4 1 in f i " I lie ill nd .ll'f ii t lie t r ii I v I, ft i h It a i . t- , .. I A Uealiay Slllaaakeeaa liUldaa Ilia l e ate Mel wee 1mm Wleaal 4 MM rat. Mil WAtattt.;, ttk, Oct. 1 The will of I'ariu A. Martin, a wealthy grain b sler of Ibis pity, vtho died August ?. tell, the story of a ban who. for thlr t-rn yesra, had two ea, one tit t hi t Srf'i and the nlhir in this i ly. Il vtaa a iMeiiilwr of the . baiuber f c-iitt Hirrie, and tu, tan ettr he and l Mil sukv wife m . I in the brat sosnely I l,c is Ul t. tuiutts II;e ai it at .ire, hu ll h, lieen torn !, I tit II sit Mitnexed by V Umi.l and II vii.rt, a Meil knus. U,r, f M ti rat. l lb'B M. Martin, f ir tti, ir the V it w!i' Ktfe. fc'i I. IU In l,retoit l ! il il.triit her tifel'ow, and tana J Mrlm the h(.M wife, jrnL the in'rr,t u liii,i tr ttf her life lha reu.alu b r .-f lha rui, . ii i rovil uf .',i i in lift"! oirtj sal tet et nth'ih ) ot st snnaal f I'm a '. tt I tiled tntneva Ull'ii M.t; i h t r l. fhit bf th i 'in n i.i at, t r i'.en M Vt,r: U !i ii 'iii .fa ! M '"" J . W' H ' lUriu t ' I I '. ' ' U.. lMiil.lt. 'r aslH l j i .. i'- "r " - " . . I s.' -1 t Al ? Wsss s4