Sheriff's Sale. y virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the d tetrict iaiirc wunin ana lor Cass County, Aenraska. nu hi me uireciea. i will on I lie 18th Day of July. A. D., 1901. at Z o Clock p. m.. of said day, at the south door of the court bouse in the city of Platts mouth. in said county, sell at public auct ion, to the highest bidder for cash, the following vo-wii: fractional 101 tnree w), iown ten uuj nortii, or range eleven (ll). WALNUT HILL ADDITION. IOt one in block one. lot two in block one. lot three in liiork one, lot four in block one. east half of lot five in block one. west half of lot five in block one. east half of lot six in block one. west half of lot six in block one, lot seven in block one. lot eight in block one, lot one In block two in said addition, lot two in block two. lot three in block two. lot four in block two. lot live in block two. lot six In block two, lot seven in block two. lot eight in block two. lot nine in block two. lot ten in block two. lot eleven in block two. lot twelve In block two. lot thirteen in block two. lot fourteen in block two. lot fifteen in block two. lot sixteen in block two. lot seventeen in block two. lot one in block three, lot two in block three, lot three in block three, lot four in block three, lot five in block three, lot six in block three, lot seven in block three, lot eight in block three, lot nine In llock three, lot ten in block three, lot eleven in block three, lot twelve in block three, lot thirteen in block three, lot fourteen in block three, lot fifteen in block three, lot sixteen in block three, lot seventeen in block three, lot eighteen in block three, lot one in block four, lot two in block four, lot three in block four, lot four in block four, lot five in block four, lot six in block four, lot seven in block four; lot eight in block four. RIVERSIDE ADDITION. ublot one in block six. sub-lot A 2 in block six. sub-lots B2 and C2 in block six. sub-lot 113 In block six. sub-lot FJ in block six. sub lot F3 in block six. sub-lot G3 block six : WEKPIMO WATER LIME AND STONE COMPANY. Fractional lot 2u as shown on the plat hook of section 1. township 10 north, of range 11 east : fractional lot 27. as sliown on the plat hook of section 1. township iu north, or range u east all in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied u pon a nd taken as t he prop erty or John m satisfy a Judgment of said court retwcred . Carter et a I. defendants, to by A. J. Seaman, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmoutb. Nebraska. June 1 2th. A. I. in. V. I. WHEELER. Slierln". Cats County. Nebraska. II. I. T1JAV1S and J ESSE L. R OT. IMalntifTs Attorneys. June 14. 5t Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, issued by tieorge F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska. uud to me directed. I will on the 18th Day of July. A D 1901. At 11 o'clock. A. M.. of said day. at the south door of the court house, in the city of Flatl mouth, in said count v. sell at on nil' auction. to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit : The southeast uuarter (se) of section eighteen tlsl. township eleven (11) nortii. of range nine M east of the sixth Drinciual mer idian, in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances there unto lielonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Ira A. Ttnkham et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by I. K. Barr. plaintiff, against said defend ants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. June sth. A. D.. 1H01. W. I. WHEELEK. Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska. Wm. D. Godfrey. Plaintiff's Attorney. Iunel4-5t. Weeping Water From the Republican. Last Saturday Reuben Clizbe fin ished harvesting sixteen acres of what he declares to be the finest fall wheat he ever raised in Nebraska. This is one of the many fields in this vicinity that is reported as first-class. The Frans general merchandisestore at Union was burglarized Friday night, of about $0 worth of razors, knives, rings, etc. Editor J. K. Kiethley and family left Monday for a month's visit in Illi nois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. On June loth complaint was lodged by Nicholas E. Cox against John Behrns for assault and battery, com mitted near Avoca. Justice Feck is sued a warrant and Mr. uenrns was arrested, but wishing to consult coun sel, asked for a continuance until the 28th, which was granted. Witnesses were subpoenal and on the iSth the parties appeared, when the defendant waived examination, and was bound over tot lie district court in &ou bonds. II. D. Travis was counsel for Ilehrns and V. E. Tefft for Cox. Magpie Grove- sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will On the 0th day of August. A. D. 1901 at eleven o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south door of the court house in the city of -PJausmoutb. in said county, sell at public aucUoTiTt-the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Lots thirty to thirty-eight, inclusive, in block three. Park addition to the city of Weeping Water; lot seven. In block nine. Carter s addition to the city of Weeping Water: lots six to ten. inclu sive, in block sixteen. Carter's addition; lots one and two. block sixteen. Carter's addition; lot one. in block eleven. Carter's addition: lot two. block eleven. Carter's addition: lot three, block eleven. Carter's addition; lot four, block eleven. Carter's addition: lots one and two, block ten. Carter's addition: lot three, block one. Carter's addition; lots one and two. block seven. Carter's addition: all in Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of John M. Carter et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by the County piainim. against saia aeienaants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. July 5. A. D. IH01 W. D. W , . . Sheriff Cass County. Nehr ka .. itooi, nainiin s Attorney. Special Correspondence. Chas. Troop shipped fat cattle to South Omaha one day last week. W. H. Puis and Ernest Young went to Omaha last Thursday. J. A. Da vis made a visit to Iowa last week. The farmers are beginning to cut their fall wheat, and it is looking tine. Ran Men ford has bought a number of hogs in this neighborhood. F. Cat hey made a business trip to Plattsmouth on Mondav. The Fourth of July celebration. gotten up on short notice by citizens of Murray and ticinitv, and held in F. M. Young srs grove, east of the village, was a very successful and most enjoyable affair. A large crowd of people from the surrounding country was present, a speaker s stand was erected, the declaration was read, an oration of considerable force and abil ity was delivered by the Christian minister of Murray, and after a picnic J? . - uinner naa ueen partaken or a pro gram of some extent was presented from the stand, consisting of vcal music, with organ accompaniment, iy an excellent choir, interspersing short speeches, recitations, etc. Visiting among mends and amusements fol lowed, Including a few innings of a ball game. A number of Plattsmouth people were there. It was a pleasant, home-like affair, and those who got it up are entitled to the thanks of the communitv. To De Congratulated. The world is, after all. a happy one. and as we gaze from the window of our editorial monastery at the sun- kissed landscape, sweet visions of milk and honey, humming Lird3 and mo lasses dance before our astonished vision like a calf before a circus pro cession. L.asi baturuay one or our subscribers canae id and paid, in cold cash and in cold blood, three years tn arrearages and two years in ad vance. "Praise f.od from whom all blessings flow." Nativoo Rustler. Troop on the March. A single battaliOK of infantry 1.00C trong, wln.-U is the strength or an English battalion, takes up a road length of 52 yards, including about eighty yards for stragglers. A bat tery of field artillery takes up 200 yards and a regiment of cavalry takes up. when marching four abreast. 050 yards. An army corps, with its staff. wagons, guns, hospitals, etc., wouU txtend over thirty-four miles. f'apar Wall at luiliitn Ileml. In order to minimise the destructiv effects of possible explosions in the government's new powder manufac tory at Indian Head alL the buildings are provided with "paper walls at the ends. The thory is that these light walls Mill be Immediately blown aside by the concussion of the ex plosion, leaving the main walls, which are built as strongly as possible, prac tioally unharmed. Accomplished Interpreter Wauled. Can anyone iu Pittsburg siata Kranlsb or Wenriish? If tu a nic berth in the postal service awaits him Kranish and Weuaish are the tonguei of two ancient people of Slavonic stock. Their dialects are distinct. and, as they exhibit an undent roMible desire to write letters, a mystittViJ pos tal service needs the services of an in terpreter. Pittsburg DlspaUh a8)4 CLEAR SPARK LI XG COOL I ..Fred Kruy Beer.. DOTTLE I) AND dra UC11T. A DELICIOUS SUM HER BEVERAGE. i ine Wines, Whiskies and Ciim's. Rest place in the city for Etiiu-i and Mixed Drinks. E. G. DOVEY & SON We are showing a special line of . Mercer ised Under Skirts, all nicely finished, from 98c. up. C II. Thompson '.s Sample Room, Welter Rlticl; Main Street, RLATTSMOUTll. Drofiin ami fct acquainted. camie9vwvtiq ' 91 vgrCfj.' ICE ! CE! ICE! Same old place. Snnie old man. Come to theofiice mid get your Ice Hooks at same old juice. AlcMAKEN & SON, Just received a splendid line of Lawn Wrappers for summer wear, from 79c. up. The best Summer Corset for 50c. in the city. in Gage Down Corsets, all styles, carried stock. PROBATE NOTICE. In County Court of Cass counf v. Nebraska In the matter of the estate of William Kay James Allison. Leroy AM f son. Mary Swan Itovls. Wlniield Swan. Clai-a James. Ada Swan Liars. itoDert nenaau. r.tary Kendall, and al ot her pertons intereso-d. hereby are not itied mai upon me isi aay ot June. IHOl. .lames Al llson. administrator of said estate. Hied in xaidcourta rep"t of bis acts and doings as such administrator from February. Imw. to June i si. iaui. Koa upon the same day tiled iwinion lor unai settlement or said estate. alleKin?. atoon? other things, that be has re elved from said estate .'13i.W: that be lias paid out ana snoum nave credit with the sum of leaving a rvsidne in his hands fwr awifiimHiii ana uisiririut Ion in the sum of tji'.-.. rroin wnicn sum the costs of adminis tfutlon will he deducted, and further alleging tbat the above named are all of the heirs of sjiiu unraacu. You are notified that a hearing will be had at the County Court rriom at Plattsmouth. in xiuiuuuijr.un inesan a ay or June. nui. at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m.. and that If you fail to appear at such time and ohjvct Ut the proceeding, the court may allow and approe nu rni a uecreeor assnriime and distriDutiun of the rHldwdrulrlKU u the above named heirs, and discharge the saiu tf.ujrsAiiiwii iniui ins saia trust.. VV ltness my band and the seal of said court n"siuouiu..eirasiia.iiusja day of June. n. tj. isui. J. r. IHJI tilAS.X. SeaL) County Judge. Notice To Creditors. Slate of Nebraska. , Cass County. f In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary K, Harri son, deceased : Notice Is hereby triten that the creditors of saia deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me. County Judce of Cass connty. Nebraska, at the County Court room, in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the lath day of Aurust. 1WU. and on the l.'.thdayof January. 19ui at o'clock, a. m., each day. for the purpose of presenting their claim for ex amination, adjustment and allowance. Kix months are allowed for the creditors of ald deceased to present their claims, and one year and six months for th executrix ut set tle said estate, from the 13th day of July. 19J1. W ltness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 15th day of June, I9nl. . (Seal.) J. E. riOUULASS. June'Jl 4t County JudKe. I NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. In the county court of Cass county. Xe braska. In the matter of the estate of Lewis M Young, deceased: The children and heirs at law of Iewis M oune. deceased, and all other persons inter- estea in the estate of said deceased, will take nonce mat on Monday. July lath. IMil. Marv A. K. Young, widow of said deceased, will take the dentsltion of R. A. Painter and John l. VanWinkle. to lie used as eviil bearing for the admission of said deceastsi. to prooaie in tne anove entitled cause. Said depositions will be taken hefora competent authority, at the office of C. E. Ienr. in the village of Ppringview. county oi Key Paha, state of Nebraska, between the hours of a. m. and S p. m. of said day. and the taking of said depositions will be adjourned from day today, between the same hours, until they are completed. MAKY A. B. YOUNG. By D. O. Dwyfr. her attorney. liated June 33d. 1H1. 6-28-3t. Indcpenrlence day was generally ob served ?n some manner, as a holiday by most Plattsrnouth people, because K A 0, V.l A. V uu i!i inai ceieoration naa ueen pro vided for. A good many went to Ajlenwood, others to Lincoln or Have- lock, and some went picnicing down or up the river, taking fishing tackle along. The weather was hot, inviting rest and laziness. The shops of the Burlington were closed, and large numbers of the employes were out of town taking rides on the steam cars. Evening brought a cooling windstorm, from the west, followed by rain in lib eral doses, putting a quietus to the usual display of fireworks at, night. Chas. I). Cummins has disposer of his Chicago avenue lumler yard to F. M. Ricucy and John Waterman. -nr. cummins will remove to Okla homa, where lie will re-engage in the lumber trade. lie has been cmrawl u me lumoer business here for the past ten j-ears, and had built up quite an extensive trade, but a desire for a change and a prospect for an enlarged Dusiness caused bim to dispose of his yard here. v illi each dozen of our photos, until July 1st, we give one platinum water color panel. This offer is made only as a means of introducing the new finish in platinum water colors. Kt-r-dv studio. A PrinM'a Atilelle Tralnlaff. TV l. t , n. , ... or muK ui nw is said to be a ISM or most vigorcu.r health, due to Ma early traia'ng, which was almost Spar tan in its severity. He had to riss at daybreak and bathe In cold water all the year round. If he was hfa tutor allowed him no breakfast. All bis mornings were spent in study and an nis amusements wcrs of on Sii,f. lonal kind. TIME - TABLE. PLATTSMOUTH. NCB. .Mii.v i nil ) Nebraska 72-T.J. i l'lattsiuauth 12. 'I'Ikhh' OFFICE Union Blocfi Gth & Main StS. IXIIIIIs 'y l.INr-OLX. OMAHA. lKN VElt. 1'OUTI.AM). SAN KKAM'Im'i . And all iuis west. l(.c:il t i'ai'iliic .Imn--. t ion I-ih-hI ex p. l:iilv -:it and soulii Fr'irhi daily e. Suiul racilir .lunction Ixul I'ai-ltic .1 iiiict i hi lytN-al ex ii. I ova int Chic:igi and east Fast ex.dnilv from Lin coln to St .loe. Kansas City.St Iiiiis.Cliii'iii;o all Miiitsc:i-ts. soul h IM'ai ex. dally Omaha. Lini'oln. iK-nver ami icternit'ciate x.iiH- K C to (in:;lia via Fort Crook ind So. I ma lia IkmI frt daily ex. sun day.CelarC'k. !ui ville. Si nit li ISeiul IH-al from I'ac .luin 'n Kat mail.ilail y.Omalia Fast estiliule ex. daily Chlcaso and east Vestiliulisl i-xn. daily Henver. Ciilifornia. lil k II ills. Phi i -oast . Lincoln. Oraiul Islaiitl. Hla-k Ilills..Moiitana and l'ac. northwest.. Local e.x. daily except Sunday. lioiiisville. Ashland, Schuyler.. ln al toOmahii.r Ical from l'ac. .I'nc'n From maha Sleeping, diniii? aud r-eliiiin;r rillCAoo. ST. .loSKPH. KANSAS CITY. ST. Lor IS. A ixl all ioi:iisfas and South. No. .'il No. i N.. Nc a; No. -2 No. No. 1! No. 2r No. '.i No. 17 No. 7 No. i; No. 13 No. :a Lv til M am " l 0 a in " 4,1 p n, " 4.i p in " 4 :t.' p iii " s 17 m '" 7 4.1 a in M 10 a m ' 7 1 a m Aril l.i a m Lv 7 :' a in l III P III M No. No. ! N o. J .1 ii p m ' ! 44 p in r ." ." ji in :t 4',' am 'hair cars (seats tree) on lliroutrh trams. T .-U. is ..i.i and bavaife i-hecketl 10 any jxiint in l iiited Statesor Canada. For informal Ion. tiim ta- i. ... i .i .i.... I. . - - s. iii.tps nun lirhflM'Hli ollor wrile to , W. U PICKKTT. Asr. nt. J. Francis, r;. P. A.. Plattsmouth. .Nel Omalia. Neb. PXDGX9CG3X3GXDGGQ ! Garden Seeds Lotii ia Balk unl Packages. 1 ii nt irass ami Lawn Se-t-tl. SEE!) SWEET POTATOES. TV It's lime to think alut your lawns, and high time t get to work at .your gardens. Every one of our lines of seeds IS tested ami guaranteed. A AAA I Bennett &Tu it I THE GROCERS. 3 "Evi;i:vTiiiNo in Season." Moi ray Harness Co. T. II. TOLLIF, Mgr. 11.-st :,nil newest ,.f everything We have an elegant assortment of Tuck ings, all-over Laces and Embroideries, from 50c. up. We haAe closed out the first big lot of Rugs v.e advertised for $1.25. so we have put on sale today 10 dozen more at the same price, the best bargain in the country. Call and see our now j styles in patent leather shoes, ff General Favorite. SEE THAT THIS 9 6 ,f jf . for which agents. we are Kibo Kid. Medium oqJp Heavy CUIC Welt Sole TRADE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE. Low Heel. Exact Reproduction of Style Shoe. E. G. DOVEY and SON. IU. tNKKTS i;oitKs, Willi's, MISSOURI PACIFIC'S KEY TIME TABLE North Uttiiul l.i nvos ii u.r -SO. I j , -. J.I ... Freight No. Vl (il:iilv e.eent SiViiilii vi:: 4l .. -""Ill IMIIIII. f.u i .vNMiir r o. -4 n :u n ... I III J . ii n. Freight Xo. liinlaliv eveeiiV Siiii"ii:"iVi 7 -L. u ... io. S will ai'i'oiniiiml:itf tirn!iii 1 1..... i w,.. ers. as u hh-s not leave Orii.iha until 10 5 p m. -o. I. eoiint-i ts at ( iiion with a train from eepinsr ater. .. Is Coliiii-ils nt I'i.I.... .. r.. Weenins Wai.-ranil I.lin-o.ii feiX&il . -': v " P. tv5 s IT !11 V s I . t r& ' vrlS xli ' . " HARNESS SADDLES, lUUDLRS, ETC N KTi ff--WlujL - Awarded 1 Spring and Summer Patterns 5 . . - . ... And goods just received z Latest Styles in Cutting and Fitting. WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS hudecek & Mcelroy f Rockwood Block Plattsmouth. Neb. Soi.i by F. G. EGEiNBERGER rUittstnoutli, Nebraska U4 Qrotlarton. ""wi r. A-i-iz , omalia aud tb im C P. Huiitlngion began regular cuBintu togetber in 1843, when tha latter Had saved $1,500 from his earn ings as a peddler. Huntington a Wen a n?an of wonderful etrensth ami wnnlfl lit. " wucii in i. juio a wagGa a oarrei or ealt weighing 300 BO YEARS " EXPERIENCE' n ; promptly precmnd. OK MO FES. 8snd model, .krtri or photo for r report on patcntabilitr. Book Ha v.H. and 1 unim FtunuiDd TrxU-Mukt." (TKEB. Fimt brail Ter offered to inTDtora.C UWIIX4 or Sf TEARS ntAOTIOE.1 ...zy.uuu PAItNIS PKOCURFn THROUGH THEM. iii.rTica. juoaermta cnarra. I I Writ l Tf OTTlT A ? PATCNT LAWYERS. ) Opp. U. S. Patent Office. WASHINGTON, 0. C. J03. WE ARE SHOWING New - Styles Tn footwear for the Hjjring of 1901. If you are interested in proper foot gear you will call and inspect the new lines nien's, women's and children's. We me the leaders in shoe fashions :t?.rj; rfcotofrpkd lUIfc pounria Blff Bonos for Scrum. It Is reported that the Mexican gov- rnment contemplates an award of 1100.009 to Dr. Ange! Belllnzaghi for nis sexum against yellow fever, which la said to have been successful In 8? pr cant of the cases In Mexican hospitals. Trade Marks Invention is probnblr patentable . ?,SfvL tpfrua notice, without chikive, in the e ucnunc iimcrcafi.. eolation of any ncientmn Innr.i lvVSTl four month. L Bold br.ll n.-iV " MUNN & Co.36,B"T.New York REVJVO RESTORES VITALSTV Made a Well Man of Me. produces the abov results In SO days. Itscti powerfully aud quickly. Cures wbensUotberpfalL Vonns men will regain, their loet maubood, aod old mm win recover meir youtnrul visor oy using BEVITO. It quickly and surely reetoren Nerrouo- oesa, iams vitality, ini potency. KigbUy ,n"ti"in, Lost Power. FaUing Memory. Wastitur lseaaea,an it enects or eeur-aDiiEe or excess and Indiscretion, wblcbunflw one for study, buelness or miniate. II doc oniy enree oy starting at tne seat or. aiseaw. Dal Is s great nerve tonlo and blood builder, brlna Ins back the pink (flow to pale cheeks and re storing tbe fire of yonth. It wards off Insanity and Consumntion. Insist on hnlm RET1TO. no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall, 9VOO per package, or sis tor mOJOO, with post written sraarantM to bm or ranmsl the sieary. Book and advise free. Address KOYAl MEDICINE C0Vi5"- For sale in Plattsmouth by GERING & CO. .01 & 103 Wesi Sih Sf.f Kansas G!.y, Mo. OoDonita Nsui York Lifo BlduJ Tho Old Rollablo Doctor. OldoEt In Ao tind Longest Locator!. A nccu.i; Craa'u Jt:o In r,": calcine. Cver 27 Years Special i-fttnto.-j t enr3 In Kansas Cliy. f .liiT' ,Lj"-j: J St' lo ,r"1' -hroolc. Nervous and Special PI leases paw unu no t-xpoaure. I. o caustics, cutting bougies or sounds. No detention from bui ness. Tbousands cured. KUE'snted or morcy refunded. Rend tamB for hca'; r.-Mt-r. fni!. ...1.1.. " ",P f Seminal Weakness and 5exual Debility, S folly an Jcxcesses causing losses hv rfr. .m.a or with urine, pimples nn.l l.lotchi s on the face, rushes of blood to t:..- nenn. p:tins in back, confused Ideas iw.,i for,-cif 'iliirsK, baHbfulnes!, aversion to Uuy, lonso; ce. nal power, loss o manuood. etc., cured for life, lean stop . ight lo.'-:e.:. restore lost sexual power, nerve nntf hi-uifi jiower. en large and strengthen weak parts and make you fit for raarriofrs. S vnh 1 1 i ,hat terl,'' nlsease. In all ,J its forois and h taxes, cured for life. Blood HoIfoihuj, S!.iu :;;jea-8. Ulcers. Swellings. Sores, (ionurrnot.-a and Gleet, and all forms of Private Diseases, positively cured or uiuey rc-f ti.Mied. SaTICttirf radicallv cured without and Infallible iiomo Treatment.' No il n Jin Varicocele--cl)'ar,ed YeXD ,a tu , scrotum cansn?ner. jousd-O.Lty. weukne-s of ihiTiexuaf l in. etc.. uermnnfititlv . Ti" pal: nyc3 rocele-" opiTOf tLrotuni, .v. , wiiuoui pain. Bock rur'h,f"f8;," ii lie- . atuuve uiseases, tbe effects and Free Museum I of Anatomy for "li ?'"C""OCIW! Thousands of curiosities I a . A sermon without words ! 8un1au. 10 f 12 - Pk. tt HUUIKIUn. u, u