TO HEMAIN IN CONTROL United States "Will Kot Eeliuqnish Cuba Under Fiesent Conditions. DEMAND "SUBSTANTIAL" ADOPTION Convention's Garbled Amendment U Not Acceptable Substitute CoiuertiUrct to Crse Rceeti, Hoping Finally for the Adoption of tbe Original. WASHINGTON, June 3. It Is offi cially stated that the United Statea will remain in control of Cuba til tbe Piatt amendment Las been "substantially adopted." This "was made known to General Wood ."ast Tuesday by Secretary Root, and his action has been approved by the pres ident. Secretary Root was with the presi dent about an hour and a half dis cussing with him the cablegram which had bet J prepared to be sent to Gov ernor General Wood at Havana, relat ing to the action of this government on the Cuban constitution. This mes sage is long and will be forwarded to General Wood with the Idea of hav ing him communicate it to the consti tutional convention. It will not be made public at this time and probably not until the convention takes action. HAVANA, June 3. The press de plores the misunderstanding with the Washington government, but generally admits the possibility of a wrong con struction being put upon the amend ment by the explanations and Inter pretations, and that it will be best for the convention to take up the ques tion immediately and accept the amendment as passed by congress. La L-ucha says that 85 per cent of the people favor this, but the dele gates are at a loss what to do. Some claim the United States is not acting In good faith, as it was most improb able that the Washington officials did not know what the convention was doing and what was the nature of the report to be submitted. They say that a majority of the committee on relations told them that the amend ment as accepted would be satisfactory to the United States and that they tad the assurance of General Wood and Secretary Root to this effect. The members of the committee on relations will say nothing la regard to this joint, other than they, too, thought it would be satisfactory. Secret ressions and absent stenog raphers make It Impossible for even the delegates themselves to set things aright. Regarding the controversy which will surely arise later as to who is responsible, the convention will place the responsibility upon the com mittee, and they, it is said, will blame General Wood and Secretary Root. An effort is being made tonight by some of the conservatives to avoid this crisis by asking the convention to ad journ for a month, in the meanwhile having the municipalities petition the convention to pass the original amend ment. Several municipalities have al ready taken that action and It is thought others will fall .Into line. In the municipal election the na tionalists claim the election of Senor Gener, their candidate for mayor, and a majority of tbe council. CAPTAIN HOW GATE DEAD. Fonatr OOrcr, Fourteen Tears in Hiding, Expiree suddenly. WASHINGTON, June 3. Captain Henry W. Howgate, formerly signal officer in the United States army, died suddenly this afternoon of cerebral hemorrhage at his home in this city. He was 67 years old. No definite fu neral arrangements have been made, but it is expected the interment will be here. Captain Howgate had a singular and eventful life. While a trusted official of the signal service he was charged with appropriating a large amount of government funds and placed under ar rest. His escape and flight were at tended with many dramatic features, for by a ruse he got away from a gov ernment officer having him in charge while the latter supposed his prisoner was taking a bath. For years he re mained in hiding, and not until four teen years after his escape was he lo- cated by secret service detectives as proprietors of an obscure book store In New York. Plot to Kill Klnff and Queen. BARCELONA, June 3. It Is said that the captain general has been warned of a foreign anarchist plot to Lill the king and queen regent. lioth Cl Imine Santiago. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, June 3. The present reports from outside points show a victory for the nationalists, but both parties claim to have won In the city. The republicans showed un expected strength, though probably rot enough to elect their candidates. The nationalists make charges of ille gal voting. The streets are filled with frenzied partisans, cheering their fa vorite candidates. Over 100 arrests jaere mad durinfi t& day. HER STRENGTH IS EBBING. Mrs. McKlnley Baa Ket Accomplished the Necessary Rally. WASHINGTON. June 3. Mrs. Mc Klnley continues very weak. Her con dition is not greatly changed from that of yesterday, but each day that elapses without a gain in strength lessens her powers of recuperation. The complaint which came near ending her life In San Francisco is still present. It is in a slightly less aggravated form, but gives the physi cians and the president much concern. Mrs. McKinley has shown remarkable vitality, but her illness has so reduced her strength as to leave her very feeble. It is feared that unless a change for the better soon manifests Itself her strength may become so near exhaust ed as to leave her without rallying power. The news given out by the physi cians in attendance was not reassur ing, though hope of better things con tinues. After a consultation between Drs. Rixey, Sternberg and Johnson, the following bulletin was Issued: "Mrs. McKlnley passed a comfortable night, but her condition has not ma terially changed since the report of yesterday." There was no further consultations of the physicians during the day, but Dr. Rixey called during the evening and spent some time with the patient. In response to inquiries from time to time the statement was made that there had been no change In the con dition of the distinguished sufferer. President McKinley spent most of the day at the bedside of his wife, though, late in the afternoon he went out for an hour's drive. He departed alone, but met Judge Watson of Ohio, an old friend, on the way and the latter accompanied him to the white house. GIVING BACK OF PEKIN. Allied Form Will Gradually Transfer City's Government ThU Month. PEKIN, June 3. At a meeting of the generals of the allied troops yes terday it was decided to transfer the administration of the city of Pekln to the Chinese officials gradually during June. Count von Waldersee, accompanied by his staff, will leave Pekln today. Two special trains will be run all the week taking troops to Taku. The Germans are removing an extraordi nary amount of baggage, including Chinese carts, rickshaws, tables and chairs. The Baluchi regiment left this morn ing amid Impressive ceremonies of farewell. All the other British troops, with their bands, and all the Ameri can officers In Pekin were present, the Americans being particularly anxious to show their appreciation of the manner in which tbe British bade fare well to the American troops. BALDWIN f IRST COMES WEST. Commander of Expedition to Polar Bene Make Parti a r Call. NEW YORK, June 3. Evelyn Briggs Baldwin, commander of the expedition for the discovery of the North Pole, left tonight over the Pennsylvania railroad for Chicago, St. Louis and other points in the west. "I shall return to New York In about ten days," said Mr. Baldwin. "The object of my present trip west is to pay a farewell visit to my par ents and other friends. I expect to leave New York for Dundee on either the 12th or 13th of the month to as sume command of the expedition scheduled to leave Tromsoe, Norway, on the 25th. I am not at liberty to announce the personnel of my party at this time, but will do so before I leave New York for my polar trip." Archbishop Krtn'i Change. ST. PAUL, Minn.. June 3. Arch bishop Keane of the archdiocese of Dubuque has ordered that hereafter all candidates for the priesthood In his jurisdiction Bhall complete their stud ies at St. Paul's seminary, Instead of Montreal, as has been customary here tofore. This order will greatly In crease the attendance at the local In stitution and will necessitate the erec tion of new buildings next year. Cornea With Hta Awful Name. WASHINGTON. June 3. The state department has been -Informed that Phya Phetchada (pronounced pees pet-cha-dar) has been appointed envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipotenti ary of Siam to the United States and that the appointment to the post In cludes no other country. Strt-irra' i,t Day of Green. WASHINGTON, June 3 At the offi ces of the Southern Railway company today it was said that no word had heen received either from the striking machinists or the superintendents of the shops where they hare been em ployed. Several telegrams that came late last night stated that a consider able number of tbe strikers had been c round to announce that they would report for work Monday morning. In conformity to tfcn PiUciatuq. Yf ondrrfnl Deaf, Dumb and Blind Girl. Helen Keller's dally themes, to the number of eleven, are printed in the current Issues of the Radcliffe maga zine and are very remarkable, warrant ing the high praise they receive from her instructors. Her critical work, they say, notably In appreciation of German literature, would be unusual from any student of her age In possession of all the senses. Great Mill Building-. Manchester, N. H., is to have what it Is claimed will be the largest single mill building ever erected. It is nearly completed and is 770 feet long, with two wings of 330 feet, all of an average width of 100 feet, and five stories in height, including basement. Bernhardt In Tears. Coquelin is responsible -for a story to the effect that Just before Bernhardt last left Europe Rostand read to her his latest tragedy, and the actress, bursting into tears over the story, was confined to her bed for several days. A Job With Cats. Unknown practical Jokers created a sensation in Rochwood, N. J., one ev ening last week by bringing to town and turning loose a swarm of strange cats, which have oeen making life miserable for the residents ever since. A Blacksmith's Strang Experience. Goodland, Kan., June 3. N. E. Al bertson. our leading blacksmith has been a great sufferer from rheumatism. He was so bad that he could not sleep for the great pain in his arms and shoulders. He had been afflicted for years, but lately he was so mucn worse, that he thought he would have to give up his shop altogether. Then a strange thing happened. A friend of his recommended a new medicine called Dodd's Kidney Pills, said to be a cure for Rheumatism. He commenced to use them, and at once began to recover. His pain has all left him, and he is a well man today, and entirely free from any symptom of Rheumatism. To say that he Is thankful, Is putting It very mildly. He is delighted. Dodd's Kidney Pills deserve credit for having cured this very severe and almost hopeless case. From recent reports, there does not seem to be anything that they will not cure, as very bad cases of Bright's Dis ease. Diabetes, Dropsy. Rheumatism, and Heart Trouble, have been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, even after having been given up by our best doctors. Victoria's Letters Are Valuable. Letters written by Queen Victoria are already Increasing in value in Lon don, and the other day a brief three line note of hers, written in her own hand, sold for $25. What To tin Children Drink Don't give them tea or coffee. Have too tried the new food drink called GKAIN-Ot It Is delicious and nourishing, and takes tbe place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children the more health yon distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and whan properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of cosea, but costs about X nracb. Ail grocers sail is. He and 23c. A wife is either a man's best pos session or his very worst. Are Ton Using Allan's Foot Ease? It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad dress. Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y. Women's thoughts of men are mostly afterthoughts. He who defies danger defeats defeat. Most people eat more than Is good for them. The stomach tries to digest all that's put into It, but If repeatedly overloaded. It goes on a strike. That's indigestion, Rich, over-sweet, indigestible food weakens the stomach and makes It unable to take care of the material put Into It. More food taken into a weakened stomach than the stomach can digest, stays there, forms gases and rots, bringing on all the horrors of dyspepsia. The only way to cure dyspepsia Is to clean out the digestive canal with CASOaRETS. Keep it clean wifh Cascarets, eat light pod sparingly, and give the stomach a chance to rest up and get strong again. Be sure you get the genuine GARGARETS! "" when he is pt. toeing to a heiress, do you? to IndisnsprJis vOomtL ha 9mr atx year I wu a Ttctlra of dya- f S f " T Wmtm to lu worstlorsa. I could sot notable Jnr y 1 A m milk toast, aad at times my stomach you. X I N. Ill wonid not retain and direct rrrna taal I art MT ft If J I I Marsh I began aaktne; CASCARETS and si see I If n I 3 at tnaa I have steadily improved. antU I am as he t It V .u wwU as I ever was in my llfe- j II VV S V PATH) H. iscarn-r. Newark. O. 1UJ- ""X e TTH discovery by the -shbors vt a J y I BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. ' THIS IS THE TABLET cm AiuirriXB to rrtrstx an Ml knatk, nava nieaa. wlss wa Birxtoa mm SuSmSmtL S2vZI srenn stk. tlnnWnn kUla aa a is av rr tks carouse ml afterararai, Nat mmmnwr ak mllm Ta will mtmr mm well mm mm well mil fmm Ump i riant. Tavke ear atevleei start wtsa OAatsSaJanrlTS aOOOUOOOQQOaOOXKXKKKK SOZQDtKJT fcr th9 Teeth end Breath 25 At all Stores, or by K2.II for tht prlet. HALL & CUCKEL, Ciw York. MISS LUCY ANNIE HEISER, OP MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Miss Lucy Annie Heiser. a graduated nurse of nine years' experience, trained and graduated from the Homeopathic Hospital of Minneapolis, Minn., writes as follows: Albert Lea, Minn., Nov. 8, 1899. Tbe Parana Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen "Although my school does not believe In patent medicines, I have found It to bo a. tact that Peruna Is a grand and valuable medicine. I have known It to care Mrs. Sampson, suffering with an Inflamed womb, aggra vated by malaria, after the doctors had failed to help her. Another of my former patients suffered with a complication of female diseases; sbe was so thin, nothing but skin and bones, but Peruna cured her and sbe Is to-day In good health and good flesh. Facts prove that Peruna revives lost strength and restores to the sick that most wonderful blessing of life health. Lucy Annie Helser, If all the tired women and all the nervous women, and all the women that seeded a tonic would read and heed the words of these fair ladies who have spoken right to the point, how many Invalids would be prevented and how many wretched lives be made happy. Peruna restores health In a normal way. Peruna puts right all the mucous m embraces of the body, and in this way restores the functions of every organ. Soloists With Bellstedt. There are many soloists in the fa mous Bellstedt band, now fulfilling a month's engagement in Omaha at the Musical Festival, among them being Messrs. Emil Kopp, George Kernst and Charles B. Jones, all famed as cornet ists, each having been at some time chief virtuoso in some of the leading bands of the country. Mr. Karl Mey er, clarinet virtuoso, has fiIJd that po sition with the best musical organiza tions. Some of these gentlemen are beard with great delight at nearly ev ery concert. It is rare that a band is placed before the public that contains as many soloists of acknowledged merit as Bella todt'o, and those -who fall to attend some of the concerts will miss a treat not often to be taken advantage of. The concerts were be gun June 1st and will continue tbe en tire month, two concerts being given each day. Railroads within a radius of 150 miles of Omaha will give re duced rates. The bandmaster likes to have the public's money play into his hands. Srs. W-tnslows Soothing Syrup. Torebtldrtm teettlnc. softens the rani, reduces tr flsmniai tori, allays paut. cures wind colla. aacabottle. Every cloud has its silver lining, and even a dark lanter has its bright side. iMn. appeantefUa, VI! Sam PCM, I lu. liver traaatto. a' aaare rtsalarlr yaa tii una arsar senna liver Creanie, aanaweeai ar new ale aea't aiere rtsalarlr yea are era aiuepls laaa aB aaher aiaeneea fas-ether, aeate aa4 laaa ran mf aarrte Hut eeaaa ailu ASCAKKTS UaT. far sattl yea aat yaar aowele teeny. asSar aa aasalnle I SHOULD uorm He's the best physician that knows the worthlessness of the most medi cines. Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co. send song book free. Your druggist sells the oil and it stops pain. The heart of the fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of the wise man is in his heart. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed tr money refunded. The quill pens now used in England come from Germany and the Netherlands. DO YOU SHOOT?. If you do you should send your name and address on s postal card for a WDNCDHESTTEDS' G U NC AT A L OGUE. IT'S FREE. It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotgun and Ammunition, and contains much valuable Information. Send at once to tbe Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. OrASANTFEH TO (TSEi rr-yeare ace tmm first a ar CAS CASETSwumW. Km-mr It over al x aallllea aasea a yr-mr. srraMr than any suallar awatelae la t-br wer14. Title la aeaalata proof mt pi-r-at afrit, aad aar lest teettaaealal. We have fall-fa. aad will aelfCAaTiAiSFn'S abselntvly caarantesd tm core ar aaoacy refaaeVd. so Hay today, two &4e sxu, five km a fair, hasent trial, aa aer alasale elreetioas. aved If yon art aot aottaaVrd after nalaar oae 6e box. rMara tbe annaed &4e box nad tbe raaaty box ta aa by atall. ar tbe drare-3at (roam whoai yon annhurl It, aad set yew won ry mmm br hath Immm. rl'&k m oar uvlw no BAllrwUt nl la rttM start today. Xlealtb will ontekjy fbllow aad yotf will bless wx"i-M J,Mfc. tree by snail. -Adda Some men have penny wisdom anil dollar foolishness. Many a laboring: man's down in the world digging gold. From Mrs. Amanda Ehamaker, w7iq has charge of the Grammar Department of the Public Schools of Columbia City, Wash., also Past Grand of Independ ent Order of Good Templars, Dr. Hart man received the following letter: Columbia City, Wastt. T can speak only good words of the repeated benefits I have had from the use of Peruna. "Too constant application to work last winter caused me to have severe' head and backache and dragging pains. I could not stop my work, neither was I fit to go on. Reading of the bene ficial results from tbe use of Peruna t purchased a bottle and within at few days after using It, began to feel better. "I constantly improved and before) the seventh bottle was completely used, all pains were gone, my strength was restored, and I now seem ten years' younger. "If I get tired or feel bad, Peruna, at once helps me, and I feel you deserve praise for placing such a conscientious medicine before a suffering public. Mrs. Amanda Shumaker. Mattle B. Curtis. Secretary Legion of Loyal Women, Hotel Salem, Boston Mass., writes: "1 suffered for 5'"""""""" over a year with : general weakness and debility, manifested es-: peclally In severe : backache and' headache. ' "My physician ; prescribed differ- e n t medicines, : n o n e of which : seemed to help : me any until a club associate : Mattie B. Curtis. advised me to i try Peruna as It cured her of constitu tional headache and stomach troubles. I at once ordered a bottle and before it was used, felt greatly Improved. "I have taken four bottles and for two months have been entirely free from these maladies. Several of my friends are using Peruna with bene ficial results, especially in cases of troubles with the kidneys and other pelvic organs, together with weak nesses peculiar to women. Peruna is a specific for the catarrhal derangements of women. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Q. FREE A TsrWftLsfeVaai 11 Tl rf TV m.l -a r-nt fn TlTto. CnilM. mwA All NrMmtT)krasrl. AfMlMw IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you take up your home In Western Can ada. the land of plenty, illustrated pamphlet, giving experiences of farmers who have bo come wealthy la grow ing wheat, reports of delecrates, etc. and foil Info ,tiu u to raliuwl mflwav TSteS COD I? application to the Superintendent of had on Immigration, Department of Interior. Ottawa, Canada, or to W v. Bennett, 801 New Yarn Life Illdg., Omaha. Neb. 10c 25c 50c NEVER SOLD JN BULK. DRUGGISTS tb dny you drat started the eaa muuia USUI to., la lot i Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE. STARCH, the only 16 or. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. ii i II L v aw