Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 28, 1900, Image 6

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    Ra (Jowly flUfpiogjj
From tltw Nt-ws-Kwor!.
A son arrived at the home of J. C.
Lemon Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Dr. McLeran returned Satur
day morning from Chicago, where bhe
has been for the past three weeks,
visiting relatives.
On account of the illness of Andrew
Iarcell, the play which was to have
been given last week by the Royal
Neighbors was postponed, and will be
given Saturday night, Sept. 29.
The colt show was conducted suc
cessfully by Jake Ifurlbut Saturday
afternoon. Fourteen tine colts were
placed on exhibition for inspection.
Andrew House received lirst prize,
(Jeorge I'ierson second and Clayton
Bonck third. The colts showed their
good stock, such as breeders should
consider these days. liaise a good
colt that you can demand a good
price for when placed on the market.
Mamie Hohaiu met witli quite a
serious accident about three weeks
ago. A team liecame frightened run
ning away, throwing her out and
breaking her leg Just above the ankle.
She, not knowing anything serious
was wrong, thinkingshe had sustained
only a sprained ankle, did not gain the
assistance of a physician until a week
afterwards, when Dr. Miller was sum
moned and a broken limb was pro
nounced. She is doing as well as
could lie expected, which fact we are
glad to note.
From Hit? AclvtM'ate.
Kate Willis' broken limb is healing
nicely, and she w ill soon be able to sit
up again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilrown of Cincinnati,
(J., are visiting the Misses Ingersoll
and other friends in town.
Mrs. S. Cole has so far recovered
from her recent illness that she is
able to le about the house again.
John W. St oil, who lives tive miles
east of town, is putting up a tine new
residence, which will have all the
modern improvements.
H. Miller and family and Fred
Kroehler and wife of Plattsmouth
drove over Monday to visit the family
of Herman Kleitsch.
Alf Shirley and his son-in-law,
Frank Cordon departed Thursday for
Coffee county, Kan., where they have
purchased land.
Mrs. Greenly arrived Wednesday
for a visit with her . daughter, Mrs.
Charles Bogard, who has been quite
ill, but who is now recovering.
Mrs. Brown fell down stairs one day
last week and quite seriously bruised
herself about the head, but she lias
almost recovered from her injuries.
Mrs. Frank Fowler's broken w rist is
healing so rapidly that she and her
husband are planning to start on their
visit to Missouri, which was delayed
by the accident, next week.
From the Ledger.
Keuben Foster, who has spent sev
eral months visiting in this and Otoe
counties, deptrtcd on Tuesday for
Mrs. A. M. Dempster of Butte, Mon
tana, has been in this vicinity the
past two weeks. She is the daughter
of Michael Gish, and is accompanied
by her son, Charles.
A. II. Austin and family started
Tuesday afternoon to drive to Salix,
la., to visit their relatives about two
weeks. "Gabe" had his wagon rigged
up with a complete out tit to enjoy a
few nights camping out.
Mrs. II. W. Lloyd went to Platts
mouth Wednesday to meet one of her
cousins, Miss Lizzie Sellers, who re
cently arrived from Altoona, ra. Miss
Sellers accompanied Mrs. Lloyd home.
Master Leslie Ward lugged into our
ortice Tuesday morning a huge sweet
potato, about as large as they make
'em. The potato weighed four and
one-fourth pounds, and our little
friend Leslie has our thanks for the
nice present.
William Eikenbary and Charley Mc
Namee arrived home on the noon
train Wednesday from Colorado,
where they spent several weeks in
looking over different parts of the
state. Jake Eikenbary remained
there to enjoy himself hunting and
having a good time.
From The Betwon.
While digging a well on the Woodard
farm, southeast of town, a vein of ctal
found at a depth of forty-five feet. The
coal is a very good quality and Mr.
Woodard thinks some of sinking a
few shafts to find out whether it will
Robert Lewis was in Eagle Tuesday
and has about recovered from the in
juries he sustained at the Battle of
Manila, at the state fair when the
stats broke down. His wife, who re
ceived a bad fracture of the arm near
the shoulder, is much better.
From the UegUUtr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pitman and
daghter, Miss Ilattie, returned from
their trip to Indiana on Wednesday
evening. They look much refreshed
by the trip.
Charles S. Stone, who has been the
able assistant of Cashier D. C. West
for the past two years, put aside his
pen last week and started for Lincoln,
where he will take a banking course
in a business college.
Father Tucker's house is completed
and as soon as the painters are through
it will be ready for occupancy. II
lias the lumber on the ground for the
erection of a barn and wood shed,
which will e commenced in a few
J. M. Stone and wife departed Mon
day for a visit to the family of James
Woods in Rapid City, South Dakota,
where they will inhale lots of Rocky
Mountain ozone, of which Mrs. Stone
is very much in need, as she was suf
fering from a severe attack of the
grip when they left here.
James Easter accompanied by his
son, Ralph, went to Kansas City last
Friday for the purpose of placing the
lioy in a hospital there. An opera
tion was performed for apendicitis.
The case was a complicated one and
we are glad to learn that the opera
tion was successful and that the boy
is doing nicely,
Negro Principal Wan "Slic k."
In Kansas City the negro principal
of a school for colored children has
proved himself to be slick enough for
election to the city council. He has
been buying poorer grade houses in
select white neighborhoods, where
owners of adjacent property bought
him out at an exorbitant advance in
order to keep out colored neighhor.?.
He admits having done all this, but
claims to be within his rights. The
board of education is considering his
removal from the principalship.
nigh Price for Medallion.
There is plenty of money in London,
where the other day $6G5 was paid for
a silver medallion of Syracuse, dated
B. C. 405-345 by the artist known to
collectors as Kimon. It is true this
decadrachm was uncommonly fine and
bore the head of Arethuso wearing a
broad diadem and surrounded by four
dolphins, and on the reserve was a
quadriga driven to left, horses in
high action and above Nike about to
crown Charioteer. On the whole, we
guess this wa3 worth Its price.
Manufacturing Postal Card.
The plant that turns out millions of
postal cards every month for Uncle
Sam is located in a little West Virginia-mountain
town, high up in the
Appalachian range, not far from the
border line of Maryland. The town
is Piedmont, Mineral county, and the
busy factory Is at work six days in the
week. Here the cardboard is made
from the fresh, sweet spruce trees;
here it Is cut into the requisite sizes
and here the cards are printed, packed
and shipped.
Made Inspector of W11J Animals.
A recent dispatch from New Orleans,
La., says that Professor George E.
Beyer, who occupies the chair of bi
ology at Tulane University, has been
appointed special inspector of wild ani
mals for that port. The commission
comes f-om Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson. The appointment is the first
made under the Lacey law.
Starlings Cnder the Ran.
The English starling has come under
the same ban as that which rests on
his compatriot, the English sparrow.
The department of agriculture has is
sued an order prohibiting he importa
tion of the starling and forbidding its
transference from state to state within
the Union.
Bostou'sFresb Air Charity.
The Boston Elevated Railway com
pany has distributed about 100,000 free
tickets, through churches and charit
able associations, so that mothers and
children and sick and aged persons
who cannot pay may be carried to the
woods or the seashore.
Queen Will Reside In Rome.
Dowager Queen Margherita of Italy,
who intended to settle in Turin, has
yielded to the entreaties of her son
and her daughter-in-law and will take
up her residence in Rome. The news
was received with great joy, the queen
being adored by the Roman popula
tion. Both Sexes In Shirt Waists.
At a Bath Beach progressive euchre
party, the women wore white shirt
waists and black skirts, the men white
duck trousers and shirt waists of rain
bow hues. No on was admitted in
other than shirt waist attire.
fiave Wales Hie Books.
The late Sir William Fraser pos
sessed a splendid collection of books
and engravings on costumes, which he
bequeathed to the princess of Wales,
who has lent the whole for a time to
the British museum, where it is acces
sible to the printroom. - -
A forty-Eight-Hour Sabbath.
President Kruger once determined
that the people of Johannesburg
should have at least two days' rest in
each week. He issue 1 a decree that
no piano playing should occur on Fri
day or Saturday.
Home-Grown Tobacco.
In Quebec the citizens solace them
selves with home-grown tobacco. They
have a patriotic idea that it is superi
or to the plant raised in any other na
tion of the univei ee.
U ' t'l In Ualloon.
Queen Christina of Spain is probably
the only sovereign who has been up in
a balloon. Some years since she was
pasting a field where some balloon ex
periments were going on and desiring
to experience the sensation of being
In mid air sent her equerry to make
known her wish. Her attendants tried
to dissuade her from making the at
tempt, but she would not be overruled
and there and then the royal party
made the ascent.
Artist Is;norantly Copied "Ad."
Lately a crowd of American soldiers
In the Philippines attended a church
service in their honor. Above the im
age of an old saint was the picture of
an eagle. a the banner which stream
ed from the eagle's bill was the follow
ing legend: "The Old Reliable Con
densed Milk." The artist had copied the
eagle from a milk can. The padre ex
plained that he thought It was an Am
erican motto. Later he fined the artist
three pesos. Hartford Courant.
Rnad This Over Again.
The pupil of a public school who had
been absent from school for two weeks
brought this written excuse from her
mother: "Louisa was absent monday,
please excuse her. Louisa was absent
toosday, she had a sore throte. Louisa
was absent wensday, she had a sore
throte. Louisa was absent thursday,
she had a sore throte. Louisa was ab
sent friday, she had a sore throte.
Read this over again for the next
Flowers TU Married Stale.
The married and unmarried worr.en
of the Unit" ' tatPs of Colombia, outh
America, arc designated by the mannei
in which they wear flowers In their
hair, the senoras wearing them oi
the right side and the senoritas on the
nadjrea Handed to Qaeen.
The duke of Argyll, according to
custom, has handed over to her maj.s
ty the badges of the orders of the Gar
ter and Thistle won by his late father.
That is always done by the eldest son,
provided he has reached his majority.
Secretary Hay Is Athletic
Few men of his age are so agile
and athletic as Secretary Hay. He is
past GO, but still indulges in all sorts
of exercises, including a fast walk ev
ery afternoon. Every morning at 7
o'clock he undergoes massage treat
ment at the hands of a skilled Swed
ish operator.
fJirl Lost Her Fellow. .
A Topeka girl went to law in order
to secure payment of a claim on an
accident insurance company. The
company bought out the fact that the
girl had corns. This was such a shock
to her host fellow that he ceased his
visits, and now the girl wonders
whether the 47 she got from the
company is sufficient compensation for
the less of her beau.
Women Favor Shlrt-Walst Men.
The proprietor of a dancing pavilion
at Rockaway beach barred two shirt
waist young men from appearing on
the floor. The wouid-be visitors pro
tested, whereupon the proprietor made
the mistake of offering to leave the
matter to a vote of the women patrons
of the place. The result was an almost
unanimous declaration in favor of the
young men.
MIJ3 Jdmnrns,, e-qi jo iCpnis
snopas b oj cjuaanudAoS redpjunra
ano uodn uoptyssp u racuj oidoj
XJ3A3 )somiB Ji4puwo3 sjdjdeip ain
'aanBU dAsnpu ub jo s ?i ,soubd
-paray soipnS3 pannua 'sajnjs
pajiun dm no qsjuBdg jo seSed 00S Jo
3iooq b paqsnqnd SBq 'aoj3aiqsBAV nj
jajsiuiui annua8.iv aq? sb uuej b jajjB
etaoq UBDiaarav q?nog sjq o pauanj
-aj iCnuaosj oqM. 'noaajv biojbo ia
JIooh 8aqiiqnj J)VUU ea)aaJV
Austrian Emperor's Birthday.
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
passed his seventieth birthday at his
country home at Ischl. The day was
celebrated with an unusually profuse
display of bunting, decorations, and
illuminations in Vienna.
Canada's Hlgh-Grade Wheat.
Although Canada's situation among
fhe principal wheat-producing coun
tries, v Kh respect to quantity, is hum
ble, with respect to quality it is high.
The output is also increasing steadily.
Sheriffs Sale. .
sued by Ueorjie K. House worth, clerk of the
district court within and for Cass county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the
st day of October, A. D., 1900,
at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the south
door of the court house In the city of Platts
mouth. in- said county, sell at public auction,
to the hijrliest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Lots -n? (1). two (2). three
(:t). and four (4). in block thirteen (13). in Young
and 1 1 ay 's addition to the tty of Plattsmouth.
Cass county. Nebraska. f together with the
privileges and appurteivinow thereunto e
Ioujrtng or in anywise abocrtaining. The
same lieintc levied uporrVid taken as the
pnMH-rty of Philllldei' t'leker. et aL. de
fendants, to sa-fy a juVm"ntof said court
recovered b--he counC Cass. plaintiff
airainst sain defendants. vl
rialtsnxmth. Neb., Aujritct m imo
SherifT. Cass Co.,nty Nebraska.
, JeWe L. Koot.
Plaint i.f'S Attorivy
By .1. I. McRri.-m Jtputy.
V irst publication August 31, 1WV
) Sheriffs Sale.
suV'd bv Georire V. lb
district court within and for Cass county. Ne
braska, and to me directed, I wilL on the
1st day of October, A. D., tooo,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south
dtxr of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. in said eounty. sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Jot three 3), in block
sixty-two city of PlitttsmouUi. Ca
county, Nebraoka. together with the prlvll
rges and appurtenances thereunto tM-longlng
or In any wise appertaining, 'i nu Mtine being
levied upon and taken us the proiierty of
Maria C. lfcirrlngton. et al., defendants, to
satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by
the county of Cass, plaintiff against bald de
fendants. Plattsmouth, Neb., August 31. A. D.. 1!I0.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Jkhhk L. Koot.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By .1. 1. McHhidk, Deputy.
First publleatlon August 31, 1U0U.
Sheriff's Sale.
u sued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the
district court wlthlu and for Cass county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the
3d day of October, A. D. looo,
at 11 o'clock a. tn. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. In said county, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for rash, the following
real estate, towlt: Fractional lot eighty-two.
: In section eighteen (1st), township twelve
(12), range fourteen (14), Cass county. Ne
braska, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto lieioiigli
wise appertaining. The same
ig or In any-
lielng levied
. . 1 1 i.... i.
uijoii and taken as the urouertv of kliiilx-lli
J. Murphy, et al., defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by the
county of Cass, plaintiff against said defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug 31. A. D.. 1!M1.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
.IkshkIj. Koot.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBkike, iH-puty.
First publication August 31, 1HUU.
Sheriff's Sale.
sued bv George F. Houseworth. clerk of t he
district court within and for Cass county. Ne
braska, ana to ine directed, l will, on the
1st day of October, A. D., 1000.
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house In the city of Platts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Lot two (2). in block seventy-one
(71), Weeping Water, Cass county.
Nebraska, together with the privileges and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any
wise appertaining, the same being levied
upuii miiU taken as the property of William
Dunn, et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by the county of
Cass, plaintiff against said defendants.
I'lattsmotlth. iNeb., Aug. SI, A. I.. 1!K.
Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska.
.Ikssk L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McKkidk. Deputy.
First publication Aug. 31, l'.tuo.
Sheriffs Sale.
by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the
district court within and for Cass county.
.M'DrusKii, ana to me airectca. I win. on ine
1st day of October, A. D., 1900,
at 10 o'clock a. rn. of said day, at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Lots ten (10). eleven (11).
and twelve. (12) In block one (1). Stadelmanu's
addition to the city of Plattsmouth, Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privil
eges and appurtenances thereunto lielongiiig
or in anywise appertaining. 1 lie same oeing
levied upon and taken as the property of
Anna L. Bird, et al.. defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by the
county of Cass, plaintiff against said defend
ants. Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 31. A. !.. l!Ml.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
.Ikssk L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By. I. D. McBkide. IH-puty
First publication August 3J, lituo.
Sheriffs Sale.
- issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of
the district court within and for Cass county.
Nebraska, ana to me airectea, l win, on the
1st day of October. A. D., 1900,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real estate to
wit: Lot eight (M. in block sixtv-two (tfc!). in
the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Ne
braska, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same tteing levied
upon and taken as the property of Mary Sul
livan, et al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by the county of Cass.
planum against said aeienaants.
Plattsmouth, Neb., August 31. A. D.. 1900.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
.Ikssk L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By .1. D. McHhidk, Deputy.
First publication August 31, l!M.
Sheriff's Sale.
1 bv George F. Houseworth. clerk of the dis
trict, court within and for Cass county. Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the
2d day of October, A- D., I0OO,
i.t. 2 o'clock n. m. of said dav. at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. In said county! sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate towlt: Lots one (I). two(2). and three
(3) in block one (l).iYoung and Hay's addition to
the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Ne
braska, togetner witn ine privileges aim ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same being levied
nimn mid taken as the nroixTtv of Phillip
Stoll. et al., defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by the county of Cass.
plaintiff against sata aerenaants.
nattsmouui, eo., Lkir
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska,
Jesse L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBride. Deputy.
First publication August 31, 1!W0.
Sheriffs Sale.
sued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the
dLstriet court within and for Cass county, Ne-
. .i: ........1 T ill lii.
braska, ana to me uirct-vcu, a
I rfmv of October. A. D.. 1900.
ate o'clock p. m. of said day. at the south
door of the eourt house in the city of Platts-
- ... , t.i A..,ntv 1 ut. mililic mictutn
mOUlII. Ill Miu i""'J; f -Y ,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, town: ijuw vn. i.,. ,,..
fourteen (14). in block seventh-three (...
... ...- nnnntv NphrMuk'U. tst-
vtreeping ain. .
irether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto oeioiijfmK "? "j k - ....
as the property of the Missouri Pacific Rail
way Co.. etal.. defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by the county
of Cass, plaintiff against said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. August 3KA.R.m
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Jesse L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
, . By J. D. McBride. IHjputy.
First publication August 31, 1900.
Sheriffs Sale.
sued by George F. Housewortlu clerk of
the district court within and for Cass county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the
ad day of October, A. D., iooo,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south
A door Of tne court nouse in me city oi riaus
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction.
tO the nlgnesi oiuuer sor tasn. ine iuiiuwius
real estal. tuwit: jh i h w".
thirty-two (32). city of Plattsmonth, Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privil
eges and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in anywise appertaining. The same being
levied upon and taken as the property of
Catharine H. Parmele, et aL. defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
the county of Cass, plaintiff against said de
fendants , .
Plattsmouth, Neb., August 31. A. D.. 1I0.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Jesse L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBride. Deputy.
First publication August 3L 1SW0.
Our Guaranteed
they Are Stpono. Vill Never Rir
What Kind of a Boy
A gentle, quiet, house Imy; or
kind he Is, we have a suit for him.
Silk Vests and Real Shirts for the Little Men
Wescott & Son's
On the Corner.
rooooooooooooooooooooo oo
in mis age a wen aresseu man
denotes prosperity . . .
A prosperous man means a successful
man. Let us dress you up you'll
look prosperous.
Hudecek & HcElroy,
Ia,icL -u.p Capital - -
Olfic hours from
Monep to loan at current rates on
on time certiticates at the rate of 3 3
4 per cent for one year. Collections
business, whether large or small, solicited.
Charles C. Parmele, President
T, M, Patterson,
i uHnw io iha Timo
huh to uiu liuiu
Come to the Aid of Their Party"
But now is the time and the SATTLER
place to buy .
Don't forget we are headquarters for
a specialty of
Repair Work and
I John P, Sattler, M'g'r,
3?TO?W WW?? ????????????????
Grand Opportunity!
The Wall Paper Trust is
broken ana we have pur
chased some very nice
patterns that we offer for
3 1-2 cents per roll.
Have Yon Got?
a scrmnblliitf, outdoor sort? Whichever
See our cojner window.
- - - - - $50,000.
9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
approved security. DaposltH received
per cent per annum for six months, or
made and promptly remitted. Your
I M, Patterson, Cashier
Assistant Cashier,
fnr All HnnH TTan tn i
im mi uvuu uiim tv v
Picture Framing.
Unruh's Old Stand ft