Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 19, 1901, Image 3

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Thief Catchers aa Thieves.
A Catholic priest at Kroze. a small
town in Poland, was awakened at
night by masked robbers, who ordered
him to produce the 1.200 roubles which
he had to pay for the construction of
a church. The priest pretended to be
hunting in his deek for the money, but
eetting his hands on a revolver he
turned suddenly and fired on the ban
dits, killing two and putting the rest
to flight
Dr. Tictor Vaughn Report on Case of
Charles U. Bare.
CHICAGO. April 15. A dispatch to
The Japanese Ponnally Ask for Ewang the Record-Herald from Ann Arbor.
. Sq'b Eeturn to Pekia.
Take Laxative Bkomo yciMM Tablets. A3
drureit rWand the njonv if it faijs in cure,
i. W. tirove'staiffnuture in on the box. Jjc
Watches and rivers seldom run long
rlthout winding.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
A woman with a three-inch tongue
can make a giant feel like a midget.
Millions of sufferers use Wizard Oil
for pain every year and call it blessed.
Aik the druggist, he knows.
Now He is Dr. Alter.
The American University, of Harri
man. Tenn.. has Just conferred the
honorary degree of doctor of laws up
on Hussell A. Alger, ex-secretary of
war. Mr. Alger has been a patron of
the schools at Harriman for many
Ask your grocer Tor DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
New Englaod Ctopia.
Charles Francis Adams pays that
Winchester. Mass.. has "within its
limits more natural beauty and a
higher average of civilization than any
other pla;e in that section cf X?w
Try Craln-O! Try Grata-Ot
Ask your Grocer to-day to show von a
package of GRALX-O. the new food "drink
that taes the place of coffee. The children,
may drink it without injury as well a the
adult. All who try it. like jt. GRALN-Ohaa
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, hat
it is made from pure grains, and the most
deiicaXe stomach recttives it without dis
tress. f the price of coffee. 15c and 25 cla.
par pacitage. bold by all grocers.
No man is truly wise who denies
that he ever made a fool of himself.
Garfield Tea. the medicine that puri
fies the blood and cleanses the system,
brings good health to all who use ft- It
Is made from herbs. Druggists sell it.
Are Instructed to Have Their Ruler
Promise Something Definite If ad Bet
ter Urin- All Soldiers so as to Quell
Disorders In Russia.
Success is the one, crime some peo
ple reruse to forgive in their friends
Are Ton Interested In the Northwest?
Home and Garden, a 16-page illus
trated monthly paper, tells all about
the fine climate, fertile grain and fruit
lands, timber, mines, fisheries, etc.
of the wonderful Northwest, the rich
est undeveloped portion of North Am
erica. The regular price of the paper is
50c a year. If you will cut out and re
turn this ad., state name of paper in
which it appears, and enclose 10c In
silver. Home and Garden will be sent
you. postage paid, for one year. Ad
dress Home and Garden, Newspaper
Row, St. Paul, Minn.
a perfect
Larxe LIQUID and POWDER, 75c
At all the Stores, or by Mail for tJUe j-rice.
barkarbe. nervousness. sieepieaa
nm, wealcsrw. Iras of v1is!try. In
cipient kidney .bladder and urinary
H thiit fan nrt he r i'4 Vl v
I mm
tbe rreax fc finer, liver and blood medicine. fiOo
l ail LniFlt Write f r free aainple. Addreas
KIO-NE-OIDS, St. Louis, Mo.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
See Fac-SImlle Wrapper Below.
Tory assail aad as esey
ta take mm atigaz.
, . oanvuiB awsravju0irruic.
W..N. 1.-OMAIIA No. 16 1901
LuritS tntnt All tLSt failS.
Best t-outfta syrup. Tames Guo. Cse
in time ia p.
PEKIN", April 13. Komurs Yutaro,
the Jaianese minister, accompanied
by General Yamaguchi. the Japanese
commander, recently called upon
Prince Ching and notified him that
the return of Emperor Kwang Su to
Pekin was urgently desired. Prince
Ching was Informed that the emper
or's wishes would be respected by the
foreign troops and that every courtesy
would be shown him.
It was pointed out to the Chinese
plenipotentiary that the emperor's
return was of the highest possible im
portance, as affecting the maintenance
of the integrity of the Chinese empire,
and that he should come, acc-cmpanied
by every available soldier by at
least 20,000 men if possible. These
troops, it was further contended by
the Japanese minister, must be seJt
into Manchuria, as the Russians re
ported great disturbances there and it
was not right that the task of quelling
the trouble should be thrown upon the
shoulders of one nation.
Finally Prince Ching was assured
that if the 20,000 Chinese troops cculd
not suppress the disorders in Manchu
ria other powers would send an inter
national force to co-operate with
China, which the powers regarded as
a friendly power.
iso reply having been received to
this communication Li Hung Chang
was today notified to the same effect
and told that Emperor Kwang must
give an immediate answer.
The preparations which the Jap
anese here are making for an early
start indicate that they expect war
between Russia and Jacan. Vessels
arriving at laku from Nagasaki report
the mobilization of the Japanese fleet
and the continuance of preparations
on board ship for the anticipated
Prince Ching says all his reports go
to show that the missionary state
ments regarding a rebellion in Mon
golia are not supported by the facts.
Neither does he believe that the re
bellion of General Tung Fu Sian
amounts to much.
it is tne object of certain ele
ments," he asserts, "to make it seem
that China is in a condition of con
slant broil, rendering it unsafe for the
foreign troops to be withdrawn. Those
who have this in view will magnify
a village riot into a big rebellion. The
Chinese ministers, naturally timid.
take these reports in good faith."
Mich., says Dr. Victor Vaughn, dire
tor of the medical department, ap
peared before the state board of
health yesterday and practically ac
knowledged that the case cf Student
Charles Benjamin Hare of Pawnee
City is one of bubonic plague. He as
sured the board there would le no
spread of the disease, as all precau
tions had been taken to prevent it,
and that the student would recover.
Dr. Novy, who attends Hare, weara
a germproof rubber garment that cov
ers him from head to fcot, with two
little eyeholes for sight, whenever he
goes Into the contagious ward, and te
also injects preventative doses of se
rum into himself.
Dr. Vaughn told the board that Hare
contracted the disease by an accident
almost Identical with that which oc
curred in Vienna in 18&S. Prof. Noth
najle and his assistant, Barisch, were
conducting bacteriological experiments
on bubonic plague bacilli. Barisch
caught the disease and died, as did
also Dr. Muller. who attended him.
Reported That Someone Tried to Stab
tbe A(ed President.
PARIS. April 15. L'Estafette pub
lishes a report that an attempt was
made to stab Mr. Kruger.
LONDON, April 15. According to a
dispatch to the London Daily Express
form Amsterdam, cabled to the Asso
ciated Press Saturday last, the Dutch
police recently got wind of contem
plated attempts upon the life of Mr.
Kruger. It is quite likely that the
report to which L'Estafette gives cur
rency is traceable to a similar source.
Not Dangerously Insane.
DENVER. April 15. Albert S.
Cowan who was arrested on February
2 last on a charge of murder, which
was subsequently dismissed for lack of
sufficient eivdence to justify his in
dictment, has been released from cus
tody, a jury before which he was tried
on a charge of insanity having decided
that he was not so distracted in his
mind as to endanger his own life and
property or the lives and property of
others. It was believed for a time
that Cowan was the thug who knocked
down many women on Capital hill dur
ing the fall and winter. Several of
the assailant's victims died.
Cores a tiovernment Disposes of Kim
Tine Chun.
TACOMA, Wash., April 15 A sen-
rational political crisis exists in Seoul,
capital of Corea. The news is brought
tonight by the steamship Duke of Fife
that the government has beheaded
Kim Yang Chun for planning to make
the son of the emperor's favorite mis
tress. Lady Om, heir to the throne, dis
placing the prince imperial, son of the
murdered uqeen.
The decapitated official was the lead
er of the Kim faction, which has been
engaged for months in deadly rivalry
with the Min faction, led by Min Kong-
sik, for the domination of Corean poli
tics. The Min faction learned of the
plot against the prince imperial and
a 6treet fight between the factions resulted.
Border Ruffian Slain.
SILVER CITY, N. M., April 15.
Red Weaver, a well known border char
acter and a reputed member of the fa
mous "Black Jack" gang of bandits.
has been killed at Alma, a little min
ing camp seventy two miles northwest
of here.
Weaver had threatened to kill Ttd
Holliman, who had previously called
him to account for certain remarks
against a young woman's character.
Later, they met again and fired tt
each other simultaneously. Weaver
fell dead with a bullet through his
heart. Holliman was exonerated.
Ftrmiri Ficht the Combine).
SALINA, Kan., April 15. Farmers
Df Saline county have completed the
perliminary organization of their as
sociation to fight the grain combine
by building or leasing their own ele
vators, and a charter will be applied
for at once.
The board of directors chosen is
made up of J. A. Reser, W. A. Mur
phy. C. L. Stone, J. E. Runquist, Wil
liam Muir, A. C. Hillman and John S.
Bean, all of whom are prominent farmers.
Ka Town Crowd Gathers A boot the
KANSAS CITY, April 15 Mrs. Car
rie Nation was arrested in this city
tonight on the charge of obstructing
the street and hauled to the police
station in a patrol wagon. She was re
leased on a cash bond of $6, and will
be tried in the police court tomorrow
Mrs. Nation lectured in Kansas City
Kan., last night and came over to the
Missouri side this morning. She start
ed on a tour of investigation among
the downtown saloons this evening. A
thousand men and boys followed her.
and at Twelfth and Walnut streets.
where there are saloons on three cor
ners, she was arrested because the
crowd following her blockaded the
street. She roundly lectured the sa
loon men whom she visited.
Fourteen States Represented.
CINCINNATI. O., April 15. Four
teen states were represented here to
day at the meeting of the Keaher Shel
Barzel, a Jewish beneficiary organiza
tion. The annual message of the presi
dent and the reports of the other offi
cers were submitted and discussed to
day. The society will be in session
several days.
Steyn's Health Broken.
BLOEMFONTEIN, April 15. It is
reported that the health of former
President Steyn has broken down. It
is also said he has advised all the
Boers on commandoes to surrender
Emilia Kemplo Dead.
BERLIN, April 15. Emilia Kempin,
doctor of laws, and one of the foremost
leaders of the woman's movement in
Germany, has just died in an insane
asylum at Basle, Switzerland.
Memorial Day in Pekin.
1 April 10. Memorial serv
ices will be held by order of the court
In honor of Ysu Chien Sing, Li Slen
Chairman ITslker'a Funeral.
NEW YORK. April 15 Funeral ser
vices over the body of Aldace F. Walk
er, president of the Atchison, Topeka
and Hsu Sung YI, the members of the & Sante Fe railroad, were held today
tsung li yamen who were executed be
cause of their pro-foreign sentiment.
The staff of the United States legation
has been invited to attend. Hsu Chien
Sing held the post of Chinese minister
t3 Russia, director of the Russo-Chi-nese
bank and president of the Chinese
Eastern railway.
at the West End Collegiate church.
The pallbearers were John G. McCul
lough of the Erie railroad; General n.
L. Burnett, United States district at
torney; General E. H. Ripley, presi
dent; Charles M. Hays of the SorKh-
ern Pacific, Victor Morawetz, George
H. Haven, and R. Summer Hayg.
"Peruna Is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy I am as Well as Ever."
Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor. Deputy Auditor for the "War Department. In a
letter written from Washington, D. C. says:
"Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one
bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as
well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics it is an excellent
tatarrh remedy." Very respectfully, Dan A. Grosvenor.
Hon. John Williams. County Com- . Duluth, Minn., says the following in cf 517 West Second street, J regard to Peruna: "As a remedy for
catarrh I can cheerfully reeommraa
Peruna. I know what it is to suffer
from that terrible direase and I feel
that it is my duty to speak a good
word for the tonic that brought me
Immediate relief. Peruna cured me of
a bad case of catarrh and I know it
will cure any other sufferer from that
Miss Mattie L. Guild, President Illi
nois Young People's Christian Temper
ance Union, fn a recent letter from
Chicago, 111., says:
' doubt It Peruna has a rival in all
the remedies recommended to-day for
catsrrh of the system. A remedy that
will cure catarrh of the stomach will
cure the same condition of tbe mucous
membrane anywhere. I have found It
the best remedy I have ever tried for
catsrrh, and believing it worthy my
endorsement gladly accord It. "
Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator of R?s
ervoir Council. No. 168, Northwestern
Legion of Honor, of Minneapolis.
Minn., writes from 2535 Polk St.. N. E. :
I 'I have been
troubled all my
1 life with ca
tarrh in my
J head. I took
rernDj for
about three
months, and
now think I
am permanent
ly cured. I be
lieve that for
catarrh in all
its forms, Peru
na is the medi
cine of the age. It cures when all other
remedies fail. I can heartily recom
rnesd Peruna as a catarrh remedy."
The fprlng is the time to treat ca
tarrh. Cold, wet winter weather cftsn
retards a cure of catarrh. If a course
of Perura is taken during the early
spring months the cure will be prompt
and permanent. There can be no fail
ures if Peruna is taken intelligently
during the favorable weather of spring.
As a systemic catarrh remedy Pe
runa eradicates catarrh from the ays
tern wterever it may be located. It
cures catarrh of tbe stomach or bow
els with the eaise certainty as catarrh
of tbe head.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman.
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give yoa hi
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, Preslient of
the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Q.
Mr. Elmer Fleming,
Minneapolis, llinn.
When a woman's teeth chatter they
usurp her tongue's prerogative.
A Month's Test Free.
If yoa have Rheumatism, write Pr. Pboop. Tlartne,
W Is.. Hoi 143, 1tT .x buttle of fc'.a Rbeumatlr Core,
rxpreiis a!d. bead no incur. Fay SV50 If cured.
The fisherman's wealth depends on
his net profits.
Garfield Tea. the medicine that puri
fies the blood and cleanses the system,
brings good health to all who use it. It
is made from herbs. Druggists sell it-
Agreeable advice is seldom
Bor R ce land la S. E. Texan sod P. W. La st 10
to SIS per s-re. e: SJu per acre.. Wr;f X. LMIlii.
liuna-.oa. Tex.: Cameron A Mnore. LltxrtT. Tex.;
leo. J. MfMaoua. lleaummit. Tex.; K. F. Kowfton.
JeonSnjr. La.; Hiram . W heeler. Galvaaton, Tex
bo suaiu vis fiauia I t, IU. Ceo. & bo. l"c rate
The ardent lover is like
when ihe presses his suit.
a tailor
It's a poor picture that attracts
less attention than the frame.
j None so busy as those who do noth-
SMTS Permanent' Cur-C itc rtj or i,ei t tmgnea aft j
Bend tor f KI.L sz.u triai bort:e ami treat
Slav L kL UJfc. Ltu.. y.l AruQ St.. 1 aiiaUeuiiu
Patience is the most essential
gredient of genius.
tt """ Nt!j pay. Tor i
and Zxpenaea.
I ee 17 pay. ror men with rl
n to sell poultry Mixture jn tr.? countrjt nalar
1 I iiih bank r";Tein' cf our re!1ol!;ty.
LUa.A lifii. CO.. Hep;. H iut fct. Louis. TU.
i rn-ei Trtt of tv. o.
Phfi: brown's Great keme for
FlU. EollrmT and ail N err eras Vise-. A1!f5f
O. rUKLTS BROWS, 9 BrwUwaj. ftebrfk ft. I
P ATE NTS .Sroio?!1
sf mii.ii r. kTrrrvMA i n r-..V.
Dyrpepsia l" the tane of ttie human system.
Protect yourself against its ravages tiy the ue
of Bwaaa't Pepsin Gum.
"Personal conundrums" are just
now the fashion in London society.
$148 will buy new Upright p!ano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam
street. Omaha.
leap Out
Sawyer's SEfelccrs
S .
Uit. 5, i;-nth fetrmt, AMU ;T0N. I. C
iiratu-b oCiiea : Clut.c, Cleveland aitd Lttrolt.
Pawyer'a "Excelsior Brand" Suits
and btickars sr ttie brt vratrrprooriar.
snents in ths worid. Mads (rum tfie ti raa
wria,. and vrarraatrd watrrpml'. Mads
to stand tns ruucoau work and wnatneT.
Ik far the trade stark. If jar dealer
ata rKt Ua.e t nin . rr:t .r otlor"i.
II. M. KAVrrifK A MJ. mle Mir..
East Caamfcrldr. Maaa.
For Top Prlcea Pblp Ter
CA He AMI f I 1.T B Y
To Headquarters
. VV. Irkrn wk (iinptij.
Batter, tgt". Veal. Hide, and f un. fo
onloua ia l ane art Lot.
Una lis. . DrbrMka
If you take up your
homes la Western Can
ada, the land of pieoty.
Illustrated pampbleca,
p'.r.njr exp-rienoMi o
farmer, vfco bave be
come wealthy in irrow
Ins wheat, reports of
delegate, eto.. snd full
UtionuAiion as to reauoert rsiiasy rates caa ba
had on application to the Saoerintecdent of
Immigration. Deparimem of Interior, Cittawa.
Canada, or -o W. V. Bennett. 801 N Y. Lata
B:U.. Omaha. Neb. Special excursions ts
Weatero Canada March and April.
Every day you clean the house you
live in, to get rid of the dust and dirt.
Your body, the house your soul lives in,
also becomes filled up with all manner of
filth, which should have been removed
from day to day. Your body needs daily
cleaning; inside. If your bowels, your
liver, your kidneys arc full of putrid filth,
and you don't clean them out, you'll be in
bad odor with yourself and everybody else.
DON'T USE A HOSE to clean your
body inside, but sweet, fragrant, mild but
positive and forceful CASCARETS, that
all the filth collected in your body for
removal, and drive it off sottly, gently, but
none the less surely, leaving your blood
pure and nourishing, -our stomach and
bowels clean and lively, and your liver
and kidneys healthy and active. Get a
50-Cent box todav. a ruhnc tnnntri'e
treatment, and if not satisfied get your money back but you'll see how the cleaning
of your body is
BW MM i aw i : i 1 f a. a - aa S m
ajsr sj i r i u ii a it i r t i i
w if inn
Olinr f11 '' trouble, appendicitis, tU
I Ills! la lotisoeaa, bad breath, bad blood, trlnd
llaJrilL " t,,e tomacl, bloated bowels, tonl
w aws mou lb, bradarlie. Indigestion, pimples,
palna after eating, liver trouble, sallow complexion
and dizziness, vt ben yonr bowels don't move reKa
larly jrou i are gettlnic sick. Constipation kill more
people tban all other diseases together. It la a
tarter for tbe chroule ailments and long years or
SDflVrliiK that come afterwards. No matter what
avlls you, start taking CASCAIIFTS to-day, for yon
will never get well and be well all tbe time until
ltiPn. Z?1ir..t??J'lr r!bu Xake our advice; start
with CASCARE.TS to-day. under an absolute guar
autse to cure or money refunded. 42
t absolutely inaraatna to ear or
T "lay, two S'e. bosea. rlratheaia
ertlmnle direction a. and If yoa air
TOfTREi rive year, uni
fe lot box of i AMA it
ET wm sold. jtoiv It Is
over sis million boxes at
year, rreatrr Chavn air
l nil 1. abnlat, proof of
e novo railk aad
similar medlelse ta (he world.
srreat merit, aad oar heat le.tlnnalal.
win raH aKkTR
money refaoded. bibi
fair, honeat trial, as nr
ot sailaded, aftrratlaiue5c box. retura the anased&oo
box aad tbe empty box to ua by mall, or tbo drnsalat rrom
J 0 parebaae-d It. aad art Jour money bark for botb
5"sea- Xake onr advice no matter what alia rna-itart w.
Health will aalcklT follow and Ton wlll'blesa tbo day
yoa flrat started ths n.e off A at. A rt F.TH. Hook free by malt
Address: aTtU.U to., .NLW 10 Us. or CUltlUO.
V-v Ji . . ...
- . Wichita lands, it is
rT " thipJ to marlret "by
I . . and the rest moved
claimed, citTfJo
the allotted "time
down to the Ki-
at the? prisoner. Half or the crowd
consisted of women. Despite the ' ef
forts Of th trainmen a lnrtro
Is expected to add at leiist' S,'" -jats tc
the price of every brooL lie sells.
Tli Crtarf.iHr rf . -
as to the quality of armor. Other
claims will be made for delay in fur-
cj-,oti5c1i v. j . . . ' , " J ' Caere K. Kennnn In Russia.
Spanish and be printed both in En?- ST. PETERSBURG, July S.-CecrSe
i u
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l ;
k itiiS '
dfn'7iitffs(s;"""The Pe
and the VanderbDt noes wi