The Song of the sr1 W r Shirt and Tie bi as set to music iy us, ana sung oy v., our patrons wherever they may go. in words of praise of our celebrated ECLIPSE SIIIHT and Carter & Holmes' magnificent line of all iLe Sold by F. G. ECENBERGER riattsmouth, Nebraska You're treated white, With prices right, at F. S. White's Fresh Supply Staple and Fancy New Stock of DRYiGOODS and Notions. Sir fH " SjLjT Awarded ) IC " -3 Cold M4al J) 0 Paris Exposition 1900. JS 7- 1 GOOD IMPRESSIONS We recoguize tbe value the dollar ami cents value of good im pressions. Not simply good "first impressions" but good impressions of the permanent, satisfactory, all-year-'round kind. That's the kind of impression our clothing makes with the tasty dresser who demands not only moderate price and honest service, but "stylo-touch" and "fabric-excellence." These features are to be found in our hot weather suits at $7.50 to S10.00 made of soft tine flannels, in neat stripe effects they are "top o' the heap." Come to us forNiijht, Under or Dress Shirts. WESCOTT ON THE WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular correspondent. Washington, June 12, 111. The republican scheme for reducing the congressional representation of the southern states which restrict ne gro suffrage, has been revived, and it is said to have more influential back ing than the movement that was started last winter. At that time it was understood that Mr. McKinley, who had just begun to believe in the possibility of a white republican party in the south, opposed the idea and was instrumental in having it laid aside. It is doubtful whether lie has changed his mind on the subject, but some of the men who are quietly pushing the revived scheme express the opinion that by next winter the failure of making white republican recruits in the south, under the name of McLaur inism, or any other, will be so plain to Mr. McKinley that he can be counted upon to keep his hands off, if not to help along the scheme. The increased power given to con . irress by the insular decisions of the supreme court, is used by the schem ers as an argument for the political necessity of cutting down southern representation, so as to make it cer tain that the republicans will retain a majority in the house, the loss of which might play havoc with the par ty's insular policy. There are other than legal reasons for the decision of the administration not to call an extra summer session of congress to legislate for the Philip pines. One is that it is thought that a few months exercise of the auto cratic authority conferred by the Spooner amendment will get things on the islands in a condition that would be less inviting to congressional inter rogation than they are now, and ano ther is a fear that congressional debate on a Philippine tariff bill might pre cipitate a general discussion of the whole tariff question. General Samuel Pearson of the Iloer army, passed through here last week, enroute for New York, where he has been called to confer with agents of his government on important business relating to an honorable peace. Speak ing of the situation in bis unfortunate country, he said: "We still have aout 2rt.iNN men in the field, all the ammunition we need, and sufficient horses and food stuffs. My regular information from the field tells me that not half of what is going on there is know n and published in the newspapers here, and then it is not reliable. All news goes through llrit ish censors. There has been consid erable more lighting down there lately than the American ieople are aware of. Much activity isdisplayed through out thp Transvaal, the Oranee Free Y State and Cape Colony. Kirtzinger's commando has been very effective in recruiting Cape Dutch for operations against the British, and if Kitchener or Roberts can boast of having invaded the Transvaal, we can reply with the invasion of CapeO.Iony. Our soldiers are only fifteen miles from the coast, which speaks for itself. The men at the head of our army are young, ener getic, prudent and just. They know when to strike and how to do it to ob tain the best results, with the smallest cost of life. Ve are quite as anxious for peace as you, but it must be an honorable peace otherw ise we fight tight till the last man falls." Ex-0ngressman and ex-Judge Win. Springer accompanied three Indian chiefs to the white house, where they went to present a petition ask in the president to withhold his signature to the proclamation opening the Kiowa, J Coramancbe-Apache reservation to settlement until a delegation repre-1 v t ITrX '7Z " T','a T I ar;-station .-T tafe ' X&m&rvnri made on Ao-asrirTnp retailer Jht 5i i ; t 3; I ,'5 ,h v r I' the Prisoner- "a" -the crowd Is expected to add at lea" au tc & SONS. CORNER. svnting these trilx-s can l heard. They claim that the treaty making the cession was never approved by a ma jority of the Indians, and to allow it i to be put ino effect w ill Ik? a rank in j ust ice. The alleged civil government that is to le established in the Philippines will be civil in name only, until after congress legislates on the subject, as t is to be under military control be cause of a belief that the establish ment of a real civil government would put them on the same footing that was given to Porto Uico by the su preme court decision. There are tricks in all trades.and republican polititians are specially apt in tricks relating to government . Congressman Livingston of Georgia, who is herein shaking of the pro posed constitutional amendment re stricting negro suffrage in Georgia, said: "I think our ieople are against such amendment. We are getting along nicely with the negro in our state." EARLY DAYS In Nebraska City, as Taken From Major Pearman's Memoirs. Some time ago James Heed, in look ing through his old papers, found the following paper, which he loaned to J. II. McLellan, who kindly gave it to the Nebraska City News. 1 1 was writ ten by Major J. W. Pearman, and was dated February 14, 17:5, and in an erased paragraph lie says: 'That is all I now think of, and which 1 cheerfully hand over to the settlers of Otoe county who located here in Ivm anu 1N.T If it was ever made public I m fore we have forgotten it. From an histo rical standpoint it is well worth pre serving. "On the 4th or May, 17.;, I crossed the Missouri river at Otoe City (Gid eon lSennett ferryman), in company with II. 15. i-ockwMMl and Lafayette iHincan. We were then on our way to Plum Creek, with two wagon loads of groceries, for the piirHicr trading with the California and Oregon emi grants, on their way to the gold lields of the Pacitic slojie. -On the 4th of July Lafayette bun can, myself and seven Indians started for the highlands in Iowa in canoes. We h-rt the foot or Min street early in the morning, exacting to reach Sidney, Iowa, by 10 a. in., in time to take part in the celebration at that place. We aimed to go through the heavy timber directly opposite the citv, but atter paddling our way for a few hours we found we could not get through on account of the drift wod then afloat. We sent the Indians back, tied most of our clothing around our necks and started on foot for the bluffs, distant about eight miles, at which place we arrived about dark; traveling in water from two to eight feet deep, and arrived in Sidney at 1 a. m., on the "th, to find the celebration over and the people in led. "The lirst grand jury w as em pan eled in the fall or !.".", John 15. 15oul- ware, foreman. Nearly every man in the county, including the jury itself, was indicted for gambling, and was fined in sums ranging from live to ten dollars. "James II. Masters came here in 18-V and established the first nursery, where he now lives. Hugh Pearman nlanted apple trees in the same vear. on lot 1, block 2U, where they are still growing. "Martin Iiauttan was the first one afflicted with measles. "J. Sterling Morton, who came here in 18T5, and took charge of the edito rial columns of the News, owned the first jack, which he named Henry Ward lieecher." -Tle Old. Place. OKLAHOVA ! Fine farm lands cheap inOklahoma. SPECIAL RATES. Kxcurions every first and third Tuesday in each month to Oklahoma City, the nearest point to the soon-to-opened strip. Call on me for rates. J. H. THRASHER, pLuSLS:. and deservedly so. Nobody has any use for dull, slow people who have no spirit or energy. When you feel dull and tired, take a little stimulent to liven you up, tone you up and make you feel that life is worth living. Our Double Stamp 6 years old 'Honey Dew" Kentucky Whisky at $3.00 a gallon is what you want. Call at PHIL. TIEROLF'S CASINO and be convinced. Sole Agent for the famous Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association Beer and Yellow Stone Kentucky Whiskey. TIME - TABLE. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. .May 31. l'.mi. LINCOLN. CHICAGO. ST. JOSEPH. KANSAS CITV. ST. LOl'lS. And all point-, east and S iit li. OMAHA. HKNVKK. PoKTLA N l. SAN KK A NCI SCO. And I IHHIltS WOl. No. :i Loral to I'acitlic .lunc- tioii Ix-al ep. dally, points cast ami vml li Fr';rh ilally ex. Sunii'y I 'Hi.- .limit Ion Loral 1 ';-1 Ii r .Itim-tioii t i. Iowa Kint Chicajro ami east Fate.dailv from Lin- i-olnloSt .lot. Kansas City. St lnis.Cliii-ao all "points easts, sout li lyx-ai ex. daily Omaha. Lini'oln. Iienvcr and intermediate iioints K C to Omaha via I ort Crook 'mil So. Omaha lx ul frt daily ex. San- ilay.CedarC'k. Louis- ille. South lit-nd lM-al from I'ai' .liinr'n r'ast mail. daily. Unalia Ka-t esliliulee.daily Cliii'tttfo and ea-.t Ve-siiluled ep. daily Ih-nver. California. Ulk Hills.l'ar. -oat. Liiii-oln. l.rand l.-laiid. Itl.K-k Hills. Montana and lai northwest . lM-al e. daily except Sunday. Ixiiisville. Ashland. Schuyler.. lN-al loi'iii:ilui lnl from I'ac. .I'iii-'ii I 'roni ( imaha Lv 10 A) am " id li a 111 " 2 4d p 111 4 45 p 111 irp in No. 4 No. .11. No. -Jii No. ! K p III 7 43 a in hi 10 a 111 No. IH No. 7 No. -N HI a 111 1 li a 111 17 a 111 30 a in . IT Ar 1 Lv . 3 33 p 111 o. l .t 3. p III No. x: 3 50 p ni 44 p 111 5 5 p m 3 4. am No. 15 No. St No. Ar S'ei-pin. (lining atMl rerjininir chair oars (vcaisfri'i'iriii Ihrouirli trains. Tickets sold ami hairsratre cl.eckeil lo any point in I'nited Statesur Canada. For information, time ta llies, maiw and tickets call on or write to W. I I'lCKKTT. Ajrent. .1. FlUNO.s. I A.. l'latlsinoutli. Neb. Omaha. Neli. MISSOURI PACIFIC'S NEW TIME TABLE North lioiind Passenger No. ! . IxMlves : 5 a m 5 40 p ni Freight No. 11 (daily except Sunday)3 40 p ni Sout h l.mnd. leaves Passenger .No. 2 11 34 p ni is 10 45 a tn Freight No. li! (daily except Sunday) 7 35 a ni No. 2 will accommodate Omaha thealre-jro- ers. as It does not leave Omaha until 10 50 p in. No. 1 7 connects at 1'nloii with a train from WeeiiiiiiT Water. No. Is connects at I'nioii with a train for Weeping Water and Lincoln. Horns TtMtsatBt thit fluree Cancers b1 Tucors. Used with perfect safety: harmless, seething, noa-lrrl-tatinj. We prefer to pstients onmn t th Kanltarium for a I . nit t-A PABMthltAflmf luao.Jl ttt- te our Sanitarium mm4 f eay until curtd. Write to-1ay for eur 86 pae boek. It contains much raluable information and . i . t.aijNiAniQflfrMn niitifita we nave cured of cancer. Stmt frn. Consultation by mall or in person, free. Adores DR. E. O. SMITH'S SANITARIUM. A. S. McCLCARY, Mamaac. Booms 6 to li. N. E. Cor. loth ruin 8U KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. "Why not subscribe for tlie Journal NOW? You neefl it for a dollar ! IE! ICE! ICE! Same old place. Same old man. Come to the office and get your Ice Hooks at same old price. McMAKEN & SON, S Nebraska 72-73. '1'bones J riattsmauth 72. tiFKK'E 'Union Bloch. 6th & Main Sts. Sprightly People are Always Popular. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Leading Local Professional Men Commended to the Patronage of its Readers by The Journal. DENTISTS. C. A. HARSHALL, D.D.S. Dental Rooms. Fitzgerald Block. All Work FusstClass (luafanteed Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Platts.-1'honeH ;V W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. OFFICE: Plattsmouth, Waterman Block Nebraska ATTORNEYS AT LAW D. O. DWYER Lawyer PLATTSMOITII - Nkiujaska SPURLOCK &. TIDD Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. DOVEY 15 LOCK - I'L ATTS MO UT 1 1 John M. Leyda, LAWYER Reliable Abstracts of Title. WATERMAN BLOCK. WETTE NKAMP B'L'K PLATTS ED FITZGERALD ) Is fully equipped with new stock, c i new uiiKKicis eic.anu tan iuiiiimi i the public with lirst class service. Quick trips to all parts of county. STABLE SIXTH & VINE STREETS caused tjy tne conTroversy in congress t as to the quality of armor. Other latest novelties in Neckwear. You do not necessarily have to choir. After donning one of those that you cannot help singing. Call and examine our slock. MORGAN' THE LEADING CLOTHIER. 502 Main Street, REVJVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Matt produces tbe above results In 30 days. It sett IWWIU1UI17 WUJIUVlf . " . w - - - - Young men will regain tbeir lost manhood, sod old men will recover their youtLful vigor by using RfcVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous neaa. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power. Failing Memory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or ezcecs and Indiscretion, which unfits one for study, bneiness or marriage. 11 cot only cures by starting at tbe seat of disease, but Is a great nerve tonlo and blood buUder, bring ing back tbe pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing tbe fire of yonth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REV1VO. no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall, I.OO per 1-ackaro. or six tor S.OO, with s posi tive written amarantee to core or raf and the money. Bink and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., ' SSSSffi?? For sale in Plattsmouth by GEKIXG A: CO. RACKS d EXASt V Effective March 10th, J90I, thr -. ; Announces the Opening of its & Red River Division mToim Denison and Sherman, Texas. Through Train Service will shortly be established from SU Louis and Kansas City over the J J Shortest Line to Texas ; 4 li:tvc you to trai. m-II or irivo away? A nytliiiiKT fruiii slim-strings to uutoiiioltilcs you can't afford to l.-ave it out of the Journal swap rolu rim. All wants registered lu ri for the nominal -harge of i cents a line ht insertion. Answers to al vertUfineiits may lie directed to this otHco. whence tliey will Ik; promptly delivered. TWO K'XMi Inisiiiess blocks ir sale at a bar Kaln. Inquire1 Colonel J. II. Thrasher. CHOICE LAMi in Ca-s county for sale. Inquire of Thrasher, the real estate man. riattsinouth. 25 WKLIj IMI'KoVKO FAIJ.MS in l iluiore. York. Adams and Uncolii counties, for sale by Thrasher. LATKST MOlKU bnmd new. i'Ct sewiiif; machine at a snap. What will you five or trade" Address oilers and inquiries to 1'latts niouth Journal. WANTED Fresh butter and -trifs to ex change for subscription to Journal. Fur Sale III room house on west Klin street. Plattsmouth. A choice piece of prop 'rty with modern improvements and in the liest of condition. Inquire of : Colonel J. Thrasher. Plat tsinouth. Foil SALE a f ull-blood .lers-y cow. due 10 calve June 1. W ill sell, with calf. forj0or keep the calf and sell cow for 40. E.O. COO LEV. I'J miles west of Pluttsmotilh. FOR SALE A lOU-acre farm near Platts rwmth also 7-room hmive and three lots In City. Enquire of J'Hui M. Leydn, Waterman block. " JIeanwQ51e it wiU be transited .into tramlAto. 1: " JrUEI2JOXI HE FOK SAIK At a lmrj-'ain. one of the liest payin? saloons and restaurants in Omaha. Kleirant fixtures, up to dale appointments, i 11 cludiii!; private iliiiinir rooms. Assured n-t business of from l( to il." per day. l or par ticulars address: W-Ui. I'latlsiiioiitli .lournal. be a skilled musician to join our cool shirts you will feel so good 3 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I PEPPERBERG'S I'BU D 3' The Ideal 5 cent cigar. Delicious aroma. Perfect burner. Positively the best. No Gr6t class retailer should be without S D U U O CIGARS. PEPPERBERG Alain Street. Platismouth. laiaiilili IsVslAAAsWslAskAAAAAsl Foams, Sparkles, and Tickles toe Ckleckatd Bliiijs Ed Donat Wholesale Dealer Large Assortment of HAMMOCKS and CROQUET SETS at ARTIE HELPS.. Hammocks of the best quality rang ing iti price from "Ale. to $o.0U. A, SO YEARS ' CEXPERIENCE ' Trade Marks. r w . wur"T m.n 1 a uw. Anrone UPTidlnpr nkptrh sod dmcrtptlon muy jnU'kly crlam our opinion free whether u iiivenllon Is probably jiatentsbla. Communlon ttnniiBtrtctlTcontldetitlnl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest airencr for Becuriiif patents. Patents taken throueh Munn & Co. recelva tptrial nutice, wit hout charge. In tbe Scientific American.. A handsomely lllnsfrated weekly. I.nreest eir eiilation of any snentiao Journal. Terms, t-i a year: four months, (L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36Bd"' New York Braucb Ottice. 25 F BU Washington, I. C. Mwcorilovml; i They give a light MV A WifltiWl tUH,' n hril- It U'Vv ""nt No odor. j u vVU-v u' Many ,t,,e8- f f ii. . , , r k7- ' r - r-ptied b J ' " -.jiiderblits Morgan Interests. Tbe l'e"