I I V TP -Sk A T IjUUAIj. 1 Iletter get your canine tagged before Marshal Slater gets in his murderous work on him. Smoke Otto Wurl cigars. Dr. W. II. IClster, lVntbd., Water man Ulock, Anything you want? Get it at Ger "ing's. When you want a go.i.l comb, conic to (Jering & '. The sweetest of sweet in the candy line at (Jering C'o.'s E. (J.lving. of Syracuse, is assisting in A. W. At wood's pli;Hinacy. Otto Wurl's cigars are calculated to make a man take an adeVd inten st Iii life. Ir v.. 1 ). rnmmins went to Cedar (""reek on business last Wednesday. The Gut 1 foil cig.tr are the test smokers on the iimk! VTiul n anu factures them. Jim Hoot and family were in from Murray Wednesday. For sale or exchange for eastern Nebraska lands. Z ranches: all sies. II. P.. Windham, Piattsmouth, Neb. 31 is. J. K. Marshall and sou went to Omaha for a short visit before return ing to their home in Lincoln We have a few wall taper remnants that we sell for -W !er roll. They are iust the thing for closets ami gantries. Call and see us. Gkkin; a O Orlando TelTt was in from Avcra n business last Monday. Lowe Protheis high stnndanl I ii i: i laints cover .'Son Mjiiare feet two coats cheaper and I etter than 1 i 1 and oil Hi ring .S: ('.. selling agents. T. II. ToIiiT came in from Murray last Mondav for a with bisfamily. Wurl i:rither.s' Gut Ileil cigar can't le leaten fr a cool, sweet smoker. Marshal Carter and George Towle.of Weeping Water, were county seat vis itors Monday Every youn; man in town wi.ul! be huntin ui a lijvnse ami a mini-tier if he kne.v lnv.v be a i'.if ally and im-xpen siv"lv the Sattler 1 ijruuiire I . can furnirh a home f.ir him. SheriiT Wheeler' wife is still iously ill. Palkv watches made to work bv Mc- Elwain, the jeweler. Mrs I. J. Ilorsley, formerly of piatts mouth. now Iiing in Cripple ("reek. 'ol..is in 1 !i-city i-it ing her many friend.-.. Tlie Priiieof Plat tsmoiit h is justly Otto Wurl's famous five cent cigar. Ket ih "s studio is th.- only one in Piattsmouth t Mmiiigont the new finish platinum water co'or photo. The Cass county jail was empty this week forthetirst time in about fwehe months. "-We nils" seem to U- git ting pretty good. I f there's a place in town where la die feel satisfied that the stIe and assortment of spring bats is all they can ak, it's at Mrs. Maiispeakcr's. We call for and repair ad kinds of furniture. Call us up. our telephone is i:;T. Sattler Furniture Co. W. I. Jones was out in the country the first part of this week introducing his well known Iior.se medicines. When the weather is hot drop into Keedy's studio and examine bis ex hibit of platinum wate r colon d pho tographs. They are tine. Deputy Sheriff Mcl'ride was making 'arrangements this week to ship the little bay roadster he recently sold to Attorney Kennedy of Omaha. Our Paby Cough yrup is justt the thing for children under five years only ir a lxttle. Geriug& to. Orders taken for white and brown bread, pies, plain and fancy cakes. Tel. 7:; or2.il. Mrs. Keese4 Mcriaken. lien Paisley, of lied ford. Ia . was vis iting his friends in Piattsmouth this week. He was a guest of William Morrow. When it comes to real line-pci time. Gering& Co. keep them all. It is reported that George Horn, liv ing near Cedar Creek, hauled Pin loads of corn last Tuesday. He intends to do a lot more hauling this week. If there is one store in Piattsmouth that makes you want to buy every thing they have it's that of the Sat tier Furniture Co. the big store on sixth street. You arc looking for a Phoenix & Northern tire policy. A. W. White will write it. He is sole agent for Cass county. Miss Myrtle Gilson, who has been teaching school at Newcastle, Wyo., is sjn-nding her summer vacation with her parents in Piattsmouth. - Gering .. Co.'s Syrup of Tiifolium Compound is the greatest spring blood purifier sold, and is a';hit ely guaran teed lo give sat isfact ion or money re funded. Price I. The supper served at ti e Workman liall Tuesday evening by the St. Luke's guild was a grand success, Imtli finan cially and socially. If you want to go a little higher y. ill can't get more for your-money than 'rem Otto Wurl's Silver Wreath cigai. Elegant? Weil. I should say! That's what every one says of the line of baby carriages, go-carts and sleepers at the Sattler Furniture Co.'s big store on Sixth street. Misses Cora and Clara Walker are home from the state university for a short vocation. Would you be happy? Sfnoke Spies' Exquisito 5c cigars. As good as ordi nary ten centers. All in wrappers. Spies' Exiuisito oc cigar is neatly w rapped in paper, so that farmers can carry them in their pockets safely. Already the favorite, it is rapidly tak ing the market. No wonder. What do you want in a cigar? An ex quisite flavor and a free smoker. The Exquisito exactly fills the bill .V. The local committee for the coining encampment of the Grand Army has invited several prominent speakers here timing the coming encampment -and it is noticed that all are rcpul lican politicians. The platinum water color photos so cfosely resemble a miniature portrait in water colors that it is almost impos sible to denote the difference. This work can only be secured at Keedy's studio on Main street. Mr. William Wynn wIjo went to Perry. O. T.. Monday of last week, to see a sister who is sorely afflicted with a chronic disease, and whose recovery is doubtful, returned Saturday morn ing. He reports very cold and rainy weather down there and is not favor ably impressed with that territory. l or Sal. A good buggy and a phaeton, at a bargain... Call on Wadk W. Windham. Mrs A, H. Pirie of Haveloek and Mrs S. II. At wood of Lincoln were in the city visiting relatives and friends and relatives Wednesday. Prizes For' Letters about Nebraska. A round trip ticket from any lJur lington lloute station in Nebraska to Yellowstone National Park and a com plete trip through the Parkisoneof twenty prizes offered by the P.urlington Koute for the lest. letters about Nebraska. Other prizes are: Trips to Colorado, the lilack Hills, Chicago and St. Louis. There are also several cash prizes. The IJurlington offers" these prizes for letters that will encourage immi gration to Nebraska. Letters de- covered by tlio County of Cass, plalnCilT. against snUl defendants. I'lttttstnoutli, Nebraska. April 10. A. D 1901 W.Ji. WHKKLKit. Mienff, Cass count v. Nebraska. r Jy J. i. McHhidk. Jkssi-: I,. Koot. Ileum v. riaimlll's Attorney. ;tl Druggist's Permit. Notice Is hereby given that Gerinjr & Com pany have liied their petition as required by the statutes of the state of Xftir.-isL uiif. the city clerk of Phi tt smooth, requesting h permit to sell malt, snirltuons nul vin,.iw liquor, for medicinal, mechanical and chemi cal purposes for tliecomlnjr municipal year. In the building situated on the west half of lot twelve (U'l. block t vventy-eijfht (2hi. city of riattsmoutli. Neb. G K K I xc & Co. Piattsmouth. Neb.. April 3. r.mi. Druggist's Permit. Notice hi hereby given that A. W. Atwood has tiled his pet il ion as required by thestal ute of the slate of Nebraska, with the city clerk of riattsmoutli. reiiuesting it liern.it to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for medi cinal, mechanical and chemical puroses. for the ci'iiiinc municipal year. In the building situated on the west half of lot three (.'!). In liloelt thirty-live (.Ci). city of Piattsmouth, Neb. .. v. AtwOoii. I'l.tt tsNMiuth. Neb. April.. I!il. Druggists Permit. Notice Is hereby given that F. O. I ri.-Uc Ims liied his M-I il ion. us required by the statutes ... r r .ii ' tn. ji ..vi'innni., mill llie IMV I'lerK .SC1I ptlVC of successful farming, cattle of l'latlsmouth. mi nesting u iM-rmil to sell r....:i ..,1 I.. mull, spirituous ami vinous lmuors for me- laisnm, ii K1"" "'is .si."..ai 1'iu- ..i.unlcal. m.ii. inal and cliemical nurnoses in suits are available for the purixise in ' ";' i"''jding situated on its m ami iw !-;. in blockthlrly-slxCStil.cltyvf riattsmoutli. .sen.. lor me -oinlng municipal year. I- . G. J-'liiCkK. Piattsmouth. Neb.. April .". l'.l. view. The contest closes May 31, P.K)1 Circular giving full information will be mailed on request. .1. Kkancis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Probate Notice. lUatchford Cavanaugh and Honey's I'.oys delinhted a fair-sized audienceat the Parmele theatre Wednesday night with their entrancing vocal music all numlicrs receiving hearty encores. Kxperieiiee. however, is proving that what our people want is lamp-blacked minstrels or blood and thunder melo drama. William Peterson who has been em ployed in t lit II. - M. shops for a num ber 'if years resigned his place last week and started last Tuesday for Washington to. seek a new home in the extreme west. His family will follow him alniut the first of July, or as soon as he has located a homestead. His many friends wish him success in Ids new place of residence. M. S. Ilriggs. who lately left here for his future home at Salem, la., has! had some lit t le trouble with the vil lage council of that place over the kind of poles he should use in his tel- eohone system, after lie had secured t he franchise, but happily all differ- nces have leeii adjusted and he is Misy erect ing cedar poles and string hir wire. He will have the exchange hmI line in working order soon. F.r l. o(1)K itutrUy and a phaeton, at a laroain. ( all on Wadk W. Windham. In County Court. Cass count y. Nebraska: in the matter of thevslale of Adam Hell. deceased. Wendel Ileil. W illiam Ileil. lieorge Hell. Lizzie Heil. V. II. Ileil. and all other HTsons interested: You and each of you are it riliv not I lied that upon the :.1h lai-of A urn. v. ii. i'.hii. w. ii. iicii mci ior nniiHie andallowance.an iiistrunient purporting to Ih the last will and testament or Alam Men. deceased, and his petition alhging among other things, that said oeceased cin-l testate at his home in Kight Mile tirove pns-inct. in Cass Count v. Nebraska, on the lot It dav of April. A. D. I'.Hil. and that siiid deceit set! died seized of real estate situated in ail county, and that the above named are all of the heirs of said deceased. 1 lie prayer of said iM-tition i for the probuteaud allowauceof said nstru- ment as thtt last will of t he deceased, and that letters tetlaiiienlary lie issued thereon to Wil liam Heil and Henry Ileil. You are further notified that a hearing will lx-had uoii said petition and said niopoiiiH.ed instrument at the etiunty court room in I'lattMnoul h. Cass county. Neoraska. on the inn nay or .nay. A. D. 1WH. at the hour of 1 oVIock p. tit., and that if you fail to attend and object to the probate of said instrument, the prayer of said petitiou may lie granted and propate of said instru ment allowed, and such further orders and decrees entered as to the court may seem proper. Witness my ha ml and lie seal .if said tsuirt at I'lattsnio'uth. Nebraska. IhK the tiihday of April. A. D. I: 'I. (skai) .1. K. Dorm.ASS. County .luilge. Probate Notice. In Comity Court. Cass County. Nebraska: In the matterof Hie estate tf .lohn Kleiser. deceawsl. Carrie K.. Charles W.. Henry. Wil liam and .leske KleiM-r. ami nil other iiersons interested in said estate, are hereby not itieo that Charles W. Kleiser. on the 'Si day of April. 1901. tiled a petition In said court, alleg ing among other tilings, that John Kleiser. late an Inhabitant of said count v. diet) in said county on the 14th day of April. A. D. I'All. not having made a last h ill and lestann-nt: that the said John Kleiser tiitl seized and pis sesstMl of real estate and ersiial in rt) sltuatl In said county to le atlministttred: that th mbove named are all of the heirs alio perons Interested in said estate. The prayei of said petition is that the court grant letters of administration of said estaie lo Charles W. Kleiser. You are furl her not itied that a hear ing will be had upon said p tit ion at t hi countyeourt room inl'lalt-moot h.t'a-s county. Nebraska, oh the Isth day of .May. A. I. I1U. at II o'clock iti the forenoon, and thai if yoi. fail to apiear at said time and object to sain IMMition. th court may grant the prai theret if and It-uc letters of itilminist rut ion tc Charles W. K leiser or some ot her suitalile ier- soll. W il ness my hand and the seal of s:i id court at Plat tsinoiil h. Nebraska, this -.itl dav oi April. A. D. ILtU. IDt.il.) J. K. Ihict.l.ASS. County Judge. & E. 6. DOVEY and SON. 3 I.U'rniw Not Ire. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Phil 'I'liierolf has tiled his ctition. a.s rtHuirej by the stal utes of the stale of Nebraska, with the elerft of the city of 1'iitltsmout h. Nebras ka. rei nesting a license to sell malt, spirituous mid I nous liquors, for the coming iimiiici pal year, imlie hiilhliiigsitii.-it. il on Mock sliti. lot thirty-three (Xl). in the city of Plat ls Ln.uith. Nebraska. mil. TIIIEKOI.F. riaitstnouth. Neh4 Ajiiil IZ. 1 -.!. Sntlee .f A icatloii l.tr I.I ir !.i-iie To wiioin it may concern : Notice is heretiy given that ihe undersigned. John A. .lensoii. has tiled his pet i! hm. as required by t he st at utes of t he stale of N'vliraska. with the eiiy clerk of tliecityof rial t siiiout Ii. Nebraska, rc ipiest ing a license to sell mall, spirituous and vin m-i I liii rs b r the coming municipal year, in the building situated on the east half of lot three block thtrtv-three C In said city. JOHN A. JKNsON. riattsmoutli. Neb., April ill. I'.ol. Nollre'of A ppliettticifi for I liUor l.lci ii To whom l! may concern: Notice Is hereby giveo that the undersigned. Dietrich Ilreden k a h i p. has tiled his pet It ion. as reiiuircd by t lie statuOsof the state of Nebraska, filth the enmity clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, re iiiestluga license to sell spirit 'lolls, mall and vinous liquors for the term of one year from t lie I inn of I he grant ing of said li-'cuse. at his place of bu&iiiess.in the viliageof Cedar Creek, t'a.sx-i u in y. Nebraska . DlKTIMCII ItllMUJNKAVI'. riattsmoutli. Neli.. April j. i:U. No'lri til Applieail n or I.tiior l.le'"e. Touhotiiit may concern : Notice is hereby gi ven t hat t he nmlerrigned. I laus SH-ck. has tihl his pet it ion. as required by the statutes of I iie stale of Nebraska. Wit h t lie city clerk of t he city I'lattsiiioiit Ii. Nebraska, request ing a license to sell mall, spirituous and vinous liquors for t h. coming municipal year, in I he building sit ualetl on part of lots eleven (II) and I Helve (!'.'. block I went y--ven u7 in said city. HAI'S spKCk. riattsmoutli. Neb.. April V' V.. Succumbs to Injuries. Kobcrt Moore, the Ihirlington tire man who was fatally injured in t he wreck at child's Point last week, died f his injuries Sunday at St. Joseph lospital in Omaha, where he had leen taken after being extricated from un der the wrecked engine. The doctors bad declared an ampu tation of his lower limits necessary, but Moore failed to recover strength enough to meet the ordeal. Moore was an Irishman but years of age. His mother still resides in the old country. He made his residence at Lincoln during the past few years. and was buried at that place Tuesday lUider the auspices of the A.O. L W., of which order lie was a m mber: Christian Endeavor Convention The annual convention of the 2nd District which is composed of Cass, Otoe, Lancaster, Seward, Saunders, York, Uutler ami Folk counties, will be held at Piattsmouth May 1 and '2. The convention opens Wednes day evening, May 1 at 7..'0, and closes Thursday evening. May 2. Every so ciety in the district should be repres ented in the convention by theirpastor and three delegates. All visitors how ever invited and welcome. You will notice the. time is much shorter than usual so we urge every delegate to be in his place promptly on time at the tirst session and remain till the close. We have arranged for two addresses each evening. Our State President, Kev. II. II. Harmon of David City, and Dr. Ii. M. Long of Lincoln, will give the addresses the first eveningand Rev. S. I. I Fa n ford of Weeping Water, and I!ev. ;. Chapman of York the last evening one or the most helpful hours of the convention is the quiet hour in the morning. No one should miss this session as it w ill lie our great spiritual power for the. day's work. The executive committee wants you to attend and riattsmoutli is ready to welcome you as ( 'hrist ian workers; so don't disappoint the committee, don't tlisapfKiint Piattsmouth and don't dis a pjKtint yourself. Trusting that each society in the District will be represented and that the convention will Ij a spiritual up lift to each of us, I am yours in C. K., LOTTIE M. lOLLAHD, See. Notice to Non-Resident Def'endaDt HKKMAN WAl.TMw defendant, will takt notice: That on the i"th day of June. 19o'. I J" Nichols, trustee, plaintiff herein liied his e titlon in the district court of Cass county. Ne braska, against said defendant. I he object and prayerof which are lo foreentse it certain mortgage executed by the defendant to the plaintitt iioii lot thirteen In block nine teen (lit), in Kagle. Cass county. Nebraska, ac cording in the recorded plat I hereof, to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes, dateil tlt-toU r l.ith. IXHJ. for the sum of seventy-five dollars (r7j.ini) dollars each, and due and Mable in one and two years resicf live ly from the date thereof: and there is now due umiii said notes and mortgage the sum of one hundred eighty-one tlsi.uni dollars, for which sum. with interest from t hisdatc.ptaiii tllT prays for a decree that defendant In- re quired to. pay the same, or that said premises may liesoid to satisfy the amount found due. bin are rcqiilnit to answer said ctitioiiun or in-fore the -".nh davof April. HMI. I. .1. N K'l 1 1 U.S. Trustee, lly Talbot Am. ex. Attorneys. Dated March .. i'l n. First publication March 15. Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of -sale, issued bv Ueorge I". I louse worth, clerk of the district court wit bin and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie directed. I w ill on the I4th l)jr or May. A. 1 IDOI. at !J o'clock, a. ni.. of said day. at the south door of the court house in the" city of l'latls mouth. in said county, se.l at pubfic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, lo-wit : Iits six (ti) to twenty-one CM) Inclusive in block t wo f?) in Itrown's snli. division of lot seventeen (17) in sts-tion tliir teen LI.IJ In town twelve lli range thirteen li:i): also lot eight s. nine ml and ten jlti in block three 3 in said iirown's sub-division. All in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the prlvllegi-r nml appurtenances thereunto T lielonging or In anywise appcrta tiiinr. Tim same lieing levied upon and taken as the pro perty of Dank of Cass County et al.. defend ants, to satisfy a judgment o'f mid t int re Notice of Applica'lon fur l.iiiir l.tc ens- Tow hom il. m.iv concern : N"ol ice is hereby given I ha I t he undersigned. Henry Jess, has tiled his petition, as risiiured by the statutes :if the state of Nebraska, witli the city clerk f the city of I'lattshioiith. Nebraska. request lug a license to sell ma It. spirit nous and in us liquors for t he coming municipal year, in tin liuildiug sit uated on the wesl half of lot eight (s). block I wcniy-eighl C. in said city II r. u i .u s' flat tsmoiit Ii. Neb.. April I J. I.m. Carpets and Straw Mattings. We are iIen.sptl to nrinounee lo our customers in Cuss County Hint we have now in stock for spring; trade one of the hest ilisplnys of Mciquelte and Velvet Car pets wo have ever shown at iricen hoM IcrS tli.ni at Omaha for the newest patterns for this season. Our lino of yard wide Ingrain Carpets comprise, the cream of three big wholesale stocks. No old job lot patterns to palm off ou our customers. You no doubt contemplate HOUSE CLEANING if you do you may need n new carpet, or n new tloor matting, or new lace- curtains, or window shades or Mirtain poles. If you do call on us. Our Vim- of Liicr Curtains was never st) large wo show you the newest things in It u HI ed Curtains at $1.25 up to $5.00. g E. G. DOYEY and SO IN. 3 Nttfe f A itplieu lull for l.liiitr f.if'611 Tii wluiu il m.iv I'oiin ni: Notice is hereby .Uti that the "undersigned. Kd. DouaU has rileil his M-tiiioit. as nsuireil by the staoites r the stale of .Neliraska. H tt Ii tlie city clerk r I he city of ri:ittsiiniitli.s.c.raska. request ing a license lo sell malt, spirituous ami iu mis liquors for I lie coming m u n id kiI ear. in the timlding sit ualcd on lot I u el ve t lul. oloi'k i weniy -nine j;..i in said city. Kl. I h IN AT. riattsmoutli April 1J. 1(1. iiti . ! I pplie ion r l.iiiior IJi-eti To whom it may concern: Not let is hereby ;iven that the undersigned. Hans (ins. has led his pet it ion. as rispiin-d hythe statiil- of Nebraska, wit Ii the clerk of the city of I'iallsiuout h. Nebraska, request ing a liceiist for tlie sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, tor the coming municipal year. In the building situated on the west half of lot six f.. block I hirty-foiir :;o. in said city. HANS OOOS I'iattsmouth. Neb. April 12. 1!ni. II M n ""n; T p ysi. y i 0 n s(T h i 101 & 103 West Gih Sf.9 Kansas Giiy, Mo. (y0.) Tho Old Rclleblo Doctor. Oldest in Ago end Longest Located A Rosular Crcdua'.o in Klodlcinc Over 27 Years Special Prectics. 22 Years in Slar.caa City. Anthorlzed by tlie statu to treat Chronic. Nervous and fpecial Disease. Cure guaranteed or money refunded. All meuicines f urnibhea ready toruno no mercury or injurious medicines used. No detention from business. Pa tients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent every where free from gaze or breakage. No medicines Rent C. O. U only by agreement. Charges low. Over fiOXOo cases cured. State your case and send lor torms. Consultation free ana confidential, personally or by letter. Seminal Weakness and . p'"nd no exposure, no caustics, cutting, "" TT CU1V1IC99 UU t hniiripunr innnili KnitptAnllnn 1mm K.,i! ness. Thousands cared. A pernianentcure Juarsnteed or money refunded. Send stamp or book, which fully explains this disease. iirtmrtttmmt,niTteA veins In the scrotum csnslrg ner vous debility, weakness of the sexual sys tem, etc.. permanently cured without pain. H vH rTWf1f cJroPT of the scrotum. IIJUIULCIC cured without pain. Phi m o CI c..'" Dook cured in a few rilllllUMi"",, without pain. Rnnlr ror both sexes. VtJ pages, 27 ple tares true to life, with full de scription of above clseases. the effects ahd cure, sent Healed In plain wrapper for six cents in stamps. Free Museum orriCK HOCB8: of Anatomy for men. to- o Thousands of curiosities It - A sermon without words.l Sunrimyi, JO to 12 Sexual Debilitv. JEJi:., w. fnlly and excesses causing losses by dreams ; er with urine, pimples and blotches on the - face, rushes of blood to the Lead, pains in '3 back, confused Ideas and forgetfulness, baHhfulness, aversion to society, loss of sex id unl power, loss of manhood, etc., cured for O life. 1 can stop night losfes, restore lost sexual power, nerve and brain power, en- 1 large and strengthen weak parts and make you lib Kir uiarria.'. luauerrioie disease, in ail its forms and stueea. cured ood Poisoning. Skin Diseases. ? Ulcers. Swellings. Sores, Gonorrhoea and Gleet, and all forms 01 rnvate Lnseasea, I nfisittvelv cured nr mmiev refunded. tpirturA radically cured without J 1.1 IL.IUI G theuseof instruments. A and Infallibla Home Treatment. No 1 you tit for man Syphilis, 1 for life. Blood "9 Ulcers, j Gleet, I J positive Stri fl New an GQ00O3GXDG Peace to the Ashes of a Good Cigar. OGXSOSSOS3 r- 1 v.- r.-', ,v tasv 3 y iXi)GXEL'QCG)(3 VV uri s All Home IVorl. and Union Made. OOGXDOSOGXS STOVES. Stidy in tKe Greatest Thing in House keeping as Seen by the Journal Man in John R. Cox's Hardware Store. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, of all sizes at,d tl.ccHtion4, indestructible, economical of fut'l, perfect in retrulation and distribu tion if heat, neat and artistic in design, beautiful in finish, and in an array sufll--vently varied in size and ?caign to meet the requirement 4 of everyone from the most ni'.dest of housekeepers totheffreater mods .f restaurant acd hotel, keepers. Tliat's what the Journal man found in making a tour of investigation through the hardware ttore of John II. Cox one day thin week. The Mnj ;stie S ei l Ilmos, the latest i 111 lili 1 vi'il D.lriiil urnl SJi 11 ml ii I I..I,,;... ' (1 1 soli no Stove- and Itinep, l!n in m mis lately i-ifteted i-tand itd Lii'lit- "'-- ' itivr t'o's blue (Ume i.ti oleum burner f.-r those who live where it is not convenient to procure gasoline all thi elegant display of the skill of the modern range builders' art impresnes one with the eobviction that the prime essential to the assuring of a happy home lies in the careful selection of a first class cooking stove. No less a one than 0en Meredith said: 'We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books; IJut civilized man cannot live without cooks." 1 iif And where's the cotik who can live and ply her calling without one of John 11. C x's Majestic St.:el Hinges, one of his (.Gaso line Stoves or l'etroleuni Ulne 'Inine Hurtiers? A"d if tin? eo.ilc r the e n-k's i:pji fli-ets to ako tlio .Jotii-n-i I inan's ailvii-.it. s ihfir fauU 11 il iln-v ini-s :t lew of Ut l; t, 1 ; l,. S:..if hieh, from fi i-li!. ilnms to uPi-y r-tilraiiee. is a ih'liglil lo li;i t-VM f tb- ilirifi v ti ttlsfki--pi-i-. Call at John R.rCox's. THE GREAT MAJESTIC APs. see for ourswlf and hi vinced. on- rtiwitrt 3 fiJSTIC I jKjNAJESTIC t ' J 2 wg. co. Mrs.ca. 3D 5 y sr.iouis. gf' ST.HUIS. . rj 1 THE GREAT MAJESTIC T9 A ft -.tl'.. -.. . t. nr 1