Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 28, 1900, Image 4

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    The Plattsmooth Journal
coal and proceed to crack up the price ernment as Jefferson helped to
on the Ktock on hand. If there Is no found it and as Lincoln helped to
isiriKe me mine owners merely pay me
,rrnL,isiiKi nr.
miners starvation waires and keep
right on with the grand work of pock-
American officials express regret
One year
One year, in advance
Six months, in advance ,
Three months, in advance...,
preserve it.
Tomorrow the entire editorial
page of the World-Herald will be
devoted to a compilation of re
publican testimony which should
serve as a warning to everyone
who prizes the American form of
Two Ti
Filtered at the postolUce at Flattsmoutli, Ne
braaka, as u-t-oiid class matter.
that the Cuban elections show that
a majority of Cubans belong to the
"anti-American" and "revolutionary"
classes. It is a matter of surprise to government that he cannot afford
.$1.50 J the aforesaid officials that the Cubans t0 vote for the re-election of Wm.
l-w should be so foolish as to prefer inde- tictt-,iv
pendence to the fatherly care of Mr. w,i.i.TTrli iw.nMU w.
McKlnley, who is able to 'change his Z7 n .
mind now without the shadow of an ry supporter of Mr. Bryan to see
that tomorrow a issue of the Ileil at "je rePubhcan wI 13 'J01
fair, where he captured World-Iierald subscriber, anu wno
Pusicn Ticket.
For President,
of Nebraska.
For Vice President,
of Illinois.
the State
about all the premiums on Red will be influenced by solemn facts
Polled cattle. In breeding only first- World-Herald
class cattle, Mr- Hell sets an example
m 1 m 1 ( - V
mat, suouiu oe ionoweu uy every Robert Wrlta liu DUpatehe.
farmer. It costs but little more I iord Roberta never learned the art
money to handle only the best stock, I Qf dictating his dispatches, and always
and Mr. Heil's experience proves that hag to write them out with his own
it is a good investment. hand. His writing is, moreover, so
very bad that It can be read only Dy
A prominent Grand Army man mi aia. to wuoie 101 u aDC1,uu,
r,mi..u9 niMnttemcntli visit.r falls to "translate" the oraera into
I the other day, and mentioned to The characters more readily decipherable.
Journal, incidentally,
For Presidential Electors,
W. . SWAN,
of Johnson County.
of Cheyenne County.
of Colfax County.
of Lincoln County.
of Howard County.
of Phelps County.
of (fcdar County.
of Douglas County.
that out of
nineteen republican veterans in his
home camp, eleven had announced
their intention of voting for William
J. Bryan. This is only one of many
straws that indicate the old soldiers
do not unanimously endorse the im-
Chlneae Scholar,
Lo Feng Lu, the Chinese minister
at London, Is a man of more than
ordinary literary attainments. He has
translated Blackstone's commentaries
into Chinese, and only a few months
since finished the translation of "The
One Hundred Greatest Men In the
Omaha and Return.
One fare for the round trip to Om-
..... . , I m a vaaaw
periansiic policy oi ine auminira- wgtern Worid" a work of eight vol
tion, as the republican press would umeg He s a shakespearean student,
have us believe. -Bd it is hi ambition to found a pub
lic library in his native city and to
It would seem to be superfluous to present to it a complete translation
say anything in praise of the official of the English poet's works,
record of County Commissioner J. P.
Falter. That record is so well known
lo ine voters or me .first aisinub i -i,., anflm.r to 28 inclusive.
to render the placing of the name of a I limited for return to October 1, on ac-
republican crndidat upon the ballot, a count of Ak-Sar-lien festivities,
mere formality. Never has a public
officer taken a greater interest in the
affairs of his constituents or worked
harder to advance those interests.
Mr. Falter's majority will without
doubt be larger than ever before
far tod of Btrlfo Botwooa Two rratosaaa
In the July Instalment of his study of
Cromwell In tb Jentury, Mr. Morley
reaches the period of strife between the
two Protestant republics. The naviga
tion act of 1661 was passed, the one
durable monument of republican legis
lation. By this famous measure goods
were to be admitted into England only
in English ships, or else In ships of
the country to which the goods De
longed. Whatever else came of It, the
navigation act made a breach In the
Dutch monopoly of the world's carry
ing trade.. An unfriendly Holland
teemed as direct a peril aa the enmity
of France or Spain, and before long It
was perceived how easily a combina
tion between Holland and Denmark, by
closing the gates of the Baltic, might
exclude England from free access to
tar, cordage, and the other prime
requisites for building and rigging her
ships. The blow at the Dutch trade
monopoly was a fresh Irritant to Dutch
pride, already embittered by the Eng
lish claim to supremacr and Its out
ward symbols In the narrow seas, as
well as to a right of oelsure of the
Talaa aa Vm4 M
Bka Cn&or-
Cotn par atl rely few people are aware
of the true value of milk as a eJienp
article of loot. It being usually looked
upon only as a beverage, or even a lux
ury, without contributing much, it any
thing, towards our actual support
While milk la aa ideal food for the
young, there are some objections to it,
aa the sole diet for a working man, a
proper understanding of which is nec
essary before we oan appreciate its real
value as an economical diet. In tho
first place, being naturally a thin fluid
containing a very large proportion of
water. It does not "stay long," or satis
fy the sense of hunger In a proper
way. but when taken with solid food,
bread for Instance, It becames a cheap
and most nutritious diet. The keynote
to economy Is sounded when we come
to compare the coet of those elements
of nutrition contained In milk, their
cost In other animal foods. A practi
cal test before us Illustrating its worth
In reducing the cost of a dally ration
comes from the State College of Maine,
where trials were made with a large
number of young men. In which It
goods of enemies In neutral ships. War was most conclusively shown that the
followed (1652), and was prosecuted by
the Commonwealth with an intrepid
ity, decision and rigor worthy of the
Roman senate at Its highest. Crom
well had little share, as far as we are
able to discern. In this memorable at
tempt to found the maritime suprem
free use of milk not only diminished
the consumption of other foods, but
that when partaken of without restric
tion as to quantlty.the cost of the dally
ration was reduced eight cents per man.
One difficulty which stands In the way
of the more general use of skim milk.
Tabby Loat llr Ufa by Indulging- liar
Maratwllua IHapnalilon.
The Ivy whlrh climb the north wall
of the United Congregations! churcli
In Newport, It. I., furnishes a retreiil
for thousands of sparrows. A cat bad
noticed the bird, und no doubt con
ceived the not unreasonable lda that
here ahe might ponitlbly find a nest
with a toothsome young bird lu It. So
puasy climbed the Ivy and reached a
point where she hud seen one of ths
blrda disappear amid the thick leavea.
Btretchlug out its puwa wht-re It sup
posed a nest would be a loud chatter
ing viiftued and a myriad of sparrow
darted out srd attacked the rat with
fury. It was Indeed a vicious on
slaught. They pecked and chattered
and fluttered st a treat rate and th
cat wan bewildered. To fre Itself
from tho aes&ult th cat spit an 1
fought and howled, but It wus of no
use, the blrda kept at It until their en
emy fell to the ground. Thla did not
stop tho combat of the blrda. They
kept pecking away until they we o
tired. The cat did not move ami occa
sionally a sparrow would drop to thu
ground a safe distance from lta en
emy, ns If to see If It was dead. H ms
little time afterward a witness of thli
strange struggle went to the spot and
found that the cat was dead. Its eyes
had been literally dug out and Its
bead was a mans of bleeding wound.-.
1 a mm a . .
acy of England. The renown belongs or even more mil, is tne large quan-
to Vane, the organiser, and to Blake. my or water wnicn u contains; iur
Deane and Monk, the sea generals. tunately. however, it can be advantage
ously used In cooking, during wnicn
Lawyer's Rlabt to Hbed Tear. iruce a iarg qutuui mo
The novel question whether coun- onren o anu BUu .c
sel. in an argument to the Jury, has takaa , up by the dry particles of food
a right to shed tears, has been decided mJJ?
by the Supreme court of Tennessee
In the case of Ferguson vs. Moon, the
court holding that if the tears are
available It Is not only proper but the
duty of counsel to shed them on the
appropriate occasion. The weeping
was done In a breach of -M-omlse case
by the counsel for the p'.dlntlff.
For (Jovernor,
of Boone County.
For Lieutenant Governor,
of York County.
For Treasurer,
of Holt County.
For Secretary of State,
of Howard County.
For Auditor,
of Clay County.
For Land Commissioner,
of Saunders County.
For Attorney General,
of Buffalo County.
For Superintendent of Schools,
of Lancaster County.
Is the saddle-colored Filipino a fel
low citizen or an alien? asks the Chi
cago Chronicle. Are we shooting him
full of holes because he is an erring
brother or because he is a foreign
m-w r a a a . A. . A tk mi- !
enemvr wnai is nis siaiusr xuis
question is going to bob up again
when a bunch of Filipinos now headed
eastward land at San Francisco. If
these people are American citizens
thev must be allowed to land. This
is their country. If they are denied
admission under the immigration
laws as aliens then it follows that the
Philippines are foreign territory and
we have no business there. What
will the collector of the port do? Our
noble executive should think up in
structions for him.
I will give $50 for each and every Abraham Lincoln principle that
is being supported by William McKinley and his anministration; pro
viding the person accepting this offer will give me 20 for each and
every Abraham Lincoln principle that is being advocated by William
J. Bryan and his supporters. Now, my republican friends, this is a
two and a half to one proposition. If the McKinley administration is
supporting half as many true republican doctrines as Bryan and his
supporters are advocating, here is a chance for you to make some
money. Investigate this, and if you cannot make the cash balance
show up in your favor, you will gain a store of knowledge which will
be a guide for you in the coming election as to how a genuine republi
can should vote who wishes his country to remoin a republic, and who
would rather follow true republican doctrine than to follow the empty
party name. You will find that William J. Bryan comes nearer to be
ing a second Lincoln than any man who has lived since Lincoln's time.
You will see that the same arguments that were used by King George
to hold the revolutionary fathers in bondage are now being used by
the McKinley administration to hold tne people of our island posses
sions in bondage. You will find that Jeff Davis' interpretation of the
Declaration of Independence, as to the black man, is now being sup
ported by the McKinley administration as to the brown man. Inves
tigate and iret vour politics on straight. R. F. WILLIAMS.
which may be used in a raw state, a
good lot of milk may be disposed of
during the day. In summarizing a re
port which comes from a dairy exhibit
of London, England, we find that bread
made with skim milk as a substitnte
for water was richer in the elements
of nutrition aocording to chemical an
alysis; that it had a better appearance
and taste than ordinary water bread,
also that It retained its moisture longer
and was easier of digestion. It also
stated that the natural sugar of the
milk caramels in baking and browned
the crust. In the free use of milk as
a diet It should not be forgotten that
It does not agree with some people;
though the same may be said of eggs.
or perhaps any other article of food
verily "one man's meat ia another
man's poison."
For Congress First District.
of Lancaster County.
For Attorney
of Plattsmouth.
The Kearney Hub is looking
for quotations that bolster up the
present policy of imperialism as
advocated by the republican party.
It quotes Hamilton, who believed
in an aristocracy; .duuuuuhu,
'whom the republicans have al-
wavs uointed to as the quintes- the Chinese dragon.
- - - - I .
HtMlCe of Weakness and puerility; It sxpreaaas the Idea of Universal 0o-
and Douglas who was opposed to minion.
all that Lincoln advocated. It In China the J
. , ,a the emblem of royalty. Usually it la
quotes Jefferson, also, but forgets plctured rlBlng from the sea and
to add that Jefferson always adyo- clutching at the sun, thus expressing
cated making citizens of the peo- the idea of universal dominion. The
. . . j . .. jq emperor's person is called the dragon s
pie of acquired territory, and nev- Ua tnpone the dragon.g throne.
er gave his sanction to annexation to see the emperor, a privilege allowed
that did not contemplate making to but few. Is to see the dragon's face.
., ... ... .i u: t The emperor's crest is a dragon; a
the citizens of the inhabitants of drag(m ppeara on tne chinese flag.
the annexed territory and the an- Tha dragon ia called "Luna" In China
' Tiny Soeaters Are Musical
HlffUy Prised.
Unaina birds are esteemed in all
countries, but In Japan the musical
somnds emitted by certain Insects are
appreciated. Listening to these minute
slnarsra has been for many centuries a
favorite pastime of the Japanene.snd
baa given birth to an original com
merce. At Toklo, toward the end of
May and the beginning of June, one
seas suspended under the verandas of
houses little cages of bamboo from
which break upon the silence of the
fresh twilight strange little whistlings
of metallic modulations and light trills.
which fill the air with a delicate music.
It Is habitually in the evening, after
the hour of the bath, that the people of
Toklo seat themselves and listen to the
shrill conoert. The stoat prized of these
singing Insects is the susumushi. Its
nam means "Insect bell." and the
sound whioh it awaits resemblee that of
a tiny stiver bII. It is a tiny beetle
with a flat body. The kutauwa-mushl is
so named because its cry resembles
or ItpnaroM Hie I'lace Wlieura tue I'lagua
I Hprf la ludla.
The plnc where the plaxue has been
dlsKm.' nted among the millions of In
dia is li e nacied city of ru-nnres, on
the fJang'M. The pilgrims proceed to
BenareH to the number of 200,000 or
more. There they stay without propt-r
food or shelter, and live under condi
tions that know neither hygiene nor
sanitation. The result is an accumu
lation of unspeakable filth and un in
exhaustible collection of all the dis
ease germs under the sun. Tho cli
mate ia a good one only for dUcaao
germs. .Some natives bring the plague
gorins here where they can work un
der the moHt favorable conditions, and
other natives carry them away so that
they are spread throughout the length
and breadth of the land. The pilgrims
all bathe in the Ganges, which Is mud
dy, sluggish and already polluted by
millions of people who live along its
banks. They swarm in here snd make
the sacred river a great sewer. The
Hindus ure a curious IIIuHtratlon of this
fact that one may bathe frequently
without being (lean. It Is a part of
their religion to bathe f fluently, but
they seem to have no desire whatever
for clean water. Thousands of them
bathe together in tanks of stagnant
water. Strange scenes of frenzy and
fanaticism may be witnessed when the
pilgrims as engaged in tblr plague-
spreading exercises. It would cause a
rebellion worse thau the Indian mu
tinyIf the British go'.'ernmerrt re to
attempt to suppress the&c pilgrimages.
Chicago American.
For State Senator,
of Louisville.
For Representative,
of Weeping "Water.
of Wabash.
For Float Representative,
of Otoe County.
territory itself integral and symbolizes all that is imposing
. . . ana powenui. i ne mass ui ,---
parts of the union. a the flragm M an actual ex.
But it is decidedly interesting istence and waste much time and
to see republican organs quoting money In attempting to propitiate the
Buchanan and Douglas as author. .Jnu
ity for republican procedure. fearsome looking monster, and they
Republicans, why don't you give It all sorts of extraordinary attrl-
. T butes. There are three kinds of drag
quote Lincohu ons,oneof the sky, one of the marshes
..,.,. nmCTiNn and one of the sea. The two former
WHITHER ARE WE DRIFTING? mu8t remaill ln their habitat, but the
Dean Campbell Frair of the latter, the most powerful, can rise to
Trinity cathedral in Omaha has the sky and holds dominion over "
J . . I? rivers. The dragon is greatly feared
returned from a visit to Europe. b nahermen and they take great pains
Friday, in an interview with a to treat it with due respect and cour-
World-Herald reporter, Dean Fair tesy. Every spring the 8f erme
. gather and march in processions ln
said: honor of the dragon, each man carry-
"The English think that America ing a poie witn a lantern made ln the
. ..u .is nnrior the McKinley administration form of a fish. A huee dragon, anlmat-
Aiie iuii uiuucr pan drguuKriii-i - h
. , . , . i , , . hoc nopn assumiiur a uiaiiiuu mwc u eu uy uicu cuuccaieu 111 uio "i
grates narMio upon tue ear ui tu " . " " ,i k th nrnlnn W month during
143,000 coal miners who are striking unison o - - a - S7 itaiirtto
to Joss papers and throw them upon
the waters to appease the Lung Wang.
as the water dragon Is called. And at
all seasons the fishermen throw over
vast Quantities of firecrackers from
nasties of Europe.
"Among those I met in England it
was often a matter of comment that
America is assuming a form of gov
ernment like that of old England.
"Just before we left a gentleman their boats In order to keep the Lung
made the remark to me: "I don't see away. The Lung la supposed not to
any difference between your republic I like the noise of exploding crackers.
nnH nnr mnnarphv " snii that, is n SPn- All mandarins of high rank have a
Ument I heard echoed time after dragon embroidered in gold thread on
HmA colored silks on the front and back of
u . ....... thir mats. This dragon is distin-
To it Trt n font that, pviriftnpfl I ... . imnn.iol
The owners of the anthricite coal , , " . ' guished. however, irom "
... ... mnltinboo nnrl ahnvfl that th tfn. a warn, hv feo trine hut four Claws, ine
minescatch the dear puoi.c ngrm--'-r- - - - V Vorlte emblem upon
and going. While tne strike is on aency ui mcnui uo - .monlt the richer
the mine owners merely stop mining destruction of our form of gov- claa8esNew Yori Herald.
tha aniinif iaari hv a horse In champ
Spot, on Woman's Kaw Iadloatoa Lprei u hIfc TWe mf two 8poIes of it,
. . the one a light yellow and the other a
A young man of Bryn Mawr went to -e wrn. Beally. this Insect Is a
th south seas for his health two years i ... . .nmtkA rruihABMr. of fat
nen an A rAturned laat week much ben- I
m A Mnmmnn In MlltV POIintrieB
i " : .. TnrA i w '
eflted. says tne rniiaaaipo . Anotner ginning Insect much esteemeo
He tells a sad story about tne oau- y tQe kMglTlan which is also a very
ter of a native king whom he met on Ja grasshopper, producing varied,
one of the smaller and more remote .rident sounds. Then there is the
nt tha Hawaiian islands. She was a I ..rnr-B. -1,1.1, 1. . vini of cricket:
beautiful girl and It was his greatest h kusahlbari, a minute grasshopper,
pleasure to be witn ner, niit which has a sound of remarkable clear
Kothtncr a nil to filt beSlde ner 1U vuv I wa. AiHrlnalU fmm PhU
wnvutu5, m I JlVW ura aeu v
HateninK to the songa 01 1 .vlh
the king's poets, u " kanetataki, whose song resembles the
a white man to marry a Hawaiian, uuu fmr.awfty gound of a elock. In JTokio
the youth from Bryn Mawr. w11110" jone there are over forty merchants
ronA.ta almost nenmiB " I .n.n. nBrta This nm.
health that was alvays wret c nea m mrce Jg of relatiTely recent origin,
the uncertain climate 01 bm thonah for centuries the Japanese have
thought sometimes that It wouia do been fond of the muslc of tnese n-
wlse and pleasant to r sects. Formerly they would go in par-
wailan princess and to live on ner (m tQ place- wner the little musicians
quiet and beautiful Island for tne rest abounde1 paM the nIgnt ere extend-
of his days. But suddenly the vnacw upon mat drlnklns tea or BakI and
became sad. neart-oru. " " listening to the harmony of the suzu-
out no more. She sat ".f; mushl and kuUuwa-mushi. It was only
day and night, ine youua r-" about one hundred years ago that an
a from no one what troumea , A n tVta nt
uuu " I ajuavvui itmta rm, 1 vuvdu uou su.m
her, for all whom ne rT 'Zt capturing one of these Insects for hi
own particular diversion. Then tho
tinging season over, he forgot a cer
tain number in a closed vase. Great
was his surprise on opening It the fol
lowing year to find it filled with newly
hatched young. After that he gave
himself up to the raising of various
snecles of slneln Insects, and so
founded ' a trade which has become
Ijte King of Italy.
An alde-de-ramp of the late hliiK t
Italy says he never saw him Mil onr:-;
out of temper. It aros from a fa-l of
the queen's. Her inaJ"Hty hold to
the thirteen at table superstition, and
to prevent the dread contingency a
"fourteenth" was always kept on duty
ln the person of an aide-de-camp. One
day when there were fourteen, a lany
had to retire, and the aide Instantly
rose from the table to make the num
ber twelve, but the king, who thought
tho thirteen business all nonsense, an
grily desired him to be seated, adding
that any one who began a rneal at
his table finished it there. Now, per
haps, some one else will rscolUct that
within the present year, Humbeit sat
thirteen at table, and then not exactly
the laugh will be on him.
on account of wages which average
90 cents per day.
"Who will haul down the flag?" It
depends a great deal upon who wants
it hauled down. - If it's Great Britain,
President McKinley and Secretary
Hay, will have a tussle to see which
shall apply the .knife to the hilyards
which support Old Glory.
tended not to know. One day he met
the princess by chance "
alone and he asked her what had filled
her life with sorrow. She lBt
a strange gesture, to a tiny brown
spot like a mole, on ine -
ofher ears and she ran her finger over
her brows, which, he now saw. we e
I Than InH ucu
tninnins- 1 rounded a trade wnicn na uecume
mystified youth and he never n flourishing. Actually the greater nura-
1 Vr later on another Island
ne htarr a physician say thathe ab
sence of eyebrows, together with the
brown spots on the lobes of the ears.
Indicated the beginning of leprosy.
ber of singing insects are artificially
ratMri bo that their hatching corre
sponds to the seasons when their ad
mirers love to listen to 'them and to
combine their sounds. New York Sun.
t'gfpt a I'erfect Climate.
During the winter months between
November and April, Egypt is &4 near
ly perfect as climate can be. Iu Feb
ruary and March there prevails a wind
called "khamsin" (I. e., fifty), becauH
fifty days ia about the period of Its
prevalence. It comes from the direc
tion of the desert and when It blows
bard, windows and shutters notwith
standing, everythln' in your house ia
finely powdered w 1 sand; then also
the sun Is somcimes withdrawn and
the sky is colorless. This happens
only for a day now and then during
"khamsin," not by any means for fifty
days, nor for twenty either, but when
it In the case you are unhappy, lor
Egypt deprived of ber sunshine is be
reft of her charm. Anything, however,
but perfect weather Is exceptional In
Egypt. The rule is that from 5:30 a.
m. to 5:30 p. m. one lives in the center
of what appears to be a great trans
parent hemisphere of bright blue and
yellow light.
Have ITel.l High OlMee.
Three V - "er members of the New
Jersey state senate have held high
office with the present national admin
istration. Garret A. Hobart. the late
vice-president, was a member of tb
body named for six years, and was its
president one session. Attorney Gen
eral Griggs is another, and Wll.laui
H. Johnson, the new first assistant
postmaster general, represented Hack
ensackuntil be resigned to take offlco
In Washington.
nukM! Term la
Michael Biddulph, the London bank
er who has just retired from parlia
ment, represented Herefordshire for
35 years without a break. Mr. Beach,
rthr of the house." and Sir Wilfrid
Lawson. the noted temperance advo-
ntl of Cbtaamen.
Outdoor amusements for Chinaman
are few and not popular. They fly
kites, carry birds on perches and throw
seeds high in the air for the birds to
catch, or row boats in a lazy fashion
on the lagoons and rivers. They pitch
r. will nrobabiy De me omy 1 Hokota. lizzie balls and
bers of the next parliament dating I pUy with jacks traws and snap-
from the 50's. ... l sticks. -
Benefactor of IaatUnUon.
The late Coi Charles Scott Vn.ib
nt the faculty of the Univertltr of VI I
glnia, was one of the greatest be
factors of that institution, and.
sides bis own gifts secured, thrc
bis Influence, the large telescope
Leander McCormick, and gathered
175,000 for Its endowment.