The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, September 27, 1895, Image 2

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A Not&hl and Very Sueeestful Sfeetlti; -Many
Minister Itetnrned to Thler Old
Charges on Petitions From Their Lata
Lmcoi.Jf, Sept. 21. Minislert mot
promptly at 8 a. in. yesterday. Kev.
John Gallagher conducted the devo
tional exercises.
W. H. Turrell and F. H. Esuert wore
admitted on trial
A. E. Chad wick was readmitted. R.
G. Adams at hla own request wm given
supernumerary relation and I F.
Brltt on hit own motion wm granted a
certificate of location.
A subscription was taken for the
"Conference Minutes fund" and 1320
A supplementary educational report
wai adopted naming E. E. Howard of
Edgar and Dr. J. F. Neil of Peru ai
trustees of Wesloyan university.
The matter of entertaining the next j
conference was referred to a commlttne
f ten, five ministers and five laymen.
The most interesting and impressive
seen during the seeelon ocourred when
Rev. J. S. W, Dean led the ministers in
prayer concerning Wesleyan university.
Every minister goes forth confident in
the firmness of the institution and loyal
to Its interests.
By reading the appointments many
changes will be seen. The Lincoln dis
trict changes presiding elders, and the
Nebraska City distriot has a flew pre
siding elder, Peter Van Fleet
Some very complimentary resolutions
ware passed concerning the presiding
bishop, the pastors of Linooln churches
and toe citiaens of Lincoln who so roy
ally entertained the conference.
The chief interest was the reading of
the appointments for tha ensuing year.
At 5:30 o'clock Bishop Newman arose
and the busines of the conference being
Man end, read the following list;
W. B. Alexander, presiding elder.
Blue Hill. O. W. HuramelL
Bromileld, F. W. Bean.
Carleton, F. E. Smith.
Clay Center. E. ti. Randall.
Cowles, C. P. Metoalf.
Davenport and Oak, R EL Nsal
Doniphan, L. Morrison.
Edgar, T. II. Worley.
Exeter. W. T. Cline.
rairneld, G. A. Hobson.
Fsirmont, C. B. Lenfest.
Geneva, O. W. Fifer.
Grafton, U. B. Seymour.
Guide Rock, A. W. SbameL
Harvard, H. Curttoa.
Hastings, Q. W. Isham.
loavale. A. O. BlackwelL
Juniata. E. J. Bird.
Kenesaw, F. A. Colony.
Lawrence, A. IV Grossman.
Nelson, A. M. Perry.
Ong. C. W. Wells.
Pauline, D. M. Buckner.
Red Cloud, J. K. MaxBeld.
Rowland, G. Shutuau.
Superior. R Pearson.
Sutton, T. S. Fowler.
Asa Sleeth, presiding elder.
Alexandria, J. Marsh.
Beatrice, Centenary, C. 8. Dudlay,
USelle street, G, W. Selby.
Belvidere, a T. Hawkins.
Blue Springs, W. H. Mills.
Chester. G. II. Wehn.
Crab Orchard, J. W. Lewis.
pavkln, G. G. Morrison.
PeWitt, F. M. Eatabrook.
DuBois, II. W. Cope.
Fairbury, A. A. Randall.
Falrbury circuit. M. C. Smith.
Filley, R T. Cbipperfield.
Hebron, to be supplied.
Holmosville, 11. F. Smith.
Liberty, Frank Mills.
Odell. J. G. Day.
Ohio a, G. M. Jones.
Pawnee City, J. II. Preston.
Reynolds, N. II. Davis.
Steele City, J. Gene Walker.
Strang, It D. Willard.
Tobias, R L. Wolfe.
Vesta. 11. G. Wilcox.
Western, Will J Scott.
Wilber and Swanton, J. E. Rtppetoe.
Wymore. J. S W. Dean.
U. D. Brown, state superintendent of
tha children's home society of Wash
1 v 1a. .iti,n.,t m. 'i
rtnn I
...... ,
meat to attend one or. the schools.
U. T. Davit, presiding elder.
Alvo. J. W. Embree.
Ashland, G. I. Wright
Beonet, C W. Shaw.
Cedar Bluffs. W. H. TurrelL
Ceretco, R E. Howard.
Cortland, J. W. W.rflld.
Crete. L. T. Guild.
Davey, G. K ilosford.
Dorchester, R N. Orrlll
Eagle. J. T. Roberta.
Kirawood. F. A. Campbell
Emerald. F. Cole.
Friend, U. M. Morey.
Greenwood. A. 1". Hull.
tiavelock. J II N Cobb.
Ithaca. D C Phlllipa.
Lincoln-Hath!. VY, K. William.
Kmsnua, 1 C. Iiri Kp worth. 11 D.
Baydar; Grace, C M. Niaphard; Hi.
Paul. C. l; Trinity. D. V. C.
llunttiigUjn; Not lb west Missive, J. A.
Mead. K Kier
!'latil I 'at-, F- Holland.
I'rairltf Home, ('. Staeatt.
lUtmolid. U It Pal tar,
K xa. J. P. Uedtfler
Sharon, T. M Kanaoin
t'niverMty I'Uca, U W Abbotl
Valpari., A. W. Paitch.
Wahoo, J V Kuq-r
Waer)v. J It Get: a
We ton. M A Wru fly.
Wabash, It I'. Yooii
V. Vt ) lv prasUin ellaf, Platte
sa tilth
Adams, J O flUwatt
AwVvra. Jha OalleiHaf
Kferk aa4 Talatate, M. Iiemattsv
Uneh. J. M Vtlf
frMiftea, WilliaeaOawley. ( teak, tieetge tV Pi tea.
Falle t'lif , i A UtiUt.
nasabalit. 3 W Ha-ea.
Jhist, J. CeJvsrt
UuwtliU, J. U It MoJ.U
Ksbvaaka CUy, II. C. iUmaa.
Hawka, I. Jeaa.
Palwyra, (' V. Uj
Pf a. ft. M (Ut
PlaitMeaih, U. M. Chuffs.
Wanted at Kansas City Governor Hoi
eomb and Parly Return.
Lincoln, Sept. 24. Lawyer in the
office of the governor yesterday evening
before A o ting Governor R. E. Moore
and haggled over a requisition matter.
Governor Stone has issued a requisition
warrant for Edward Foster, alias George
H. Fields, and Harvey L. Barnes, alias
E. W. Bailey. They are charged with
grand larceny by the Union National
bank of Kansas City. They secured
$675 by a smooth system of deposits
and withdrawals, taking deposits from
both banks on the same day before a
check could go through the clearing
house and expose them.
The two men were arrested In Omaha
during fair week while trying the same
game. They had not succeeded and
their deposits, amounting to about $900,
are still held, while they languish in the
Omaha jail. The Kansas City case was
worked up by Thomas G. Conklin,
superintendent of Pinkertons at that
place. He came to Nebraska as tha
mate stent front Missouri and demands
the return or the two men. tie was
represented yesterday by G. M. Lam
bcrtnon of this city, while the accused
were represented by Attorneys
Bartlett and Baker of Omaha.
Lieutenant Governor Moore was of
opinion that he could not act, as it was
reported that Governor Holcomb was
on his way home from Chattanooga and
was then in the state. The governor
was expected to arrive at 5 o'clock. It
was finally decided to postpone tha
hearing until 4 p. m. today before Gov
rdor Holcomb. The accused are also
wanted in Milwaukee and St. Paul.
Governor Holcomb arrived between 6
and 0 o'clock from Chattanooga where
he took part in the dedication of the
national military park. His party con
sisted of Adjutant General Barry, Col.
C. J. Bills of Fairbury, Col. John C.
Bratt of Bennett, Col. Fred Miller of
Lincoln, Captain Tracy of Norfolk. Col.
W. G, Swan of Tecumseh, (. apt Joseph
Lyon of Nelson and F. L. Mary, chief
clerk of the executive office. The party
made an Imposing appearance in tha
military procession at Chattanooga, all
being olad in full regimentals and carry
ing national, state and regimental
standards. All went to the Atlanta
exposition and on the return trip were
received at St. Louie by a committee
from tha board of trade.
Sensational Discovery In the Oskaloo,
la. Hotel Tragedy.
0kai.ooa, la, Sept. 24. M. E.
Stinson and bis wife were found dead
from bullet wounds in bed together at
the Asher house yesterday. The
double crime wan committed by Stin
ton. Tha woman, who was only twen
ty years old, was recognized aa Misa
Art Moore, whose parents live at Pa
nora, a few miles from Des Moines.
Site was a member of the senior class
at tirinnell college and it was not
known that she whs married. The
discovery was made today, however,
tlutt she was secretly married to Stin
souOct. 14. 1802. by Rev. II. D. Craw
ford, the record being1 complete.
The murderer s home was in Fair
field, la., where his father was form
erly Hock Island railroad agent. He
came here for a day and visited friends
and his wife got permission from the
college president to visit him here.
.Stlnson met her ut the depot and he
registered at the hotel as husband and
wife. The ahota were heard by the
police, who rushed to the room, but
Doth had been instantly killed.
Two Smooth l'ouns; Mm Attempt to
Tap a Till.
Lincoln, Xcb.. Sept, 24. F. E. Voel
ker, the furrier on South Twelfth
street, tried his hand on a new kind of
animal last night. He aleepa in the
back part of his store, and about mid
night he was aroused by the shaking'
of the frontdoor. He supposed it was
a patrolman. Later, howerer. he was
disturbed by some one apparently try
iug to pet into his money drawee. He
quietly slipped ut and hunted up an
onlrer. and Info-mod them flint ttiara
' '
burglars in his store. The
. .j . , .
then secured the aid of another officer
and together they entered the store
and found the men atill trying to get
into the till. They threw up their
bauds when commanded to do so and
were promptly marched to the police
station, where they gave their names
as Tbomas Counell and Harry Page..
Page is an old timer. They will have
a heating this morning. It is likely
both will be sent over the road.
Jll ria an tha fl'th fast, anil 44-
moulahee Attorneys,
Phi i Ai'Ki nil . Pa., Kept 25 - Her
man W. Mudgatt alias II. 11. ilolin,
wa anaitrnei) Wfore Jivl? Finletter
in the court of ojer and terminer to
tlay n the iiiiiirtmeut rhargin kirn
wild the ir.ur 'er of Itea'.amis) F. 1'iUel
in tiita ci iv on pt 2, l 4 I m the
advice of his conn.-. I the pr.aoner
pleaded not fin'.ty.
Ihatt ket Attorney Graliftra aba I that
Moidav iVt'iber . I fWed for the
eipini'ritf of tha trial. Holm' cima
el otiiec ted la thistst. but the Ju.ltfe
after hearta argument n both ai.le
Stated that ha tltcutfht IH't 34 Would
gita the ilefYn-e ufT o eul t'wie In
whu-hlo prepare the He then
or lore. I thai the trial ha sal d a for
thl iUv w i tit lb Kiiiterttaniltnf that
when Ilia lime itihi neither sl.le
on l as ei t ti r.'tu i.t rnurt sad
ot! a rotttiauu 'e on paltry
Mat hat a4 I MM ratok
Aiaioe, Nee , Papt It. Mr ir
II nils a anl ealM weie drwa4 Satut
dsv etealaf wtt.le eroaalaf a rstitta
attoltowa 4nriaf a tan Ids rata
lore. Mr. Ilelwa as dntlnj tl
rt aad la valag the ran we mr
taru4 l.i!ta hein,a separate
frHt hi wife ae t tlilM A w rsa
ad lv Mr h hatlan Tha nihert
he! Ihea (ira d-'a. sa l taetr h-vliet
were a-t reenters I tiutit is !t aft
$rm m,
Comas to the Frnat In a Hone ftac
Loniiox, Sept. 23. Something ap
proaching' a turf scandal has h risen on
account of the extraordinary lightness
of the handicap placed upon fc'lorizel,
owned by the prince of Wales Im
mediately after the acceptance for tha
czarewitch stakes were published, (J to
1 was freely taken on Florizel. One
writer says that the only possible so
lution was a desire oa the pari, of the
hiindicapper to treat tho prince of
Wales leniently and that the horse
would not have been thus favored if it
belonged to any one eUo.
King Leopold of Belgium has sold to
Colonel North, the English "nitrate
king-." n mile of the sea front of Ostend
for $1,500,000. It is said that Colonel
North intends to found there an inter
national sporting club, which will be
tha center for horsu racing, glove
fighting and athletics generally, with
a theater, gambling rooms and public
It is said that Max Lebaudick, who
inherited a fortune of $15,003,000 fro-n
his father, a sugar retlner, which he
lias been industriously trying to dissi
pate for some time, has fallen into the
bunds of the same English gan who
preyed upon the lute Squire Abingtou,
the famous English sportsman.
With the publication of the full cor
respondence between the Earl of Dun
raven and the America's cup commit
tee of tho New York Yachting club
and Mr. Iselin, a decided change of
sentiment has come over the English
yachtsmen. While it is impossible
to alter the opinion which prevails
among Englishmen in general that
Valkyrie was beaten out of the
America'a cup by unfair means, there
is reason to believe that authorities on
yachting are not all disposed to in
dorse the course that haa been pur
sued by Lord Dunraven. The most
significant indication of this is Admir
al Fitzgerald's letter to the Timea
condemning Lord Dunraven and prais
ing Mr. Iselin for his offer to retail
the races.
It now seems likely that the plan of
giving to Lord Dunraven a public re
ception at Cardiff upon his return
from New York, as well as the ar
rangements for an elaborate welcome
of Valkyrie's owner, will be aban
Twenty-rifth Anniversary ot the Tak
ing; of Roma Commemorated.
Romk, Sept. 23. The fetes celebrat
ing the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
entry of the Italian army into Rome,
which began on the 14th inst., cul
minated yesterday in the ceremony of
the unveiling of the monument of
General Garibaldi on the Janiculum
hill in the presence of the king, the
royal family, the ministers, the depu
tations of veterans who served under
The 50,000 people present displayed
the utnfbnt enthusiasm. The decora
tions of public and private buildings
were of the most imposing and liberal
oharacter. Every mention of the
Dames of Garibaldi, Italy and King
Humbert was greeted with loud
eheera. The English and American
embassies had their ilags hoisted.
A mom Rouen field Dead.
Nkw York, Sept ti. Ansom Rosen
field is dead of Brlght's disease at his
home in this city. His death will re
call old California days to many news
paper men and women who knew Mr.
Rosen field through his connection
with the "Alta California," of whioh
he was a part owner for many years.
Mr. Itosenfield was a forty-niner, and,
in common with the enterprising men
who Invaded the Western coast during'
that lucky year, rapidly accumulated
a fortune. He was bora in Germany
and caine to this country iu 1843.
Sol Hughlett's Crooked Work Growing
la Extent New Victim Found.
Mexico, Mo., Sept. 23. The schedule
of people who were swindled bv the
late Sol Hughlett of Wellsville i
growing. Judge E. M. Hughlett, who
is now holding cirouit court here, lost
StiO. Mrs. W. Dickroger and two sons
of Wright City and J. A. Forwtell, of
Poristell, Mo., hold forged note and
fraudulent deeds c f trust executed by
Hughlett for (4,500 against the farms
of U. A. Kurwell. J. C. Mitchell, Mrs.
Bergman. W. ('. Hush and J. It. Alder
son. Many fanners about Wellsville
have small clouds on the title to their
farms in the khape. it Imiis deeds of
trust. It is estimated that the whole
indebtedness will aggregate nearly
ro BHte4 hy Om
Mi Ki.vmct, Ky.. Sept. VI At the
Adams and Trowbridge dialillery, In
PulanUl county last night five man,
oue of them named t ain of Mintonvllle
I rngageu in a game r poker. A dis
pute ertma and shooting beesn. Cain
alone enaw-d and i credited with
having killed tho other four. The
slain were either shot through the
hvad or heart.
VImHsm Atter a Mr I a, I
Nrvtn. Mo, sept SV Mlaa OUI
I l'i sine, daughter of a leading farmer ,
, livitiK near Literal, was un her way to
tutik tha vow Thursday nig lit when '.
1 an ituUaowu wret h saied her, rhokad I
Iwr loailile. draff d her a short 1
! il.ntaiii'e and bru'aily assaulted hsr. I
I Sv.ire f peool atarted la pursuit, '
: ollh blinal li.iukd. Th man will be i
lyn. Iie.1 If lauyht i
t'e'ee lr tha I4il
. Turna. Ksa. SenJ VI. The state- I
j meat la published here that Menlor
i ' (Ter bat pir.-hwd a eruatrUliif la
Wre.t in tl TuwWa A Juvala, the
lpullt weekly. Threw suttitlh
Ihe aeaatur alalad that he tipavte.t t
j eH U the aar bwint at
tha tad of kit t. fat ia the I'altad
?ti senate.
A aenMtMMI akM,
tit. J. ! Mu, H(i, Ml',tO
riarlt of I'aU.a Mae railed at the
h..tue Jnk l.afoa Ul M K to t
the lailer ilaufhler ."M would
it"! ae'i I Ui a a a in It . sad
the UMer eat a ttlt thitHtH hi
own brala. djlaf b'fir tha ) of
! hi he
Greatest Gathering Ever Known Id tha
History of Hyracnte Kings Connty
Cnntest Settled Temporary Chairman
Perry Jteluiont's Speech.
SvRAt.T'SK, N. Y Sept. ".r, The
number of Democrats who gathered
here to-day for the state convention
was the greatest ever known at a sim
ilar gathering in thia city.
At 10 o'clock the state committee
met, Senator Hill was ready quite
early, but Chairman Hinckley and
some of the others were tardy. The
session lasted just six minutes, the
only business transacted being1 the
adoption of a resolution that the com
mittee recommend the increase of the
state committee to fifty members.
Tho convention was called to order
at 12:20 o'clock by Chairman Hinckley
of tho state committee, and the Rev.
A. 11. Fohnestock offered a prayer,
asking for peace and unity.
Chairman Hinckley then bnuounccd
that he was directed by the state com
mittee to announce that both sets of
delegates from Kings county should be
placed on the rolls,
'1 lie clinirmun announced that the
state committee had selected for tem
porary chairman l'erry Itelmont of
New York and appointed Daniel Lock
wood of liutt'ulo uml (Jeorge Foster
Pea body of Kings county temporary
When Mr. lielmont took the plat
form ho was greeted with applause
and when it subsided he began his
remarks raying, in part: "The selec
tion of your presiding oflicer is an act
of partiality, lam sensible to your
kindness and accepting most gratefully
the honor you have done me, I ask
your indulgence in the performance of
my duties."
Mr. lielmont spoke of the conditions
this year as compared with those of
last year, saying the political skies
were much brighter this fall. He paid
compliments to Senator Hill, raying:
"The swift changes of party power in
this statu encourage us not to be with
out hope, notwithstanding recent ad
verse events." Much would, he said,
depend on the way the party should
appreciate the lesson?, of last Novem
ber and of the past.
On the subject of excise, Mr. liel
mont said: "As to our own state there
is need of certain reform of certain
features of our excise law. liecent
misconstructions of their provisions,
coupled with harsh, arbitrary and un
intellligent construction, render it
necessary to legislate to prevent the
repetition of olilcial tyranny. The
preacher and the churches, the brew
ers and the saloons sUoukl get
together, formulate, vote for and en
force a reasonable excise law. . Sobri
ety is very important, but not more so
than is personal freedom for sobermen
to buy, eat, drink and do what pleases
them, if it does not infringe on the
rights of others "
On financial questions Mr. lielmont
declared that the New York Dem
ocracy had always been for "sound
money." He said the greenbacks
caused the driving out of gold. He
concluded with the denunciation of
the late Republican legislature.
Mr. lielmont finished speaking amid
much applause at 1:4 o'clock. Then
Secretary De Freest began the reading
of the temporary roll en 11. The names
of Flower, Shepherd, Kt-11 and Bbisell
were cheered. Contrary to expecta
tions, when the New York district was
reached, there was no public not re of
a contest until the clerk had read the
entire Tammany delegation. Daring
the reading the Tammany men looked
at each other. Just as the clerk started
on Niagara county's list, ex-Secretary
Charles Palrchild arose and said- "I
present the contest for thirty-five scats
held by the New York delegation just
There was burst of applause that
lasted for some minutes, and then the
chairman said: -'Referred to the com
mittee on contested seat when ap
pointed." In Queens county ex-Mayor tileason
gave notice of a contest, and when
Richmond wus called a delegate said
that contesting delegations there had
agreed upon the saute representation
as had been agreed upon in Kings
county, and they desired their names
on the roll. It was referred to the
committee on credentials. These were
all the contests noted.
The usual resolutions were offered
in relation to tho appointments of
committees, and then on motion f
ex-Mayor liilroy the convention ad
journed until 10 o'clock tomorrow
Hiualler I'oataftli-ea May Ha I'at I niler
tha Civil NerirUa.
Wariunoton, Sept 1'V lloth the
puatottii-e department and civil service
commission are taking greut interest
in the movement toward putting
fourth e!a postmaster under the
protection of the civil service law. It
in probable that before the end of thia
administration act ion ui'l IwtaLen
There are over N.,.Oii'( fourth : law
KMtntUces In the country and tha mini
r i coiitaully iucrratiiig. ii lliee
none .'0,000 carry alarie of le thuu
) m-r annum, and at least halt are
tn place where there i ntueli tri eater
difficulty tn Hading a cmiH irut ud
reliabla perou nlm I wiUib- to serve
than In vhotnlng be !.. coiui elilor.
It is obvious thai there esn be b.i
question of mle.H" end rertlric.
tlua bv tha wui tttU tervKe nithel
la tata oWce. Several p'.aa have
tioea k'feled a4 a ).: Iii' lost ft
then tar ill intat4y W looted
tabaa .e'M'' )
Nnntmov tel. !epi ' -A a
re.ult ol tha attittat ot tha alleged
tllll'uvteref there mat a t dn.
atratton if Maa aa( t haa !''
tKUert la the hw uf a patle lavt
aifht, Thera were Ill
tha parade, who, with humn l-.n.U
of aiuvle, arhed ihr..oiooit lUiil),
!. tm I ltt,
Ull. Mo, tpt. "2" -lha Jury la
the libel vet f JoaeaS t aitt.le'il,
pretlxtat of the It Ml ita bM,
-iet W J I'nwell, elilot of tha
Rull w Kr. IrwufH la a tetdiet
ala dm(t of t. siut Ja-
Extended to the Consnlar 8ystm by Ir
Idantlal Order.
Washington, Sept 2t. The presi
dent, by an executive order, issued
to-day but dated Sept. 20, has extend
ed the civil service system in a modfied
form, to all consular officers whose
compensation directly and through
fees ranges from $1,000 to $2,500. This
will include about one-half of the total
number of consuls who receive more
than $1,000. This change has been
gained by reviving in substance an old
order of iSTi.
Vacancies in the service will be
filled hereafter by transfer or promo
tion, by appointment of qualified
persons formerly in the employ of the
state department and by appointment
of persopjs selected by the president
after passing a non-competitive exa-m-inution.
The order reads;
"ExKcunvE Mansion, Sept. 30, 1895.
It being of great importance that
'.he consuls and commercial agents of
the United States shall possess the
proper qualifications for their respect
ive positions, to be ascertained either
through a satisfactory record of previ
ous actual service under the depart
ment of state or through an appropri
ate examination, it is hereby ordered
tnai any vacancy in a consulate or
commercial agency now or hereafter
existing1, the salary of which is not
more than $2,500 nor less than $1,000.
or the compensation of which, if de
rived from official fees, exclusive of
notarial mid other unofficial receipts,
does not exceed $2,500 nor fall below
$1,000, shall be filled:
(A) by a transfer or promotion to
some other position under the depart
ment of state of a character tending
to qualify the incumbent for the po
sition to be filled; or
(B) by appointment of a person not
tinder the department of state, but
having previously served thereunder
to its satisfaction in a capacity tend
ing to qualify him for the position to
be filled; or
C) by the appointment of a person
who, having furnished the customary
evidence of character, responsibility
and capacity, and, being thereupon
selected by tne president for examina
tion, is found upon such examination
to be qualified for the position.
For the purpose of this order notar
ial and unofficial fees shall not be re
garded, but the compensation of a
consulate or commercial agency shall
be ascertained, if the otlice is sala
ried, by reference to the last preced
ing appropriation uct, and, it the office
is not salaried, with reference to re
turns for official fees for the last pre
ceding fiscal year.
The examination hereinbefore pro
vided for shall be by a board of three
persons designated by the secretary of
state, who shall also prescribe the sub
jects to which such examination shall
relate and the general mode of con
ducting tho same by the board.
A vacancy in a consulate will be
filled at discretion only when a suita
ble appointment cannot be made in
any of the modes indicated in the sec
oud paragraph of this order.
Annual Keport Just Out by Assistant Tost
matter General Mai well.
Washington, Sept. 20. The annual
report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster
Ceneral Maxwell shows that the num
ber of postoftices in operation in the
United States on June 30, 1895, was
70,04. Dnring the year 5,422 post
oHlccs were establishes and 2,1 03 dis
continued. The total number of ap
pointments for the year was 13,142.
During the year the greatest increase
in Hi number of postoffices was in Ok
lahoma. !'. Nineteen states show a
decrease in the number of postoffices,
the greatest loss occurring in Kansas,
&'; South Carolina losing 44, and Iowa
and West Virginia, 38 each. Fifteen
other states show a loss of from 2 to
27 each.
During the year 30, .1-10 complaints
aliecting the ordinary mail were re
ceived; .tl.Sl'.i referring to letters, and
i".'.!; to puckage. This shows un in
crease of 2,i'ft over last year.
I'ndcr the head of foreign eases the
report emphasizes the superiority of
the registry system of the United
States over that of most of the foreign
Dnrinirthe vear there were 2, l' ar- i
rests for ou"enss against the postal
laws, of which number 175 were post
masters, forty assistant postmasters,
fifty clerks in postolhVes, twelve rail
way postotlice clerks, thirty-sevca
letter carriers, fifty-two mall carriers,
and twenty-eight were employed in
minor positions in the posta! wervice.
The concluding paye.i of the report
are devoteti to a series of sketches of
important cases. lietieral Maxwell
tinea fttrong language in referring to
the escaite of Killoraii. Allen and Rus
sell from l.tillow street jail. New
York, their apprehension having been
a waiter of great importance to the
Mrs, Waller t'nnilna lluma.
WamiINOTOI. S,-pt. -Seuielai
ulney ha received the following tele
gram from Aitihiador KuMit. tinted
at Pari yaterda: "Mr. Waller a
family ai rived at Pari. She I, as de
cide I not t visit her hubaiut. lot-Ki-.idle
to rngsire pMai,e before th-loln-r
on which day the will kail tut
tlie Amaiertfain."
t-e44 hy the f rMMeah.
VI hii.1o. ept tA The prel
tlrltt sriuel bviie f ill health,
I. V MrKaiM. eonvirted la th In
dian territory of Bisliclou ml, kief la
Uirtnn tlack f hf heloitfln to
the I Mted Urtaa4 (Talented MarvU
ti ll, lo len r' imnnvAameitl.
A tait tw . Ihe rtttitfr
tt;.. nf tha Ptrtt 'rabjlei
rliun n ot thtt rlty VoteJ to ltd a
a'! to liev. T UUitt ialiuaga Its
Uno at -e Me aa4 Mr late,
laud Si wiiiWn uf Ihi ehurvh. The
i('-n ut viMita ov
polled f ir future iat,lett!o
! at MM .
tvoais, Pa , Vat, it -1 be aest
Kr'l nf Mtie 'a ihe tUawln 4
toil hata bee pot fall Haie an Hi
fjtltxr holl.e life Uinevaad (hi
pt-rt a will e.ita I VI .l l,t. u
ret ot lh tet
freamrer Vice aft be Borne Aid Society
Sklpp Out.
Kansas City, Sept. 25. Charles H.
Vice, treasurer of the Home Mutual
Aid association, which had offices in
the Temple block at Missouri avenue
and Walnut streets, has disappeared
and taken with him the books of the
association and thousands of dollars
which have been wrung from the pub
lic by false representations within the
past eighteen months. He left not a
dollar in the treasury with which to
pay the claims against the association.
All that he did leave was several bush
els of printed matter, a cheap desk
and a couple of chairs in a bare, uu
carpeted room.
The Home Mutual Aid association
was incorporated under the laws of
Missouri, February 14, 18&4. Its first
officers were Frank Sullivan of F.dina,
Mo., president; M. 1). Hollister, Kan
sas City, i&cretary; C. II. Vice of Edi
na, treasurer, and W. C. Hollister of
Kdina.fic'incier. It was incorporated as
a frater.-. ! beneficial order. It insured
men and women between the ages of 14
and 65 years. An insurance policy for
$1,000 in the concern cost the insured $2
a mouth, and for that he got $1 a day
during sickness, not exceeding ninety
days in any one year, and $1 a day
when temporarily disabled by acci
dent. If lie was totally disabled lie
got the full amount of his policy, or
the full amount was paid to bis bene
ficiary at death. The benefits to
women members were aa liberal as to
ISefore the association was a year
old there was a change m officers and
Colonel Adonis Anderson, an aged
justice of the peace of Mendon, Mo.,
because its president, J. F. Snow was
made vice president, T. J. Randolph
secretary, W.L.Origgs attorney and Dr.
C. A. Ritter, supreme medical director.
Vice was always its treasurer. August
28 last there was another 'change in
the official staff. Anderson and Vice .
continued as president and treas
urer, but I.. Villcroy and William
West of Oklahoma were made re
spectively vice president and secretary
of the association. Villeroy and West
seem to have been innocent of the
condition and purposes of the associa
tion when they went into it. They
say they were and they have remained
hero to face the consequences of Vice'
flight and to lay the matter before the
criminal prosecutor.
Vice is from Kdina, Mo.r where his
father is a farmer.
W. L. Urlirgs, who acted as attorney
for the association up to six weeks ago,
says he resigned because he discovered
that Vice was grabbing every dollar
he could get bis hands on and paying
out nothing. Mr. Griggs is familiar
vith the business of the concern since
its inception. He says the association
had as high as 500 members at
time and that in the eighteen months
since its incorporation Vice has taken
in $11,000 and paid out ft.t.OOO in sick
claims. The association: never paid a
death claim, although several have
been presented and there are two
death claims for $r00 each now pend
ing. Claims against tho association
for sick and accident benefits are com
ing in daily and Ssoo worth of them
have accumulated since the departure
of Vice.
A Strong Flllbuaterliiir Kxpedltiva
Ktades All Uuards.
Boston, Sept. 25. There is deep ex
citement among the' Cuban residents
here who have followed the course of
the revolt on the island. The reason
is the receipt of information, that the
most formidable expedition of all
which have been fitted out iu this
country, has succeeded in getting out
to sea safely and that, if ail goes well,
it will materially aid the fighting
Cubans in their next big battle. Kvery
one of them is now anxionsly
awaiting to hear that the- redoubt
able General Enrique- f'ollH.o. who
is in charge of the expedition, hs set
font on Cuban soil. With hint are 250
of tho flower of t'uban youth, with a
force of officers to restrain the reck
lessness of youth and inexperience.
There are the general's brother Thom
as Collazo. Captain Sole rand Lieuten
ant Carlos Marin Fori. Thomas Laa
and Carlos Marcia, Second Lieutenant
George Serpu. Dr. Ausi'a, Captain ira
briel O'Farrell and aptain Cuspiere
of the French army and a French
chemist,, who proposes t do sornet hing
in the way of dynamite warfare hicti
will be a surprise to the Ipaniards.
London HMi-ulatom seem to have
gone wild over the Km Mr rold fields.
Many lllin.'ix Indiana aud Ohio
ftiriuer nre buying farm in Sedgw it k
county, Ktna.
Prince l.ubuuotf ha-eot to the state
department a truitvripl of the Kitiun
auti-.Tuiiiic law
'Ihe prrxi l.-tt ban aiMiiiteil .1, F.
tUker, son of the ininil-r, e.-reUry
to, the NU arayuaa Legation.
Uirle lleuooek nut wii'mivl to
,.- year in the pen for tealiuif a fl.i'l
o ...-of bacon at
I. lit.-M-e C. Ilartiv of nt -iii-k
l'es,e aaultad, and otablied
tiiN a.illaut. Tlioniit Holt, lult-e.
'Iheifraud jury 'f Livingston toiiio
It, Mo , ha ! Instructed to imr
liirut the reveut fiiltue ot tha Lain
It it aid lotiiaer of lite Uooi
y iidicat wilL a a frel act, re.
tore the f ltd reserve to Mi !' ,
oo s.iat
Federal )nde ir diftvn-nt divirict
era at war or the question J i'
Jh 'mu Iu North ai' i lie e. ier
bip matt i r
A'IH' fi'ioi M'wivt,'tl val!a
u Ht oho that thai-..) I tr t. .!
iota the Mnn;,.pi fHi I -iu ti
laitr t tha ftllf
HmM IHW wm,
(oiiiootns. M., N.t, jV, Aureal
eaialHiaj CieaUd la Hi ,,f
when it that di)ar-
..... . .-.fc.-i. .
weei arneMef ia began I
ft. ....... ........ A.-:. .1 . k
? . ') a pru4uiua tWrNy n
j nj.l uf the U flna iif iiv
I ml sa l Dt. aa I Ul H..iM
vm taJ J' f ir m'Sfini tn It
..! .Inirtgi 1 ha if it t sllempte,'
' tn'i.M l,all.a f wr uf