The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896, September 27, 1895, Image 1

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    4 '
We are now ready in Every Department for a Rushing business
this Fall. Shelves and Counters are piled full of new things in FALL
and WINTER GOODS, and Every Freight brings more,
Prices Simply Talk for Themselves.
Thay are Made to Suit the Times.
Fifty pieces of Dress Goods bouget to sell at
40, 58 and 05 cents, choice for ..37c
One caso Wosted Fancies, 40 inches wide, to
sell for 33 cents, choice for , .loc
A Fine line of Mack goods in plain and Nov
elties, from 37 c to $1.25 per .yard.
White crochet bed spreads, extra large size
sold at .35, now on sale at 'C
Kid Gloves worth Cue, 75c and 88c at -50c
All our $1 and $1.25 gloves at 68c a pair.
One case corsets in black and drab to -el! for
75c we put them on sale at (All Sizes) ,54c
We have just received a fine line of Ladies
and Gents wool underwear, regular prices
75c a garment, now on sale at 'iS and 44c each.
A nice line of Ladies and Children's Hosiery
at 10, 12$ and 15c
Hoy's Leather Stockings at 25c per pair, any size.
Just received, a new line of LADIES' JACK
ETS, Cloth and Fine Capes, at very low prices.
And These in Boots and Shoes.
Elegant line of Ladies Dongola, Pat. Tip Shoes
new style j at $1.50, $2 and $-2.50.
30 dozen pairs school shoes at 1, 1.25, 1.35,1.50
and $2.
100 pairs of Misses' shoes with heel at 1-5 off.
100 pairs of Misses' shoes, no heel at 1-5 oft'.
300 pairs Ladies fine shoes, sides 2i, 3 and 3$ at
one-fourth off.
75 pairs Men's button shoes reduced from $3 to
200 pair Men's congress and lace shoes reduced
from $1 to $2.50.
100 pairs boy's shoes to close out at big discount
150 pairs Men's and Bey's boots at special dis
count. 100 pairs Ladies Pebble Goat shoes at special
Men's heavy work shoes at $1.50, worth $1.75.
Men's heavy work shoes at $1.75, werth $2.
Odd lots of all kinds of shoes to close out cheap.
Slate and pencil free with each pair of school
Out of town shoppers are invited to make our store headquarter
when in the city.
1026 and 1028 O Street.
-rV- Jl J)
The Weekly Independent.
Published at Lincoln, Neb., in the Interests
of Financial and Labor Relorm.
Thk Independent stands by the men whom the party has hon
o;d, m long as they stand by the people. It has nc personal tight
and no sore spots. It is a populist paper.
Price, One Dollar Per Year.
25 Cents for Three Months.
The office of county commission
er is one with which the denizens
of the city have little to do, as the
duties of the office lie almost
wholly in the country. It is emi
nently proper that a farmer shall
hold that office and the populist
county convention did the proper
thing when they nominated farmer
K. K. Richardson for that position.
Mr. Richardson has lived in this
state eleven years, four years of it
in this county. He was born in
reoria, 111., in 1855 and at eight
years of age was thrown upon the
world to make his own living. That
he has lived a sober, honest life
ever since, having the respect of a
host of friends, who all respect him,
shows that he is made of the right
kind ot stuff. He lives four miles
west of Lincoln on a farm and has
a family of four children, two of
whom are students of the State
University. He is a typical Ameri
can farmer, cf sound body and
sound mind and qualified in every
way tofilithe office. This is a
case where the office sought the
man and found exactly the right
kind of a man. The farmers and
bvki-ra who want gonti roads and
good bridge constructed and main
tained at honest prices, and men
present incumbent.
He Writes a Spicy Letter Good to
Please allow an old pop to get in a
few suggestions. There are several
propositions that have been discussed
along the lines in all parties within the
last ten years that now seem to me to
he pretty well settled.
First, that the McKinley tariff nor
the Wilson tariff bill did not nor cannot
produce suflieient revenue to keep up
current expenses together witji interest
on the public dent. Thcretmdy into
put on the income tax.
Jreoiid, no amount of tariff ran pull
out money from poverty stricken
I eople,
sion, stop the issue of bonds, return to
industry and economy, shut oil appro
priations for humbugs. The Btrong
arm of the government mind, dictate
the matter of money payments in the
interest of humanity and justice. I am
a tiatist but not to violate contracts
The question of money should be more
clearly delined by constitution, to in
crease the volume of money by Issues
from the government. Legal tender is
equivalent to taxing all the money In the
nation. Hut necessity sometimes will
remiire such issues. To tax incomes is
the surest, best and most just tax pos
Bible. lie who has can pay, but he who
has not will not. It matters not whet
Jesus or early christians taught
about, sun. led meat or usury. The, men
Councilman O. .V, -Webster
made a fair and honest fight for
die people against the thieving
lighting contract.
The Ixuei'Kxdknt is evidently
stirring up some of the animals
from the manner in which some of
our contemporaries are publishing
Will some citizen of Lincoln be
kind enough to warble gently and
lovingly down in our ear the
amount of taxes Sam Low ever
paid into the courity or city treas
ury? Forty cents would bc2t
The poor old Journal cannot
hope to drive the Independent
out of line by making false and ma
licious assaults upon its publisher.
His public and private life invite
the closest scrutiny. He will still
continue to camp on the trail of the
Rang. 1
The county central committee
met last Saturday and tided the
vancy for county superintendent,
caused by the declination of H. S.
Mowers, with the name of John G.
Sidcll, of Yankee Hill precinct.
Mr. Sidell is an educator of very
high standing and a populist of the
most substantial kind.
T. K. Connelly, a well known
and popular young man of this
city, is a candidate for assessor in
the First ward. "Tommy," as he is
is familiarly known, is an upright,
industrious young man, has bi:en a
resident of Lincoln for twenty
three years. Kvcry laboring man
and every citizen of the ward who
believes in helping a deserving
young man along, should give him
their support.
Sam Low, the boss dude, if
elected clerk of the district court
is going to convert the clerk's of
fice into a rogular dude pasture.
His boon companion, Joseph Mal
Jiiieu, the pink of dudes, it is now
announced, is to be the head push
clerk, although his home, when he
is not holding an office down, is in
Kearney. He is also a young man
conspicuous for his freshness. But
then it is that class of "young
men" who are running the repub
lican machine this year.
The evening News is very much
exercised lest the populists do
something to injure Fred Miller's
candidacy, and advises them to
cease calling John Trompen
"Wooden-shoe Dutch." That ad
vice would be very good were it
not that republicans, who are play
ing double with Trompen are the
promulgators of that dirty fling
against their own candidate. But
you are all rifjht, neighbor; at any
rate you mean all right. Keep up
.f this age must take care of the affair; the good work.
of today. The government as instituted
How do Mayor Graham and the
.... . ... . 1 l.v tl,i. f ttl.i.rti of li e ri'iiilnl inn niu'
I.,m.,t 11. masso! peop, uo .oh; - - " fai, ' KanK councilmen like the remark
have labor at remunerative nces, pov-1 ''r'1'1) uilar. .r It prove a lauum , s s ,.,.-,.
No enterprise can ',' 1 W'I'I" w l"aj K' ic j maw vy cu-unwi jwuw
Populist News.
Telegraphic Matter.
Capital City News.
For tho Oint&hii Platform ami Free Silver or n
Free FiRht.
We want Agonts in Evory County,
' Wo want Nows of Tho Work in
Your County.
Oltlt-o Corner 1 1th ami M
l'- V llillvl liflV.ill-
vvhowantgoodtountyet.vcrnm. nt. lorwtll en.i.lovlal.or withno pr..sHTt.t" days t'hrUt and the devd,th;s week as follows: !
with steaN and jobs elminateU. will ! of returiu. The income tax inn-d rum-' " ,,1,r a"a UlHl l"!1"w , a b w men to stay with, and help
vote. (rMr. Richardson. ! No ,,,..., U dually to I re - ul-mr through the period of jurmu j think , cM u o
I , , , , material Lk. t"t. and the d.rk ages. , ... IH..,.teptl,rv
ropsat Panama. ! kiU, ,. iU ,v, Ul, ,,.. , u (lw ad-1 Thislein u man made gowrnineid 'j) touncd in .Ik
I'rof. Walters made a pecb at , niju.'d that there are no outotaiiduur ' n'Me now .mg aft.r th j 1 ht ulteranc was mad. ly a re-
I'anama a lew days ago and the tit-! i.)lig4tt.i.i. Wut t n..l legally iK" wt'-n w- might just an likely fad j,ub!itaii senator, l'fore rcpullt-
i in cf U v plate v.t re so pleased UHt l(.iril-y pay iblf in r-iii. g"ld or
Hh it mete iia t-eeu an almost ,K,,r the . i tMit of the d. htor
uu.uiinuci'i r 'jf tt lut him to , u,ll)t (, t t,,,iad lop the nut
t ome l t k, and lie ha agreed lo J t.w of gold coin at lion h an -ib!.
do .o. The tttit n 1 1 that plai e ' j (lU ,,,. ,j,,,,t. at Ui t, r (.,..rt to
i an as, tidili there on Ot tober 5th ' .,,-ilS,n f .e i j am. i.H. wtn. I.
and tin y will lieaf Mme goo, t ilk ! 1 lt, p, ti,d by Iw.udtd g iven,
and s..inv.j..bti(al t touomy. j i,,vi.t !wa 11. ti! pa,t.
I " . ! U eti el tbt gorrilut lit l.
,",L,Sl'"VM""TN,,l,R' U lAM I...,,-, tUt
ool) paper in the tapualtih that ,,,,,,, ,illt,v ,(tilIl)(11 ,!l4 ftMd
11. v Mil ma ji in- 'i hi, 11 m u; it ioip ,
no idif bat to y tlut it n the !
Il.t.i the lnh.U iff the devil. It U li
'I'hi toipii.te neriptureor old Ihi.il4 01 any
1. 11 .1 !1 14 jM iniil firi.4. 1'iitiilii.iii
: l, , k tthe..t,Mtionandd.. mh dwr 1 7 H.,5. in thi titv.
tier. II -Id the loft f- i are eoiuttig ator WliKbt, h U bt
I,, (i Ti.i
., pi. 'Jl. I ''.'a.
I 4 n, N.J
tan, concerning a rrpiiiuican
cutuuil on Tuesilay vtn'i.g, Sep-
S n-
taid thin.
meant butm-m, and wj not talk
ing through In hat. It wa made
ntt I.I A l"U fcl tiu iviinniiM : ."v
I V"'l nail. 1
I lUiiwu i f l.iiii'Mlu who all Iheif city lighting contMit wluvlt I, V..
' d i) h ive pn.t li rir lie In tmddnig Tliuti pon 1 t'tedite.t ,th gt tting
.... .i 11...
ll1iilM!,Mii)..nwini"i1.Mur.,.r , ( ihv Cliy councl
iilv pi pht pK i to tbt I -1 1
( j ilol a: l that it '!. hi'lI bate to
luaii) opMrt ! 1 v tv pt-pn!!.tm
ivtiy t i . fi t v m tNe t!t!'. Sti-l
ii a l.t ( I s ilii td t r .
Ari' .ia(.i,.u. id "i t t ii' .1
!jt t!.i ja ( 1 It ihiu! I I" m t1
hoM.e l ;'v .. r p-lit.
Ii. to tie I uit-. tUef ti gltiid,
and nh't.itd I eaid and iliMduijjt-il. !.
1 ... tf' t U the law, I In t why I t uid
. f .lvt r and I think I'"1 li!""l I'd
tallied I nad ln!l.l oof.
I ,t 1 i-miiM) l 111 l .idl'od -me
'in,' e. 1 ! ' d 'in ij.; d ') I hi t I
t-..i it I ! k 1 - v If ' n ( '. 1 1 r . I
1.1 .t.i V i;'i I b u that wii -U
h ; t'.- I IW !. I t 'thli t. I . iKIi.l'.' M
! turi ' , la v 1 1 .fi i I .irei- lit t- If
! ;' I ft . 11 t, h ti d el f p
u ndt-r
-rli the Value i f tt.eil in iltl htilik
.i..l I. m.A ui.JIKtif liii.iiii1! it lil.ltJt
, . K1.ov'gr, . r)farbl )er t . td ! fden the niht In brte
..k I.. I
Pl tilt.
It pait td
council loul l ! ii nt to the
why coo'.l not the
tttntiai V,
I ' ki p th f n pvt.;
-r ti 1 hum aiid tul t Ihr.r
t,..u alio i' iii.i iiu'i'i i i in
... . . , . 1
.a It I' l l a ! I it l .iil 4i!i in n il' v ! 1
1. .in! ail 't Ihi-iulhtt Alb lUrttf
!,! , i.t.f il 1 st hi I. niti I l-titr IUrt n KueUV UnM ( Silj
ai l l i t iiu ' ?'r 1 ttrd r.U'iii nlh an I 1. I inner
tra b i 'i itlty. Ml rftde uf
h'vr.l and ft at ie .t price.
I'.art m l iud Ca, UMr-'l.
tul,. ..r t, t' 4 t lo i wltiMi " I '
.it p.. ft 1 i. i ili" t.n.e thit liiie
V , -(. '1 i v 11 Ih'il 1 1' 4 I i