Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 28, 1901, Image 1

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l,lftsmTui1tIhi Weekly Jotunnnm
Vol. 21 No. 26
FRIDAY. JUNE 28. 1901
$1.00 per Year
I'mni our regular correspondent.
Washington, June 24, 1901.
The same interests, the sugar and
tobacco trnsts. which made Mr. Mc
Kinley turn sucli a sudden sumersault
on the Porto Kican tarilT uestion
are now working to make him nullify
the provisions of tlie Foraker act.
That act provided that whenever the
legislature of I'orto Hico notifies the
president of the United States that a
system of internal taxation has been
put into effect that would meet the
expenses of the government of the is
land, the resident should issue a pro
clamation declaring free trade with
I'orto Kico. and that in any event the
tariff on I'orto Kican products should
cease to exist March 1, 1902. .a extra
session of the lvrto Kican legislature
has been called to meet July s, for the
purpose of giving the president the
notification provided for in the Fora
ker act and requesting him to issue a
proclamation declaring free trade.
This the trust interests are working
to prevent on the pretended ground
that the system of internal taxation
provided by the legislature of I'orto
Kico will not provide the necessary
revenue, but in reality liecause they
intend to prevent free trade lietween
I'orto Hico and the I'nited States, if
they can. Their plan is t compel Mr
-MCKiuiev to Ufcune io issue a tree
trade proclamation, and then to get
Congress t amend the Foraker act,
extending the tariff on I'orto Kican
products, before it expires by limit
ation. 1 1 is dirticult to say what the
result will le. Mr. McKinlev wants
free trade with I'orto Kico, as he did
when he sent his annual message to
t he last Congress, but the trusts com-M-IIed
him t-i eat his words and do
their bidding then and they may U
able to do so again.
Kussia is hitting back at this govern
ment, which the short-sighted policy
of the admiuist ration has involved in
a tariff war. First, the Kussian duty
on American machinery was raised
and now thediry on American resin
and bicycles g-ws up a notch. When
if is rememberc.l that what we bay of
Kussia is not a drop in the bucket
compared with what we sell her, the
L silliness of a system of tariff retallia
tion between the two countries is ap
parent. It Is certain that this plicy
will not result in extending our for
eign markets, an object that Mr. Me-!
Kinley constantly professes to keep in
Secretary tJage has just ordered a
countervailing duty placed on sugar
from Italy b the benefit of thei-ugar
The industrial commission has re
ceived iiuitiIkts of atlidavits concern
ing the Standard Oil trust, which will
be printed in its permanent report.
Following is an extract from one made
by F. S. Monett, former attorney gen
eral of Ohio: Campaigns come and
go. commissions investigate and legis
latures meet and adjourn, magazine
articles are written and read, and yet.
through their monopolistic and crim
inal exactions, the Standard Oil com
bination of transportation and distri
bution thereof levy upon the owner of
the oil rock and exact from the con
sumer of the refined oil and its by
products an unnatural profit. The
public is its victim: the little band of
law-violators owning the controlling
shares are the lerieticiaries of the
plunder. The public for a short time
stands aghast at their very boldness
and defiance. The government alone
can check their abuses."
Senator Jones, chairman of the de
mocratic national committee, was in
Washington all last week. He talked
freely of the olitical outlook, hut
said lie made no pretense of represent
ing anyb ly b it himself, lie thinks
that the next session r congress will
devote a goo I deal of tim to the
Philippine question with which the
tpreme court has said congress alone
has power to dal, and that out of the
discussion will grow the principal issue
of next year's campaign. "Ought the
constitution to follow the tlag'r'' Sen
ator.! ones says the democrats will take
the stand that we should not control
any people who are not considered
good enough to enjoy all the rights
and privileges of American citizens:
that we should assist the Filipinos to
set up an independent government,
notify the powers that we will brook
no interference with it, and then with- '
draw our flag from the Philippines,
but he believes that a majority of the
republicans will stand by the admin- j
istrationand its program of holding !
tlie Islands for the money that can
! made out of them, lie said the !
democrats would tight the ship subsi
dy bill, which he expects tosee pushed !
to the front again just as hard asever; !
. ... ... .i
that he doubted whether Jiaocock s
much talked of anti-tariff bill would
ever get out of the house ways and
X meanscoinmlttee.and rather expected
' tarr,v tmn -of xne iicmjmii xms t
the orJer of the trans-continental
r.iilro:id Ivkp. to smother irar -
- - - - . . - " - ' - -
augua canal legislation, to be observed
j by the republican leaders
i Congressman Clayton, of Alabama,
who lias Just returned from a visit to
. the constitutional convention now sit
, ting in that state, says the elimination
: of the negro vote is certain. As to
i the effect upon the state, he said: "I
have seen it stated that with the
elimination of the negro vote some of
the states in t he south will go repub
lican. This is certainly not true of
Alabama. It has not been true of
Mississippi. Louisiana or South Caro
lina. Alabama will remain a demo
cratic state."
Of the republican threat to reduce
southern representation in congress
and in the electoral college. Mr. Clay
ton said he had no fear. He called at
tention to the fact that Massachusetts
had had a limited suffrage for many
years, and Khode Island had always
had such a constitution, and no sug
gestion had ever been made to reduce
their representation.
tFYom Our Special Correspondent.
Mr P. Hayes of Klmwood is spend
ing a few days with bis daughter. Mrs
John M urphy.
Win. Shechan has just completed a
fine new tiarn on his farm east of Man
ley. A temporary floor of polished
lioards was laid over the permanent
one and a dance given the neighbors
Monday niiiht .
Arthur Ward entertained a number
of friends Tuesday eveningat his home
east of Manley, the occasion being his
twenty-first birthday. The evening
passed verry i''ckly and pleasantly,
with music, games and conversation.
The C rand Prairie school three miles
west of Manley closed with a picnic in
Mr. Frank Stander's grove last sun-
nay, i "inner ax one o clock ana ice
cream and cake later on in the after-
noori. were served to the children and
a genuine imn time mas enjoved by
Strawberries have lieen extremely
plentifuil in this pait of the country
all during the season. Fred Home's
patch of st rw lierries yielded lietween
six and seven hundred tjuarts and still
the supply is not exhausted.
Kaspberries and blacklerries promise
to lie plentiful, but the apple crop is
JohiiTiyhe went toOmahaWednesday
to meet his daughters Kessie and Ther
esa and bis nin e Catherine Murphy, on
their way home from St. Clam's Aca
demy. Sin.sinawa Mound Wisconsin,
where they have leen at school the
past year. All three young ladies won
high honors. Misses Bessie and Ther
esa the laurels bestowed upon the Sub
graduating class, and Miss Catherine
the gold medal for deportment in the
Junior division.
Theodore Hanns made a brief busi
ness trip to Omaha Tuesday morning.
A surprise party w as nivcn Clara and
Clyde Jenkins, by a few friends and
school mates Wednesday afternoon; it
was a genuine surprise to the little
people, and a very pleasant time is re
pi rted.
Farmers are making great progress
in the cultivation of their corn, the
prevailing high windsare the one draw- j
back. Winter wheat has rijned rap
idly within the last few days, and the
noise of the reaper is heard over the
Only for thecuttingof grain, a good
rain wmld be welcome:
I 'r.nii our Special irrefrMidaiit. 1
Tommy Fulton, the Mapie Uiove
blacksmith, took the train Sunday for
Council liluffs-
Clias. Koedeker, II. tj. Todd, Charles
Phi I pot and Kob't Voting each shipped
out a fine drove of fat cattle for the
South Omaha market recently.
J. M. Stone, the Nehawka capital-i.-t
was in town Saturday. ,
Nelson Nut .man and wife of Avoca
spent Tuesday visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Nich Klaurens.
Walker & Pittmau have put a six
horse power gasoline engine into their
elevator to supplant horses formerly
The new firm of Koot & Baker will
begin business in the hardware line
MnrrnTT UnrnaCC Pn
1J1UI 1 Ul QdlilCOj JU.
T. H. TOLL.IF, Mgr.
Ilest uiul newest of everything
KOHKS, Willi's.
"te. - W - Rtftf frtft "Trt t'aVo'TjT 'fnS'wMT-rinXT' ?
j the first of July, at E. A. Burton's old
. ii in .
Miss Margie Walker spent Sunday
with friends in Omaha.
Mr. Siasof Lincoln, an elocutionist
of renown, will entertain the people
next Monday evening at the Christian
The grand and glorious Fourth of
July will tie properly celebrated at
Young's Park, a mile east of Murray.
Everything in the line of amusements
have been arranged for, and a grand,
good time is anticipated.
Miss Hervey of Omaha was a visitor
with Mrs. Walker Saturday.
Horace Manners has completed the
addition to his barber shop, and has
two ample rooms which to display his
ton serial arts.
Cirandpa Root of Weeping Water is t
spending few days with John Edmunds
and family
Peter Klaurens of Fnion was in
tow n Monday.
We understand from good authority
that F. W. Crosser, present postmas
ter at this place, is to be a candidate
for the office of county recorder on the
repnbiican ticket While Mr. Crosser
was lorn and raised in the vicinity of
Murray, and has a good clean record
for honor and integrity, from I toy hood
up. yet this political faith. in-born for
generations past, is against him.
Il-'rorii Our Special Correspondi-nt.)
II. K. Brown and wife attended the
Kelstadt concert in Omaha Sunday.
Uncle Joe Schoemati has purchased
the residence property of James John
son, and will move his family to this
city in the near future.
At the regular school election here
last Monday Jesse Livingtonand E. C.
Twiss were selected as the ones to act
as directors, in place of C. E. Noyes
and Dr. Hasemeier. whose terms had
ex pi red .
F. Wegener shipped three carloads
of fat cattle to the South hnaha mar
ket last. Monday. Mr. Wegener hast
for years leen recognized as one of the
leading stockmen of his region. He
recently invested in a large ranch in
western Nebraska, which he w ill stock
with high grade cattle.
Jim Terryberry and Percy Agnew
went over toGIenwood last Friday to
attend a shooting-match which was
participated in by some of the best
marksmen in the country. Terry,
berry proved himself able to go in a
high class by copping out money In
each and every event in which he en
The Trans-Mississippi Concert com
pany have been performing todelight-
ed audiences every evening this week.
This company has proven itself the
cleanest and most successful in Its line
of anv that has ever visited here.
The Greenwood and Louisville ball
teams met on the local diamond last
Saturday afternoon, and struggled for
nine innings through tiic heat and
dust. When the dust cleared away it
was found that the visiting team had
won ny a margin or two runs me
score being 10 to 8. The same teams
will meet again at Greenwood Satur
day, when it is expected that the fur
will flv.
Wants Damages.
A dispatch from Beatrice to the
Lincoln Journal says: "Dr. Dearing,
ex-suierintendent of the institute for
tlie feeble minded youth here, has tiled
a petition in district court against II.
F. Iang and the Fidelity company,
asking damages in the sum of io for
loss of salary, attorney's fees and costs
In an injunction case brought by Lang
to maintain his position as superin
tendent of the institute after he had
been asked to vacate the position and
turn it over to Ir. Dearing. George
A. Murphy appears as attorney for Dr.
Plattsmoutu Phone Activity.
The Plattsmouth Telephone Co. has
a force of men busily engaged settiug
poles on the streets. They w ill wire
this city and put iu the exchange here
first, unload the material for the toll
line at this point and work back to con
nect with their line at Greenwood.
Messrs T. IL Pollock and T. II.
Ewing. of the head offices, have leen
here this week, mapping out the in
stallation work and seeing to its execution.-
Haveloek Times.
George J. Stohlman of Louisville
precinct was in town Thursday and
on the Journal. He said he expected
to begin harvesting his twenty-five
acres -of winter wheat today. Ap
pearances indicate a good crop of fair
quality. He says the hot weather is
booming the growth of corn and en
abling the farmers to kill the weeds.
trtirtic mflrto on Annet ; t -- rne TdMitm 1
Leaps From Flying Train, Hand
cuffed A Daring Act of
, Desoeration.
The story of the week, locally,
is that of the sensational and dare
devil means of eluding the clutch
es of the law, successfully taken
by C E. Holmes, in plunging
headforemost. hand-cuffed and al
most helpless, through the car
window of Burlington flyer. No.
o, running at the rate of 40 miles
an hour, two miles west of Albia,
Iowa, late Tuesday night.
Holmes, iu custody of Sheriff
Wheeler, was being brought back
from Chicago on extradition to
answer the charges of perjury and
grand larceny. A hat from 14 to
1") years hard labor in the peni
tentiary stared him iu the face,
Holmes well knew, and toone who
enjoys freedom and the fruits of
ill-gotten gain as well as he, even
death seemed preferable to such a
fate. In fact, his friends declared
he would suicide rather than serve
out a penal sentence. This frame
of mind offers the only explana
tion of an act, the desperate ex
tremity of which almost exceeds
the pale of comprehension, and for
the very reason entirely excuses
if, indeed, excuse be necessary
Sheriff Wheeler in the minds of
all rational men.
The graphic description
Holmes esoaje given by the sher-
iff and the conductor of the train
is well worth the tellinir. The
train nau left Alma, ana was
speed iur upon a down grade. It
A 1 1 Jt . alt 1
is the testimony ot tlie engineer
himself that he was making; a
round 40-mile clip, when the air
brakes jerked his engine back up
on its haunches. Holmes sat by
the ojhmi window, his arm in the
sash, apparently reading from a
paper held in his manacled hands,
before his face. Immediately in
front, and facing him. sat Sheriff
The conductor had just passed
the officer and his prisoner, and
paused for a moment at the water
tank, when suddenly, swift as the
leap of a Hying Hish, Holmes
raised himself on his elbow, and
dove headforemost through the
window, his heels clacking the
sides with a resounding thump as
they whisked out of sight.
Quick as was the prisoner, Sher
iff Wheeler was none the less so,
but his clutch on tho bottom of
Holmes' trousers was insufficient
to stay the course of the prisoner's
body. Yet in that brief moment
the oflicer might have shot his
prisoner dead, but a natural in
stinct of human fueling prevented.
It would have been like clubbing
a drowning mail. Without a mo
ment's hesitation, however, the of
ficer pulled the air cord.and before
the train came to a stop, jumped
down and ran back along the track
with no other expectation than of
finding the 'mangled remains of
his late charge.
Luckily for Holmes he struck
in the soft bed of a wide fill.cush
ioned by a dense growth of weeds.
Had he alighted fifty feet further
along, he would have shot down a
75-foot embankment, and this
story would have had a different
Wheeler had no difficulty in
finding the i)laci, but of his man
,,-.. n-rnr
I there was not the slightest trace! tleman, and it is hoped he w
. i a. i.i i 'ceod in his efforts.
other than the newspaper he had
been reading, and a pencil which
he had borrowed of the sheriff.
He had disappeared completely
and the steep, rugged hills over
run with scrub growths failed to
offer the slightest clue to the di
rection of his going.
All that night and all of the
next day posses under the direc
tion of sheriffs, deputies and con
stables scoured the hills, searched
the innumerable coal mines andf
prospect holes, and communicated
with all the towns for miles around
but in vain. The prisoner re
mained- at large, and Sheriff
Wheeler, after liberally posting
rewards, returned Thursday raorn-
Chagrinneil though the officer
ma' be he should yet appreciate
that everyone understands that he
it in nowise to blame. Indeed, he
acted with carefulness, celerity
and good judgment. Such acci
dents are likely to happen under
any circumstances and conditions,
and to any man iu the same posi
tion. And although Holmes may
be at large, he is too thoroughly
well known and too much wanted
to remain at liberty long.
The Gun club will have a shooting
match next Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Llarn larmele leaves for Cali
fornia next week, to le gone on a visit
for thre months.
Mrs. Isatxl Richey of this city has
been chosen vice president for Nebras
ba of tlie Association of Western Wri
ters, at its late meeting at Warsaw,
The '"IJoston liloomers" baseball ag
gregation, which was advertised to be
here and play an engagement with the
local team Thursday afternoon, failed
to appear.
Mesdames Wise and Elson entertain
ed a number of the ladies at the home
of Mrs Elson Thursday afternoon, the
occasion being the joint anniversary
of the two lujstesses.
The I!ig Muddy shows signs of yet
ting over Its tantrum, and is suicid
ing wilhin its ordinary banks. Its
overflow was less than nine feet, and
only continued about a week.
A very nicely arranged garden party
was given Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Spur
lock. A large company was present.
and much enjoyment was evolved.
Five year old Helen Hunter, resid
ing with her parents four miles south
of here suffered the- misfortune to
break the humurus of the right arm
in a fall from a porch one day this
A very select party of sixteen fisher
men went up to Uusche's lake on Ce
dar Creek, last Sunday, and tried to
break the Sabbath by catching bull
heads and catfiish. Several of them
succeeded admirably.
The band gave another of its weekly
concerts Thursday evening at the cor
ner or Main and Third Sts. It is es
timated that two thousand people
came out to hear the music including
many from the country.
Mrs. B. Elson and Mrs. J. N. Wise,
whose birth-days occur the same day.
gave a "Rose Luncheon" to some fifty
of their lady friends at the former's
spacious home, Thursday atteruoon.
It was a most delightful affair.
George Walker of Avoca is in jail
for having broken into Mariiardt &
Oo.'s store for tlie purpose of robbery
Wednesday night. He was caught in
the store, lx;fore he had stolen any
thing. Reports indicate that he is a
bad egg.
The last touches of the painter's
brush are being put on the new Gund
building, and it is now practically
complete throughout. The building
is probably the best brick structure in
the city. It makes a very strikingap
pearance, with its walls of cream-col
ored brick, ornamented by a dark
green shading.
Claus Brekenfeld, until recently
manager of the Louisville mill, is or
ganizing a milling company at Mur
dock and expects to put up a mill and
manage it at that place, tie is a good
mechanic, a fine miller, is sober, in
dustrious, careful, and a thorough gen-
ill suc-
The Ebinger Hardwarecompany has
just received a large shipment of the
celebrated haying tools. Any farmer
who has ever used these implements
or seen them work will le satisfied
with no other. If they are now to
you, step in and examine thorn :it the
Ebinger store.
The new fish law will be apt to put
a quiet us on much of the sprt of
in the Sarpy county lakes by par
ties of Plattsmouth uViicrmcn. The
law goes into effect July 1st. It is a
very stringent measure, n iuirii)g all
non-residents of counties to lake out
a licence before being permitted to
fish in the waters thereof, under pen
alties that are cjuite severe. Those
who delight in piscatorial pursuits
would better take their revengeout of
that law and its makers by going to
Minnesota to fish.
Xew Entimes.
Lince mentioning the possible can
didates for county offices on tlie rep
nbiican ticket, two new aspirants
have appeared on the scene of action.
L. A. Tyson, druggist at Elm wood,
has entered the contesa for the nom
ination for county clerk, and J. P.
Ellis, Missouri Pacific agent at Louis
ville, would liKe the nomination for
recorder. Plattsmouth News.
According to the News it miL'ht
readily be inferred th?.t any otherrc
publican in the county is " aspiring"
to the distinction of offering himself
a willing sacrifice before the conven
tion. If there is one store m Plattsmouth
that makes you want to buy every
thing they have it's that of t he Sat tier
With each dozen of our photos, until
July 1st, we give one platinum water
color panel. This offer is made onlvas
a means of introducing t!;e new finish
in platinum water colors. ICeedy
Remaining uncalled for for the. week
ending June iT. l'.l:
James Il:iline. I'. .1. Or:nly.
Itev. Jerome Ilelllntlte.lleiiry Ilulme,,
Pbele Johnson. .toon .li :m-.
II. C. K)iflmrn. MUs Lloj d Or:ile.
K. W. Summer. Mix Kttle Woo-l.
.Mr. Veiky.
Persons calling for any of the
letters will please say ' advertised."
C. H. SMITH. P. M.
The platinum water color photos so
closely resemble a miniature portrait
in water colors that it is almost impos
sible to denote the difference. This
work can onlv be secured at Keedv's
studio on Main street.
Save ice and money by buying the
world. famous Challenge Iceberg Re
frigerators. There are others, but
none equal to this one sold anil war
ranted by the Sa'tler Furniture Co., -the
big .tore on ;th. street.
Exceedingly Low Rate Excur
sions to Minnesota.
Dates sale: July 1 to O.inclusivc.
Rates: To St. Paul-Minneapolis
from Omaha, $9.85; from Council
Bluffs, $0.33; from Lincoln, $11.10;
from Superior, $13.0; from Hast
ings, $13.0o; from Long Pine,
$12.13, with proportionate rates
from intermediate points.
To Duluth, $4 higher than lo St.
Transit Limits: Continuous pas
sage in each direction.
Final Limits: October 31st.
This is the lowest rate ever of
fered with long limit ticket to the
famoiu fishing and hunting resorts
of Minnesota.
Ask any agent of the Noithwes
tern line for further particulars,
time cards, etc.
J. il. lire ha nan. .
(ieneral Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Xeb.
Low Rates to David City.
s.'Jj to LlaviU City ami ret urn. .tune 2T-.lnly
4. return limit July 5. Tor tlie I;i 1.1 City CIihii
t:i 11411:1.
Tills assembly w ill Iw nnnsiitil ly insl met lve
and entertaining-
Atiioni; tlie notable imtmiiis lio ill appear
are: Hon. C'liutnp Clark of MKomri. Senator '
HenJ. Y. Tillman of South Carolina, lion. J.
T. Sweeney of Illinois. HonC'liasK. I.andlsof
Indiana. Uev. Thomas W. Conway Clielsmaii.
Hon John P. St. John of Kansas and Congress
man K. J. Hurkett of Lincoln.
An abundance of good mni and other en
tertainment. . For Information alut tickets and train ser
viee apply to nearest airent or write to
J. KKANCIS. Ketiei-al paM-iwr apent.
Omaha, Neb.