Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 05, 1901, Image 4

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    The Plattsmonth Journal
GW.KOF.B MASN.rilWshers
II. k. I n. )
One year . . 1 .00
Six mont lis .
Three months
luvuriuMv in v:iiic
tntt-red at the posfoffice at I'lattsnioutli. Xe-
traka. as second class matter.
FRIDAY, .1 17 LY
On Saturday last Mr. (J. Trnvl.
who has been the publisher of tfie
Journal for the past six months, dis
posed of his interest in the paper and
retired from the management of the
.same to accept a posit inn on the
Woi ld-llerald at Omaha
During the time Mr. Tovvl had
charge of the .Jouriril he made many
improvements in the paper, and has
worked hard to wrest success from
what had been a failure for some of
his predecessors, hut an offer of a sit
uation in Omaha indiired him to leave
riattsmouth and the Journal. inn
ing his stay here he estaiiln d a rep
utation for l in' a congenial irentlt
inan. and in t'oitiir away leaves a cleai
record for l.ii.siness integrity arid hon
esty behind. May every success attend
him in hi.s new Lield of lalr is the
wih of all his riattsmouth acquaint
On riiesdav eveninir of this week
the plant, good w ill, and all property
heloneinn to the pajier was sold to the
undersigned, who immediately to
possession and lcj:an the work of yet
tmn out this issue. The time allowed
for the work teinp limited, and the
peneral confusion incident toan entire
ehanire of management, has resulted
in the present issue einsr considerablv
below the usual standard, hut w e hope
that in the future to make up for
present deticiencies.
As to the future policy of the paper
it w ill continue as in the past, tony
the flair of democracy and to advocate
the principles of that party. It will
Ite our earnest endeavor In each week
present the news in a truthful, con
vise manner, and to publish facts on
matters of interest to our readers
and to treat everybody fairly.
Personally, the publishers do not
need an introduction to the people of
Plattsniouth and Cass county.
bavin? resided here nearly all of their
lives, and .eiiip personally acquainted
wiin nearly all the readers of the
paper. We expect to obtain a share
t.f your newspaper patronage, and will
honestly and consistently seek to de
serve the same.
Ckokoe 11. Mann.
W. K..
From the reports w hich have come
in from over the state, State Superin
tendent Fowler lielieves that the es
tablishment of adjunct districts nn
der the free hijrli school attendance
law was defeated in every county in
the state. The matter was brought
up at the recent school elections. It
seems that the people do not gener
ally understand the new law. In
many cases the result was because of
technical mistakes by the officers of
the school Imards. These adjunct dis
tricts comprise all of the county not
included in the high school district.
The vote taken was on the establish
ment of the district. Many school
men think that the new plan will con
tinue to fail even after the people
come to understand it. because it im
poses a slight additional tax on the
di.stiicts. This will make it uiipodu-
lar. Superintendent Fowler has writ
ten a circular letter to every county
suj-ti inteiiil.'nt in the state, asking
for information as to the reason for
the opposition to the law, and request
in: their opinions as to whether the
question should be submitted again
next June, and if so what kind of
campaign should ie waged to insure
its success.
The subscription iKt and accounts
ot the Journal is the property of the
present publishers. Subscribers who
have paid in advance will receive the
paper for the time for which they have
paid, and those in arreais will settle
such airearaire with the present
owners of the accounts.
Ihe open air concerts given by the
i. Jt M . hand on Main street each
week is a popular and drawing attrac
tion, as is aiiesieii hy the crowds
whicli assemble each concert evening
Director Schulof and the members of
the band deserve much credit for the
tine musical programmes.
VWien .senator Foraker introduced
Senator Manna as permanent chair
man of the Ohio republican state con
vention he described him to the dele
gates as a man who knew his busi
ness and how to attend to it.' There
can be no question of Senator Ilanna's
knowledge f his business, it is his
business to run the republican party
in the interests of syndicated monop
olies or this country. He was placed
in public life to attend to this busi
ness, lie is strictly attending to it.
It is t be commonly observed in
this wicked world of ours that those
who boast at all boast of that thej
have least of. The rich man, though
never so purse proud, does not, as a
rule, go around bragging about his
money, albeit he may sometimes make
a vulger display of its power and uses.
The lady who talks overmuch of her
virtue will bear watching. Vanity
may sustain a bully in a corner, but
ve men leave their valor to take
itself as occasion requires.
The board of county commissioners
while sitting as a lioard of equaliza
tion, has discovered that the law de
fining the powers of the lioard t(
change assessments as returned by the
assessors limits their action to a very
nai row scope, anil is sadly in need of
amendment or alteration For in
stance, the total assessed valuation of
the county as returned by the assessors
can not be materially disturbed, ami
siiouiu any large increase in any as
sessment I' deemed equitable a corre
sponding decrease must la made else
where, in order that the total may not
be affected. Again, should any assess
ment be found too low. and such faet
be known to the members of the
board, they are powerless to make any
change in such assessment unless the
matter is brought to their ollicial
notice by complaint. In-ing made by
some citizen or tax-payer. The entire
plan of levying and collecting taxes in
this state is faulty, and apparently
the legislatures which have sought to
give the people relief were unable to
devise a more equitable or better plan,
although one is sadlv needed.
Tiie new fish and game law. passed
at the last session of the legislature,
is developing into a gigantic farce.
Heyond providing places for a half
dozen political parasites to fasten
themselves upon the state treasury to
the extent of several thousand dollars
per year for salaries, it is doubtful if
any attention whatever will be paid
to the enforcement of the new law.
A license which costs 1 per year is
one of the requirements before a per
son can legally catch lish in a county
of which he is not a resident, and the
county clerk is the officer authorized
to issue such license. The law went
into effect July 1st. but thus far no
licenses can be procured.
It has: long been the custom when a
new paper is established, or when a
c.iange of publishers takes nlaee. for
the new or incoming editor to an
nounce that he "has come to stnv "
In the case of the present publishers
of the Journal, both of whom have
been residents of Plattsmouth and
Cass county tor in re than thirtv
years, such an announcement would
appear superfluous, but the fact re
mains that thev have uiidmr.f erilv
'cotne to stay.
The p .litical pot is U-giiming toboj
in f'ass county, and withina few weeks
the campaign will he .n full Mt
Already many candidates are Iteing
taUeij of fur the county offices to he
filled, and a hot tight is in prospect
The new publishers of the Journal are
not strangers to the political situation
in the county, and expect to keen up
their end of things political.
Curious, isn't it, that those foreign
countries are unable to realize the ad
vantage it will be to them to admit
our products free, while we put a pro-
mom e tariii on what they have to
sell? But these foreiiriieis riKv:iv
were dense.
The county commissioners have de
cided that hereafter the pay of asses
sors will not be as extensive as form
erly. A plan has been agreed upon by
oieii a eeiiaill sum Will he nnrmr-
lonedtoeach ward and precinct for
doing the work and if the assessor
cares to undertake the work for this
sum he can go ahead, and if not he
can. resign and the board will appoint
some one else who will accept the work
for the amount agreed upon. Hereto
fore the assessors have tiled claims for
as high an amount as the board would
allow, based on the rate of $i per day
of eight hours, for the time actually
employed in doing the work, which
has resulted in claims whieh
people consider excessive.
Every young man in town would be
hunting up a license and a minister if
he knew how beautifully and inexpen
sively the Sattler Furniture f'o ejm
furnish a homp for him.
Washington, July 1, 1101. Secretary
fiage is chafing under the muzzle that
has been put upon him by the admin
ist rat ion, and some predict it will re
suit in his resignation. Since turning
over to the diplomatic branch of the
government with a hope that the tar
iff war witli Russia, into whicli the
secretary's blundering construction of
the law plunged the country, the pres
ident informed the secretary that he
must cease talking for publication
about his acts which led to the tariff
war. This Mr. Gage regards as
double reflection on his Judgment, but
whether he will take it so seriously as
to resign is not yet apparent. Those
best informed seem to believe that the
tanking interests which placed Mr
Gage in charge of the financial branch
of affairs will intervene, if necessary,
to prevent his resignation, as they dc
not wish to take tiny chances with
new man.
The republican fight over controling
the pension bureau is growing sensa
tional. Commissioner Evans has made
a statement his first public resist
ance to the demand for his removal
that breathes defiance between the
lines, and may be considered a dare to
Mr. McKinlev to redeem the written
promise of the republican national
committee to Gen. Daniel E. Sickles
duiiug the campaign last year, that
Evans would not be continued at the
head of the pension bureau during
this administration, if Mr. McKinlev
were re-elected.
Mr. Evans intimates that in addi
tion to the desire if the pension agents
sharks to control the work of the
pension bureau there are republican
politicians who wish a change because
they have not lieen allowed to dictate
in defiance of law appointments and
promotions in the bureau. This state
ment of Mr. Evans would lie ' hot
stuff" in much colder weather than
that w hich Washington is now passing
through, and his friends say he has
unlimited ammunition for more of it.
and, having become tired of being
abused for doing his duty and standing
between the treasury and a ring of
pension looters, he will use it without
regard to who is hit if the fight against
him is kept up. Democrats are inter
ested spectators of this fight. Gen.
Sickles, who is a leader on the anti-
Evans side, was a McKinlev stumper
both in l9j and 11HX, and Corioral
Tanner, who seems to oe second in
command, who was summarily kicked
out of the office of pension commis
sioner by the late i 'resident Harrison
for doing the very thing for which
Evans lias been fought for not doing.
The opinion is increasing among
democrats that the republican talk of
revising the tariff so as to hit trust-
controlled articles is nothing more
than a vote-making bluff. In many
congressional districts in the west and
middle-west there is a strong senti
ment among republican voter? against
trusts. It is to keep this vote from
being lost to the party that tariff re
vision talk was begun, and is expected
that a considerable number of re
publican congressmen from that sec
tion will make speeches during the
corning session in favor of taking the
tariff off trust-controlled articles, not
because they expect or really desire
legislation along that line.but because
the speeches will make good campaign
documents in next year's congressional
It seems that Secretary Gage's or
der imposing a countervailing duty on
Italian sugar, on the suspicion that
Italy was paying an export bounty on
sugar, was as big a blunder as that he
made about Russian sugar. The Ital
ian government has officially informed
this government that it does not pay
a bounty on sugar exported, just as
Russia did. Matters of this sort are
tfo important and far-reaching in
their effect to lie determined upon
without absolute knowledge of all the
Within a few days probably this
week the advisory headquarters of
Ohio republicans will be established in
the Canton home of Mr. McKinley,
and the advisor-iu-chief will be no less
t han Mr. McKinley himself . Although
there is no national issue in the Ohio
cani(iaign this year, unless the election
of a legislature to elect Senator Fora
ker's successor can be considered such,
Mr. McKinley is very anxious that the
republicans shall win, not that he
would grieve to see Foraker lose his
seat, but because of its moral effect
on the congressional campaign next
year. Asa shrewd politician he rec
ognizes that unless the republicans x
can retain control of congress many
of his plans concerning the Philip-
pines will be upset, as he has no idea
that all those plans can be put into
effect through legislation by the pres
ent congress.
Leading Hocal Professional
Men Commended to the
Patronage of its Readers
by The Journal.
Dental Rooms. Fitzgerald Block.
A Li. Work First Class Guaranteed
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
orncr.- Plattsmouth,
Waterman block Nebraska
' Lawyer
hw H!
That's a sign you often see on country fplacea, but
you will never see it on this store.
We want you to hunt
Over the entire town, then como here and you will
decide that
Our Dru2 (jpe i5 Tore ?ompI?t?
And our prices lower than can be found elsewhere.
Attorneys aiid
Counsellors at Law.
John M. Leyda,
Rbliible Abstracts of Title.
attorney a.t lLa.-w
To Kesp Cut ZElieo
and ncsq.aaitcrs.
put up thotse tine screeus of Cox's
that admit the air and exclude tho
pests. These summer door Hiid win
dow fixtures are good for several sea
sous and serv- the purpose intended
better than anything else. It only
costs a nominal sum a door or window
to fortify your castle against the
enemy. Don't lose several uianths
Is fully equipped with new stockTl
lien r.uggies, eicanri can iurnisti i , .
the public wilh tirst class service. 5 sleep to save a trifle.
luicic trips to all parts of coUntJ
-:'! jj "
' J
Not Heathen China, but fine
Ciiinaware, Cut Glass and Sil
verware appropriate for wed
ding ami birthday presents and
anniversary gifts.
Win the everlasting regard
of your relatives and friends by
dropping Into
and seleetingsoniething from his
of line Wares in thU line.
Snyder & Co.,
Cbc 3cwelcrs,
Bocbk Block, 6th & flain Sts.,
9 tottsrei3sH,f 3-x
Hing" Of Ocnafcrts
during warm weather is the ice cream
freezer. It will turn the hottest day
into one of delicious coolness. All
the delightful frozen dainties that
are so palatable during the summer,
as well as ice cream, can be frozen in
our freezer. We are selling them at
prices that will enable everyone who
wishes to enjoy ice cream at home.
..Cold Drinks on Hot Days..
Atwood's Pharmacy.
Prescriptions ca.ref1a.ll3r ccmpcunded
Pure Drugs, all leading Patent Medicines,
.Stationery, Cigars. Toilet Articles, IJ'all
Paper, IFindow Glass and Paints.
South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth.
You're treated white,
With prices right, at
F. S. White's
Fresh Supply Staple
and Fancy
New Stock of
a Barry Dia
mond Scarf
(or Stud) by not buying your Wines, Liq
uors and choice Cigars off Ed Donat, new
Gund Building, corner of 4th and Main
fcTlie Old. Place.'
Come and see them sparkle they are
gems of great beauty, having all the fire,
lustre, color and brilliancy of old mine
J D ' I stones. They stand all tests, puzzle experts
and their fre and brilliancy is everlasting.
Get one by buying your drinks and cigars at Donat's and caring
the tickets.
Jones & McGowan, the liverymen,
have dissolved partnership, Mr. Jones
retiring. The business will be con-
tin ueu at the old stand by Mr. Mc
Gowan, while it Is understood that
Mr. Jones will travel and sell his rem
edies for horse diseases.
The Ideal 5 cent cigar.
Delicious aroma.
Perfect burner.
Positively the be9t.
No fir9t class retailer
should be without
CI D S'f
If there's a place in town where la
dies feel satisfied that the style and
assortment of spring hats is all they
can ask, it's at Mrs. Manspeaker's.
Main Street, Plattsmouth.
ald. up Oapltal
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4
p. m.
Money to loan at current rates on approved security. Denosir tpova
on time certificates at the rate of 3 per cent per annum for six month. -
4 per cent for one year. Collections made and promptly remitted. Your
uusiuess, wneiner large or small, solicited.